
    Naked Scientists Special Editions ENHANCED

    Probing the weird, wacky and spectacular, the Naked Scientists Special Editions are special one-off scientific reports, investigations and interviews on cutting-edge topics by the Naked Scientists team.
    enChris Smith250 Episodes

    Episodes (250)

    Ivory, bear bile and tiger skins: Confiscated contraband - Naked Scientists Special Editions 18.03.07

    Ivory, bear bile and tiger skins: Confiscated contraband - Naked Scientists Special Editions 18.03.07
    When people take wildlife products over a border that is under the control of CITES. Some of it is illegal, and this is when Border Force step in, confiscating the items in question and when possible, returning them to the wild. But what do people bring through? Georgia Mills was shown the Dead Shed, by senior Border Force officer Grant Miller, a horrific stash of animal and plant products that had been confiscated at Heathrow Airport. This content may be upsetting to some people.

    Reprogramming skin cells to treat Multiple Sclerosis - Naked Scientists Special Editions 18.02.26

    Reprogramming skin cells to treat Multiple Sclerosis - Naked Scientists Special Editions 18.02.26
    Multiple Sclerosis, or MS, affects hundreds of thousands of people. It's a condition where the body's own immune system attacks a protective layer around nerve fibres called myelin. This prevents messages being conveyed quickly and faithfully through the brain producing symptoms that can include difficulty with vision, movement, speech, balance and sensation. In recent years scientists have begun to explore the use of stem cells to combat the progression of the disease. As author Stefano Pluchino, from Cambridge University, explained to Chris Smith.

    New treatment for heavy periods - Naked Scientists Special Editions 18.01.29

    New treatment for heavy periods - Naked Scientists Special Editions 18.01.29
    Up to a third of women experience debilitatingly heavy periods. This can cause significant disruption. It can also lead to depression; time off work; and, in severe cases, even lead to a low blood count or anaemia. Currently, heavy periods are treated hormonally or surgically, but these options have side effects and can affect fertility. So is there a better treatment? Edinburgh University's Jackie Maybin thinks so.

    Toothpaste ingredient fights malaria - Naked Scientists Special Editions 18.01.22

    Toothpaste ingredient fights malaria  - Naked Scientists Special Editions 18.01.22
    Scientists have shown that a toothpaste ingredient could be used as an anti-malarial drug. Spread by mosquitoes, malaria is caused by Plasmodium parasites, and kills over half a million people every year, 70% of them children. In recent years the parasite has also become resistant to most of the existing anti-malarial compounds. This new discovery, by researchers at the University of Cambridge, was aided by Eve, an artificially-intelligent 'robot scientist'. Chris Smith was joined by Steve Oliver who was part of the investigation.

    Find out about flu - Naked Scientists Special Editions 18.01.18

    Find out about flu - Naked Scientists Special Editions 18.01.18
    It's winter time again in the northern hemisphere and the influenza virus - the 'flu - is making its seasonal rounds. The virus infects millions of people every year, and vulnerable individuals with underlying health complaints including heart disease, kidney problems and diabetes, as well as pregnant women, the very young and the over 65s are at higher risk of developing a severe infection. To find out how flu spreads and causes disease, and how you can protect yourself, Naked Scientists Connie Orbach and Khalil Thirlaway have been investigating this microbial assailant...

    eLife Episode 44: Sperm Competitions and Ancient Horses - Naked Scientists Special Editions 18.01.16

    eLife Episode 44: Sperm Competitions and Ancient Horses - Naked Scientists Special Editions 18.01.16
    In this episode, we hear about self-esteem, a new genus of extinct horse, the future of biological engineering, tracking mosquitoes with mobile phones, and how a love rival causes salmon to increase their sperm speed...

    Tinnitus therapy trial success - Naked Scientists Special Editions 18.01.10

    Tinnitus therapy trial success - Naked Scientists Special Editions 18.01.10
    Around one in ten people have to live with tinnitus, this is a persistent noise ringing in the head when there's nothing external causing it. The severity of tinnitus can range from irritating to completely life-changing, by making it nearly impossible to work or sleep, and there is no cure. But now, scientists have come up with a way to reduce the severity of symptoms, by stimulating parts of the brain responsible for causing the phantom sounds. Georgia Mills spoke to Susan Shore, from the University of Michigan.

    How life could have come from space - Naked Scientists Special Editions 17.12.21

    How life could have come from space - Naked Scientists Special Editions 17.12.21
    The question of where life began is a difficult one to answer. While many scientists believe that life began on earth, others believe that life, or at least its building blocks, first formed in space. A recent study from the University of Sherbrooke, in Canada, has shown how complex organic molecules could form on icy comets - from nothing more than simple molecules and radiation. And it's possible that this could explain how complex molecules like amino acids - which are the building blocks of proteins - could have originally formed billions of years ago and led to the beginning of life on Earth. Michael Huels, who led the study, told us more.

    Environmental implications of healthier eating - Naked Scientists Special Editions 17.12.15

    Environmental implications of healthier eating - Naked Scientists Special Editions 17.12.15
    In the run up to Christmas, shops are bursting at the seams with delicious treats, appealing platters and indulgent morsals, which can make sticking to a healthy diet rather unlikely. And food consumption has consequences for our "waist" in more ways than one! According to the Food and Agricultural Organisation of the UN, over a third of all the food made globally each year goes un-used, that's around 1.3 billion tonnes. But could adhering to a healthier diet in the food we do eat make a difference to the environment? Paul Behrens and colleagues from Lieden University in the Netherlands have set out to answer this question, and Katie Haylor's been finding out how.

    The future of HIV research - Naked Scientists Special Editions 17.12.01

    The future of HIV research - Naked Scientists Special Editions 17.12.01
    December 1st is World AIDS Day. HIV AIDS affects 35 million people worldwide, and although the number of new infections is slowly decreasing, last year it still caused one million deaths. The virus, HIV, attacks the body's immune system by infecting white blood cells, also called "lymphocytes". Lewis Thomson has been finding out what the future holds for treatment, and what it's like to be diagnosed with the virus, and met with Professor Andrew Lever from the University of Cambridge, who researches the virus.

    Could reflective particles limit global temperature rise? - Naked Scientists Special Editions 17.11.22

    Could reflective particles limit global temperature rise? - Naked Scientists Special Editions 17.11.22
    This week the UN Climate Change Conference has been happening in Bonn. This meeting is the next step for governments to implement the Paris Climate Change Agreement, which entered into force last November and sets out strategies to try to limit the rise in global temperatures to below 1.5 degrees C. With these targets in minds researchers the world over have been exploring various ways to reverse global warming. One suggestion is to spray about 5 million tonnes of reflective sulphur particles into the high atmosphere to temporarily reduce the intensity of sunlight and cool things down. Scientists at the University of Exeter have plugged the proposals into a complex climate simulator to find out what the consequences might be. Chris Smith spoke to Jim Haywood...

    Type 2 Diabetes Reversed in Rats - Naked Scientists Special Editions 17.11.15

    Type 2 Diabetes Reversed in Rats - Naked Scientists Special Editions 17.11.15
    Last year, Diabetes UK reported that almost 4 million people in the UK are living with diabetes. Around 90% of these cases are classed as Type 2, which is often linked with obesity. Interestingly, Type 2 diabetes has been reversed in people undergoing weight loss surgery, who have been able to leave hospital after only a few days no longer needing their diabetes medication. Studies have suggested it's not the surgery itself, but the calorie restricted diet that follows which is responsible. Now, a team at Yale University has investigated the mechanisms by which this reversal is made possible. Heather Wark spoke to Dr. Rachel Perry, who was part of the study, to find out how it was done.

    Sleep and fear learning - Naked Scientists Special Editions 17.11.02

    Sleep and fear learning - Naked Scientists Special Editions 17.11.02
    Traditionally, researchers have recognised the importance of sleep in modulating the fear learning response when the sleep occurs after fear learning. To understand how sleep, prior to a fear learning task, may be important; researchers looked at the sleep of participants in the lab and at home by measuring brain wave activity. They discovered that a particular stage of sleep called rapid eye movement stage sleep may be protective against fear learning when it occurs prior to fear learning, something which may have implications for protecting against the development of post traumatic stress disorder.

    AI learning without human guidance - Naked Scientists Special Editions 17.11.01

    AI learning without human guidance - Naked Scientists Special Editions 17.11.01
    In 2016, the world champion Lee Sedol was beaten at the ancient boardgame of Go - by a machine. It was part of the AlphaGo programme, which is a series of artificially intelligent systems designed by London-based company DeepMind. AlphaGo Zero, the latest iteration of the programme, can learn to excel at the boardgame of Go without any help from humans. So what applications could AI learning independently have for our day-to-day lives? Katie Haylor spoke to computer scientist Satinder Singh from the University of Michigan, who specialises in an area within artificial intelligence called reinforcement learning.

    Cholesterol-like drug could protect your heart - Naked Scientists Special Editions 17.10.24

    Cholesterol-like drug could protect your heart - Naked Scientists Special Editions 17.10.24
    A drug based on a form of cholesterol might be able to reduce the damage done by heart attacks. Working with experimental mice, scientists in Australia have found that so-called good cholesterol, also known as "HDL", if injected into the bloodstream shortly after a heart attack can prevent heart cells from dying. The experiments suggest that the HDL temporarily alters the way heart cells burn glucose, giving them more energy and improving their survival. Chris Smith spoke to Sarah Heywood, who carried out the work at the Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute in Melbourne, Australia