
    Mind the Gap - Awakening with Stephanie Filardi

    Stephanie Filardi, entrepreneur, mentor, author, yogi, shaman, podcast host is inspired to live in a world where people laugh more, love more, and choose JOY as a way of life. She believes life is short and we all deserve to live well...with health and wealth in all its forms. Stephanie believes it is our birthright to be who we are, and live our own unique journey! Together. Show topics include: Transitions, Relationships, Health, Nutrition, Values, Presence Practice, Goals, Visualizing, Fulfillment, Overcoming Obstacles, Meditation, Spirituality, Resistance, Suffering, Energy, the Holidays, Reflection, Ego, Commitment, Comfort, Wellness, Coaching and more. https://www.amazon.com/Reclaiming-JOY-4-Step-Guide-Healthy/dp/0692663630 Podcast edited and produced by Rich Masotti.
    enStephanie Filardi89 Episodes

    Episodes (89)

    Episode 68 - Accessing Your Abundance

    Episode 68 - Accessing Your Abundance
    "Wear gratitude like a cloak and it will feed every corner of your life." -Rumi
    In this week's episode of Mind the Gap, Stephanie had the privilege of interviewing Taylor Mills, founder Eithera Brand (see BIO below). In an eye-opening conversation they discuss how gratitude and appreciation are the keys to accessing your abundance (aka all the things you say you want)!
    On the path to manifesting your dreams you will encounter countless opportunities to tap into the source of abundance. When you do, it's as if a whole universe has opened up for you -- helping move you toward that which you want.
    Magic? Partly. The other part is how we "show up" mentally, emotionally...energetically to be a magnet for what we want. We discuss the secret ingredients to becoming this magnet for abundance in all areas of your life!
    Especially these days when it feels like having gratitude is the hardest thing to do, Taylor explains how a grateful attitude gives out a high vibe...attracting all the goodness life has to offer. She shares her personal experience of how being in gratitude and appreciation creates situations for success.
    The gratitude + appreciation formula can be applied to any area of life: health, finances, relationship, life purpose.
    You will also learn practical tips for starting and/or enhancing your daily gratitude practice to bring alignment to your inner & outer state (i.e.: to attract what you want).
    Hint: When you commit to a gratitude practice, you will become a magnet for what you are grateful for.
    Watch, Listen & Share Your Success Stories with us at: stephanie@yourmillionairecoach.com
    About Taylor

    Taylor is the founder and designer behind Eithera, a wellness brand that explores energetic and spiritual practices and support through the lens of the seven chakras. Eithera was founded in 2020 to provide education, community and product that supports familiar at-home practices like yoga, breath-work, meditation, and more as well as providing paths to connect to educators, professionals, and community to fuel your own empowered energetic journey.

    After nearly a decade in the fashion and beauty industries, Taylor is passionate about beautiful design, finding your own empowering experiences, and living a life of abundance. Taylor has been practicing yoga for almost two decades, her first introduction to breath-work, movement, and energy, and has enjoyed exploring the many other practices out there to help support a more beautiful life. She started Eithera to help others find their own empowering path to wellness and hopes you will join her in being ‘Empowered By Color’ through the color and intentions of the chakras.   

    Episode 67 - Releasing Your Hold

    Episode 67 - Releasing Your Hold

    In this week's episode of Mind the Gap, Stephanie takes us deeper into Step 8, the final step of the process of manifestation - letting go (Episode 58) - to help you free up energy to receive!

    Why does letting go matter?

    The universe has much larger plans than our brain can compute. We must be open to see and receive them.
    Stephanie shares her story of how when she finally let go — she was married 3 weeks later in the most incredible place with the most beautiful, romantic ceremony. It had been her burning desire for 2 years to be married!!!
    The previous 7 steps, when worked consistently and repeatedly, build the foundation that will bring our wants/desires to fruition. When we master these steps, letting go comes naturally. 
    Remember, letting go and releasing our hold isn’t about giving up. Letting go is about believing it’s possible, putting in effort, making room and enjoying the process.
    Share your success stories with me at: StephanieFilardi.com.
    Let’s Go! You deserve all the magic life has to offer.
    Edited and produced by Rich Masotti. Copyright 2020 Stephanie Filardi and Rich Masotti.

    Episode 66 - Why Are You Resisting?

    Episode 66 - Why Are You Resisting?
    "Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve."
    - Napoleon Hill
    In this week's episode of Mind the Gap, Stephanie takes us deeper into Step 7 of the process of manifestation - persistence pays off (episode 56) - to help you understand the importance of staying the course by dealing with resistance!
    Why does dealing with what we are resisting matter?
    Resistance works in opposition to getting what we say we want! When we are resisting, we lose energy. We all know that being in resistance doesn't work! Ultimately, what we resist will persist.
    In this episode of the podcast, Stephanie shares how on the path to manifesting your dreams, you will face setbacks, rejection and yes, failure. Instead of resisting this, we must learn to accept it. When we accept this is a natural part of the "learning" process, we free up energy to move forward. Freed up energy gives us the chance to find creative solutions, deepen our commitment, get support and in some cases, tweak our plan (episode 65) if that is called for.
    Make your dreams big enough so when resistance appears, it's an opportunity to persist, rather than quit. You deserve it!
    Watch/Listen & commit to dealing with any and all resistance today! You will be glad you did. And it feels so good when you do...🙂
    I support you! Let's Go!

    Episode 65 - What's Your Plan?

    Episode 65 - What's Your Plan?
    In this week's episode, Stephanie takes us deeper into Step 6 of the process of manifestation - plan your way (episode 55) - to help you understand the importance of having a plan.
    Why is this important?

    Many of us say we want a better relationship, financial situation, health status, meaningful career, etc., yet we lack a plan to make it happen. Then when we don't get the results we want; we make up stories about why not...
    The truth is - when we fail to plan, we plan to fail. The plan doesn't have to be perfect - we simply must have one.
    In this episode Stephanie shares the plan she created one year ago and how all of it has happened!
    Ever notice how sometimes we spend more time planning a party or vacation then we do creating a plan for what we want to have in our life? We have it backwards. When we invest time in a plan for our life, the rewards will be great.
    Be prepared to get inspired and take action today! One year from now, you will be glad you did.
    For support, connect with me at: https://www.stephaniefilardi.com/activate
    Breathe! Let's go.

    Episode 64 - Imagining Your Outcome

    Episode 64 - Imagining Your Outcome
    In this week's episode, Stephanie takes us deeper into Step 5 of the process of manifestation - play your brain (episode 54) to help you nurture the seeds of your dreams and desires. This is all about using your imagination to attract what you want.
    Why is this important?
    The brain doesn't know the difference between a real event or an imagined one. For example, have you ever recalled a memory from the past and it feels like it's happening again in your body in the present? This is why!
    Emotions are powerful! In this episode Stephanie shares an "imagining your outcome" practice to show you how to use your emotions in the present moment to create what you want in the future. When we fully connect to our feelings they lead us, guide us and direct us to take action on the things that will make events happen. Pretty cool.
    We get into being, doing and having what you have declared you want.
    For support, connect with me at: https://www.stephaniefilardi.com/activate
    If you like what you hear, please share and subscribe! Thank you.

    Episode 63 - Cultivating Your Knowledge

    Episode 63 - Cultivating Your Knowledge
    In this week's episode, Stephanie takes us deeper into Step 4 of the process of manifestation - train your brain - to help you uncover your gifts and prosper from them!
    Why does this step matter?
    By bringing together your knowledge, which includes: life experience, training, and your support system -- you get clear (and confident!) about what you have to offer...and also where the gaps exist. Once you get clear, you can capitalize on your knowledge and enhance it - to get what you say you want.
    Why capitalize? The word capitalize in this sense means to gain by turning something into an advantage. You are turning your knowledge into an asset that will help you manifest your dreams.

    In this episode Stephanie shares 3 questions for deeper exploration to assist you in seeing what your gifts are and where you may need additional skills or support (the gap).
    As you answer the 3 questions, make sure you do not minimize anything that comes up. For example, often the things that we are good at and come easily are keys to our innate talents...our gifts. We are all born with unique gifts!
    As you cultivate your knowledge, feed it, grow it, give attention to it, you will capitalize (aka benefit) from it. Win/Win!
    Enjoy the process and reach out for support at: www.StephanieFilardi.com/activate

    Let’s go! You deserve it!

    Episode 62 - Clearing Negative Thought Energy

    Episode 62 - Clearing Negative Thought Energy

    In this week's episode, Stephanie takes us on a journey to clear negative thought energy.

    Why is this so important?

    As she shared in episode 51: Tame Your Mind - also Step 3 in the process of manifestation - when you are up to big things, you will encounter negativity. Whether it’s other people saying “you are crazy” or simply absorbing the negative energy of people or situations - you must learn how to become aware of the negative energy you are holding and then clear it. If you don’t, you will fail to achieve your dreams.

    In this episode Stephanie leads us through a simple clearing technique to help you get back on track.

    Remember, what you give attention to - energizes (grows). As such, negativity creates more negativity. The reverse is also true and that is the good news - positivity creates more positivity, i.e. focus on and energize the positive.

    Let’s clear the negative and get back to the path of positivity which will support your prosperity!

    For support, reach out at: www.StephanieFilardi.com/activate

    Let’s go! You deserve it!

    Episode 61 - Uncovering Your Limiting Beliefs

    Episode 61 - Uncovering Your Limiting Beliefs

    In this episode, Stephanie dives deeper into step two of manifestation - belief feeds desire (episode 50) to help you uncover your limiting beliefs.

    Limiting beliefs hold us back. They live in our subconscious mind and prevent us from starting or staying the course. They keep us stuck in patterns and prevent us from making lasting change.

    Many of us don’t even know what our limiting beliefs are!! If we want to manifest our dreams, we must know what beliefs hold us back so we can deal with them. Meaning, we uncover them and replace them with new empowering beliefs that align with what we are creating. Makes sense right?

    In this episode Stephanie shares the 3 main categories of limiting beliefs. She then shares 5 writing exercises to help you uncover your limiting beliefs.

    To support you, she is offering a FREE guided meditation designed to help you uncover and release your limiting beliefs. Take advantage of this very special offer by emailing her: stephanie@yourmillionairecoach.com

    You’re worth it! Let’s go!

    Episode 60 - Discovering What You Really Want

    Episode 60 - Discovering What You Really Want

    What do you REALLY want? Do you know?

    Many people don’t know what they want and/or what makes them truly happy.

    When we don’t know— we manifest more of the “unknown”.

    Clarity is essential in getting what you want. Clarity is essential if you want to be happy.

    In this episode Stephanie dives deeper into step one of manifestation - burning desire (episode 49) to help you discover what you REALLY want.

    She shares 5 writing exercises to help you uncover what you want in this lifetime. Specifically, you will journal on what you want to DO, who you want to BE, and what you want to HAVE. Be-Do-Have!

    Keep in mind that oftentimes in life we realize what we want by experiencing what we don’t want! This will be covered too.
    For example, let’s say you don’t want to experience loneliness. Great! This is a pointer to what you do want — connection. When you know what you want, you can go about making it happen.

    You deserve to get what you want and be happy!

    Invest the time in yourself, without censor or concern about “how”.

    Listen, write, repeat.

    Reach out for support at www.stephaniefilardi.com/activate

    Happy Labor Day!

    Happy Labor Day!

    Have you worked on all 8 steps? Let's discuss your progress. TEXT me at (914) 355-1759. After that, take a break! You deserve it.

    Disregard the phone number spoken in this episode. Use the phone number listed here in the notes instead.

    Episode 58 - Step Eight: Letting Go

    Episode 58 - Step Eight: Letting Go

    In this week's episode, Stephanie dives into Letting Go — step 8 and the last one in the process of manifestation.

    What do you mean letting go!?

    Inherent in your burning desires are the mechanics for their fulfillment. Meaning, if you can see it, it’s possible. This is all about allowing your faith to lead you. It’s about working the steps and then paying attention to what is being shown to you. It’s about being open to tweaking your plan, and having an outcome that’s even more amazing than you originally desired! Divine intelligence has far more opportunities in store for us than our limited mind can imagine. We must let go to be able to “listen”!

    Stephanie also explains how letting go does not mean to stop taking action. Action is the foundation of all manifestation. She discusses how each of the preceding steps (when followed!) puts us in a position to let go and receive the divine wisdom available for us.

    If you’re ready to manifest, apply for an activation session with Stephanie at: www.stephaniefilardi.com/activate

    Episode 57 - Habits Hone Heal Help

    Episode 57 - Habits Hone Heal Help

    We are made of time and energy.

    Creating and committing to healthy habits helps us manage our energy and speeds up the time it takes to manifest our burning desires!

    Healthy habits help us stay the course. They support us being persistent (persistence is step 7 in the process of manifestation - Episode 56).

    In this episode Stephanie talks about healthy habits for body/mind-emotions/spirit.

    She shares her favorite habits in each area and gives examples of how and why healthy habits are essential for bringing forth your burning desire.

    You deserve to live the life you desire.

    Believe it. See it. Feel it. Act on it.

    Connect with Stephanie for a pathways coaching session to speed up the process at: StephanieFilardi.com/activate

    Let’s Go!

    Episode 56 - Step Seven: Persistence Pays Off

    Episode 56 - Step Seven: Persistence Pays Off

    Persistence pays off on the path to manifesting your burning desires. It pays dividends too. :)

    In today’s episode I speak about step 7, persistence!!!

    As you embark on the plan to bring forth your burning desires (discussed in last week's episode) you begin to take action.

    Some actions are effortless and give you the results you want.

    Some actions feel like a struggle and you hit what seem like “roadblocks”. When you find yourself in struggle, it’s time to dig deeper within yourself.

    Persistence keeps us on track by showing us what we are learning and where we are growing. In some cases persistence will reveal to us it’s time to adjust the plan.

    Whatever the case, stay persistent!

    Remember, quitters never win and winners never quit.

    Ready to manifest your desires? Take advantage of my pathways session to support you in creating a plan at: www.stephaniefilardi.com/activate

    Episode 55 - Step Six: Plan Your Way

    Episode 55 - Step Six: Plan Your Way

    If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.

    One of the best pieces of advise I received from my mother at age 13 when I started my first business, “Save at least 10% of everything you earn”. I did exactly that and it has served me well in planning my life and navigating the many “pivots”. And still at times I have been resistant to creating a plan. Why is that?

    Planning! Essential in bringing forth your burning desire and step 6 in the process of manifestation.

    In this episode Stephanie shares her journey from being resistant to having a plan — to how she and her fiancé created a 12 month financial plan to buy a home.

    She shares why it’s important to plan and what you can do NOW to begin the process. The plan doesn’t have to be perfect - you simply must HAVE one.

    If you’re ready to manifest your goals and dreams, sign up today for a pathways session at www.stephaniefilardi.com/activate

    Let’s go!

    Episode 54 - Step Five: Play Your Brain

    Episode 54 - Step Five: Play Your Brain

    In this episode Stephanie shares Step 5 in the process of manifestation — play your brain.

    Everything in existence started with a seed...an idea. In order to bring forth your burning desire (epic love, vibrant health, financial prosperity, fulfilling career, spiritual connection) you must invest time in nurturing the seeds.

    The seeds are your ideas - and what you imagine / visualize.

    Stephanie talks about how you can connect with and grow these seeds. Follow your instincts. Give yourself permission to play, dream big, and go for it!!!

    The time is now. You are worthy and it’s possible.

    If you’re ready to bring forth your Burning Desire, connect with Stephanie today for an introductory pathway session at: www.stephaniefilardi.com/activate

    Episode 53 - Step Four: Train Your Brain

    Episode 53 - Step Four: Train Your Brain

    Wouldn’t you agree that bringing your burning desire into fruition requires you to acquire new skills and knowledge?

    In this week's episode Stephanie talks about step 4 in the process of bringing your goals into reality: acquiring knowledge.

    She shares 3 ways we acquire knowledge: life experience, specific training, and support.

    In addition to gaining necessary skills, knowledge has organizing power in it. Meaning, what you focus on grows...where your attention goes, your energy flows.

    Activate your dreams today!!!

    Listen in and sign up today for your introductory session at www.stephaniefilardi.com

    Episode 52 - Navigating these Times, Behind the Scenes

    Episode 52 - Navigating these Times, Behind the Scenes

    This episode was recorded back in March when the "fit" first hit the "shan". Since then both Stephanie and the show's editor/producer have experienced personal loss and have needed some time to process.

    This content was arranged now for a couple of reasons:

    1. We can all use a laugh, including our beloved Stephanie and

    2. As a preview to the upcoming episode on Navigating Death.

    To hear the rest of this interview in its entirety, revisit Episode 36.

    Until next week, Namaste!

    Edited and produced by Rich Masotti. Copyright 2020 Stephanie Filardi and Rich Masotti.


    Episode 51 - Step Three: Tame Your Mind

    Episode 51 - Step Three: Tame Your Mind

    In this week's episode Stephanie shares Step 3 in the process of manifestation — Taming Your Mind.

    If you are human, you will come up against negative influences as you go after what you say you want.

    Unless you learn the skills to tame your mind, and “re-train” it, you will fall short of achieving your goals and dreams.

    Stephanie shares why this is such a crucial step in the process of manifestation. She also shares ways you can bring to tame the brain. 🙂

    For support reach out: www.stephaniefilardi.com

    Listen in and let’s go!

    Episode 49 - Step One: Burning Desire

    Episode 49 - Step One: Burning Desire

    Step one to getting what you say you want: burning desire!

    In this podcast episode Stephanie speaks about why burning desire is the first step to manifesting your dreams. Love? Health? Wealth? Career? Home?

    She shares about bringing forth her burning desire, incubating for decades — to launch her transformational coaching business.

    You can visit her manifestation at www.stephaniefilardi.com

    Listen in, get fired up! Let’s go!