
    Nurtured by Nature

    Do you care deeply about the natural world? Have you struggled with eco-anxiety, overwhelm & despair due to the constant negative narrative about the environment & the mass depletion of biodiversity? Do you feel a sense of powerlessness & hopelessness in the face of the inaction at governmental level?

    I’m on a mission to shift the conversation, searching out empowering solutions & evidence of what’s already being achieved, to restore our collective hope & remind us that we are not powerless bystanders. 

    At Nurtured By Nature I bring together a fascinating diversity of guests, offering their unique perspectives & guidance, as we discuss ways to marry ancient wisdom & modern culture in a synergy that enables us as a society to restore balance to our lives & environment & fully take responsibility for our role in healing our world. 

    I provide you with a space that you can return to for constant hope and inspiration, knowing that by coming together as a community, it allows us to amplify our impact, as we discover the tangible solutions of how we can all get involved & embrace these ideas to create a powerful movement for positive change. 

    Expect to hear stories & advice from authors, artists, photographers, musicians, health & wellness practitioners, incredible businesses prioritising nature, foragers, gardeners, farmers, food producers, scientists, conservationists & charities involved in habitat restoration, species protection & rewilding, & many more diverse voices, all united by our deep & abiding love for the natural world & a desire to make a positive impact. 

    So pull up a chair, join us in conversation & help weave these important messages into the world, whilst being empowered to make your own positive impact, to be part of the solution as we rediscover our true place in nature’s incredible tapestry.

    enFiona MacKay36 Episodes

    Episodes (36)

    Foraged Food and Earth Wisdom with Lucy Cuzzocrea, Wild Roots Foraging

    Foraged Food and Earth Wisdom with Lucy Cuzzocrea, Wild Roots Foraging

    Welcome to episode 15 of the Nurtured by Nature podcast. Today I'm delighted to be joined in conversation by the incredible Lucy Cuzzocrea. Lucy is the the force behind Wild Roots Foraging. In this inspiring episode we discuss our need to reconnect with what Lucy fondly calls “Earth wisdom”. We explore our mutual love and respect for the weeds, our native wildflowers that are beneficial not only to our own health but the intrinsic health of our desperately struggling ecosystems. She shares her incredible 10 year journey that has seen her transform her own health through foraging and how she has gone on to find ways to share this wisdom and bring community and support into the lives of countless Wild Women and Wild Men.

    Learn more about Lucy and find out about joining her community: 

    I am a forager, activist, sustainable food grower, creative, mother, and wife, living in the beautiful countryside of North East England. I was raised in Middlesbrough, one of the most socially deprived areas in the whole country, and have many experiences of how poverty and trauma can effect those who live in areas like ours. As I matured into my adult years, I started to question the systems we rely on and why food didn't simply grow everywhere, for free. I studied Graphic Design at uni and learned about capitalism, consumerism and globalisation and the huge detrimental impact it is having on both people and planet. Ever since, I have been trying to do my bit to reverse that damage and change my little area of society for the better. And this is where Wild Roots Foraging was born. 
    I feel passionately that good quality, nutritious food, is a human right and should and can be free. So, I now make it my mission to reconnect as many people as possible with this lost knowledge, in order to empower them to take charge of their own health and sustenance, as well as the health of the planet.

    Wild Roots Foraging is all about helping people reconnect with the earth, their community and with themselves, through the forgotten, ancient practices of our ancestors. My goal is to reclaim what has been forgotten in the hope of helping people find the healing that is needed, for both people and planet.

    Website: https://wildrootsforaging.co.uk/
    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/wild_roots_foraging/
    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/wildrootsforaging

    Facebook Groups:
    Wild Roots - Wild Women (Women Only)- https://www.facebook.com/groups/732435000825751
    Wild Roots Gatherings (anyone) - https://www.facebook.com/groups/289107325579340

    Other useful links from this episode:
    The Association of Foragers: https://foragers-association.org/
    Wild Men Circles: https://wildrootsforaging.co.uk/wild-men/

    Thank you for being part of this journey with me, please Subscribe so you don't miss our future episodes, leave a review & share with friends to help these messages ripple out across the world.

    More information about the Podcast & our host Fiona MacKay: Fiona Mackay Photography Website

    Connect with us & join the conversation on social media:
    Instagram @FionaMacKayPhotography
    Facebook @FionaMacKayPhotography
    Twitter @FiMacKay

    Nurtured by Nature
    enFebruary 10, 2023

    Forest Therapy with Lindsey Death, Dorset Forest Bathing

    Forest Therapy with Lindsey Death, Dorset Forest Bathing

    Welcome to episode 14 of the Nurtured by Nature podcast. Today I'm delighted to be joined in conversation by the lovely Lindsey Death. Lindsey is the owner of Dorset Forest Bathing and has a passion for making the natural world accessible and enjoyable for everyone. 

    During this inspiring episode we dived into the the fascinating science-based practice of Forest Bathing (Shinrin Yoku), that originated in Japan, & no you don’t need a swim suit to give it a try yourself. I make no secret of my love of trees but I was fascinated to learn of the myriad of benefits to our health and wellbeing that we experience when we spend time amongst these beautiful beings. With stories of her children and her own childhood Lindsey, Importantly reminds us to approach nature with a sense of Awe and childlike wonder and enthusiasm, whilst sharing some simple forest bathing techniques for us all to try. 

    Learn more about Lindsey and find out about joining a forest bathing session with her:
    Lindsey runs Dorset Forest Bathing, leading mindfulness in nature and nature connection events across Dorset and beyond. She has a background in conservation, and a passion for making the natural world accessible and enjoyable to all, teaching straightforward practical tips to takeaway and improve her clients overall wellbeing on a day to day basis. She has a particular interest in perinatal mental health, and lives in north Dorset with her partner and two young children

    Website: www.dorsetforestbathing.co.uk
    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/dorset_forest_bathing/
    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Dorset-Forest-Bathing-218245886179148

    Other useful links from this episode:

    Institute of Forest Bathing: https://tfb.institute/

    Nature and Therapy UK: https://natureandtherapy.co.uk/

    Awe Walks: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/09/30/well/move/an-awe-walk-might-do-wonders-for-your-well-being.html

    Thousand Hours Outdoor Challenge: https://www.1000hoursoutside.com/

    Thank you for being part of this journey with me, please Subscribe so you don't miss our future episodes, leave a review & share with friends to help these messages ripple out across the world.

    More information about the Podcast & our host Fiona MacKay: Fiona Mackay Photography Website

    Connect with us & join the conversation on social media:
    Instagram @FionaMacKayPhotography
    Facebook @FionaMacKayPhotography
    Twitter @FiMacKay

    Nurtured by Nature
    enJanuary 27, 2023

    Monday Mini - New discoveries in conservation and finding your passion

    Monday Mini - New discoveries in conservation and finding your passion

    Hello everyone and welcome to Episode 13 of the Nurtured by Nature Podcast and this Monday's Mini Episode, designed to be a little snippet of connection to kickstart your week.

    In this weeks episode I discuss how I find hope in the amazing discoveries of species previously believed to have become extinct. Including the exciting discovery by volunteers from the Sussex Bat Group of a second Greater Mouse-Eared bat earlier this month, alongside the interesting story of the large tortoiseshell  butterfly extinct in the UK since the 1950s and in recent years having been found in both Dorset and Sussex and finally the amazing new and unknown population of critically endangered Kordofan giraffe found in Chad last year. I'm reminded of the incredible resilience of the natural world and take comfort from the fact these species have managed to hold on and with support could once again thrive.
    I encourage you to find what you are passionate about - whether that is wild flowers, butterflies, birds, mammals or even worms and to find local organisations and charities that you can volunteer with to support them with citizen science and research surveys. Lastly I remind everyone in the UK to set aside an hour this weekend 27th - 29th January 2023 to count the birds for the RSPBs Big Garden Bird Watch.

    Links to information mentioned in today's episode:

    RSPB Big Garden Bird Watch: 27th-29th January 2023

    Greater Mouse-Eared bat:

    Large Tortoiseshell butterfly:


    New Population of Critically Endangered Kordofan giraffe:

    Recommended Book: 
    "Wilding - The return of nature to a British farm" by Isabella Tree

    Thank you for being part of this journey with me, please Subscribe so you don't miss our future episodes, leave a review & share with friends to help these messages ripple out across the world.

    More information about the Podcast & our host Fiona MacKay: Fiona Mackay Photography Website

    Connect with us & join the conversation on social media:
    Instagram @FionaMacKayPhotography
    Facebook @FionaMacKayPhotography
    Twitter @FiMacKay

    Nurtured by Nature
    enJanuary 24, 2023

    Monday Mini - My Nature Story Part 2, Africa, Art and Conservation with Fiona MacKay

    Monday Mini - My Nature Story Part 2, Africa, Art and Conservation with Fiona MacKay

    Hello everyone and welcome to Episode 12, this week's Nurtured by Nature Monday Mini Episode, designed to be a little snippet of connection to kickstart your week.

    To celebrate the first month of our journey together with the Nurtured by Nature Podcast, I thought it was an appropriate time to properly introduce myself to you all.

    In this week's episode I invite you to join me as I answer the question I tend to kick off all my guest episodes with "What is your nature story? How has your relationship with nature influenced your life and how has this evolved over time?"

    Having explored how nature has nurtured me in part one released last week in episode 10, in this second part of a two part answer I share more on how I feel we have a responsibility to nurture nature.

    I delve into how my love of nature led me to South Africa and gave me the opportunity to live and work in the African wilderness, where I encountered Elephants for the first time and literally found myself living my childhood dream in a challenging environment but enmeshed in nature in a way I had never previously experienced.  I talk about my love of photography and how I use that to platform to raise awareness and financial donations to support charities actively involved in working in the regions and with the species I have grown to know and love. Explore 

    Links to organisations and ideas discussed in this episode:

    Endangered Wildlife Trust - Wild Dog Expansion Project:

    Giraffe Conservation Foundation - Dr Julian and Stephanie Fennessy

    Aviva Rahmani, Art Activist - Trigger Point Theory

    Thank you for being part of this journey with me, please Subscribe so you don't miss our future episodes, leave a review & share with friends to help these messages ripple out across the world.

    More information about the Podcast & our host Fiona MacKay: Fiona Mackay Photography Website

    Connect with us & join the conversation on social media:
    Instagram @FionaMacKayPhotography
    Facebook @FionaMacKayPhotography
    Twitter @FiMacKay

    Nurtured by Nature
    enJanuary 21, 2023

    Wisdom From The Animals with Kerrie Searle, Animal Communicator

    Wisdom From The Animals with Kerrie Searle, Animal Communicator

    Welcome to episode 11 of the Nurtured by Nature podcast. Today I'm delighted to be joined in conversation by the  incredible Kerrie Searle. Kerrie is an Animal Communicator and Flower Essence Practitioner based in Australia. 
    During this inspiring episode we dive into the concept of telepathic communication, a skill inherent in all of us, that we are sadly taught to doubt and ultimately ignore. We discuss the desperate need for more balance in the world and our lives of both logic and intuition and also the masculine and feminine. Whilst marvelling at the extraordinary untapped wisdom and knowledge that could be available to us, if we can set aside the many hierarchies prevalent in society, whether that relates to different species or even between our many cultures and religions.  

    Learn more about Kerrie:
    After experiencing enormous trauma throughout my life, both personally and professionally (having been a police detective for 17 years), I was mentally, physically and emotionally broken when I retired from the police force. Heavily medicated and in and out of hospital for years, my life was on a constant downward spiral.

    I realised the medical model I was using wasn’t helping me to get better and it was at this point that I chose a more holistic approach to my healing journey and also discovered the extraordinary healing power of flower essences.

    As I journeyed from a place of deep suppression to reconnecting with the disconnected. parts of myself, I also reconnected with my ability to communicate with animals (& other beings/energies) at a very deep level.

    I now make my own flower essences from the indigenous plants/trees where I live and I use different combinations of flower essences to make a number of blends that I use to heal and support my journey through life. These blends are also used for my animal and human clients.

    I bring my life experiences and learnings to my consults and workshops and now assist other humans to reconnect to the disconnected parts of themselves so that they too can communicate with their animals more deeply. I receive feelings, words, pictures, smells and tastes from animals which allow me to communicate at a very deep level and become a voice for the animals, conveying what they need heard to their humans."

    Website: www.animal-communicator.com.au

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/talkstoanimals

    Support the show

    Thank you for being part of this journey with me, please Subscribe so you don't miss our future episodes, leave a review & share with friends to help these messages ripple out across the world.

    More information about the Podcast & our host Fiona MacKay: Fiona Mackay Photography Website

    Connect with us & join the conversation on social media:
    Instagram @FionaMacKayPhotography
    Facebook @FionaMacKayPhotography
    Twitter @FiMacKay

    Nurtured by Nature
    enJanuary 13, 2023

    Monday Mini - My Nature Story Part 1, Horses and Holistic Healing with Fiona MacKay

    Monday Mini - My Nature Story Part 1, Horses and Holistic Healing with Fiona MacKay

    Hello everyone and welcome to this week's Nurtured by Nature Monday Mini Episode, designed to be a little snippet of connection to kickstart your week.

    To celebrate the first month of our journey together with the Nurtured by Nature Podcast, I thought it was an appropriate time to properly introduce myself to you all. 

    In this week's episode I invite you to join me as I answer the question I tend to kick off all my guest episodes with "What is your nature story? How has your relationship with nature influenced your life and how has this evolved over time?" 

    In this first part of a two part answer (part two will be released next week in episode 12) I share how nature has been an intrinsic part of my life for as long as I can remember, from my early childhood watching nature documentaries narrated by David Attenborough, to learning to observe, appreciate and enjoy the wildlife, birds and plants that surrounded us at home and on our family holidays in West Wales. My love of nature deepened as I discovered photography and has evolved alongside my passion for horses. 

    When two of my horses suffered serious illnesses, and one almost died, I began to further explore the incredible world of complimentary and alternative medicine, searching for ways to support them when conventional medicine had no answers. My horses have been both my inspiration and greatest teachers as I have delved into learning about herbs, essential oils, flower essences, homeopathy, nutrition, reiki and many other modalities. I am always amazed by how much there is to learn and humbled by how little we know, but left excited by the new developments and understanding that is being gained on a regular basis. 

    Support the show

    Thank you for being part of this journey with me, please Subscribe so you don't miss our future episodes, leave a review & share with friends to help these messages ripple out across the world.

    More information about the Podcast & our host Fiona MacKay: Fiona Mackay Photography Website

    Connect with us & join the conversation on social media:
    Instagram @FionaMacKayPhotography
    Facebook @FionaMacKayPhotography
    Twitter @FiMacKay

    Nurtured by Nature
    enJanuary 09, 2023

    Botanical Healing with Wendy Sweet, Woo in the Willows

    Botanical Healing with Wendy Sweet, Woo in the Willows

    Welcome to episode 9 of the Nurtured by Nature podcast. Today I'm delighted to be joined in conversation by the fabulous Wendy Sweet. Wendy lives in the hills of County Mayo in Ireland. Alongside her husband Steve, they have created an oasis for nature and started their business Woo in the Willows. During this inspiring episode we explored how a closer look at the ingredients list on the back of a skin cream, led Wendy to question what she was putting on her skin and ultimately the creation of their beautiful range of natural botanical skin creams and products. Wendy openly shares both her passion and depth of knowledge about the healing properties of plants and herbs, from the diverse range of lavenders to the powerhouse that comes in the form of the humble little daisy. I learn how, inspired by Mary Reynolds’ We Are The Ark in just a short time they have helped nature begin to reclaim their patch and how everyday we have the opportunity to learn and be amazed by the world around us and that by simply quietly taking our own journey we can unexpectedly inspire others, which can lead to changes we couldn’t have planned.  

    Learn more about Wendy: 
    Wendy (Woo) Sweet is a Horticulturist, Garden Designer, Creator and Company Director of Woo in the Willows. In 2015 Wendy and her husband Steve, came across the 2-acre plot, Steve was totally bewildered by Wendy’s insistence that the almost derelict house and ravaged patch of land could become their dream home. They have planted trees and wildflowers, encouraging wildlife and pollinators. Then set about producing as much of their own organic herbs and vegetables as they could. In 2020,  the concept of ‘Woo in the Willows’ was born. Wendy was using commercial moisturisers when it dawned on them both that some of the ingredients were potentially harmful, particularly to a cancer survivor like Wendy. Over the lockdown days and nights, they researched organic, vegan body products and formulated the recipes that have become the basis for their body products, which they are proud to have passed their safety certification. They made the hard decision to temporarily give over the majority of their existing vegetable garden to make space for the wonderful varieties of lavenders until new beds could be established. These along with organic herbs and flowers are used widely in their beautiful body products and more recently in culinary oils, vinegars and salts. With sustainability in mind their aim is to use as many of their home-grown botanicals and herbs for all their ‘Woo in the Willows’ products as is possible.

    Website: https://woointhewillows.com
    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/woointhewillows
    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/woointhewillows

    Other useful links from this episode:
    Find out more about the We Are The Ark Movement: https://wearetheark.org/
    We Are The Ark Facebook Group:

    Support the show

    Thank you for being part of this journey with me, please Subscribe so you don't miss our future episodes, leave a review & share with friends to help these messages ripple out across the world.

    More information about the Podcast & our host Fiona MacKay: Fiona Mackay Photography Website

    Connect with us & join the conversation on social media:
    Instagram @FionaMacKayPhotography
    Facebook @FionaMacKayPhotography
    Twitter @FiMacKay

    Nurtured by Nature
    enJanuary 06, 2023

    Monday Mini - Finding Comfort in Challenging Times

    Monday Mini - Finding Comfort in Challenging Times

    Hello everyone and welcome to this Nurtured by Nature Monday Mini Episode, designed to be a little snippet of connection to kickstart your week.

    In this week's unintentionally honest, raw, emotional, and slightly delayed episode I share from my heart how I have struggled with depression and PTSD throughout my life and how some recent challenges have led me to struggle as I come into a New Year with carrying a huge amount of uncertainty in my life. 

    I share how nurturing my own relationship with the natural world  has provided me a sanctuary, where I find support and comfort, when life feels overwhelming and unmanageable. How walking and bringing awareness to the sensation of the weather on my skin helps bring me into the present moment and how the trees offer a sense of stability and a constant when the storm of life breaks around me and that sharing my challenges with the birds and the flowers offers a sense of companionship that is ultimately both comfortable and safe when you feel messy and slightly broken, but aren't in need of being "fixed" because actually it's ok to sometimes just simply not be ok. 

    If you're struggling with hard times, I hope that my words bring you an awareness that you aren't alone and I invite you to find comfort in the judgement free realms of nature and also to reach out to me or others to find support. 

    Thank you for being part of this journey with me, please Subscribe so you don't miss our future episodes, leave a review & share with friends to help these messages ripple out across the world.

    More information about the Podcast & our host Fiona MacKay: Fiona Mackay Photography Website

    Connect with us & join the conversation on social media:
    Instagram @FionaMacKayPhotography
    Facebook @FionaMacKayPhotography
    Twitter @FiMacKay

    Nurtured by Nature
    enJanuary 04, 2023

    Creating Ripples with Helen Peterson, Happy Seal Yoga

    Creating Ripples with Helen Peterson, Happy Seal Yoga

    Welcome to Episode 7 of the Nurtured by Nature podcast. Today I'm delighted to be joined in conversation by the lovely Helen Peterson. Helen is the owner of Happy Seal Yoga, based on the beautiful North Yorkshire coast. During this inspiring episode we explored how Helen’s journey to improve her surfing, lead her to yoga, and rippled out to create a community that now works together to care for and enjoy the beautiful North Yorkshire coastline she calls home.  We discussed how yoga can provide both a physical and perhaps more importantly mentally supportive route to recovery after serious injury and that even if you can’t touch your toes, you shouldn’t be put off trying yoga. Lastly we pondered how our own perspectives in life can lead to us becoming blinkered and taking for granted the beauty that’s just around the corner on our own doorsteps. 

    Learn more about Helen:

    Based on the beautiful North Yorkshire coast, Helen founded Happy Seal Yoga in 2019 and specialises in outdoor yoga by the sea classes for all abilities. Classes take place in Sandsend, Whitby, Scarborough, Cayton Bay & Filey. Connecting with nature and absorbing the sounds of the sea as you flow gives that all important quiet time that is often hard to find in busy day to day life. Helen loves the outdoors and is particularly fond of the sea. A firm believer in the proven positive mental health benefits of activity in, on and near the ocean, when she’s not teaching yoga you’ll usually find her in, on or very close to the sea!

    Website: www.happysealyoga.com

    Instagram -@happysealyoga  https://www.instagram.com/HappySealYoga/

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/HappySealYoga

    Other useful links from this episode:

    Find out about Planet Patrol through their website. Join a litter pick or set up your own on the events page, nothing is booked in yet for summer 2023 but when it is it’ll be at this link: https://planetpatrol.co/clean-ups/

    Wave Project: Helen volunteers as a surf mentor for:

    Ekotex Yoga: beautiful, ethical and durable yoga mats and props designed to support yogis as much as supporting the planet:

    Thank you for being part of this journey with me, please Subscribe so you don't miss our future episodes, leave a review & share with friends to help these messages ripple out across the world.

    More information about the Podcast & our host Fiona MacKay: Fiona Mackay Photography Website

    Connect with us & join the conversation on social media:
    Instagram @FionaMacKayPhotography
    Facebook @FionaMacKayPhotography
    Twitter @FiMacKay

    Nurtured by Nature
    enDecember 30, 2022

    Monday Mini - Make a contribution to conservation through Citizen Science

    Monday Mini - Make a contribution to conservation through Citizen Science

    Hello everyone and welcome to this Nurtured by Nature Monday Mini Episode, designed to be a little snippet of connection to kickstart your week.

    Following on from last week's episode about biological diversity, in this week's episode I discuss how citizen or community science research projects provide a fun and easy way for all of us to help support nature and wildlife conservation from the comfort of our own home or on your local patch, whether that is your garden or local area.

    Something to remember, is that it's important for these organisations to know what isn't there as much as what is, so don't be put off from getting involved even if you don't regularly see very many animals/birds/insects, as that's valuable data too.

    Links to some of the citizen science projects mentioned in today's episode:

    Zooniverse - People Powered Research: a world wide platform with numerous projects from researchers around the globe, looking for help with cataloguing and classifying data. Projects include but aren't limited to those focused on nature and conservation. https://www.zooniverse.org/

    UK Based Citizen Science Projects:
    Mammal Society: 
    Mammal Mapper App: https://www.mammal.org.uk/volunteering/mammal-mapper/
    Mammal Web: https://www.mammalweb.org/en/

    RSPB Big Garden Bird Watch: 27th-29th January 2023

    Butterfly Count: 14th July - 6th August 2023

    Saving Scotland's Red Squirrels - Great Scottish Squirrel Survey

    Thank you for being part of this journey with me, please Subscribe so you don't miss our future episodes, leave a review & share with friends to help these messages ripple out across the world.

    More information about the Podcast & our host Fiona MacKay: Fiona Mackay Photography Website

    Connect with us & join the conversation on social media:
    Instagram @FionaMacKayPhotography
    Facebook @FionaMacKayPhotography
    Twitter @FiMacKay

    Nurtured by Nature
    enDecember 26, 2022

    Beneath The Surface with Philippa Ross

    Beneath The Surface with Philippa Ross

    Welcome to Episode 5 of the Nurtured by Nature podcast. Today I'm delighted to be joined in conversation by the incredible Philippa Ross. Philippa is a self-confessed Enthusiologist, something the world certainly needs more of! Based in New Zealand, she is also a human ecologist, energy worker, writer and the force behind the Waste Not Want Not Podcast.  During this inspiring episode we dived into her fascinating ancestral connection to the Antarctic and her love of the world’s oceans. Explored ways to turn inwards to nurture our inner environments and discussed how approaching others with humility and humbleness allows us to listen with an open heart and open mind, whilst also considering the challenges created in managing environmental issues, particularly in the world’s oceans where our boundaries and borders allow governments to shy away from their responsibilities. But ultimately we found comfort in the wisdom offered by her family motto “Hope lightens difficulty”.

     Learn more about Philippa:

    Philippa integrated her background in psychology, with her personal experiences, love of the ocean, passion for all things Antarctica and belief in personalised learning in to a role that fulfils an ardent desire to reduce the waste of our natural resources both our own human potential and our environment. She aims to help people connect and build a relationship with themselves and the world around them – to restore and regenerate the seed of potential within all of us and build a sustainable ecosystem that supports all life.

    Her mission is to connect people to the energetic source within themselves –  their innate intelligence – so they understand the depth of their own value and have the courage and enthusiasm to use it to add value to the world around them. Whilst lifting up the attitude and aspirations of people towards a socially contented, compassionate society that honors the diversity of human nature and values all life and our connection to nature. Raising our energy and enthusiasm to minimise waste and maximise potential for our personal and planetary growth - the way nature intended.

    Website:  https://philippaross.com/
    Personal:  https://www.facebook.com/philippa.ross.18/
    Business:  https://www.facebook.com/EnthusiologistandPIP/
    Waste Not Want Not:  https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100075991457588

    Listen to the Waste Not Want Not Podcast:  https://open.spotify.com/show/5UAvpJA5VGT4lhem44owIC

    Other useful links from this episode:
    Dr Rodolfo Werner, Senior Advisor for Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition

    Equine Facilitated Therapy
    Book: Linda Kohanov: Riding between the Worlds: Expanding Our Potential through the Way of the Horse

    Thank you for being part of this journey with me, please Subscribe so you don't miss our future episodes, leave a review & share with friends to help these messages ripple out across the world.

    More information about the Podcast & our host Fiona MacKay: Fiona Mackay Photography Website

    Connect with us & join the conversation on social media:
    Instagram @FionaMacKayPhotography
    Facebook @FionaMacKayPhotography
    Twitter @FiMacKay

    Nurtured by Nature
    enDecember 23, 2022

    Monday Mini - COP conference concerns and what we can do

    Monday Mini - COP conference concerns and what we can do

    Hello everyone and welcome to this Nurtured by Nature Monday Mini Episode, designed to be a little snippet of connection to kickstart your week.

    In this week's episode I discuss the recent COP27 in Egypt and the current COP15 for the UN Convention on Biological Diversity that is happening in Montreal in Canada. Considering some of the challenges around the negotiations as well as discussing our concept of developing and developed nations and the impact that status has on their requirements to contribute to any fund for climate loss - there's a few surprises in terms of countries you might not expect to be considered "developing".

    One of the reasons I started the Nurtured by Nature Podcast was the sadness and frustration I felt around the lack of action that resulted from these climate conferences and I wanted to create a place where I could encourage those who loved the natural world to realise that as individuals we can make a difference and we don't need to wait for the lawmakers to take the first steps.

    So as a foil to the negativity in the media that often surrounds these COPs I share some conservation success stories for some species that have been able to buck the trend and make their way back from the brink of extinction, thanks to the committed efforts of some amazing individuals, charities and even governments. 

    Links to some of the organisations mentioned in today's episode:

    Mountain gorillas:
    Gorilla Doctors Rwanda/Uganda/DRC: https://www.gorilladoctors.org/ 
    Virunga National Park DRC: https://virunga.org/
    Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund https://gorillafund.org/

    West African giraffe:
    Giraffe Conservation Foundation: https://giraffeconservation.org/

    Knepp Estate:

    Red kites A Conservation Success Story:

    Support the show

    Thank you for being part of this journey with me, please Subscribe so you don't miss our future episodes, leave a review & share with friends to help these messages ripple out across the world.

    More information about the Podcast & our host Fiona MacKay: Fiona Mackay Photography Website

    Connect with us & join the conversation on social media:
    Instagram @FionaMacKayPhotography
    Facebook @FionaMacKayPhotography
    Twitter @FiMacKay

    Nurtured by Nature
    enDecember 19, 2022

    Start Where You Are with Molly Ellis, The Wild Felter

    Start Where You Are with Molly Ellis, The Wild Felter

    Welcome to Episode 3 of the Nurtured by Nature podcast. Today I'm delighted to be joined in conversation by the lovely Molly Ellis. Molly is the wildlife artist behind the brand The Wild Felter, based in the south of Ireland. 
    During this inspiring episode we pondered how sometimes the most important thing isn’t knowing the answer but simply being prepared to ask the question. Molly shared how her love and relationship with nature only began in her thirty’s but has now shaped her family, business and home, where she has utilised renewable energy, the rather un-glamorous sounding post-consumer waste packaging and created a haven for wildlife by allowing nature to take the lead in re-wildling her garden. 
     Learn more about Molly:

    Molly Ellis is the wildlife artist behind the brand The Wild Felter. She works from her cottage on the south of Ireland creating a range of endearing gifts and homeware that is affordable, ethical and comes from a love of Irish biodiversity. 
    Her love of animals and the environment inspired her to decarbonise her home and further inspired her to make work that fulfils this ethos for her customers. Her range of wildlife art is available in prints, originals, jewellry and ceramic on her website Thewildfelter.ie

    She is also involved in an award winning shop in Fermoy, The Blackwater Valley makers.

    Website: thewildfelter.ie
    Instagram: www.instagram.com/wildfelter
    Facebook: www.facebook.com/thewildfelter

    Other useful links from this episode:
    Black Water Valley Makers: https://blackwatervalleymakers.com/
    Irish Schools Sustainability Network: https://www.issn.ie/

    More Environmentally Friendly Packaging Solutions:
    Search for these things in your locality: post consumer waste, bio cello, kraft tape.
    EcoLand: https://ecoland.com/

    Thank you for being part of this journey with me, please Subscribe so you don't miss our future episodes, leave a review & share with friends to help these messages ripple out across the world.

    More information about the Podcast & our host Fiona MacKay: Fiona Mackay Photography Website

    Connect with us & join the conversation on social media:
    Instagram @FionaMacKayPhotography
    Facebook @FionaMacKayPhotography
    Twitter @FiMacKay

    Nurtured by Nature
    enDecember 16, 2022

    Monday Mini - Ideas For a Less Wasteful Christmas

    Monday Mini - Ideas For a Less Wasteful Christmas

    Hello everyone and welcome to the first of my Nurtured by Nature Monday Mini Episodes, designed to be a little snippet of connection to kickstart your week. 

    Recorded whilst gazing in wonder out across mother nature's beautifully adorned wintry landscape, in this week's episode I invite you to join me on social media to share our ideas for having a less wasteful Christmas. From thinking about ways to decorate our homes, to sustainable gift ideas, including sharing our favourite nature inspired books, and looking at ways to be more eco-conscious with our gift wrapping and packaging. I look forward to hearing from you all - as I'm looking for some new books for my own collection. 

    Support the show

    Thank you for being part of this journey with me, please Subscribe so you don't miss our future episodes, leave a review & share with friends to help these messages ripple out across the world.

    More information about the Podcast & our host Fiona MacKay: Fiona Mackay Photography Website

    Connect with us & join the conversation on social media:
    Instagram @FionaMacKayPhotography
    Facebook @FionaMacKayPhotography
    Twitter @FiMacKay

    Nurtured by Nature
    enDecember 12, 2022

    Finding Our Purpose with Laura Sweet

    Finding Our Purpose with Laura Sweet

    Welcome to Episode 1 of the Nurtured by Nature podcast. Today I'm delighted to be joined in conversation by the lovely Laura Sweet. Laura is an artist and writer based in California.  During this inspiring episode we dived into how her homeschooling created space for her and her children to gain a deeper reverence for nature. Offered up stories around our shared love of trees, discussed some of our favourite books and explored how Laura was inspired by Mary Reynolds' "We are the Ark" to create a sanctuary for nature in her own backyard, whilst nurturing her secret addiction to buying plants.

    Learn more about Laura:
    Laura Sweet is an Artist and Writer living her version of a hand made life in a faraway place, north of Northern California, USA. Her work is to live sustainably in her small and mostly wild place. Taking nothing for granted, she makes the most of what is already around her. Creating with her hands keeps life curiously joyful, while writing hones her intent for humility and gratitude. Her family inspires her love to see the simple goodness in every colorful and contrasting detail. When everything is sacred, nothing is wasted.
    Website: https://laurasweetstudios.com/
    Instagram: @halflight_letters
    Facebook: @halflightletters

    Find out more about the We Are The Ark Movement:
    We Are The Ark Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/804968449865497/

    Authors/Books mentioned in this episode:
    Mary Reynolds -We Are The Ark https://marymary.ie/
    Sharon Blackie - The Enchanted Life https://sharonblackie.net/
    Robin Wall Kimmerer - Braiding Sweetgrass https://www.robinwallkimmerer.com/
    Clarissa Pinkola Estes - Women Who Run With Wolves https://www.clarissapinkolaestes.com/

    Thank you for being part of this journey with me, please Subscribe so you don't miss our future episodes, leave a review & share with friends to help these messages ripple out across the world.

    More information about the Podcast & our host Fiona MacKay: Fiona Mackay Photography Website

    Connect with us & join the conversation on social media:
    Instagram @FionaMacKayPhotography
    Facebook @FionaMacKayPhotography
    Twitter @FiMacKay

    Nurtured by Nature
    enDecember 09, 2022

    Nurtured by Nature - Welcome to our community

    Nurtured by Nature - Welcome to our community

    Welcome to the Nurtured by Nature Podcast. We will be launching our first full episode on Friday 9th December 2022, so watch this space. In the meantime, we invite you to take a moment to listen to our welcome episode with our host Fiona MacKay, explaining more about the inspiring community of nature lovers we look forward to creating and serving through this podcast. 
    If you love the natural world and are interesting in exploring ways that you can deepen your connection with nature in all areas of your life, or you are passionate about the environment and conservation then you'll fit right in and we're excited to have you join us on this adventure. 

    Thank you for being part of this journey with me, please Subscribe so you don't miss our future episodes, leave a review & share with friends to help these messages ripple out across the world.

    More information about the Podcast & our host Fiona MacKay: Fiona Mackay Photography Website

    Connect with us & join the conversation on social media:
    Instagram @FionaMacKayPhotography
    Facebook @FionaMacKayPhotography
    Twitter @FiMacKay

    Nurtured by Nature
    enNovember 11, 2022