
    New Light Living with Ulrika Sullivan: See your life in a new light

    Your ideal life is one right turn away, right here, and right now with me, Ulrika Sullivan and New Light Living. See your life in a new light. In this show, we will awake the creative calm of the mind and shine a new light on our lives. I am bringing real-world tools to show you how to ignite the light and restore your balance to who you truly are. That busy, exhausted feeling isn’t anyone’s true purpose. Get back to the heart of your real self, begin to live your Ideal Dream Day, every day. Learn how to stop giving your energy away, trust your intuition, chill-out your ego, and learn to find your calm. The journey begins now, come and step into the light!
    en-usTransformation Radio - New Mainstream in Talk Radio37 Episodes

    Episodes (37)

    Want to Quit? 3 Self Growth Tools to Show Up with Ease

    Want to Quit? 3 Self Growth Tools to Show Up with Ease

    Why does it feel like self growth and personal evolution sometimes feel like WORK? It may even feel like you want to quit and go back to your old ways? So, what’s the trick to make it stick this time? Join Ulrika this week to explore 3 self growth tools to help you stay the course and show up with EASE.

    Related show: 3 Spiritual Tools for Inspiration and Motivation


    Free download - 7 Step Guide to Protect Your Energy


    Join Intentions & Bracelet Online Workshop (scroll down on page to register once on site) 

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    Frustrating Mindfulness Practice? How to Use Curiosity to Find Your Calm

    Frustrating Mindfulness Practice? How to Use Curiosity to Find Your Calm

    Are you an ambitious, driven, task oriented busy woman? OK, then you may have the natural tendency to relate to mindfulness practice as a strategic plan.

    You may relate to mindfulness practice with tasks, with lists, and days mapped out for when meditations and mindfulness exercises are to happen etc?

    And by following the well thought out plan you may think the self development is done.

    Check! Does that sound like you?


    Get my 7-Step Guide to Feeling Like You Have Every Day Off! 

    Energized in Life meditations


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    Your Guide to Yoga when Creating a New Daily Routine

    Your Guide to Yoga when Creating a New Daily Routine

    Have you been thinking about trying yoga recently? Something deeper, a way to help you evolve and grow in life? 

    Do you feel that you want something more than just physical exercise? Here’s your guide to yoga in times when your life is evolving and some tips on how to finally make yoga part of your daily routine.


    Yoga is becoming a household activity these days, but how do you know what yoga style is right for you? If you already practice yoga it may be time to explore a different perspective of yoga, and if you’re new to yoga it may open up a whole new world to healing.

    Desk yoga video click here!

    FREE download here to kickstart a new morning routine

    Related show: Use Yoga and Meditation to Transorm Your Life for Good

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    The Unspoken Power of Having a Morning Routine You LOVE!

    The Unspoken Power of Having a Morning Routine You LOVE!

    Is the morning the uplifting best part or the dragging worst part of the day for you?

    For me it’s the absolute BEST part of the day, when I can do my meditation and yoga morning routine, but it hasn’t always been like that…I used to go to bed exhausted, wake up exhausted and continue my day exhausted and I didn’t know what to do about it.In this show Ulrika share how a morning routine that you LOVE can impact your entire day!

    FREE download here "The Unspoken Power of Having a Morning Routine You LOVE!"

    Related show: Use Yoga and Meditation to Transform Your Life for Good!

    Ulrika's Meditation program - get it here!

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    4 Essential Tips to Maintain Life Balance

    4 Essential Tips to Maintain Life Balance

    Are you gung-ho for that new program? a new practice? as it's now going to be THE solution for the change you want to make in your life? you're on A MISSION to find life balance!

    SO exciting!! Isn't it?! This is going to solve ALL your problems (it feels).

    You go ALL IN and you’re SO excited to start the process of finally find that life balance that you're looking for. 

    You’re on a roll!! You have energy and motivation.

    LET'S GO!

    But... THEN...something happens? 

    You get distracted, derailed and something else is taking priority.

    That feeling of being on a roll is long gone... your energy is low and it's like starting all over again.

    Do you recognize this pattern in your life?

    Join Ulrika host of New Light Living Podcast as she explore 4 essential tips to maintain life balance.


    Get my 7-Step Guide to Protect Your Energy

    Make your own Intention Reminder Bracelet (scroll down once you're on the page to register for next New Moon Online Workshop)


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    Self Care Tips: The ONE Thing You Need to Accelerate Your Well-being

    Self Care Tips: The ONE Thing You Need to Accelerate Your Well-being

    Are you carrying around the feeling that you’re stretched too thin? The human brain is wired to endure, to keep going and push forward. But sometimes that’s not what we need. Sometimes we need something completely different, other than the drive to push forward. Guess what it is? In this episode Ulrika reveal the one major thing that you NEED when it comes to your desire of living a life in balance and well-being.

     Ulrika's online program Self Care Accelerator  for infinite well-being! 

    Get my 7-Step Guide to Feeling Like You Have Every Day Off! Free download.

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    Make Time for YOU! 7 Easy Ways to Find Space in Your Calendar THIS Week!

    Make Time for YOU! 7 Easy Ways to Find Space in Your Calendar THIS Week!

    “Where did the time go? I can’t make time for ME right now? How many times have you heard yourself make that comment in reference to time? The perception of time is that we don’t have enough of it generates a feeling of loss, lack and FOMO! Do you feel the same? Time is a major focus and a huge stress factor in our modern world, but it doesn't have to be like that...listen in to this episode and make space for YOU in your calendar and life THIS WEEK!

    JOIN the 5-day Online Challenge "Make Space in Your Calendar and Life THIS Week!"

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    Decision Making Made Easy! Trust Your Own Truth Using Gratitude

    Decision Making Made Easy! Trust Your Own Truth Using Gratitude

    Decision making can be quite a process, and it can be a frustrating, but there's a much faster and easier way to get to the right decision. Your own truth. Do you feel like your decision making process in your life is just not going your way, and you wish it felt much less complicated? It may be that you haven’t tapped into your truth yet. How is what is true is different from what is your truth?


    Related show: How to Break a Bad Habit Not Serving You Anymore

    Join the 5-day Online Challenge "Make Space In Your Life and Calendar THIS Week!"


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    Stop Playing it Safe! Dream Your Life Balance.

    Stop Playing it Safe! Dream Your Life Balance.

    Do you have a busy life filled to the brim? Above all, are you starting to feel done with playing it safe, living your life based on your to-do list Join Ulrika for step by step goal setting guidance for your life. It all starts with dreaming your life balance. If you want a BIG life balance change? This is for you. Take this new opportunity to open up a new chapter! Kickstart to manifest your intentions with an Intention Reminder bracelet (see below). The time is right. Amplify your intentions into manifestation!

    Related show: 4 Essential Tips to Maintain Life Balance

    Visit Ulrika's Intention Reminder Shop - Register for the monthly New Moon intention setting event (includes a FREE workshop video).

    Get my 7-Step Guide to Feeling Like You Have Every Day Off! 

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    Need a Reality Check? 3 Steps to See Your Reality in A New Light.

    Need a Reality Check? 3 Steps to See Your Reality in A New Light.

    Hey! Have a seat! Time for a Reality Check? New decade is here and ways of living life are coming. Do you live in the past or the future, or do you live today? In our modern world there is always something to strive for, so many are living their lives in the future or in the experiences from the past. Are you living life by forging ahead with no break or reflection? Join Ulrika this week as she explores how you can see your reality for what it is and move on with ease.

    Download the episode worksheet

    Related show: How to Forever Close the Gap Between Reality and Dream Life

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    Do You Feel Stuck? Start Here. STOP Waiting!

    Do You Feel Stuck? Start Here. STOP Waiting!

    Are you playing the "waiting game"? What does this do to you? Playing the waiting game keeps you away from who you truly are. Your true self. Many women feel stuck, stressed out and inadequate. We're trying to be it all, yet we put ourselves last on the priority list. Join Ulrika Sullivan in today's show to explore how to get unstuck today. It's time!

    Related show: 3 Spiritual Tools for Inspiration and Motivation

    Get the BONUS download here.

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    What No One is Telling You About Feeling Alone

    What No One is Telling You About Feeling Alone

    Do you have a busy life but still feel alone? This is an increasingly common feeling amongst busy women. On the outside it seems all well, but on the inside it's a different story. Join Ulrika Sullivan this week for an episode to explore the root cause of feeling alone (EVEN if you hae a seemingly full life) and steps to self-empowerment!

    Related show: How to Activate Your Inner Wisdom Instead of Emotions Get my 7 step guide to Feeling Like You Have Every Day Off! FB group New Light Living Podcast Community - Join here! Visit podcast website Visit coaching website  

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    Meditate on the Job?...and Create Greater Success!

    Meditate on the Job?...and Create Greater Success!

    Start meditate at work? Would you raise your hand if I asked you if you're constantly multitasking at work? Never a dull moment....and it's exhausting, right? In this show Ulrika brings light to why replacing multitasking with meditation (even for 3 minutes!) is the secret weapon for success.

    FREE meditation program - Energized at Work!

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    Well-being in a Snap! Feel Instant Well-being on a REALLY Busy Day

    Well-being in a Snap! Feel Instant Well-being on a REALLY Busy Day

    Learn how to keep the sensation of well-being at all times. If you’re having this crazy busy day, there may be scenarios already in your head of where this day could go. Then something unexpected happens...Ugh! So you may be thinking “I can’t think clear!! Help!! Join Ulrika Sullivan to explore how you can create well-being in a snap!


    Get my 7-step guide to feeling like you have every day off! 

    Related show: "Make Time for You! 7 Easy Ways to Find Space in Your Calendar THIS week!"

    FB group New Light Living Podcast Community - Join here! 

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    Self-care Redefined! Creating the Life You Want that Includes the Truth of Who You Are.

    Self-care Redefined! Creating the Life You Want that Includes the Truth of Who You Are.
    Why redefine self-care?

    Join Ulrika Sullivan to explore why & find yourself ready to leave behind common perceptions of self care, and instead access your truths about your own self-care power and self-love.

    It's time to put yourself first in a new way, without the guilt!  In this show we explore how you can redefine self-care for you to support the truth of who you are now.


    Get my 7-Step Guide to Feeling Like You Have Every Day Off! 

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