

    ModState.com: A Centrist Publication Creating Civil Conversation

    en-usThe ModState Podcast30 Episodes

    Episodes (30)

    Episode 281: Episode 281: Comeback, Trump, the Middle East

    Episode 281: Episode 281: Comeback, Trump, the Middle East

    In making a comeback with Candace Smith and Jack DeViney co-hosting, this episode marks a fine return to form for half of the duo; while Candace acquitted herself well with a keen drive-by diagnosis of the insanity of the moment in Israel and Gaza, DeViney manages only to spring to life later in the episode.

    And, of course Donald Trump is among the topics for conversation. We'd be remiss to not, as the wise sage Mr. Trump himself once said, "Well, you know the wind only blows sometimes." And...he's not wrong!

    In any case, it's a return and a clear sign there's more ahead. We've missed y'all and will be back soon, with DeViney vowing to do better (or at least not kneecap Candace in the process while making Episode 282).

    en-usFebruary 25, 2024

    Episode 280: Education in America-Part 1: Student Loans

    Episode 280: Education in America-Part 1: Student Loans

    Welcome back to the ModState Podcast. On this episode Nate and Candace being their journey through the education ecosystem starting with Student Loans. 

    Candace and Nate begin by examining the difference over the decades from a inflationary standpoint, the political changes and feelings the Vietnam war brought on, and then finally the student loan crisis today. 

    No matter what side of the isle you subscribe too Student Loans are a problem. In fact the entire system is worth examining. Thank you for joining the ModState team!

    As always please leave your comments or send your thoughts to ModState@ModState.com

    Show Notes:

    1) https://educationdata.org/college-tuition-inflation-rate

    2) https://apnews.com/article/student-loan-forgiveness-supreme-court-case-explained-8c62622e87c4ebff995f971263d932fc

    3) https://tcf.org/content/report/reagan-administrations-campaign-rein-predatory-profit-colleges/

    4) https://www.newamerica.org/education-policy/

    5) https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1985-02-28-mn-12707-story.html

    6) https://theintercept.com/2022/08/25/student-loans-debt-reagan/

    7) https://www.cfr.org/backgrounder/us-student-loan-debt-trends-economic-impact

    8) More to come...

    Episode 279: What is your favorite ism? ModState Podcast Episode 279

    Episode 279: What is your favorite ism? ModState Podcast Episode 279

    Welcome back to the ModState Podcast! 

    On this episode Candace and Nate dive into some of the modernly used isms in the world today. Of course many of these theories have deep history this episode explores them with some modern context. 

    These isms have become polarizing terms such as patriotism and nationalism. The team also explore other types of political, social and economic theories that have stuck in our culture today.

    Thank you for tuning in and as always send your comments to ModState@ModState.com or where ever you listen to your podcast.

    Episode 278: Introductions ModState Podcast Episode 278

    Episode 277: ModState Podcast Episode 277: A New Year a New Congress

    Episode 277: ModState Podcast Episode 277: A New Year a New Congress

    Welcome back to the ModState Podcast! 

    It has been long overdue that John and Nate dive back into a good episode. As the New Year begins so does a new Republican led Congress. John and Nate pick up where they left off on Roe Vs Wade and the ongoing dynamic that is emerging in various States across the US. 

    Second, the team team dives into their analysis of the ongoing power struggles in the US House of Representatives. What agenda will be formulated if at all? Does MaCarthy stand a chance in leadership?

    Lastly, John and Nate discuss the work of the Federal Reserve and their battle against inflation. What does success look like? 

    Before departing the gents took a stab at World History AP test questions to see how well they could do...tune in to see if you could do as well.

    Episode 275: Midterms SCOTUS Leak ModState Podcast Episode 275

    Episode 275: Midterms SCOTUS Leak ModState Podcast Episode 275

    Welcome back to the ModState Podcast. Much has happened since our last episode. 

    If you would like to wait for an exclusive episode on Roe V Wade please wait for the weekend or fast forward to about the 45 minute mark of this episode. 

    On this episode John and Nate dive into:

    1) The Kentucky Derby Winner
    2) The black hole that was photographed 
    3) Russian World Cup ban...should it happen? Disagreement here
    4) Midterms and the 1/6 subpoenas 
    5) Finally....ROE V WADE and the SCOTUS Leak 

    Episode 274: Weekly Round-Up (Twitter, Russia, France....) ModState Podcast Episode 274

    Episode 274: Weekly Round-Up (Twitter, Russia, France....) ModState Podcast Episode 274

    Welcome back to the ModState Podcast! As always thank you for tuning in whereever you may be listening. Send you comments to ModState@ModState.com or leave your comments here on Podomatic. 

    On this episode John and Nate explore the several items from the Elon Musk's hostile take-over bid, to why and what would make Twitter better. 

    Moving on the team explores the recent discussion of a fast entrance of Finland into NATO and Russia's response and end the conversation about the upcoming French national elections. 

    Thank you for your continued listenership and if you are new, thanks for dropping by! Tune in next week. 

    Episode 273: Culture Wars ModState Podcast Episode 273

    Episode 273: Culture Wars ModState Podcast Episode 273

    Welcome back to the ModState Podcast. As always leave your comments on Podomatic or send them to ModState@ModState.com.

    On this episode John and Nate discuss the Ukrainian conflict, the confirmation to the SCOTUS, and the broader fast sprint to the right of the Republican Party. 

    As always thank you for your listenership. 

    Note from the managing editor: "The lead image for this episode came from an error made during our pre-recording system checks. Somehow or another, during our shared hosting of the call, one of us accidentally turned on a graphic filter, and we decided we had to provide this glorious, captured moment in human history for our wonderful audience and followers to enjoy. Cheers, J. DeViney"

    Episode 272: Weekly Round-Up ModState Podcast Episode 272

    Episode 272: Weekly Round-Up ModState Podcast Episode 272

    Welcome back to the ModState Podcast. As always send your comments over to ModState@ModState.com. Also leave your comments on Podomatic. 

    Special shout-out to listener Oliver who was briefly misnamed as Olivia on the episode. The team is glad it got corrected mid-podcast. 

    This episode consists of three major topics:

    1) SCOTUS nomination hearing.
    2) The state of the economy and the increase in interest rates
    3) MIDTERMS! Midterm groveling will begin. What will the major topics be?

    As always thank you for tuning in! 

    Episode 271: Bonus Episode With Nate ModState Podcast Episode 271

    Episode 271: Bonus Episode With Nate ModState Podcast Episode 271

    Welcome back to the ModState Podcast. As always send your comments over to modstate@modstate.com or on here on podomatic. 

    Nate has a solo moment where he discusses the current events here in America, abroad and some of his thoughts surrounding the support of Ukraine, current GOP messaging and opportunities. 

    As always the team will be back soon with normal episodes! 

    Episode 270: Ukraine and Russia ModState Podcast Episode 270

    Episode 270: Ukraine and Russia ModState Podcast Episode 270

    Welcome back to the ModState Podcast. As always wherever you are listening we appreciate you.

    On this episode the ongoing conflict in Ukraine dominates the discussion. John and Nate discuss the geopolitical perspective, potential outcomes and how this is different from other conflicts as the world has a front row seat with social media. Towards the end of the episode the focus turns to the domestic climate in America including topics like inflation. 

    As always leave a comment on Podomatic or leave us a message at ModState@ModState.com.

    Episode 269: Insurrection Reflection, Russia and Covid-19 ModState Podcast Episode 269

    Episode 269: Insurrection Reflection, Russia and Covid-19 ModState Podcast Episode 269

    Welcome back to the ModSate Podcast! As always wherever you are tuning in be safe and thank you for listening. 

    In this episode John and Nate dive into a number of the important topics from last week. As the new year drives on Russia has amassed more troops at the Ukrainian border, negotiations have broken down and war seems imminent. 

    In other news the SCOTUS gave the Biden administration a partial win by allowing healthcare worker vaccine mandates to live on. John and Nate then discuss government overreach in relation to the federal agency OSHA. 

    Lastly, the team discusses 1 year since the insurrection that occurred at the capital. Where are we 1 year later? Will heads continue to roll?

    As always thank you for tuning in! We continue to appreciate your support. 

    Episode 268: 2021 Recap and 2022 Predictions ModState Podcast Episode 268

    Episode 268: 2021 Recap and 2022 Predictions ModState Podcast Episode 268

    Welcome back to the ModState Podcast. As always thank you for tuning in! 

    On this episode John and Nate felt it only right to round out a long and at some times contentious year. From 1/6, Afghanistan, Covid-19 et al. this year truly did not disappoint. 

    The team reflects on their top stories from the year in the same true fashion you get from the ModState team every episode. Thank you for your continued support and have a safe happy new year. 

    Episode 267: Self Defense, Abortion and Biden's Win ModState Podcast Episode 267

    Episode 267: Self Defense, Abortion and Biden's Win ModState Podcast Episode 267

    Welcome back to the ModState Podcast! As always thank you for tuning in from where ever in the world you are listening. 

    John and Nate dive into several important topics on this episode:

    1) John and Nate debate their stance on how they would vote for the now passed Infrastructure bill. Biden had a win here, but how would the team vote? In the follow up the debate turns to a more granular discussion of payment, national debt and climate change. 

    2) The next topic is the Rittenhouse case in WI. However you characterize this defendant there are several things we can agree on. Tune in and listen.

    3) Lastly, the team discusses the SCOTUS case surrounding the TX abortion ban. How does the court feel about this?

    As always leave your comments where you can or send over to ModState@ModState.com

    Episode 266: State of Affairs ModState Podcast Episode 266

    Episode 266: State of Affairs ModState Podcast Episode 266

    Welcome back to the ModState Podcast! Thank you or tuning in. Head over to ModState@ModState.com for more editorial pieces. Send your comments to ModState@ModState.com or here at Podomatic.com/modstate. 

    On this episode John and Nate dive into several stories, a discussion of the Rolling Stones followed by a discussion of debt ceilings and spending. It isn't always the most dramatic or exciting topic but it certainly top of mind for elected officials in Washington DC. 

    Thank you for tuning in! 

    Episode 265: What's Worth Spending $$ On? ModState Podcast Episode 265

    Episode 265: What's Worth Spending $$ On? ModState Podcast Episode 265

    Welcome Back!

    As always thank you for tuning into the ModState Podcast. On this episode John and Nate make up for some lost ground and time. Thank you for sticking through the break as the ModState team waits for some much needed technological equipment. 

    On this segment today:

    Bizarre: John and Nate dive into both the ongoing Biden DHS debacle at the border. Additionally, Nate sneaks in a discussion of Supreme Court Justice Amy Barrett's lament of the hyper-politicized SCOTUS. Is this tone deaf? Nate gives a solution to her lament.

    Geo-Political/Educational: On this segment the discussion revolves around the geo-political frustrating when Australia backed out of a 2016 deal with France for upgraded military equipment. This $50+ billion dollar deal was cancelled and a new deal with the UK and USA was announced. This naturally offended the French. As our oldest ally this warranted a discussion.

    Main Body: John and Nate discuss the most controversial issue in the US today. Support for a $3.5 trillion dollar spending bill waxes and wanes. Most Americans are on board with this spending. For those that are against the opposition is loud. What is worth spending money on? 

    As always send over your comments, concerns, topic requests and we will reach out! Leave comments were you can or send out to ModState@ModState.com

    Episode 264: Nate's Thoughts Bonus Episode: ModState Podcast Episode 264

    Episode 264: Nate's Thoughts Bonus Episode: ModState Podcast Episode 264

    Welcome back to the ModState Podcast! 

    As John and his family race from the largest storm since 1850, Nate sites down on a lovely Denver Sunday to discuss his thoughts. 

    On this episode Nate begins with the developing tragedy across the US as Covid-19 cases spike. At what point did we lose the idea of Freedom with responsibility to Freedom without responsibility. Has the forest been lost from the trees?

    Nate finishes the episode discussion the fall of Afghanistan the death of American Service members. 

    As always thank you for tuning into ModState. Please leave your comments at ModState@ModState.com or wherever you leave your comments. Stay Safe! 

    Episode 263: Afghanistan, Infrastructure, Mask/Vaccine Mandates ModState Podcast Episode 263

    Episode 263: Afghanistan, Infrastructure, Mask/Vaccine Mandates ModState Podcast Episode 263

    Welcome back to the ModState Podcast! As always thank you for tuning in. Leave your comments below OR reach out ModState@ModState.com

    On this episode John and Nate discuss three major topics. 

    1) John and Nate reach out and discuss the imminent fall of Afghanistan after 20 years of American occupation. How should we feel about this? John and Nate reflect...

    2) Next the team discusses the passage of the infrastructure bill in the Senate. Nancy Pelosi now has a tactic to get the follow up $3.5 trillion under reconciliation. Her plan is to hold off the passage of the infrastructure bill until she gets a promise on the reconciliation bill. Is this the right move?

    3) Last John and Nate discuss the proposal of mask and vaccine mandates? Is this a 4th amendment violation or does it get us to where we need to go faster? 

    As always thank you for tuning in! 

    Episode 262: The Summer of the Delta Variant ModState Podcast Episode 262

    Episode 262: The Summer of the Delta Variant ModState Podcast Episode 262


    A warm and hearty thank you to those of you who stuck through the hiatus into this summer. 

    As always welcome back to the ModState Podcast. On this episode John and Nate untangle the events since they last met. Naturally the major focus is the Delta variant that is raging like wildfire through the US. So much of this has been incredibly political. Does this current time in history, with this division and politics, set the stage for future response and discussion to events like Climate Change? 
    Additionally, John and Nate discuss the olympics, the infrastructure bill and round the episode out by discussing the Trump organization legal woes including that of Rudy Giuliani. 

    As always send your comments over to modstate@modstate.com or leave your comments wherever you can leave comments.