
    Our Journey to Hope

    This podcast offers insights into developing, sustaining, and regaining hope.  Although all of us can benefit from this information, it is aimed at those with life situations that challenge their hope.  Please share this with others.  Remember, no one walks alone.

    The next time you are reminded of your past, and are struggling with your present, remember that through our relationship with our Lord we have a future.  That’s the meaning of true hope.

    The opinions expressed by guests on this podcast do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the host.  Guests are encouraged to express their opinions freely in the interest of providing education and encouragement to others.

    Dr. Laton's book, Journey to Hope is available through Amazon.

    en-us41 Episodes

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    Episodes (41)

    Episode 40 - A Conversation With Todd Tipton, College Minister for the Huntsville Church of Christ, Huntsville, TX

    Episode 40 - A Conversation With Todd Tipton, College Minister for the Huntsville Church of Christ, Huntsville, TX

    Imagine going through a difficult cancer only to have it resurface again.  Just when you began to think you've defeated this evil disease, it comes back with a vengence, perhaps worse than before.

    Such is the challenge to hope that my guest, Todd Tipton is facing.  But unlike some, rather than give in to the life threatening situation, Todd lives up to his faith and knowledge that he is not alone.  He has a wonderful support system with family and his church, but more importantly, he knows that through his relationship with our Lord Jesus, he has an eternal hope that cannot fade (1 Peter 1:3-5).  He knows that no matter what happens in this life, he has life eternal.

    Please listen to Todd's faith and committment as he shares with us his second journey to hope as he battles metastatic colon cancer.  But also share with others who are facing a challenge to their hope.

    Episode 39 - A Conversation With Chasity Abram About Hospice Care

    Episode 39 - A Conversation With Chasity Abram About Hospice Care

    When we hear that hospice has been called in to assist someone, we often think the person is at the end of their life, that there remains no more hope for living.  This is not always true.  Hospice does so much more for a person and his or her family.
     In this episode I speak with Chasity Abram, a hospice nurse with Ivy Creek Hospice Care.  This wonderful care provider explains to us what hospice does to help patients and their family discover, sustain, and regain hope.  Please note the passion for care as she speaks with us.
     If you are wondering how hospice can help, no matter where you are, you can contact Ivy Creek Hospice Care.  If they cannot help you directly, they will refer you to someone who can.  Their information is:
     Ivy Creek Hospice Care
     500 Hospital Dr.
     Wetumpka, AL 36092
     (334) 514-0682

    Episode 38 - A Conversation With Ted Hughes About Courage to Hope

    Episode 38 - A Conversation With Ted Hughes About Courage to Hope

    Many times when we ask a child what they want to be when they grow up we hear heroic professions like firefighter, police officer, doctor, or nurse.  Well, in this conversation we talk with a former firefighter, Ted Huges.  Ted stated in his characteristically humble way that he doesn't consider himself a hero, but he is one for many, including the two young ladies he and his wife Janet adopted years ago.  Ted and Janet brought hope to their lives.  

    Ted and I discuss what true courage is and how it takes courage to bring hope to others.  We also discuss an interesting insight into the event in scripture where Peter had the courage to get out of the boat and come to our Lord and an often overlooked but critical part of that event.

    A Bonus Episode - Finding Hope Through Reflection

    A Bonus Episode - Finding Hope Through Reflection

    In this episode I will discuss a bit about finding hope through reflection.  I will discuss what reflection is and how it relates to hope.  I'll give some practical things we can do to grow in hope.

    I apply the meaning of reflection as looking back or looking at a situation in my life and think about what it meant or how it impacted my life.  This action helps us to be aware of ourselves and how events, relationships, or the lack of relationship impact us in our physical, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual self.  

     That sounds like a mouthful, but it comes down to the sum of all the life events that have happened to us in the past, including our decisions in those moments and how they impacted us.  So, by reflecting on these, we try to learn to make better, healthier decisions.

    Episode 37 - A Conversation With Donna McCord of Women of Hope

    Episode 37 - A Conversation With Donna McCord of Women of Hope

    In this episode, I have a conversation with Donna McChord of Women of Hope.  This organization helps bring hope to those who have survived breast cancer or are currently fighting the fight.  Donna is the President of Women of Hope, Montgomery, Alabama.  

    Donna shares her own battle with breast cancer and how she now is able to pay it back and pay it forward by providing support and encouragement.  She also discusses how we can help these folks facing their challenge.

    The web page for this organization is: http://www.thewomenofhope.org/ 
    They are located by phone at:  (334) 220- 4599 
    Their Facebook page is:  https://www.facebook.com/WomenofHopeMontgomery

    Episode 36 - A Conversation With Lisa Missildine about Hope and Hospitality

    Episode 36 - A Conversation With Lisa Missildine about Hope and Hospitality

    Yet again, if we simply look around we can find ways to use our gifts as a way to bring hope to others.  You might think that simply smiling and offering friendship doesn't seem like much, but it is truly a great way to share hope. 

    In this episode, I have a conversation with Lisa Missildine as we explore how we offer hope to others when we express hospitality.  Lisa is a wonderful example of how to use the gift of hospitality to bring true and lasting hope.

    I'm reminded of an interesting passage of scripture found in Hebrews  13:12,   "Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares."

    Each of us can offer hospitality to others even if all we can offer is a warm and sincere smile.

    Episode 35 - A Conversation With Devon and Paul Hewlett, Cancer Survivor and Care Provider

    Episode 35 - A Conversation With Devon and Paul Hewlett, Cancer  Survivor and Care Provider

    Sometimes we think that we have to do great and glorious things to make a difference in someone's life.  That is a bit of a misunderstanding.  Sometimes just being there as a friend is wonderful beyond our imagination.

    Such is the case in the life of Devon and Paul Hewlett.  This wonderful couple are friends of my daughter, and now our friends.  They proved that friendship as my daughter was going through lymphoma several years ago.  But the amazing thing is, Devon was fighting breast cancer at the same time.  Through their shared challenge to hope, they helped bring hope to each other.  

    This episode is their story told from Devon as the patient and Paul as the caregiver.

    I'm reminded of Proverbs 17:17, "A friend loves at all times, and a brother (sister- my edit) is born for adversity."  (English Standard Version)

    Thank you Devon and Paul for being there for my daughter when we couldn't.

    Episode 34 - A Conversation With Chaeli Mycroft - Hope Unleashed!

    Episode 34 - A Conversation With Chaeli Mycroft - Hope Unleashed!

    Every now and then we come across someone in our life that leaves us breathless.  Such was my reaction from my recent aquaintance with Michaela (Chaeli) Mycroft of Cape Town South Africa.  This remarkable woman has won international recognition from such agencies as the World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates as an advocate for the disabled.  She has literally climbed mountains and run marathons to bring attention to the disabled.  And she's done all that while being disabled herself with cerebral palsy.  Do not use the word cannot with Chaeli!

    As you listen to this episode you too will be amazed at her indomitabe spirit.  I mean it, I was left breathless.  

    You might consider purchasing her book, “Unapologetically Able”.  It is available on Amazon.

    You can find out about Chaeli and her efforts by going to her web site:

    Episode 33 - A Conversation With Dub and Shirly Hill of Social Assistance Homes in Syktyvkar, Russia

    Episode 33 - A Conversation With Dub and Shirly Hill of Social Assistance Homes in Syktyvkar, Russia

    There are many ways in which we can help bring hope to others.  In this episode, I have a conversation With William (Dub) Hill of the Russian Social Assistance Homes in Syktyvkar, Russia.  Among other services, this ministry brings hope to the hopeless and most vulnerable by providing housing for elderly widows and homeless women and children.  We look at this as an example of using what you can do to bring Hope to others.

    Through this ministry, Dub and his wife Shirly are examples of what James, the brother of Jesus states in James 1:27,

    "Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world." (English Standard Version)

    You can be a part of this good work by contacting Dub through the:

    West Main Church of Christ
    2460 West Main St,
    Tupelo, MS 38001

    Episode 32 - A Conversation With Julia Cienfuegos about BibleTalk.TV

    Episode 32 - A Conversation With Julia Cienfuegos about BibleTalk.TV

    A very effective way to develop true and lasting hope is to delve into God's word.  Sometimes we might feel intimidated because we don't know where or how to begin.  Or, we may feel that the Bible is too complex to understand.  
     In this episode, I have a conversation with Julia Cienfuegos, Platform Manager for Bibletalk.TV.  Julia explains how Bibletalk.TV helps us develop that hope we all need through the materials available at no cost through this ministry.  The materials are available to view, download, and use in personal Bible study, small groups or small congregations,  and preacher and teacher resources.  And, these excellent resources are at no cost because of the generous contributions of people, congregations, and organizations.
     To learn more about this incredible resource, please visit:  https://bibletalk.tv/

    Episode 31 - A Conversation With Jamie Allen Vaughn of the Podcast, "Test Those Breasts"

    Episode 31 - A Conversation With Jamie Allen Vaughn of the Podcast, "Test Those Breasts"

    Yes, it is a very interesting topic, and a very important one.  In this episode, I have a conversation with Jamie Allen Vaughn as we discuss her journey to hope while recovering from breast cancer.  We also discuss how she used her podcast titled, "Test Those Breasts" to help reach out to help others in their journey.   

    You can listen to other topics by Jamie by searching on your favorite podcast outlet for the title, Test Those Breasts”.

    Episode 30 - A Conversation With Brent Missisline - A Hope That Does Not Fade

    Episode 30 - A Conversation With Brent Missisline - A Hope That Does Not Fade

    Sometimes when we are faced with events in life and a lot seems to be crashing down around us, we may feel that our hope begins to fade.  In this episode I discuss with Brent Missildine the hope that does not fade.  We are discussing what the apostle Peter tells us in 1 Peter 1:3-5.

    Brent is one of our ministers at the Prattville Church of Christ in Prattville, Alabama.  He has served us many years and has wonderful insights into topics to help keep us encouraged and hopeful as we service our Lord and go through life.

    Episode 29 - Podcast Highlights of 2023

    Episode 29 - Podcast Highlights of 2023

    Friends, in this podcast I present highlights from the top 5 listened to episodes from 2023.  You can hear the full episodes and others in this podcast.   

    It has been a remarkable first year of the podcast as we've journeyed to hope together.  I have enjoyed tremendously learning from our guests about their insights and sometimes, their personal stories as they are making their journey to hope.  And I deeply appreciate that you have chosen to join us.

    I invite you to continue listening into this new year as together we journey to hope.  

    Episode 28 - A Conversation With Natalie Henton, My Daughter and a Fellow Cancer Survivor

    Episode 28 - A Conversation With Natalie Henton, My Daughter and a Fellow Cancer Survivor

    No parent ever wants to hear that one of their children has any disease or sickness so you can image our thoughts as we heard that our daughter Natalie had a rare form of lymphoma.  Part of the challenge was that she was in the Seattle, Washington area  and we were in Alabama.  

    In this episode I discuss with Natalie about her experiences in her journey to hope.  It is a powerful conversation that I must admit, I had to edit out some of the tears we shared as we relived this as father and daughter.

    If your hope is challenged by a life situation, I invite you to listen to the faith and courage Natalie expresses.  Or if you know someone challenged, please share.

    We both want to express our appreciation to so many that cared for us, many we will never know but we love them dearly.

    Episode 27- A Conversation With Keith Kasarjian - Creating an Environment Where Hope Grows

    Episode 27- A Conversation With Keith Kasarjian - Creating an Environment Where Hope Grows

    This episode was recorded before a live audience of the Prattville Church of Christ, Prattville, AL.  

    In this episode I discuss with Keith Kasarjian about how we can create an environment where hope can grow.  Keith shares his valuable insights into the importance of who we share our environment with, what we do in the environment, and how we can facilitate the growth of hope.

    Please share this with someone who's hope is challenged.

    Episode 26 - A Conversation With Aven Hook - Finding Hope as We Age

    Episode 26 - A Conversation With Aven Hook - Finding Hope as We Age

    In this episode we have an insightful discussion with Aven Hook about how we can sustain and regain hope as we age.  As we age we face changes , sometimes from a direction we didn't expect.  Some of these changes are negative, and some positive.  We look at some of these and some suggestions of how we can overcome the negative ones and increase the hope found through the positive ones.

    If you have a loved one or know someone facing changes as they grow, please consider sharing this episode with them.  You might also enjoy listening to it so you will be prepared to face changes in your life and in the life of others.

    Episode 25 - A Conversation With Philip Treat About Hope Through Reconciliation

    Episode 25 - A Conversation With Philip Treat About Hope Through Reconciliation

    In this episode Philip Treat shares some wonderful insights into how we gain hope through reconciliation.  Of course, reconciliation is at the heart of the ultimate hope  found through our Savior, Jesus Christ.  It was His mission to be the way in which we find reconciliation with God. 

    Specifically we discuss what reconciliation is, the relationship between forgiveness and reconciliation, and how God offers that to us.

    Philip is the pulpit minister for the Eastern Hills Church of Christ in Marshall, TX. 

    Episode 24 - A Conversation With Steve Duer, Executive Director of Agape of Central Alabama

    Episode 24 - A Conversation With Steve Duer, Executive Director of Agape of Central Alabama

    Steve Duer is all about bringing hope to vulnerable children and families.  

    Steve’s history with Agape began in the late 1980’s when his parents became foster parents for Agape.  I can personally attest and you will hear it as he speaks, that he is passionate about Agape’s ministry and is excited to help others find ways to be a part of the ministry. 

    Episode 23 - A Conversation With Lisa Rose - Patient Advocate and Volunteer Coordinator for the Montgomery Cancer Center

    Episode 23 - A Conversation With Lisa Rose - Patient Advocate and Volunteer Coordinator for the Montgomery Cancer Center

    In this episode we get to know Lisa Rose.  Lisa serves as the Patient Advocate and Volunteer Coordinator for the Montgomery Cancer Center in Montgomery and Prattville, Alabama.  As part of her duties, she also coordinates volunteer services for the Prattville.  In this role, Lisa acts as coordinator, coach, trainer, and encourager, and sometimes fills in as a volunteer herself.  

    We will learn how she helps bring hope to folks going through a troubling time where their hope is challenged.

    Our Journey to Hope
    en-usNovember 21, 2023

    Episode 22 - A Conversation With Taraus Fuller, Chaplain for the Montgomery Cancer Center

    Episode 22 - A Conversation With Taraus Fuller, Chaplain for the Montgomery Cancer Center

    In this episode we speak with Taraus Fuller, Chaplain for the Montgomery Cancer Center, Prattville campus, Prattville, AL.  I have the honor of working with Taraus as we minister to our cancer patients and their family.  I'm always taken by how he brings a calming influence to folks undergoing a significant challenge to their hope.  Taraus talks about his perspectives on hope and how he helps folks maintain hope during this time.  

    By the way, I've spelled his name correctly.  He will explain the unusual spelling during the podcast.  

    Our Journey to Hope
    en-usNovember 14, 2023

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