
    Nonprofit Counsel Podcast

    Welcome to the Nonprofit Counsel Podcast, your go-to source for expert insights and practical advice on all things related to starting and leading a nonprofit organization. If you're looking to start your own nonprofit organization, gain tax-exempt status, manage your board, communicate your purpose or fundraise for your cause, this podcast is the perfect resource for you. Hosted by May Harris, Esq., MA, founder of FPLG and an experienced nonprofit professional, each episode of the Nonprofit Counsel Podcast offers valuable tips, tools, and strategies to help you navigate the complex world of nonprofit management. May's deep knowledge and expertise in nonprofit law, financial management, and consulting make her the ideal guide for anyone looking to be involved with a successful nonprofit organization. So, whether you're a seasoned nonprofit leader or just starting out, join us on the Nonprofit Counsel Podcast and discover how to shortcut the learning curve and achieve your nonprofit goals. We've got you covered. Subscribe now and start making a difference in your community today! “The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.’ These words frame my work, and they define my actions." -Ralph Waldo Emerson About the Host: May Harris has been a pioneer of nonprofit law practice for over a decade, having founded For Purpose Law Group in April 2012. She serves the nation's nonprofit sector with unparalleled expertise, prioritizing her clients missions, visions, and values. She specializes in nonprofit & tax exempt organizations, social enterprise & business law, and estate planning & charitable giving. May received her undergraduate degree from the University of Utah, before pursuing and obtaining her Juris Doctor from the University of San Diego in 2000. She practiced intellectual property law for a large biotech company for several years before a fateful flyer came home in her son's lunchbox. His school was looking for parents who were licensed attorneys and could form a nonprofit on their behalf. May agreed to form the organization, and then found herself serving as director of its board. With her legal expertise and newfound knowledge on nonprofit law, she realized the nonprofit sector was severely underserved in legal representation. She decided to fix this. She returned to school, earning her Masters of Nonprofit Leadership and Management from the University of San Diego. With this education, she, along with some of her fellow graduates, founded For Purpose Law Group (FPLG). In the subsequent decade, May has molded FPLG into the “go-to” law firm for nonprofits in Southern California. The firm is constantly expanding its locations and service areas, with the ability to assist organizations across the United States. LinkedIn- https://www.linkedin.com/company/nonprofit-counsel/ Instagram -https://www.instagram.com/nonprofitcounsel/ https://www.nonprofitcounsel.com https://www.fplglaw.com
    en-usMay Harris18 Episodes

    Episodes (18)

    Ep. 17 - Making Strategic Plans Work for Nonprofits

    Ep. 17 - Making Strategic Plans Work for Nonprofits

    Andrea Ortega, the Founder and CEO of Palante Nonprofits, has structured her company to aid nonprofit organizations with strategic planning, offering implementation guidance and customized training programs in English and Spanish. In a conversation with May Harris, Esq., MA, Andrea will explore various topics, including transitioning grassroots nonprofits into scalable entities. Maintaining a strategic plan that is both visionary and realistic is of utmost importance. The efficacy of your nonprofit's strategy can be assessed by the data collected to support it, indicating whether your goals have been achieved. With advancements in technology, there are now tools available to assist nonprofits. AI can even aid in crafting strategic plans, while Google provides tools to keep your team updated in real time. Stay tuned for this timely and crucial information pertinent to your nonprofit endeavors.


    • [1:23] Andrea shares how she came to the nonprofit space and who her clients are

    • [4:49] Discussion of how to scale a grassroots nonprofit

    • [7:26] Andrea discussed how she begins to work with clients

    • [11:27] Discussion of using AI to assist in writing a strategic plan but also knowing how to collect and use data

    • [13:32] Obstacles that Andrea sees as she advises Boards and discussion of the timelines for strategic plans

    • [20:49] Using Google tools is a way for a team to view the dashboard and decide what data to collect

    • [24:51] Training should be a part of your organizational culture, and sharing documents and ideas with other nonprofits is beneficial

    • [31:39] Andrea stresses that you should make space on your meeting agenda to cover your strategic plan, and she reminds nonprofits to have a realistic vision 



    • [2:12] Professionals working in the nonprofit space generally exist because of a personal connection or passion.

    • [12:22] You can create a beautiful plan to present to funders, but you also need a way, by collecting data, to measure success.

    • [13:18] Staying on a mission is critical for a nonprofit to meet its goals and objectives. Nonprofits make a mistake when they stray away from its strategic plan. 




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    May Harris has been a pioneer of nonprofit law practice for over a decade, having founded For Purpose Law Group in April 2012. She serves the nation's nonprofit sector with unparalleled expertise, prioritizing her client's missions, visions, and values. She specializes in nonprofit & tax-exempt organizations, social enterprise & business law, and estate planning & charitable giving.



    Andrea Ortega, MNM, CNP, is the Founder and CEO of Palante Nonprofits, LLC, a nonprofit consulting practice specializing in strategic planning, implementation guidance, and tailored training programs in English and Spanish. With a Master's degree in Nonprofit Management from the University of Central Florida, Andrea is also pursuing her Ph.D. in Public Affairs. Previously, she was the Senior Curriculum Development Manager at Resilia, designing and curating over 200 courses and building a diverse team. Andrea has extensive experience developing curriculums and teaching in the nonprofit sector, covering public and nonprofit accounting and finance, strategic alliances, and urban affairs. Committed to the nonprofit community, she enjoys volunteering and spending time with her family. She can speak on various topics, including compliance and tech for nonprofits. Andrea is a proud #Gator, #Knight, and Colombian-American.

    Ep. 16 - Finding Your People

    Ep. 16 - Finding Your People

    Trevor Blair, the founder of Blair Search Partners, joins May L. Harris, Esq., MA today on the Nonprofit Counsel podcast to discuss how to find the right people to help your nonprofit grow. Are all your preparations in order before commencing the hiring process? Where do you source your candidates from? How is your hiring process structured? Do candidates feel appreciated throughout the process, even if they're not selected? What organizational culture are you asking potential hires to leave their current positions for? Trevor answers these questions and others on today's episode.



    • [1:17] Trevor does executive searches, recruiting and workforce development for nonprofits

    • [4:48] Trevor explains why nonprofits should consider hiring a search firm and what the costs are if they hire the wrong person

    • [9:07] Trevor discusses the first 90 days of a new employee’s tenure and what to do if an employee doesn’t work out

    • [13:50] Discussion of the legal steps that should take place before recruitment takes place and the difference between running ads and recruiting

    • [17:57] Discussion of office culture and the intangibles that are important to employees and the issues of having some employees work in the office and some who work remotely

    • [31:04] Trevor explains the human-centered design principles of hiring and managing a team


    • [4:37] In the past, nonprofit organizations thought they couldn't justify the expense of hiring a recruitment firm. However, they now understand the importance of doing so to secure the skilled employees necessary for their operations.

    • [14:51] Recruiting employees differs from simply advertising a job position.

    • [17:24] The most beneficial environment for new hires involves the opportunity for mentorship through regular face-to-face interactions with their manager. Additionally, having autonomy over their schedule is also crucial.




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    May Harris has been a pioneer of nonprofit law practice for over a decade, having founded For Purpose Law Group in April 2012. She serves the nation's nonprofit sector with unparalleled expertise, prioritizing her client's missions, visions, and values. She specializes in nonprofit & tax-exempt organizations, social enterprise & business law, and estate planning & charitable giving.



    A native of San Diego, Trevor Blair has over 20 years of experience in executive search, recruiting and workforce development. He began his career with Manpower, a global provider of recruiting and HR solutions, and was initially based in Sydney. After five years with the Australian operation, he transferred back to the US for graduate school and then rejoined Manpower in San Diego. After serving several years as a Business Development Manager, he shifted focus to building the company’s workforce development and executive search practices. During this time, Trevor worked closely with nonprofit organizations to develop training and job placement programs for

    underserved communities. He also helped secure public and private funding to back those programs, in addition to providing support in the areas of executive search and recruiting. In 2016, he leveraged this experience to launch a new firm, Blair Search Partners, specializing in search engagements for nonprofit and public-sector clients. Today, the firm manages 30-40 search engagements annually for clients across California and on the East Coast as well. BSP’s work spans almost every area of the sector, including philanthropy, human services, education, professional associations and the arts. Trevor’s community engagement has included numerous organizations, including his current board and committee positions with LEAD San Diego (immediate past chair), Zero8hundred (immediate past chair), and Catalyst of San Diego & Imperial Counties. Outside of career, Trevor is an avid endurance athlete, having competed in over 200 triathlons worldwide. He is a 10-time Ironman finisher and 3-time Boston Marathon finisher. He holds a BA from the University of Pennsylvania (summa cum laude) and an MBA from the University of Southern California. Trevor and his wife Megan live in the Point Loma neighborhood of San Diego with their daughter Eleanor (5) and son Julian (3).

    Ep. 15 - Nonprofit Leadership

    Ep. 15 - Nonprofit Leadership

    Mike Gellman, the founder of High Five Career Coaching, specializes in collaborating with nonprofit executives and leaders for them to reach their full potential. In this conversation, Mike and May Harris, Esq., MA, explore the essential qualities needed for effective nonprofit leadership and discuss the available resources to support these executives. They also weigh the merits and drawbacks of transitioning from the corporate sector to nonprofit work, delving into the intriguing idea of how nonprofits, often considered competitors, can form beneficial alliances. 



    • [1:19] Mike explains how he became involved in the nonprofit sector and why he founded High Five Career Coaching, which serves nonprofits

    • [5:10] Mike reflects that nonprofits have the same types of problems to deal with as corporate entities. It is just a matter of scale.

    • [9:50] Discussion regarding the nonprofit mastermind and advisory boards

    • [15:55] What should an executive working in a corporate job consider before moving to a nonprofit, and what are the advantages of taking a nonprofit position

    • [24:00] Mike discusses nonprofits dovetailing with each other and sharing resources, deciding they are not in competition but can help each other



    • [5:00] Nonprofits face significant challenges in determining their desired direction, employee motivation, and securing funding streams.

    • [11:53] Having an advisory group is advantageous for a director as it provides a secure space to discuss matters they might be hesitant to share with their board. 

    • [15:42] Transitioning from a corporate role to a nonprofit position requires acknowledging that nonprofit salaries are generally lower than those in the corporate sector, and the resources available may differ from those found in the corporate world. In such a move, executives might take on a more hands-on role in various tasks. However, the upside is there is less bureaucracy, and it can be a great career accelerator with less oversight and the ability to accomplish much. 



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    May Harris has been a pioneer of nonprofit law practice for over a decade, having founded For Purpose Law Group in April 2012. She serves the nation's nonprofit sector with unparalleled expertise, prioritizing her client's missions, visions, and values. She specializes in nonprofit & tax-exempt organizations, social enterprise & business law, and estate planning & charitable giving.




    For over 20 years, Mike Gellman, Founder & CEO of High Five Career Coaching, has successfully facilitated numerous talent management and organizational development initiatives, including succession planning, high-potential leader development programs, employee engagement, team development, and organizational change efforts. With a Master’s in Industrial/Organizational Psychology, he’s also an ACC credentialed coach via the International Coach Federation and author of Pipe Dreams: 7 Pipelines of Career Success.


    He launched his nonprofit career in organizational development at the world-famous San Diego Zoo (now San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance). During that time, Mike also volunteered his efforts to create an award-winning mentorship program for the Association for Talent Development-San Diego (formerly ASTD), which recently celebrated its 21st year of successfully preparing future leaders. He subsequently served in capacity-building roles for Father Joe’s Villages and South Bay Community Services. Mike launched and managed a highly regarded Career Coaching & Development Center for SoCalGas in the corporate sector while also serving on the board of the Sempra Employee Giving Network, an employee-run nonprofit foundation. He’s currently serving as the Mentorship Program Chair for the North County Philanthropy Council.


    In addition to being a proud dad of a bright college junior, Jonas, Mike enjoys running, hiking, nature photography, and volunteering within his community. You often find him pulling weeds at Coastal Roots Farm and leading free Nonprofit NetWalks about town. Born and raised in Cleveland, he currently resides in Oceanside.


    Ep. 14 - Differences Between Charities and Private Foundations

    Ep. 14 - Differences Between Charities and Private Foundations

    Are you familiar with the distinctions between a public charity and a private foundation? Is fundraising permissible in states where you lack registration? When is the appropriate time to utilize a 1023 EZ Form? Danika Mendrygal, CEO and founder of Mendrygal Law firm in Dallas, Texas, joins May Harris, Esq., MA in this episode of the Nonprofit Counsel Podcast, to explore these and other critical questions that often elude nonprofit organizations and may lead them into complications. Grab a pen and paper to absorb valuable insights – don’t miss this episode. 




    • [1:28] Danika explains how she started her firm and began advising nonprofits

    • [6:27] Discussion surrounding nonprofits moving from one state to another and the ramifications of fundraising in states other than where registered

    • [15:00] Danika outlines the differences between private foundations and public charities and the use of the 1023 EZ Form

    • [20:45] Discussion of the IRS, completing forms properly and audits

    • [23:00] Danika advises new foundations that are less than three years old

    • [31:15] Danika leaves the listener with a suggestion of getting a CPA first and foremost and getting an education from the IRS website




    • [9:32] All states have different laws governing non-profits. When a nonprofit operates nationwide, the law firm you engage must have experts navigating those laws. 

    • [10:18] Nonprofits should analyze where they are fundraising and transacting business because they are subjecting themselves to jurisdiction in that state. 

    • [15:18] There is a big difference between a public charity and a private foundation, and 501c3 needs to be aware of those differences as they begin to organize.



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    May Harris has been a pioneer of nonprofit law practice for over a decade, having founded For Purpose Law Group in April 2012. She serves the nation's nonprofit sector with unparalleled expertise, prioritizing her client's missions, visions, and values. She specializes in nonprofit & tax-exempt organizations, social enterprise & business law, and estate planning & charitable giving.


    GUEST BIOGRAPHY: Danika Mendrygall

    Danika Mendrygall founded Mendrygal Law to build a law firm devoted exclusively to serving nonprofit and tax-exempt clients. Danika guides clients through the many complexities of establishing, growing and managing a tax-exempt organization. She provides counsel, advice and representation in taxation, corporate governance and compliance issues.


    Before launching Mendrygal Law in 2015, Danika spent 12 years at a nationally recognized firm. This big firm background elevates her practice, allowing Danika to handle the most sophisticated matters for clients. Nonprofit organizations are subject to a highly complex series of regulations and requirements that impact all areas of operation. Danika has the detailed knowledge needed to put all the pieces together and meet the full range of legal, tax and compliance needs of her clients.


    Ep. 13 - The Form 990

    Ep. 13 - The Form 990

    Genevra Williams, an attorney practicing at Mendrygal Law in Dallas, Texas, specializing solely in representing tax-exempt organizations, joins May Harris to explore the Form 990 and its different iterations. May underscores the distinction that while all tax-exempt organizations are nonprofit, not all nonprofits enjoy tax-exempt status. The conversation will delve into the consequences of nonprofit organizations using an incorrect reporting tool. This episode aims to guide listeners in determining whether they can manage these forms independently or if seeking legal assistance is necessary. 



    • [1:14] Genevra discusses how she came to practice nonprofit law and why she is an advocate of the Form 990

    • [6:53] Genevra explains what she can learn from the Form 990

    • [12:26] Genevra and May discuss Schedule 0

    • [15:37] Genevra discusses two other policies she loves

    • [18:53] The 990N and how to avoid issues in the future and other forms necessary to the IRS

    • [25:53] Genevra mentions churches and other religious organizations' filings



    • [5:39] The Form 990 provides substantial information about a client or potential client.

    • [8:11] There are dead giveaways on Form 990 that Genevra uses to make recommendations to her clients on whether they should donate to a particular nonprofit.

    • [15:18] You should have a conflict of interest policy everyone understands, particularly regarding gift acceptance.  



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    May Harris has been a pioneer of nonprofit law practice for over a decade, having founded For Purpose Law Group in April 2012. She serves the nation's nonprofit sector with unparalleled expertise, prioritizing her client's missions, visions, and values. She specializes in nonprofit & tax-exempt organizations, social enterprise & business law, and estate planning & charitable giving.


    GUEST BIOGRAPHY: Genevra Williams

    Genevra brings an insider’s perspective to her client’s issues. Prior to entering private practice, she was the sole in-house attorney for a prominent community foundation in Dallas, Texas, where she managed all issues related to legal compliance, board governance, and risk management. While in this role, she trained in-house staff, worked with ultra-high-net-worth donors, and consulted internal stakeholders on development and planned giving topics.

    Genevra’s law practice focuses exclusively on the representation of tax-exempt organizations on a wide range of matters, including governance, tax compliance, endowments, executive compensation, complex gifts, fiscal sponsorship structures, intellectual property issues, and employment matters. She has counseled private foundations, public charities, supporting organizations, community foundations, churches, and other religious organizations on a wide range of issues. Genevra has been selected to the Texas Super Lawyers list (2022) and The Best Lawyers in America® for Non-profit / Charities Law (2024).

    Ep. 12 - Serving as a Nonprofit Board Member

    Ep. 12 - Serving as a Nonprofit Board Member

    Is your nonprofit progressing toward achieving its mission? Is it ensuring long-term sustainability? Our host May Harris discusses these crucial matters with David J. O’Brien and Matthew D. Craig, coauthors of "Building Smart Nonprofits, a Roadmap to Mission Success." The conversation delves into key insights about potential challenges in nonprofit operations and highlights success stories. One contentious topic explored is whether it is beneficial or detrimental for a budding nonprofit to host a Gala. Tune into this episode of Nonprofit Counsel to get the answers to your questions about serving as a nonprofit board member.




    • [1:37] David tells why he wrote the book Building Smart Nonprofits, a Roadmap for Mission Success.

    • [7:21] What is Sustainability?  Longevity and the impact together comprise sustainability. 

    • [18:13] Using universities as an example of monetizing intellectual property plus other samples of doing nonprofits correctly, and what is the key to sustainability

    • [33:22] The importance of telling the story with data to back it up and matching money to mission

    • [37:42] A mistake of a marketing campaign and spending on overhead

    • [42:25] Advice from David and Matt to listeners




    • [8:55] Nonprofits should not be run by MBAs who don’t understand that nonprofits operate differently than the corporate world.

    • [9:38] You should not run an organization on which people’s lives depend by having a short-term funding model. 

    • [16:47] Nonprofits should put operating and overhead line items in their proposals 




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    May Harris has been a pioneer of nonprofit law practice for over a decade, having founded For Purpose Law Group in April 2012. She serves the nation's nonprofit sector with unparalleled expertise, prioritizing her client's missions, visions, and values. She specializes in nonprofit & tax-exempt organizations, social enterprise & business law, and estate planning & charitable giving.




    David - David J. O’Brien enjoyed a career in the for-profit sector over a span of 45 years, with broad-based experience in multi-industry corporate development, finance, and management of organizations ranging from Fortune 500 conglomerates to startups. David has served as Board Chair, Committee Chair, and Director/Trustee of numerous nonprofits in diverse fields, including education, international health NGOs, social services, and the arts. He resides in rural San Diego County with his wife, Dr. Paula Cordeiro, and when not active in the nonprofit community, enjoys sailing Colibi, his 60-year sloop, cooking, oil painting, and accompanying Paula on her travels working with NGOs in Africa, & Central/South America.


    Matthew - Matthew D. Craig is vice president and senior relationship manager with JPMorgan Chase, specializing in providing a broad range of services to governments and nonprofit organizations. With over twenty years of experience in the financial sector, he has held positions in credit underwriting, commercial and small business banking, and private wealth management. Throughout his academic and professional careers, Matt has been an active volunteer and advocate for myriad social organizations. He is a philomath, teacher, traveler, and mediocre beach volleyball player. Matt currently lives in Escondido, California, with his wife Courtney and their twins, Kerrigan and Landry.


    Ep. 11 - Nonprofit Finances

    Ep. 11 - Nonprofit Finances

    Rick Dahlseid, who serves on the Executive Management Team of PBO Advisory Group leading the Nonprofit Division, presents an interesting acronym to our host May Harris that he shares when teaching nonprofit financial management courses at UCSD. He refers to an acronym called M.A.R.L.I.N. The idea is that it is beneficial for nonprofit boards to have specific individuals on their board, starting with “M,” a Marketing Professional. Rick takes us through the initials, touching on all the pieces that make a board successful. May and Rick also share their thoughts on volunteering in the community and assisting nonprofit organizations. 




    • [1:11] Rick shares his background in the nonprofit sector

    • [2:24] Rick explains that he teaches classes at the University of San Diego and the University of California at San Diego

    • [4:28] Rick discusses when a nonprofit should engage a fractional CFO

    • [5:52] Rick tells how a PBO serves nonprofits and other entities 

    • [7:28] Rick shares some details of the boards he has served on and describes the acronym he uses to cover board membership 

    • [11:55] Rick encourages listeners to volunteer in ways to give back to the community and nonprofits




    • [2:24] The University of San Diego offers a certificate program in their nonprofit institute.

    • [3:33] There can be a fractional CFO in a nonprofit organization.

    • [4:28]  When a nonprofit in California exceeds 2 million dollars, it must have an audit.




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    May Harris has been a pioneer of nonprofit law practice for over a decade, having founded For Purpose Law Group in April 2012. She serves the nation's nonprofit sector with unparalleled expertise, prioritizing her client's missions, visions, and values. She specializes in nonprofit & tax-exempt organizations, social enterprise & business law, and estate planning & charitable giving.



    A Certified Public Accountant with a master's degree in Taxation, Rick is a financial expert by training and trade. His lead-servant perspective and warm personality give him an advantage in perfecting corporate vision and financial operations to ensure operational efficiencies. Rick enjoys sharing his ideation strength to plan and introduce enhanced operational and cost control initiatives to drive greater social awareness and mission impact. Rick has served as a leader, mentor, trusted advisor, and proponent of positive, productive organizational change in many types and sizes of organizations. Rick has unique expertise in the nonprofit area and has served in the Chief Financial Officer position for the past 18 years in healthcare, human services, arts and culture, environment, children’s initiatives, higher education, and affordable housing. He is employed by and serves on the Executive Management Team of PBO Advisory Group, leading the Nonprofit Division. Rick was honored to be named 2021 San Diego Man of Influence and a finalist in the respected 2020 San Diego Business Journal’s CFO of the Year awards.   

    Rick is a Financial Executives International board member affiliated with the Financial Executive Networking Group and the CFO Roundtable.  He is active in his church and enjoys exploring San Diego along with his wife, Denise, who is 42 years old. 

    Ep. 10 - Managing a Nonprofit in California

    Ep. 10 - Managing a Nonprofit in California

    May is excited to visit with Gene Takagi, the founder of NEO Law Group in San Francisco and a prolific writer for the Nonprofit Law Blog. During their conversation, they delve into the nuances of California nonprofits, exploring the differences between adhering to state laws versus federal regulations. The discussion extends to the general lack of oversight for nonprofits and the underlying reasons behind it. They also touch upon the potential pitfalls nonprofits face, whether through social media or whistleblowers notifying the attorney general about non-compliance with the law. Gene concludes the episode by sharing two crucial tips every budding nonprofit should implement.



    • [1:40] Gene explains how he became involved in working with tax-exempt organizations

    • [10:27] Governing documents for nonprofits in the state of California

    • [14:50] Gene shares that there is a difference between meeting a state requirement and a federal requirement and why there is a lack of oversight

    • [19:11] Discussion of ways the Attorney General’s office finds out that nonprofits are not operating under the law

    • [27:11] Gene says you cannot overstate the importance of a mission statement

    • [34:08] Gene explains why the selection of your board members is critical



    [9:47] He emphasizes the critical role of governing documents and highlights the significance of adhering to the nuanced guidelines that nonprofits must navigate

    [14:50] If you meet the state requirements for the 501c3, you still need to meet the Federal requirement.

    [24:59] It is essential to spend money on administration to stay compliant.



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    May Harris has been a pioneer of nonprofit law practice for over a decade, having founded For Purpose Law Group in April 2012. She serves the nation's nonprofit sector with unparalleled expertise, prioritizing her client's missions, visions, and values. She specializes in nonprofit & tax-exempt organizations, social enterprise & business law, and estate planning & charitable giving.




    Principal of NEO Law Group, Contributing Publisher of the Nonprofit Law Blog, and P/T Lecturer at Columbia University. I've been published by The New York Times, The Nonprofit Quarterly, The Chronicle of Philanthropy, and The Nonprofit Times and spoken at conferences for Independent Sector, BoardSource, the National Association of State Charity Officials, and the American Bar Association. In the past, I've served as a corporate attorney for an AmLaw 100 firm, professor of nonprofit law at USF and SMU-MN, director of the medical and behavior divisions of the San Francisco SPCA, and management consultant for a billion dollar privately held company. I'm an alum of UCLA School of Law honored to have received several awards for doing the work I love including the 2016 Outstanding Nonprofit Lawyer from the American Bar Association's Nonprofit Organizations Committee. I also serve on the boards of BoardSource and The Nonprofit Quarterly, the board of advisors of the National Center on Philanthropy and the Law (NYU), and the planning committee of the Western Conference on Tax Exempt Organizations. I previously served on the public policy committee and John W. Gardner Leadership Award committee of Independent Sector and the boards of CompassPoint, Net Impact, JCYC, Barrister Club (BASF), and Community Initiatives.

    Ep. 9 - Working with a Nonprofit Attorney

    Ep. 9 - Working with a Nonprofit Attorney

    Today, on the Nonprofit Counsel Podcast, May is joined by Jacob Zerkle, a dedicated attorney in the nonprofit sector employed at Michael Best and Friedrich. He is also the brains behind Nonprofit Office Wisdom, a noteworthy feature on his LinkedIn profile. May and Jacob discuss the evolving landscape of nonprofit funding in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic. They delve into the crucial topic of how nonprofit boards should navigate the process of selecting and hiring an attorney. Tune in today to gain insights into the potential drawbacks of choosing an attorney without nonprofit expertise.




    • [1:17] Jacob explains what led him to represent nonprofit organizations

    • [4:07] Jacob describes his role at Michael Best and Friedrich 

    • [7:23] The changes in the nonprofit atmosphere post-Covid

    • 11:07] Advise regarding what a nonprofit should look for in legal counsel and how to obtain those services 

    • [13:38] Jacob explains how the Nonprofit Office Wisdom series on LinkedIn came to be  

    • [16:46] Jacob describes the differences between a nonprofit and a regular attorney




    • The regular attorney on your nonprofit board is different from the person who should be advising your board on issues. You need the advice of a nonprofit attorney.

    • Nonprofits have been struggling since COVID-19 because they have lost some government funding.

    • You need a nonprofit attorney to advise you on compensation for founders or directors. 




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    May Harris has been a pioneer of nonprofit law practice for over a decade, having founded For Purpose Law Group in April 2012. She serves the nation's nonprofit sector with unparalleled expertise, prioritizing her clients' missions, visions, and values. She specializes in nonprofit & tax-exempt organizations, social enterprise & business law, and estate planning & charitable giving.


    GUEST BIOGRAPHY: Jacob Zerkle

    Jacob's practice is devoted to meeting the legal and tax needs of charities, private foundations, community foundations, and churches so that these organizations can focus on serving the city of Chicago and beyond. He enjoys advising organizations during the start-up process and throughout their life cycle, as well as individuals and for-profit entities collaborating with these organizations. Besides spending time with his wife and three crazy kids, he also loves diners and diner food, The Office with Steve Carell, and CrossFit (which is necessary to balance out the diner food).

    Ep. 8 - Is Serving on a Nonprofit Board a Good Fit for You?

    Ep. 8 - Is Serving on a Nonprofit Board a Good Fit for You?

    May is excited to welcome Nicole Miller-Coleman, a professional fundraiser and consultant to nonprofits. Together, they extensively explore the realm of nonprofit board membership. When presented with the opportunity to join a nonprofit's board, what actions should you consider to protect yourself? Furthermore, what potential breaches of the bylaws could a board member commit, and to what extent does promoting diversity hold significance within the board? May and Nicole will answer these thought-provoking questions today on The Nonprofit Counsel Podcast.




    • [01:16] Nicole shares her background working in many areas of the nonprofit sector

    • [03:36] Nicole explains the distinction between a Certified Nonprofit Professional and a Certified Fundraising Executive

    • [07:52] How do you know if you are suited to sit on the board of a nonprofit

    • [12:57] Nicole discusses the importance of bylaws and minutes and transparency around finances

    • [18:17] Nicole talks about one of her favorite boards and bringing on a diversified board

    • [22:09] What constitutes a conflict of interest for a board member




    • One should only join a nonprofit board after reading the bylaws and reviewing the financials.

    • If you're going to sit on a nonprofit board, you want to make a difference; otherwise, it feels like you're just wasting your time. Make sure the nonprofit appeals to you personally.

    • There are many governmental forms that a nonprofit should be filling out. If they don’t file them, the nonprofit status could be in jeopardy. As a prospective member, do your research into if these forms have been completed correctly.




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    May Harris has been a pioneer of nonprofit law practice for over a decade, having founded For Purpose Law Group in April 2012. She serves the nation's nonprofit sector with unparalleled expertise, prioritizing her client's missions, visions, and values. She specializes in nonprofit & tax-exempt organizations, social enterprise & business law, and estate planning & charitable giving.



    Nicole Miller-Coleman is a skilled, insightful and ethical nonprofit professional with expertise in capacity building, fund development and nonprofit business operations who brings 20 years of experience working with organizations ranging from design studios to universities to aircraft carrier museums. Early career included extensive experience in arts administration and art exhibit production. 


    CORO Southern California/San Diego Commission for Arts and Culture Arts Leadership Program Fellow. Certified in nonprofit management and leadership (CNP) by the Nonprofit Leadership Alliance in 2012.

    Ep. 7 - Nonprofit Accounting, Bookkeeping & Tax Reporting

    Ep. 7 - Nonprofit Accounting, Bookkeeping & Tax Reporting

    On this episode of Nonprofit Counsel, May visits with Terrell Turner, a bookkeeper and financial advisor who specializes in working with nonprofits.  He brings valuable bookkeeping and tax reporting insights to startup nonprofits and those operating for some time. Terrell’s expertise as an accountant specializing in nonprofits and his podcast and website dedicated to the nonprofit sector speak to his wealth of knowledge to share.  His recommendations can help organizations avoid common mistakes and navigate the unique challenges of managing a nonprofit's finances and reporting obligations. 




    • [01:04] Terrell explains what his position entails and reveals the most asked questions from clients have regarding nonprofits

    • [05:48] Terrell recommends you must have an accounting system to operate your non-profit, and there is a discussion of other forms needed

    • [10:02] Are cash-flow statements and budgets necessary for a nonprofit

    • [14:08] Terrell's recommendations on a chart of accounts and how the source of funding may affect your accounts

    • [19:30] Terrell discusses his podcast and website and how he and his wife answer questions and supply information 

    • [28:57] Terrell specifies that you should hire a nonprofit accountant to advise the board regarding financial decisions




    • Have a regular audit of your books. Even if it’s quarterly, there needs to be accountability.

    • Listening to this podcast gives you great information about running your nonprofit and allows you to turn your passion into a thriving nonprofit organization. 

    • A budget will reveal if your targeted numbers are valid, and spending should correlate with your projections.




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    May Harris has been a pioneer of nonprofit law practice for over a decade, having founded For Purpose Law Group in April 2012. She serves the nation's nonprofit sector with unparalleled expertise, prioritizing her client's missions, visions, and values. She specializes in nonprofit & tax-exempt organizations, social enterprise & business law, and estate planning & charitable giving.


    GUEST BIOGRAPHY: Terrell Turner

    Hi, I’m Terrell. I’m the guy who’s concerned about how businesses are going to survive and grow in this new business world. I host a show called Business Talk Library, which examines a wide range of problems and solutions affecting business today. I use my experience with Fortune 500 companies to consult with start-up businesses and mid-size companies.  It’s my job to start the conversation on what your goals are. Together, we’ll design a course of action to achieve them.

    Ep. 6 - Nonprofit Fundraising: Events

    Ep. 6 - Nonprofit Fundraising: Events

    May is excited to welcome A.J. Steinberg, an expert in nonprofit event coordination and engagement strategies, to discuss the intricate details of orchestrating an event for your nonprofit entity.  A.J. shares her wisdom about the three tiers of donors and the importance of cherishing them. She will dissect the factors leading to event failures and the ingredients contributing to their triumphs. A.J.'s dedication to her craft shines through as she deliberately redirected her lucrative expertise to empower nonprofits in attaining their fundraising aspirations. Brace yourself for a standout episode that you'll find yourself revisiting often.




    • [01:08] A.J explains how she began specializing in nonprofit fundraising in 1999 and the differences between then and now

    • [05:36] A.J. discusses the three levels of fundraisers and how language makes a difference 

    • [10:10] A.J. provides an example of how not to start fundraising and describes how complex event planning can be

    • [18:12] What is A.J.’s strategy to engage board members to meet her expectations, and what is the intention of your event?

    • [29:17] An example of a gala that went from unsuccessful to very successful and should you hire a professional fundraiser or get training 

    • [35:49] Some tips about getting volunteers and A.J.’s final recommendations for engaging community




    • Don’t just do high-end fundraisers. Be sure to include your mid-level donors so they feel appreciated, and even do free events to market to new segments.

    • Teach your board that they are not just asking for money when they invite their friends to a gala. They are offering an opportunity.

    • If your event was not fun and engaging, no one will want to attend another one of your events.

    • Planning of the event is important, but planning the structure and delivery of your “ask” is imperative to success.




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    May Harris has been a pioneer of nonprofit law practice for over a decade, having founded For Purpose Law Group in April 2012. She serves the nation's nonprofit sector with unparalleled expertise, prioritizing her client's missions, visions, and values. She specializes in nonprofit & tax-exempt organizations, social enterprise & business law, and estate planning & charitable giving.


    GUEST BIOGRAPHY: A. J. Steinberg

    With over 20 years of experience as a nonprofit event planner and engagement strategist, A.J. Steinberg has produced over 100 successful events and raised millions of dollars for organizations with her Los Angeles-based production company.


    Ep. 5 - Nonprofit Advocacy

    Ep. 5 - Nonprofit Advocacy

    In this week’s episode, May is excited to host Pat Libby, a management consultant specializing in nonprofits and philanthropies. Pat delineates the array of services offered by her company while delving into the rationale behind nonprofits advocating for their causes. She illustrates instances where impactful legislation has been enacted in California due to grassroots lobbying efforts. Additionally, Pat and May discuss the significance of bylaws and governance in the nonprofit sector, emphasizing that these foundational components constitute the bedrock of any nonprofit organization and necessitate thorough understanding by its board members.




    • [00:57] May introduces Pat Libby, and Pat shares her background and answers the question regarding information found on the internet as it relates to bylaws

    • [07:16] Pat outlines the services she provides for clients and the benefits of lobbying

    • [12:44] Pat highlights her book Empowered Citizens Guide, 10 Steps to Passing a Law That Matters to You and also discusses examples of laws that her students passed

    • [22:51] What nonprofits should engage in advocacy, and does it cost to lobby

    • [26:27] Pat shares her thoughts on governance and strategic planning and gives examples of a strategic plan

    • [33:11] Pat discusses working with other nonprofits to combine efforts to maximize an impact




    • The term lobbying needs to be understood. It is engaging in the legislative process rather than in the campaign process. 

    • Lobbying is critical because someone needs to be a voice for the underserved communities to educate the legislature. 

    • Nonprofits should work with other nonprofits that are working toward the same goals. They should work cohesively and not view each other as competition. 




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    May Harris has been a pioneer of nonprofit law practice for over a decade, having founded For Purpose Law Group in April 2012. She serves the nation's nonprofit sector with unparalleled expertise, prioritizing her client's missions, visions, and values. She specializes in nonprofit & tax-exempt organizations, social enterprise & business law, and estate planning & charitable giving.



    Pat Libby is a change management consultant to nonprofits and philanthropies. She has served as a CEO, academic, board member, and consultant to innumerable nonprofit organizations and foundations. Her firm helps organizations hone their strategy and structure, advance their position, find the right leaders, and better connect to the communities they serve. Never incremental in approach, Pat seeks to bring about transformational change in organizations and systems.

    Ep. 4 - Nonprofit Strategic Planning

    Ep. 4 - Nonprofit Strategic Planning

    Today, May speaks with Dr. Lyn Corbett, the visionary behind the Pivotal Group. Dr. Corbett boasts almost three decades of work experience in the nonprofit domain, and he brings a wealth of invaluable insights to the forefront. One key to a nonprofit's success lies in the underlying motivation of its board members who serve. We shall delve into board membership and explore the opportune moment for a board to consider engaging a consultant. This episode brims with essential information tailored to empower your nonprofit endeavors.




    • [01:30] Dr. Corbett discusses the Pivotal Group, how it evolved, and the secrets to an engaged board

    • [06:30] Dr. Corbett talks about his childhood and how that has formed his love for non-profit work 

    • [10:52] Dr. Corbett discusses the importance of a qualified, committed board member

    • [15:18] Being a committee member before being a board member has value, and he talks about his favorite non-profits

    • [23:24] Dr. Corbett discusses non-profits who compete and those who work collaboratively

    • [27:33] What should a non-profit look for in a consultant 




    • Nonprofits should look for board members who are truly passionate about the organization rather than just friends of members or someone willing to donate their money but not their time. 

    • The pivotal question to ask a person who wants to become a board member is “why?” You may need to ask the question several times until you reach a meaningful reason. 

    • A great recipe for getting to know your community is to join a church, join a gym and mentor a youth. 




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    As a senior executive with over 20 years of leadership experience, Dr. Lyn Corbett has developed innovative strategies to strengthen business, non-profit, and government organizations. Dr. Corbett approaches each opportunity with the understanding that individuals and organizations often already possess the tools and assets they need to succeed. He takes a strengths-based approach, allowing individuals and organizations to achieve better results, maximize resources, and increase the impact on the communities they serve. In addition to being the president of The Pivotal Group, Dr. Corbett is an adjunct professor at the University of San Diego, School of Leadership and Education Sciences, and Point Loma Nazarene University, School of Business. Dr. Corbett has taught graduate-level courses on governance, leadership, and strategy. In 2020, California State Assembly member Shirley Weber awarded Dr. Corbett the Volunteer of the Year award for his leadership and volunteerism in the community. Dr. Corbett holds a doctoral degree in Leadership Studies from the University of San Diego and a Master of Arts in Public Administration from New York University. He is a Gallup-Certified Strengths Coach and an ACC Certified Coach with the International Coaching Federation.



    May Harris has been a pioneer of nonprofit law practice for over a decade, having founded For Purpose Law Group in April 2012. She serves the nation's nonprofit sector with unparalleled expertise, prioritizing her client's missions, visions, and values. She specializes in nonprofit & tax-exempt organizations, social enterprise & business law, and estate planning & charitable giving.

    Ep. 3 - Nonprofit Leadership

    Ep. 3 - Nonprofit Leadership

    May is joined by Dr. Laura Dietrick, an expert from the Nonprofit Institute at the University of San Diego, to delve into leadership within the nonprofit sector. Together, they explore two impactful initiatives offered by the university that equip students with comprehensive knowledge about managing a nonprofit organization. By shedding light on common misconceptions associated with nonprofits, students receive valuable training opportunities at the Nonprofit Institute and the Nonprofit Leadership and Management graduate program.



    • [00:00] Dr. Laura shares an overview of her responsibilities at the University of San Diego and discusses the Nonprofit Institute
    • [04:43] Explanation of how nonprofits operate
    • [07:02] The misnomer that nonprofits exist only to be altruistic and why it’s important to talk about the impact of the organization
    • [16:00] Dr. Laura shares details of the Nonprofit Leadership and Management graduate program
    • [22:16] Students are learning many aspects of nonprofits and are working on real-time projects
    • [28:26] Dr. Laura explains what type of personality would thrive working for a nonprofit and also why it can be a difficult space



    • Those who criticize the compensation of a nonprofit should recognize the importance of adequately paying nonprofit leaders, just as you would a manager in a for-profit business.
    • Nonprofits should promote the impact their programs have. That would be more effective than talking about how the donations are spent.
    • Individuals who are problem solvers and can mediate between groups and boards would enjoy and do well working at a nonprofit.



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    Dr. Laura Deitrick serves as the Director of the Nonprofit Leadership and Management graduate program and as the Associate Director of The Nonprofit Institute at the University of San Diego. She has been a nonprofit executive director, board member, management consultant, and researcher on major nonprofit trends. Her research has led to critical reports on nonprofit ethics, nonprofits and public education, nonprofit human resource practices, executive transition, the economics of San Diego and California’s nonprofit sector, nonprofit public confidence, and regional grantmaking. She served as the principal investigator for Nonprofit Academy, an award-winning capacity-building project co-created by the Nonprofit Institute and The City of San Diego. Dr. Deitrick is a faculty member in the Department of Leadership Studies, where she teaches nonprofit management, organizational theory, program design, and evaluation. In 2021, she was recognized as the department’s outstanding faculty member. Since 2019, Dr. Deitrick has served on the board of directors for Barrio Logan College Institute (BLCI). She is also the co-author of Cases in Nonprofit Management: AHands-onn Approach to Problem Solving, published by Sage Publications.



    May Harris has been a pioneer of nonprofit law practice for over a decade, having founded For Purpose Law Group in April 2012. She serves the nation's nonprofit sector with unparalleled expertise, prioritizing her client's missions, visions, and values. She specializes in nonprofit & tax-exempt organizations, social enterprise & business law, and estate planning & charitable giving.

    May received her undergraduate degree from the University of Utah before pursuing and obtaining her Juris Doctor from the University of San Diego in 2000. She practiced intellectual property law for a large biotech company for several years before a fateful flyer came home in her son's lunchbox. His school was looking for parents who were licensed attorneys and could form a nonprofit on their behalf. May agreed to form the organization and then found herself serving as director of its board. With her legal expertise and newfound knowledge of nonprofit law, she realized the nonprofit sector was severely underserved in legal representation. She decided to fix this.

    She returned to school, earning her Master of Nonprofit Leadership and Management from the University of San Diego in. With this education, she, along with some of her fellow graduates, founded For Purpose Law Group (FPLG). In the subsequent decade, May has molded FPLG into the “go-to” law firm for nonprofits in Southern California. The firm is constantly expanding its locations and service areas, with the ability to assist organizations across the United States.


    Ep. 2 - Nonprofits and Insurance

    Ep. 2 -  Nonprofits and Insurance

    May Harris hosts Bill Brennan,  Principal, CRO of CMR Risk & Insurance Services, to discuss the often overlooked necessity of insurance for a nonprofit. Often a start-up is unaware or doesn’t believe insurance coverage for a nonprofit is necessary. The simple fact is board members can be liable; employment litigation is common, and not having the proper risk management tools in place can put a nonprofit out of business.  Don’t miss this informative discussion.



    • [00:44] Bill discusses his role at CMR Risk & Insurance Services
    • {03:49] The pitfalls that can plague a nonprofit and the type of insurance they may need
    • [07:00] The timeline for procuring insurance
    • [09:28] Two insurance coverages that nonprofits and board member liability
    • [18:52] Employment risks for nonprofits are significant 
    • [26:29] Bill explains the resources provided by CMR 
    • [28:22] Bill reinforces the need for risk management in a nonprofit


    • Strong emotions tied to a nonprofit's mission can intensify legal disputes among its members.
    • The importance of risk management is frequently disregarded during the establishment of a nonprofit organization.
    • A nonprofit organization lacks the authority to determine the classification of its employees for compensation.



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    GUEST BIOGRAPHY: Bill Brennan

    Bill Brennan possesses over 24 years of industry experience as a Principal, Broker, and Manager at Marsh & McLennan Agency and Barney & Barney Insurance Brokers. Bill holds the Certified Insurance Counselor (CIC), Accredited Advisor in Insurance (AAI), Construction Risk and Insurance Specialist (CRIS), and Property Risk and Insurance Specialist (PRIS) insurance designations. Bill is a graduate of the University of San Diego and is actively involved in many philanthropic organizations, including Big Brothers Big Sisters of San Diego, various University of San Diego initiatives and co-founder of the Daisy Miracle Foundation at UCSD.



    May Harris has been a pioneer of nonprofit law practice for over a decade, having founded For Purpose Law Group in April 2012. She serves the nation's nonprofit sector with unparalleled expertise, prioritizing her client's missions, visions, and values. She specializes in nonprofit & tax-exempt organizations, social enterprise & business law, and estate planning & charitable giving.

    May received her undergraduate degree from the University of Utah before pursuing and obtaining her Juris Doctor from the University of San Diego in 2000. She practiced intellectual property law for a large biotech company for several years before a fateful flyer came home in her son's lunchbox. His school was looking for parents who were licensed attorneys and could form a nonprofit on their behalf. May agreed to form the organization and then found herself serving as director of its board. With her legal expertise and newfound knowledge of nonprofit law, she realized the nonprofit sector was severely underserved in legal representation. She decided to fix this.

    She returned to school, earning her Master of Nonprofit Leadership and Management from the University of San Diego in [year]. With this education, she, along with some of her fellow graduates, founded For Purpose Law Group (FPLG). In the subsequent decade, May has molded FPLG into the “go-to” law firm for nonprofits in Southern California. The firm is constantly expanding its locations and service areas, with the ability to assist organizations across the United States.


    Ep. 1 - Introduction to the Nonprofit Counsel Podcast hosted by May Harris

    Ep. 1 - Introduction to the Nonprofit Counsel Podcast hosted by May Harris

    Welcome to the inaugural episode of Nonprofit Counsel, where our passion is to provide the tools for you to start and lead a nonprofit that will change the world. Hosted by May Harris, the founder of For-Purpose Law Group, this podcast will feature guests sharing their knowledge that will help you avoid the pitfalls of starting a nonprofit. If you have a passion for a nonprofit, this podcast is for you!



    • [00:51] Introduction to Nonprofit Counsel podcast
    • [01:46] May’s backstory with nonprofits
    • [02:21] Who Nonprofit Counsel podcast will benefit


    • May and her guests have the experience to benefit anyone seeking to start or lead a nonprofit.
    • Listening to this podcast will help you avoid costly mistakes while starting your nonprofit.
    • Networking with May and her partners and guests will be a valuable resource for anyone starting, leading or participating in a nonprofit.



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    May Harris has been a pioneer of nonprofit law practice for over a decade, having founded For Purpose Law Group in April 2012. She serves the nation's nonprofit sector with unparalleled expertise, prioritizing her client's missions, visions, and values. She specializes in nonprofit & tax-exempt organizations, social enterprise & business law, and estate planning & charitable giving.

    May received her undergraduate degree from the University of Utah before pursuing and obtaining her Juris Doctor from the University of San Diego in 2000. She practiced intellectual property law for a large biotech company for several years before a fateful flyer came home in her son's lunchbox. His school was looking for parents who were licensed attorneys and could form a nonprofit on their behalf. May agreed to form the organization and then found herself serving as director of its board. With her legal expertise and newfound knowledge of nonprofit law, she realized the nonprofit sector was severely underserved in legal representation. She decided to fix this.

    She returned to school, earning her Master of Nonprofit Leadership and Management from the University of San Diego. With this education, she, along with some of her fellow graduates, founded For Purpose Law Group (FPLG). In the subsequent decade, May has molded FPLG into the “go-to” law firm for nonprofits in Southern California. The firm is constantly expanding its locations and service


    Nonprofit Counsel Podcast Trailer

    Nonprofit Counsel Podcast Trailer

    Welcome to the Nonprofit Counsel Podcast, your go-to source for expert insights and practical advice on all things related to starting and leading a nonprofit organization. If you're looking to start your own nonprofit organization, gain tax-exempt status, manage your board, communicate your purpose or fundraise for your cause, this podcast is the perfect resource for you.

    Hosted by May Harris, Esq., MA, founder of FPLG and an experienced nonprofit professional, each episode of the Nonprofit Counsel Podcast offers valuable tips, tools, and strategies to help you navigate the complex world of nonprofit management. May's deep knowledge and expertise in nonprofit law, financial management, and consulting make her the ideal guide for anyone looking to be involved with a successful nonprofit organization.

    So, whether you're a seasoned nonprofit leader or just starting out, join us on the Nonprofit Counsel Podcast and discover how to shortcut the learning curve and achieve your nonprofit goals. We've got you covered. Subscribe now and start making a difference in your community today!

    “The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.’ These words frame my work, and they define my actions." -Ralph Waldo Emerson


    About the Host:


    May Harris has been a pioneer of nonprofit law practice for over a decade, having founded For Purpose Law Group in April 2012. She serves the nation's nonprofit sector with unparalleled expertise, prioritizing her clients missions, visions, and values. She specializes in nonprofit & tax exempt organizations, social enterprise & business law, and estate planning & charitable giving.


    May received her undergraduate degree from the University of Utah, before pursuing and obtaining her Juris Doctor from the University of San Diego in 2000. She practiced intellectual property law for a large biotech company for several years before a fateful flyer came home in her son's lunchbox. His school was looking for parents who were licensed attorneys and could form a nonprofit on their behalf. May agreed to form the organization, and then found herself serving as director of its board. With her legal expertise and newfound knowledge on nonprofit law, she realized the nonprofit sector was severely underserved in legal representation. She decided to fix this. 


    She returned to school, earning her Masters of Nonprofit Leadership and Management from the University of San Diego. With this education, she, along with some of her fellow graduates, founded For Purpose Law Group (FPLG). In the subsequent decade, May has molded FPLG into the “go-to” law firm for nonprofits in Southern California. The firm is constantly expanding its locations and service areas, with the ability to assist organizations across the United States.




