
    Mother's Quest Podcast

    Are you a mom who is ready to live a truly E.P.I.C. life? A few months before a big milestone birthday, host Julie Neale, a life and leadership coach, community builder and mom to two high-energy boys, decided to stop sidelining her dreams and become the hero of her own journey. She created this show to help light her way by gathering words of wisdom and lessons learned from other mothers further ahead on their quest. Join in for intimate conversations with a diverse group of inspiring mothers as they share how they are living an E.P.I.C. life, engaging mindfully with their children (E), passionately and purposefully making a difference beyond their family (P), investing in themselves (I), and connecting to a strong support network (C). Come along with Julie and you are sure to find some treasures of your own.
    enJulie Neale147 Episodes

    Episodes (147)

    Ep 101: Stoking our Soul Fire for a Revolution from Home with Beth Berry

    Ep 101: Stoking our Soul Fire for a Revolution from Home with Beth Berry

    Welcome to this last conversation of 2023, with coach, teacher, small group and retreat facilitator at Revolution from Home, mother of four daughters and author of the book Motherwhelmed, Beth Berry.

    Beth says she has revolution in her bones. It began when she was seventeen and pumping milk in the bathroom of her high school for her now-grown eldest daughter. It has since gradually evolved into a tender, fiery conviction to reclaim motherhood from every disempowering personal and cultural story she can wrap her head and heart around.

    Beth has spent thousands of hours mentoring and supporting mothers through their process of self-discovery, self-reclamation, and dream realization, reminding us of our worthiness and reframing our importance as changemakers.

    One of the mothers Beth has mentored is Katie Hanus, one of the members of my very first Mother’s Quest Virtual Circle, created over five years ago. Katie and the other members of that first Circle and I are in almost daily conversation together on Voxer where we share the ups and downs of our epic lives and the lessons we’re learning from guides who help light our way. It was through Katie that I first heard about Beth’s transformative work and hoped I could one day interview her for the podcast. 

    Building deep relationships among mothers is something Beth invites us to explore as her challenge in this episode. Without the web of connections that used to come in the form of a village,  we blame ourselves when we’re unable to live up to superhuman standards with subhuman levels of support. Beth also offers a beautiful opportunity to invest and care for ourselves through tending to what she calls our soul fire, a representation of the things that restore and sustain us. She invites us to think about how we can add not just quick-burning kindling to this soul fire, but the big logs that can burn steadily.

    I hope this conversation can be a spark for you to put yourself at the center during this holiday and new year season, commit to building rich, meaningful connections with other mothers where you live, and add some long-burning logs to your soul fire. In so doing, may 2024 become a year for a revolution and reclamation from home of your own. 


    About Beth Berry

    Beth Berry is a coach, teacher, small group and retreat facilitator, mother of four daughters and author of Motherwhelmed. A revolutionary at heart, she helps mothers get more of what they want and need to feel fulfilled and empowered despite the odds. She believes that self-aware, self-compassionate, well-supported mothers who know themselves to be worthy of pleasure and joy-filled lives are powerful beyond measure and essential to the healing of the world.


    Connect with Beth Berry

    Website | revolutionfromhome.com

    Instagram | @revolutionfromhome

    Facebook | Revolution from Home


    Topics Discussed in this Episode:

    • The ways in which we inherit our mothers’ “hand me downs” and the ones that shaped Beth and planted seeds for her own revolution.

    • The series of spark moments, most of which she says were not pretty, that set Beth on living her epic life.

    • Beth’s intuitive approach to motherhood and how she practiced mindful engagement with her children from the beginning, even at the age of 17 when she had her first daughter.

    • The deep sense of purpose she feels for changing the narratives around motherhood and shifting the systems that invisibilize the unpaid caregiving of mothers. 

    • The power of tending to our soul fire.

    • Why some of the entitlement she notices in her daughters gives her hope for a more empowered generation of mothers in the future.  

    • How internalized narratives of hyper-individualism can hinder connection between mothers.

    • The post-it Beth has on her computer that says “A well rested woman is dangerous” 


    Books Beth Mentions:

    Other Related Episodes You Might Enjoy Next: 


    This Episode’s Challenge: 

    Beth challenges you to pause and reflect when you feel like you're not doing enough. Ask yourself who benefits from that belief and who is harmed by it. Explore the reasons behind the pressure to over-function and consider if there might be healthier ways to self-soothe and achieve your desired life. She also invites us to invest in building relationships with mothers where we live, beginning to restore a sense of village that we have lost. Brave new connections in your community. Knock on some doors in your neighborhood.


    The Mother’s Quest Holiday and New Year Gift Guide: 

    Put yourself on your priority list and choose something for yourself this holiday season from our Gift Guide. Take a peek inside and see some of my favorite things that I’ve curated for you, including the 2024 Live Your EPIC Year planners. https://mothersquest.com/2024-planners/

    Mother’s Quest is a podcast for moms who are ready to live a truly E.P.I.C. life.

    Join in for intimate conversations with a diverse group of inspiring mothers as they share how they are living an E.P.I.C. life, Engaging mindfully with their children (E), Passionately and Purposefully making a difference beyond their family (P), Investing in themselves (I), and Connecting to a strong support network (C).

    In celebration of our 100th episode, we invite you to help us spread the word by leaving a review on Apple Podcasts. Help us reach 100 reviews to honor 100 episodes this Season Eight of the Mother’s Quest Podcast!

    You can also support the podcast by making a contribution or joining one of our memberships at our Patron Page on Ko-Fi.com. 


    Join our community of mothers to light the way and sustain you on your quest at www.facebook.com/groups/mothersquest


    Mother's Quest Podcast
    enDecember 19, 2023

    Ep 100: Mothering as Revolutionary Love

    Ep 100: Mothering as Revolutionary Love

    This September 11, 2023, I had the honor of holding space for an intimate conversation with civil rights leader, lawyer, award-winning filmmaker, educator, and best-selling author of the book SEE NO STRANGER, Valarie Kaur.

    The fact that we were recording on September 11th was meaningful, because the tragic event that had taken place 22 years ago shaped Valarie in profound ways and set her on a path that she never expected. Valarie became an activist after a man of the same Sikh faith, a father and family friend she called uncle, Balbir Singh Sodhi, was the first person murdered in hate violence in the aftermath of 9/11.

    For two decades in his memory, Valarie led visionary campaigns to tell untold stories and change policy on issues ranging from hate crimes to solitary confinement to digital freedom. Along the way, she earned degrees at Stanford University, Harvard Divinity School, and Yale Law School.

    Today, Valarie is the mother of two children and as you’ll hear her share, the experience of becoming a mother inspired her to birth the Revolutionary Love Project, which supports communities with practical tools to transform the nation from inside out.

    Revolutionary love, Valarie says, “is the choice to labor for others, for opponents, and for ourselves. Love is sweet labor — fierce, bloody, imperfect, life-giving, a choice we make. And it begins with wonder. You can look at anyone and say: You are a part of me I don’t yet know. From there, we begin to transform the world around us, and inside us.”

    There is a lightness and hopefulness in the tone of our conversation that we wouldn't have in the same way if we recorded the conversation today. I'm grateful for it. Valarie thanked me at the end for giving her the deepest breath she had in a long time. During a time in our country and world, where so many seem to be disconnected from a sense of our common humanity and divisions between us are widening, I hope this conversation is a deep breath for you.

    Because as Valarie says as she evokes the metaphor of a midwife in her famous Watch Night speech, linked in the show notes, we must first breathe and then we push. The mother asks "what if this darkness we face is not the darkness of the tomb, but the darkness of the womb?" Today we breathe and tomorrow we will labor in revolutionary love. 


    About Valarie Kaur:

    VALARIE KAUR is a renowned civil rights leader, lawyer, award-winning filmmaker, educator, innovator, author of the #1 LA Times Bestseller SEE NO STRANGER, and founder of the Revolutionary Love Project. Valarie burst into global consciousness when her 2016 Watch Night Service address went viral with 40 million views worldwide. Her question “Is this the darkness of the tomb – or the darkness of the womb?” reframes the historical moment and is now a mantra for people fighting for change.

    Valarie became an activist when a Sikh father and family friend Balbir Singh Sodhi was the first person murdered in hate violence in the aftermath of 9/11. For two decades, in his memory, Valarie led visionary campaigns to tell untold stories and change policy on issues ranging from hate crimes to digital freedom. Her work ignited a national movement to reclaim love as a force for justice. In 2021, she led the People’s Inauguration, inspiring millions of Americans to renew their role in building a healthy, multiracial democracy.

    Today, the Revolutionary Love Project is seeding networked communities of practice across the country, equipping people with the practical tools to build beloved community and transform the nation from inside out. In the last two decades, Valarie has won policy change on multiple fronts – hate crimes, racial profiling, immigration detention, solitary confinement, Internet freedom, and more. She founded Groundswell Movement, Faithful Internet, and the Yale Visual Law Project to equip advocates at the intersection of spirituality, storytelling, and justice.

    Valarie has been a regular TV commentator on MSNBC and contributor to CNN, NPR, PBS, the Hill, Huffington Post, and the Washington Post. She is a celebrated prophetic voice and has spoken widely, including at President Biden’s Inaugural Prayer Service. Valarie earned degrees at Stanford University, Harvard Divinity School, and Yale Law School, and holds several honorary doctorates. In Fall 2022, President Biden honored Valarie at the White House in the first-ever Uniters Ceremony, naming her as one of 16 leaders whose work is healing America.

    A daughter of Punjabi farmers, Valarie grew up on the farmlands of California, where her family has lived for more than a century. Her grandfather gave her Sikh wisdom through stories and songs that showed the way of the sant-sipahi, sage-warrior. The sage loves; the warrior fights — it is a path of revolutionary love.


    Connect with Valarie:

    Resources from Valarie:


    Topics Discussed in this Episode:

    • Valarie's story about the birth of her son, with her mother by her side, and the lessons she learned about motherhood from that experience.

    • Mothering as a verb and how mothering often feels like walking through a ring of fire. 

    • The experiences that set Valarie on a path of activism after 9/11 and the surprising spark moment she learned from her grieving aunt. 

    • How becoming a mother changed Valarie’s orientation from activism fighting against hate to activism fighting for revolutionary love.

    • Valarie’s experience moving to the Rainforest to reflect on all she learned and write her book See No Stranger.  

    • Revolutionary love as the call of our times.

    • Valarie’s epic snapshot moment nursing her daughter while she was at the White House being honored.

    • The quote from Audrey Lorde that reminds Valarie to care for and invest in herself - “We can learn to mother ourselves.” 

    • The Wise Woman ritual Valarie experienced with two of her Sikh friends and the meditation she offers to help you tap into your inner Wise Woman. 

    • The lullaby Valarie wrote and sang for her daughter that will become a children’s book, “World of Wonder.” 


    This Episode’s Challenge: 

    Valarie says that the root of love is wonder and sings us a lullaby she wrote for her daughter about wonder. She encourages us to wonder about our partners, our children, our friendships, and beyond. Wondering about each other is a revolutionary process in a society that wants to shut down our ability to look at one another’s faces and say “You are a part of me I don’t yet now.” It’s so simple but it can change everything and help us birth a better world. 


    Other Episodes Mentioned in this Conversation: 


    About This Episode’s Dedication By Shelly Tygielski:

    This is the 100th episode of the Mother’s Quest Podcast. It feels fitting to mark this occasion with a powerful conversation about Revolutionary Love with renowned civil rights leader Valarie Kaur. Valarie talks about Revolutionary Love as sweet labor and this podcast, since I launched it 7 years ago in 2016, has always been a labor of love.

    So too has been my form of mission-aligned sponsorship, where rather than seeking corporate sponsors, I invite one mother to dedicate each episode and to make a contribution to support Mother’s Quest.

    In honor of this milestone, I invited Shelly Tygielski, founder of Pandemic of Love, and an Advisory Board Member of Global Empowerment Mission to dedicate. Instead of contributing to Mother’s Quest, I made a contribution to the Global Empowerment Mission. I hope you’ll join me in celebrating this 100th episode milestone by sharing this important conversation you’re about to hear and by making a donation to the Global Empowerment Mission.


    Shelly’s Dedication:

    I would like to dedicate this episode of the Mother's Quest podcast to all the mothers of young, innocent children who are caught in the crossfire of war. May these children grow up in a world that is free from hate and injustice. May they be free from suffering. May they have access to opportunities and never be devoid of hopes and dreams. As the founder of Pandemic of Love and an advisory board member of Global Empowerment Mission, we are currently providing aid to Israelis and to Palestinians. When people ask us to choose a side, we say we have. We are on the side of love. Or as Valerie Kaur says it is the best, revolutionary love. So to learn more about how you can support our efforts, please visit globalempowermentmission.org


    Donate here: 


    Connect with Shelly Tygielski:

    Mother’s Quest is a podcast for moms who are ready to live a truly E.P.I.C. life.

    Join in for intimate conversations with a diverse group of inspiring mothers as they share how they are living an E.P.I.C. life, Engaging mindfully with their children (E), Passionately and Purposefully making a difference beyond their family (P), Investing in themselves (I), and Connecting to a strong support network (C).

    As Mother’s Quest approaches 100 episodes, we invite you to help us spread the word by leaving a review on Apple Podcasts. Help us reach 100 reviews to honor 100 episodes this Season Eight of the Mother’s Quest Podcast!

    You can also support the podcast by making a contribution or joining one of our memberships at our Patron Page on Ko-Fi.com. 


    Join our community of mothers to light the way and sustain you on your quest at www.facebook.com/groups/mothersquest

    Mother's Quest Podcast
    enNovember 21, 2023

    Dear Body Revisited: And Then I Got Shingles

    Dear Body Revisited: And Then I Got Shingles

    This month, I was planning to record a special solocast to welcome in our 100th episode of the podcast. Instead, three days before my son Jacob’s scheduled knee surgery on July 11th, I got diagnosed with shingles. I’m recovering well and so is Jacob thankfully. But it really caused me to revisit my relationship with my body. There was a need for forgiveness all the way around, a rebuilding of trust and a recommitment to myself.

    In case you’re not familiar, shingles is the re-emergence of the chicken pox virus, which if you’ve ever had chicken pox lives dormant in your nerves and tends to come out later in life during a period of high stress or when your immune system is low. I should have gotten the shingles vaccine when I turned 50, around the time that I originally recorded this Dear Body episode I’m resharing with you today. Unfortunately, I had getting the vaccine in the back of my mind and never took care of it, leaving myself susceptible. 

    So, if you had chickenpox as a child, are over 50 or have issues with your immune system, this is your friendly reminder and PSA to go get your shingles vaccine.

    For me to get shingles when I was worried about my son’s surgery felt like a betrayal from my own body and the last thing I needed. But, a few things happened that are helping me to see this as an opportunity to make meaning and change.

    1) The first person I called for guidance when I got the diagnosis was Dr. Samantha Brody, a podcast guest from 2019, when she released her book Overcoming Overwhelm, who has since become a friend and advisor. When I called her, Samantha reminded me that she had had shingles and shared some about her experience. I was surprised however, when a few days after my diagnosis I put shingles in my FB search to see if there was any wisdom I might find and came upon a post from Samantha from 2018, letting people know she had shingles because she was stressed out about her book launch and needed to ask for help. Did anyone know of any podcasts where she could share about her book she wrote? In the comments, I found the tag to me and Mother’s Quest that must have brought me and Samantha together in the first place. This was a reminder to relisten to my episode with Samantha, so relevant, and trust again that sometimes the universe connects you to what you will need in the future.

    2) I had several helpful therapy sessions during these weeks of recovery where I uncovered a few things. One, the incredible parallel between my own open heart surgery at the age of 10, to repair a hole in my heart, and Jacob’s knee surgery at the age of 10 to repair a hole in his knee, from a condition called osteochondritis dissecans. We realized there may be some leftover trauma from my own experience that was adding some additional stress, even if only in my subconscious. I’m now giving myself some space and grace to look back on that experience and see if there is anything that needs some extra care and healing. 

    3) Finally, this whole experience has helped me acknowledge that I’m often more stressed out than I realize. Most often, I mask my stress with a smile. And I allow my nervous system to be in a perpetual state of go go go. My therapist suggested that I should take my foot off the gas more when I’m in park. I love a good metaphor. There is a lot going on in my life and sometimes I can’t relax, but I can make an effort to be in park more often and when I’m in park, really allow myself to shut down and restore. I’m clearly on a quest for this, so may work to find some special podcast guests who are experts on this topic. Stay tuned.

    I thought I’d invite all of us to listen to the Dear Body episode again and then also my conversation with Samantha Brody, linked in the show notes, with a fresh perspective. Is there something your body is trying to communicate to you? A “tell” as Samantha would say. What values are most important to you right now? And then how might that impact the commitment letter you write to your body? I’ll report back in the Mother’s Quest Facebook Group and would love to hear from you too! 

    Wishing us all many moments of taking our foot off the gas while safely in park, good health and a restoration of trust between our body and ourselves as we close out the summer.


    Announcement for my fellow Neurodivergent Listeners:

    Sign Up for “Creating Your Personal 504 Plan” Summer Workshop with Briar Harvey

    Heard of a 504 plan? A blueprint for how a child with a disability will have access to the accomodations and supports that will help them access their education? The truth is, a blueprint for support shouldn’t just be relegated to education and can be a model for adults as well!
    Friday, August 4th @ 11 am PST 2pm ET join Mother’s Quest Member, and someone who has been an amazing coach for my family, Briar Harvey, for a Summer Workshop where you’ll discover the power of creating a Personal 504 Plan that truly caters to your unique needs.

    Briar will walk us through the process of constructing a plan that goes beyond standard frameworks, accounting for your individual experiences and circumstances. By the end of this session, you'll have a dynamic, personalized 504 plan that empowers you to navigate life's challenges more effectively. I’m a proud affiliate and have signed me and my college son up too. Learn more about this workshop and others in her summer series here


    More about Briar: Briar Harvey is a storyteller and systems witch. She believes that everything has a story and exists within a system. The trick then, is figuring out how to change the rules and tell a better story. She works with companies that are led by neurospicy minds (ADHD, autism, chronic depression, anxiety, all the fun stuff) or those that employ them, in order to create the systems and processes that work for them.

    In her free time, she writes stuff and records podcasts. She’s the founder of The Neurodiversity Media Network, a collaborative and accessible media company that is hosting and curating all the news that is relevant to neurospicy folx.


    Full Episode Show Notes

    Check out the full show notes from the original episode here: https://mothersquest.com/ep-94-dear-body-reflections-on-embracing-and-embodying-50/


    You can also listen to this episode:

    Mother’s Quest is a podcast for moms who are ready to live a truly E.P.I.C. life.

    Join in for intimate conversations with a diverse group of inspiring mothers as they share how they are living an E.P.I.C. life, Engaging mindfully with their children (E), Passionately and Purposefully making a difference beyond their family (P), Investing in themselves (I), and Connecting to a strong support network (C).

    As Mother’s Quest approaches 100 episodes, we invite you to help us spread the word by leaving a review on Apple Podcasts. Help us reach 100 reviews to honor 100 episodes this Season Eight of the Mother’s Quest Podcast!

    You can also support the podcast by making a contribution or joining one of our memberships at our Patron Page on Ko-Fi.com. 

    Join our community of mothers to light the way and sustain you on your quest at www.facebook.com/groups/mothersquest

    Mother's Quest Podcast
    enJuly 31, 2023

    Ep 99: Building and Thinking Outside the Box with David Neale

    Ep 99: Building and Thinking Outside the Box with David Neale

    I’m honored to share this special Father’s Day Episode featuring my very own father-in-law, David Neale. I started dating my husband Chris when I was only 19, so I realize David has been a source of inspiration and guidance in my life for over 30 years. How lucky I am to have had his example of leadership, impact, and joy for life to light my way for my entire adulthood! 

    The inspiration for this episode was sparked several months ago at a big milestone birthday celebration David organized to honor his 80th year. That celebration was also the launch of a new fund he initiated through the San Jose Rotary, inspired by his experience as a grandparent to my two boys, Ryan who is autistic, and Jacob who navigates dyslexia, ADHD and dysgraphia. 

    In this episode, we explore the stories and wisdom of David’s life, including his childhood in England, his move to Montreal and then San Jose, CA, his impactful work as the founder and CEO of The Core Companies, and all the thoughtful ways he shows up as a grandfather. We also talk about the Youth Empowerment Neurodiversity Fund, which Ryan and I have had the honor of helping to shape, alongside David and other Rotary committee members. 

    One of David’s most significant contributions in leadership has come through his innovative thinking and outside-the-box solutions for redevelopment housing, including the creation of Art Ark, an innovative housing community for artists in San Jose, Willow Housing, a Veteran’s housing project in Menlo Park, CA that includes access to critical support services, and most recently the Agrihood in Santa Clara, CA, a unique affordable housing project that includes retail and has an Urban Farm at its center.  

    His achievements are many, but as David says, his success did not happen in a straight line. His life journey was filled with plot twists, pivots, and even a few failures. Through it all, with my mother-in-law Anne by his side, he continued to believe in himself and his dreams.

    I hope you enjoy this conversation as much as I did and leave inspired as I am to keep persevering through challenges, opening ourselves to new perspectives and out-of-the-box thinking, and knowing that each setback may bring us closer to all we’ve ever wanted.  

    About David Neale:

    David Neale is a leader and visionary in real estate development, known for his commitment to community building and for his innovative approaches to affordable housing and redevelopment. A career that began in 1978 in Montreal brought David to San Jose, CA in the 1980s and led him to found The Core Companies in 1989. As CEO of The Core Companies, David has built a vibrant company and spearheaded transformative projects that have left a lasting imprint on the communities they serve.

    Notable projects Core has completed with David at the helm include Art Ark, an innovative housing community for artists in San Jose, Willow Housing, a Veteran’s housing project in Menlo Park, CA that includes access to critical support services, and most recently the Agrihood in Santa Clara, CA, a unique affordable housing project that includes retail and has an Urban Farm at its center.  

    His leadership also extends into community engagement and education. David spent 16 years on the board of directors for the Silicon Valley Community Foundation and served as a founding member of the non-profit First Community Housing. His almost two decades of service on the San Jose Rotary recently led David to initiate a new Youth Empowerment Neurodiversity Fund, inspired by David’s experience with two of his grandchildren who are neurodivergent.

    Throughout his career, David exemplified a commitment to building projects that not only enhance the physical landscape but also uplift the lives of individuals and communities. His greatest accomplishment however is the family he has built with his wife of over 60 years, including his two children, and his four grandchildren. 

    Connect with David:

    Topics Discussed in this Episode:

    • David's childhood experiences in England and his mother's transition from a stay-at-home mom to small retail store business partner.
    • The influence of David's father's ambition on his pursuit of independence and his adventures around the world.
    • The political upheaval in Montreal during the 1970s that led David to pursue his fate and a life and career near San Jose, CA. 
    • David's reflections on spending time with his grandchildren and mentoring them on life skills and overcoming challenges
    • David’s individual toasts at a recent family dinner, celebrating each grandchild’s unique qualities and stages in life, one example of how he mindfully engages with them.
    • David's efforts to understand and champion his neurodivergent grandsons, Ryan and Jacob, and his leadership in starting the Youth Neurodiversity Empowerment Fund through the San Jose Rotary.
    • David's impactful career in building communities, particularly in affordable housing, including the creation of the artist housing project, Art Ark. Also why building housing communities requires more than just the physical structures. 
    • Reflections on personal lessons learned, through many pivots and failures, and his advice for us about how to more fully live our E.P.I.C. lives. 

    This Episode’s Challenge: 

    David invites us to embrace the understanding that life is not a straight line. He encourages us to adapt and pivot to new circumstances, recognizing that daily adjustments may be necessary. Despite the obstacles that may arise, David urges us to never give up on pursuing our goals and to engage in activities that we truly love. By cultivating a passion for what you do, he believes that success will naturally follow. David also emphasizes the importance of asking questions and maintaining an inquisitive mindset, as continuous learning is a fundamental aspect of personal growth. As we move through our own epic life journey, David's invitation is to embrace failures as valuable lessons and to persevere with unwavering determination, knowing that each setback brings you closer to your ultimate destination.

    This Episode is dedicated by: 

    Jacob Neale, David’s youngest grandchild.

    Jacob can also be heard in the recording for last year’s Father’s Day episode with Normal Sucks author and fellow dyslexic ADHDer Jonathan Mooney.

    Listen to the episode here: https://mothersquest.com/different-is-not-deficient-with-normal-sucks-author-jonathan-mooney/

    You Might Also Be Interested In These Father’s Day Special Episodes

    Here Comes the Sun: A Solocast on Death, Grief, and Love

    Ep 75: A Call for Kinetic Partnership with While Black’s Darius Hicks

    Ep 44: A Family Legacy of Service and Leadership with California Assemblymember Rob Bonta

    Mother’s Quest is a podcast for moms who are ready to live a truly E.P.I.C. life.

    Join in for intimate conversations with a diverse group of inspiring mothers as they share how they are living an E.P.I.C. life, Engaging mindfully with their children (E), Passionately and Purposefully making a difference beyond their family (P), Investing in themselves (I), and Connecting to a strong support network (C).

    As Mother’s Quest approaches 100 episodes, we invite you to help us spread the word by leaving a review on Apple Podcasts. Help us reach 100 reviews to honor 100 episodes this Season Eight of the Mother’s Quest Podcast!

    You can also support the podcast by making a contribution or joining one of our memberships at our Patron Page on Ko-Fi.com. 

    Join our community of mothers to light the way and sustain you on your quest at www.facebook.com/groups/mothersquest


    Mother's Quest Podcast
    enJune 19, 2023

    Ep 98: Sometimes Change Sucks "Reflections at the 5 year Anniversary of the Manifesto Challenge” With Graeme Seabrook

    Ep 98: Sometimes Change Sucks  "Reflections at the 5 year Anniversary of the Manifesto Challenge” With Graeme Seabrook

    In 2018, I sat down for a special Mother's Day episode with Graeme Seabrook, a life coach and maternal health advocate, affectionately known by the thousands of mothers she supported as the "Mom for Moms." We hit it off immediately, delving deep into her Motherhood Bill of Rights and my E.P.I.C. life framework, and noticing that both had become manifestos for how we wanted to live our lives while raising our children. 

    During that episode, we co-created what we called a Manifesto Challenge, inviting other mothers to create their own. And afterward, we would reconnect in some way each May, grateful to know that the episode and the challenge could spark an opportunity for others to reclaim themselves in motherhood.

    In 2021, Graeme became ill and spent the next several years in bed, visiting doctors, and coming to terms with the fact that she had somehow suffered brain damage. Along the way, she realized she would need to burn her manifesto down to the ground before creating it anew. Living and mothering through hard and sometimes life-threatening times, and now feeling a little better, she has reemerged, reframing her work in the world as a front-porch philosopher who writes about the intersection between modern motherhood and humanity.

    When I read a recent blog post from Graeme and realized this would be the five-year anniversary of the Manifesto Challenge, I reached out. I asked if she felt up to recording a special episode with me, where we could interview one another, reflect on the changes and challenges in our lives, and reconnect about the power of manifestos. 

    I'm so glad that Graeme said yes to my invitation and I'm honored to share this episode with you. Our hour together was more unstructured than my typical interviews, real and unfiltered, and filled with Graeme's signature blend of laughter, tears and powerful insights. I hope you'll leave this conversation, as Graeme and I both did, open to the truth that change sometimes sucks, but that there can be unexpected joys discovered along the way, and that there is always power in owning and sharing our stories.

    About Graeme Seabrook :

    Graeme Seabrook was once a life coach and maternal mental health advocate who supported thousands of mothers. Since becoming disabled in 2021, she has reframed her work in the world and is now a front-porch philosopher who writes about the intersection between modern motherhood and humanity. When she’s not tending her garden, knitting on her porch, or playing video games with her kids, you can find her on Instagram or on her website - graemeseabrook.com.

    Connect with Graeme Seabrook:

    Learn more about one of Graeme's unexpected joys, gardening, and how you can support her with her gardening dream here.

    Topics Discussed in this Episode:

    • Graeme’s experience navigating illness and disability, core experiences that have shaped her life over the last two years
    • The old and negative narratives about herself that Graeme has finally learned, in her bones, are untrue 
    • Author Octavia Butler’s words that have resonated for Graeme about change, and Graeme’s honest reflection that “sometimes change sucks” 
    • My wishes for Mother’s Day, everything from a sauna to a million Mom manifestos 
    • The recommendation from Graeme’s neurologist that resulted in a new passion, knitting, that she can do from her bed 
    • My son’s knee condition, osteochondritis dissecans, a “change that sucks” and some of the unexpected joys we have discovered even in the midst of it 
    • The words of wisdom Graeme has for me, a parent trying to support a child with a physical disability 
    • What I’m embracing at this stage of my life 
    • How Graeme’s husband and friends have shown up for her in amazing ways and what it has taught her about her own worthiness
    • Graeme’s commitment to write a mini-manifesto and why it’s more than ok to make it small 
    • An invitation to participate in this year’s 7 day Manifesto Challenge, a self-guided course  

    Other Episodes Mentioned in this Conversation: 

    This Episode’s Challenge:

    Are you feeling lost or trapped in motherhood? Would you like to connect with your purpose and reclaim yourself? Join us in the Mother’s Quest 7-day Manifesto Challenge and explore important questions, through a self-guided course,  that will help you create a manifesto as a guiding light. Let’s open doors together and choose ourselves in honor of Mother’s Day.. Sign up here

    Mother's Quest May - Join Us! 

    Happy Mother's Quest May! This month, we're celebrating all the incredible mothers (and those who mother!) on a quest to live an E.P.I.C. life - one that's Engaged, Purposeful, Intentional, and Connected. Mother's Day is approaching, and we want you to invest in yourself by following along as we share resources, opportunities, and inspiration.

    One invitation we hope you say “yes” to is our fifth annual Mother's Quest Manifesto Challenge! Create a powerful manifesto to guide your life with our 7-day course for just $7, culminating in a live celebration on Sunday May 21st 11 am PST on Zoom.

    Season Eight of the Mother's Quest podcast is also starting this month, featuring a special 5-year anniversary conversation with the manifesto challenge co-creator, Graeme Seabrook.

    Join us this Mother's Quest May as we come together to support, inspire, and uplift each other on our journeys as mothers and “whole human beings” as Graeme always says. Sign up for the Mother's Quest Manifesto Challenge, join the Mother’s Quest email list and become a member of the MQ Facebook group. Invest in yourself this Mother's Day!

    Mother's Quest May Gift Guide 

    Find a gift for yourself or a Mom you love! One day, Mother's Day, isn't enough, so this Gift Guide should be a source for inspiration all month long. See the specially curated items here


    Mother’s Quest is a podcast for moms who are ready to live a truly E.P.I.C. life.

    Join in for intimate conversations with a diverse group of inspiring mothers as they share how they are living an E.P.I.C. life, Engaging mindfully with their children (E), Passionately and Purposefully making a difference beyond their family (P), Investing in themselves (I), and Connecting to a strong support network (C).

    Join our community of mothers to light the way and sustain you on your quest at www.facebook.com/groups/mothersquest

    Ep 97: Reclaiming Our Time and Creativity through Fair Play in the Household with Eve Rodsky and special guest Co-host Caren Lettiere

    Ep 97: Reclaiming Our Time and Creativity through Fair Play in the Household  with Eve Rodsky  and special guest Co-host Caren Lettiere

    Welcome to this special Season Seven finale episode of the Mother’s Quest Podcast, released on International Women’s Day 2023. It feels like just right timing to bring this conversation to you, but the seeds for this episode have been germinating since last spring, when Jill Daniel of Happy Women Dinners came to me with an invitation. She asked whether my sister Caren, founder of Democracy Clothing, might be interested in hosting a brunch at her house in Los Angeles with best-selling author Eve Rodsky.

    I had recently learned about Eve’s groundbreaking work, where she transformed her own “blueberries breakdown” into a catalyst for social change, applying her Harvard-trained background in organizational management to ask the simple yet profound question: What would happen if we treated our homes as our most important organizations?

    Her New York Times bestselling book and Reese’s Book Club Pick, Fair Play, a gamified life-management system that helps partners rebalance their domestic workload and reimagine their relationship, has elevated the cultural conversation about the value of unpaid labor and care. In her highly anticipated follow-up, Find Your Unicorn Space: Reclaim Your Creative Life in a Too-Busy World, Eve explores the cross-section between the science of creativity, productivity, and resilience. Her journey and the tenets of both books came together in the Fair Play Documentary, a film by Jennifer Siebel Newsom in partnership with Hello Sunshine.

    Needless to say, I encouraged Caren to say “yes” to this opportunity. I knew there would be synergy between Caren’s journey creating her hugely successful Unicorn brand Democracy Clothing, while raising two children and running a household, and Eve’s message. Jill gathered an incredible community of women for brunch that day where we gifted all of them with size inclusive Democracy jeans through a try-on experience that was empowering and a conversation between Jill, Caren and Eve that was profound.

    When Eve said yes to being a guest on my podcast and it came time to interview her, I knew I wanted to include Caren in this conversation. What follows is an intimate look at the values and insights Eve has woven into her two books and an exploration of what Eve has learned about living an E.P.I.C. life.

    As Eve shares at the end of this episode, the Mother’s Quest Podcast and this conversation between the three of us is also “unicorn space.” We’re so grateful to share it with you. We hope that what you hear sparks conversations with your own partner and children that bring to light and make more fair the division of labor in your household and that you use this as a permission slip to reclaim your own time and creativity in your E.P.I.C. life.

    Content Note: Eve speaks in powerful ways and sometimes that includes a few carefully chosen bad words.  I encourage you to listen to this episode in privacy or to pop in some ear buds if you are with your children.

    About Eve Rodsky:

    Eve Rodsky transformed a “blueberries breakdown” into a catalyst for social change when she applied her Harvard-trained background in organizational management to ask the simple yet profound question: What would happen if we treated our homes as our most important organizations? Her New York Times bestselling book and Reese’s Book Club Pick, Fair Play, a gamified life-management system that helps partners rebalance their domestic workload and reimagine their relationship, has elevated the cultural conversation about the value of unpaid labor and care. In her highly anticipated follow-up, Find Your Unicorn Space: Reclaim Your Creative Life in a Too-Busy World, Rodsky explores the cross-section between the science of creativity, productivity, and resilience. Described as the ‘antidote to physical, mental, and emotional burnout,’ Rodsky aims to inspire a new narrative around the equality of time and the individual right to personal time choice that influences sustainable and lasting change on a policy level. Rodsky’s work is backed by Hello Sunshine—Reese Witherspoon’s media company whose mission is to change the narrative for women through storytelling. Rodsky was born and raised by a single mom in New York City and now lives in Los Angeles with her husband Seth and their three children.

    Connect with Eve:

    Eve’s Books and Documentary Mentioned in this Episode:

    About this Episode’s Co-Host Caren Lattiere:

    Caren Lettiere is the Founder and President of Democracy Clothing, the casual lifestyle brand designed for the modern, multitasking woman who grew up with fashion, then got busy with life. Caren is fueled by a passion for making fashion accessible, affordable and ageless.

    Best known for its “Ab”solution jeans with fit technology, Democracy Clothing embraces women of all shapes and sizes, providing them with confidence-building clothing that helps them look good and feel good, while doing good.

    Since launching the Democracy brand, Caren has successfully led her dynamic dream team through a period of unprecedented growth. In November 2019, Democracy launched their e-commerce site, www.democracyclothing.com, to facilitate an even closer connection to the brand’s loyal customers. Following the expansion into e-commerce, Caren helped secure a partnership with HSN and has become Democracy’s spokesperson to a live nationwide audience.

    With her knack for storytelling and her authentic enthusiasm in front of the camera, Democracy has risen through the ranks at HSN establishing a following for it’s multigenerational appeal.

    Alongside Democracy, Caren’s proudest accomplishment is the fulfilling family life she’s built with her husband of over 30 years, David, and their amazing kids Nicole and Josh.

    Connect with Caren:

    Topics Discussed in this Episode:

    • Eve’s experience as a “parental child” supporting her disabled brother and caring for her single mother
    • The influences that led Eve to believe she could do it all 
    • How Eve’s big dreams of smashing glass ceilings turned into smashing peas after she became a mother
    • The erasure of identity that happens for mothers and why we have to fight for an E.P.I.C. life 
    • We deserve permission to be unavailable from our roles and to do so takes power and unlearning 
    • Fair Play as a movement to reclaim our time and the toxic time messages that get in the way of our reclamation 
    • The importance of making our invisible labor visible with our children 
    • Why women feel ashamed to admit that the division of labor in their home is not fair
    • The number one issue Eve heard from men about why they hated home life and how the boundaries, systems, and communication formula can shift that
    • Using Fair Play’s Card Deck to engage in mindful conversation about domestic life with our families  
    • Eve’s description of Unicorn Space as an outlet for our passion and purpose
    • Eve’s 3 C’s: Curiosity, Connection, & Completion 
    • The biggest key to mother’s granting permission to invest in themselves 

    This Episode’s Challenge: 

    Eve challenges us to discover once again, our individual identity separate from our roles. She wants us to look for a trusted accountability partner, and report to that person one day next week, that you prioritized doing something outside of your roles as a parent, partner or professional. Take one day off and do something completely for yourself. 

    We welcome you to share your report in the Mother’s Quest Facebook Group so we can inspire one another!

    This Episode is dedicated by Bridgid Coulter Cheadle

    Bridgid Coulter Cheadle is an award winning, serial entrepreneur and philanthropist with a decades long history of advocating for access to education and protection of the environment. Bridgid is celebrated for her family’s philanthropic work with a focus on climate change, social justice, political decency, women’s equity and education for the historically marginalized.

    Principal of her eponymous design studio, a boutique interior and design-build firm with offices in Santa Monica and Hawaii, her focus is on residential, hospitality, creative office space and furniture design. Established over fifteen years ago, Bridgid approaches each project whether for an individual client, a brand or design-build development; as an artistic venture whilst providing exceptional development from concept to administration. Her well recognized signature textile collections incorporate her own personal painting and design work that have been inspired by her avid travel and perception of nature.

    In 2018 Bridgid founded Blackbird Collective, a for-profit public benefit corporation and the preeminent private membership collective for women of color and allies to create positive social and economic change for each other and the world. In its exquisitely designed Culver City Flagship location, Blackbird is a curated network of work, wellbeing and creative programming studios offering inspired space for entrepreneurs, makers, storytellers, executives, practitioners, trailblazers, content creators and changemakers to gather and work both individually and together, both in person and virtually — grounded by a love of storytelling.

    With professional resources shared with aligned peers, experts and practitioners to support productivity, wellbeing, creativity and advocacy; Blackbird is a joy-filled place in aligned community where you don’t have to go it alone — where wellbeing includes the full spectrum of wellness to include nourishment of the physical, mental self with societal belonging. In 2020, Bridgid founded Blackbird Alliance, the non-profit sister organization to the collective, to further support advancement through sponsorship, mentorship and technical training.

    She is a graduate of UCLA and serves on several company boards. In her free time, Bridgid enjoys fine art, playing board games, and solving the ongoing puzzle of juggling family life with her acting, entrepreneurial, and interior design careers.

    She is the proud mother of two with the most supportive hubby; and she enjoys board games—and the puzzle of juggling family life with acting and interior design.

    Connect with Bridgid Coulter Cheadle


    You Might Like to Tune Into These Other Related Episodes:

    Special Thanks To Jill Daniel of Happy Women Dinners

    Happy Women Dinners is the brainchild of food writer, gourmet cook, and publicist Jill Daniel.  As a food writer, Jill wrote about food from one coast of the country to the other. She is the owner of Dinner-Licious, she serves up delicious organic dinners to families around the San Francisco Bay Area.
    With Happy Women Dinners, Jill has brought together fantastic food and speakers with a focus on women.  Happy Women Dinners events are held in intimate settings and limited to small groups of women.


    The Mother’s Quest Podcast will take a break between seasons until May. Make sure to sign up for email updates at mothersquest.com and join the free Facebook Group at www.mothersquest.com/community to stay connected and  informed about all the good things coming.

    Mother's Quest Podcast
    enMarch 08, 2023

    Ep 96: Coming Home To Ourselves with Self-Care Coach Jamie Greenwood

    Ep 96: Coming Home To Ourselves with Self-Care Coach Jamie Greenwood

    In 2016, on a leap of faith, I signed up for something called a Power Circle and was guided through a six month process by this amazing facilitator Jamie Greenwood. In the space that Jamie held for a small group of us, I said out loud my dreams for Mother’s Quest for the first time, and at Jamie’s urging, started a Facebook Group for the community I hoped to grow in my journey.

    Six plus years, almost a 100 podcast episodes, and over a thousand FB Group members later in my journey, Jamie has become a mother herself, and has evolved her coaching practice into one that teaches big-dreaming, high-achieving women, many of them mothers, how to set boundaries and find home within ourselves, without an ounce of guilt.

    Jamie is also the host of The Path Home, a podcast that explores the many facets of home, how we find home in ourselves and how we create a sense of home in our work, our relationships, our communities and in the future we want to see.

    When we arrived to this interview as 2022 was coming to a close, Jamie and I were both in the midst of juggling health and wellness challenges with our children. The conversation that unfolded was the reminder we both needed of the power of self-care, of how grateful we are for the flexibility to reorganize things to care for our children when needed, and of finding and communicating our boundaries. Jamie has found a definition she loves…”boundaries are the safe distance at which I can love you and I can love myself.”  

    I loved this intimate conversation with the coach that helped me find my way at the start of Mother’s Quest. In listening, I hope you are reminded, as I was, to slow down, to pay attention to what our bodies are telling us, to trust ourselves to set boundaries, to connect to what we’re hungry for and to be brave enough to say it out loud. I hope this episode helps you come home to yourself.


    This Episode’s Challenge: 

    Part of coming home to ourselves is about bravery. Reach out to people for connection, and you might be surprised that you can build an instant community. Know that If you have a hunger for something, others likely have that hunger too. Ask yourself, “what kind of connection am I hungry for in my relationships and in my own community?” Then reach out.  

    About Jamie Greenwood:

    Jamie Greenwood is a self care and leadership coach and the founder of Homecoming, a 6 month group coaching program that teaches big-dreaming, high-achieving women how to set boundaries and find home in themselves, without an ounce of guilt. With over 15 years experience, Jamie specializes in helping women get really clear on who they are, how they want to live and then actually doing it on their own terms. 

    Jamie is also the host of The Path Home, a podcast that explores the many facets of home, how we find home in ourselves and how we create a sense of home in our work, our relationships, our communities and in the future we want to see.

    When Jamie's not coaching, speaking, or podcasting, you can find her running after her 14 year old, 6 year old and 4 year old daughters and wondering what's for dinner.

    Connect with Jamie:

    Topics Discussed in this Episode:

    • Navigating disappointment and that feeling of taking one step forward two steps back when challenges come up with our children
    • How Jamie takes care of her children’s needs without compromising her own
    • What Jamie says to her children at breakfast that demonstrates to them that she matters too
    • Jamie’s favorite definition of “boundaries”…it’s so beautiful!
    • The importance of speaking our truth and why we should not use a “gratitude bypass” to obscure it. 
    • Jamie’s experience on Instagram and why she stopped using it  
    • Making space to be quiet and to connect with our own wisdom
    • Being brave and reaching out others

    Resources Mentioned:

    This Episode is Dedicated by Maria Ross

    Maria Ross is a speaker, facilitator, author, and empathy advocate who believes cash flow, creativity, and compassion are not mutually exclusive. She’s spent decades helping forward-thinking leaders and teams connect and engage through empathy to accelerate growth and impact. Maria has authored multiple books, including her most recent title, The Empathy Edge: Harnessing the Value of Compassion as an Engine for Success and also hosts The Empathy Edge podcast

    Maria has appeared in many prominent media outlets, including MSNBC, NPR, Wisdom from the Top with Guy Raz (NPR), Forbes.com, Entrepreneur, and Thrive Global. She has spoken to audiences ranging from TEDx audiences to Salesforce to The 3% Conference and has conducted empathy workshops for leading organizations such as TBWA, CHRISTUS Health and New York Life. Her thought leadership writing has appeared in multiple publications including Entrepreneur.com, Newsweek, and Huffington Post. Maria lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with her husband and young son and serves clients worldwide.

    Maria’s Links

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mariajross/

    Instagram: @redslicemaria //  https://www.instagram.com/redslicemaria/

    Twitter: @redslice // https://www.twitter.com/redslice

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/redslice

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/mariajross

    The Spark Your E.P.I.C. Year Workshop: A Virtual Milestone Hike Is Coming February 11th! 

    I want to invite you to one of my favorite new year traditions. It’s a Spark Your E.P.I.C. Year Workshop, in the form of a reflective Virtual Milestone Hike that will help us pack up the learning from the year that has ended and set intentions for the one ahead.  No sweating required since we’ll be in the comfort of our own home. To learn more and sign up, visit www.tinyurl.com/sparkyourepicyear23. Spaces are limited and I hope you will claim one.

    Mother’s Quest is a podcast and community for moms who are ready to live a truly E.P.I.C. life.

    Join in for intimate conversations with a diverse group of inspiring mothers as they share how they are living an E.P.I.C. life, Engaging mindfully with their children (E), Passionately and Purposefully making a difference beyond their family (P), Investing in themselves (I), and Connecting to a strong support network (C).

    Join our community of mothers to light the way and sustain you on your quest at www.facebook.com/groups/mothersquest

    Mother's Quest Podcast
    enJanuary 19, 2023

    Throwback Thursday: Smashing the Kyriarchy with Books for Littles Ashia Ray

    Throwback Thursday: Smashing the Kyriarchy with Books for Littles Ashia Ray

    I am honored to bring you back to a powerful and important conversation with a woman who deeply impacted my life and my children’s life, Ashia Ray of Raising Luminaries and Books for Littles.

    Thousands of parents like me seek Ashia's help in finding the best books to foster age-appropriate conversations with our children about white supremacy, cissexism, ableism, and other issues. Her thoughtfully researched and child-tested book lists, at BooksForLittles.com and in her private group is a big help for parents like me. 

    Grab this opportunity to widen and deepen your awareness, understanding and advocacy for neurodiversity, and how we can fight all the isms, smashing the kyriarchy (the intersection of them all) through the power of books. 

    Additionally, delve deeply into how Ashia experiences the world as an autistic adult and mother. I hope this episode will make you want to be a kinder, and more inclusive human being. 


    Much appreciation,

    Full Episode Show Notes

    Check out the full show notes from the original episode here: http://mothersquest.com/ep67-ashiaray/


    Mother’s Quest is a podcast for moms who are ready to live a truly E.P.I.C. life.

    Join in for intimate conversations with a diverse group of inspiring mothers as they share how they are living an E.P.I.C. life, Engaging mindfully with their children (E), Passionately and Purposefully making a difference beyond their family (P), Investing in themselves (I), and Connecting to a strong support network (C).

    Join our community of mothers to light the way and sustain you on your quest at https://www.facebook.com/groups/mothersquest/

    Mother's Quest Podcast
    enJanuary 05, 2023

    Throwback Thursday: “Flawed” with Truth Bomb Mom Kristina Kuzmic

    Throwback Thursday: “Flawed” with Truth Bomb Mom Kristina Kuzmic

    2022 is almost over; it’s time to reflect and set intentions for the upcoming new year! 

    As I thought about what episode I wanted to bring back to you, I kept coming to this conversation with the Truth Bomb Mom Kristina Kuzmic. One of the most powerful takeaways of this episode is how owning her flaws and sharing them vulnerably with her children has become a key to living her epic life. 

    If your 2022 has been anything like my year, there have been a lot of things that didn't go exactly as planned. But I hope this conversation gives us all permission to look at the things that didn't go right, and possibly to see how there might be some powerful lessons, special gifts, or even as Kristina says "one good thing" we can identify in them. 

    I also wanted to let you know that the Mother's Quest Live Your EPIC Year Planner has arrived! It comes in so many different formats, and it's filled with all the signature reflection practices that I've been building over the last six years. And I hope if you're looking for a planner you might find what's just right for you.

    I'm currently doing a giveaway on Instagram www.instagram.com/mothersquestpod. It's so easy to enter. And it would really help me to spread the word about these incredible planners. So I hope you'll hop over to
    @mothersquestpod, sign up for the giveaway, take a look at the planners and see if there's one that's calling to you. The planners and this conversation will not only give us the opportunity to identify some things that we're taking away from the flaws in our life, but also set some powerful intentions for 2023. 

    I hope you love this conversation. Have a meaningful close to your year and a beautiful start to your new year.

    Get your Live Your EPIC Life Planner today – now is always a good time to say “yes” to your EPIC Life. Pick Your Planner Now

    Much appreciation,


    Full Episode Show Notes

    Check out the full show notes from the original episode here: http://mothersquest.com/encore-kristinakuzmic/


    Mother’s Quest is a podcast for moms who are ready to live a truly E.P.I.C. life.

    Join in for intimate conversations with a diverse group of inspiring mothers as they share how they are living an E.P.I.C. life, Engaging mindfully with their children (E), Passionately and Purposefully making a difference beyond their family (P), Investing in themselves (I), and Connecting to a strong support network (C).

    Join our community of mothers to light the way and sustain you on your quest at https://www.facebook.com/groups/mothersquest/

    Mother's Quest Podcast
    enDecember 29, 2022

    Throwback Thursday: Here Comes the Sun: A Solocast on Death, Grief, and Love

    Throwback Thursday:  Here Comes the Sun: A Solocast on Death, Grief, and Love

    This Throwback Thursday episode releases just one day after winter solstice in the northern hemisphere, the darkest day of the year which also marks the moment when we begin to usher in more light. It’s also just days after the anniversary of my father’s death. 

    What I’ve learned again and again with the waves of grief that come and go, is that life is the other side of death, love the other side of grief, and light is always on the other side of darkness. 

    I hope this solocast episode, about the lessons I learned during my Dad’s death and afterward, might provide some guidance to you or someone you know going through a similar experience with a loved one. Wishing you more life, love and light this holiday season.

    Much appreciation,

    Full Episode Show Notes

    Check out the full show notes from the original episode here: http://mothersquest.com/here-comes-the-sun-a-solocast-on-death-grief-and-love/ 

    Mother’s Quest is a podcast for moms who are ready to live a truly E.P.I.C. life.

    Join in for intimate conversations with a diverse group of inspiring mothers as they share how they are living an E.P.I.C. life, Engaging mindfully with their children (E), Passionately and Purposefully making a difference beyond their family (P), Investing in themselves (I), and Connecting to a strong support network (C).

    Join our community of mothers to light the way and sustain you on your quest at https://www.facebook.com/groups/mothersquest/

    Mother's Quest Podcast
    enDecember 22, 2022

    Throwback Thursday: Being Seen and The Power of Reflection with Leslie Medine In Honor of our Great Coach Edd Conboy

    Throwback Thursday: Being Seen and The Power of Reflection with Leslie Medine In Honor of our Great Coach Edd Conboy

    I'm honored to share this throwback episode with a mentor and coach who has had a tremendous impact on the person and parent I am today, Leslie Medine.

    I released this episode on December 21st, 2020, on the winter solstice, the darkest day of the year in the northern hemisphere, in honor of a great coach Leslie and I had in common, Edd Conboy, who passed away in March of the same year.

    You’ll notice it’s longer than my usual ones and I also hope you’ll find tremendous value in listening. Find a cozy spot and a cup of tea and settle in. Or if you are more limited in your time, listen for some while, and then press pause and come back when you’re ready. Make sure not to listen with your little ones present as there is some colorful language. Seize the time and space for yourself. And let the light in.

    Much appreciation,

    Full Episode Show Notes

    Check out the full show notes from the original episode here: www.mothersquest.com/80 


    Mother’s Quest is a podcast for moms who are ready to live a truly E.P.I.C. life.

    Join in for intimate conversations with a diverse group of inspiring mothers as they share how they are living an E.P.I.C. life, Engaging mindfully with their children (E), Passionately and Purposefully making a difference beyond their family (P), Investing in themselves (I), and Connecting to a strong support network (C).

    Join our community of mothers to light the wAay and sustain you on your quest at https://www.facebook.com/groups/mothersquest/

    Mother's Quest Podcast
    enDecember 15, 2022

    Throwback Thursday: Making Space and Finding Rhythm with “Kindie Rock” Star Laurie Berkner

    Throwback Thursday: Making Space and Finding Rhythm with “Kindie Rock” Star Laurie Berkner

    I'm honored to share this throwback episode with best-selling, award-winning, children’s recording artist Laurie Berkner.

    Laurie’s music bridges a divide between parents and their children and invites connection, joy and meaning. In our conversation, I was compelled by the stories Laurie shared about families whose children have cancer and listen to her music for comfort in the hospital or whose children have autism and their first words were the names of Laurie’s songs.

    I hope that through this episode, you also experience renewed faith in ripple effects beyond what we first imagine and a reverence for following the rhythm in our lives, if we make the space to listen.


    Much appreciation,

    Full Episode Show Notes

    Check out the full show notes from the original episode here: http://mothersquest.com/ep38-laurieberkner/


    Mother’s Quest is a podcast for moms who are ready to live a truly E.P.I.C. life.

    Join in for intimate conversations with a diverse group of inspiring mothers as they share how they are living an E.P.I.C. life, Engaging mindfully with their children (E), Passionately and Purposefully making a difference beyond their family (P), Investing in themselves (I), and Connecting to a strong support network (C).

    Join our community of mothers to light the way and sustain you on your quest at https://www.facebook.com/groups/mothersquest/

    Mother's Quest Podcast
    enDecember 08, 2022

    Throwback Thursday: Overcoming Overwhelm with Dr. Samantha Brody

    Throwback Thursday: Overcoming Overwhelm with Dr. Samantha Brody
    Sharing this Throwback Thursday episode with Dr. Samantha Brody, author of Overcoming Overwhelm: Dismantle Your Stress from the Inside Out. She is a licensed naturopathic physician and acupuncturist, and the founder of Evergreen Natural Health Center in Portland, OR.
    I invite you to press pause, to release something from your to do list today, so that you have a little more space to listen in to this reflective conversation with Dr. Samantha. Then follow through as I will with the “values” exercise she gives us as our challenge

    Much appreciation,

    Full Episode Show Notes

    Check out the full show notes from the original episode here: http://mothersquest.com/ep69-samanthabrody/


    Mother’s Quest is a podcast for moms who are ready to live a truly E.P.I.C. life.

    Join in for intimate conversations with a diverse group of inspiring mothers as they share how they are living an E.P.I.C. life, Engaging mindfully with their children (E), Passionately and Purposefully making a difference beyond their family (P), Investing in themselves (I), and Connecting to a strong support network (C).

    Join our community of mothers to light the way and sustain you on your quest at https://www.facebook.com/groups/mothersquest/

    Mother's Quest Podcast
    enDecember 01, 2022

    Throwback Thursday: Blazing a Transgender Trail with Corey Rae and her mother Judy Blank

    Throwback Thursday: Blazing a Transgender Trail with Corey Rae and her mother Judy Blank

    This Throwback Thursday, in honor of Transgender Remembrance Day that just passed and the memory of the five people who were killed this week at the LGBTQ+ Club Q, we reshare this episode with transgender model and activist Corey Rae and her mother Judy Blank. May the love and courage explored in this episode inspire us all to be a champion for the transgender community.

    If you’re interested in supporting the Club Q community, please visit https://www.coloradogives.org/organization/COHealingFund

    Much appreciation,

    Full Episode Show Notes

    Check out the full show notes from the original episode here: Ep 70: Blazing a Transgender Trail with Corey Rae and her mother Judy Blank


    Mother’s Quest is a podcast for moms who are ready to live a truly E.P.I.C. life.

    Join in for intimate conversations with a diverse group of inspiring mothers as they share how they are living an E.P.I.C. life, Engaging mindfully with their children (E), Passionately and Purposefully making a difference beyond their family (P), Investing in themselves (I), and Connecting to a strong support network (C).

    Join our community of mothers to light the way and sustain you on your quest at https://www.facebook.com/groups/mothersquest/

    Mother's Quest Podcast
    enNovember 24, 2022

    Ep 95: An Anti-Hustle Guide To Living Your E.P.I.C. Life with She Build’s Jadah Sellner

    Ep 95: An Anti-Hustle Guide To Living Your E.P.I.C. Life with She Build’s Jadah Sellner

    In 2015, when Mother’s Quest was still a dream in my heart, I heard an interview with an inspiring mother, Jadah Sellner, on the Good Life Project Podcast. She and her partner had co-created what became in a short time a viral phenomenon and seven figure flourishing business, called Simple Green Smoothies, built on a premise: add greens to a smoothie each day and see how it could spark change within.

    From that moment forward, I found inspiration in Jadah’s journey and know that her quest planted seeds for me to pursue mine. I noticed that she led with heart and followed her dreams while staying committed to being present for her daughter. I learned from her as I watched her bring forward the Simple Green Smoothies book that became a best-seller, as she took to the TEDx stage integrating her spoken word poetry into her message, as she made the difficult decision to leave Simple Green Smoothies when she realized it was no longer fulfilling her, and when she pressed pause on her work to grieve and heal after a series of profound personal losses. 

    Today, as the founder of Jadah Sellner Media, Inc., and She Builds Collective and host of the Lead with Love Podcast, Jadah helps women build their businesses and their lives in a way that works for them—with love. She lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with her husband, daughter, and dog, Beesly. And this week, she culminated another journey that spanned years, that she allowed to slow cook in its own right timing, with the release of her new book published by Harper Collins, She Builds: The Anti-Hustle Guide to Grow Your Business and Nourish Your Life.

    In this conversation, with each E.P.I.C. Guidepost we explore, Jadah shares with heart, humor, metaphor and tangible examples, how she brings an ease-filled, anti-hustle approach to engaging with her daughter, to pursuing her purposeful impact, to investing in herself and to building deep relationships, a practice she learned as an adult, when she changed childhood patterns and decided to bloom where she is planted.

    Every chapter of Jadah’s new book and every EPIC guidepost exploration in this episode is an invitation for us to choose an intentional empowering and nurturing perspective for living our E.P.I.C. lives.  If you’ve been seeking a more sustainable path, free from burnout and rooted in your well-being, I hope that Jadah’s book and this conversation help you claim a new way forward. Because as Jadah says,  “Collectively we know that the hustle culture isn’t working for us. We build differently; we Build with L.O.V.E.”

    About Jadah Sellner:

    Jadah Sellner is a bestselling author, business coach, international keynote and TEDx speaker, poet, and host of Lead with Love podcast. She’s the coauthor of the bestselling book Simple Green Smoothies and has been featured in Forbes; O, The Oprah Magazine; and the Wall Street Journal.

    As the founder of Jadah Sellner Media, Inc., and She Builds Collective, Jadah helps women build their businesses and their lives in a way that works for them—with love. She lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with her husband, daughter, and dog, Beesly.


    Connect with Jadah:


    Topics Discussed in this Episode:

    • The gift of pursuing her creativity that Jadah’s mother gave to her
    • The moment when Jadah disrupted childhood patterns and decided to bloom where she was planted 
    • What Jadah is most on a quest for today…learning how to receive love as much as she gives
    • Jadah’s suggestions for creating no-judgement spaces to help our children to open up and express themselves
    • The slow cooker vs. pressure cooker analogy approach for how to detox from hustle culture in life and business
    • Different approaches in different seasons of your life: pausing, pivoting, or accelerating push
    • The importance of investing in yourself by gathering your support squad
    • 5 minute suggestions for “state change” you can feel in your body
    • Masterminds and how they help generate ideas and solutions from one person to another
    • Simple practices to try when life starts to feel out of alignment


    Resources Mentioned:


    This Episode’s Challenge: 

    Nurture your life by cultivating relationships. Jadah challenges you to 10 seconds of bravery. Find a way to connect with someone you want to go deeper with; send them a text or an audio message, invite them to a cafe or a walk, send them an email. Try letting someone know how they have impacted your life without expecting anything in return. 


    This Episode is dedicated by Jennifer Kem

    Jennifer Kem is a San Francisco Bay Area-based brand building and leadership expert who gets entrepreneurs seen, heard, and paid for being themselves. 

    She’s the creator of the Master Brand Method: a framework to develop powerful brands that win customers’ hearts, which she uses in strategic consulting for emerging entrepreneurs, celebrity brands like Oprah Winfrey Network and Steve Harvey, and major corporations including Verizon, Blue Cross Blue Shield, and Bank of Hawaii. 

    She is a successful owner of three multimillion-dollar businesses and the proud mother of three children.

    Title: Brand Futurist and CEO of Master Brand Institute 



    Website: https://www.JenniferKem.com

    YouTube: www.JenniferKem.com/YouTube

    Instagram: @jennifer.kem // https://www.instagram.com/jennifer.kem/

    Facebook: @JenniferKemComm // https://www.facebook.com/JenniferKemComm/

    LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/jenniferkem

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/_JenniferKem_

    Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/jenniferkem/


    Gift from Jen for the Mother’s Quest Community

    JenniferKem.com/MOTHERSQUEST - gives you full access to her signature Brand Archetype Assessment, a $250 value.  


    Mother’s Quest is a podcast and community for moms who are ready to live a truly E.P.I.C. life.

    Join in for intimate conversations with a diverse group of inspiring mothers as they share how they are living an E.P.I.C. life, Engaging mindfully with their children (E), Passionately and Purposefully making a difference beyond their family (P), Investing in themselves (I), and Connecting to a strong support network (C).

    Join our community of mothers to light the way and sustain you on your quest at www.facebook.com/groups/mothersquest


    Mother's Quest Podcast
    enNovember 17, 2022

    Throw Back Thursday: Sit at the Table & Own Your Power with Chandra Brooks

    Throw Back Thursday: Sit at the Table & Own Your Power with Chandra Brooks

    This Throwback Thursday episode arrives as final votes are being counted in the 2022 elections in the United States. It’s a full circle moment to revisit this powerful conversation from 2017 with community activist, TedX speaker, author of the book ​​”Black Brown and Political: Get Informed, Get Empowered and Change the Game,” and founder of the Powerhouse Academy, Chandra Brooks.

    In this conversation those five years ago, Chandra inspired me to get back out and canvas in support of a local candidate, Noelia Corzo, during her first run for school board in my community. Last night, my son Jacob and I, who volunteered together, celebrated with Noelia and her supporters as she received the initial promising results for her run as County Supervisor.

    If the votes continue in her favor, Noelia will be the first Latina woman Supervisor in our County. I’m honored to reshare this episode and acknowledge all the activists like Chandra and candidates like Noelia who have the courage and commitment to step into the arena, to sit at the table and own their power.

    Original Show Notes

    I’m honored to share this episode #32 of the podcast with Chandra Brooks, who has become a friend and a generous thought partner for me in recent months.

    Chandra is a wife, mother of four, a grandmother, author, entrepreneur and the Northern California Staff Director for SEIU-United Service Workers West.  Born and raised in San Jose, CA, she’s passionate about civil rights, social justice, and improving voter outcomes and civic engagement in communities of color.  

    She’s also an appointed commissioner for Santa Clara County’s Commission on the Status of Women and Girls, Chair of the Justice and Advocacy Committee and elected Delegate for The California Democratic Party.

    In 2017 Chandra launched The SocialPreneur, a purpose driven business that prepares potential candidates to run for political office and mentors women to own their power and leadership within their company, business, and/or community.

    I reached out to Chandra because I wanted to talk with her the week that she released her new book, “Black, Brown & Political: Get Informed, Get Empowered and Change the Game” which provides easy to navigate tips and inspiration to help women of color get involved in local politics.

    In this episode, we got to dive deep into the influences which drove Chandra to own her voice and reach her fullest potential. She shares how her mother led her by example to stand up for herself as a woman at a young age and how her uncle unknowingly sparked her to strive for greatness after he doubted her future success when she became pregnant as a teenager.  And, we uncover how Chandra’s ambition, value for education, and commitment to political leadership helps her inspire generations today, from her 12 year old son to the women she mentors, to sit at the table and own their power.

    I didn’t realize when I scheduled the interview with Chandra that we would be talking the day before the November 2017 elections. The conversation couldn’t have come at a better time, and her challenge inspired me to go out and do another round of precinct walking with my 5 year old that afternoon. It was thrilling to wake up the next day to news that so many women of color, including one woman my son and I had supported the day before, had been elected.

    Chandra, with her new book as a resource, is a powerful force to fuel this growing movement of women stepping into more leadership. I hope this conversation will inspire you, as it has me, to be part of this movement and to more fully own our power to make a difference.

    This episode dedicated by:

    Topics discussed in this episode:

    • How Chandra intended to release her book a year after the 2016 elections to encourage people to reflect on the decisions they made the year before and realize the importance of being politically involved
    • Chandra’s strong, opinionated, and independent mother and how she set an example for Chandra to not be subservient to men
    • How Chandra intentionally teaches her children about social justice issues and about their heritage
    • The lack of access Chandra witnessed to vocational training and education for women in a local prison, compared to the men, and how she’s using her leverage as Commissioner to change that.
    • What happened when Chandra’s uncle told her “Your life is over, you might as well prepare to be on welfare” after she announced she was pregnant as a teenager.
    • How Chandra’s fascination and observation of people in leadership planted seeds for her becoming an entrepreneur
    • The importance of seeking out mentors and coaches and not being afraid to reach out and ask for help
    • Chandra’s call to action for us to get more engaged in our local community politics

    Resources mentioned in this episode:

    This Week’s Challenge:

    Get involved as a leader in your local community.. Join a school board, commission, or neighborhood association. Use your influence and privilege to support communities in need and leaders of color.

    Mother's Quest Podcast
    enNovember 10, 2022

    Throw Back Thursday: MOM THE VOTE: Election Impact Advice To Light Your Way

    Throw Back Thursday: MOM THE VOTE: Election Impact Advice To Light Your Way

    As the election in the United States approaches, I’m honored to bring back these words of wisdom from a diverse group of mothers working toward a brighter future in this special episode “Mom the Vote.”

    Original Show Notes

    At the time of this episode’s release, we are at a crossroads in the United States. This election of 2020 is one of the most important in our history. As activist Michael Skolnik says, the election is not 7 days away. The election is now. 

    What can we do in our last few days before the conclusion of the election of 2020?

    Like so many of you, I am asking myself what matters most and what I can do that can have an impact in these 7 days. When I feel myself swirling, I remember I don’t have to figure this out alone. So, I reached out to you, fellow mothers and grandmothers, many of you activists, and asked for your words of wisdom. 

    Ahead, I have 7 pieces of advice, reflections or calls to action, that we can all connect to for guidance and inspiration each day ahead. This is an election minisode…because I wanted these to be bite-sized and easy to digest. Please join me in taking these words in, taking action, and paying the messages forward to other mothers in your network. 

    I hope this minisode has you, as it does me, ready to dig in, to connect to community, to engage in multiple ways, to vote for our children, to remember why this matters, to get the vote out with women of color and make sure their votes count, and to mother like an organizer. Together, we can do this!
    #momthevote #votelikeamother #momsrising

    Thank you to Jen Jenkins Dohner for the beautiful “VOTE” podcast art. Find her work, Postcards for Progress here.

    Episode Highlights:

    • The election is not 7 days away…the election is now and we can look to one another for how to use these days to the fullest. 
    • Why it matters to dig into propositions and ballot measures you might not understand.
    • Our election is not just about us as individuals, it’s about us as a society.
    • How we can use discernment and tap into our community to get us through. Register today for Nicole Lee’s Way Station, happening Friday to support you in that.
    • 5 ways that you can get engaged through MomsRising.
    • All the reasons why we should vote for our children.
    • How elections can be a joyful time for families.
    • The critical role that women of color voters play in this election and how we can make their vote count. Sign up here to text bank with She the People Wednesday.
    • Wise advice from a life-long organizer, mother and grandmother working to galvanize voting from and for domestic workers through Hand in Hand and her Caring Majority Facebook Group.

    Resources Recommended by Our Mother Contributors:

    7 Pieces of Advice From Our Contributors:

    Advice #1 – Nancy Cavillones – Dig into Ballot Measures Because They Matter to Someone

    Nancy Cavillones is an indie author’s best friend and is on a mission to keep authors sane by handling the minutiae of their online presence and communications. She’s been online in some form or other since 1993, and still has the AOL dial-up tone stuck in her head. (Interested in the full history? Check out her LinkedIn.)

    She enjoys taking the scenic route, forcing her kids to appreciate nature, and spending time in New York City by herself in a desperate attempt to recapture her college days. Originally from Upstate NY by way of Long Island, Nancy recently relocated to Northern California with her family from Redding, Connecticut.  Nancy is the co-editor of Lose the Cape Mom’s Guide to Becoming Socially and Politically Engaged (And Rising Tiny Activists, Too!).

    Where to reach Nancy:

    Advice #2 – Nicole Lee – Reach Out Personally to Voters, Use Discernment and Connect to Community

    Nicole Lee is a diversity, equity and inclusion expert, leadership coach, nationally recognized speaker and strategist who regularly consults with nonprofits, schools, businesses and political and social movements to improve their climate for themselves and all those that they serve. She is the founder of Inclusive Life™ and co-founder of the Lee Bayard Group LLC and Black Movement-Law Project (BMLP). For almost a decade she served as President of TransAfrica, working with leaders across the globe to advocate for a just U.S. foreign policy.

    Nicole is a prolific speaker who has given testimony to the U.S. Congress, the United Nations and other international bodies. She has been a commentator on CNN, MSNBC, NPR, and BBC. She has been recognized for her outstanding contributions in the private and public sectors through numerous awards, including Congressional Black Caucus, Running Starts “Women to Watch”, Black Women’s Roundtable TrailBlazer, Global Leadership and the National Newspapers Publishers Association’s Press Champion Award. She is both an attorney and an intuitive coach. Through this unique blend, she has contributed to movements in the U.S. and abroad through human rights documentation, coaching and holding space in difficult situations. 

    One of her proudest moments was working alongside civil rights icon Bill Lucy, the architect of the historic Memphis sanitation strike  for a national commemoration of the life of his good friend Nelson Mandela. Nicole lives in Washington, DC with her husband, political scientist Marc Bayard, children and three pets. 

    Where to reach Nicole:

    Advice #3 – Kristin Rowe-Finkbeiner – Find Five Ways to Engage Through MomsRising

    Kristin is the Executive Director/CEO and Co-Founder of MomsRising and Board President of the MomsRising Education Fund. She has been involved in public policy and grassroots engagement for more than two decades and has received numerous accolades for her work.

    She is also an award-winning author of books and articles, frequent public speaker, media contributor, and host of the radio program “Breaking Through with Kristin Rowe-Finkbeiner (Powered by MomsRising).” Kristin is also a former political director, policy analyst, and political strategy consultant for non-profit organizations and foundations.

    Where to reach Kristin:

    Advice #4 – Kalima Salahuddin – Vote for Our Children and Have Them Join You in the Process

    Kalimah Salahuddin currently serves as President for the Jefferson Union High School District Board of Education She is the immediate Past President of the San Mateo County School Boards Association (SMCSBA) were she served for two years and continues to serve as the Coordinator for the SMCSBA Equity Network.  At the County level she serves on the COVID-19 Recovery Council and the Advisory Council for the Equity initiative. She was one of the founding members of the REACH Coalition to increase equity and community health for all. She also was recently appointed to the Board of the Housing Leadership Council and previously served as a Board Member for Habitat for Humanity Greater San Francisco where she has been a regular site volunteer.  She is currently employed at Exelixis as a Coordinator on the Investor Relations / Public Affairs team and is mother to three wonderful adults.

    Advice #5 – Jena Schwartz – Connect to All the Reasons That Voting Matters

    Jena is an extroverted introvert, a lover of trees and fresh water swimming and babies and bulldogs, and a rabbi at heart. All of her works, from writing groups to retreats to individual coaching, editing, and mentoring, is devoted to creating safe and brave spaces where we get to write, share, and connect. She has been blogging as a practice since 2007. She works with people who struggle to value their writing if/when it’s not “productive” or clearly “going somewhere.”

    Where to Reach Jena:

    Advice #6 – Aimee Allison – Get Out the Vote and Make Sure Every Vote Counts From Critical Women of Color Voters

    Aimee Allison is founder and president of She the People, a national network elevating the voice and power of women of color. She brings together voters, organizers, and elected leaders in a movement grounded in values of love, justice, belonging, and democracy. In 2018, Ms. Allison was one of the primary architects of the “year of women of color in politics.”

    In April 2019, she convened the first presidential forum for women of color, reaching a quarter of the American population. A democratic innovator and visionary, Ms. Allison leads national efforts to build inclusive, multiracial coalitions led by women of color. She leverages media, research and analysis to increase voter engagement and advocate for racial, economic and gender justice.

    Her writing has appeared in the New York Times, The Hill, Essence, Teen Vogue and Newsweek. In the early 1990’s, Ms. Allison earned a rare honorable discharge from the U.S. Army as a conscientious objector and works today to support courageous, moral leadership.

    Aimee Allison holds a B.A. and M.A. from Stanford University. Author of Army of None, she has appeared in hundreds of outlets including MSNBC, CNN, the Washington Post, Associated Press and NPR. She is building a political home for a million women of color, nationally and in battleground states. She was featured in Politico’s 2019 Powerlist. 

    Where to Reach Aimee:

    Advice #7 – Lian Hurst Mann – Remember Elections Are About Legacy…And Mother Like an Organizer

    Lian is a longtime organizer and faculty of the National School for Strategic Organizing (www.thestrategycenter.org). She is currently working with Hand in Hand: The Domestic Employers Network.

    Where To Reach Lian:

    Mother's Quest Podcast
    enNovember 03, 2022

    Throwback Thursday: Space, Grace & Love Planted Across Generations with Tembi Locke

    Throwback Thursday: Space, Grace & Love Planted Across Generations with Tembi Locke

    In honor of Mother’s Quest turning 5, all season we’ve been sharing Throwback Thursday episodes from the archives. I’ve been excitedly anticipating resharing this episode with you with actress, author of the memoir From Scratch, and now co-creator and executive producer of the Netflix series by the same name, Tembi Locke.

    Since the limited series release just a few days ago, From Scratch has already climbed to the Top Ten in 74 countries and has captured the hearts of so many. Throughout my day today, I’ve been alternating between watching the show and relistening to my episode with Tembi, also beautifully dedicated by her sister and show co-creator Attica Locke.

    The combination of the two has rekindled an appreciation in me for honoring our ancestors, for the power of answering the call of our heroes journey, and of looking for light in the darkness to guide us through challenging times.

    Tembi says at the beginning of our conversation that she hoped it would be evergreen and we could find new meaning if we returned to it in a different time. That intention came true. This episode is a gift that feels just right for today. Like it did for me, I hope it provides the wisdom, inspiration and light you seek right now. 

    More About the Netflix Series ‘From Scratch’

    Watch From Scratch on Netflix
    NY Times Article: In ‘From Scratch,’ the Locke Sisters Tell a Story of Love, Loss and Food

    Mother’s Quest Inspiration Guide: Volume 1 Engage

    Tembi’s episode is just one of many featured in the Mother’s Quest Inspiration Guide, part personal memoir, part reflective journal, drawing on over 70+ interviews on the Mother’s Quest Podcast. Learn more about the Guide and order your copy here.

    You can find the full show notes from the original episode here: Ep 76: Light For These Pandemic Times: Space, Grace & Love Planted Across Generations with Tembi Locke

    Much appreciation,

    Julie Neale

    Mother's Quest Podcast
    enOctober 27, 2022

    Throwback Thursday: An Honest Conversation with Rowan About Her Journey of Mental Health & Self Discovery with Casey and Rowan O'Roarty

    Throwback Thursday: An Honest Conversation with Rowan About Her Journey of Mental Health & Self Discovery with Casey and Rowan O'Roarty

    For this weeks’ Throwback Thursday, I’m excited to do a podcast exchange with Mother’s Quest member and fellow podcaster Casey O’Rourty. Casey is a positive discipline trainer and parent coach and host of the Joyful Courage Podcast. When Casey and I talked about sharing favorite episodes on one another’s feeds, I knew just which one I wanted to bring to you.

    It’s a powerful, vulnerable conversation between Casey and her daughter Rowan, about Rowan’s mental health challenges with anxiety and depression. I remember I first heard this episode when my son Ryan was going through a hard time in high school. Listening to Rowan’s courage and self-reflection gave me so much empathy and insight. And listening to Casey’s humility and honesty about the challenges of navigating her daughter’s challenges, invited me to reflect on how I could be supportive to Ryan during his. In fact, we listened to part of it together and it opened channels of communication in a beautiful way.

    I hope you get as much as I did from this conversation and when you’re done, that you download Joyful Courage on your favorite podcast app so you can check out Casey’s other incredible episodes.

    Much appreciation,
    Julie Neale


    My guest today is Rowan O’Roarty.

    Rowan is my oldest child, she will be 18 in January, and one of my biggest teachers of personal growth. As we all do, we learn who we are as parents, through our relationships with our children. Rowan made me a mom, and continues to influence who I am in the world as I navigate what it means to mother her.
    Rowan has been through her own journey of personal discovery over the past few years, maneuvering mental health challenges, dropping out of school, completing her GED, and stepping in to big responsibility while her dad and I were gone for 2 months going through my husband's cancer treatment.
    I am honored that she is willing to come share herself and her journey so candidly with you all today.

    Takeaways from the show:

    • Where the anxiety started
    • When Rowan became aware of her anxiety
    • Things we did that helped Rowan cope with depression and anxiety
    • Panic attacks 
    • Navigating anxiety attacks and how parents can be supportive
    • What depression feels like
    • Things parents can do that are helpful to their teen’s mental health
    • Dialectical behavioral therapy
    • Realizing only YOU can change your experience
    • What Rowan has learned about herself these past few years
    • Mental health and high school
    • Rowan’s freshman year
    • Opting into online school
    • Dropping out of school and gaining parent’s support
    • The GED test
    • Plans for the future


    Joyful Courage Parenting Podcast is a weekly show that is designed to entertain and inform as host, Casey O’Roarty tease apart all there is to learn on the parenting journey. The solo shows and expert guests interviews are packed full of useful nuggets for parents to take away and integrate into their own experience.

    Mother’s Quest is a podcast for moms who are ready to live a truly E.P.I.C. life.

    Join in for intimate conversations with a diverse group of inspiring mothers as they share how they are living an E.P.I.C. life, Engaging mindfully with their children (E), Passionately and Purposefully making a difference beyond their family (P), Investing in themselves (I), and Connecting to a strong support network (C).
    Join our community of mothers to light the way and sustain you on your quest at https://www.facebook.com/groups/mothersquest/

    Mother's Quest Podcast
    enOctober 20, 2022

    Ep 94: Dear Body: Reflections on Embracing and Embodying 50

    Ep 94: Dear Body: Reflections on Embracing and Embodying 50

    This fall, I was honored to participate as a community host for a reboot of a Zibby Owens podcast, now called Moms Don't Have Time to Move and Shake. The reflection and recording of the episode was transformative for me, shifting the way I think about my body, especially in this stage of my life, at the age of 50.

    I asked Zibby and team if I could share the solocast on the Mother's Quest feed as well and they said "yes." So, I'm thrilled to bring this conversation to you here. If you're interested in hearing the voices and stories of the additional community hosts for the season, follow the show notes for the link or add the podcast on any of your favorite podcast apps. They are each powerful in their own way.

    I hope you enjoy this deeply personal episode, originally recorded for Moms Don’t Have Time to Move & Shake, a Zcast production.


    At the age of 50 and post menopause, life and leadership coach, mom to 2 differently wired boys, podcaster, and founder of Mother's Quest, Julie Neale, is on a mission to fully embrace her body during this new season of life. In this deeply personal solocast, through the power of reflection, Julie shares 3 guiding principles that are helping her in her relationship with her body, epic snapshot moments of times when she felt most embodied throughout her life, and a commitment letter she wrote from herself to her body. Whatever age and stage you are in, Julie invites you to take her challenge and try these reflective practices yourself and hopes that this conversation sparks a reclamation of your own.

    Find the show notes Julie mentions here.

    About Moms Don’t Have Time to Move and Shake 

    Zibby Owens, the host of award-winning literary podcast Moms Don't Have Time to Read Books, brings you a conversational talk show, woman-to-woman, designed to help you feel better in your body. In July 2022, the former Moms Don't Have Time to Lose Weight podcast transformed into the all-new, community-hosted podcast, Moms Don't Have Time to Move & Shake! A Zcast production. Music by Morning Moon Music.

    Listen to the podcast here


    Want to schedule a coaching session to move through the process of writing a letter to your body too with me as your guide? Reach out to me at julie@mothersquest.com and we can set up a session. 

    Mother's Quest Podcast
    enOctober 14, 2022