
    NOUS - The Feminist Podcast

    The NOUS Podcast, by Harini Iyer and Camille Saunders, explores key issues affecting young women in today’s society focussing on making intersectional feminism accessible to anyone, anywhere through interviews and research. If you ever want to let us know your thoughts, contribute to an episode, write an article for our blog, or create feminist art of any kind, we would love to give you a platform. Just DM us on Instagram at @nous_ldn Email us at admin@nouslondon.co.uk And read our articles on https://www.nouslondon.co.uk/
    en-gbNOUS London46 Episodes

    Episodes (46)

    006 - Season 2 Trailer

    006 - Season 2 Trailer

    We are so excited to announce Season 2 of the NOUS Podcast! Listen to this trailer to find out all the information you need about what promises to be a great season of feminist content.

    Episodes to come include:
                  - The 'Pick Me' Girl
                  - Pressure to be a 'good' feminist
                  - Calorie counts on menus
                  - Women's mental health: part 2
                  - Shaving: the men behind the beauty standard
                  - The fashion industry
                  - 'I hate men': an insight into misandry
                  - Physical health: listening to women
                  - Reproductive rights and abortion

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    005 - The Porn Industry

    005 - The Porn Industry

    Episode 5: The Porn Industry

    Following an Instagram poll revealing that 61% of our listeners felt that there was no such thing as ethical porn, in this episode we tackle a couple of the many issues in pornography as a concept and the industry more specifically. We begin to explore some of the reasons why this has occurred and how it the industry has developed into what it is today, and touch on the similarities and differences between mainstream pornography, feminist erotica and OnlyFans. We also start to look at how this has infiltrated into social media and the lives of young people.

    Topics discussed include:
                  - the crimes within the industry
                  - addiction and desensitisation
                  - child abuse and paedophilia
                  - BDSM and teen shame
                  - consent and healthy sex
                  - sexual assault online

    Don’t forget to download, listen, subscribe and review, and be sure to share this podcast with others who would be interested!

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    004 - Female Tropes in the Media

    004 - Female Tropes in the Media

    This episode explores 5 of the most commonly exploited tropes surrounding women in films and in the media we consume, and the detrimental effects this has on our expectations in real life. We look at where these tropes originated from, how they've developed in contemporary film, and how this has changed even the vernacular we use to describe women in real life.

    Topics discussed include:
                  - the trophy wife
                  - the bridezilla
                  - the damsel in distress (and the anti-damsel)
                  - the asexual career woman

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    003 - Women's Mental Health

    003 - Women's Mental Health

    Episode 3: Women and Mental Health

    We take an initial look at how the patriarchy damages women's mental health for example through constantly changing body types. We explore how male violence and rage affects women’s mental health, and delve into how reactions to this trauma can be dangerously mistaken due to harmful stereotypes surrounding female psychology. With 7x as many women being diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder than men with the exact same symptoms, we try to untangle some of the reasons why society is so keen to make women feel like they are mentally unstable rather than simply recovering from trauma in a natural and rational way.  

    More about women’s mental health will be discussed in our later series coming soon.

    Topics discussed include:
                  - eating disorders
                  - body image
                  - Borderline Personality Disorder
                  - Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
                  - misdiagnosis
                  - gaslighting
                  - psychological violence

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    002 - Eurocentric Beauty Standards

    002 - Eurocentric Beauty Standards

    Episode 2: Eurocentric Beauty Standards

    With a group of guest speakers talking about their own experiences, we discuss white feminism in the beauty industry and how this impacts women of colour. We look at how influential women of colour and celebrities are impacted by this on a personal level and how this then filters down into society, and interview guest speakers about how this has made them feel growing up.

    More about women of colour in feminism will be discussed in our later series coming soon.

    Topics discussed include:
                  - transphobia
                  - masculinisation vs hyperfemininity
                  - beauty standards
                  - Serena Williams, Meghan Thee Stallion
                  - TikTok
                  - eurocentrism

    Don’t forget to download, listen, subscribe and review, and be sure to share this podcast with others who would be interested!

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    001 - The Italian Hate Crime Bill

    001 - The Italian Hate Crime Bill

    Following on from our article about the Zan Bill, we discuss this latest proposal to defend the rights of women, the LGBT community, and the disabled community, and take a look as to why it was rejected by the Italian Senate. We explore further where these intolerances might have come from in society, religion and culture, and how this might impact these communities in the future.

    More about the role of women with disabilities in feminism and female physical health will be discussed in our later series coming soon.

    Topics discussed include:
                  - The Zan Bill
                  - the Vatican on homosexuality
                  - sexual assault
                  - Italian sexual assault legislation
                  - hate crime (homophobia, misogyny, ableism)
                  - Sergio Mattarella

    Don’t forget to download, listen, subscribe and review, and be sure to share this podcast with others who would be interested!

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