
    Naked Scientists Special Editions ENHANCED

    Probing the weird, wacky and spectacular, the Naked Scientists Special Editions are special one-off scientific reports, investigations and interviews on cutting-edge topics by the Naked Scientists team.
    enChris Smith250 Episodes

    Episodes (250)

    English youths drinking less - Naked Scientists Special Editions 18.10.12

    English youths drinking less - Naked Scientists Special Editions 18.10.12
    We all know that drinking alcohol is bad for us but in the UK we still pay a huge 3.5 billion annually for the National Health Service (NHS) to treat over 60 alcohol induced medical conditions including liver disease, pancreatitis, diabetes, heart disease and numerous forms of cancer. Fortunately, it seems that the message to put down the booze has trickled down to the younger generation as a recent study of 16 to 24 year olds shows that over the past ten years, they are drinking less. Tamsin Bell spoke to Linda Ng Fat from University College London to find out why more teens are laying off the drinks...

    NASA: Now and Next - Naked Scientists Special Editions 18.10.10

    NASA: Now and Next - Naked Scientists Special Editions 18.10.10
    From right here on earth to the furthest visible parts of the universe, NASA has its eye on pretty much everything in between. Professor Andrew Coates from University College London was lead co-investigator in the joint ESA-NASA Cassini-Huygens mission to Saturn, and is involved in several further NASA missions of space exploration. With NASA turning 60 this month, Sam Brown spoke to Professor Coates about the fascinating missions that NASA is involved with, and what they have planned for the future...

    eLife Episode 50: Inside Your Microbiome - Naked Scientists Special Editions 18.10.10

    eLife Episode 50: Inside Your Microbiome - Naked Scientists Special Editions 18.10.10
    This special edition of the eLife Podcast marks our 50th episode and we've decided to mark the milestone by focusing on a field that's huge and tiny both at the same time: huge in terms of the rate at which the discipline's growing and the impact it's set to have our lives, and tiny because its subjects are microscopic. It's our microbiome, the community of micro-organisms that live on us and in us and outnumber our own human cells by maybe 50 fold: we're literally passengers in our own bodies, and over the next 30 minutes we'll hear how gut bacteria might alter your risk of diabetes, and how the microbiome can manipulate your mood...

    Using gene editing to wipe out malaria-transmitting mosquitoes - Naked Scientists Special Editions 18.10.04

    Using gene editing to wipe out malaria-transmitting mosquitoes - Naked Scientists Special Editions 18.10.04
    Mosquitoes spread diseases like malaria, and they are rapidly becoming resistant to the insecticides used to control them. So scientists are looking at the potential of using a genetic technique, called a gene drive, to solve the problem. This involves engineering a gene-editing system into the insects that targets and inactivates a gene called dbx - or doublesex - that is needed for the insects to develop normally. Critically though, only female mosquitoes, which are also the ones that bite, are affected by the change. This means that males are left unaffected and can spread the genetic modification through the population; but affected female mosquitoes are unable to reproduce, and within 8 generations, the population crashes to zero. Chris Smith heard how it works from Imperial College's Andrea Crisanti...

    Robotic Skin turns everyday objects into robots - Naked Scientists Special Editions 18.09.26

    Robotic Skin turns everyday objects into robots - Naked Scientists Special Editions 18.09.26
    Imagine going into space. You've got your kit, you're blasted into darkness, you're ready to discover the unknown but then your equipment doesn't quite fit the task required. How can you prepare for that? This is a reality that space engineers and robotic experts are trying to facing every day. Now, researchers from Yale think they've got an answer. They've developed something called "Omniskin" - a sheet of material that can animate everyday objects and turn them into robots. Izzie Clarke spoke to study author Joran Booth.

    Back to School: Why mistakes help us learn - Naked Scientists Special Editions 18.09.24

    Back to School: Why mistakes help us learn - Naked Scientists Special Editions 18.09.24
    We've all been there at some point - you raise your hand in class, answer the question, and get it utterly, utterly wrong. These school-day humiliations may stay with us many years later, in fact - I'd love to hear yours, but as our kids are all headed back to school this week, we're trying to find out if perhaps these mistakes are good for us! Georgia Mills is on the case, but only after finding out some of our listeners biggest dunce moments!

    A new conductive and magnetic material - Naked Scientists Special Editions 18.09.24

    A new conductive and magnetic material - Naked Scientists Special Editions 18.09.24
    You may have heard of graphene, the so called wonder material set to revolutionise electronics but the difficulty to consistently add extra properties and scale up cheaply limits industrial use! Scientists have been looking for easy to make alternatives, such as a new class of materials called metal organic frameworks or MOFs. As the name suggests, they're made by combining two components: a metal and something called an "organic chain" which contains carbon with some other elements. These can be used to create new materials with exciting properties.The big problem is that scientists have not been able to introduce magnetic properties and electrical conductivity to metal organic frameworks, limiting their application in electronics. Until now. Tamsin Bell spoke with Kasper Pederson from the Technical University of Denmark to find out what they have been doing

    Bonobo Apes Won't Share Toys - Naked Scientists Special Editions 18.09.21

    Bonobo Apes Won't Share Toys - Naked Scientists Special Editions 18.09.21
    Do you share food or do you bite the hand off anyone who tries? Chimpanzees, one of our closest relatives are in the latter category: they'll gladly share tools, but food's a no no. New research published in Proceedings of the Royal Society B has been looking into our other close relatives: bonobo apes. Bizarrely, while they'll gladly share food, woe betide anyone who touches someone else's tools or toys! So what does this say about us? Adam Murphy spoke to Christopher Krupenye, from the University of St. Andrews to learn more.

    Audio cues improve driver safety - Naked Scientists Special Editions 18.09.06

    Audio cues improve driver safety - Naked Scientists Special Editions 18.09.06
    These days, many of us are heavily dependent on our trusty sat navs to get where we want to go, but looking at these devices whilst driving is incredibly dangerous and can lead to car accidents. Psychologists from Anglia Ruskin University are hoping to minimise the dangers of using this technology by incorporating audio cues with in-car GPS to forewarn the driver of the lay of the land. Tamsin Bell met with Helen Keyes to hear what's driving their work...

    Goats prefer happy people - Naked Scientists Special Editions 18.09.05

    Goats prefer happy people - Naked Scientists Special Editions 18.09.05
    Goats can tell apart human facial expressions and - what's more - prefer to interact with happy people, according to a new study from scientists at Queen Mary University of London. We knew work animals like dogs and horses could do this, but no-one knew if animals domesticated for food products would be able to. Georgia Mills spoke to lead researcher Alan McElligott to find out how they did it

    Origins of childhood kidney cancer - Naked Scientists Special Editions 18.09.01

    Origins of childhood kidney cancer - Naked Scientists Special Editions 18.09.01
    Most of the people who develop cancer are adults, although a significant number of children succumb too. The signs are though that childhood cancers could have a different origin than the adult disease, which might also mean they can be treated in a different way. Cambridge University's Sam Behjati suspects that tumours in children form from foetal tissue that has failed to mature properly. And by comparing the genetic instructions operating in normal and cancerous kidney cells from children and adults, he's tracked down evidence to support his theory and found a host of new avenues to explore to treat the disease. Chris Smith heard how...

    Evolution of the Skeleton - Naked Scientists Special Editions 18.08.10

    Evolution of the Skeleton - Naked Scientists Special Editions 18.08.10
    Since Darwin's time scientists have been studying the skeleton of a type of fish that lived 400 million years ago called Heterostracans. These fish were covered in a tough exoskeleton, but scientists couldn't decide exactly where it came from. Was it a precursor to bone? To teeth? New research is suggesting all those old theories may be as dead and buried as the fish fossils, and this exoskeleton is just another way of making bone. Adam Murphy spoke to Joseph Keating of the University of Manchester to learn more...

    Chemputer: Chemistry goes digital - Naked Scientists Special Editions 18.08.07

    Chemputer: Chemistry goes digital - Naked Scientists Special Editions 18.08.07
    Mixing chemicals together causes reactions and produces new molecules. With so many different chemicals in existence, there are infinite combinations that can be made, and millions of chemical reactions yet to be tried. But doing these tests is very time consuming, laborious and has a low success rate; it's also very susceptible to human failings, like bias and fatigue. To surmount this, University of Glasgow chemist Lee Cronin has invented a robot to test his chemical combinations for him. What's more impressive is that this robot can actually learn. By testing random chemical combinations from an initial set of 18 chemicals, the robot gathered data about chemical reactivity and could predict what other chemical combinations would cause reactions. This helped the robot decide which chemical combinations to test next. Marika Ottman spoke with Lee Cronin to hear how his "Chemputer" came about

    Circumcision Prevents HIV - Naked Scientists Special Editions 18.07.27

    Circumcision Prevents HIV - Naked Scientists Special Editions 18.07.27
    HIV is a global pandemic. Worldwide, about 37 million people are living with the virus, and there are between 3 and 5 thousand AIDS deaths every day. More worrying is that, despite intensive public health and safe sex campaigns, there are a further 3 to 5 thousand new HIV infections occurring every day, and despite decades of effort, scientists still have not yet managed to develop an effective vaccine. But one very powerful way to prevent infection is for men to be circumcised, which reduces their risk of picking up the virus by up to 80%. So is this a cost effective strategy to halt HIV spread? Marika Ottman spoke with John Stover who's been studying the impact of a circumcision programme in Zimbabwe...

    Blocking \'memory\' immune cells to cure vitiligo - Naked Scientists Special Editions 18.07.20

    Blocking \'memory\' immune cells to cure vitiligo - Naked Scientists Special Editions 18.07.20
    Vitiligo is an autoimmune condition, in which the immune system attacks the pigment-producing cells of the skin, leaving behind pale white patches. Although not dangerous in itself, vitiligo can be disfiguring, causing a great deal of distress to people suffering from it. There are treatments available for vitiligo - these include topical creams that suppress the immune attack on skin cells, and phototherapy, which uses UV light. However, these treatments are time- and effort-consuming, particularly if large areas of the skin are affected. Another problem is that they only work temporarily - in many patients, the disease returns when the treatment is stopped. Crucially, the disease tends to return in the same patches of skin where it first appeared - prompting a team of researchers to wonder whether this property may lead to an explanation as to how the disease occurs, and even a potential cure. To find out more, I, Isabelle Cochrane spoke to Prof John Harris...

    Growing new blood vessels - Naked Scientists Special Editions 18.07.10

    Growing new blood vessels - Naked Scientists Special Editions 18.07.10
    Heart attacks come about when blood vessels in the heart are blocked, and without a supply of oxygen-rich blood, the heart muscle can die. This is called ischemic injury, and can also occur in other places in the body, potentially leading to tissue death and even limb amputation. But what if it was possible to re-build the blood vessels in the heart or in other areas of the body, to kick-start the circulation and prevent tissues from being starved of oxygen, and dying? This is what Jo Mountford is trying to do at the Scottish National Blood Transfusion service, as she explains to Katie Haylor...

    Why living the high-life can shrink your arms - Naked Scientists Special Editions 18.07.04

    Why living the high-life can shrink your arms - Naked Scientists Special Editions 18.07.04
    People all around the world are living the high life. That's to say, living their whole lives at high altitude. This lifestyle has an impact on their bodies, including upon how their bones grow. And one adaptation, Cambridge University's Stephanie Payne has found, is to alter the relative lengths of the arms. Katie Haylor and Chris Smith found out more...