
    One Simple Truth

    Understand and apply the deeper meaning of A Course in Miracles, that best friends of 30 years, Amy and Chris have come to learn and love. As friends who have supported each other in their journeys to better themselves, they developed a ritual of meeting for beach walks where they would share the challenges they faced during the first leg, and then use the Course to gain perspective during the second. They have explored many teachings in their spiritual journeys and found the knowledge from A Course in Miracles to bring them the most peace and clarity. They are drawn to its non denominational and all-inclusive nature, and always arrive back to one simple truth no matter what challenge they face. In this fun, but deep podcast, they lighten up the heaviness of the Course and share simple transformations so that you too can experience the same joy and peace it has brought them.
    enChris Atley, LLC175 Episodes

    Episodes (175)

    Sex & spirituality! Oh my!

    Sex & spirituality! Oh my!
    This week gets hot and heavy into all things sexual with expert guest, Deborah Kagan, who leads the conversation on how Divinity and Sexual energy are linked.

    Chris Atley Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chrisatley/

    Our private Facebook community: Abundant Soulutions

    Deborah's website: https://www.deborah-kagan.com

    Deborah's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/deborahkagan/

    Deborah's book:  Undressed: An Invitation to Claim Your Erotic Nature

    Amy Yates Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/connectivesoul

    Get your copy (+ a free gift) of Chris’ #1 best seller and award-winning book “Abundant Soulutions” at: https://decisionsbydesign.com/podcastbook

    Coaching resources with Chris & Amy: https://decisionsbydesign.com/findacoach

    One Simple Truth Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/onesimpletruth

    The missing puzzle piece

    The missing puzzle piece
    When we can surrender to the idea that we don't know anything about anything, we can enter a state of mind that is free from ties, judgements, and the need to "go it alone".  We will be tapping into the joined consciousness, and when this is learned, the missing puzzle pieces will present themselves.

    Chris Atley Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chrisatley/

    Our private Facebook community: Abundant Soulutions

    Amy Yates Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/connectivesoul

    Get your copy (+ a free gift) of Chris’ #1 best seller and award-winning book “Abundant Soulutions” at: https://decisionsbydesign.com/podcastbook

    Coaching resources with Chris & Amy: https://decisionsbydesign.com/findacoach

    One Simple Truth Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/onesimpletruth

    Parenting: The journey from kisses to eye rolls to "I don't know how you did it".

    Parenting: The journey from kisses to eye rolls to "I don't know how you did it".
    Today's delightful guest, Melanie Studer is well-versed in relating to one of life's most tricky demographics; the teenager.
    She shares her wisdom from years of experience as a teacher, mother, and coach.  The conversation is practicality and spirituality all rolled into one.


    Chris Atley Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chrisatley/

    Our private Facebook community: Abundant Soulutions

    Melanie's Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/parentinghighschoolers/

    Melanie's website: Next phase parenting

    Melanie's Youtube Channel: Parenting Highschoolers

    Melanie's Book: College Bound

    Amy Yates Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/connectivesoul

    Get your copy (+ a free gift) of Chris’ #1 best seller and award-winning book “Abundant Soulutions” at: https://decisionsbydesign.com/podcastbook

    Coaching resources with Chris & Amy: https://decisionsbydesign.com/findacoach

    One Simple Truth Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/onesimpletruth

    Sprinkle your Fairy Dust!!

    Sprinkle your Fairy Dust!!
    An open mind, a grateful heart, and a fist full of fairy dust are all what today's guest carries with her as she moves through life.  Alex Trimble shares her down-to-earth, but simultaneously dreamy mindset to deliver some wisdom that has carried her through tough times and has brought major successes and fun surprises along the way.


    Chris Atley Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chrisatley/

    Amy Yates Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/connectivesoul

    Get your copy (+ a free gift) of Chris’ #1 best seller and award-winning book “Abundant Soulutions” at: https://decisionsbydesign.com/podcastbook

    Coaching resources with Chris & Amy: https://decisionsbydesign.com/findacoach

    One Simple Truth Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/onesimpletruth

    Alex Trimble's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/alex_trimble/

    Alex Trimble's Blog: https://www.alextrimble.ca/

    Fasting and Spiritual health

    Fasting and Spiritual health

    Chris and Amy talk about an age-old custom in many spiritual circles; Fasting.  They touch on its potential benefits and ties to spiritual connection, and also touch on how it can be used for growth or for fear, depending on whether it is coming from compassion and love versus an ego-based mindset. 


    Chris Atley Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chrisatley/

    Amy Yates Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/connectivesoul

    Get your copy (+ a free gift) of Chris’ #1 best seller and award-winning book “Abundant Soulutions” at: https://decisionsbydesign.com/podcastbook

    Coaching resources with Chris & Amy: https://decisionsbydesign.com/findacoach

    One Simple Truth Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/onesimpletruth

    Fast Like A Girl Book by Dr. Mindy Pelz


    Chris and Amy marvel at how, no matter what the situation, A Course in Miracles always helps.  They talk about some of the things that the Course teaches that are fail-safe and help us to return to safety and love.

    Chris Atley Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chrisatley/

    Amy Yates Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/connectivesoul

    Get your copy (+ a free gift) of Chris’ #1 best seller and award-winning book “Abundant Soulutions” at: https://decisionsbydesign.com/podcastbook

    Coaching resources with Chris & Amy: https://decisionsbydesign.com/findacoach

    One Simple Truth Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/onesimpletruth

    You decide, Charlie Chooser

    You decide, Charlie Chooser
    Chris and Amy bring up a term created by one of the original teachers of A Course in Miracles, Kenneth Wapnick.  Since it all can be boiled down to choosing between the Divine and the world, then it's simply up to you to decide what you want.  So will it be Door number 1 or Door number 2? And we really hope it’s not the basement!

    Chris Atley Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chrisatley/

    Amy Yates Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/connectivesoul

    Get your copy (+ a free gift) of Chris’ #1 best seller and award-winning book “Abundant Soulutions” at: https://decisionsbydesign.com/podcastbook

    Coaching resources with Chris & Amy: https://decisionsbydesign.com/findacoach

    One Simple Truth Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/onesimpletruth

    What do you want?

    What do you want?
    When we ask ourselves this question, and we truly answer with honesty, we may be surprised that the answer is not always peace and joy. But if we bring this honest awareness to the light, the light will shine away any needless darkness.  That is what light does. 

    Chris Atley Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chrisatley/

    Amy Yates Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/connectivesoul

    Get your copy (+ a free gift) of Chris’ #1 best seller and award-winning book “Abundant Soulutions” at: https://decisionsbydesign.com/podcastbook

    Coaching resources with Chris & Amy: https://decisionsbydesign.com/findacoach

    One Simple Truth Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/onesimpletruth

    Permission to DISREGARD!

    Permission to DISREGARD!
    Chris and Amy read through part of the text that talks about correcting "errors".  Chris shares her chosen "word of the year" and how it will create peace and allow correction in the True sense.

    Chris Atley Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chrisatley/

    Amy Yates Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/connectivesoul

    Get your copy (+ a free gift) of Chris’ #1 best seller and award-winning book “Abundant Soulutions” at: https://decisionsbydesign.com/podcastbook

    Coaching resources with Chris & Amy: https://decisionsbydesign.com/findacoach

    One Simple Truth Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/onesimpletruth

    Finding joy by noticing the miracles for what they are

    Finding joy by noticing the miracles for what they are
    Special guest, Najla Wehbe, will warm listeners' hearts with what it means to be aware of miracles around us, to follow your passion, and to extend love to others.   There is so much joy to be felt in seeing the magic in even the most everyday miracles.

    Chris Atley Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chrisatley/

    Amy Yates Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/connectivesoul

    Get your copy (+ a free gift) of Chris’ #1 best seller and award-winning book “Abundant Soulutions” at: https://decisionsbydesign.com/podcastbook

    Coaching resources with Chris & Amy: https://decisionsbydesign.com/findacoach

    One Simple Truth Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/onesimpletruth

    Najla Wehbe Dipp Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/realestatebynajla/

    Najla Wehbe Dipp Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/najlawehbedipp

    Najla Wehbe Dipp Website: https://bynajla.com/

    Najla's Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/realestatebynajla


    Self respect and the clean (or messy) home

    Self respect and the clean (or messy) home
    Love to maintain your home or prioritize your time differently.  Whatever you do, let it bring you peace and happiness, and reflect your respect and love for yourself!

    Chris Atley Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chrisatley/

    Amy Yates Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/connectivesoul

    Get your copy (+ a free gift) of Chris’ #1 best seller and award-winning book “Abundant Soulutions” at: https://decisionsbydesign.com/podcastbook

    Coaching resources with Chris & Amy: https://decisionsbydesign.com/findacoach

    One Simple Truth Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/onesimpletruth

    It’s a much bigger vision than you can ever dream up!

    It’s a much bigger vision than you can ever dream up!
    The only one who can limit you is you. It's hard to accept this, but once you do, you will have access to the unlimited. And the unlimited has a wayyyy bigger vision then you could ever dream up for yourself! We each have a choice to extend love or project fear, but we must recognize the ego for what it is in order to see when we are limited by fear. Be aware of who is in charge, and you will have the keys to the kingdom.

    Chris Atley Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chrisatley/

    Amy Yates Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/connectivesoul

    Get your copy (+ a free gift) of Chris’ #1 best seller and award-winning book “Abundant Soulutions” at: https://decisionsbydesign.com/podcastbook

    Coaching resources with Chris & Amy: https://decisionsbydesign.com/findacoach

    One Simple Truth Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/onesimpletruth

    The recipe book mentioned is  The Mexican Keto cookbook by Torie Borrelli

    The strongest belief wins

    The strongest belief wins
    Chris and Amy talk about how important it is to clean up your thinking, because even when it's subconscious, the stronger belief you hold will "win" when it comes to how you experience your world.  Manifesting & co-creating will be more fun when you understand how to exercise your mind to make to tune into what you really want to create and experience the most.

    Amy Yates Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/connectivesoul

    Get your copy (+ a free gift) of Chris’ new award-winning book “Abundant Soulutions” at: https://decisionsbydesign.com/podcastbook

    One Simple Truth Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/onesimpletruth

    Coaching resources with Chris & Amy: https://decisionsbydesign.com/

    Book mentioned: Braiding sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer

    CREATOR of “THE SECRET” Reveals How The LAW of ATTRACTION Actually Works! | Rhonda Byrne podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-school-of-greatness/id596047499?i=1000633607410

    The Peaceful Paradigm

    The Peaceful Paradigm
    The Course states that "To have, give all to all".  Chris and Amy talk about the difference between giving from a place of fullness versus a people-pleasing ego-depleting space. And ahhh…let’s enter into the holidays making decisions that are within our peaceful paradigm. Tune in to our fun discussion on these concepts and how Chris is taking this concept to heart, and applying it to her interactions with her teens!

    Amy Yates Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/connectivesoul

    Get your copy (+ a free gift) of Chris’ new award-winning book “Abundant Soulutions” at: https://decisionsbydesign.com/podcastbook

    One Simple Truth Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/onesimpletruth

    Coaching resources with Chris & Amy: https://decisionsbydesign.com/

    Always "nice"? Well, you'd better think twice!

    Always "nice"?  Well, you'd better think twice!
    There is a difference between being nice and being kind.  If you have a habit of putting being nice ahead of your own love and self respect, then listen in as Chris and Amy talk about this topic to get a different perspective on this commonly engrained "value" that is just another ego trick in disguise.

    Chris Atley Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chrisatley

    Amy Yates Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/connectivesoul

    Get your copy (+ a free gift) of Chris’ new award-winning book “Abundant Soulutions” at: https://decisionsbydesign.com/podcastbook

    One Simple Truth Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/onesimpletruth

    Coaching resources with Chris & Amy: https://decisionsbydesign.com/

    Sonic Egg for dogs:  https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00PINYA82/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1

    Navigating Narcissism Latest Pod: ‎Navigating Narcissism with Dr. Ramani: Ask Dr. Ramani: How To Go "No Contact" with a Narcissist on Apple Podcasts

    Who couldn't use a bar Shaman?

    Who couldn't use a bar Shaman?
    Wise and warm soul, Chris Colbert, graces this week's podcast with his beautiful presence.   He shares the life experiences that have brought him pain and growth, and how he uses them to connect with others.  He has many words of wisdom that will allow listeners to reflect and learn.

    Chris Atley Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chrisatley

    Amy Yates Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/connectivesoul

    Get your copy (+ a free gift) of Chris’ new award-winning book “Abundant Soulutions” at: https://decisionsbydesign.com/podcastbook

    One Simple Truth Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/onesimpletruth

    Coaching resources with Chris & Amy: https://decisionsbydesign.com/

    Chris Colbert's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chriscolbertreport/

    DCP Entertainment Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dcpofficial/

    DCP Entertainment Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DCPofficial

    Chris Colbert's Podcast: https://pod.link/1611023038

    Here are the books Chris' mentioned:

    The Celestine Prophecy: The Celestine Prophecy: An Adventure: Redfield, James: 9780446671002: Amazon.com: Books

    The 10th Insight: The Tenth Insight: Holding the Vision (Celestine Prophecy): Redfield, James: 9780446674577: Amazon.com: Books

    Wisdom of the Shamans: Wisdom of the Shamans: What the Ancient Masters Can Teach Us about Love and Life: Ruiz, don Jose, Ruiz, don Miguel: 9781938289729: Amazon.com: Books

    Way of the Peaceful Warrior: Way of the Peaceful Warrior: A Book That Changes Lives: Millman, Dan: 8580001048635: Amazon.com: Books


    You can move mountains

    You can move mountains
    Just in case you ever feel unempowered (and we all do), this discussion is a reminder of the power of our minds.  We are not the thoughts we think, but the chooser.   Each one of us gets to observe thoughts of fear for what they are, and therefore not fall for their "truth".  Instead, we can let the thoughts of Love and Creation blossom all around us. 

    Chris Atley Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chrisatley

    Amy Yates Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/connectivesoul

    Get your copy (+ a free gift) of Chris’ new award-winning book “Abundant Soulutions” at: https://decisionsbydesign.com/podcastbook

    One Simple Truth Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/onesimpletruth

    Coaching resources with Chris & Amy: https://decisionsbydesign.com/

    Sharing her light: Ianthe Mauro

    Sharing her light:  Ianthe Mauro
    Ianthe Mauro ignites our hearts in this beautiful conversation about business, life, and love.  She shares how she follows her inner Guidance, and how it has helped her to navigate through uncertainties.  Her loving perspective is contagious, so prepared to be inspired.

    Chris Atley Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chrisatley

    Amy Yates Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/connectivesoul

    Get your copy (+ a free gift) of Chris’ new award-winning book “Abundant Soulutions” at: https://decisionsbydesign.com/podcastbook

    One Simple Truth Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/onesimpletruth

    Coaching resources with Chris & Amy: https://decisionsbydesign.com/

    Ianthe's Website: https://ianthemauro.com/

    Ianthe's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ianthemauro/

    Ianthe's Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ianthe.mauro

    House of Treasures

    House of Treasures
    Recognize where to find the most precious gifts in life.  But don't worry if you don't see any right away, because you can create your own.  Then fill up your house of treasures until it overflows!! Now enjoy!!

    Chris Atley Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chrisatley

    Amy Yates Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/connectivesoul

    Get your copy (+ a free gift) of Chris’ new award-winning book “Abundant Soulutions” at: https://decisionsbydesign.com/podcastbook

    One Simple Truth Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/onesimpletruth

    Coaching resources with Chris & Amy: https://decisionsbydesign.com/

    The other side of people-pleasing

    The other side of people-pleasing
    There’s a lot of buzz and awareness around being a “people-pleaser" these days, but what does it look and feel like to be on the other side of it? Hmmm...Chris and Amy talk about how the all-too-common act of "people pleasing" is not good for neither the giver OR the receiver. They share a different take on this phenomenon, and of course tie it back to A Course in Miracles, with shining a light on that sneaky, little trickster, the ego!

    Chris Atley Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chrisatley

    Amy Yates Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/connectivesoul

    Get your copy (+ a free gift) of Chris’ new award-winning book “Abundant Soulutions” at: https://decisionsbydesign.com/podcastbook

    One Simple Truth Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/onesimpletruth

    Coaching resources with Chris & Amy: https://decisionsbydesign.com/