
    Not Another Baptist Podcast

    TWO FOR THE PRICE OF ONE! Not Another Baptist Podcast is a weekly episode (Fridays) with two dudes, Kyle Bueermann (TX) and Matt Henslee (TX), who have a combined 35+ years of experience in vocational ministry…and still haven’t figured it all out! Tune in each Friday to learn from (or laugh at) their mistakes, and hear what they're learning in the trenches of church revitalization. 

    The Potluck Podcast is a weekly episode (Tuesdays) with three friends, Jared Cornutt (TX), J. Allen Murray (NC), and Matt Henslee (TX), discussing life/news in the SBC and southern food & culture. 

    Hit that subscribe button so you never miss your all-in-one source for church revitalization and SBC life. NAB Podcast is sponsored by The Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. If you have comments, concerns, or want to contact us, email us at nabpodcast@gmail.com.

    en-usNot Another Baptist Podcast432 Episodes

    Episodes (432)

    Episode 408: Episode 333: What About Sermon Illustrations?

    Episode 408: Episode 333: What About Sermon Illustrations?

    Kyle and Matt get together to discuss, perhaps, their least favorite part of preaching––sermon illustrations. But they're so, so important!

    Article: https://www.baptistpress.com/resource-library/bptoolbox/5-essential-resources-for-sermon-illustrations-and-why-theyre-important/

    Sponsor: SWBTS
    If you're called to ministry, you're called to prepare. See how you can be equipped to live your calling at Southwestern Seminary's Preview Day. When you attend Preview Day on April 12, you'll get to see the campus, meet professors, and explore various degrees. Signing up is completely free, so register for Preview Day at swbts.edu/nab.

    Episode 407: Episode 332: Deacons Helping Pastors

    Episode 407: Episode 332: Deacons Helping Pastors

    Kyle and Matt discuss a few ways deacons can help pastors survive and thrive in ministry.

    Article: https://research.lifeway.com/2024/02/21/how-can-deacons-protect-pastors/

    Sponsor: TBC
    Wherever God calls you, Texas Baptist College is committed to helping you get there. Attend Preview Day on March 22, and see for yourself all that TBC has to offer. You'll get to visit the campus, meet current students, and explore what life at TBC is like. Signing up for Preview Day is completely free, so register at texasbaptistcollege.com/nab.

    Episode 406: Episode 331: Investing in the Older Generations

    Episode 406: Episode 331: Investing in the Older Generations

    Kyle and Matt know a thing or two about the importance of the "NEXT" generation, but what about those that've gone before? How can we invest in the previous generations before they pass away?

    Article: https://research.lifeway.com/2024/01/26/gray-matters-aging-congregations-can-serve-an-eternal-kingdom/

    Sponsor: SWBTS
    If you're called to ministry, you're called to prepare. See how you can be equipped to live your calling at Southwestern Seminary's Preview Day. When you attend Preview Day on April 12, you'll get to see the campus, meet professors, and explore various degrees. Signing up is completely free, so register for Preview Day at swbts.edu/nab.

    Episode 405: Episode 330: Starting (and Sustaining) Well in Ministry

    Episode 405: Episode 330: Starting (and Sustaining) Well in Ministry

    Kyle and Matt discuss how to start (and continue) a new ministry endeavor, particularly for pastors.

    Sponsor: TBC
    Wherever God calls you, Texas Baptist College is committed to helping you get there. Attend Preview Day on March 22, and see for yourself all that TBC has to offer. You'll get to visit the campus, meet current students, and explore what life at TBC is like. Signing up for Preview Day is completely free, so register at texasbaptistcollege.com/nab.

    Episode 404: Episode 329: Breaking the Ice in Small Group Discussions

    Episode 404: Episode 329: Breaking the Ice in Small Group Discussions

    Kyle and Matt interrupt your perfectly Good Friday to discuss ways you can try to break the ice in small group discussions.

    Article: https://research.lifeway.com/2020/02/19/75-icebreaker-questions-for-church-small-groups/

    Sponsor: SWBTS
    If you're called to ministry, you're called to prepare. See how you can be equipped to live your calling at Southwestern Seminary's Preview Day. When you attend Preview Day on April 12, you'll get to see the campus, meet professors, and explore various degrees. Signing up is completely free, so register for Preview Day at swbts.edu/nab.

    Episode 403: Episode 328: Falling Trust in Pastors

    Episode 403: Episode 328: Falling Trust in Pastors

    Kyle and Matt consider some recent trends when it comes to the public trust of pastors and what we can do to rebuild trust.

    Stats: https://research.lifeway.com/2024/01/24/public-trust-of-pastors-hits-new-record-low/

    Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/thevirtualassociation

    Sponsor: TBC

    At Texas Baptist College, you'll find a community that is committed to help you succeed wherever God calls you. And when you attend Preview Day on March 22, you'll see first-hand everything that TBC has to offer. Preview Day is the perfect opportunity to explore campus, meet current students, and learn how you will fit at TBC. Sign up for free at texasbaptistcollege.com/nab.

    Episode 402: Episode 327: Caring for Your Soul Online

    Episode 402: Episode 327: Caring for Your Soul Online

    Kyle and Matt celebrate Matt's birth with an episode on caring for your soul online, particularly as we approach a contentious season as a nation and as a Convention, as well as a forum for some encouragement.

    New Forum: https://www.facebook.com/groups/thevirtualassociation

    Sponsor: SWBTS

    At Southwestern Seminary, you'll find a campus community that is committed to help you live your calling in ministry. And at Preview Day on April 12, you'll be able to experience that community for yourself. Come and visit the campus, meet your professors, and explore what training for ministry could look like a Southwestern. Sign up to attend for free at swbts.edu/nab.

    Episode 401: Episode 326: Big News for Henslee

    Episode 401: Episode 326: Big News for Henslee

    Kyle and Matt have a quick moment to discuss some big changes for the Henslees.

    Sponsor: TBC

    At Texas Baptist College, you'll find a community that is committed to help you succeed wherever God calls you. And when you attend Preview Day on March 22, you'll see first-hand everything that TBC has to offer. Preview Day is the perfect opportunity to explore campus, meet current students, and learn how you will fit at TBC. Sign up for free at texasbaptistcollege.com/nab.

    Episode 400: Episode 325: Shifting Your Perspective on Attendance

    Episode 400: Episode 325: Shifting Your Perspective on Attendance

    Kyle and Matt discuss a recent article by Mark Dance on some church attendance trends and how we may need to shift our perspective on attendance in light of them.

    Article: https://research.lifeway.com/2023/12/20/6-perspective-shifts-on-church-attendance-in-the-new-year/

    Sponsor: SWBTS

    At Southwestern Seminary, you'll find a campus community that is committed to help you live your calling in ministry. And at Preview Day on April 12, you'll be able to experience that community for yourself. Come and visit the campus, meet your professors, and explore what training for ministry could look like a Southwestern. Sign up to attend for free at swbts.edu/nab.

    Episode 399: Episode 324: New Year, New You

    Episode 399: Episode 324: New Year, New You

    Kyle and Matt ring in the New Year with a special episode to encourage you to look back and look ahead in such a way to start 2024 in the right way.

    Sponsor: SWBTS

    If you're a Bible teacher, then the Master of Divinity is for you. You'll not only learn how to interpret Scripture, but also train for real-life ministry. And if you are called to the pastorate, an MDiv ensures you are fully prepared. Southwestern Seminary even offers a wide variety of concentrations tailored to fit your calling, from biblical counseling to collegiate ministry. Learn more about the Master of Divinity at SWBTS at swbts.edu/mdiv.

    Episode 398: Episode 323: Our Annual Airing of Grievances

    Episode 398: Episode 323: Our Annual Airing of Grievances

    Kyle and Matt get together to celebrate Festivus by sharing their grievances. 

    Article: https://research.lifeway.com/2023/12/19/the-most-important-element-of-your-christmas-eve-service/

    Sponsor: TBC

    Why do parents love Texas Baptist College? TBC is a college embedded on the campus of Southwestern Seminary, where the Bible is the primary textbook. Students learn in classes modeled after classical education and taught by seminary-grade professors. On campus, students find an authentic community that encourages spiritual growth. What's even better is that 90% of TBC students graduate debt-free. Discover more of what makes TBC unique at texasbaptistcollege.com/parents.

    Episode 397: Episode 321: All the Activities Filling Our Calendars

    Episode 397: Episode 321: All the Activities Filling Our Calendars

    Kyle and Matt dig into some research about all the activities we're filling our calendars with this Christmas season.

    Research: https://research.lifeway.com/2023/12/05/pastors-planning-several-christmas-events-churchgoers-say-they-enjoy/

    Sponsor: SWBTS

    If you're a Bible teacher, then the Master of Divinity is for you. You'll not only learn how to interpret Scripture, but also train for real-life ministry. And if you are called to the pastorate, an MDiv ensures you are fully prepared. Southwestern Seminary even offers a wide variety of concentrations tailored to fit your calling, from biblical counseling to collegiate ministry. Learn more about the Master of Divinity at SWBTS at swbts.edu/mdiv.

    Episode 396: Episode 320: Transfer Portal Church Growth

    Episode 396: Episode 320: Transfer Portal Church Growth

    Kyle and Matt have nearly half of a century of ministry experience between them and sit down to discuss stealing sheep on this episode and why they know it's a terrible, awful, no-good church growth strategy.

    Article: https://research.lifeway.com/2023/11/16/dont-use-the-transfer-portal-to-grow-your-church/

    Sponsor: TBC

    Why do parents love Texas Baptist College? TBC is a college embedded on the campus of Southwestern Seminary, where the Bible is the primary textbook. Students learn in classes modeled after classical education and taught by seminary-grade professors. On campus, students find an authentic community that encourages spiritual growth. What's even better is that 90% of TBC students graduate debt-free. Discover more of what makes TBC unique at texasbaptistcollege.com/parents.

    Episode 395: Episode 319: Planning Ahead for Sermon Prep

    Episode 395: Episode 319: Planning Ahead for Sermon Prep

    Kyle and Matt have different roles these days, but we still understand the pressure of the weekly sermon pastors have to prepare. Let us give you some pro-tips as you look ahead for 2024.

    Article: https://research.lifeway.com/2023/11/27/how-to-get-ahead-on-sermon-planning-for-the-new-year/

    Sponsor: SWBTS

    If you're a Bible teacher, then the Master of Divinity is for you. You'll not only learn how to interpret Scripture, but also train for real-life ministry. And if you are called to the pastorate, an MDiv ensures you are fully prepared. Southwestern Seminary even offers a wide variety of concentrations tailored to fit your calling, from biblical counseling to collegiate ministry. Learn more about the Master of Divinity at SWBTS at swbts.edu/mdiv.

    Episode 394: Episode 318: The Absolute Worst Christmas Songs

    Episode 394: Episode 318: The Absolute Worst Christmas Songs

    Kyle and Matt tee off on some of the worst Christmas songs. As we approach the Advent and Christmas season, go ahead and skip these!

    Our Book: https://amzn.to/3QTYkrb

    Sponsor: TBC 

    Did you know that more than 90% of the students at Texas Baptist College graduate debt-free? At TBC, there are many scholarship and financial aid opportunities available. Thanks to the generosity of Southern Baptists, they are also able to offer a discounted tuition rate to members of a Southern Baptist church. To learn more about undergraduate studies at Texas Baptist College, visit texasbaptistcollege.com/admissions for more information. 

    Episode 393: Episode 317: Who is in Charge Here?

    Episode 393: Episode 317: Who is in Charge Here?

    Kyle and Matt get together to discuss who is in charge at your church.

    Article: https://www.namb.net/church-replanting/resource/the-authority-question-whos-really-in-charge-of-your-church/

    Sponsor: SWBTS

    Are you called to ministry? Southwestern Seminary offers over fifty unique degrees that will provide the training you need to live your calling. If you aren't sure which degree is the best option for you, check out swbts.edu/calling and take the quiz to find out. This quiz will help you sort through your interests and discover which degrees could fit your calling. Find the quiz at swbts.edu/calling.

    Episode 392: Episode 316: Church Hopping

    Episode 392: Episode 316: Church Hopping

    Kyle and Matt discuss some recent stats about why people switch churches.

    Article: https://research.lifeway.com/2023/11/07/church-switchers-highlight-reasons-for-congregational-change/

    Sponsor: TBC 

    Did you know that more than 90% of the students at Texas Baptist College graduate debt-free? At TBC, there are many scholarship and financial aid opportunities available. Thanks to the generosity of Southern Baptists, they are also able to offer a discounted tuition rate to members of a Southern Baptist church. To learn more about undergraduate studies at Texas Baptist College, visit texasbaptistcollege.com/admissions for more information. 

    Episode 391: Episode 315: Fall Outreach Ideas to Consider

    Episode 391: Episode 315: Fall Outreach Ideas to Consider

    Kyle and Matt celebrate another year of the pod with some fall outreach ideas to consider. 

    Sponsor: SWBTS

    Are you called to ministry? Southwestern Seminary offers over fifty unique degrees that will provide the training you need to live your calling. If you aren't sure which degree is the best option for you, check out swbts.edu/calling and take the quiz to find out. This quiz will help you sort through your interests and discover which degrees could fit your calling. Find the quiz at swbts.edu/calling.