
    Over The Edge

    Over The Edge is a podcast about edge computing and those in the industry who are creating the future of the internet. On the show we talk to corporate leaders, open-source experts, technologists, journalists, analysts, and the community at large, to discuss technological innovations, trends, practical applications, business models, and the occasional far-flung theory. Over the Edge is brought to you by the generous sponsorship of Dell Technologies.
    enCaspian Studios77 Episodes

    Episodes (77)

    The Edge of Heavy Industry with Paul Howarth, Senior Director of Business Development and Product Commercialization at Rogers Communications

    The Edge of Heavy Industry with Paul Howarth, Senior Director of Business Development and Product Commercialization at Rogers Communications

    This episode of Over the Edge features an interview between Matt Trifiro and Paul Howarth, Senior Director of Business Development and Product Commercialization at Rogers Communications. At Rogers, Paul leads a team that designs, builds, launches and sells world leading IoT products that leverage the power of 4G and 5G networks.

    In this episode, Paul describes why powerful networks are so important in heavy industries. He elaborates on how autonomous tech can not only increase efficiency, but also safety. Paul and Matt discuss the difference between 4G and 5G, what works best, where it works best, and look forward to what might be coming next.


    Key Quotes:

    “Heavy industries have challenges getting data offsite. You'll see some pretty amazing things. I've seen fiber get built down in some very remote locations. I've seen microwave links being built over hundreds of kilometers because it's worth it. That data is so important to get back.”

    “Think of sitting in your gamer chair with a joystick and being able to operate a drill. It's already hitting the mine face, drilling into the rock, and then maybe you switch screens and use the same joystick. But now you're operating a truck in another area. So now you've got someone who's highly skilled, operating multiple pieces of equipment, and doing it away from the danger.”

    “With a highly available cellular network, you can actually pull people away from a dangerous work area, one that's not a great place to work. And they can do remote drilling, controlling vehicles, really helping also drive a diverse workforce, right? It's very difficult to get employees to go work in some of these places. And if you can tell a remote operator, you're able to pick up a lot of employees that might not want to live in a camp.”

    “I'm really excited about what can happen and how we can bring software to the masses. Like it's incredible. How a lay person can now just say, I have this idea, I'd like it to do this. And these tools can now produce a lot of code.”

    “When I think about the future, I've always had a principle that when you see new emerging technologies, brute strength and bandwidth is gonna win. So that's what makes me excited about 5G. It's just a lot of bandwidth they're able to drop on top of it.”


    Show Timestamps:

    (02:15) How Paul got into tech

    (03:44) All about Rogers

    (04:35) What is heavy industry?

    (06:07) Heavy industries and wireless

    (08:30) How data drives the industry

    (09:00) What is the edge?

    (10:59) What mining customers need

    (14:58) Autonomy in heavy industry

    (18:52) Autonomy and safety

    (19:51) Deciding between 4G and 5G

    (23:08) How Paul uses Edge

    (28:04) The challenge of consolidating servers

    (29:39) How fast should we make performance?

    (31:51) How to build a network

    (36:13) Rogers’ use cases

    (39:33) What the future might hold

    (41:21) What Paul’s looking forward to

    (42:17) What Paul wants to accelerate



    Over the Edge is brought to you by Dell Technologies to unlock the potential of your infrastructure with edge solutions. From hardware and software to data and operations, across your entire multi-cloud environment, we’re here to help you simplify your edge so you can generate more value. Learn more by visiting DellTechnologies.com/SimplifyYourEdge for more information or click on the link in the show notes.



    Follow Matt on Twitter

    Connect with Paul on LinkedIn


    A Solar Punk Future with Mat Yarger, Co-Founder of DigitalMRV

    A Solar Punk Future with Mat Yarger, Co-Founder of DigitalMRV

    This episode of Over the Edge features an interview between Matt Trifiro and Mat Yarger, co-founder of DigitalMRV. At Digital MRV, Mat develops strategy and solutions around the use of data for environmental and energy systems, including smart cities and critical infrastructure.

    In this episode, Mat describes how data can help us overcome climate change, what systems need updating, and the future we can work towards together.


    Key Quotes

    “With data, there are just so many different things you can do. It applies to every sector as we're transitioning into digitization and automation. We see the huge uptick of AI right now and everything around that. But data security and trust in data is really paramount to building the right systems moving forward.”

    “One area that was the most open to [new tech] because there is a high, high need for transparency right now, is climate. What I'm doing is still very tied to everything I've done in the past:  like cybersecurity, protecting the data, compartmentalizing it, enabling trust in the data, those kinds of things. But the space that is the most ready to scale that out is climate and environmental impact.”

    “The big problems are how we can take that analog process, and look at the standards that are out there. Let's digitize all those different standards, or pick the ones that have the most impact and progressively digitize them. How do we implement them into the facilities that are getting built or ready to transition and earn these carbon credits or new incentive models?”

    “I'm sure you're familiar with the cyberpunk future of how things can go and Blade Runner and all that kind of stuff. But I think if we do this right, we've got this really cool solar punk future where it's super high tech, super futuristic, we've got trees growing on all of our buildings and we're sharing data, and I'm giving you energy from the energy that I'm creating from my solar panels, and it's just a really fluid utopian society like I know that's super optimistic and positive, but I think if we do it right and we get the right people involved and we don't step on the common person and their data, then it's achievable.”


    Show Timestamps:

    02:18 Mat’s journey into tech

    05:27 How Mat got into his field

    07:46 How tech ties into climate

    09:45 The problems Mat’s trying to solve

    12:57 What is the carbon market?

    13:54 Circular emission tracking

    14:52 Why data is useful

    18:38 About Project Iota

    24:48 About Project Alvarium

    29:06 How Mat’s business was formed

    35:17 What Mat sees for the future
    37:30 The climate we’re striving for



    Over the Edge is brought to you by Dell Technologies to unlock the potential of your infrastructure with edge solutions. From hardware and software to data and operations, across your entire multi-cloud environment, we’re here to help you simplify your edge so you can generate more value. Learn more by visiting DellTechnologies.com/SimplifyYourEdge for more information or click on the link in the show notes.



    Follow Matt Trifiro on Twitter

    Follow Matt Trifiro on LinkedIn

    Connect with Mat Yarger on LinkedIn

    Follow Mat Yarger on Twitter


    Dell and Exhibit 'A', Continued with Matthew Steinberg, Co-Founder of Exhibit ‘A’ brewing, and Pierluca Chiodelli,Vice President Engineering Technology & Edge Portfolio Product Management and Customer Operations, Dell Technologies

    Dell and Exhibit 'A', Continued with Matthew Steinberg, Co-Founder of Exhibit ‘A’ brewing, and Pierluca Chiodelli,Vice President Engineering Technology & Edge Portfolio Product Management and Customer Operations, Dell Technologies

    This episode of Over the Edge features a continuation of our interview between Matt Trifiro and Matthew Steinberg, Co-Founder of Exhibit ‘A’ brewing, and Pierluca Chiodelli, Vice President Engineering Technology & Edge Portfolio Product Management and Customer Operations, Dell Technologies. 

    Matthew and Pierluca come together to continue their conversation on Dell Technology’s work with Exhibit ‘A’ brewing. They discuss why the partnership is essential, and what makes it work as well as it does.

    Matthew describes how tech influences his brewery. Pierluca explains why Dell Technologies works with small businesses to implement edge technology. Together, they’ve built a successful project where Dell works at new scales, and Exhibit ‘A’ produces high quality beer with higher speed.


    Key Quotes:


    "We can't just start spending money on technology without having a real ROI. This is just a really amazing opportunity for us to look at a lot of these pain points and challenges that we have as a small business and work with edge technology and Dell to really find the sweet spot to make us the most efficient we can be, creating the best products we can, and adding a value to our business."


    "Because we don't fully understand the technology, we rely on Pierluca and his team to share with us what that technology's gonna do for us. I'm not looking for a fit, I'm looking for an add. You know, I want this to improve what we do, not just kind of like status quo. So that's really important for us. And obviously just the straight value that it adds to our small business."


    "Having the connection with Dell that can scale and can breed the technology to all type of people,  from a small business, like Exhibit A, to large implementation. And so having an ecosystem, and that ecosystem can run in a platform like we are building, then allow you to bring them to multiple people. Not only to the very large one that they can permit themselves to have an army of people coming there and develop their own solution."


    "That's exactly one of the challenge that we took upon when we decide to go to the edge. And when we decide to go to the edge, not just with the fact that we go in and place the normal compute. It's to understanding, right? And Dell is embarking in this adventure that we start about three years ago with very few people and now we have an entire bu, right, that is looking at this stuff. So what is intriguing is really, that point that,  At the edge, you need to understand how you input the things that someone is doing, right? Their core processes, their outcome. Right? It's all about the outcome."


    Show Timestamps:

    02:25 How tech fits into the brewing industry 

    03:22 Measuring the success of implementing edge

    05:13 Dell’s goal with Exhibit A

    07:19 How small businesses can deploy edge technology

    10:46 The tech learning curve

    14:04 Scaling technology for everyone 

    15:37 Weighing cost vs. ROI

    17:30 How Matthew manages his cashflow

    20:17 Dell’s shifting business model



    Over the Edge is brought to you by Dell Technologies to unlock the potential of your infrastructure with edge solutions. From hardware and software to data and operations, across your entire multi-cloud environment, we’re here to help you simplify your edge so you can generate more value. Learn more by visiting DellTechnologies.com/SimplifyYourEdge for more information or click on the link in the show notes.



    Connect with Matt on LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/mtrifiro/

    Connect with Matthew on LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/matthew-steinberg-26b96ab/

    Connect with Pierluca on LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/pierluca-chiodelli-3b743a4/

    Learn More about Exhibit A - https://www.exhibit-a-brewing.com/

    Follow Dell Technologies Edge on social media at 



    Learn about Dell Technologies edge solutions - https://www.dell.com/en-us/dt/solutions/edge-computing/index.htm#collapse&tab0=0&tab1=0

    Learn more about how Dell Technologies is using edge for good -  https://www.dell.com/en-us/dt/corporate/about-us/who-we-are.htm#video-overlay=6213824626001


    Brewing Beer at the Edge with Matthew Steinberg, Co-Founder of Exhibit 'A' Brewing, and Pierluca Chiodelli,Vice President Engineering Technology & Edge Portfolio Product Management and Customer Operations, Dell Technologies

    Brewing Beer at the Edge with Matthew Steinberg, Co-Founder of Exhibit 'A' Brewing, and Pierluca Chiodelli,Vice President Engineering Technology & Edge Portfolio Product Management and Customer Operations, Dell Technologies

    In this episode of Over the Edge, Matt Trifiro interviews Matthew Steinberg, co-founder of Exhibit 'A' brewing, and Pierluca Chiodelli,Vice President Engineering Technology & Edge Portfolio Product Management and Customer Operations, Dell Technologies

    Matthew has been brewing beer for almost 20 years. After brewing a wide variety around Massachusetts, including Belgian styles, highly hopped ales, and barrel aged offerings, he founded his own brewery: Exhibit 'A'. Here, he creates his own modern takes on traditional beer styles. 

    Pierluca has been with Dell Technologies since 1999, and is currently VP Engineering Technology & Edge Portfolio Product Manager and Customer Operations. He’s responsible for Edge Enterprise Dell Technologies roadmap, and strategic technical partners engagement across Dell Technologies. 

    Matthew and Pierluca represent a partnership between Dell Technologies and Exhibit 'A' brewing to bring edge computing and complex technology to small, locally-owned businesses.

    In the first segment of this interview, Matthew dives into the details of beer making, from start to finish. He describes how edge technology has helped Exhibit 'A' gather data and monitor processes for a more perfect brewing process, and how it can fix problems and save money (and beer) for the brewery. In segment 2, Pierluca gives his definition of the edge, describes the importance of connectivity in a setting like Matthew’s brewery, and explains how Dell Technologies is using this project as an example of their core value of promoting human progress.


    Key Quotes:

    Matthew Steinberg

    “The exciting part for me is actually beyond this first project, which is to really dig deep into our pain points as a brewery and what we can do to add to this technology. Not just make better beer, but create better processes, create more consistency, give our staff the tools they need to do these jobs, right? And so it's incredible. Like for a small craft brewery like us, that's like producing you know the equivalent of maybe 70,000 cases a year, to be able to have this technology is ridiculous. I mean, it's kind of a dream.”

    Pierluca Chiodelli

    “There is no necessity to have all these different silos because with our experience, we can run multiple things on the same infrastructure. We can manage that infrastructure in different way, but what we are doing is basically also simplify the edge. There is no reason why certain application, they cannot run with other applications. So that's the technology we bring, with the security and with the simplification. So basically, it's democratize the edge and make sure that people can manage from one to thousands of devices with always security in mind and with zero touch capability.”

    Matthew Steinberg

    “We have this art that is like my creative outlet for making, conceptualizing a beer. Whether it's the ingredients or the process or even what the label looks like. There's a lot of that art that goes into its. Science is like the yeast doing its thing, the malt being delivered properly, and it's, and I thought about it as like, the great, the art of the beer  relies on the science to do what it's supposed to do. The technology actually allows us  to control it. It allows us to, what was the word I used? Uh, you know, The tech helps us realize and observe the connection between the art and the science.”

    Matthew Steinberg

    “So all of this temperature probes and, and controllers and the interface that Dell has installed here is allowing us to study that to just make better beer. I mean, that's literally the simplest way I can put it.  The exciting part for me is actually beyond this first project, which is to really dig deep into our pain points as a brewery and what we can do to add to this technology. Not just make better beer, but create better processes, create more consistency, give our staff the tools they need to do these jobs.”

    Pierluca Chiodelli

    One of the core value of Dell  is really about human progress. It's very humble goal. It's also very difficult to connect you to directly to human progress. Now, when I start to look at the edge, I can say that because it's based on outcome, most of the things that we do are most impactful. 

    Pierluca Chiodelli

    we've been selling at the Edge for many years. Uh, about 30 years. But, um, what is new at the edge is the data. Um, so I think, um, If you look at, so the brewer example, there are a lot of data that they've been collected. What is changing from the past is that everything needs to be connected now. What is changing also that the data they are producing at the edge, they need to be accessed at the edge

    Pierluca Chiodelli

    You don't have an army of people and so you need to optimize. Optimize is important and have the ability to connect things and access those data immediately is very important. So the shift really why you need more compute, why you need more things at the edge is because the data are there. More data need to be processed there and the edge is different, is outside of the normal data center. So to me, that was the excitement to enter in the space that was not a familiar space, understanding the constraint of that space and understanding what we can do


    Show Timestamps:

    [03:41] Matthew’s entrepreneurial start

    [07:41] How beer begins

    [09:55] How beer is made

    [14:38] The art of balance in beer

    [17:26] The fermentation process

    [19:56] Why cans are the best package

    [23:12] How to store your beer

    [23:32] How Matthew maintains quality

    [25:31] What does beer have to do with edge computing?

    [28:29] How Matthew uses data to solve problems

    [33:17] Pierluca’s start in technology

    [36:09] Dell and Edge

    [40:06] The edge is about constraint

    [41:52] The edge and security

    [44:29] Helping everyone understand edge

    [49:08] Dell’s goal of advancing progress

    [53:20] Constraints of the edge

    [56:40] How Dell and Exhibit A work together



    Over the Edge is brought to you by Dell Technologies to unlock the potential of your infrastructure with edge solutions. From hardware and software to data and operations, across your entire multi-cloud environment, we’re here to help you simplify your edge so you can generate more value. Learn more by visiting DellTechnologies.com/SimplifyYourEdge for more information or click on the link in the show notes.



    Connect with Matt on LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/mtrifiro/

    Connect with Matthew on LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/matthew-steinberg-26b96ab/

    Connect with Pierluca on LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/pierluca-chiodelli-3b743a4/

    Learn More about Exhibit A - https://www.exhibit-a-brewing.com/

    Follow Dell Technologies Edge on social media at 



    Learn about Dell Technologies edge solutions - https://www.dell.com/en-us/dt/solutions/edge-computing/index.htm#collapse&tab0=0&tab1=0

    Learn more about how Dell Technologies is using edge for good -  https://www.dell.com/en-us/dt/corporate/about-us/who-we-are.htm#video-overlay=6213824626001


    Edge For Good - The edge, at the corners of the earth with Mike Libecki, National Geographic Explorer, and Bill Pfeifer, Edge Messaging and Thought Leadership Director at Dell Technologies

    Edge For Good - The edge, at the corners of the earth with Mike Libecki, National Geographic Explorer, and Bill Pfeifer, Edge Messaging and Thought Leadership Director at Dell Technologies

    This episode of Over the Edge features an interview between Matt Trifiro and Mike Libecki (National Geographic Explorer, National Geographic Adventurer of the Year, Dell Ambassador, and Adidas Athlete) and Bill Pfeifer (Edge Messaging and Thought Leadership Director at Dell Technologies).

    Bill has worked in IT for over twenty years. Hel is an expert expert on the latest details of AI, 5G, IoT, and all the other emerging technologies. At Dell EMC, Bill works on research studies, talks to analysts, and helps shape how the company interacts with the market every day. 

    Mike Libecki has an obsession with exploring and the world's most remote corners of the planet to climb world class first ascents, support science, conservation and humanitarian projects, and bring these powerful, emotional stories back with hopes to inspire us all to take care of our Mother Earth. Mike has completed more than 90 major expeditions, from Afghanistan to Antarctica, to Greenland and Guyana, and everywhere in between, taking him to over 100 countries. He is a producer, director, videographer, humanitarian (has his own 501c3 nonprofit), conservationist and leads science teams. He is also a math and tech nerd at heart, and uses the latest technologies (Virtual Reality, 3D, Artificial Intelligence etc.,) on his expeditions to succeed on and share the magic, power and beauty of our planet. 

    In this episode, Mike and Bill describe the relationship between Dell Technologies and Mike’s expeditions. Mike brings Dell technology to the most remote corners of the world; he uses the technology himself, and he gives it to the people he encounters. In an effort to give back, Dell and Mike work hand-in-hand to bring technology, education, and innovation to communities across the globe. 

    Mike and Bill describe how they deploy edge technology in far-away regions. Bill discusses the future of the edge, while Mike explains how it ties into his humanitarian missions and nonprofit. 


    Key Quotes:

    Bill: “I could tell you a couple of like high tech wizbang cool things that we see coming with the edge, in terms of home automation and car automation and farm automation and things like that. But then when you're talking about natives who are farming for a living and hunting for a living and don't have any technology, what can they do with just a little bit that's specifically applied to help the trajectory of their village? Or, you know, get their kids into maybe mainstream life, maybe just doing their life better.”

    Mike: “One small point that I see when I'm out in the field that you know, this edge technology come in and understand how much water, what's going here, how's the fruit looking? I mean, there's, there's real issues out there that they don't know how to contend with, they just go with what Mother Earth gives them. And to think about edge technology and what Bill understands in his team that I don't, that can be efficient, that can make things metaphorically and literally fruitful, and for them to take that to the markets. I mean, there's so much going on here that it's a whole new excitement of this mystery for me to be connecting with this kind of technology that I don't understand. Because my goal is how do we make the lives better for these people in Bolivia, for the world, for the, you know, to be part of this global family.”

    Bill: “We have our view of the edge,and it's technological. Looking at data centers, looking at clouds. How do we help rebalance that technology so it's closer to people? So, it's providing new types of value? [Mike’s] going farther out. And so, that's kind of pushing the definition of the edge. It's taking technology out of the data center and putting it close to where the people are.”

    Mike: “When I'm working with Bill and hearing about Edge, the stuff that I've learned that creates that new enthusiasm is that it takes some time, but the impossible takes longer. I feel like there's some impossible things that this edge technology is gonna unfold or unravel. I'm just fascinated.”


    Show Timestamps:

    (3:38) How Mike became an adventurer

    (4:35) Mike’s partnership with Dell Technologies

    (7:23) How to define an expedition

    (10:29) Pushing the definition of Edge

    (11:28) Dell’s field mission

    (14:08) What technology does in remote places

    (15:01) Mike’s mission to give back

    (16:41) The start of Mike’s nonprofit

    (18:45) Making expeditions sustainable

    (23:10) Painting a picture of an expedition

    (25:57) Investing in the future of Edge

    (28:47) Dell’s definition of Edge

    (31:50) Making technology fruitful in the field

    (34:45) Mike’s Joyineering Fund

    (38:40) The importance of giving back

    (40:07) Why does Dell prioritize this work?

    (45:47) Questions technology can help us with

    (47:21) What makes Dell unique

    (50:06) The future potential of Edge



    Over the Edge is brought to you by Dell Technologies to unlock the potential of your infrastructure with edge solutions. From hardware and software to data and operations, across your entire multi-cloud environment, we’re here to help you simplify your edge so you can generate more value. Learn more by visiting DellTechnologies.com/SimplifyYourEdge for more information or click on the link in the show notes.



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    Mike and Dell Projects

    Edge For Good

    Mercy Ships

    Project Alvarium 

    Learn more about how Dell Technologies is using edge for good: 

    Dell Technologies - Who We Are


    It’s all Interconnected with Rika Nakazawa, Group Vice President, Connected Industry & Sustainability for Americas at NTT

    It’s all Interconnected with Rika Nakazawa, Group Vice President, Connected Industry & Sustainability for Americas at NTT

    This episode of Over the Edge was recorded live at Edge Computing World in October 2022. It features an interview between Matt Trifiro and Rika Nakazawa, Group Vice President, Connected Industry & Sustainability for Americas at NTT. Rika is a global applied innovation and sustainability senior leader advancing business where digital transformation drives the greatest value. 

    As a senior leader in the New Ventures & Innovations group, she’s building NTT's Connected Industry team, advancing how part of Edge as a Service delivers business transformation outcomes. Rika is a frequent conference speaker and chair, with more than 15 years of business development, partnership management, innovation, design-thinking, and strategy deployment experience. She was featured on the CRN "Women Power 70" List and is on the advisory board for VR/AR, AI / Machine Learning, and IoT startups, and advancing initiatives for women in technology and leadership. Rika received her Bachelor of Arts in East Asian Studies from UCLA in 1997.

    In this episode, Rika tells her story of becoming a leader in tech and how she arrived at NTT, she defines the role that connected industry plays within sustainability, and provides her thoughts on the future of edge computing including private 5G, blockchain, and the metaverse. Rika also provides advice for aspiring women in tech.


    Key Quotes:

    “It's not just edge in isolation, it's about the ability for you to transmit data and relevant data at the edge and to be able to enable that processing to happen in real time. And, not just from one source, but multiple sources, and to be able to synchronize that.”

     “We have to think that sustainability fundamentally is about considering the causal links of the butterfly that flaps its swings on one side of the earth, creating a tidal wave on the other side. And, so there's a lot of good intentions that's happening within sustainability in the way that things are gonna be managed. But unless we use edge and collectively create a network of edge intelligence to demonstrate the impact that one action and initiative is gonna have for a group of stakeholders and where that happens downstream or upstream, then we're going to be in a worse place.”

    “Diversity, equity, inclusion will in some ways take care of itself. If we can help organizations really anchor around culture, I think culture is in a crisis. And, so I think that the way that organizations thrive is through culture and the way that you can align a purpose. Purpose driven business is a big topic as well, and I think that technology can really help us really create that point of light around key areas of purpose, what people want to rally around.”


    Show Timestamps:

    (04:30) Becoming a woman in tech

    (09:45) Arriving at NTT

    (11:45) Connected industry and sustainability

    (15:00) Overview of NTT

    (22:45) Important objectives for digital transformation

    (30:45) Sustainability as a service

    (45:15) Exciting future technology

    (55:45) Advice for aspiring women in tech



    Over the Edge is brought to you by Dell Technologies to unlock the potential of your infrastructure with edge solutions. From hardware and software to data and operations, across your entire multi-cloud environment, we’re here to help you simplify your edge so you can generate more value. Learn more by visiting DellTechnologies.com/SimplifyYourEdge for more information or click on the link in the show notes.



    Connect with Matt on Linkedin

    Connect with Rika on LinkedIn


    Supporting Energy Supply, Reducing Carbon Emissions with David Holmes, General Manager of Energy at Dell Technologies

    Supporting Energy Supply, Reducing Carbon Emissions with David Holmes, General Manager of Energy at Dell Technologies

    This episode of Over the Edge features an interview between Matt Trifiro and David Holmes, GM of Energy at Dell Technologies. David is involved in advancing decarbonization and the transition to sustainable energy. He works to understand the problems that energy companies are facing, so that operators and regulators can be more aligned when reducing their carbon footprints. 

    In this episode, Matt and David discuss the challenges of a global increase in energy consumption. David explains the need to advance energy systems and technology in order to reduce CO2 emissions. He dives into the importance of making energy not only sustainable, but abundant, affordable, and reliable. David also details how edge computing and use of certain technologies can help improve sustainability.


    Key Quotes:

    “As demand for energy is dramatically growing, we need to completely transform our energy systems to reduce CO2 emissions on a massive scale. And it's that tension that gets me out of bed every morning - understanding the role of technology in supporting the growth of supply of energy, whilst at the same time dramatically reducing carbon emissions.”

    “For me, a lot of what edge computing is really about is thinking: “How can we bring the best capabilities of operational technologists and informational technologists together to build a contemporary IT environment that supports the needs of the energy industry for national, critical infrastructure.”

    “It's the wild frontier of managing our energy systems, and solving some of these problems is going to be critical. But guess what? None of it is going to work without a huge amount of edge technology deployed at scale with much greater computational capability than is available today.”

    “There's two problems that the OT industry faces: reliability and resilience, which are absolutely critical. They have to keep the lights on. And in the current world in which we live, that means cyber resilience becomes one of the most important challenges that any energy company has to address.”

    “There is going to be compute and data across the entire continuum, right from that little valve all the way up to a hyperscale data center. And the people who are going to be successful are the people who work out the right technical and economic places to run all of these different workloads.”

    “I’ve got three goals. Number one, accelerate the energy transition. Number two, advance decarbonization. And number three, ensure global energy security. And I have the entire resources of Dell's engineering portfolio to help me build the solutions that are going to let me do those three things.”


    Show Timestamps:

    02:12 - David’s technology origin story

    06:58 - The increasing demand for energy

    08:08 - The climate consequences of technology

    11:07 - Applying technology to help reach sustainability goals

    19:47 - Edge computing in the power industry

    22:07 - The intersection of IT and OT

    24:02 - Challenges the OT industry faces

    24:48 - Taking a contemporary approach to edge computing

    33:18 - Aligning operators and regulators

    35:58 - The wild frontier of energy systems

    38:14 - Adopting realistic cloud computing principles

    40:09 - David’s team’s goals

    47:26 - Defining where the edge is

    52:05 - The future of computing

    53:22 - David’s daily motivation



    Over the Edge is brought to you by Dell Technologies to unlock the potential of your infrastructure with edge solutions. From hardware and software to data and operations, across your entire multi-cloud environment, we’re here to help you simplify your edge so you can generate more value. Learn more by visiting DellTechnologies.com/edgefor more information or click on the link in the show notes.



    Connect with Matt on LinkedIn

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    Standards are there for a Reason with Dario Sabella, ETSI MEC Chairman

    Standards are there for a Reason with Dario Sabella, ETSI MEC Chairman

    This episode of Over the Edge features an interview between Matt Trifiro and Dario Sabella, ETSI MEC Chairman.

    Dario drives new technologies and edge cloud innovation for new communication systems. At Intel, he helps create world-changing technology to drive business and society forward. Dario’s involved in standardizing tech ecosystems and coordinating internal alignment on edge computing across SDOs and industry groups. As a chairman of the ETSI MEC, he also helps oversee the standardization of an open environment allowing for efficient and seamless integration of applications across Multi-access Edge Computing platforms. 

    In this episode, Matt and Dario discuss the importance of standardization as it pertains to MEC and the work of ETSI. Dario provides insight on different practices for  deploying processes and workload at the edge. He emphasizes why collaboration within the telecommunications industry is critical to best serve customers, and what’s necessary for the future of edge computing.


    Key Quotes:

    “The benefits of the coupling software and virtualizing everything, and doing so in this environment with virtual machines, containers, that's the power of this kind of cloud transformation, where MEC is a part of the journey. So, why not exploiting this flexibility, and then why not consider many kinds of deepness of the edge that are perfectly fine in principle? Of course, there are trade offs, but these are deployment choices, which depend, for example, on convenience, requirements, but also costs.”

    “The standard is there for a reason, for long term interoperability and stability. But the need and approach to standardizing is not to over-engineer everything because otherwise we are risking to close the market. This is going really against also your interest.”

    "To build end-to-end this kind of service, we have to collaborate, and everybody has to talk the same language in terms of data exchange practically. That's the role of the standard. So, restful APIs, data types, definitions, all the messages, everything should be in the standard. Otherwise, it's a mess. Well, in the competition, otherwise, there is no cake for anybody. Right? You talk about a total addressable market and then just having a portion of the cake of the market. If we compete and don't create a standard, there is no cake for anybody There is no market. So, the standard is enabling this entire cake and allowing them to work together because it is not actually competition, it's a collaboration."


    Show Timestamps:

    (02:50) Dario’s Path into Technology

    (4:10) Who sets the wireless communications standards?

    (5:42) ETSI’s role in the standards world

    (07:00) Why a customer-oriented approach is critical

    (08:09) Importance of industry specification groups in MEC

    (11:20) Significance of a standard’s body

    (13:20) Defining multi-access edge computing

    (16:05) Where is the edge?

    (20:55) How hyperscalers and MEC standards work together at the edge

    (24:35) Exploring the MEC Federation

    (27:23) Cloud and edge in everyday life

    (30:45) The importance of standards

    (33:20) The future of MEC (Multi-access Edge Computing)

    (38:50) Dario’s goals for the future of the industry and standardization



    Over the Edge is brought to you by Dell Technologies to unlock the potential of your infrastructure with edge solutions. From hardware and software to data and operations, across your entire multi-cloud environment, we’re here to help you simplify your edge so you can generate more value. Learn more by visiting DellTechnologies.com/SimplifyYourEdge for more information or click on the link in the show notes.



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    Connect with Dario on LinkedIn


    Edge Computing is Not Always Easy with Dalia Adib, Director, Consulting at STL Partners

    Edge Computing is Not Always Easy with Dalia Adib, Director, Consulting at STL Partners

    This episode of Over the Edge features an interview between Matt Trifiro and Dalia Adib, Director, Consulting at STL Partners. In her role, she manages and leads teams to help telcos and their technology partners evaluate new opportunities. Dalia founded the Edge Computing Practice at STL Partners in 2019, which included building their own proposition in the space and establishing the company as a leading adviser for those looking to grow business opportunities in the edge computing ecosystem. 

    In this episode, Dalia explains what telecoms are doing to expand service through use of the edge. She defines and outlines where the edge is, and what it is doing to help enable companies to navigate the digital transformation. Dalia also talks about how organizations are thinking about the edge, and what might be some of the best future use cases for its implementation.



    Key Quotes:

    “Where the edge becomes interesting is when it becomes really dynamic. In that, we'll have distributed environments where workloads and things can move across each other, and that will further emphasize what is true edge - what is just simply a, a static form of compute or some static compute with an application dedicated to it in an edge-like location.”

    “I think generally how we distinguish traditional, let's say data center infrastructure or on premise compute with the edge is at the software layer. Probably more than anything in that for it to be true edge computing, it should be using cloud native software infrastructure, things like containers. Not everything is yet container based, but it should definitely at least not be about monolithic systems that are inflexible.”

    “I think telecom operators are still figuring out their role. One thing that they are doing though, whether it's with edge or different services, they're trying to become more digital solution providers in general.”

    “There just needs to be more edge infrastructure out there. Otherwise, we're going to be stuck with either the chicken or the egg, whichever way you look at it.”


    Show Timestamps:

    (02:15) Getting into Technology

    (04:45) Journey to STL Partners

    (07:15) All about STL Partners

    (10:15) Starting the Edge Practice

    (13:15) Distinguishing On-premise computing from Edge Computing

    (16:45) How Companies are Thinking about Edge

    (25:15) Telecommunications Ecosystems

    (27:15) Defining Mobile and Multi-Access Edge Computing - enabling vs providing, mobile, etsi layer

    (33:30) What is Local Breakout

    (36:15) Use Cases for the Edge - video analytics  

    (43:15) Trends in Neutral Host and Shared Infrastructure

    (51:45) Important Edge Technologies to Push  



    Over the Edge is brought to you by Dell Technologies to unlock the potential of your infrastructure with edge solutions. From hardware and software to data and operations, across your entire multi-cloud environment, we’re here to help you simplify your edge so you can generate more value. Learn more by visiting DellTechnologies.com/SimplifyYourEdge for more information or click on the link in the show notes.



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    Everything is About Data with Michael Sherwood, Chief Innovation Officer, City of Las Vegas

    Everything is About Data with Michael Sherwood, Chief Innovation Officer, City of Las Vegas

    This episode of Over the Edge features an interview between Matt Trifiro and Michael Sherwood, Chief Innovation Officer, City of Las Vegas. Michael has more than 20 years of experience in the fields of process improvement, technology, and innovation. He is extremely passionate about technology and believes that more sustainable communicates can be built through innovation, workforce development, and collaboration.

    In this episode, Michael explains how the city of Las Vegas is helping the community to be more efficient by providing new opportunities through innovation. The city is using technology to improve public safety, healthcare, transportation, education, and economic development. Michael discusses that by increasing connectivity and access for all communities, setting up innovation centers, and improving the city’s technological infrastructure, Las Vegas will continue to be a leader of municipalities as a destination not just for entertainment but also for business and progress. 


    Key Quotes:

    "One of the great things about doing all these innovation projects is that we get to meet a lot of great companies. They get to come to Las Vegas and see Las Vegas not just as a place for entertainment and hospitality, but they get to see as a great place for possibly relocating and doing business in the city of Las Vegas."

    "Las Vegas is innovative in nature. We always think of innovative and entertainment, entertainment and hospitality. But, Las Vegas is also becoming very innovative on the technology side and really working towards diversifying its economy and attracting these new types of technologies. And, so from everything from underground to above ground, you know, you're gonna see those things here. And, it really is a testament to the community of people that live here as well as the people that are in charge."

    "For us it's all about creating those new opportunities, creating those collisions that between our community and business, that hopefully leads to some really great things in the future."

    "Las Vegas recognizes that education is extremely important and we want to build on that. And so from a technology perspective, obviously while we're not the school district, we support them in their needs. But, if there's things we're doing in the innovation space that can help students, that's what we're doing." 

    "To have intelligence in our roadways and in our communities, the grid really is where it's gonna happen. And, it's going to be game changing for communities." 

    "The cloud is never going anywhere. It's just another puzzle piece that provides more capability than we've had before. The cloud opened the doors several years ago. This next door that's opening is really starting to get us to the point of people starting to think about the Jetsons and start thinking about the Matrix and the technology that you see in those movies, and in some of that you start seeing the underpinnings of some of that now is actually possible." 

    "The capabilities of the future are going to be content or data driven where you're pushing data out into the community itself. Most businesses already have good internet connectivity. So, the next part of it is how do you marry that all together." 


    Show Timestamps:

    (02:10) History of Las Vegas

    (05:00) What it’s like to be the Chief Innovation Officer and CTO

    (07:00) Evaluating Technologies for Cities

    (09:00) Promoting Public Safety

    (10:00) Health Initiatives in Las Vegas

    (13:30) Vision for Las Vegas LTE Network

    (18:15) Transportation Trends

    (22:00) Making it Easier for Technology in Las Vegas

    (24:30) Economic Development and Jobs

    (27:45) Education Initiatives

    (33:15) Solidifying Sustainability

    (35:30) Bringing New Grid Technologies

    (40:30) Enticing People to come to Las Vegas

    (46:30) Importance of Connectivity



    Over the Edge is brought to you by Dell Technologies to unlock the potential of your infrastructure with edge solutions. From hardware and software to data and operations, across your entire multi-cloud environment, we’re here to help you simplify your edge so you can generate more value. Learn more by visiting DellTechnologies.com/SimplifyYourEdge for more information or click on the link in the show notes.



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    Follow the Data with Dr. Robert Blumofe is Executive Vice President and Chief Technology Officer at Akamai

    Follow the Data with Dr. Robert Blumofe is Executive Vice President and Chief Technology Officer at Akamai

    This episode of Over the Edge features an interview between Matt Trifiro and Dr. Robert Blumofe is Executive Vice President and Chief Technology Officer at Akamai. As CTO, he guides Akamai’s technology strategy to assess new market opportunities and new platforms for innovation, explore adjacent segments for the business, influence the development of standards, work with Akamai’s largest customers, and convene technology leaders within the company to catalyze innovation and represent Akamai’s technology vision in the marketplace.

    In this episode, Dr. Blumofe explains how Akamai revolutionized content delivery networks and continues to evolve and expand its services. He discusses internet growth, adapting to a more robust virtual world, and important considerations for security. Dr. Blumoff also talks about how AI and ML will help shape the future of our cities. 


    Key Quotes:

    “More and more traffic to and from devices, that does create some interesting problems. You know, one is just the basic problem of scale. You now have more and more traffic from more and more locations. And, so we continue to see a world in which the internet, the volume of traffic continues to grow leaps and bounds, and the importance of the edge continues to grow.”

    “Security and reliability get built by layering on top of the internet protocol, not by modifying the internet protocol itself. You layer on top and the power of layering can’t be overstated.”

    “While edge computing is great, when you look at all of the microservices that make up an application, I don't think there's many cases where you could say that they all belong at the edge, or that they all belong at the core.

    “For a modern application, multiple microservices, you really want to be thinking about for each microservice, where does it belong? Does it belong at the edge? Does it belong at the core? Does it belong somewhere in between?”

    “At this point, the cost of connectivity is so low that anything that gets any benefit from being connected well, you might as well connect it.”

    “It's a whole spectrum. It's not a one size fits all. But I think increasingly applications need to have at least some component running at, or very near the edge. The core alone really just doesn't solve it.”

    "The dramatic change from IoT really is as much on the security side as it is from the scale and the importance of the edge.”


    Show Timestamps:

    (02:45) Being Jack Benny’s Grandson and Getting into Technology

    (05:20) First Memory of the Internet and Career Path

    (10:45) Relationship Between Mathematics and Distributed Computing

    (12:30) Akamai Journey

    (14:45) What Akamai Does and the Start of CDNs

    (21:30) How CDNs and Work

    (27:30) Akamai Server and CDN Structure

    (31:00) Akamai’s Expanding Services and Evolution

    (35:30) Akamai’s Acquisition of Linode

    (37:00) Edge vs. Core

    (42:30) Akamai’s Interconnection Fabric

    (44:30) Changes to Internet Traffic, Adaptation, and Security

    (47:00) Concept of a Bidirectional CDN

    (49:15) Network Security

    (53:00) Akamai Network Capacity

    (53:15) Most Exciting Innovations (remaking cities with AI and ML)



    Over the Edge is brought to you by Dell Technologies to unlock the potential of your infrastructure with edge solutions. From hardware and software to data and operations, across your entire multi-cloud environment, we’re here to help you simplify your edge so you can generate more value. Learn more by visiting DellTechnologies.com/SimplifyYourEdge for more information or click on the link in the show notes.



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    Interconnection must be Democratized with Ivo Ivanov, Chairman and CEO of DE-CIX GmbH

    Interconnection must be Democratized with Ivo Ivanov, Chairman and CEO of DE-CIX GmbH

    This episode features an interview between Matt Trifiro and Ivo Ivanov, Chairman and CEO of DE-CIX GmbH where he is responsible for the global business activities of the Internet Exchange Operator. Ivo has more than 15 years of experience in the regulatory, legal and commercial Internet environment. Joining the organization in January 2007, in recent years Ivo has been deeply involved in the establishment of DE-CIX sites in North America, Southern Europe, the Middle East, the Indian subcontinent, and Southeast Asia, as well as several consultancy projects in Africa, Asia and Europe. Ranked as one of the top 100 most influential professionals of the Telecom industry, Ivo is regularly invited to share his vision and thought leadership in various industry-leading conferences around the globe.

    In this episode, Ivo talks about interconnection, how it differs throughout the world, and the importance of expansion especially in developing countries. He discusses how the edge interconnection platform is a missing piece to help enable many advancements and innovations in everyday life, in areas like automobiles and technology. Ivo also explains what he thinks the technology industry will look like five years down the road.


    Key Quotes:

    “Interconnection really needs to get deeper into the edge for one very simple reason, quality security performance in general, or a magic world of latency. Latency is extremely important nowadays. I love to say latency is our new currency.”

    “Why democratize? Because we have been doing this business for 27 years now. 24 years of those 27 were entirely wholesale industry focused. Just a couple of years back, we started direct business relationships with enterprises, with car manufacturers, with banks, with retailers, with logistic companies. And, these guys, their business is not telecommunications wholesale. Their business is the business of their industry segment. They just want to use this type of infrastructure for security and performance reasons. But they don't need to be experts in wholesale telecommunication. So, we need to make it as easy as possible for them to enjoy the interconnection services. This is what I call the democratization of infrastructure, that every single type of business on this planet can use.” 

    “I think in the future we need to develop these further pieces of infrastructure and it's not the DE-CIX platform only. We need to see more edge data centers. We need to see more fiber in the rural areas. Middle and last mile investments are extremely crucial also for the economy of the country and serving the people, disregarding where they live and work with the best possible quality of access to digital services. Because if you look at it from a more altruistic point of view, good access to digital services today also means a good quality of life because with economic growth at the end. I'm 1000% sure about this. Diversification of infrastructure is extremely important also for redundancy, resilience, and security reasons.”

    “It will be a world which will use more and more digital services as we can even imagine today, further down the path we're talking about the metaverse. We're talking about an internet of a new generation or digital services of a new generation where people will enjoy different virtualization. eCommerce will change, will become extremely augmented and virtual reality driven. We will see in the business world further progress on processing on different solutions for any type of business that's relying on cloud compute, but also relying on digitalization and digital infrastructure.”

    “I see a world full of innovation, I see a world full of digital infrastructure and demand for digital infrastructure. Therefore, I do worry a bit that we will not be fast enough to develop this digital infrastructure as much as we can and everywhere, literally everywhere, around the globe. At least, this is our mandate and we will not stop working hard every day to do this.”


    Show Timestamps:

    (02:00) Getting started in tech

    (05:52) Understanding internet connection

    (12:19) Edge tech in internet connectivity

    (16:47) How interconnection is changing

    (21:11) Why interconnection must be democratized

    (29:37) Advantages of having data centers in metro regions

    (35:41) Interconnectivity in auto and tech sectors

    (45:14) The importance of quality assurance

    (46:38) Predictions for five years in the future



    Over the Edge is brought to you by Dell Technologies - unlock the potential of your infrastructure with edge solutions. From hardware and software to data and operations, across your entire multi-cloud environment, we’re here to help you simplify your edge so you can generate more value. Learn more by visiting DellTechnologies.com/SimplifyYourEdge for more information or click on the link in the show notes.



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    Be Willing to Adopt New Technologies with Stephen Goldberg, CEO at HarperDB

    Be Willing to Adopt New Technologies with Stephen Goldberg, CEO at HarperDB

    This episode of Over the Edge features an interview between Matt Trifiro and Stephen Goldberg, CEO at HarperDB. Stephen is an established thought leader in the IoT space, with previous professional experience as a CTO and CEO of startups, holding several roles at larger organizations like Red Hat, and leading digital transformation projects at a number of Fortune 500 companies across many verticals. He’s been published on sites like Tech Target and quoted in a number of articles and publications like Forbes and ZDNet, as well as being a speaker at IoT World, SAP Sapphire, and Salesforce.com’s Dreamforce. Stephen holds 2 patents and received his Bachelor of Arts from Trinity College-Hartford in 2006.

    In this episode, Stephen talks about being a self taught programmer that initially wanted to work in anything but technology. He explains the process of co-founding HarperDB to deal with the rigidity and complexity of databases, and how the company makes it easier to globally distribute data faster. Stephen also discusses how bureaucracy, in many ways, is the biggest challenge to innovation and the adoption of new technologies. 


    Key Quotes:

    “For example, while we felt like the iPhone is an extremely complex device, technologically and internally, it exposes a very simple interface to the world that even a child can use. And, so our thought process was that a database should be the same for a developer. It should be a thing that a developer can just sit down and code, and ultimately, we have built far more than a database in the end. But, that was kind of the premise of what we wanted. We wanted something that would scale with you as your application grew, that made your life easy.

    The bureaucracy, like the speed at which people move, their ability to think about how things work, that is now the one that I think is the biggest challenge is that this stuff is now and it's here. And, if you really wanted to do it, you could, but I think it's also just changing how people think about stuff. So, like you know, willingness to adopt new technologies, willingness to adopt new architectural paradigms, not trying to bring sort of the same cloud centralized sort of cloud model that you implemented to the edge, because it's not gonna work, because it doesn't scale.”


    Show Timestamps:

    (02:00) Getting started in tech

    (05:00) Starting HarperDB

    (08:35) What makes HarperDB unique

    (16:00) Understanding HarperDB

    (22:00) Use cases for HarperDB

    (26:45) HarperDB’s cloud product

    (35:15) New product release

    (36:30) Internet of Things

    (46:00) HarperDB in gaming

    (48:15) The future of tech



    Over the Edge is brought to you by Dell Technologies to unlock the potential of your infrastructure with edge solutions. From hardware and software to data and operations, across your entire multi-cloud environment, we’re here to help you simplify your edge so you can generate more value. Learn more by visiting DellTechnologies.com/SimplifyYourEdge for more information or click on the link in the show notes.



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    Removing Friction from the Edge with Vishwamitra Nandlall, VP Technology Strategy & Ecosystems at Dell Technologies

    Removing Friction from the Edge with Vishwamitra Nandlall, VP Technology Strategy & Ecosystems at Dell Technologies

    This part 2 of 2 episodes of Over the Edge features an interview between Matt Trifiro and Vishwamitra Nandlall, VP Technology Strategy & Ecosystems at Dell Technologies. Vish is an experienced CTO and a highly regarded telecom visionary. He is responsible for defining Dell’s technology strategy in the Big 6 domains, including 5G, Edge, Data Management, Cloud, AI and Security. Widely recognized for his contributions to the industry, Vish has also held CTO executive leadership roles in Telecommunications for 25 years, including Telstra, Ericsson, Extreme and Nortel. Vishwamitra has been awarded a fundamental patent for LTE, published several widely cited technology papers, and holds several patents for the design of cloud based mobile applications and communication services.

    In this episode, Vish discusses the future of technology and his excitement over augmented reality and virtual reality. He also talks about the future of edge computing, including everything from cost to security, and the realities of what’s needed for its advancement and further adoption in the tech world.


    Key Quotes:

    “Real productivity comes at the intersection of people, labor and the types of tasks that they're trying to do. A lot of what edge can do is to start to mediate that intersection.”

    “The real gift that edge is going to be able to deliver, is the realization of all these technologies that have had limited reach, are suddenly going to be able to spill out of the cyber domain and into the meet space.”


    Show Timestamps:  

    (02:00) Open Grid Alliance

    (04:15) Future of Technology

    (13:00) Competition and Commercial Partnerships

    (19:00) Considering the Customer

    (21:30) Important Future Technological Focus



    Over the Edge is brought to you by Dell Technologies to unlock the potential of your infrastructure with edge solutions. From hardware and software to data and operations, across your entire multi-cloud environment, we’re here to help you simplify your edge so you can generate more value. Learn more by visiting DellTechnologies.com/SimplifyYourEdge for more information or click on the link in the show notes.



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    Laying the Railroads for an Open Grid with Vishwamitra Nandlall, VP Technology Strategy & Ecosystems at Dell Technologies

    Laying the Railroads for an Open Grid with Vishwamitra Nandlall, VP Technology Strategy & Ecosystems at Dell Technologies

    This part 1 of 2 episodes of Over the Edge features an interview between Matt Trifiro and Vishwamitra Nandlall, VP Technology Strategy & Ecosystems at Dell Technologies. Vish is an experienced CTO and a highly regarded telecom visionary. He is responsible for defining Dell’s technology strategy in the Big 6 domains, including 5G, Edge, Data Management, Cloud, AI and Security. Widely recognized for his contributions to the industry, Vish has also held CTO executive leadership roles in Telecommunications for 25 years, including Telstra, Ericsson, Extreme and Nortel. Vish has been awarded a fundamental patent for LTE, published several widely cited technology papers, and holds several patents for the design of cloud based mobile applications and communication services.

    In this episode, Vish talks about laying the railroads for telecommunications. He discusses his career path and the work he did developing personal data appliances and smartphones. Vish goes over development and privatization of the internet. He explains how artificial intelligence has become a huge part of Dell products. And, delves into details about the build out of infrastructure, connectivity, and bandwidth.


    Key Quotes:

    “We've moved towards this internet where we've centralized compute that creates pooling efficiencies, but it comes at the expense of propagation delay. But, largely what fueled the internet was the growth of a digital economy that was self-contained. It didn't have a lot of tendrils out into the real world. And, I think what Edge does is it starts to put up a series of sensors into the real world and it bridges this real world with this cyber world.”


    Show Timestamps:  

    (02:15) Getting Started in Technology

    (05:15) Path to Telecommunications

    (06:25) State of Advanced Technology in 1995

    (10:15) Switch Networks

    (15:15) Development of Internet Content Delivery

    (23:15) Networking Standards and Internet Organization

    (25:45) Path to Dell

    (20:45) Difference between Propagation and Transmission

    (32:45) Path to Dell Continued

    (38:15) Software vs. Hardware

    (39:15) Dell’s Role in Telecommunications



    Over the Edge is brought to you by Dell Technologies to unlock the potential of your infrastructure with edge solutions. From hardware and software to data and operations, across your entire multi-cloud environment, we’re here to help you simplify your edge so you can generate more value. Learn more by visiting DellTechnologies.com/SimplifyYourEdge for more information or click on the link in the show notes.



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    Connect with Vishwamitra on LinkedIn


    Using High Performance Computing to Solve Grand Challenges with Wolfgang Gentzsch, Co-Founder and President of UberCloud

    Using High Performance Computing to Solve Grand Challenges with Wolfgang Gentzsch, Co-Founder and President of UberCloud

    This episode features an interview between Matt Trifiro and Wolfgang Gentzsch, Co-Founder and President of UberCloud. Wolfgang is a passionate engineer, computer scientist, and entrepreneur with 30 years of experience working in engineering simulations, high-performance computing, scientific research, university teaching, and the software industry, from hands-on practices to expert consulting to leadership positions. He is an entrepreneur with six successful startups in Germany and the US, in engineering, high-performance computing, and cloud. Wolfgang is a member of numerous conference program, steering, and organizing committees, with 50+ keynote speaker appointments.

    In this episode, Wolfgang tells us about the early days of network computing and how the grid was the predecessor to the cloud. He describes how advancements in connectivity and processing power can lead to revolutionary changes in everything from technology to healthcare. Wolfgang also explains what he thinks edge computing is today, and how his company is working to help democratize access to computing power in the cloud that was previously too expensive or too complex for most organizations to use.


    Key Quotes:

    “Definitely, the grid was the predecessor of the cloud. And that's why there is not a real huge difference in both. The cloud infrastructure was completely virtualized and therefore fully automated and now I use that word democratized because almost everybody was able to use cloud resources then; which you couldn't easily say about grid. The grid was really for specialists in research centers.” 

    “You can innovate at your fingertips these days. You don't have to build, you know, 2, 3, 4, 5 models and crash them against the wall. Now you do it in the cloud, which might cost a thousand dollars or $5,000 even, but it's much, much, much, cheaper. So, there are tons of benefits these days when you move to the cloud.” 

    “Now HPC is really in the hands of everybody. For engineers and scientists a few decades ago it was only given into the hands of specialists, and that door is open for so many new applications,  making any kind of research or products basically coming out much faster with exponential acceleration, which will continue tol help us to solve problems, real problems. It's I mean, like in healthcare, for example, or climate and weather forecast, and also new technologies like electrical cars, autonomous driving, and all that stuff. So, I mean it is successfully making our lives even more convenient, more comfortable, and also solving mankind problems which we are facing.”


    Show Timestamps:

    (01:45) Getting involved in technology

    (03:05) Difference between Scaler and Vector Computers  

    (07:45) Conversion of Parallel Computing and the Internet 

    (13:00) Network Computing and the Cloud  

    (19:45) Convergence of Grid and Cloud Computing 

    (23:45) High Performance Computing and Super Computing 

    (28:15) Difference Between the Cloud and High Performance Computing

    (30:45) Uber Cloud 

    (39:45) Living Heart Valve Project 

    (41:45) Uber Cloud Project Example

    (46:45) Growth of High Performance Computing and the Edge 

    (53:05) Future of the Cloud

    (55:15) Is the Network or the Internet the Computer?

    (60:30) What’s Exciting in the Future



    Over the Edge is brought to you by Dell Technologies - unlock the potential of your infrastructure with edge solutions. From hardware and software to data and operations, across your entire multi-cloud environment, we’re here to help you simplify your edge so you can generate more value. Learn more by visiting DellTechnologies.com/SimplifyYourEdge for more information or click on the link in the show notes.



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    Connect with Wolfgang on LinkedIn


    The World will be a Cloud with Christian Koch, Founder and Editor at Foundations

    The World will be a Cloud with Christian Koch, Founder and Editor at Foundations

    This episode of Over the Edge features an interview between Matt Trifiro and Christian Koch, Founder and Editor at Foundations, a modern publication about digital infrastructure. He is a veteran leader in the digital infrastructure space having held several leadership and operational roles at companies such as Microsoft, Twitter, and Globix. Christian was most recently the Head of Interconnection Product at DataBank, and previously a Director of Product Management at Digital Realty and PacketFabric. In 2016, Christian Co-Founded the New York Network Operators Group, a non-profit organization that aims to connect network operators and technology professionals through educational events and programs.

    In this episode, Christian talks about how his interest in information and curiosity to learn about as much as he could, led him to become both a generalist and expert in the world of digital infrastructure. He explains the landscape of interconnectivity, including its history of development, current infrastructure, expansion, evolution, and use throughout the United States. Christian also delves into what he thinks edge is becoming, the different layers of networking, and how the cloud will become a primary infrastructure for workloads in the future. 


    Key Quotes:

    “Ethernet seems to be having this resurgence because it's probably the one technology that's is flexible as virtual machines in the cloud. You can basically scale it up and down. Whereas, you can go from a five gigabit ethernet circuit to a 10 gigabit ethernet circuit by issuing some configuration commands and making that change. Similar to how you can configure or reconfigure a virtual machine. Whereas, a wavelength isn't really like that, because it's all about dedicated connectivity. So if you think about ethernet share connectivity, that's what cloud computing is at the end of the day anyway; the shared infrastructure platform. So it makes it a little bit more flexible, and a little bit more easy to scale and deliver those services.”

    “I don't even like using the word edge anymore because, you know, because I think it really boils down to it's just a place like geographical place. Right? You know, it doesn't have to do with networks. It doesn't have to do with clouds. It didn't have to do with computing. It's just, you know, kind of the perimeter between almost like interconnection.”


    Show Timestamps:  

    (02:00) Getting Interested in Technology

    (04:30) Path to Networking and Interconnection

    (05:50) Explaining Interconnection

    (09:15) Backbone of Interconnectivity in the United States

    (15:43) Public versus Private Networks

    (18:45) Internet as a Fabric

    (21:06) Network as a Service

    (32:00) State of the Edge 

    (37:30) Internet Trends

    (40:30) The Price of Shipping Data

    (44:00) Future Trends



    Over the Edge is brought to you by Dell Technologies - unlock the potential of your infrastructure with edge solutions. From hardware and software to data and operations, across your entire multi-cloud environment, we’re here to help you simplify your edge so you can generate more value. Learn more by visiting DellTechnologies.com/SimplifyYourEdge for more information or click on the link in the show notes.



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    The New Order of Edge Computing with Steve Mueller, Chief Technology Officer, Hypersive

    The New Order of Edge Computing with Steve Mueller, Chief Technology Officer, Hypersive

    This episode of Over the Edge features an interview between Matt Trifiro and Steve Mueller, Chief Technology Officer, Hypersive. Considered one of the world’s leading experts in remote technologies, Steve has spent the past 25 years providing his technical expertise to more than 300 of the largest enterprises across 5 continents. He spent his early years building core devops and virtualization principles to achieve automation and scale, has worked for VMware and AWS addressing customer needs, and is now CTO of a startup focused on next-generation edge, end-user compute, and device virtualization.

    In this episode, Steve evaluates what the edge is today and how it has changed overtime. He talks about cloud computing and working in a remote desktop world. Steve addresses the future of physical security and technology, and why he is so excited about what’s in store for the use of video. He also explains how his company Hypersive provides a platform for building management and security through ready-to-run cloud services that work with already existing infrastructures. 


    Key Quotes:

    “The number one threat to any organization is the insider threat. So you don't trust your own people and that's very brutal. It's borderline non humanitarian, but if you're a business owner, especially at scale, the number one thing you're worrying about, the thing you're most proud about is your employees. Something you're worried about is your employees most. That's the one that takes companies down.” 

    “Really at the end of the day, remote desktops and remote applications run in the cloud. So, if we take something like Amazon, AppStream, or Amazon workspaces, they give you an inherently improved security posture. You get to govern and control in ways that you couldn't before.” 

    “We're focused on taking the technologies that customers use to manage their buildings and delivering it back to them as a service so that they can get off their traditional racks and consume those things that are either video surveillance or access control, the physical security world, or things like escalators, elevators, and commercial controls. They can consume that as a service and by service. In the end, our mission is to say, those workloads that you have in your building, it's not about the rack. It's about the fact that you, the customer, are having to constantly install it, or you're having to pay someone to install it. This is undifferentiated heavy lifting. What if we gave it back to you as a service that you consume and let you choose where to place it on the hardware? And so, we're really working with these customers to take these workloads, deliver them back to them as single tenant SAS services that they can consume. They don't have to put their people on it to build them. They can just use it in a consumption way and then they can put it where they want.”


    Show Timestamps:  

    (02:15) Getting into Technology 

    (04:00) Transitioning into Software 

    (05:05) Nostalgia Software Language

    (06:00) Editor of Choice

    (07:30) Career Journey

    (09:45) Working for Amazon

    (13:15) Working in a Remote Desktop World

    (16:00) Working in Amazon Data Centers

    (19:05) Founding Hypersive

    (22:15) Physical Security and Technology

    (27:00) Important Considerations for Building Security

    (31:00) Surveillance Cameras

    (36:30) Hypersive’s Focus on Cloud Security

    (41:00) Interacting with and Future of the Edge 

    (48:45) The Future World of Video Technology and Security



    Over the Edge is brought to you by Dell Technologies to unlock the potential of your infrastructure with edge solutions. From hardware and software to data and operations, across your entire multi-cloud environment, we’re here to help you simplify your edge so you can generate more value. Learn more by visiting DellTechnologies.com/SimplifyYourEdge for more information or click on the link in the show notes.



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    Processing Data at Warp Speed with David Knight, President & CEO of Terbine

    Processing Data at Warp Speed with David Knight, President & CEO of Terbine

    This episode of Over the Edge features an interview between Matt Trifiro and David Knight, President & CEO of Terbine, a data exchange for the physical world that has built a highly scalable system enabling wider use of data to inform and radically reshape many industries and everyday life. 

    David is a serial entrepreneur, angel investor, filmmaker, and experienced startup executive with a history of innovation and market development. He has a background in core technologies, including multi-spectral sensing and communications, messaging, enterprise software and distributed systems. David has founded, co-founded and held leadership roles in tech companies with exits including two IPOs, two M&A buyouts, and two recession-triggered meltdowns. He now leads Terbine, a big data & AI startup.

    In this episode, David talks about his journey from working on ham radios to being a pioneer in the early days of digital entertainment. He also discusses his involvement in the beginning of online storage, helping to launch the private space race, and dedicating himself to dealing with, analyzing, and processing the overwhelming amount of data that comes out of everyday life. David explains how all of this led to founding Terbine, and how the company has partnered with the City of Las Vegas to help propel the world to prosper through insight, communication, and emerging technologies. 


    Key Quotes:

    “They really want to make Vegas a place where they work on smart city technology and next generation communications. And, they're really investing in it, but more importantly, they're inviting startups and large companies to work together. And, so if you’re thinking of a city as a platform, which is not a normal way to look at a city, we are really trying to help the city itself become smart and also sustainable. You don't necessarily think of Las Vegas as a sustainable city, but if you think about it with things like the water shortage is coming up, it's a place that really needs to be sustainable.”

    “The most interesting applications, which absolutely are going to be dependent on very rapid edge processing with low latency communications, are going to be in things that move. And, it could be a human moving. It could be commercial things. The first applications that we're actually looking at, and we will be doing very soon are in the commercial world.”

    “What we're trying to do is say, look, we've already said, we're going to take the pulse of the earth, so now we're going to wire the physical environment into the digital twin and then collectively you can now navigate around it.”

    “The more we can help the cities learn about the past, the present, and then extrapolate into the future, the better. So, it's not just the hedge funds that are going to make future bets. It'll be the cities themselves.”


    Show Timestamps:

    (02:45) Getting into technology

    (03:30) Arc to current role

    (05:55) Working with new computing technology 

    (02:43) Early days of email / Start of Click to Send

    (08:30) XPrize Competition development and execution

    (19:17) What is Terbine?

    (21:10) Breaking apart the problem space

    (22:10) Looking at issues in 3D

    (25:15) Breaking down data silos

    (26:10) Dealing with fear and greed

    (27:06) Motto - ‘Take the pulse of the earth’

    (29:30) There are sensors everywhere

    (32:30) Mobile Edge Computing

    (36:28) Processing data and storage

    (41:48) Compression algorithms

    (43:15) Sharing data

    (44:40) Solving business and technology problems

    (45:30) Tech Startups in Las Vegas

    (49:30) Las Vegas Smart City Showcase

    (52:00) Terbine and Las Vegas partnership

    (53:30) Las Vegas as a privately funded smart city

    (54:30) How Las Vegas conducts business

    (56:30) Vegas loop

    (57:30) Brightline rail from Las Vegas to California

    (58:52) Uses for Terbine platform

    (01:03:30) Using Drones

    (01:05:30) Digital Twin implementation and uses



    Over the Edge is brought to you by Dell Technologies to unlock the potential of your infrastructure with edge solutions. From hardware and software to data and operations, across your entire multi-cloud environment, we’re here to help you simplify your edge so you can generate more value. Learn more by visiting DellTechnologies.com/SimplifyYourEdge for more information or click on the link in the show notes.



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    Real-time Data Intelligence with Stephanie Atkinson CEO, Founder, and Principal Analyst/Consultant, Compass Intelligence

    Real-time Data Intelligence with Stephanie Atkinson CEO, Founder, and Principal Analyst/Consultant, Compass Intelligence

    This episode of Over the Edge features an interview between Matt Trifiro and Stephanie Atkinson, CEO, Founder, and Principal Analyst/Consultant at Compass Intelligence.

    For more than 25 years, Stephanie has provided strategic insights, key trends, market intelligence, industry modeling/forecasting, and advisory services to technology companies, enterprise executives, and government leaders across the globe. She is the founder and CEO of Compass Intelligence, a leading tech advisory and market research firm based in Texas, and recently founded vMarque.com, serving SMBs with branding, web design, and marketing. Her knowledge base and expertise are centered around telecom, IT, mobile, IoT, emerging technology, and various high-tech topics. 

    In this episode, Stephanie talks about the hype behind the variances of edge computing, including the results from her Business Edge Report that give insights on the thought processes of business users and technology decision makers, and where money is being spent and how it is being used in the world of technology. She also talks about the future of the Internet of Things, the importance and applications of automation, and provides advice for women working in technology. 


    Key Quotes:

    “The one thing that I like to just hammer to my customers is I think that we over-hype technology each and every day and we need to be simplifying it. So the biggest takeaway is that we need to simplify not only how we're communicating with the customers, but we need to do our homework to better understand their ecosystem and the vendors that they're working with. That’s not just technology vendors, but their entire ecosystem. Because, if we don't understand their industry and what's going on with their day to day work, then that technology is something that over-complicates some of the things that they're working on. They don't want to hear about some gizmo or IoT. They want you to help solve problems.”

    “We as an industry have to get away from the technology jargon and really start getting closer to our customers, applying it to their use cases, and speaking in their language. We continue to have a massive gap there. That's a big area that we help our customers with today.”

    “We are looking at patterns. We're applying machine learning and artificial intelligence. And, we're working to bring together the human and the digital world, as we continue to automate businesses and operations. This is the evolution that we're in right now.”


    Show Timestamps:

    (02:10) Stephanie’s Background

    (04:03) Branching out into other Technologies

    (07:13) Benefits of IoT and Machine to Machine Communication

    (13:10) Compass’ Client Base and Needs

    (14:10) Biggest Trends Not Obvious to Others  

    (16:36) The Metaverse isn’t a Brand New Took

    (17:25) Getting Closer to Understanding, Supporting, and Communicating with the Customer

    (18:55) The Business Edge Report Results and Findings

    (23:49) Getting Smart with Value Added Reseller Relationships

    (26:30) Efforts in Edge Computing

    (28:52) Examples of Real-time Data Intelligence 

    (31:26) The Importance of Security on the Edge

    (35:50) Hybrid Approach to Edge and Cloud Computing

    (37:55) Simplicity of Implementing Plug and Play Solutions

    (38:60) Seamless Exchange of IoT Data On a Global Scale

    (43:40) Having a Strategic Perspective and Plan 

    (45:36) Advice for Women in Technology 



    Over the Edge is brought to you by Dell Technologies to unlock the potential of your infrastructure with edge solutions. From hardware and software to data and operations, across your entire multi-cloud environment, we’re here to help you simplify your edge so you can generate more value. Learn more by visiting DellTechnologies.com/SimplifyYourEdge for more information or click on the link in the show notes.



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