

    Welcome to 'Overlooked', a podcast that shares the stories from around the world that may have been missed by your home news network. These stories will include the good, the bad and, sometimes the absolutely hilarious. The podcast is updated weekly. If you come across stories or articles that you think should be featured here, please, share them! Don't forget to share and follow on Twitter, Facebook or YouTube!.
    en-usTunuka Media58 Episodes

    Episodes (58)

    Meth found in waterways may be turning fish into addicts (S2E22)

    Meth found in waterways may be turning fish into addicts (S2E22)

    Our story in focus this week is about a new study that shows fish have the capacity to turn into addicts. As part of the six overlooked stories in this week’s episode, we will also touch on stories that range from how a university in South Korea is using toilets to generate power on campus, to how Facebook and another U.K based company called Liquid Technologies plan to build a 2,000 KM fibre optic network from the Democratic Republic of Congo to Rwanda. 

    #CurrentAffairs #News #Trout 

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    A chemical-filled cargo ship has caused an environmental disaster in Sri Lanka (S2E21)

    A chemical-filled cargo ship has caused an environmental disaster in Sri Lanka (S2E21)

    Our story in focus this week is about the cargo ship that burnt off the coast of Sri Lanka. So much debris and dangerous chemicals have been released from the ship, that it is now on track to be the one of the worst environmental disasters.

    As part of the seven overlooked stories in this week’s episode, we will also touch on stories that range from how an artist made real US$18,000 from imaginary art, the executive from the Make-A-Wish foundation that embezzled money, and to new that scientists may have now sequenced the entirety of the human genome.

    #Podcast    #CurrentAffairs  #SriLanka #XPressPearl

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    © 2021 TunukaMedia 

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    The Democratic Republic of Congo's Mount Nyiragongo volcano has erupted (S2E20)

    The Democratic Republic of Congo's Mount Nyiragongo volcano has erupted (S2E20)

    Our story in focus this week is about the eruption of Mount Nyiragongo in the Democratic Republic of Congo.  As part of the nine overlooked stories in this week’s episode, we will also touch on stories that range from Amnesty Internationals new report that sheds light on how Indigenous people in Peru are exposed to toxic substances to a massive data leak from a Japanese dating app.

    #Podcast  #MountNyiragongo   #Volcano

    Visit the blog (https://taplink.cc/tunukamedia) for pictures and references.
    © 2021 TunukaMedia 

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    The U.S.A's newest chess master: 10-year-old Tanitoluwa Adewumi (S2E19)

    The U.S.A's newest chess master: 10-year-old Tanitoluwa Adewumi (S2E19)

    Our story in focus this week celebrates Tanitoluwa Adewumi who is now the national chess master in the United States. As part of the eight overlooked stories in this week’s episode, we will also touch on stories that range from the spacecraft the China landed on Mars, to the longest pedestrian suspension bridge that has now opened in Portugal.

    #Podcast  #TanitoluwaAdewumi  #Chernobyl 

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    © 2021 TunukaMedia 

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    Scammers in an Indonesian airport reused COVID-19 nasal swab test on passengers (S2E18)

    Scammers in an Indonesian airport reused COVID-19 nasal swab test on passengers (S2E18)

    Our story in focus this week, is about how some unethical scammers reused COVID test swabs in Indonesia and potentially affected thousands of people. 

    Among other stories we will also highlight the new Zulu King in South Africa, Chinese rocket debris that is set for uncontrolled descent back to earth, South Africa’s decision to end the captive lion industry, a New Zealand vigilantes’ effort to get potholes fixed using controversial street art, and a farmer in Belgium who unintendedly re-drew an international border.

    #Podcast  #Blogger #NasalSwab #Indonesia

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    © 2021 TunukaMedia 

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    Germany will repatriate some Benin bronze artifacts plundered from Nigeria (S2E17)

    Germany will repatriate some Benin bronze artifacts plundered from Nigeria (S2E17)

    Our story in focus this week discusses how German officials have reached an agreement with Nigerian representatives to return a portion of the artifacts known as Benin Bronzes that were stolen during the colonial era. 

    Among other stories we will also highlight ongoing protests in Colombia, a new basic income scheme in Sudan, a change in how data related to domestic violence is being collected in India and the story of a very caring husband.

    Visit the blog (https://taplink.cc/tunukamedia) for pictures and references.
    © 2021 TunukaMedia 

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    A new report commissioned by Rwanda investigates the role of France in the 1994 genocide (S2E16)

    A new report commissioned by Rwanda investigates the role of France in the 1994 genocide (S2E16)

    Our story in focus this week is on a new study that was commissioned by the Rwandan Government  that looks into the role France may have played in the 1994 genocide. 

    Among other stories we will also highlight the severe drought in Mexico, a fire on Table Mountain in South Africa, and a Malaria vaccine that has been hailed as a potential break through.

    Visit the blog (https://taplink.cc/tunukamedia) for pictures and references.
    © 2021 TunukaMedia 

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    St. Vincent is running out of clean water after ash from a volcanic eruption contaminated the islands reservoir (S2E15)

    St. Vincent is running out of clean water after ash from a volcanic eruption contaminated the islands reservoir (S2E15)

    Our story in focus this week is on the Caribbean island of St. Vincent, where ash from a volcano that recently erupted has essentially left the island without water.

    Among other stories, we will also touch on news that Japan plans to dump the stored water from the 2011 Fukushima nuclear incident into the ocean, wonder about the ethical considerations behind news that human cells were recently grown in the embryos of monkeys, balance Chinas road to net-zero energy against their decision to build a massive dam to get there, and Amazon’s decision to cancel its planned Lord of the Rings game. Bummer

    Visit the blog (https://taplink.cc/tunukamedia) for pictures and references.
    © 2021 TunukaMedia 

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    195 people arrested in vast international human trafficking operation (S2E14)

    195 people arrested in vast international human trafficking operation (S2E14)

    This week’s episode covers the story of a mother who was reunited with her long-lost daughter after 20 years. The circumstances of the reunion was so incredible, it can easy be confused for a movie.

    We also discuss the new rules from Google that limits how applications can scan your phone, the Kenyan who smashed a marathon record, the massive human trafficking operation stopped by an INTERPOL-led operation and the largest, working, Nintendo Switch ever built.

    Visit the blog (https://taplink.cc/tunukamedia) for pictures and references.
    © 2021 TunukaMedia 

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    A new approach to the HIV vaccine has shown promise in its first-in-human trial (S2E13)

    A new approach to the HIV vaccine has shown promise in its first-in-human trial (S2E13)

    In this week’s episode we touch on the largest intra-African trade transaction completed through blockchain, the ongoing crisis in the town of Palma in Mozambique, a promising vaccine for HIV and we celebrate recent good news that Asteroid Apophis will not hit the earth for another 100 plus years, and not in 2068 as previously thought. 

     Visit the blog (https://taplink.cc/tunukamedia) for pictures and references.
    © 2021 TunukaMedia 

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    Microsoft patents an AI to revive the dead as chatbots (S2E12)

    Microsoft patents an AI to revive the dead as chatbots (S2E12)

    Our feature story is about the patent Microsoft filed to revive loved ones as chatbots. Yes, chatbots. We live in interesting times. 

    We will also discuss the launch of Tunisia’s first satellite, a new watch that costs as much as a small house, and the bereavement bill or, legislation, that has recently become law in New Zealand.  

    Visit the blog (https://taplink.cc/tunukamedia) for pictures and references.
    © 2021 TunukaMedia 

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    Nestle recycles cocoa fruit waste to replace sugar in chocolate (S2E11)

    Nestle recycles cocoa fruit waste to replace sugar in chocolate (S2E11)

    Our first story this week discusses how Nestle has plans to replace sugar in some of their chocolates with the pulp of the cocoa fruit.  

    Among a few other stories, we also discuss the ongoing dispute between Somalia and Kenya related to land barriers, a 3D printed school and the worst driver in the history of Poland. 

    Visit the blog (https://taplink.cc/tunukamedia) for pictures and references.
    © 2021 TunukaMedia 

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    Toddler survives fall from 12th floor after ‘hero’ delivery driver catches her (S2E10)

    Toddler survives fall from 12th floor after ‘hero’ delivery driver catches her (S2E10)

    One of the stories this week highlights how a Vietnamese hero saved a young girl who had fallen off a balcony. Among other stories, this episode will also look at new information around Egyptian mummification techniques, a new super earth, a mine collapse in Indonesia and the 300 -year-old art of letter-locking. 

    As usual, the podcast can be found wherever you enjoy your podcasts. You know what to do, hit that like button, tell a friend and subscribe if you haven’t already. 

    Visit the blog (https://taplink.cc/tunukamedia) for pictures and references.
    © 2021 TunukaMedia 

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    Pieces of the Amazon rainforest are being sold on Facebook (S2E9)

    Pieces of the Amazon rainforest are being sold on Facebook (S2E9)

    Our highlight story is about a new documentary from the BBC that shows how land in the Amazon rainforest is allegedly being sold on Facebook. We also learn about the worlds oldest bird, glow in the dark fish and the new 1 million bolivar bills being introduced by the Venezuelan central bank. 

    As usual, the podcast can be found wherever you enjoy your podcasts. You know what to do, hit that like button, tell a friend and subscribe if you haven’t already. 

     Visit the blog (https://taplink.cc/tunukamedia) for pictures and references.
    © 2021 TunukaMedia 

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    Meet the miracle named Skipper, the six-legged puppy...and more (S2E8)

    Meet the miracle named Skipper, the six-legged puppy...and more (S2E8)

    Our highlight story is about a pretty cute and fairly unique puppy. 

    My favorite story this week concerns recent reports that video game play had a small positive correlation with well-being. 

    In addition, we will discuss how Norway plans to no longer punish people for small quantities of drugs, how scientists at Yale used stem cells to seemingly repair spinal cords and an updated on the ongoing crisis in Tigray, Ethiopia. 

    Visit the blog (https://taplink.cc/tunukamedia) for pictures and references.
    © 2021 TunukaMedia 

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    A 70-year-old man rowed across the Atlantic, to raise money for Alzheimer’s research (S2E7)

    A 70-year-old man rowed across the Atlantic, to raise money for Alzheimer’s research (S2E7)

    Our highlight story is on a 70-year-old man from England who rowed across the Atlantic to raise money Alzheimer’s. Other stories include sea foam that essentially blanketed a whole town in Ireland, allegations that Amazon pushed for the change in traffic lights to derail unionization and  news that scientists have found a way to exchange messages with people who are dreaming.

    Visit the blog (https://taplink.cc/tunukamedia) for pictures and references.
    © 2021 TunukaMedia  

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    A pack of bright blue stray dogs have been spotted in Russia (S1E6)

    A pack of bright blue stray dogs have been spotted in Russia (S1E6)

     This week we have various stories including a pack of blue dogs in Russia, a new minister for happiness in Japan, and the release of Loujain al-Hathloul, a human rights activist, who had been held in detention for just over 1,000 days.  

    Don’t forget that Tunuka Media will be at the 2021 Podfest Global summit. We have a discount code for $49 off any ticket just enter the promo code "TunukaMedia" at the top of the ticket selection page through the link in our bio or through the link in the show notes. 

    Visit the blog (https://taplink.cc/tunukamedia) for pictures and references.
    © 2021 TunukaMedia 

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    Mexico protests the auction of archaeological artifacts (S2E5)

    Mexico protests the auction of archaeological artifacts (S2E5)

    Our feature story this week discusses the upcoming sale of artifacts with possible Mexican origins and how Mexico is trying to stop the auction from going ahead. We will also discuss transparent wood, new remote-medical services from Karachi in Pakistan and Dr. Okonjo-Iweala whose path to becoming the new head of the World Trade Organization is now essentially clear. 

    One of our stories this week references homicide.  There will be a warning just before the story starts at the 5:38 mark. While we do not go into specific details, if you would like to skip it, skip to 8:33 or use the chapter markers in your podcast player. 

    #TransparentWood, #DrOkonjoIweala #MexicanAntiques

    As always, the podcast can be found wherever you enjoy your podcasts.  Don’t forget to like, share and subscribe for more content just like this one. 

    Visit the blog (https://taplink.cc/tunukamedia) for pictures and references.
    © 2021 TunukaMedia 

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    The Wirecard scandal: German regulator suspends its employee for insider trading (S2E4)

    The Wirecard scandal: German regulator suspends its employee for insider trading (S2E4)

    Our feature story this week discusses one of the largest accounting scandals in German history. We also discuss stories ranging from the fight for a 13 year fight for compensation by farmers in Nigeria to allegations that a popular dating app sold of its users data. The feature story includes all the markings of a riveting Hollywood movie – financial fraud, corporate coverup, and even a fugitive that is still missing. Given the recent discussions around GameStop shares in the United States, this is one you do not want to miss.

    #Wirecard, #GameStop, #OilSpill, #SouthSudan,

    Visit the blog (https://taplink.cc/tunukamedia) for pictures and references.
    © 2021 TunukaMedia 

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    Coffee news: A new pricing formula is being debated in Kenya (S2E3)

    Coffee news: A new pricing formula is being debated in Kenya (S2E3)

    Welcome.  While our feature story this week discusses one of the most well-loved and consumed drinks in the world, coffee. We also discuss stories ranging from organ donation in Canada to a cyclone in Mozambique. There is also a fun fact about sneaky monkeys in Bali. 

    One of the stories this week discusses sexual assault. You’ll get a warning just before the story starts, so you will have the option to skip that story to the next one. 

    #Tigray #Ethiopia #Kenya #Coffee

    Visit the blog (https://taplink.cc/tunukamedia) for pictures and references.
    © 2021 TunukaMedia 

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