
    Never Far from Home

    NFFH uses story-telling to examine the community of hockey, nationwide. Each episode will have an interviewee that fields questions from the host, Vladan Chase. Some content is explicit, just as life sometimes is.
    enVladan Chase285 Episodes

    Episodes (285)

    Never Far from Home Ep. 261 - The Minnesota Vagabond

    Never Far from Home Ep. 261 - The Minnesota Vagabond

    Tom Peart is the first guest in the “Minnesota Chronicles”, a special series from my time in Minnesota for the Boys State High School Tourney. Tom goes through a timeline that is filled with hockey, from coming to the sport a bit late at 12-13, and finding himself in love with the goalie position, to his college playing days (post-Marines), through his many years as a coach. I hope you enjoy his story telling as much as I did!






    Never Far from Home Ep. 260 - Born to be a goalie

    Never Far from Home Ep. 260 - Born to be a goalie

    Kassidy Sauve came on and we go into her timeline of involvement, as we do on the show. Hers is a Canadian story. She was almost born with skates on, and was playing from 4 years old. She quickly found herself loving the crease, and everything that came with being a goalie. Her career is still going strong, today, but she does an excellent job moving through the years that led her to pro hockey. From youth time in Montreal and Toronto, to Ohio State, to Clarkson, and finally, to Finland. Enjoy her many tales!



    Never Far from Home Ep. 259 - Big Cardio

    Never Far from Home Ep. 259 - Big Cardio

    Amanda Provan was kind enough to join the show, and we explore her passion for the game. She began playing at 12, but had loved it since her youth. The path of life was such that she found blind hockey after a few years playing sighted, and we talk on what the transition was like. She quickly found herself engrossed with the community of Blind Hockey in Canada, and is the first woman to win gold with the Canadian National team. Enjoy her tales!



    Never Far from Home Ep. 258 - Big Edge-work Guy

    Never Far from Home Ep. 258 - Big Edge-work Guy

    Kenny Simmons was the third live guest of Never Far from Home. We sat down at West End Sports Grill, and had a great chat about his timeline within the game of hockey, and just how it was a Michigan boy ended up in Steamboat Springs. I had multiple friends and family members reach out with questions before the show, and we get to those as well. Enjoy a fun chat with a good hockey guy.



    Never Far from Home Ep. 257 - Minister of Defense

    Never Far from Home Ep. 257 - Minister of Defense

    Tristan Lindberg comes on the show, and we explore a timeline that includes sighted hockey for a large chunk of time, including some time in juniors. Then, as things declined visually, he found himself back in the game with Canadian Blind Hockey. Enjoy the many tales Tristan shares, as we navigate rink stories, difficulties he has overcome, and of course, there is some off-ice exploration as well!



    Never Far from Home Ep. 256 - Chicago Strong

    Never Far from Home Ep. 256 - Chicago Strong

    Salmaan Chaudhri joined the podcast, and we were able to get into some of his timeline connected to the rink. We talk about one of my favorite things, community, and how the community of blind hockey has grown over the last few years. Salmaan shares his connection to the game, and within the exploration, we also find some good stories. Enjoy another wonderful guest!



    Never Far from Home Ep. 255 - Somewhere beyond the S-E-A

    Never Far from Home Ep. 255 - Somewhere beyond the S-E-A

    Lee Becker and I have been pining to get together on a podcast for a while, and his stories do not disappoint. We explore a timeline that includes growing up in a hockey-rich household, finding a passion in the games nuances, regarding equipment, and eventually traveling overseas and finding the game in a whole new way. Lee has some incredible tales that we move through, but even more that will be shared when we connect for the second of this two-part story. Enjoy!



    Never Far from Home Ep. 254 - exe-Kucy-ioner

    Never Far from Home Ep. 254 - exe-Kucy-ioner

    Ryan Kucy and I dive into his hockey timelines, highlighted by his first few times skating, and eventually, finding blind hockey a little later in his teen years. After finding his community, the experiences he has had have been mostly wonderful. As you may have come to expect, we explore family, passion for a sport, and the ever important: community. Enjoy some wonderful tales from my friend, Ryan.



    Never Far from Home Ep. 254 - exe-Kucy-ioner

    Never Far from Home Ep. 254 - exe-Kucy-ioner

    Ryan Kucy and I dive into his hockey timelines, highlighted by his first few times skating, and eventually, finding blind hockey a little later in his teen years. After finding his community, the experiences he has had have been mostly wonderful. As you may have come to expect, we explore family, passion for a sport, and the ever important: community. Enjoy some wonderful tales from my friend, Ryan.



    Never Far from Home Ep. 253 - Hockey and Skiing

    Never Far from Home Ep. 253 - Hockey and Skiing

    Hannah Croonquist and I met up at the Howie Dome, and she regaled me with stories about falling in love with the game. Originally from Minnesota, she wasted little time in becoming involved with the community of the rink, and even now as a young adult, she realizes the special connections it has given her. We walk through her youth hockey, her family, and where she landed for college. And of course, we find out how she ended up in Colorado. Enjoy.



    Never Far from Home Ep. 252 - One of the Flock

    Never Far from Home Ep. 252 - One of the Flock

    Missy Segall came on the show and we wasted little time diving into the stories and timeline! Missy grew up just outside of Boston, and she fell in love with hockey at a young age. We explore how that love became a passion, and just how far the passion took her. While she is currently moving into a different role in life and hockey, this is another example of a wonderful person who will always stay connected to the game.



    Never Far from Home Ep. 251 - Gear Junkie

    Never Far from Home Ep. 251 - Gear Junkie

    Spencer Wayman was guest #2 live from West End Sports Grill! We had a great time going through his involvement within the game, from his youth days in Craig through his time in college where he had to make more of an effort to stay involved. We find the different reasons he continues to love the game, and what drives him to stay involved. Enjoy!



    Never Far from Home Ep. 250 - My Friend, Doc

    Never Far from Home Ep. 250 - My Friend, Doc

    Mike "Doc" Emrick was welcomed to the show, and shared some great stories. We had limited time, but made the most of it, exploring some of the roots of his love for the game, examining the different meanings of family, touching on the late Peter McNab, and of course we dove into the senses as well. Enjoy the chat with my friend, Doc.



    Never Far from Home Ep. 249 - Call Sign - "Boozer"

    Never Far from Home Ep. 249 - Call Sign - "Boozer"

    Dave Paolillo joins the show and we were able to explore many stories within his great life. He spent some years in New York, where he learned to love the game of hockey, then went to Florida, and ended up in the Air Force. The path was not that linear, and we take a deep dive into some fantastic, and at times incredibly challenging, career path. Enjoy my friends tales. I sure did.



    Never Far from Home Ep. 248 - Hockey and Fishing

    Never Far from Home Ep. 248 - Hockey and Fishing

    McKenna Hulslander joined the show, and shared wonderful stories about growing up in Montana. She talks about some of the challenges faced being in such a hockey remote environment. There was plenty of growth on the long drives, and plenty of tales that came from her time away from family. It all led her to college, and eventually overseas where she is currently tending net, professionally. Enjoy her many stories.



    Never Far from Home Ep. 247 - A-Dater

    Never Far from Home Ep. 247 - A-Dater

    Adrian Dater grew up in the Northeast, and found a draw to sports through his connection to some Boston TV. He was lucky enough to grow in the game with names like Orr. We explore his youth, college, and eventual move to Colorado. There, he happened into a decent time with an NHL franchise who moved to Denver in 96. We go into a lot of storytelling. Enjoy.



    Never Far from Home Ep. 246 - Hockey Pure

    Never Far from Home Ep. 246 - Hockey Pure

    Brian Ripley was the first live show for Never Far from Home. We plan to have more in the future, and what those develop into may change, but it was a blast to host a small community event, and still tell some stories. Those included growing up in the Colorado Springs area, playing hockey through college, and finding coaching soon after. Enjoy the tales of a ranch hand.



    Never Far from Home Ep. 245 - The Maccabiah Games

    Never Far from Home Ep. 245 - The Maccabiah Games

    Sydney Bierwirth had some awesome tales to share, from growing up in the Detroit area, and falling in love with the game at the height of the Avalanche-Red Wing rivalry, to playing hockey in Israel. And the journey between. Enjoy her many stories, including the times she faced falling back in love with the game. Sydney has had a fantastic timeline, so far, with so much yet to come!



    Never Far from Home Ep. 244 - Schrammer the Hammer

    Never Far from Home Ep. 244 - Schrammer the Hammer

    Dan Schramm and I sat down after a great lunch, and he shared many stories, from growing up in the Vail valley in a household already in love with hockey, to stepping away from the game for a piece of time, and finding it again with Blind Hockey. Inside of that, we also explore his passion for food, and we find a few rabbit trails that lead to good stories. Enjoy!



    Never far from Home Ep. 243 - The Dented Puck

    Never far from Home Ep. 243 - The Dented Puck

    Drew Garza was an interesting story to listen to. He was sighted, and played hockey through his college years, then stepped away from the game for some time. He lost his vision in his late twenties, and as fate would have it, that was one of the things that got him back into the rink. We explore his timeline, and get into details from his youth, through his current escapade as a member of the blind hockey team for USA.

