
    MUD\WTR: Trends with Benefits

    Change is hard, but with curiosity and community, anything is possible. For the Trends w/ Benefits podcast, host Sara Russell blends ancient wisdom, modern science and actionable advice on subjects like sleep, psychedelics and mental health. She interviews humans who are deeply committed to both personal growth and our collective well-being. Sara’s conversations offer pragmatic tools, inspirational insights and evolving curiosity, so you have a smorgasbord of healthy habits to choose from while living your wild and precious life. Occasionally, she even brings on the creative team at MUD\WTR, offering a glimpse inside this trailblazing brand.
    enMUD\WTR100 Episodes

    Episodes (100)

    #121 Embracing Vulnerability for True Intimacy with Kiana Reeves

    #121 Embracing Vulnerability for True Intimacy with Kiana Reeves

    Navigating authentic intimate relationships can have us twisting ourselves into emotional states that would make the Kama Sutra blush. Yet doing the work of self-reflection while being open to change can create profound connections, both with ourselves and others. By embracing our vulnerability and maintaining open communication, we can enrich our erotic lives and overall well-being. But where to start? Somatic Sex Educator Kiana Reeves offers a deep exploration into how intimacy, embodiment, and emotional well-being are interwoven, our personal responsibility in healing and the importance of cultivating meaningful relationships. 


    Learn more about Kiana Reeves here: https://www.kianareeves.com/ 

    Learn more about the importance of connection here: https://mudwtr.com/blogs/trends-with-benefits/why-gathering-with-friends-is-good-for-your-health

    #120 Discovering Herbal Wisdom: Rachelle Robinett's Journey to Holistic Health

    #120 Discovering Herbal Wisdom: Rachelle Robinett's Journey to Holistic Health

    Curiosity and listening are powerful tools on our healing journeys. Rachelle Robinett, founder and CEO of Pharmakon Supernatural, knows that to create profound growth and transformation, we need to be intrigued with what we consume—orally, visually and auditorily—and how that impacts our ability to lead balanced, satisfying lives. She shares insights on how the kitchen is a healing place, from the food we eat to the company we keep, and how anything has the potential to be medicine.

    Learn more about Rachelle Robinett here: 


    Learn more about how to consume intentionally here: https://mudwtr.com/blogs/trends-with-benefits/so-you-want-to-do-a-dopamine-detox


    #119 Exploring Psychedelic Therapy for Immigrants and Refugees With Malek Asfeer

    #119 Exploring Psychedelic Therapy for Immigrants and Refugees With Malek Asfeer

    What if every aspect of your life was suddenly disrupted? You can’t go to your job, you can’t see your friends and family, you can’t go home. For refugees and immigrants, such challenges compound with a lack of access to safe and inclusive healing modalities—including psychedelics. Enter Malek Asfeer, whose dedication to humanitarian causes includes organizing psychedelic retreats for refugees and immigrants, aiming to transform consciousness and promote healing in the Middle East. He reminds us that to truly heal, community support and integration are crucial. So, how do you show up for those in need? Asfeer has some suggestions to help you get started.

    Learn more about Malek Asfeer’s work here: https://unlimitedsciences.org/fundraiser/

    Learn more about psychedelic research here: https://mudwtr.com/blogs/trends-with-benefits/psychedelic-researchers-talk-mental-health

    #118 Getting to the Root of Seasonal Depression - Dr. LeTa Jussila

    #118 Getting to the Root of Seasonal Depression - Dr. LeTa Jussila

    As the Northern Hemisphere turns towards winter, many of us are feeling not only the encroaching dark and cold weather but also seasonal depression. While hustle culture pushes us to keep grinding, what we actually need is a little extra TLC. Enter LeTa Jussila, a Doctor of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, Licensed Herbalist and Fitness Trainer. She guides us to find holistic balance, going beyond symptoms to reach the roots of what ails us. We talk about joyful movement, food as medicine, sounds that heal, and a MUD\WTR favorite—microdosing. Tune in for your seasonal tune-up. 

    Learn more about LeTa Jussila here: https://doctorleta.com

    Learn more about why MUD\WTR allows microdosing at work here: https://mudwtr.com/blogs/trends-with-benefits/why-mud-wtr-allows-microdosing-at-work

    #117 Mental Health Is a Mosaic and Your Treatment Should Be Too - Dr. Raghu Appasani & Dorna Pourang

    #117 Mental Health Is a Mosaic and Your Treatment Should Be Too - Dr. Raghu Appasani & Dorna Pourang

    We’re in the midst of a mental health crisis. More people are seeking mental health treatments than ever before. But while therapy is part of the solution, it’s not the final answer. On today’s episode, Dr. Raghu Appasani, a board-certified Integrative and Addiction psychiatrist, and Dorna Pourang, a psychedelic clinical research specialist, combine their wisdom and practices to discuss how therapy, psychedelics, and a holistic web of care can work together to better support our mental health.

    Learn more about psychedelic research here: https://mudwtr.com/blogs/trends-with-benefits

    Learn more about Dr. Raghu Appasani and Dorna Pourang here: https://mudwtr.com/pages/advisors


    #116 The Joy of Well-Being: Why You Should Focus on Your Joyspan with Authors Colleen and Jason Wachob

    #116 The Joy of Well-Being: Why You Should Focus on Your Joyspan with Authors Colleen and Jason Wachob

    How can we infuse a little bit more joy into health and well-being? How can we forge more meaningful connections? How do we identify our purpose? These are some of the deep inquiries we explore within and amongst ourselves. They can be overwhelming, and often we put off looking for the answers until a crisis hits. Fortunately, MindBodyGreen founders Colleen and Jason Wachob, through holistic and science-based modalities, are here to offer some guidance. They talk about their book The Joy of Well-Being, and why they’re less concerned with our lifespans and more focused on our joyspans.

    Learn more about MindBodyGreen here: https://www.mindbodygreen.com/ 

    Learn more about how to have soulful conversations here: https://mudwtr.com/blogs/trends-with-benefits/can-a-single-conversation-change-your-relationship-forever

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    MUD\WTR: Trends with Benefits
    enSeptember 13, 2023

    #115 The Skin Deep Questions: How Emmy Award-Winning Director Topaz Adizes Is Changing the Way We Talk to Each Other

    #115 The Skin Deep Questions: How Emmy Award-Winning Director Topaz Adizes Is Changing the Way We Talk to Each Other

    Lao Tzu said, “We make a vessel from a lump of clay, but it is the empty space within the vessel that makes it useful.” We often ignore the space in between, but Emmy Award-winning director, author, and experience designer Topaz Adizes knows that’s where the magic is. He believes in asking each other the right questions to provoke and challenge us. In the space between what is said, the space between listening and reacting, lies the possibility of shifting the direction of our lives.

    Learn more about The Skin Deep: theskindeep.com

    Learn why gathering with friends is good for your health, according to science: https://mudwtr.com/blogs/trends-with-benefits/why-gathering-with-friends-is-good-for-your-health

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    #114 Healing and Harmony Through Forest Bathing with Olga Terebenina

    #114 Healing and Harmony Through Forest Bathing with Olga Terebenina

    Shirin Yoku, AKA forest bathing, is a mindfulness practice where you immerse yourself in the atmosphere of nature for health and well-being. It can alleviate symptoms of anxiety, depression and stress, as well as help improve sleep. In today’s sensory exploration, Olga Terebenina, co-founder of The Forest Bathing Institute, shares how this practice of connecting with nature offers us a chance to heal ourselves and the world around us.

    Learn more about the benefits of getting outside here: https://mudwtr.com/blogs/trends-with-benefits/5-reasons-to-go-outside

    Learn more about The Forest Bathing Institute here: https://tfb.institute/

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    #113 Unbreakable melodies: Music, Addiction, and Healing - Melissa Etheridge

    #113 Unbreakable melodies: Music, Addiction, and Healing -  Melissa Etheridge

    Rockstar Melissa Etheridge is a cultural icon, activist, and mother who founded the nonprofit, Etheridge Foundation. The foundation supports the development of transformative plant medicine treatments. She shares her own journey with psychedelics, the concerns of neglecting holistic healing in favor of pharmaceuticals and offers a powerful message for those struggling with the pain of addiction.

    Learn more about the Etheridge Foundation here: https://www.etheridgefoundation.org/

    Learn more about the use of psychedelics for opioid addiction treatment here: https://mudwtr.com/blogs/trends-with-benefits/can-psychedelics-help-fight-opioid-epidemic

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    #112 Queering Psychedelics with Mia Sarno

    #112 Queering Psychedelics with Mia Sarno

    Mia Sarno, aka “Dr. Mimi” is a gender-fluid, pansexual licensed clinical psychologist working with a clinic providing ketamine-assisted psychotherapy, and is a study therapist for research with LSD and psilocybin. For this Pride Month episode, we dive into what “queering” means, why it’s important, and the both oppressive and liberatory past, present, and future of psychedelics within the LGBTQIA+ community.

    Content Notes: mentions of suicide and sexual trauma

    Dr. Mimi: https://www.drmimipsyd.com

    Book: https://synergeticpress.com/catalog/queering-psychedelics-from-oppression-to-liberation-in-psychedelic-medicine/

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    #111 Treating Veterans with Psychedelics - The Heroic Hearts Project - Jesse Gould

    #111 Treating Veterans with Psychedelics - The Heroic Hearts Project - Jesse Gould

    Former Army Ranger Jesse Gould is a frontrunner for psychedelic therapies for veterans. As the founder of the Heroic Hearts Project, he has spearheaded the research and acceptance of ayahuasca, ibogaine, ketamine and psilocybin therapy programs for military veterans. But that’s just the beginning of Gould’s work. His bigger vision encompasses what happens after a healing journey, including creating new systems with effective peer support. As Gould says, “Veterans are inherently people of service.” Listen to learn how his project gives hope to those who have given so much.

    Learn how a U.S Army Ranger Captain found healing through Psychedelics:


    Learn 9 tips for psychedelic integration:


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    #110 How to Stop Jumping to Conclusions (:micro)

    #110 How to Stop Jumping to Conclusions (:micro)

    We can’t control how others think, feel, or behave, but that doesn’t stop us from trying. One of the ways we do this is through self-centric storytelling. We make assumptions about others that put us at the center of the action. But that leaves us organizing around fear and control instead of truth and love. Today’s pod challenges you to upgrade the stories you tell about yourself and others to bring ease and accuracy to your worst-case scenarios.

    Learn how to quiet your inner critic:


    Want to quit coffee? Start your coffee detox with MUD\WTR: 


    If you dig this podcast please leave a short review on Apple Podcasts. It takes less than 60 seconds and helps a bunch.

    For weekly stories visit Trends w/ Benefits and sign up for our newsletter.

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    #109 How to Find Balance in Relationships: Interdependence vs. Co-dependence

    #109 How to Find Balance in Relationships: Interdependence vs. Co-dependence

    Worried your relationships might have some codependent characteristics? They might. We’re social creatures, and whether we like it or not, we need each other. But sometimes, how we give and receive support devolves into unhealthy patterns of relating. So how do we remain interdependent without crossing the line into compliance, control and denial?

    Learn more about how to set healthy boundaries in relationships: https://mudwtr.com/blogs/trends-with-benefits/what-having-boundaries-looks-like

    Fighting at Night? Going to Bed Mad Might Actually Help: https://mudwtr.com/blogs/trends-with-benefits/fighting-at-night-going-to-bed-mad-might-actually-help

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    #108 A Simple Hack to Shift Your Mood (:micro)

    #108 A Simple Hack to Shift Your Mood (:micro)

    Do you have a favorite mood? Our frame of mind influences our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. It also affects our relationships and our experiences. While so much of life is out of our control, one thing we can actively shape for the better is our mood. And we don’t just mean “Think happy thoughts” (does that actually work for anyone?) However, some moods are more generative than others, like curiosity versus defensiveness. If you’re dissatisfied with your default disposition, it might be time to turn off emotional cruise control and consciously choose how to orient yourself to the world around you.

    Learn how to shift your mood through gratitude:: https://mudwtr.com/blogs/trends-with-benefits/science-of-gratitude

    Learn more about how caffeine negatively impacts your mood and why so many people are looking for coffee replacements: https://mudwtr.com/blogs/trends-with-benefits/why-coffee-replacement

    If you dig this podcast please leave a short review on Apple Podcasts. It takes less than 60 seconds and helps a bunch.

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    #107 Three Mindfulness Tools that aren't Meditation (:micro)

    #107 Three Mindfulness Tools that aren't Meditation (:micro)

    Feel resistant to meditation? Or maybe you want to meditate more, but a formal practice feels out of reach because you don’t have the time or energy. Plus, it can be a little daunting to sit quietly with yourself after all the busyness of our distraction-filled lifestyles. Or maybe you just think meditation is boring. Meditation is a wonderful tool, but it’s not the only way to shape our perception of our experiences. So, if you’re struggling with meditation for any reason, I’d like to offer you the stepping stone to mindfulness. This step is a kind of attention training but can happen anytime, anywhere, to help you be in the present moment.

    Learn more about mindfulness techniques: https://mudwtr.com/blogs/trends-with-benefits/why-to-start-breathwork

    Want to reduce caffeine intake for your mental health? Check out MUD\WTR’s coffee detox program: https://mudwtr.com/pages/coffee-detox

    If you dig this podcast please leave a short review on Apple Podcasts. It takes less than 60 seconds and helps a bunch.

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    #106 Why Walking is Good for Our Mental Health (:micro)

    #106 Why Walking is Good for Our Mental Health (:micro)

    Walking is a balm for our mental health, but something we neglect to do because, doesn’t it just seem too easy to actually help? Sometimes, it’s hard to believe something so simple (not to mention free) can provide so much benefit. But walking can improve our overall mood, reduce stress and anxiety and even help us sleep better. Plus, unstructured meandering can boost creativity. Friedrich Nietzsche believed, “All truly great thoughts are conceived while walking.”

    Learn more about this episode and healthy habits: https://mudwtr.com/blogs/trends-with-benefits

    Want to know the best time of day to walk? Learn more here: https://mudwtr.com/blogs/trends-with-benefits/best-time-to-exercise

    If you dig this podcast please leave a short review on Apple Podcasts. It takes less than 60 seconds and helps a bunch.

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    #105 The Power of Psychedelic Retreats with Neil Markey (:macro)

    #105 The Power of Psychedelic Retreats with Neil Markey (:macro)

    After his time as a US Army Ranger, Neil Markey underwent a profound healing journey with mindfulness and psychedelics. He co-founded Beckley Retreats, a center that explores the power of psilocybin to improve our well-being. But Markey knows true health isn’t just a “one-and-done” experience. Markey emphasizes a holistic approach to healing that includes breathwork, meditation, integration practices and plenty of time in nature. His work offers hopeful possibilities to those struggling within the limits of mainstream medicine.

    Learn more about psychedelics for mental health: https://mudwtr.com/blogs/trends-with-benefits/berkeley-center-science-psychedelics-imran-khan

    Learn how to to start a breathwork practice: https://mudwtr.com/blogs/trends-with-benefits/why-to-start-breathwork 

    If you dig this podcast please leave a short review on Apple Podcasts. It takes less than 60 seconds and helps a bunch.

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    #104 How to Manage Morning Anxiety (:micro)

    #104 How to Manage Morning Anxiety (:micro)

    Our world slowly slides into focus as we cross the threshold from dreaming to waking. How do you feel in those first moments of waking? Well-rested and relaxed? Or vaguely anxious and stressed? These early morning minutes highly influence the rest of our day. This means the morning is prime time to cultivate awareness and intentionality for the tone we’d like to set for our schedules. Today’s episode offers some easy tools to get your baseline stress down so you're better prepared for what lies ahead.

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    For weekly stories visit Trends w/ Benefits and sign up for our newsletter.

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    #103 The Importance of Atomic Habits with Raghu Appasani (:macro)

    #103 The Importance of Atomic Habits with Raghu Appasani (:macro)

    For the past couple of months, the MUD\WTR fam has been exploring the power of Atomic Habits by James Clear. We’ve read together and shared our successes and struggles with habit change. Today, we’re celebrating the culmination of our first-ever book club. We’re joined by MUD\WTR’s mental health advisor Raghu Appasani, who reminds us that regardless of how much progress we’ve made on our goals, we should hold ourselves with kindness and ask ourselves not just who we want to be but also, “How do I want to feel?”

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    #102 Embrace Your Laziness (:micro)

    #102 Embrace Your Laziness (:micro)

    James Clear, author of "Atomic Habits," says, "It is human nature to follow the Law of Least Effort." According to Clear, when we choose between two similar options, we "naturally gravitate toward the option that requires the least amount of work." Because we value ease and convenience, choosing the path of least resistance makes sense when cultivating our long-term goals. So take it easy, and let your laziness work for, not against you.

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    For weekly stories visit Trends w/ Benefits and sign up for our newsletter.

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    Reach out and send voice memos to podcast@mudwtr.com.