
    Obesity Panacea Podcast

    We are PhD candidates at the School of Kinesiology and Health Studies at Queen's University. Besides being researchers in clinical physiology, we are both also avid health and fitness enthusiasts. The purpose of our blog (www.obesitypanacea.blogspot.com) as well as this complimentary podcast is to critically evaluate new commercial products, recent scientific research, or popular news related to obesity, weight-loss, exercise, diet, and everything in between.
    en-us31 Episodes

    Episodes (31)

    Episode 27 - "We Need to Stop Arranging Society Around Ridiculous Choices"

    Episode 27 - "We Need to Stop Arranging Society Around Ridiculous Choices"
    In this episode I talk with Michele Simon, public health lawyer and author of Appetite for Profit. Michele argues against partnerships between health researchers and the food industry, and we discuss my recent conversation with Dr Diane Finegood, who is advocating for increased dialog and trust between research and industry in order to tackle the obesity epidemic.  To leave a comment on our blog please visit www.blogs.plos.org/obesitypanacea.  Michele's blog can be found at http://www.appetiteforprofit.com/.

    Episode 24 - Forks vs Feet

    Episode 24 - Forks vs Feet
    Dr Yoni Freedhoff and Dr Bob Ross debate the relative importance of diet and exercise in promoting health body weights.  This event was hosted at the University of Ottawa in May of 2011, and was organized by the Canadian Obesity Network Student and New Professionals group at the University. To comment on this blog post or other obesity-related issues, visit Obesity Panacea at http://www.blogs.plos.org/obesitypanacea.

    Episode 22 - Preventive Pharmacology and Obesity

    Episode 22 - Preventive Pharmacology and Obesity
    Today's podcast includes the conclusion of Dr Angelo Tremblay's recent lecture on ways to prevent obesity in 2011 and beyond. In this section he focuses on the role of "preventive" pharmacology, most notably Ritalin, as well as taking a number of fascinating questions from the researchers and health professionals in the audience. To see the slides that accompany this talk and other talks by Dr Tremblay visit www.blogs.plos.org/obesitypancea. Thanks to Dr Tremblay for allowing me to record his talk, and to Dr JP Chaput for facilitating. Travis

    Episode 16 - Our Work-Based Mini-Exercise Programs

    Episode 16 - Our Work-Based Mini-Exercise Programs
    Peter and Travis discuss their different approaches to incorporating exercise in the work-day, as well as comments and suggestions from their readers. Peter's original post on the topic can be found here: http://goo.gl/lqx3V Travis' Scientific American post on sedentary physiology can be found here: http://goo.gl/BMSvR And his 5-Part Series on sedentary physiology can be found here: http://goo.gl/vPBzm We'd love to hear your comments - come join the conversation at www.blogs.plos.org/obesitypancea.

    Episode 15 - Cure your aging synapses with diet and exercise

    Episode 15 - Cure your aging synapses with diet and exercise
    Travis speaks with Scicurious about an interesting new study which suggests that diet and exercise can prevent and/or undo age-related damage in the neuromuscular junction. This podcast involves an in-depth discussion of this study's results, so to see the images that we are discussing you can visit Scicuious' original (and excellent) post on this topic: http://scientopia.org/blogs/scicurious/2010/11/17/cure-your-aging-synapses-with-this-new-diet-and-exercise-regimen/ As always to leave a comment or suggestion, you can visit the Obesity Panacea blog at www.blogs.plos.org/obesitypanacea.

    Episode 14

    Episode 14
    Travis talks with obesity researcher Zach Ferraro, who is currently studying the impact of maternal lifestyle on fetal development and the risk of childhood obesity. To comment on this or any podcast, visit our website at http://www.blogs.plos.org/obesitypanacea. To learn more about Zach Ferraro's research, or to become a participant in one of his current pregnancy studies, visit http://www.cheori.org/halo/halo_spn.html and click on the M.O.M Trial.

    Episode 13 - Field Research/Science Blogger Showdown # 2

    Episode 13 - Field Research/Science Blogger Showdown # 2
    Travis and Peter chat with fellow science bloggers and young researchers Jason Goldman, Christie Wilcox, and Scicurious. Topics include field research, the work that we are currently doing in our labs, and our thoughts on recent developments in the science blogosphere. You can visit our respective blogs at: Obesity Panacea (www.blogs.plos.org/obesitypanacea) - Peter and Travis The Thoughtful Animal (www.scienceblogs.com/thoughtfulanimal) - Jason Child's Play (www.scientopia.org/blogs/childsplay/) - Jason Observations of a Nerd (www.scienceblogs.com/observations) - Christie Neurotic Physiology (www.scientopia.org/blogs/scicurious/) - Scicurious