
    My Story

    Welcome to the ‘My Story’ Podcast hosted by Podcast Producer Amelia Rees. Amelia has experienced more than her fair share of adversity. She has battled both mental and physical health but has come through stronger and with a better perspective on what really matters in life…human connection. Amelia interviews everyday people as they openly share their personal journeys as an encouragement to others who are facing adversity. For generations, storytelling has been a way to communicate and teach. Sharing can bring healing. Adversity can be overcome. Depression can be managed. Hearts can be mended. Hurt can be forgiven, and scars can heal. The goal of the My Story Podcast is to showcase that you are not alone in the struggle of hardship. Life isn’t always sunshine and rainbows, but with the right support, encouragement and a little bit of kindness to ourselves and others, we can get through anything. This raw and honest Podcast aims to be just that. Our guests have shown vulnerability and bravery to share their stories. They are on the path of breaking down the barriers we put around ourselves and each other. The more we talk about mental health, parenthood, illness and all forms of hardship, the more we can be there for each other. Episodes feature topics such as mental health, depression, fitness, anxiety, parenting, sick children, illness, personal battles, cancer, autism, financial abuse, diabetes, as well as encouragement and support for those who need it.
    enAmelia Rees10 Episodes

    Episodes (10)

    Episode 10 - Discussing the impact of Domestic Violence with Telina

    Episode 10 - Discussing the impact of Domestic Violence with Telina

    In this episode of the “My Story” Podcast, we are joined by Telina who shares with us her experience of Domestic Violence. We both agreed that this can sometimes be an uncomfortable conversation, however, it is an important one.  

    Telina is a survivor of an attack from her ex-partner, an event which brought her to within an inch of her life. We discuss losing yourself for the sake of another, recognising red-flags, seeking professional advice and the importance of inner purpose. We also talked about the societal perceptions of DV and how we can change the stigma against victims of abuse. This episode is a little longer than usual but an important story to share.  

    During our time together we will discuss:

    • Growing up in Australia and moving to Mexico 5 years ago to start fresh free from constraints. (Today she joins us from her new home in Canada!)
    • During her time in Mexico Telina explains how, over several years, she lost her sense self, purpose and value.
    • Telina who shares with us her experience of Domestic Violence.
    • Recognising the Red flags and how she has learnt from them.
    • The role that Telina played in her relationship breakdown.
    • The advantage of attending paid therapy, and how this brought Telina to make a change in her life.
    • Telina encourages victims to speak up and confide in someone you trust.
    • Telina worked hard on bringing purpose and value back into her heart.
    • Making the choice to say ‘I’m done’ and close the door.
    • Answering the question of “Why did they stay if it was so bad?’
    • Telina’s top tips for moving on from a bad experience.



    Sit back and enjoy this honest and raw conversation with Telina.



    Listen to the ‘Paper Planes Podcast’ by the Co.& Teli

    The Co.& Teli

    Domestic Abuse Hotline

    Call 1800 737 732

    Episode 9 - Facing the odds and Endometriosis, with Holly

    Episode 9 - Facing the odds and Endometriosis, with Holly

    In this episode of the “My Story” Podcast, we had the opportunity to hear from Holly. Holly has been diagnosed with endometriosis. 1 in 10 women suffer from the disease, and most take 7 years to receive a diagnosis. In Holly’s case, it is causing unexplained infertility. She opens up to us about her experience with ‘Edno’ and how she has managed to keep a positive mindset. Holly also shares some amazing tips for looking after yourself if you suffer from Endometriosis.

    During our time together we will discuss:

    • In Early 2019, after trying to have a baby for 5 years, Holly was diagnosed with stage 2 endometriosis (or ‘Endo’).
    • The signs and symptoms Holly experiences during her menstruation cycle.
    • Holly defines Endometriosis.
    • In general, Holly is healthy in her eating, exercise regime.
    • Holly’s Endo causes Retrograde menstruation, meaning her eggs cannot be properly released.
    • Holly’s mental health suffered as a result of her infertility causing depression, anxiety and insomnia.
    • Taking the steps to complete the less known method of IUI (intrauterine insemination).
    • After un-successful rounds of surgery and fertility treatments, Holly almost gave up hope.
    • Holly found unity and support when she attended a new fertility clinic, Life Fertility Clinic, and has started several rounds of IVF with Dr Glenn Sterling.
    • There is no cure for Endo, however, there are support groups. We’ve listed all Holly’s best go-to support connections below.
    • Holly had her incision surgery just after she turned 30. 
    • Holly’s tops items for managing pain: Magnesium spray or gel, Peppermint tea, Heat packs, Warm baths, avoid highly processed food, drink plenty of water and most important Rest, rest and rest!
    • Holly regrets not listening to her body and wished she had pushed Doctors for answers sooner.
    • Sympathy vs Empathy when looking after an ill loved one.

    Without the support networks Holly sought out, she may have given up her journey to motherhood Holly encourages us all to keep going, no matter what we face.

    Holly’s has shared some support connections:

    Life Fertility Clinic with Dr Glenn Sterling
    PCOS Bible
    Endometriosis Australia
    Lets Talk Period
    Eve Health


    Contact Holly

    Episode 8 - When physical, social and mental health combine with Mikeely Roberts

    Episode 8 - When physical, social and mental health combine with Mikeely Roberts

    In this episode of the “My Story” Podcast, we had the opportunity to hear from Mikeely. After intensely focusing on sport during high school, Mikeely experienced a burnout. She was sleeping for 20 hours a day! She now mentors young female athletes so they can learn healthy mental, physical and social habits. 

    During our time together we will discuss:

    • Mikeely grew up in a small town as the eldest daughter of 5.
    • During her school years, she participated in swimming, dancing and any sort of sport she could!
    • In year 12, Mikeely has a successful year with a high OP, completed triathlons, received sporing awards and an offer of a scholarship.
    • Following graduation, Mikeely started sleeping 20 hours per day.
    • This unusual behaviour was an obvious concern and following multiple test Mikeely was told she was experiencing burnout and chronic fatigue.
    • Mikeely’s had previously placed her self-worth in her performance, and she shares the impact of this on her mental health.
    • Visiting a Naturopath gave her hope that there was a road to recovery.
    • The understanding of family and her partner gave Mikeely the support she needed to get back to a healthy state of mind and body.
    • Looking back, Mikeely recognised the red-flags of burn out and she now shares her experience with young female athletes.
    • Mikeely became a certified nutrition & health coach and founded ‘Gen 5 Health and Wellness’ in 2019.
    • She aims to mentor young female athletes in a holistic approach to sustainable performance through physical, mental and social health.
    • The definition of social health, and its importance in all our lives.
    • Mikeely’s current mentor program and the future for ‘Gen 5 Health and Wellness’.

    Sit back and enjoy this interview with the wonderful Mikeely Roberts.



    Gen 5 Health and Wellness on Instagram

    Gen 5 Health and Wellness

    Episode 7 - A baby with a brain tumour with Luarna

    Episode 7 - A baby with a brain tumour with Luarna

    In this episode of the “My Story” Podcast, we had the opportunity to hear from Luarna. At just 4 months old, Isacc was diagnosed with an inoperable Brain Tumour. He became very sick with both chemotherapy and insertions of shunts to drain fluid from his brain. Luarna shares her journey as well as tips on maintaining a good relationship through hardship. Most of all, she encourages us to ask for help when we need it.

    During our time together we will discuss:

    • Isaac’s (Juvenile Pilocytic Astrocytoma) diagnosis at his 4-month check-up.
    • Within 24 hours, Isaac was admitted to hospital to give him a shunt to drain fluid from his brain.
    • Having to share the news of Isaac’s diagnosis with family.
    • Luarna explains the extent of Isaac’s diagnosis.
    • The developmental delays as a result of the tumour and brain damage.
    • Processing the reality of caring for a child with disabilities.
    • Luarna’s mental health check tips.
    • Watching Olly overtake Isaac developmentally.
    • Caring for a child with health concerns can be a lonely journey.
    • Parental guilt vs bad luck.
    • Having a second child was not the easiest choice for Luarna and Troy.
    • Camp Quality’s support for their journey.
    • The support of family and friends made the burden lighter.
    • Hardship can bring you together or tear you apart.
    • Luarna’s tips for staying united as a couple and on the same page.
    • Reach out and ask for help.
    • The importance of managing your mental health.
    • The benefits of going for a walk around the block when looking after someone in hospital.
    • It’s ok you focus on yourself.
    • Luarna’s encouragement to all parents.
    • The support of the Brainchild foundation for Lou and her family.


    Enjoy this episode with Luarna and hold your kids close tonight.



    Camp Quality

    Brainchild Foundation

    Episode 6 - Meeting with a Psychologist can change everything with Emma

    Episode 6 - Meeting with a Psychologist can change everything with Emma

    In this episode of the “My Story” Podcast, we had the opportunity to hear from Emma Fitzgerald. Emma has experienced much hardship over the last few years including homelessness, financial abuse and building a business. She shares how regular sessions with her Psycologogisthas changed her outlook on every aspect of her life.

    During our time together we will discuss:

    • Emma shares her journey of separation and after having her son.
    • Emma’s realisation of being in a financially abusive relationship.
    • Becoming (essentially) homeless and the road to financial independence.
    • Seeing a Psychologist gave Emma a better perspective of all aspects of life.
    • Emma’s tips for dealing with avoidance reactions.
    • The impact of mental health on Emma.
    • Grief can affect all areas of life, not just the loss of a loved one.
    • Emma’s encouragement to be kind to yourself.
    • Emma works in her own business, Lawyering Space, and loves it.
    • Self-expectation and the pressure we put on ourselves.
    • A snapshot of Emma’s life now.
    • How 1 hour in the office of a child psychologist helped her immensely.
    • Emma’s ultimate goal is to become a Barrister.
    • Be kind to yourself.

    Sit back and enjoy this helpful and raw interview with Emma Fitzgerald


    Lawyering Space

    Episode 5 - Starting a family is not always as easy as it sounds with Cassandra

    Episode 5 - Starting a family is not always as easy as it sounds with Cassandra

    In this episode of the “My Story” Podcast, we are lucky enough to hear from Surrogacy Lawyer Cassandra Kalpaxis from Simply Surrogacy. Cassandra’s story starts with a difficulty to fall pregnant and ends in a lawyer who has deeper compassion for her clients. Cassandra discusses’, IVF, sharing hardship with family and the feelings of shame surrounding her experience. She says ‘Remember that you are not alone, there is support if you reach out for it.’

    During our time together we will discuss:

    • Cassandra’s story starts with the Greek girl meeting the Italian boy and falling in love.
    • Following their wedding, they began to try for a baby and started purchasing items for a nursery.
    • Cassandra’s feelings of shame during this time.
    • After trying all other options, Cassandra and her husband saw a fertility doctor.
    • Cassandra was told she was unable to have a child and fell into a depression.
    • In this time she did not reach out to family and friends as she felt ashamed.
    • After her father’s Parkinson diagnosis, Cassandra’s desire to provide her father with grandchildren increased.
    • The emotional and financial impact of assisted pregnancies.
    • Cassandra started looking into other ways of having a baby and landed on IVF.
    • After several rounds of unsuccessful IVF, Cassandra’s sister offered to surrogate a child for them.
    • As they were considering (and saving for) Surrogacy, Cassandra found out she was pregnant!
    • After 3 years of trying to fall pregnant, she finally had a little boy, joined by his sister 3 years later.
    • Cassandra was able to give her father 3 years with his grandchildren, prior to his passing.
    • Regrets of not sharing her burden with those closest to her.
    • Sharing with those closest to her eased her sadness, she encourages us to do the same.
    • How a difficult experience of a close friend led Cassandra to start ‘Simply Surrogacy’.
    • Cassandra’s personal experience gives her greater compassion for her clients.
    • You are not alone. There is support if you reach out for it.

    Take encouragement from this interview with Cassandra.


    Simply Surrogacy

    Listen to last week’s episode here

    Episode 4 - Seeing the world through the eyes of a child with Autism with Jess

    Episode 4 - Seeing the world through the eyes of a child with Autism with Jess

    In this episode of the “My Story” Podcast, we had the opportunity to hear from Jess. Jess is a mother of two boys, Max and Josh. Prior to turning 2, Jess noticed signs of Max regressing. He was diagnosed with Autism, which has brought on many challenges and joys!

    During our time together we will discuss:

    • The signs of developmental regression and loss of milestones directed Jess and her husband to seek medical advice.
    • The early years of Max’s childhood and the signs of Autism.
    • Max was diagnosed with Autism at 2.5 years old, just 3 weeks after Jess birthed her second child.
    • The types of therapies Max needed when he was young and how they helped him.
    • Jess explains that Max’s therapy needs change over time.
    • The physical and emotional effects that Autism has on Max.
    • Max’s difficulties with everyday items like bathing, eating, school work and teeth brushing, among other things.
    • Jess defines ‘sensory’ issues and what this means for Max’s daily life.
    • How Jess has coped with the judgement of others while in public.
    • Jess’ tips on how we should react to a parent when they seem to be struggling.
    • Offering assistance to the parents of a child with a disability, rather than to the child.
    • Ninja the cat has helped Max with his anxiety and taught him to become more affectionate.
    • Jess’ encouragement to other parents.

    Sit back and enjoy this interview with super-mum Jess!


    Walk for Autism


    My Story
    enJune 02, 2020

    Episode 3 - Choosing the right support network when dealing with ongoing challenges with Lorinda

    Episode 3 - Choosing the right support network when dealing with ongoing challenges with Lorinda

    In this episode of the “My Story” Podcast, we have a chance to hear the second half of Lorinda’s Story. In Episode 2, we discussed her pregnancy journey along with a traumatic birth. In this episode, Lorinda shares how she reacted to this time as well as the support she received.

    During our time together we will discuss:

    • How Lorinda came to recognise that her birthing experience was continuing to bring her pain and knew that she needed additional support

    • 10-15 weeks after her daughter was born she realised that the various health crises she experienced were continuing to impacting her sense of well-being and emotional recovery

    • Lorinda shares how she recognised she was not herself and asked for help

    • As a counsellor, Lorinda has seen different reactions to trauma

    • Choosing the right support network

    • Lorinda mentions resources like Peach Tree, PANDA, Anglicare and call centres

    Lorinda’s three tips of encouragement being:

    • It’s ok, not to be ok with the challenges of parenthood

    • Talk to someone you trust

    • Know when to get help from a professional

    Sit back and enjoy this helpful interview with Lorinda



    Peach Tree

    Anglicare Counselling

    Beyond Blue

    Episode 2- Tips for getting through a difficult pregnancy and birth with counsellor Lorinda

    Episode 2- Tips for getting through a difficult pregnancy and birth with counsellor Lorinda

    In ‘part A’ of this episode of the My Story Podcast, we had the opportunity to hear from Lorinda. She is a trained midwife, turned Counsellor turned Mother extraordinaire! In this episode, Lorinda shares her story of pregnancy and birth.

    During our time together we will discuss:

    • Lorinda’s pregnancy journey including her journey with pre-eclampsia

    • She and her husband took a strength-based approach to her difficult pregnancy

    • As Lorinda’s pregnancy progressed she became more unwell until she ended up in the hospital to be induced

    • The thunderclap of movement which triggered Lorinda into a panic just prior to her being knocked out

    • How Lorinda has self-counselled herself through the birth of her daughter

    Ensure you join us next week for Part B of Lorinda’s story. Next week she will share how she recognised the early signs of perinatal distress and took steps to look after herself.



    Peach Tree


    Beyond Blue

    Episode 1 - Perspective and new opportunities in times of hardship with host Amelia Rees

    Episode 1 - Perspective and new opportunities in times of hardship with host Amelia Rees

    In this episode of the “My Story” Podcast, we will start to get to know each other as I share my story which led me to start this podcast, and my Podcast Production business ‘Pretty Podcasts’.  

    Between 2013 and 2018, I had three major surgeries to remove a rare tumour from my collarbone. This difficult time had a huge effect on both my mental and physical health. However, this adversity has taught me so much about myself and gave me a better perspective on what really matters in life…human connection. Through all my difficulties I have gained a new perspective on life. My hard-ship turned into my career and I think that message is worth sharing.

    In the ‘My Story’ Podcast, I will interview everyday people as they openly share their own stories as an encouragement to others facing adversity in their own lives.

    During our time together we will discuss:

    • How I came to realise I had an Aggressive Osteoblastoma in my clavicle.
    • Fast forward a few years and my experience of re-occurrence and the shock of the break.
    • My journey with chronic pain and severe anxiety.
    • The challenges the medical team faced in completing a Clavicle Resection in round three of surgery.
    • Having to discuss my mortality, with my husband at the age of 27.
    • The kindness and support of Clarissa Rayward, which led me to start my own business, Pretty Podcasts.
    • My Story of recovery and getting my ‘spark’ back.
    • The goals of the My Story Podcast.

    Enjoy the first episode of the My Story Podcast

    Beyond Blue

    Clarissa Rayward - Happy Lawyer Happy Life Podcast

    My Story
    enJune 02, 2020