

    en-us261 Episodes

    Episodes (261)

    Medical Missionaries and Fundraising: Obstacles, Opportunities, and Blessings

    Medical Missionaries and Fundraising: Obstacles, Opportunities, and Blessings

    Some mission experts estimate that up to 90% of young people who consider missions cease to pursue it because of various fears and obstacles, including the fear of fundraising. Some workers view fundraising as a rite of passage or as an obstacle to overcome. Others understand God’s purposes to include each follower of Jesus in His worldwide kingdom work through going, serving, sending, praying, encouraging, and giving.

    Selecting An Agency: Panel of Doctors and Nurses

    Selecting An Agency: Panel of Doctors and Nurses

    This session will share answers on how to select a mission agency. Each person who attends will receive a card when they enter the room. The moderator, John McVay, will group and select questions, direct them to appropriate panelists, and receive questions from the floor. Probable topics discussed from questions expected are: agency focus, doctrine, finances, services, leadership, locations, compatibility.

    Cultural Competency in Healthcare

    Cultural Competency in Healthcare

    As we see an increasing number of culturally diverse patients in our practices, there is no doubt of the importance of cultural competency in medicine. Specific circumstances and miscommunications have been well documented. But how can we develop an eye to see where a patient’s values and worldview may differ from our own? We will review an approach to cultural competency highlighted by medical missions case studies.

    Christian Global Health Movement in Perspective

    Christian Global Health Movement in Perspective

    The purpose of this session is to obtain an overview of the key elements of the new Christian Global Health in Perspective course designed to prepare both those trained in the medical professions and others about the biblical, historical, cultural and strategic aspects of evidence-based global health service. Wholeness from the perspective of shalom will form a sustainable framework upon which one can build effective transformational service among the nations, because health concerns everyone.

    The Training Years: Wisdom for What's Now, Pearls for What's Next

    The Training Years: Wisdom for What's Now, Pearls for What's Next

    For those in training and recently finished, we will learn how to maximize this season. We’ll spend the first half tackling topics like original motivation, long-haul stamina, pearls and pitfalls of living in community, debt, vision for one’s next step to the nations, and helping the needy now tensioned with investing in education to help others later. We pray this will infuse you with the hope of Christ and give you eyes to see this refining, exciting time as He does. For the second hour, we’ll divide into small discussion groups with those from your same stage of the journey (i.e., recent grads, residents, MS1-2, MS3-4, PA/NP, pre-med, RN, PT/OT/ST, dental; optional spouse group). With facilitators who have gone through it before, we’ll dive into the individualized questions you have and brainstorm how God might sustain you now and lead you in the upcoming season.

    Exploring the Journey to Full Time Missions: A Panel of Docs and Nurses

    Exploring the Journey to Full Time Missions: A Panel of Docs and Nurses

    Hear healthcare missionaries share their journeys. In the first hour hear a panel of two docs and two nurses answer your questions as well as: How do I find God’s guidance in the journey? Why and how do I connect with a mentor or agency or team or training? What about student loans, raising financial support? What if my spouse or family are not supportive of me doing missions? The second hour will be small discussion group with a missionary coach and others like you in your current stage: Exploring whether or not to consider full-time missions Heading towards full-time missions Single or married Here are some comments from a previous GMHC: “My group leader was great and answered a lot of the questions that I had.” “My leader did a great job being open and honest about her experiences.”

    Incarnational Equipping: A New Training Model

    Incarnational Equipping: A New Training Model

    Our residency and training programs prepare us for professional service. Might it make sense to give heightened attention to preparation for full time kingdom service following professional training? Join Rick, Lance, Kelsey, and Chad as together we explore the need and potential for a new equipping model for long term kingdom service. For senders and those seeking to be sent: all medical, dental, and administrators, join the conversation as we explore foundational spiritual formation, life on life discipleship as we seek to be the missionaries here and now that we want to be then and there.

    How Short Term Missions Partner with Local Churches for Long Term Impact

    How Short Term Missions Partner with Local Churches for Long Term Impact

    My family and I are Kenyan cross-cultural workers based in Kenya. We served for three and half years in Ghana. During that time, we established Hope Alive Initiatives that equips churches in poor and vulnerable communities in wholistic ministry. I have seen the impact left by short term mission teams that come to train local believers to continue ministry after the team leave. Hope Alive Initiatives is now involved in training churches in five countries: Ghana, Burkina Faso, Kenya, Malawi and Zambia.

    Crash Course in Cyber Security

    Crash Course in Cyber Security

    Any device capable of being connected to cyberspace can be subject to surveillance, hacked, and used monitor behavior in the physical world. The lowest level of threat is probably the thief who wants to steal your smart phone. The highest level of threat is the nation state monitoring you using that same smart phone, supposing you will compromise the local believers. Between these extremes are the criminals who call your contact list, tell them you have been kidnapped and demand ransom, and the criminals who seize your data with ransomware. Mission teams may need to turn to cybersecurity professionals to develop plans for working in closed countries and nations that are fundamentally hostile to the faith or are just corrupt. Knowing when this help is needed is critical to staying safe. This session will provide participants with tools and strategies to enhance their cybersecurity.

    Pathways to Healthcare Missions

    Pathways to Healthcare Missions

    The pathway to healthcare missions is not a linear pathway and there is not one right way. In this plenary session, we are going to hear from experts across the spectrum of healthcare missions, from the initial exploring stage, the preparing process, and beyond. We're going to look at the many varied expressions of healthcare missions, such as the traditional long term medical missionary, but also the non-traditional marketplace worker. We'll explore short term service opportunities, medical education fields, domestic service, and disaster relief. We'll learn about what healthy preparation looks like and end with stories and lessons about thriving in healthcare missions.

    Best Nursing Practices for Faith Integration

    Best Nursing Practices for Faith Integration

    The purpose of this session is to explore ways to integrate the Lord’s call to love and humbly serve others within the discipline of nursing. God created people to glorify Him, so believers are to present their bodies as a living sacrifice and life of worship (Rom. 12:1). Jesus came to serve others as He touched the untouchable and marginalized. Nurses, and other members of the healthcare team, can use their gifts and talents they have been given, as well as their training, to come alongside the vulnerable, hurting, suffering, and broken in the same way Jesus did.

    Past, Present, and Future of Medical Missions

    Past, Present, and Future of Medical Missions

    In view of a changing world context, what is the future of medical missions? Does the traditional mission hospital have a place in today's world? Where does medical missions fit into globalization and urbanization and increasing populations where there is high restriction on religion? What are healthcare strategies that will work in the 21st century? This session will review the history of medical missions, where we are today, and what are the new additional approaches that will meet needs and open doors for the Gospel.