
    Overcoming the Divide: Nonpartisan Politics

    Mending political  fractures through conversation and civil discourse. 
    Episodes published bi-weekly on Tuesdays. 

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    Episodes (80)

    The MUST-Read Book of 2024 to Understand Gen Z (Insider Scoop)

    The MUST-Read Book of 2024 to Understand Gen Z (Insider Scoop)

    Are we inadvertently setting up a generation for failure through overprotection and poor critical thinking? "The Coddling of the American Mind" by Greg Lukianoff and Jonathan Haidt dives into this pressing question, uncovering the paradox of good intentions breeding bad ideas. Unwrap the layers of safetyism in academia with us, and explore the unprecedented anxiety and depression rates plaguing Gen Z. Offering an unflinching look at the seismic shift in childhood development and education, where pivotal life experiences are delayed, and unsupervised play is becoming a relic of the past.

    Dare to confront the outrage culture head-on as we revisit the UC Berkeley incident with Milo Yiannopoulos, revealing a culture of extreme reactions to controversial speakers. We also delve into the fascinating findings from neuroscientist David Eagleman on empathy and in-group bias, challenging the very fabric of our social interactions. This episode isn't just an analysis; it's a call to action for parents, educators, and anyone invested in the resilience of future generations. Join us for a rigorous examination of the ideas that have infiltrated our campuses and are quietly reshaping society.

    Recorded: 3/9/24
    Outro: Powerful Beat-Oleksandr Stepanov

    Men & Boys in Decline: George The Tinmen's Brutal Wake-Up Call (That no one is willing to answer)

    Men & Boys in Decline: George The Tinmen's Brutal Wake-Up Call (That no one is willing to answer)

    Are men's issues truly being heard? Join me as I welcome George The Tinmen to dissect how society confronts—and often ignores—the pressing concerns facing men and boys today. We tackle the thorny issue of 'toxic masculinity,' debating its overuse and the potential damage it inflicts on productive discourse. George and I untangle the complexities of advocating for men's wellbeing, arguing for a balanced approach that doesn't eclipse women's struggles but instead seeks to unify the fight for gender equality.

    In this heartfelt conversation, we shine a light on the disparities in education and family courts, as well as the sobering topic of male suicide. By critically examining communication styles, we uncover the unique challenges men face in therapy and academia. We don't just stop at identifying the problems; we analyze the systemic causes and propose actionable solutions, like creating therapeutic spaces tailored for men and addressing the gender gap in teaching. This episode is a candid exploration into how societal biases and structural obstacles shape the male experience.

    As we wrap up, George and I dive into the often controversial topics of gaming and porn, discussing their complex roles in young men's lives. We confront the broader issues of men's withdrawal from the workforce and the societal need for vision and guidance. The discussion culminates with a passionate rallying cry for a renewed advocacy that boldly confronts the resistance and gatekeeping stifling these vital conversations. Join us for a frank and enlightening journey into the world of men's advocacy—this is an episode that promises to challenge perceptions and inspire action.

    0:00 Men's Advocacy in Left-Leaning Perspective

    13:56 Toxic Masculinity and Double Standards

    20:31 Family Courts and Male Suicide Issues

    32:24 The Gender Gap in Education

    41:05 Critique of Richard Reeves's Communication Style

    46:17 Navigating Views on Gaming and Porn

    49:54 Challenges and Solutions for Men

    59:07 Exploring Men's Issues and Advocacy

    Music: Coma-Media (intro)
                     WinkingFoxMusic (outro)
    Recorded: 12/21/23

    What is Political Leadership in an Age of Polarization with Larry Roberts

    What is Political Leadership in an Age of Polarization with Larry Roberts

    Embark on a thought-provoking journey through the realm of political leadership with Larry Roberts of the Sorensen Institute for Political Leadership at UVA. Our discussion cuts through the heart of today's partisan divisions, shedding light on the institute's mission to shape leaders who embody trust, respect, and the art of civil dialogue. As we navigate the complex challenges that Virginia's unique political landscape presents, Larry offers invaluable perspectives on fostering consensus and tailoring solutions to meet the distinct needs of diverse communities. His insights remind us that effective governance is not about one-size-fits-all answers but rather about understanding and addressing the nuanced demands of local regions.

    In a political era defined by narrow election margins and policy extremes, our talk with Larry Roberts reveals the public's craving for leaders who transcend party lines in pursuit of real-world solutions. Hear how the Sorensen program champions this call by molding a new vanguard of ethical, cooperative policymakers. With anecdotes of Sorensen alumni influencing Virginia's political tapestry, this episode illustrates the profound impact that a foundation built on shared values can have in creating a more harmonious and effective political climate. The conversation also emphasizes the personal commitment to bipartisanship as a catalyst for meaningful discourse and policymaking that truly serves the electorate.

    This episode takes us to the convergence of ethics, history, and free speech in the public sphere. Tackling the contentious debates over critical race theory and the ethics of controversial campus speakers, we explore the significance of including a spectrum of historical perspectives in educational settings. By examining partnerships like that between Colonial Williamsburg and a historic African American church, our conversation with Larry underscores the need for a more inclusive American narrative. Wrapping up, we contemplate how one-on-one dialogues, rather than heated public debates, can lead to deeper understanding and respect for the myriad of viewpoints that make up our political landscape. Join us as we uncover the value of fostering these exchanges, even in the face of issues that resist straightforward compromise.

    0:00 Navigating Political Division and Leadership

    10:36 Building Political Cohesion and Constructive Conversations

    19:52 Ethics and Moderation in Politics

    27:46 Ethics and Perspectives in Public Life

    42:35 Finding Common Ground in Political Conversations

    Music: Coma-Media (intro)
                     WinkingFoxMusic (outro)
    Recorded: 12/21/23

    Debating & Exploring Free Speech at UPenn with Prof. Claire Finkelstein

    Debating & Exploring Free Speech at UPenn with Prof. Claire Finkelstein

    This episode with Professor Finkelstein cuts through the dense fog surrounding "poisonous speech." We dissect the subtle boundaries of expression within the hallowed grounds of academia. Debating the responsibilities that come with safeguarding both speech and civility, we grapple with the selective enforcement of these ideals, akin to the challenges faced in applying Title IX. This nuanced conversation doesn't just spotlight the problems; it probes the selective application of protections, all while questioning how these measures shape our university communities.

    Music: Coma-Media (intro)
                     WinkingFoxMusic (outro)
    Recorded: 1/16/23

    Dissecting U.S. Immigration and Open Borders with Jon Cooper: Debates, Policies, and National Identity

    Dissecting U.S. Immigration and Open Borders with Jon Cooper: Debates, Policies, and National Identity

    Join the enlightening conversation with John Cooper, the firebrand host of "The Left Wing," as we navigate the turbulent waters of U.S. immigration policy. Together, we dissect the historical precedents and economic forces that shape today's immigration debates. From the economic repercussions of open borders to the philosophical quandaries of birthright and cultural assimilation, our discussion with Cooper is a no-holds-barred examination of one of the most contentious issues facing modern America.

    This episode peels back the layers of cultural exposure, challenging preconceived notions and fostering a dialogue that could reshape how you view the melting pot that is the United States.

    Wrapping up with a look at current policies and their real-world implications, we critically assess the rallying cries for stricter controls and the realities of labor demand. With a nod to the potential of respectful, constructive conversations, we aim to inspire our listeners to engage in debates that are as informed as they are impassioned. So tune in, as we and our guest Jon Cooper strive to ignite a conversation that doesn't just scratch the surface, but seeks to uncover innovative solutions for our nation's immigration challenges.

    Music: Coma-Media (intro)
                     WinkingFoxMusic (outro)
    Recorded: 12/22/23

    Dismantling the Arguments of Censorship & Hate Speech with Glenn Greenwald

    Dismantling the Arguments of Censorship & Hate Speech with Glenn Greenwald

    Think you've got a firm grasp on free speech and what it entails? Prepare to have your perspectives challenged as we sit down with esteemed journalist Glenn Greenwald. Together, we prod the murky depths of the hate speech debate, dismantling the often-used justification for speech restriction. Glenn illuminates the startling subjectivity of defining 'hate speech' and unpacks the power dynamics at play in the act of censoring speech. Delving into current global conflicts, we connect these abstract debates to very real circumstances.

    We cast a critical eye on the hypocrisy of free speech advocates, considering the implications of recent controversies on college campuses. Highlighting the inconsistencies of prominent voices on both the left and right, Glenn offers insights that might leave you feeling 'politically homeless'. But fear not, we also spotlight those who've remained steadfast in their support for free speech, such as the organization FIRE. We traverse the battlefield of controversial opinions, censorship in media, and the danger of equating political criticism with hate speech, referencing the landmark Supreme Court case of Brandenburg v. Ohio.

    Join us as we take a deep dive into the complexities of the Israel-Palestine conflict and its reflections on American censorship. We scrutinize the American right's exceptions to their free speech advocacy concerning Israel and discuss the recent censorship of pro-Palestinian voices. Greenwald’s extensive knowledge and firsthand accounts breathe life into the ongoing debates, giving listeners a fresh look at the multifaceted world of free speech. The implications of these discussions reach far beyond our borders, as we reflect on the contrasts between US constitutional protections for free speech and the realities in other countries. Listen in and prepare to have your understanding of free speech both questioned and enriched.

    0:00 Debunking Hate Speech 

    12:37 The Hypocrisy of Free Speech Advocates

    22:24 Free Speech, Censorship, and Controversial Opinions

    30:19 Israel Exception and Censorship in America

    35:15 Political Criticism and Censorship Complexity

    41:53 Free Speech and Censorship in Media

    Music: Coma-Media (intro)
                     WinkingFoxMusic (outro)
    Recorded: 12/15/23

    The Battle for Free Speech: Campus Edition

    The Battle for Free Speech: Campus Edition

    Get ready to embark on an engaging exploration of the complex issue of free speech, particularly within the context of university campuses. This thought-provoking discussion is sparked by recent developments at the University of Pennsylvania, where faculty member Claire Finkelstein has proposed that speech be restricted on campus to combat antisemitism following the resignation of President Liz Magill. We unravel the intricacies of the First Amendment, calling into question its interpretation and the ambiguity of its protections. Ultimately, we argue for universities to foster a culture of free speech and intellectual debate, rather than attempting to control discourse to suit a particular narrative.

    In the second part of the discussion, we delve into the exceptions to the rule - situations where free speech and the First Amendment do not apply, and the types of speech that are unprotected. The conversation takes a turn into the real-life backlash faced by those who expressed opposition to the Black Lives Matter movement, revealing an interesting paradox, as those very individuals are now advocating for restricting speech on campus. We passionately advocate for the importance of maintaining a principled stand for free speech, regardless of personal views or emotions. So, if you hold any opinion that may be perceived as controversial, would you want your ability to express it to be restricted? Tune in and let the debate begin!

    Brad Polumbo Talks Freedom of Speech and Fading Democratic Values

    Brad Polumbo Talks Freedom of Speech and Fading Democratic Values

    We've got quite the treat today, friends. Brad Polumbo, the sharp-witted libertarian conservative journalist and Host of Based Politics and Damage Control podcasts, joins us for a no-holds-barred discussion on free speech. We're peeling back the layers of irony as we tackle the hypocrisy that is often found among free speech warriors. We cast a critical eye on political factions that readily discard principles and values at the altar of immediate gain. The Israel-Palestine conflict serves as a backdrop to this discourse, particularly highlighting the recent clampdown on pro-Palestinian speech. But, this isn't about taking sides—it's about fostering an open battle of ideas over censorship.

    As we wade deeper into the episode, we explore the increasingly evident erosion of democratic principles, a casualty of rampant short-term thinking. The enticing lure of instant gratification often leads to crucial democratic institutions being compromised, with long-lasting implications. You'll hear us talk about the Supreme Court packing debate, and the distressing indifference of younger generations towards privacy, exemplifying this perilous tendency. Finally, Brad, with his unique insights, wraps up the episode, advocating for a more nuanced political dialogue. He invites you to join him on his podcasts for richer discussions around these pressing issues. This episode is a wake-up call to reconsider our priorities and actions.

    0:00 The Hypocrisy of Free Speech Warriors

    15:05 Erosion of Democratic Principles

    30:07 Closing Thoughts

    Music: Coma-Media (intro)
                     WinkingFoxMusic (outro)
    Recorded: 11/24/23

    Addressing the Sympathizers and Supporters of 'Letter to America'

    Addressing the Sympathizers and Supporters of 'Letter to America'

    Prepare to step into the controversial world of Osama Bin Laden's 'Letter to America,' a document that is trending among a certain clique on social media platforms, including TikTok and Twitter. Are we silently fostering a culture of self-loathing, self-shaming, and inner hatred? Drawing from Douglas Murray's book 'War on the West,' we aim to unravel this phenomenon that is becoming increasingly popular, especially among the youth. 

    Dissecting the Geopolitics of the War in Gaza with Javed Ali

    Dissecting the Geopolitics of the War in Gaza with Javed Ali

    Uncovering the war in Gaza as we are joined by national security expert, Javed Ali. With more than two decades of experience in national security and intelligence issues, he navigates us through the complex geopolitical landscape, shedding light on the US's steadfast support for Israel, the sizeable aid package in play, and the pressing need for Israel to curtail civilian casualties. We probe deeply into the stances of other key players in the fray, such as Hezbollah and Erdogan, and ponder over the question: is the US unwittingly spiraling into a larger quagmire by failing to address the humanitarian crisis in Gaza?

    We tread further down the rabbit hole, exploring the potential aftershocks of a multi-front war between Israel and its adversaries. Javed Ali, with his vast trove of experiences, helps us understand the current turbulence in the West Bank, the strain on Israel's resources due to a two or three-front war, and the probability of escalated US involvement. The conversation harks back to the US' role in Lebanon four decades back, speculating on the possible involvement of US special operations forces in the Gaza hostage recovery and the ensuing implications.

    We shift gears towards the possible recoil in Israeli public opinion should the IDF suffer significant casualties. Ali and I draw parallels between the Israeli ground offensive against Hamas and other conflicts while contemplating the Geneva Convention's mandates for minimizing civilian casualties. As we reach the tail end of our discussion, the necessity for an overhaul of Israeli intelligence is considered, along with the geopolitical repercussions of sustained combat. This is an exploration you won't want to miss.

    0:00 US Approach to Gaza Conflict

    11:44 Israel Conflict and US Involvement

    25:02 US Involvement in Israel Conflict

    34:56 Israel's Casualties, Public Opinion, Tactics

    47:15 Geopolitical Implications and Intelligence Reforms

    Music: Coma-Media (intro)
                     WinkingFoxMusic (outro)
    Recorded: 11/3/23

    Unraveling the Israeli-Palestinian Struggle: A Soldier-Turned-Peace Advocate's Perspective with Adar Weinreb

    Unraveling the Israeli-Palestinian Struggle: A Soldier-Turned-Peace Advocate's Perspective with Adar Weinreb

    Let's unravel the complex and deeply-rooted Israeli-Palestinian conflict with our guest, Adar Weinreb, a former Israeli Defense Forces soldier turned peace advocate. As someone who's been on the front lines, Adar brings a unique perspective to the conversation, revealing his transformative journey from soldier to advocate, and the importance of humanizing 'the other' when navigating such deep-rooted conflict. His experiences and insights offer a rich understanding of how to facilitate dialogue in divisive cultural landscapes.

    We step back to explore the historical roots of Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the importance of focusing on the present and future, rather than dwelling on the past. Through this lens, we delve into the power dynamics between Israel and Palestine, as well as the broader Arab region's influence on this ongoing conflict. We also examine the potential implications of attempting to defeat Hamas, and contemplate alternative solutions that could change the status quo, reduce civilian casualties, and pave the way towards lasting peace.

    As we navigate these intricate waters, we also ponder the potential for broader escalation involving Iran and Hezbollah in the Israeli-Hamas conflict. We discuss the complex history of U.S. support for Islamist governments in the Middle East, the challenges of nation-building, and the potential consequences of ground invasions and long-range missile attacks. Despite the current context of conflict and tension, we remain hopeful for a brighter future, a resolution to these long-standing issues, and a path towards peace. Join us for this enlightening exploration of a deeply-rooted conflict from someone who's been in the thick of it.

    Adar's social media:

    12:37 Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Historical Roots

    26:26 The Implications of Defeating Hamas

    32:09 Potential Escalation in Israeli-Hezbollah Conflict

    Music: Coma-Media (intro)
                     WinkingFoxMusic (outro)
    Recorded: 10/25/23

    Exploring Political Polarization, Big Tech Influence, and Academic Freedom with David Beckemeyer

    Exploring Political Polarization, Big Tech Influence, and Academic Freedom with David Beckemeyer

    Ever found yourself struggling to express your sentiments on sensitive topics? Picture yourself in a conversation with David Beckmeyer, a retired tech executive, host of the Outrage Overload podcast, and a research enthusiast. Together, we're going to navigate the tightrope of the modern political landscape, where labels are quick to stick, and accusations fly for those not conforming to the stereotypical 'lefty' or 'hardcore trumper' moulds.

    We'll dissect the impact of media, psychological fallacies, and the glaring lack of communication between folks with differing opinions in creating a polarized environment. Hint: It's not as simple as 'good versus evil.' We'll explore how this moralization of the political landscape obstructs productive debate and compromise, the very essence of democracy and a representative republic. As we shift gears, we'll also discuss the outsized role and oversight of big tech in our society, their influence on free speech, and the necessity for public oversight to prevent censorship.

    Finally, we'll connect the dots between the DeSantis campaign's use of video graphics, the Buckley Institute poll's findings on college students' views on free speech, and their wider implications. We'll reflect on the challenges that the academic world faces due to political polarization and its impact on professors and students. In the end, we'll contemplate the importance of trust in news sources, the danger of false information, and the need for a nuanced approach to complex issues. Together, we'll seek the path towards rebuilding trust, appreciating disagreements, and fostering a culture of respectful dialogue. So, are you ready to step into the gray area?

    Time Stamps

    0:00 Political Extremism and Lowering the Temperature

    11:00 Perceptions of Political Labels and Bipartisanism

    14:32 Political Discourse and Media Influence Challenges

    21:22 Impact and Oversight of Big Tech

    30:20 Media, Free Speech, and College Students

    34:57 Academic Freedom and Public Trust Challenges

    39:47 Navigating Trust in News Sources

    45:17 Rebuilding Trust and Seeking Direction

    50:16 Restoring Trust With Expert Involvement

    57:56 Pleasure of Conversation and Disagreement

    Music: Coma-Media (intro)
                     WinkingFoxMusic (outro)
    Recorded: 9/16/23

    Empowering Boys and Young Men with Warren McCrickard

    Empowering Boys and Young Men with Warren McCrickard

    Today's episode features Warren McCrickard, Executive Director of the Boys To Men Mentoring Network in Virginia. Our conversation covers a number of hot topics including: the crisis in boys and men, the significance of mentors, showing up for yourself, how emotional integrity is an asset and not a liability and much more.

    Warren's work is truly inspirational and provides a space for boys and young men who are looking for community and a place to feel safe. I hope you enjoy the following.

    You can support the mission of Boys To Men Mentoring Network in Virginia by following their Facebook page here and donating at their website here.

    Music: Coma-Media (intro)
                     WinkingFoxMusic (outro)
    Recorded: 9/16/23

    Unraveling the Judicial Crisis in Israel with Tamara Newman

    Unraveling the Judicial Crisis in Israel with Tamara Newman

    Our guest, Tamara Newman, a seasoned refugee rights advocate now associated with the Association for Civil Rights in Israel, is here to unravel the complexities of the judicial crisis unfolding in Israel, making for a conversation you don't want to miss. This episode sheds light on the ticking time bomb that is the proposed judicial reforms put forth by the current right-wing and religious coalition government. Tamara brilliantly connects the dots and reveals how these reforms could invariably lead to a disturbing power monopoly, pushing Israel down the path of extremism.

    Music: Coma-Media (intro)
                     WinkingFoxMusic (outro)
    Recorded: 9/13/23

    A Deep Dive into the Cash Bail System and Criminal Justice Reform with Ken W. Good

    A Deep Dive into the Cash Bail System and Criminal Justice Reform with Ken W. Good

    Imagine a world where the nuances of the cash bail system are no longer a mystery. We promise to guide you through its labyrinth, starting with a deep dive into its 200-year evolution, its merits, and potential repercussions of bail reform. With the insight of our esteemed guest Ken W. Good, a seasoned lawyer and author of Goods on Bail, we unravel the intricacies of how this private bail system operates to ensure people show up in court.

    In a world where the impact of the criminal justice system and drug policy on crime rates is a pressing concern, we pull back the curtain on these issues with an enlightening exploration. We study the high failure-to-appear rates in certain counties, and California, the challenges of drug policy, and the unintended consequences of criminalizing certain drugs. Engage in our thought-provoking analysis of how these policies intersect with the cash bail system and impact our society.

    We press on to delve into the hot-button topic of criminal justice reform, inspecting the effectiveness of rehabilitation vs incarceration, and the looming question of accountability in our justice system. Hear heart-wrenching stories of families affected by these systems, and the potential of government-funded rehab programs as alternatives to prison. We wrap up by emphasizing the importance of respect in online discussions and the role it plays in shaping effective policies. Sit back and let us navigate these complex waters together.

    Music: Coma-Media (intro)
                     WinkingFoxMusic (outro)
    Recorded: 8/9/23

    Debating & Digging Deeper: The Roots of American Democracy with Thom Hartmann

    Debating & Digging Deeper: The Roots of American Democracy with Thom Hartmann

    Have you ever wondered who truly built America? Is it the wealthy white men as commonly believed, or is there more to the story that is often untold? Join us as we engage in a riveting conversation with Thom Hartmann, a progressive talk show host and the author behind the bestseller 'Hidden History of American Democracy.' Hartmann takes us on a journey back in time, reexamining the often misunderstood legacy of the founding fathers, the economic realities they faced and the complicated histories they originated from. We clash over conventional narratives and debate the 1619 project's controversial claim that America was founded solely on slavery and how that compares to Thom's new book.

    We also delve into the influences that shaped Thomas Jefferson's democratic vision, exploring how the Whig histories, the Roman conquest, and his profound admiration for Native American culture played substantial roles. We touch upon the sensitive subject of the separation of church and state, reflecting on the Puritan state of Massachusetts and Benjamin Franklin's insightful perspective. Hartman shares his insights on the Militia Act of 1792 and its implications today. Thom and I debate the gravity of the 2020 George Floyd protests and riots, the police's response across major cities and the views of the National African American Gun Association.

    Music: Coma-Media (intro)
                     WinkingFoxMusic (outro)
    Recorded: 8/8/23

    Shattering Stereotypes: A Conversation on Firearms and Self-Defense with Tanganyika Daniel

    Shattering Stereotypes: A Conversation on Firearms and Self-Defense with Tanganyika Daniel

    Have you ever wondered how education can empower people for self-defense?  Our guest, Tanganyika Daniel, a certified firearms instructor, Glock armorer, and Marine Corps veteran, is here to reveal the world of firearms in a way that's never been heard before. Her journey from fear of firearms to becoming an expert in the field is nothing short of inspiring.

    This episode is packed with riveting discussions around gun ownership, with Tanganyika passionately advocating for responsible handling. We examine the misconceptions around gun owners, challenge the stereotypes, and shed light on the critical need for self-reliance in emergencies. Our focus on empowering individuals through firearm education is a perspective you don't want to miss.

    As we navigate the challenges of scaling a business in a controversial industry like firearms and self-defense, Tanganyika shares invaluable lessons she's learned. We also take a deep look at the impact of societal events like the George Floyd riots on the perception of firearms and self-defense. Tanganyika's advice for those interested in learning more about gun safety and ownership is a real eye-opener. Join us in this enlightening episode, and let's redefine the narrative around gun ownership together.

    Music: Coma-Media (intro)
                     WinkingFoxMusic (outro)
    Recorded: 8/1/23

    Uncensored: Navigating Controversial Societal Issues

    Uncensored: Navigating Controversial Societal Issues

    Are affirmative action and racial-based policies efficacious in diminishing racial disparities in our society? This latest discussion investigates this contentious issue sifting through data from renowned institutions like Harvard and the University of North Carolina. We scrutinize the repercussions of policies implemented within the San Francisco School District, and the irony of increased disparities they unintentionally ushered in.

    Shift the conversation to a divisive issue - gender reassignment for minors. We shed light on the ascension of gender-affirming care, and the dearth of research into its long-term effects. From the chronicles of the UK's gender clinics, social media's influence on young girls, to Jamie Reed's experiences in a pediatric gender clinic in Missouri, we navigate this intricate maze. We don't shy away from the delicate topic of detransitioning or the repercussions faced by those who've undergone gender-affirming procedures at an early age.

    Finally, there is firm stand on the importance of open discourse around controversial issues. The suppression of dissenting opinions, the presumptuousness of a single acceptable viewpoint, and the need for civil discourse lie at the heart of our dialogue. As Jordan Peterson aptly puts it, the courage to think independently is what we all need. So, join us on this thought-provoking journey, challenge your perspectives, and broaden your understanding of these pivotal societal issues.

    Jamie Reed article: https://www.thefp.com/p/i-thought-i-was-saving-trans-kids

    The Democratic Primaries & Media Strategy with Ryan J. Davis

    The Democratic Primaries & Media Strategy with Ryan J. Davis

    The following conversation discusses: The rise of Bernie sanders and Donald trump, potential campaign message for the Biden campaign, and the 2016, 2020, & 2024 Democratic Primaries 

    This episode features Ryan J. Davis. Ryan is a seasoned creative executive with over two decades of experience advising and executing for brands, agencies, startups, nonprofits, and political campaigns. Currently, Ryan is the Chief Operating Officer and Co-Founder of People First, a precision creator marketing agency. He also serves as a Senior Advisor for Calyx, a cutting-edge sensor technology company, and sits on the Board of Advisors for Caucus, an innovative platform that monetizes social media engagement. Ryan's career highlights include founding the social media department at Blue State Digital, which is widely recognized for its work on the Obama campaign.

    In his leisure time, Ryan co-hosts Out of Office: A Travel Podcast and Columbia Journalism Review's Red Pen podcast 

    Rate and subscribe if you enjoy the content and follow 'overcoming_the_divide'  on Instagram & Twitter!

    Time Stamps:
    00:30 Intro
    2:45 Political satire & Rudy Giuliani
    5:30 Howard Dean & Barrack Obama's digital strategy
    8:00 Building the Obama brand
    12:15 Gifted political communicators
    13:45 Rise of Bernie Sanders & Donald Trump
    18:30 The 2020 Democratic Primaries
    21:45 The 2024 Democratic Primaries
    24:00 The Russo-Ukrainian War
    40:15 Messaging and branding for the Biden Campaign
    55:40 Trump vs DeSantis
    58:00 People First: micro-influencers
    1:05:15 Mending Political Fractures

    Music: Coma-Media (intro)
                     WinkingFoxMusic (outro)
    Recorded: 6/21/23