
    My Forever Home

    Join award winning interior designer, author and Forever Home expert, Frances, as she takes you on the journey to create the Forever Home of your dreams. Frances will help you navigate all the big ticket items, and all the little details that get lost along with way when renovating or building a new home. Focusing on sharing key information to ensure you’re planned and prepared for the journey, she’ll share how to ensure your home is functional, sustainable, durable, and aesthetically beautiful. Guests will also join Frances to share their insight and expertise on various topics, so you’re getting well rounded information from a wide source of specialists. Frances has helped hundreds of people create Forever Homes that are designed for their lifestyles and reflects who they are, and is super passionate about you getting your Forever Home right. She’s also built her home Forever Home, so she knows first hand what it takes, and what you need to know. Share the journey, and let Frances guide you along the way.
    en-bzFrances Cosway100 Episodes

    Episodes (100)

    E139 - Insights into Renovating or Building a New Home with James Treble

    E139 - Insights into Renovating or Building a New Home with James Treble

    In this insightful episode, fellow interior designer James Treble joins Frances to discuss the art of creating timeless and functional homes.  

    Covering topics such as budgeting, future-proofing design principles, and how to get ideas, Treble shares valuable insights for both renovation and new home projects. Whether you're embarking on a home improvement journey or planning your dream home, this conversation offers practical tips to help you maximise value and enhance your quality of living. 

    E138 - Alternatives to Engineered Stone

    E138 - Alternatives to Engineered Stone

    Frances delves into the engineered stone ban in Australia and explores alternative options for homeowners. From porcelain to laminate, Frances discusses factors such as durability, aesthetics, and budget, advising listeners on many alternatives available and why you may choose one material over another for your benchtops.  

    E137 - Exploring the New French Look

    E137 -  Exploring the New French Look

    Frances sits down with Lauren Li, author of ‘The New French Look’, to discuss the French approach to design and decorating. They explore the core components of the "New French Look," along with regional variations, along with what sets French design apart from the Australian approach.  

    A fabulous episode on the intricacies of lifetsyle and the impact it has on design, along with discovering how to infuse a touch of France into your own home. 

    E136 - Furniture Layout and Why It's Critical Before You Start Building

    E136 - Furniture Layout and Why It's Critical Before You Start Building

    Frances outlines why it's so important to create a furniture layout at floorplan stage in this episode. This is essential listening to avoid big mistakes! She outlines the implications that can occur when a furniture layout is not done before building starts, using a real life example and the compromises made because there was no plan.

    E134 - Client Case Study - Renovating a Federation Forever Home

    E134 - Client Case Study - Renovating a Federation Forever Home

    Frances is joined by her client, Bernadette, in this special case study episode. Bernadette shares her renovation journey, from when she first set eyes on the home 20 years ago, through to creating her project team and the joys and frustrations of her extensive renovation.

    This is an honest 'warts and all' account of what a renovation project can be like, including pitfalls to avoid and how your team can support you throughout. She alos outlines how having an interior designer on the team helped her create a home she truely loves and helped her mitigate so many mistakes that could have happened throughout the journey.

    E133 - Decluttering Made Simple: Before your Renovation or New Build

    E133 - Decluttering Made Simple: Before your Renovation or New Build

    If you've ever felt overwhelmed by the thought of clearing out years and years worth of 'stuff', then this is the episode for you.

    Frances is joined by decluttering expert, Amy Revell, who shares her wisdom on how to prepare to pack up and move for a renovation or new build. How to create a vision and create a home you'll love.

    This is a super fun and jammed packed episode on what to declutter and decide what to keep for your new home.

    E132 - Thermal Wrap Cabinetry - What You Need to Know

    E132 - Thermal Wrap Cabinetry - What You Need to Know

    Frances outlines exactly what thermal wrap is in this episode, and why it's a great product to consider for cabinetry in your home. With guests from Albedor Industries, she also delves into the myths surrounding thermal wrap, how it is made and the sustainability measures Albedor are undertaking to make a low VOC product.

    A great episode if you're wanting to understand cabinetry materials that could be used for your renovation or new home.

    E131 - Mudroom Design Considerations

    E131 - Mudroom Design Considerations

    Frances discusses what to consider when designing a mudroom. How it needs to function, and be designed around what you need to store in it. She also discusses other considerations for where items can go in the home if the mudroom is not large enough for everything. Finally, she outlines the ideal location of a mudroom in a home.

    A must listen if you're thinking for having a mudroom in your home.

    E130 - Renovating your Forever Home Vs Renovating for Profit

    E130 - Renovating your Forever Home Vs Renovating for Profit

    Frances is joined by Peter Karaolganis from Presenting Homes Australia to discuss the different decisions made when renovating your Forever Home compared to renovating to flip and make a profit.

    Peter and Frances discuss materials, build quality, flexible floorplans and multigenerational living for both types of renovations and how they differ.

    E129 - Doing Something Creative. Just for You.

    E129 - Doing Something Creative. Just for You.

    Frances shares her experience doing something creative. Just because. And the creative has nothing to do with interior design, renovating or building. She got inspiried after reading 'Big Magic', which explores the notion of doing something for no other reason than for your own enjoyment. Frances shares her experience on this principle in this episode of the podcast.

    E128: The Block - Design Goals and Commentary

    E128: The Block - Design Goals and Commentary

    Frances is watching The Block this season and viewing it with multiple lenses. In this episode she shares her observations about the 50's theme, the impact sponsors have on material choices, following a brief for the right outcome, orientation, plus design meeting the target audience, and how different that is to a Forever Home.

    E127: The Influence of Travel on Interiors

    E127: The Influence of Travel on Interiors

    Having just come back from a 5 week European holiday, Frances discusses how travel can provide inspiration and influence on your interiors back home. Frances shares her key takeaways from each city she went to (London, Paris, Amsterdam and Baku) and what to notice and look for when you're on holiday that can personalise your space at home.


    E126: Orientation and Why It's Important

    E126: Orientation and Why It's Important

    The orientation of your home and the direction each room faces, impacts livability and the comfort levels in your home. The ability to naturally warm your home in winter and keep it cool in summer are achievable by managing the sun and using it to your advantage at design stage.

    Frances shares her insights in this podcast episode on things to consider to maximise the potential of creating a home that is comfortable all year round along with design flaws to avoid. Full of tips and ways to get the most out of your home design, befor

    E125 - Renovating: Solid timber floor considerations

    E125 - Renovating: Solid timber floor considerations

    If you are renovating, and not sure what to do with the original timber floors, Frances outlines what some floor options are, in this episode. They may not need to replaced, and Frances discusses some choices and considerations you can explore to understand the best outcome for your home.

    E123 - The Paris Agreement and the Building Industry - Sustainable Homes and Living Season E13

    E123 - The Paris Agreement and the Building Industry - Sustainable Homes and Living Season E13

    In this episode Frances is joined by Richard Earp, who is super passionate about the environment and all things sustainability. He has been leading his company, Earp Bros, for years in meeting strict sustainability criteria, so he knows a thing or two. Together they discuss the impact of the Paris Agreement and NDCs (Nationally Determined Contributions) and the impact this will have on Australians and the materials they choose for their homes, for Australia to meet their NDC commitment by 2030 and beyond.

    E121 - What Clients are Wanting More of - Sustainable Homes and Living Season E11

    E121 - What Clients are Wanting More of - Sustainable Homes and Living Season E11

    Frances outlines the changes she's seeing in what clients and people are wanting for their homes. The shift in mindset and how this is impacting material choices, homes design and what's important for people when creating their Forever Homes.

    This this a summary of her observations with working with clients all over Australia, and how the sustainable and energy efficient movement is changing in a positive way.

    E120 - Building and Renovating Sustainably - Sustainable Homes and Living Season E10

    E120 - Building and Renovating Sustainably - Sustainable Homes and Living Season E10

    In this episode of the podcast Frances welcomes back Jeremy Gates from Gaia Construction to talk all things building and renovating sustainably. Jeremy highlights his top 5 ways that you can make your home more energy efficient, along with how to choose a sustainable builder. He discusses passive house principles that can be used to create a more comfortable home and mistakes to avoid.