
    Our Opinions Are Correct

    Explore the meaning of science fiction, and how it's relevant to real-life science and society. Your hosts are Annalee Newitz, a science journalist who writes science fiction, and Charlie Jane Anders, a science fiction writer who is obsessed with science. Every two weeks, we take deep dives into science fiction books, movies, television, and comics that will expand your mind -- and maybe change your life
    enAnnalee Newitz165 Episodes

    Episodes (165)

    Episode 132: A Sense of Place with Jessica Johns

    Episode 132: A Sense of Place with Jessica Johns

    Sometimes, a story is set in a place that isn't just a location. It's a character. How do places come alive? We discuss hauntings, homelands, and what it means to write a landscape that is more than backdrop. Joining us is Jesscia Johns, author of Bad Cree, to talk about how place figures into her novel about a monster who stalks Treaty 8 territory in Alberta, Canada. Show notes: www.ouropinionsarecorrect.com/shownotes

    Episode 131: The State of Star Trek, with Mike McMahan

    Episode 131: The State of Star Trek, with Mike McMahan

    Star Trek is back in a big way: we've had three live-action TV shows and two animated shows recently, with more stuff on the way. But what does Star Trek mean to us now? And what do we want from Star Trek today? To get deeper into these questions, we did a mind meld with Lower Decks creator Mike McMahan.

    Show notes: www.ouropinionsarecorrect.com/shownotes

    Episode 130: What to Watch and Read This Summer!

    Episode 130: What to Watch and Read This Summer!

    Summer is almost here, and there's no shortage of amazing books, movies and TV shows to read by the pool. (Or wherever you consume your entertainment. We don't judge.) How can you make sense of all these options? We have you covered. Here's our totally correct guide to all the best science fiction and fantasy to check out!

    Show notes: www.ouropinionsarecorrect.com/shownotes

    Episode 129: Silicon Valley vs. Science Fiction: Smart Home Nightmares

    Episode 129: Silicon Valley vs. Science Fiction: Smart Home Nightmares

    Ten years ago, Silicon Valley promised us smart houses that would light rooms as we walked into them, turn on the music, and do our shopping. And it never happened. We talk about how the smart home has its roots in Charlie Chaplin movies, sewing machines, and home economics classes. Guest Jacqui Cheng, former editor-in-chief of gadget guide Wirecutter, joins us to us to discuss the culture of smart home electronics.

    Show notes: www.ouropinionsarecorrect.com/shownotes

    Episode 128: Dungeons & Dragons Gets Cozy

    Episode 128: Dungeons & Dragons Gets Cozy

    Games are packed with astounding worldbuilding, and Dungeons & Dragons is perhaps the worldbuildiest of all. We take a deep dive into the game’s transformation from from a Satanic threat in the 1980s, to a wholesome, cozy world that has inspired a swashbuckling new movie and adorable novels like Travis Baldree’s Legends & Lattes. And then we’re going to talk about worldbuilding in Charlie Jane’s Unstoppable trilogy. The third and final book, Promises Stronger than Darkness, came out this month!

    Show notes: www.ouropinionsarecorrect.com/shownotes

    Our Opinions Are Correct
    enApril 20, 2023

    Episode 127: Silicon Valley vs. Science Fiction: "Difficult Geniuses"

    Episode 127: Silicon Valley vs. Science Fiction: "Difficult Geniuses"

    When tech whizkids are caught behaving badly, they're just being "brilliant jerks." And the figure of the charismatic-but-bratty genius inventor is everywhere these days. We look at how the isolated, tormented mad scientist in science fiction evolved into the sexy asshole that everyone wants to be. And we talk to Christopher Cantwell, co-creator of Halt and Catch Fire and recently writer of the Iron Man comic, about how Tony Stark has changed.

    Show notes: www.ouropinionsarecorrect.com/shownotes

    Episode 126: It's a Great Time to Read (and Write) Short Stories!

    Episode 126: It's a Great Time to Read (and Write) Short Stories!

    If you haven't read any short stories in a while, it's a great time to get back into them. A ton of truly excellent books of short speculative fiction came out recently, and wondrous new tales are appearing in magazines all the time. We talk about some of our favorite new books of short stories — and we offer some tips for writing some short fiction yourself.

    Works mentioned:

    All the Hometowns You Can't Stay Away From by Izzy Wasserstein

    Africa Risen: A New Era of Speculative Fiction, ed. Sheree Renée Thomas, Oghenechovwe Donald Ekpeki and Zelda Knight 

    New Suns 2, ed. Nisi Shawl

    White Cat, Black Dog by Kelly Link

    Falling in Love With Hominids by Nalo Hopkinson

    Drinking From Graveyard Wells by Yvette Lisa Ndlovu

    Lost Places by Sarah Pinsker

    Evil Flowers by Gunnhild Øyehaug

    The Wishing Pool by Tananarive Due

    Never Too Old to Save the World: A Midlife Calling Anthology, edited by Alana Joli Abbott and Addie J. King 

    Sunday Morning Transport

    Escape Pod Podcast

    Starship Sofa Podcast

    Asimov's Science Fiction 

    The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction

    Analog Science Fiction

    Lightspeed Magazine

    Uncanny Magazine

    Strange Horizons


    Clarkesworld Magazine

    NIghtmare Magazine

    Show notes: www.ouropinionsarecorrect.com/shownotes

    Episode 125: Silicon Valley vs. Science Fiction: ChatGPT

    Episode 125: Silicon Valley vs. Science Fiction: ChatGPT

    This is the first in a series of monthly episodes we’ll be doing about how Silicon Valley appropriates and misinterprets science fiction. Silicon Valley executives claim to be inspired by SF, but mostly they use it retroactively to justify their products, often missing the more complicated, nuanced ideas embedded in the original stories. Today we’re going to tackle the hype cycle around A.I., which borrows liberally from the post-scarcity, post-human visions of Iain M. Banks in his Culture novels. It’s time for … the Culture vs. ChatGPT!

    Show notes: www.ouropinionsarecorrect.com/shownotes


    Our Opinions Are Correct
    enMarch 09, 2023

    Encore Episode: Four Technologies That Nobody Realizes Will Change the Future

    Encore Episode: Four Technologies That Nobody Realizes Will Change the Future

    Everybody obsesses about A.I., nanotech, space travel and robots. But the technologies nobody pays much attention to could have an equally significant impact on our world. Like artificial wombs, smart toilets, new forms of public transportation, and new cleaning machines.

    Show notes: https://www.ouropinionsarecorrect.com/shownotes/2019/12/5/episode-46-four-technologies-that-nobody-realizes-will-change-the-future


    Our Opinions Are Correct
    enFebruary 23, 2023

    Encore Episode: Gender Essentialism

    Encore Episode: Gender Essentialism

    Gender essentialism is the idea that there is something eternal and innate about people's gender identities, and nothing can change that. Popularized during the 1970s, it affected how science fiction stories represented gender -- and it spawned new academic disciplines devoted to scientific misogyny. We talk about all this, and do a deep dive on the "What Women Want" franchise.

    Show notes: https://www.ouropinionsarecorrect.com/shownotes/2021/7/15/episode-88-how-gender-essentialism-warped-our-view-of-science

    Our Opinions Are Correct
    enFebruary 09, 2023

    Episode 124: How To Build A Planet

    Episode 124: How To Build A Planet

    We're going to ask a few very small questions in this episode, like how to build a planet from scratch -- and then, how to build governments on that planet. What makes an imaginary world feel believable? Annalee explains what they did to research their new novel The Terraformers (coming out 1/31). Expect some gritty details about worldbuilding, moose romance, public transit, and making sure that every revolution has a core of joy.

    Show notes: www.ouropinionsarecorrect.com/shownotes

    Episode 123: Why We Disagree About Avatar

    Episode 123: Why We Disagree About Avatar

    Avatar: The Way of Water has already become one of the most successful movies of all time. This long-awaited sequel gives us a lot to think about — from the ongoing white savior narrative to an unexpectedly disturbing interstellar whaling industry. But when it comes down to how we feel about this movie, we disagree quite a bit.

    Show notes: www.ouropinionsarecorrect.com/shownotes

    Episode 122: The Incredibly Strange Career of Anne Rice

    Episode 122: The Incredibly Strange Career of Anne Rice

    Anne Rice is best-known for her Vampire Chronicles, which began in the 1970s with her novel Interview with the Vampire. But did you know she also wrote bestselling BDSM erotica and two novels about Jesus? In this episode, we do a deep dive into Rice's strange career, including that time she unleashed her fans against Tom Cruise. We also discuss the fantastic new Interview with the Vampire series. 

    Show notes: www.ouropinionsarecorrect.com/shownotes

    Our Opinions Are Correct
    enDecember 29, 2022

    Episode 121: Books to Devour This Winter

    Episode 121: Books to Devour This Winter

    The winter holidays are coming up, and it's a great time to hide away with a stack of books. Good thing we've got you covered! Here's our roundup of our favorite recent books, including some you probably haven't heard much about yet. Plus we geek out about the themes and common ideas we've been seeing in the books we've read in 2022. Get ready to grow your TBR pile!

    Show notes: www.ouropinionsarecorrect.com/shownotes

    Episode 120: Who Owns Epic Fantasy?

    Episode 120: Who Owns Epic Fantasy?

    Tolkien's Lord of the Rings trilogy supercharged the genre of epic fantasy, giving rise to countless stories of heroic quests in settings that looked like Medieval Europe. How do we expand the map of heroic fantasy so it includes everybody who was marginalized, or left out completely, in those tales? Plus we talk to Tolkien scholar Helen Young about the racist backlash against the new TV show Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power.

    Show notes: www.ouropinionsarecorrect.com/shownotes


    Episode 119: The Myth of Progress with Brad DeLong

    Episode 119: The Myth of Progress with Brad DeLong

    One of the most cherished tropes in science fiction is the idea that technology, science, and civilization are always getting better -- and the future will be wealthier and fancier than the present. Call it the myth of progress. We explore where the myth comes from, and how it influenced scifi authors from HG Wells to NK Jemisin. Plus we’re joined by economist Brad De Long, whose new book Slouching Towards Utopia is all about economic progress in the twentieth century – and why that progress stopped in 2010. 

    Show notes: www.ouropinionsarecorrect.com/shownotes

    Our Opinions Are Correct
    enNovember 17, 2022

    Episode 118: F*ck Your Space Empire! with Naseem Jamnia

    Episode 118: F*ck Your Space Empire! with Naseem Jamnia

    Classic science fiction wears its love of colonialism on its sleeve, from heroic explorers to space empires that keep the peace. Why are empires such a major part of the genre, and how do we break free? Plus we talk to Naseem Jamnia about their new book, The Bruising of Qilwa.

    Show notes: www.ouropinionsarecorrect.com/shownotes


    Encore Episode: The Bomb is Back (Again)

    Encore Episode: The Bomb is Back (Again)

    Fears of nuclear war are in the news again. We revisit a 2019 episode about how science fiction has dealt with atomic weapons, and how twenty-first century writers will represent the dangers of nuclear war. 

    Shownotes: https://www.ouropinionsarecorrect.com/shownotes/2019/2/28/episode-26-the-bomb-is-back

    Our Opinions Are Correct
    enOctober 20, 2022

    Episode 116: Water Disasters

    Episode 116: Water Disasters

    Floods. Sea level rise. Superstorms. Droughts. All over the planet, people are being hit by disasters caused by too much water or not enough, and it's only going to get worse. We talk about why science fiction has been focused on water disasters for over a century, from Princess of Mars to Dune and Mad Max: Fury Road. We're also joined by flood geologist Kyle House, who tells us about ancient floods -- and the recent one that inundated his neighborhood in Arizona.

    Show notes: www.ouropinionsarecorrect.com/shownotes

    Our Opinions Are Correct
    enSeptember 22, 2022