
    Paid Search Magic

    Welcome to Paid Search Magic - your weekly deep dive into search engine marketing, AdWords, client management and so much more.
    enAmy Hebdon59 Episodes

    Episodes (59)

    060: Keeping up with Google Grants with Eddie Laing

    060: Keeping up with Google Grants with Eddie Laing

    This is episode #60 and it’s our 2nd installment of SuperPower Spotlight, where we  interview paid search marketers with deep experience in a particular topic, or industry. Today’s topic is Google Grants, which is a program that gives eligible non-profits $10K USD per month in in-kind advertising on Google SERPs.

    Our Google Grants Expert is Eddie Laing, a digital marketing specialist at CV Outreach. CV Outreach offers free Facebook and Google Ads management for nonprofits all around the world, and currently manages roughly 3.2% of all active Google Grants accounts. Join us to learn Eddie’s tips on how you can get the most from your Google Grants accounts, and how to stay compliant with Google’s specific Google Grants rules.

    059: Conversational Marketing with Dave Gerhardt

    059: Conversational Marketing with Dave Gerhardt

    This is episode #59 and today we’re talking about Conversational Marketing with Drift’s VP of Marketing Dave Gerhardt. Dave is a passionate advocate of building brands around compelling stories that connect with customers. Since joining Drift in 2015 as employee #6, Dave has helped to create the category of conversational marketing and get 150,000+ businesses onboard with Drift.


    Dave co-wrote a book, Conversational Marketing, along with Drift CEO David Cancel.

    056: Superpower Spotlight: Evan Sanchez

    056: Superpower Spotlight: Evan Sanchez

    This is episode #56 and we’re introducing a new format for the podcast. We’re calling it the Superpower Spotlight, and on these episodes we’ll be interviewing paid search marketers who have deep experience in a particular topic, niche, or industry. Today we’re talking about the Home Goods vertical with Evan Sanchez, who’s spent the last 10 years focused on SEM campaigns and working with national brands who localize their digital spends around their retailers.

    055: Take Over Google Ads Accounts like a Pro

    055: Take Over Google Ads Accounts like a Pro

    This is episode #55 and today we’re switching gears a bit to talk about the source of a lot of anxiety and confusion for paid search managers: taking over an existing paid search account. The takeover process can be intimidating, you’re usually starting a new relationship with the client, looking at brand new account that probably wasn’t set up well, and you’re expected to hit the ground running. But don’t stress, because we’re going to walk you through how to take over a Google Ads account - like a pro.

    054: The D.R.E.A.M. Framework

    054: The D.R.E.A.M. Framework

    Welcome to the Paid Search Magic Podcast, where we discuss client management, digital advertising and paid search on Google Ads and Bing Ads.

    Well, it's finally happened: after polling users, colleagues and members of our group, it's pretty clear what most people are interested in: finding and winning the business of dream clients. This is something we know something about. After starting our own agency, we were planning on eating Ramen for 12 months as we ramped up. Imagine our surprise when we pulled six figures in our first few months in business.

    We did this following steps that are simple, repeatable, and most importantly, learnable. In this episode, we go over the basic principles of the DREAM framework so that you can understand how, in general, we get great clients at Paid Search Magic. After you listen to the episode, if you decide you want to join our growing group of students, you can find more information at:


    You can also join us on Facebook in our group "Google Ads for Savvy Digital Marketers" at:


    053: Setting the Right Client Expectations

    053: Setting the Right Client Expectations

    You're listening to the Paid Search Magic Podcast. It's your weekly deep dive into Search Engine Marketing, Google Ads, client management, and so much more.

    This is episode #53, and today we’re talking about a topic that is really capable of TRANSFORMING your paid search practice. We’re talking about expectation setting in paid search, and i’m excited to kick off the year with this episode because i think it can be a game changer.

    052: Q&A, News, Reviews & Controversy

    052: Q&A, News, Reviews & Controversy

    Welcome to the Paid Search Magic Podcast. It's your weekly deep dive into Search Engine Marketing, Google Ads, client management, and so much more.

    Welcome back everyone! James and I took some time off for the holidays, but it’s time to get this show back on the road. This is episode #52, and it’s also the first Thursday of the month, which means we answer listener questions and talk about recent news, trends and controversy related to paid search.

    I don’t love controversy, but James seems to. I tend to shy away from it, so unlike James, I don’t have a controversy corner, but I DID seem to accidentally drum up some for us on a past episode of the podcast, and we’ll give you all the juicy details in today’s episode.

    051: Quality Score

    051: Quality Score

    This is episode #51, and today we’re talking about “Quality Score”. If you’re brand new to Google Ads you may not have heard of QS, and if that’s you… welcome. In all other cases, you HAVE heard of quality score, but you might have some lingering questions.

    We talk about paid search being an art and a science, and there are few areas where there’s more overlap between those two disciplines.

    Today we’re going to talk about what QS is AND ISN’T, and why it matters to our accounts, our optimization strategies, and our clients. We’ll talk about the myths that are still circling, and what you can do today to better understand and get the most out of your quality score.


    045: Path to Paid Search Evangelism

    045: Path to Paid Search Evangelism

    This is episode #45, and today we’re talking to our friend Christi Olson, Bing Ad’s product evangelist. Christi has been involved with paid search for a long time and is known by pretty much everyone in the industry. She regularly speaks at conferences and spreads the message about how Bing Ads is pushing the industry in a positive direction. We’ll be discussing the Microsoft Audience Network, LinkedIn, and how you too can become an influencer in paid media circles. We’re really grateful to have her here today.

    Building a Premium Brand the Right Way

    Building a Premium Brand the Right Way

    This is episode #43. Today we’re talking to Sorcha MacKenzie about brand positioning, which is super important for paid search. Sorcha is a branding expert and copywriter for lifestyle and entertainment businesses.

    She has worked for household names like Disney, Marvel, Lucasfilm, and Splendid Clothing. She also speaks about branding and conversion copywriting at events around the world.

    Sorcha joins us today to talk about a pretty common challenge for clients and brands: how to pivot and position your brand so your clients stop seeing you as a commodity, and start seeing you as a premium offer they’re happy to pay more for. We also discuss how premium positioning can apply to paid search marketing clients.

    We’re super excited to have Sorcha on the show. To learn more about her work and her process, check out SorchaMacKenzie.com

    042: Questions, Current Events and Controversy

    042: Questions, Current Events and Controversy

    You're listening to the Paid Search Magic Podcast. It's your weekly deep dive into Search Engine Marketing, Google Ads, client management, and so much more.

    Today we’re kicking off our very first Questions, Current Events and Controversy episode, which is going to be a regular feature here on the podcast.

    The first Thursday of every month, we’ll be:

    • answering listener questions
    • talking about the updates and news you need to stay current
    • Occasionally getting into a little controversy

    If you want your question answered on the show, you can send it to podcast@paidsearchmagic.com

    041: How to Set Win-Win Paid Searching Pricing

    041: How to Set Win-Win Paid Searching Pricing

    You're listening to the Paid Search Magic Podcast. It's your weekly deep dive into Search Engine Marketing, Google Ads, client management, and so much more.

    I'm James Hebdon and I'm joined by my co-host and wife, Amy Hebdon. Together we run Paid Search Magic, a boutique paid media agency that specializes in Google Ads.

    You’re listening to episode 41, which is a very special episode about pricing your services. Setting prices, talking about prices, even THINKING about prices - can be somewhat of a minefield, but we’ve got you covered here. We’re also going to share with you our own Perfect Pricing Matrix that will help you confidently scope your project and set your rates. You can grab the worksheet at paidsearchmagic.com/41.