
    PaleoJays Smoothie Cafe

    A quick podcast that features tips about the paleo, ancestral, carnivore or barbarian template type of lifestyle. Sometimes politics as well- a succinct summation by your own PaleoJay! Come join the tribe...
    en229 Episodes

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    Episodes (229)

    What You Need For Health podcast

    What You Need For Health podcast

    I know, you’ve heard it from standard medical advice your whole life:

    ‘You don’t need supplements!  Everything your body and mind needs is in the food you eat!’

    Well, this might have been true, even a couple of hundred years ago, to some extent.  But nowadays, when the majority of the ‘fake, engineered foods’ most people ingest; things like seed oils instead of real animal fat, and soda pop and fruit juices instead of actual water, and fast food fake meat and white buns instead of real pastured meat- well, most of us don’t really eat real food anymore!

    A good first step for most of us at this point is to make a real commitment to health and wellness- commit to eating a carnivore diet!  This means that you forget all the junk you’ve been eating, and just eat meat, salt, seafood, and eggs for awhile.  Nothing else!

    I know, I’ve preached a good paleo type of diet for a long time now: meat, eggs, seafood, along with full fat dairy, fermented yogurt and kefir, and even a bit of sour dough bread from time to time, along with veggies and fruits, mainly berries and citrus… 

    And I still stand by that, long term.  But this is a ‘reboot’ if you are a SAD standard American Diet person.  You need to ‘reawaken’ your whole body and mind to reality.

    So, you go carnivore for two weeks, say.  Suddenly, your body will reawaken to what it really needs; not pizza, and tacos with Mc Donald’s crappy hamburgers and seed oil-drenched fries.  Just meat, and salt!  And eggs and seafood, that’s all pilgrim.

    Two weeks, that’s all, and you’ll be a new man/woman.  (Not trans!!  That doesn’t really exist anyway…)

    I guarantee you will feel great- but you will also be happy that now you can embrace a true diet for the rest of your life- the Paleo Diet!  The diet of your ancestors, ALL of them.  Not vegan (NO ONE ever followed that diet in the past), not vegetarian (ditto), and definitely NOT the SAD modern American fast food crap and fake food diet of misery!

    NOW you can include not only meat, eggs and seafood, but you can include full fat dairy like butter, yogurt and kefir, vegetables in your smoothies along with raw eggs, apple cider vinegar and cod liver oil and fruits.  Occasional sour dough bread and nut butter- you are now living large!

    Just keep out all the modern crap.  And supplement (I use liquid vitamin D and liquid iodine  (lugal’s solution) in my smoothie), but you can go with tablets if you’d like.  For, in our modern depleted soils, especially here in the goiter belt of the upper midwest, iodine and vitamin D are musts!!

    Iodine is an utter must, and in addition to fluoride being dumped into our municipal water supplies, that poison makes iodine even more unavailable to us.  Iodine is an utterly necessary supplement!

    As is Vitamin D- get your vitamin D checked; I guarantee you are deficient.  You need to supplement; you need to go outside without sunscreen when you can, and you need to not wear chemical sunscreen!

    You also need to eat lots more butter, and animal fats, fatty fish like sardines and salmon, and things like cod liver oil to replenish your dietary vitamin D, since that vitamin/hormone is stored in FAT.

    And so, there you go, my prescription for you: go carnivore, and wake up!  Then, commit to paleo for all time, and supplement to regain your natural, God-given health.  And, as you enjoy your newfound health and vitality, avoid any government mandates, such as covering your face with cloth, getting horrid injections over and over, and hiding out and avoiding people.  Ignore the government edicts, and avoid the medical establishment whenever possible.  

    Both are largely drug pushers, and deniers of healthy nutrition and goo

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    PaleoJays Smoothie Cafe
    enMarch 01, 2024

    2024 New Year- New You!

    2024 New Year- New You!

    New Year New You

    Now I don’t mean that each year you should try to become a brand new person!  Not at all.  What I expect of each of us is to gradually learn about ourselves and our environment, and by self-observation and gradual study, to improve ourselves steadily, both physically and mentally.

    I’m not kidding; I know this sounds pretty crazy in a way, but I really do mean it.  While we do age and deteriorate in some ways, we should also learn going forward, and progress in any way we can.  I mean, it’s not like we forever get stronger and faster- no, we do not!  We should just change our focus…

    I used to do heavy single lifts to my max- now, I don’t.  In my 70’s, I don’t want huge mass, either on my body in the form of muscle, or on the barbell itself.  I can achieve what I want nowadays better with repetitions, and usually better on gymnastic rings than with the bar.  

    I’ve also discovered that shorter, although quite intense workouts, work better than long, marathon types of training.  I’ve found that shorter, and less frequent workouts are actually more effective, and less draining as well as less prone to injury!  Now, my twice or three times per week heavy basement workouts are 30-40 minutes MAX.  

    My meal planning has also become far simpler.  My daily paleo smoothie has nutrients galore, including kefir, vitamin D and iodine liquid, along with ginger and turmeric, coconut milk and cruciferous veggies and lower sugar fruits like berries and citrus.  But now, I no longer feel the need to slam down 8 oz or so at a time- 1/2 that is plenty, along with real food like meats and eggs, yogurt and a few well-chosen vitamin supplements like B1 and C.  Mostly, I consume good meat, cheese and dairy.  

    Also, I do like to hike!  In the winter, I hike in boots through the snow, and assist myself with ski poles through my woods.  Again, this is so intense that not a lot of time needs to be spent- 15-20 minutes is plenty!  I see people walking for an hour and more, and while that’s fine for entertainment, that’s how it should be regarded.  Playing games like racket sports, touch football, softball, basketball, and ballroom dancing, for instance, might be fun for you, and that’s fine.  But, it’s NOT exercise!  It’s similar to watching spectator sports- football, basketball etc.  It’s fun for many folks (not me), and more power to them!  But, it doesn’t improve your body, not even a little bit, sorry.

    Visiting your local library, and choosing really good books to read will definitely improve your mind.  This includes fiction books as well as non-fiction: fiction books can transport you into other worlds and times, and from different perspectives.  This is probably the most educational and transformative type of activity you can pursue!

    Also, watching good YouTube videos can improve many skills that you would find difficult to learn elsewhere, and for free!  And hobbies should be pursued avidly- nothing is so satisfying and rewarding as improving your musical skills, or archery or shooting sports.  Things like gardening and landscaping, along with animal husbandry and artistic pursuits of all kinds develop both you, and your property as well.

    Also, don’t forget your spiritual side!  A good church with a like-minded congregation and pastor can enrich your like like nothing else.  It’s sad and mistaken that this is so often ignored and overlooked: EVERY culture throughout history had a strong religious side.  Every One.  Just as they were also all meat eating!  It is a part of being a healthy human.  

    When religion is lost in a culture, or a civilization, that group will

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    PaleoJays Smoothie Cafe
    enJanuary 25, 2024

    Taper Back your Workouts! podcast

    Taper Back your Workouts!  podcast

    Your daily workouts are crucial for your body, and mind! 


    Not only in the gym, or your living room, but outside and in the woods, roads, and park.  They don’t need to be written down or chronicled, or obsessed over.  Not at all! But they do need to be something that you fit into your daily life, as an important part, forever.

    When I was young, 20 or so, I started seriously working out with strength training.  As a skinny distance runner in high school running cross country, which was only 2 and 1/2 miles, I was not at all pleased with my progress!  I wanted to be like a superhero- strong, fit, and above all powerful.  So I started lifting weights, as so many do, 3 times per week.  Simple routines, of bench press, dips, military press, squats, bent over rows, chins, military press, and deadlifts.

    Let me tell you; if you are young and implement such a strategy, you will very soon no longer be skinny!  It will really build you up, both inside and out.  Next, you will get into nutrition, and healthy eating.  If you learn all about healthy, high protein eating, within a year or so you will appear to be a different, improved person.  This is a wonderful way for young people to begin their adult lives!

    Men or women, both will reap huge benefits from such a lifestyle.  At first I included much running, but I learned to keep the distances at about 2-3 miles maximum.  Anything else destroys your musculature, rather than enhancing it.  Walking with ski poles as resistance in the woods, or heavy hand walking are vastly superior exercises, as is simply walking barefoot in the woods.

    So, for many years I lifted weights, quite heavily, sometimes too heavily, and learned that less can really be more- higher reps, less weight can be wonderful overall.  Your body can be sculpted as powerful and aesthetic together.

    Now, in my 70’s, I am just as committed as ever.  But now, in the early mornings I stretch in the living room, and do ‘virtual resistance’ exercises, along with isometrics and calisthenics in the AM.  I do it in front of the television, and let me tell you it is the high point of my day!  I pretty much only watch TV while exercising, and so that early morning 1 hour is entertaining, in that I awaken both my body and my mind together!  I start the day both refreshed and happy, and my body is tuned and ready.  I highly recommend this ‘coupling’ of workouts with the reward of television.  

    I used to do an afternoon workout later, around 3 or 4 PM, of pure strength training in my dungeon of a basement with weights, a power rack, and benches.  I would do that workout as a split- usually lower body one day, and upper the next.  

    At first I alternated day by day.  As I aged, I realized that was too much, and would work my upper body one day, take a day off (but always keep the morning workout), and then do the lower body.  Take another day off, and repeat.  Worked wonderfully, as did replacing bench presses largely with gymnastic rings pushups, and squats with pistol squats on the rings, and ring rows.  Added isometric/aerobic presses and chins  and dips in the power rack, for time.  (Timed static contractions, where you press constantly against the immovable rack bar for a minute or more).

    I also often go for a stroll in my woods, with heavy hand dumbbells or ski poles.  Just for 15 minutes or so, which is refreshing!  Being retired, I now have the gift of time, and I try to take full advantage of this luxury.

    I have largely stopped sprinting in my yard barefoot.  I seems to be overly draining now.  As do my daily workouts, sometimes…

    Now, I only want to maintain.  I will increa

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    PaleoJays Smoothie Cafe
    enDecember 26, 2023

    Magnesium Oil for YOU!

    Magnesium Oil for YOU!

    You don’t have enough magnesium!  Probably, because almost no one does.  The levels have been dropping in food sources for decades, and the diseases and illnesses caused by this lack are growing by leaps and bounds:  high blood pressure, inability to sleep and relax, migraines and headaches, arthritis, diabetes (studies show magnesium is necessary to properly convert carbs and sugars), and the list goes on.

    To even metabolize vitamin D you need adequate magnesium, and many mental phobias such as anxiety are linked to inadequate levels, and it also appears to be a shield of sorts against Parkinson’s and Alzheimers.

    Magnesium even is crucial to enable bone mineral density in post-menopausal women, along with relief from constipation (by relieving the smooth muscle in the gut) and also of gut problems and indigestion.

    Magnesium oil seems to me to be the best vehicle to bolster your levels!  If a food source has to be consumed and pass through your gut, only a fraction will be absorbed.  I injured my shoulder, and started spraying magnesium oil onto my left arm to relieve the constant ache.  It worked amazingly well!

    It absorbs quickly, and seems similar to the coconut oil that I usually put on my skin after a shower.  It moisturizes, and then the magnesium absorbs directly through the skin into the body, bypassing the digestive system entirely.  So, a few sprays on your skin, and your magnesium levels are upped immediately- it relieves my shoulder and arm pain in a matter of minutes!

    Of course, the added total body benefits are also spread throughout your entire body, without interference.  To start using this natural supplement in this form seems to me to be a no-brainer!

    I am not a big supplement proponent, being instead one that recommends you get all you need from real food instead. But for me, magnesium oil and liquid vitamin D3 are exceptions in this modern world we live in.  Oh, and I also supplement with a small amount of liquid iodine in my smoothies, which also contain the liquid D3.  Sunlight (and its accompanying vitamin D), and iodine (which is also very depleted in modern diets) are crucial, and easily supplemented.  

    But Magnesium is best absorbed through the ‘many mouths’ of the skin, and so are completely put to work in the entire body, without either being partially destroyed in the gut, or in causing indigestion as well.

    The best part of protecting your health with magnesium oil, liquid vitamin D, and Iodine?  Very cheap, very simple, and with incredible benefits with no side effects!  Find a Doctor’s prescription like that.  

    This is a short podcast, but I think the bottom line is priceless.  I had to get it out to you!  Whenever I find something that is incredibly beneficial, with no downsides; that can literally help millions of people- I can’t help shouting it from the rooftops, or from your iPhone!

    Get yourself some Magnesium oil, and spray yourself to health.  Anywhere on your skin is OK, but by the lymph glands (under your arms) is the fastest.  And strangely, on your feet is recommended by many…

    Experiment!  There is NO wrong way, and the upside is HUGE! 

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    PaleoJays Smoothie Cafe
    enNovember 22, 2023

    Oral Health for Total Health podcast

    Oral Health for Total Health podcast

    Perhaps you’ve heard that our ancient Cro-Magnon ancestors in Europe of perhaps 35,000 years ago and more tend to have near-perfect dentition, despite not having toothbrushes, floss, or dentists…

    Why do you suppose this is?  And it’s not because they lived such short lives that they didn’t have time to develop cavities and the like.  Some did die young; indeed, such active lives in the outdoors, hunting with primitive tools and fighting large animals took their toll.  But, as always when comparing mortality in ancient times, we often forget that mortality figures are skewed by infant mortality in those times before hospitals and birthing assistance.  Many infants (and young mothers) dying in childbirth just make overall death rates far more likely, and much younger.

    Indeed, many Cro-magnon men and women, once they reached adulthood, went on to live quite long lives.  After all- they all exercised intensively, perforce, and ate a wonderful, Paleolithic diet of mostly meat, with some fruits and vegetables, when available.  No sedentary couch potatoes were possible in those times!

    Most skulls of these early humans display wonderful tooth health, lifelong, unless a tooth was literally knocked out by a bad fall, or in a brutal fight.  Today, strangely, virtually all of us, with very few exceptions, have many major tooth and gums interventions over our lives, at great pain and expense.  Why?

    Back to the Future:

    Certain things we are encouraged to do today should be gotten rid of!  Others should be supplemented by other practices, ones that are more rooted in the biology of our Paleolithic ancestors.  

    For instance, I believe that dentist ‘interventions’ should be kept at the minimum.  Sterilizing your oral cavity by, say going inside your mouth and completely carpet bombing the microbiome of your mouth and teeth, will destroy the bad bacteria, but also killing all of the good bacteria.  Here is what recent research, and myself recommend:

    Do NOT floss!  Almost all dentists will deny it, but flossing pushes the bacteria from between the teeth deep into the gums.  Not good!

    Use a water pick appliance instead. Water gently flushes the teeth and gums, and does so comparatively gently.


    Don’t brush 3X per day, and don’t use a fluoridated toothpaste.  

    Once at night before bed is plenty.  An electric toothbrush is the best, followed by the Water Pick.  Use a natural toothpaste like Earth Paste.  If you can, avoid fluoridated water- fluoride is actually a toxic chemical, that causes weaker, more brittle teeth that also become mottled and brownish-yellow.

    Do buy Xylitol sweetened gums and candies!

    Xylitol, which is a natural sweetener made from plants, is indigestible to the bad bacteria in your mouth.  BUT, they don’t know it, and eat that xylitol to their fill- and then starve!  Then, the good bacteria can multiply therein…

    The last, and most transformative to your dental health, is to start oil pulling daily!  If you’re not familiar with this ancient Ayurvedic practice, here is how to do it:

    Keep a little dish or bowl of coconut oil in your bathroom.  Sprinkle it liberally with Xylitol.  (It’s inexpensive, and can be used in baked goods as well in lieu of sugar).  

    Each day, as you prepare to shower, cut a small piece of the hardened oil (in winter), and spoon out a bit into your mouth in summer.  Start in to “swishing’ it about in your mouth as you shower, pushing it all around, through your teeth, whatever, as you go.

    At the end of your bathroom routine (mine is each morning after my workout), spit the oil out into the toilet,

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    PaleoJays Smoothie Cafe
    enOctober 27, 2023

    Live in the Country!

    Live in the Country!

    Let’s say you are young, 18-22 or so, and just starting out in life.  You are hopefully well educated, and undoubtedly have some ideas of what you want to do, and how to support yourself, hopefully along with a family before too long.  

    Along with basic questions of career, and just how to get started, you really should consider as vitally important just where you should live!  City and metropolitan area, suburbs of a large city, or small town and country?

    Well, since the largest cities, like Chicago, Los Angeles, New York, Philadelphia and Detroit are now all crumbling, crime-infested snake pits- well, I would avoid them at all costs.  Especially if considering a family!  The school systems in such places are horrible beyond words, as are all public works they control; things like water supplies are largely contaminated, crime is both unpunished and out-of-control, and the very air you breathe there is filthy.  

    Suburbs around cities tend to be much nicer, but the cost of housing in such places is prohibitive.  It depends on the job you can get, but  any normal income is almost impossible in such places to be enough, even with husband and wife both working, which is not ideal at all.

    In my opinion, I would do exactly in your position as I did, many years ago.  Get educated, either in college of in a vocational tech school, and then save all you can for a few years.  Don’t live at home and be a freeloader; this is actually immoral, and a coward’s way out.  Live cheaply, and work hard.  Find a potential spouse who will do the same!  This will serve to separate the ‘wheat from the chaff’, and the two of you will build your characters and work ethic along with your bank account!

    During this period in your life, work also on your health!  After work hours (or before), make sure to work out daily, building your body and your ‘terrain’, by eating as healthily as you can, and fortifying your body and mind with animal protein and some vegetables.  Also, teach yourself to cook such healthy foods, which will be both more economical and good for you than eating out.  Avoid fast foods, and processed foods completely!

    And do not fail to also build your spiritual life!  Find a good church (smaller is better), and attend regularly.  Pray, and attend to the development of your soul!  This may be the most important direction of all, so be attentive to what your deepest self truly desires.

    All throughout this period of life, research and think about where you would like to live.  Do you love where you already are, and is it a small town or city with rural surroundings?  That is just fine, so start to look for a homestead for your family, a place where you can live peacefully forever.

    If you don’t live in such a place, then look for what would be your ideal.  This could vary, but would be quite rural if you value western civilization a community of shared values.  Multicultural places tend to be fractious, unsafe, and eventually anti-civilization!

    Exotic locales might sound good, but actually are only good for vacations!  People of European descent, such as myself and probably you, are evolved in a cold, harsh climate.  We need struggle and hardship, things to solve and conquer.  Without real accomplishments, Western man is unfulfilled, and never really happy!  Hence our endless upward climb…

    Only when other racial groups come to join us, do we begin to unravel.  Stay in a homogenous area, above all!

    And so, you’ve found a rural area with natural beauty, clean air and water, and folk that are very like yourself.  You also need to be able to find a good job there, one in which you are abl

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    PaleoJays Smoothie Cafe
    enSeptember 27, 2023

    Go Carnivore... For A While!

    Go Carnivore... For A While!

    Hopefully you’ve heard by now of the Carnivore Diet!

    It is very easy to understand; this is part of its charm.  You can’t go wrong- you only eat meat.  For some, like Jordan Peterson and his daugter, you only eat beef, and salt.  (If they don’t, they suffer debilitating autoimmune conditions, and massive depression).  And so, they follow this diet of necessity.  

    It is kind of, in my mind, an extreme paleo diet.  Kind of an ice age diet, as if you were living during the last ice age, and only animals were available to eat and so survive.  NO plants, or mushrooms… NOTHING.

    And so, why should you, a fully modern human, with grocery stores and endless foodstuffs available, follow such a restrictive diet??

    Well, if you have just about any health condition,, like diabetes, or psoriasis, or obesity- you are SURE to improve!  


    Link to Dr. David Unwin on low carb versus diabetes

    And, just to point out- a Carnivore Diet is a NO CARB diet, by definition!!  Not just low, but NO.

    And so, my little paleo friends: Go Carnivore!  (Or at least ‘Carnivor-ish), like me!  I also include cheese, kefir, cream, butter and full fat yogurt, along with copious amounts of eggs and some cruciferous veggies and low carb fruits.  

    But that is the end result.  For now, paleo pilgrim: if you are fat, sick and diabetic to any extent?  Go Full Carnivore!  It’s not even difficult, not really.  You will never, ever be hungry, and you will feel satisfied and energized, eating only beef.  The only thing hard to deal with is social pressure, but what is that when set against you very health and survival, long term??

    I guarantee that all your conditions and the state of your health will improve.  Vastly in pretty much every case!

    Stick with it, until you are feeling and looking amazing!  (I’m not kidding, results are that immediate, and inavoidable).  Now, you can, one at a time, add in things: try chicken and fish.  Still fine?  Try eggs, then dairy.  Still doing great?  Try a bit of fruit or vegetable…

    All of that is just optional.  The true freedom is just knowing that, in the final analysis: You really don’t need anything by animal products!  

    You might ENJOY other foods…but you don’t NEED THEM to have a ‘so called’ BALANCED diet.  Not at all.  It’s just gilding the lily, really.  

    So, go carnivore young man! (Or woman). Stick with it as long as you’d like, and as long as you enjoy ever-improving health and wellness! 

     It is a RESET!!

    Just like restarting your computer brings it back to its virginal state, so too does ‘resetting’ your primordial self back to the pre-carb, pristine human state!  Then, with your new health and knowledge, you can venture back out into the dangerous modern world, full of its perilous food-like substances, and hyper-processed garbage- but now, you know that true health lies in animal protein foods; not in medications and plant concoctions of oxalates and nightshades galore!

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    PaleoJays Smoothie Cafe
    enSeptember 03, 2023

    Fit and Healthy at Any Age

    Fit and Healthy at Any Age


    I read and hear all the time about how we all should do certain things when we reach a certain age.  If not, we are being irresponsible…

    It starts really young: get your baby vaccinations- a LOT of vaccinations, all at once!  (NOT a good idea. much better to space them out over years, and even better to pick and choose amongst the many pushed.). For instance: flu vaccine and coronavirus for babies??  Terrible idea!

    As for the dozen or so usually pushed for infants, I would explore which ones are really necessary!  (Recommendations change, but the number of vaccinesalways goes- UP!). If you or yours has a new baby, research this.  All vaccines are definitely NOT your baby’s friend.

    Now, I am not at the infant care level anymore, although I am soon to become a grandfather yet again.  (Hurray!) My daughter knows all about appropriate, and non-appropriate vaccines… But let me say here- if you give your infant the flu vaccine and the coronavirus vaccine , among others at that early age- you are doing the wrong thing!  Don’t.

    I am 71 now, and mainly concerned with my own health and fitness.  Aside from my overall very healthy, paleo and largely meat and dairy based diet, ample sleep, and daily workout schedule, am sure to NOT take any prescription drugs.  

    I also have a daily smoothie, prepared in my Vitamix, of kefir, tart black cherry juice, citrus, including an organic unpeeled lemon, cruciferous veggies, apple cider vinegar, nutritional yeast of B vitamins, cod liver oil, ginger, turmeric, and current garden veggies I am harvesting in season.  

    My goals have not changed since in my early twenties.  I strive to get stronger (not just maintain), and in some ways I still am!  Having muscular endurance is crucial as well, but it is the truth that you don’t get continually stronger over the decades, no matter what you do!

    But is you look into Ben Patrick’s kneesovertoesguy.com

    On YouTube.  Endless helpful videos and demonstrations of how top cure your knees, along with feet, back, and most of the rest of your physical body!  

    Trust me: you can restore injured and even badly deteriorated joints with determined exercise and stretching, always doing such well within your limits and gradually progressing!  

    Here is how my own journey plays into all of this.  I took a bad fall onto concrete pavers a few weeks ago.  I broke my fall with my left hand, and my left shoulder was injured pretty badly, along with the tendon on my left knee.  Ouch!

    So, I have been doing daily therapy over my whole body, using virtual resistance by flexing the muscles and tendons just to the point where it does not hurt badly.  A little pain, but more therapeutic than anything.

    The worst thing I could have done?  Go to the clinic, take pain pills, and do nothing, except schedule surgeries and more prescriptions.  

    I didn’t do that, and now I am definitely on the mend. The pain is manageable, after I do my morning exercises.  About an hour’s worth, just as I always do, but now gentler, and more focussed on the problem areas…

    So, the point is this- just keep on striving, to get stronger and more flexible and vital.  The rules never change- they just sometimes need alterations given circumstances.  Just never give up, and do it all yourself, researching and getting advice where you can.  Like from Ben Patrick, who athletes love and medical doctors hate!

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    PaleoJays Smoothie Cafe
    enAugust 01, 2023

    Build Yourself for Strength and Resilience podcast

    Build Yourself for Strength and Resilience podcast

    I just fell down, hard!

    I went out to the garage, in the rain, and slipped on the mud around our new sidewalk landscaping project.  It’s been dry here for so long that I think I forgot how to walk on mud, and my legs shot up in the air and I crashed down on my back.  I was fine, and so just got what I came out for, and went back in the house.

    But it got me thinking:  I’m 71 years old now.  Such a fall might have laid up many folks, and severely shaken many others, so that their back, knees, or other body parts would need medical attention.

    And that is my point- I am perfectly fine, although a bit dirty.  In fact, upon reflection, I realize that physically, I can do anything I could do when I was 35, or 25.  In fact, I am actually quite a bit stronger and more flexible than I was at those younger ages, and a m quite resilient overall.  Mentally and physically, I can do anything I want to, and never even consider my age in choosing activities to participate in.  

    I say this not to brag, but to point out that any of us- all of us- should be in this condition for our entire lives!  Not that I expect my mother, who is 97, to still be so capable as when she was younger; or her brother, Uncle Bob, at age 101 definitely can’t do everything he’d like…. But, both of them (and my Aunt Janie, at 99) can all still get around and are largely independent in their homes.

    I plan to follow in their footsteps, even if I do occasionally fall down, and I suggest that you do likewise.

    What is it that they do daily, and that I also do, that keeps us all going along with such resilience, both mentally and physically?  

    1. Eat a diet of real foods: avoid fast foods and processed foods, relying instead on  meats, cheeses, small amounts of vegetables and fruits, and nuts.  Wild game and seafood, rather than grains, jellies, and cakes.  Cook your food yourself, whether on the stove or the grill.  Use a good sea salt for flavor, like Redmond’s Real Salt from the dead seas of Utah.  ( I have no affiliation with that company).

    2. Work out every day.  Stretch, flex virtually, do calisthenics, get on the floor and stretch some more.  Massage your feet, and exercise them, along with self-resisted neck exercises as well.  Do it first thing daily. Do it in front of the TV- Every Day!  

    Also, do serious strength training 2 to 3X per week, in the afternoons.  Gymnastic rings are a wonderful mainstay for this, as is a Power Rack!

    3.  Eat a large breakfast.  It doesn’t need to be right when you get up, after your stretching workout is better.  3 or 4 eggs is ideal!  Coffee with cream is a wonderful addition; you can even have some as you work out in front of the television set.

    4.  Do your own manual labor.  Don’t hire it out, just because you can- provide for yourself as much as you can!  Keep your own house, tend your own garden, yard, and woods.  Make your home as meticulously as you make yourself, body and mind and soul.

    5.  Read daily.  Walk and meditate every day, walk in the woods and in nature.  Walk backwards.  Live as rurally as you can, and relish it.  This is the birthright of the European race, and we abandon it at our peril.

    6.  Go to church, and attend to your immortal soul as you do to your mortal self.  They both add up to YOU!  Don’t emulate someone as shallow as Arnold Schwarzenegger, who says an afterlife is a fantasy.  He should know better- and so should you…

    And there you have it.  How to fall down and not get hurt!  

    With some digressions…

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    What is Most Important in Your Life NOW?

    What is Most Important in Your Life NOW?

    Hello, and welcome to the Smoothie Cafe!   We are here traditionally discussing health and fitness from a Paleo Diet point of view.  A smoothie, made preferably in a Vitamix, is key to maximizing your nutritional density intake, and that is still my belief.  But as in anything looked at honestly for a while, say 10 years or more as it is here, new facts come in, and opinions alter…

    As it is in life!  When you are young, say in your teens and twenties, you are rightly concerned with getting started in life.  You want to be strong and healthy, but much of it is to attract and establish a life with a like-minded mate.  This is right and natural.

    Much of your youth is fixated on finding the proper path (job), and the right place to live, and raise a family.  Traditionally, this was just on finding a place to live near your job, that was safe and with good schools, etc.  But, with the advance of Democratic socialism/liberalism, this has been perverted.  Now, you need to find a place that is not contaminated by ‘wokeism’ and liberalism, which can transform a city or area into a place where:

    1. Crime is not punished, and criminals run free. 

    (This includes nowadays all blue, democrat-run liberal cities, which are virtually ALL big cities!)

    2.  Schools are teaching nonsense and anti-civilization like ‘Whites are evil’, ‘White Privilege’, and other aspects of Critical Race Theory, which is total poison and a total lie.

    3. ‘Trans’ and other Woke garbage.  LGBTQ and all the rest of anti-civilization garbage.  

    It’s hard to believe to me, who grew up in the 1950’s, that we are even talking about such disgusting craziness, and that young people have to deal with and process this crap.  But it is there today, sadly!

    I am now officially old- 71.  I have grandchildren!  While I still am very concerned with health and wellness, and am very much still a ‘physical culturist’ (NOT a bodybuilder), I realize at this stage that  the health of our country, state, and nation is just as important to the future.  

    And, even though myself, wife and family are all fit and healthy, side-stepping most ‘big medicine’ misdirections, such as in covid vaccines and statin prescriptions, much of our population and so-called leaders are still very misinformed and are ‘loose cannons’ of bad information and direction!

    Here are my conclusions:  

    If you are older, like me- work out daily!  Do stretching and ‘virtual resistance’ training, in front of the TV, every morning first thing.  30 minutes to an hour; you will enjoy it!  

    Also, work out with resistance training like pushups, especially on gymnastic rings, and work your whole body. Do rows and pullups, situps and squats and deadlifts.  At least two times per week, forever.  Don’t ever stop.

    And this, for every age: 

    Work out- same prescription!  From 12- 112.  Walk in your daily life, best is barefoot in the woods, on the grass.  Sleep at least 8 hours per night, in total darkness- banish TV’s and other screens from your bedroom.  Blackout curtains and white noise can help, if you haven’t taken my other advice, and gotten the HELL out of big cities and suburbs with blue light and noise coming from everywhere!

    If you are younger, with a young family or planning on one- 

    Get out of big cities!  Get our of big suburbs, in metropolitan areas (They are all liberal/blue/socialist/communistic). 

    Get Out Now!  It may not be possible in future!

    Make sure you are in a red state, or at least purple one.  And go rural; small towns are better than larger, small cities are much better than large, and so it goes.  The furth

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    Rolll With the Punches!

    Rolll With the Punches!

    I am at an odd place right now.  It’s now even that crazy, but it does confuse me- I have gotten a new computer!  

    I know, that actually sounds good, not bad… but trust me: I was so used to my old computer that, even though it was slow, and sometimes frustrating- at least I always knew where things were, and how things worked in general.  

    Nowadays, however, although my computer is really, really fast- my prep work on things is really slow.  I can’t find where my podcasts are, my apps are all updated and different, and so it goes, on and on.  

    And I think that life, in general, is often like this.  We work really hard on something, say to change our diet.  We switch from the SAD American diet to paleo, and then we replace most carbs with protein from meat and dairy.  We become much, much healthier, and hey- what could be wrong with that?

    Well, our friends might treat us differently.  They might denigrate us, saying that our diet is not healthy at all, since it is high in fat, and we don’t do enough ‘cardio’.  We become confused, since old friends treat us differently, and although everything we’ve done has been really positive for our health, things are just, somehow- different from what we are used to!

    Just like my new computer: when things are better, even way better- they still are different.  Different is inherently uncomfortable!  It just is…

    This is when we need to realize that different may be uncomfortable at first; but if it is better, then we need to just roll with the punches and embrace it.  Forge ahead with a big smile!

    If you can’t find your old files, don’t worry about it for now.  (You can always find them later, they’re still there). What is important is to make new files- or go ahead and make more progress on your carnivor-ish kind of a diet, and savor the positive changes to your health!  Do your daily workout, and push hard when you know it’s right, and taper off if you know you are under too much stress from other things in your life.  Each day is actually new, and completely different, if we only realize it.

    Here is another example: it’s Spring here in Wisconsin, and normally that is cause for undiminished rejoicing, after a particularly long and trying Winter.  BUT- we had a few days in the high 80’s (not normal, not at all), and then had a snowfall of over 1 and 1/2 FEET!  

    The tree branches in our woods and yard broke under the weight, by the hundreds!  They are lying, even now, in the yard, which is now wet and semi-flooded.  The tractor can’t help much, since it would make ruts anywhere it travels, and so instead of avidly planning our garden, and cultivating our plants and yard- we are trapped in a strange different sort of Spring.  It’s really hard mentally..

    But actually, it’s no big deal, not really.  It’s time to reflect, to lay back and wait.  Even though I’m dying to get going on all things Spring- I need to change my focus.  I can read, and write more.  Focus on my gymnastic rings training, trying new angles and exercise ideas.  Grill more in bulk, to stock up on meats in the fridge, and smoothies in canning jars ready to drink.  And slowly build my trap-bar deadlifts to a new peak!

    The garden can wait.  Tomorrow, even though it will be a high of 40, I can use my newly sharpened chain saw and cut down some broken branches that are hanging over the roadway.  I can drag these branches, and others, down the road, even though I can’t drag them into the yard itself. I’ll just push them off the road, and wait for when I can drag them to where I can either cut them for firewood, of burn them.  

    Nothing is really changed,

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    PaleoJays Smoothie Cafe
    enApril 23, 2023

    How to Achieve Lifelong Health and Fitness

    How to Achieve Lifelong Health and Fitness

    It’s really not that hard to accomplish.  The information is all there, unfortunately, much of it is obscured by people ‘selling things’, such as offering an easy way.  

    That is indeed the problem: no matter how hard you look, online, on TV or on YouTube commercials- there really is no easy way.  

    But there is a simple and effective way! 

    Eat an ancestral, or paleo type of diet.  High animal protein, meat, and dairy.  Some vegetables, with cruciferous veggies like broccoli and cauliflower, and small amounts of lettuce with olive oil and avocado and coconut oil types of dressing.  Seafood and eggs are wonderful as well; but the bedrock of your diet should be pastured meats and dairy, in particular ruminant meat, such as beef.  Like our ancestors ate long ago, and evolved alongside throughout the long ice age- mammoths, aurochs, and cows.  Same types exactly, that turned vegetation, however sparse, into protein-dense meat!

    And now we get to lifestyle, and the huge bugaboo of exercise.  For be assured that diet is considered the most contentious component of a healthy and fit lifestyle, it is really very simple.  Just do as outlined above.  Veganism and vegetarianism are bad jokes- just avoid them, as did our ancestors.  (Those who survived that is).

    And now: exercise.  Exercise, real, productive exercise is one thing: 

    Strength Training!  

    I’m not saying you can’t run, breaking a sweat as you jog along a forest path, preferably barefoot… of course you can!  Or walk or hike long distances, in the sunshine, or swim or paddle board or play tennis or paddle/pickleball with your friends- all of these are great!  Great adjuncts, like playing Wordle, or doing crossword puzzles, or any number of sports like hockey, or baseball, basketball or football or soccer.  All are fine and wonderful games, along with many others.

    But- they are not EXERCISE.  

    Exercise is a practice that you need to do for your entire life.  It means to do certain necessary things:

    Strengthen your musculature, from head to toe.  Progressively and on a near-daily basis, for your entire life.  Slowly, and deliberately, on your own.  Without competition.

    This practice, done regularly, will also strengthen your tendons and ligaments, while also stretching and maintaining your ranges of motion.  You just need to figure out the protocol, and then to Do It!

    First, start with Virtual Resistance.  This is flexing as you move your body throughout various positions.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DI65LRENdKo&t=27s

    This will give you the idea.  Go thou and do likewise!

    Then, add in straight-legged situps for high reps, and stretch out on a mat in front of the TV.  (Do this every morning).  Add in pushups, on a perfect pushup device if you can, with your feet elevated on a couch or chair.  Do them s-l-o-w-l-y for maximum benefit…

    Add in Asian squats, where to squat to the floor, with your feet flat on the ground, and hold…  this is a very important exercise!

    A ‘rebounder’ is an important adjunct here: bounce on it as you do your virtual resistance exercises, and finish by bouncing on your butt, which is an amazing ab exercise!

    Let’s say you do this listed above for about 1/2 hour in the morning, in front of the television.  It’s a great way to start the day!  

    Reward yourself with 3 or 4 scrambled eggs- your body will thank you.  

    You will no

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    PaleoJays Smoothie Cafe
    enMarch 15, 2023

    The Liberal, Leftist, and self-styled Elites are Totally Wrong!

    The Liberal, Leftist, and self-styled Elites are Totally Wrong!


    I know, that sounds a tad extreme…  but it is true, nevertheless.  I started out today thinking about this while listening to a podcast by Shawn Baker, a carnivore  doctor who has a podcast, and youtube videos about the subject.

    He was interviewing a former vegan, as he often does.  This was a man who almost died of his long-term veganism, and saved himself and his wife by becoming carnivorous.  The numbers of such misguided people seem legion, and they stick to this vegan notion of health well past the point where you would think that anyone would wake up!  They become walking stick insects, with (ironically) bloated bellies, incredibly weak, and with brains that are confused and very unhappy overall.  

    The almost universal result with such vegans is that, once they try eating meat, sometimes after many years of not doing so, it is as if ‘The lights come on’, and they finally feel alive!  Why does this realization take so long for these folks?

    I think it is the same shuttered state of mind that affects the liberal elites in many other areas- they are so stubbornly sure that they know everything, and the many ignoramuses all about them- the middle-class non-elites, so inferior that they don’t know everything the leftist elites tell them are true!

    These non-elite, conservative people, who prize meat above all in their diets, and in those of their children, recommend strength training as opposed to leftist cardio adherence, notice that there definitely are differences between the different races of men, (just as there are in breeds of dogs, for instance), and worst of all noticed that Trump did a really, really good job overall are just stupid!

    The genius leftist liberal vegans also know that the Covid lockdown was great, despite having no better results than countries such as Sweden that had no lockdown, and despite that children are retarded in their schooling by those lockdown measures and are irretrievably damaged in their learning, these Big Government top-down supporters refuse to change their minds!

    They must be right!  After all, Faucii is a genius just as they are, and would be incapable of spewing misinformation for years on end.  Except that he did!

    These vegan leftists also are so glad they took the vaccines, and then the multiple boosters, along with the flu shot (that doesn’t work either), and they will never ever never admit that they are wrong about anything EVER!  No matter how often they are proven, over and over, to be wrong about every single thing they believe, in their little democrat, liberal, Big Medicine, Big Pharma cult.

    Here is the truth, vegan liberal leftist democrats: The vaccine you mandated not only didn’t prevent contracting covid (which turns out to be far milder than you warned us), it seemed to make people more prone to contracting the disease over and over, because the untested MRNA vaccines seem to damage the body’s own immune system, rendering it more vulnerable.  To ALL diseases!

    In addition, it appears that the fake vaccine that doesn’t work also makes those who took it far more vulnerable to cardiac forms of death, even at very young ages.

    I guess my ultimate point of all this is that the LEFT has brought us down a very damaging, and negative path, where our health is declining swiftly.  Crime and homelessness have taken over our cities, and criminals are not punished, and police are vilified.  Jobs are now given out as a form of ‘equity’, without regard to merit, as are university places and scholarships.  White heterosexual males, the type that built our very civilization and virtually all of the achievements of the modern world of western civiliz

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    PaleoJays Smoothie Cafe
    enFebruary 21, 2023



    Was it really for almost 3 long years that we had to wear useless masks, had our churches and schools largely closed, and we were forced to inject into our bodies toxic MRNA fake vaccines that didn’t even work to protect us?  And that now are proving to have done irreparable harm to our bodies, making us prone to myocardial diseases of the heart, often fatal?

    Yes, that is exactly what we’ve lived through- the biggest scam and hoax in history.  We are still not supposed to talk about it, as we continue to pretend that Dr. Slouchi is a veritable god, instead of a madman.  

    But, I am here to tell you now, that it is OVER.  Don’t ever allow something like this, a toxic Democrat autocratic Big Lie to happen, ever again.  It’s time for all of this to turn around.  For big medicine, big pharmaceuticals, big government, and big top-down control are all evil, and actually what the United States was founded to eliminate!  

    We need to get back to basics: self-autonomy, where each of US decides what is best for our own health, and that of our families.  If the government tells us to eat lots of carbs in the form of grains, we should self-educate, and tell them no.  No, it’s not healthy.  Neither is eating bugs to stop ‘climate change’.  Ruminant animals are the healthiest things we can eat, despite what we are constantly told.  Green vegetables like spinach, kale, and beet greens are loaded with oxalates, plant self-defense chemicals that inflame our bodies, joints, gut lining, and other areas leading to kidney stones, inability to sleep, connective tissue disorders, and on and on…

    Our great-grandparents knew far more about health and proper living than any MD or government agency does today.  They would tell us to get outside in the sunshine, sleep 8 hours per night, eat a good meat-based diet, and get good exercise on a daily basis, outside in nature.  They would tell us to avoid doctors as much as possible, unless absolutely necessary for a traumatic event like a bullet or a broken bone.  That is what doctors are good at, and that is ALL that they are good at.

    The one good thing that came out of the past three years is that we now know that Big Government is the enemy.  Their goal has been revealed for all to see- to disarm us (like Hitler), to take all power unto themselves, the evil fake ‘leaders’, to stop free speech entirely, and to totally control us as slaves to their horrible system, by taxing us into that state and redistributing wealth to the least deserving from the hardest working.

    What can we do?  First, recognize the problem!  Then, vote with your feet- move out of big ‘blue’ metropolitan areas- you are easily controlled there.  Move to red states, or at least rural areas where traditional American values still hold sway.  Raise your families with those values, and attend a small conservative church.  Home school if your own school system is hopelessly ‘woke’ and worthless.  Get involved to change the local political structure if it is Democratic and woke.

    Send your kids to Technical schools rather than colleges or universities that only seek to indoctrinate them.  Those have lost all credibility nowadays!  Employers have figured out that most degrees are now worthless…

    Realize that your health is up to you.  Most medical procedures, drugs and surgeries, are far more harmful than good!  Avoid them.  You are responsible for your own health and wellness.  No one else can do it for you- they just pretend that they can, for the huge payoff they get from your health insurance.  

    Most people will disagree with me, but many are starting to wake up.  Medic

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    PaleoJays Smoothie Cafe
    enFebruary 06, 2023

    Start YOUR Fitness Journey for 2023!

    Start YOUR Fitness Journey for 2023!

    It doesn’t matter where you are now.  Not at all.  This is, as they say, the first day of the rest of your life!  So let’s get started.

    It all starts with diet and exercise.  Everything in your future life of fitness and wellness. So, this January 1st of 2023 (or whenever you are reading this, I’m writing on January 1st) clean out your cupboards and refrigerator.  Get rid of anything toxic.  First and most importantly, get rid of any toxic seed or vegetable oils!  Corn oil, soy, canola, peanut and the rest- they are the most damaging fake foods you can consume. They are fake fats, that your body uses to replace natural good fats that your cells and brain is made of.  From now on, you only use beef tallow, lard, olive and coconut oil.  

    Not only will you be immeasurably healthier, but your food will taste much better as well.  Throw your old oils out.  Don’t even donate them to a food bank- all those oils are good for is machinery lubrication.  That is ALL.  Very toxic, trust me on this.

    And don’t forget- this includes fake fats in solid forms, such as Crisco, margarine, and Cool Whip as well.  True poisons all.

    Start to exercise if you don’t already.  Walking doesn’t count, running either!  We are talking strength training.  Resistance training, whether using bodyweight, weights, bands, machines, or self-resistance; they all do the same thing: trigger your body to increase its strength, both in muscle, tendons, ligaments, and bones.  Also, this forces improvements in the cardiovascular system and oxygen utilization.  

      The very best, and by far the most convenient and sustainable method of this is not in a gym.  It’s at home, in your living room in front of the TV!  Just get a good mat that you can unroll, and each morning place it in front of the television set.  To start, you can just lie on the mat, and stretch.  And sit, and stretch, and stand and stretch!  Experiment with your stretching, perhaps using a book such as my own Perfectly Paleo Exercise.

    There are so many ways to combine stretching movements with strength ones, and they are so natural and feel so good.  Lots of my podcasts and blog posts at www.paleojay.com describe how to do them.  And remember, you will be kind of ‘at play’, like a cat as it rebuilds its body by self-resisting on a daily basis.  There are no ‘wrong moves’, just do movements that feel right- like squatting down to the floor barefoot, and just holding it while you are watching your TV show.

    This is the Hindu, or Asian squat, and it is incredibly beneficial as a stretch for Westerners.  Straight-legged situps, and of course pushups are wonderful adjuncts to your routine.  Self massage of your feet is great, and also good for your hand strength, and is something I do daily.  

    Planks are good; I usually ‘pulse’ them up and down rather than just hold, and key for me it what I call ‘Virtual Resistance’, which simply means flexing throughout a range of motion.  I have a brief video explaining this, but it just means you flex throughout a muscle groups full range of motion (like doing a double biceps pose as a bodybuilder would, but slowly, flexing constantly throughout, for reps.  Just imagine you are using resistance, and flex from within, isometrically as you move.  You create your own resistance, and it is every bit as taxing as using real weights, or bands, or a machine.  And it is VERY safe, while being just as effective.

    That’s about as far as I want to go for now.  Just get started-

    1st thing every morning, work out by the TV.  Every morning!

    Eat like a caveman.  Eggs, fermented dairy like yogurt and kefir, and che

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    PaleoJays Smoothie Cafe
    enJanuary 02, 2023

    Total Upper Body Maintenance podcast!

    Total Upper Body Maintenance podcast!

    OK- my last podcast was about walking backward, and so bulletproofing and building your lower body.  Remember, this is achieved by:

    Walking backward, usually against the resistance of an elastic band ideally,

    And then doing various ‘Knees over toes guys’ exercises, including deadlifts and stiff-legged deadlifts on a platform, aka Jefferson Curls.  Doing pistol squats while balancing on gymnastic rings is great, and deep lunges with total control to strengthen the entire leg.  Once again, the videos at ‘kneesovertoesguy.com  can illustrate all of this superbly.


    But now, I have promised you all the bulletproof ways to build and maintain your upper body as well…  so here we go!

    First- walk backward against the resistance of a heavy elastic band, slowly and deliberately, back and forth, to completely work every muscle within your lower body!  Really, this is important enough to do each time you workout, which would include two days of the lower body, and two days of the upper body per week.  Four days per week- Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday for instance.  Ideally take a day off between each day, for a rest day between each workout day.  

    Here is your upper body day:  I press a bar into a power rack at arms length, and then slowly lower myself from my legs, doing a military press, up and down, resisting with my arms as my legs lift me slowly up and down.  But the resistance is all in my arms and shoulders.  Continue for one minute- you will be wiped out!

    Alternate this with pull-ups on the gymnastic rings which you have suspended above you in the rafters of your basement or garage.  If 8 or more pushups for multiple sets is too hard, leave your feet on the ground, and just lean way back, to the point you can do at least eight reps.  

    Then, do pull-ups with your feet on the ground, resisting just enough to allow you to do a full minute of slow pull-ups , and then follow with feet on the ground pull-ups at an angle on the rings.  

    Then go to your dip station, and instead of doing regular dips, which are quite hard long term on your shoulders- stand on a box within the dip bars, and lower yourself slowly up and down, using your feet to allow you to push as hard as you can as you slowly move up and down in the dip motion.  Keep it up for at least a minute.  This is called ‘aerobic isometrics’, and it is really effective!  Follow once again with feet on the ground pull-ups on the rings for an 8-10 count.

    Finally, lower your gymnastic rings to a low level, and start doing pushups.  Walk forward holding the rings, until you can do a pretty easy pushup, almost standing nearly straight.  Do 20 or more reps, and then do 20 or more flies in the same position.  Next, hold your hands out straight before you, suspending your torso at a straight angle, and move your arms in a circular motion while suspending your body at that angle.  Go to near exhaustion.

    Then, walk backward, and repeat, at a near horizontal angle, pushups and all.  And finish even further back, where your body is held horizontally, or even with heels raised on a box, doing the same motions.  

    This will exhaust your upper body, very safely and productively, without any injury-provoking movements like the bench press, barbell rows or such standard movements.  These will all ultimately injure you, by forcing your body into unnatural planes of motion.  The gymnastic rings, alternatively, will build the strength of both your tendons, ligaments, and muscles, which will serve to protect the very joints that barbell movements will compromise and grind on.  

    It’s all about the longevity of fitness and strength, not ‘proving yourself’ for a few years, and then collapsing into a

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    PaleoJays Smoothie Cafe
    enNovember 30, 2022

    Get Ahead by Walking Backwards!

    Get Ahead by Walking Backwards!

    I hope you are aware of the benefits of backward walking!  I first heard about this from Ben Patrick, the ‘knees over toes guy’, and he is really onto something big here.

    I am now 70 years of age, and I’ll tell you, this is around the age when many of my contemporaries are getting knee (and hip) replacement surgeries.  Trust me: this is something you would much prefer to avoid if possible; and I’m here to tell you that these knee surgeries are completely preventable!  In fact, most joint replacement surgery is preventable, simply through properly targeted exercises.  Despite what your MD might tell you!

    The top exercise you can do to preserve and enhance the strength and well-being of your entire leg and its accompanying joints is walking backward.  Simply by doing this, you are building the strength and conditioning of the parts of your legs that support and protect the joints.

    When you walk or run forwards, you are building one set of muscles- those that propel you to the front.  These allow you to jump, sprint, and leap.  This is fine, it is why we also squat, and deadlift to build these muscles.  

    But remember: there are muscles that work the opposite direction, and these muscles are usually ignored.  And these muscles (and tendons) allow us to decelerate.  Safely and under control.  Walking backwards is the number one way to work these vital muscles and tendons.

    The main way to do this is by pulling a weighted sled backward.  Or by simply walking backwards…  There are other great exercises, like doing reverse squats by attaching weights to your foot, and lifting upwards for reps, and other exercises best learned by watching Ben Patrick’s wonderful videos on YouTube.


    But, I still think the one exercise that everyone should be doing, and this includes your aged parents and siblings, is backward walking.  And I believe now that walking backward pulling an elastic band about your hips is not only the most effective way, but by far the most convenient method.

    By pulling against the anchored elastic band as you walk backward, you overload the movement (as with a weighted sled), but you can do it indoors, deliberately and safely, rapidly building up the musculature that controls deceleration and protects your joints.  I do have a sled I rigged up, and use it in my woods on occasion in good weather.  But, living in Wisconsin, good weather is often illusive, so I start every workout in my basement dungeon, pulling backward against the band I have looped about my power rack!

    I usually go for time- 8 minutes seems to be the perfect amount, and is also the perfect warmup.  Use a heavy band (legs are strong, even the deconditioned backward part), and watch your knees strengthen as pains and stiffness disappear.

    This really is almost magical in its effectiveness!

    That takes care of your entire lower body- you will have not only explosive power built into your legs, but they will be protected from the ravages of degeneration that are ravishing our older people today.  Simply by walking backward.

    Next time, I will address the many problems that occur in the upper body, which are also completely preventable with simple exercises!  Simple, natural exercises are a panacea, and weirdly enough, almost no one knows about them.

    Why?  Sadly, because I believe that such natural methods cannot be sold (like drugs and surgeries), and so make no money for the providers.  I will go into this more next time, on PaleoJay’s Smoothie Cafe.



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    PaleoJays Smoothie Cafe
    enOctober 24, 2022

    I have a Beef with Pork and Chicken!

    I have a Beef with Pork and Chicken!

    Conventional wisdom these days is to eat more vegetables and grains, and above all cut fat, saturated fat being regarded as particularly evil.  Butter and any form of animal fat is the devil incarnate- eat vegetable oils instead!

    The real truth is petty much the opposite.  

    The foundation of your diet should be animal products.  And of those, ironically: butter, eggs, beef tallow, and beef are the very best!  And again, contrary to modern fake ‘wisdom’: chicken and pork are the worst meat products.  They are low in fat generally, true; but the fat in chickens and pigs is generally from what they have eaten, which is usually corn.  This corn breaks down into linoleic acid, which is basically a vegetable oil that you get from these meats.  Grass-fed pork and pastured chickens are fine but much rarer and far more expensive than beef.  And beef, in addition, is far more nutrient dense!

    So, conventional wisdom is very wrong in general.  Think of the old food pyramid in the U.S., which had grains as the base of the pyramid, the bulk of the ideal diet, and then vegetables and things like potatoes and seeds, and then fruits, and then low fat dairy and vegetable oils, and at the top, in the smallest amounts, you would finally find butter, high-fat dairy, and meat, beef being the highest in fat and so the worst…

    In your diet of today, it should be mostly animal products, primarily beef and beef organs and bone broth, wild-caught seafood is also good, along with eggs, butter or ghee, kefir and yogurt, cheeses (raw is best), cream, and raw milk.  After that, you can have fruits (citrus and berries are the best), and vegetables in moderation.  Don’t lose sight of the fact that many vegetables are loaded with oxalates and other anti-nutrients that are the plant’s defense chemicals, and are meant to hurt those who consume them.

    At the top of the pyramid of today, you will find things like grains and sugar.  These are the ‘candy options’ that should be kept at a bare minimum!  If you do include some bread, real sourdough is your best option (much of the gluten and other anti-nutrients are broken down by the sourdough yeast).   

    And so, there you have it: my Beef with pork and chicken!  I don’t mean to never include these meats, but they are a ‘second-best’ option to that of ruminants, which are what we mainly evolved eating.  So go ahead: don’t be ‘chicken’ to eat beef!

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    PaleoJays Smoothie Cafe
    enSeptember 12, 2022

    How to Retire Properly

    How to Retire Properly

    I can just hear so many people on this: “HOW to retire??  What a joke- I already know how to do NOTHING!  I’ll sleep late, watch TV, and lay around eating whatever I want!  Perfect retirement.”

    Sounds good, but I’m afraid- quite naive and self destructive.  Do you really want your retirement to be the same as the life of a welfare person?  Someone who has never done a thing productive, and lives an unhealthy life of laziness and squalor?  For be assured, a life of ‘doing whatever I want’ and self indulgence is exactly that, and leads to a hell on this earth!  

    For to be plain: a life lived in unthoughtful ease and comfort, (with no discipline involved), will result in hell.  Not only for you, yourself, but for all who surround you: in your family, and in your community.  We are all created to be responsible, to serve a purpose, a role in society.  Focus only on yourself, and you will surely devolve into a total piece of shit, and it will be quick and final.  Your own self hatred will be the worst punishment of all, and one you should avoid at all costs!

    So- How to Retire?  

    These are the iron-clad rules of retirement:

    If you are in a city, especially a big one- get out!  Take your equity, and use it to buy a rural, or small town property.  In a Red state is best, but in most states rural areas are all Red.  Just go where all your neighbors are self-sufficient, and don’t rely on Big Government for their livelihood.  This is KEY.

    If you are in a suburb of a big city, this is a bit trickier- you may be OK, but you will be in a very pricey area, and your property taxes will be VERY high.  This is because people live in this suburb because they need access to the nearby city, and are willing to pay for being close to, but not within that city, for the safety of their families, and especially the safety of their children in the local schools!  

    Big city schools are, by definition, horrible nightmares where no learning takes place at all, and what does is simply indoctrination and lies.  Everyone knows this, but it cannot be mentioned.  I am mentioning it, and telling you to stay away- unless you are willing to sacrifice and destroy your own children.  ESPECIALLY if they are white, or Asian.

    So, let’s say you are in a rural, small town area, perhaps around a small city that has kept its values largely intact from 60 years ago.  Good job!  You probably have good libraries, pretty good schools (almost all public schools nowadays are very ‘woke’, and so suspect on multiple levels), but if your kids are grown, you should be OK there.  After all, you are retired!  

    Right off the bat, your taxes will be far lower.  And hopefully you have an acreage that you can work, with a nice garden to tend, a big lawn to mow with your tractor, and ideally a woodlot, with trails to walk through on a daily basis- your own private park!  

    If you are still in a city or big city suburb when you retire, this is probably the time to relocate.  Country living is preferable in every single way to city living, especially as you age…

    OK- you live on a rural acreage, outside of a small city.  Everyone you used to know thinks you are crazy, depriving yourself of all the cultural enrichment and diversity of living amongst people totally unlike yourself, and things like opera and  symphonies that you can’t live without- (although you never went before, and never will now.  And the fact that they are all available online at any time!).

    Your small town police department, or sheriff, will be quite dependable, unlike big city, worthless, woke agencies that see you, the white-privileged victim,

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    PaleoJays Smoothie Cafe
    enAugust 12, 2022

    A True Paleo Life is Both Beautiful, and Religious

    A True Paleo Life is Both Beautiful, and Religious

    Modern life is seen to be practical and a cut-to-the-essentials type of living. Science will lead us now- no more superstition! And let’s be practical, above all!  No more Victorian frills and nonsense- from now on, we will ‘cut to the chase’ and ‘concentrate on the essentials above all’!

    Such a viewpoint is very shortsighted, and misses the forest for the trees.  Literally.  Case in point- Forest bathing, the practice of immersing oneself in nature for as much time as you can muster has been proven to be immensely beneficial.  Just by going into a forest, and wandering about (preferably barefoot), rejuvenative effects are huge.  This is a national movement in Japan, and has spread worldwide.  I suspect, given the industrial, crowded nature of modern Japan, that that is why they discovered how cut off they were from the essentials of nature, and why they felt the urgent need to recapture the benefits of nature itself.

    In the US, and in Europe, nature used to be known as rejuvenative, and necessary for mental, physical, and spiritual health.  I think in places like Switzerland, this is still known and appreciated.  But in vast swathes of metropolitan areas, such ideas seem silly and out of date.  Why waste time and energy saving inefficient green spaces when it is such a waste of resources, and could be better used as factory or office or parking lot space?

    Such ideas are stupid, and have led us into a nightmare landscape of high rises and concrete, ghettos and graffiti.  In other words, and hell-scape of man’s own making.  Not that of God!

    Nature is God’s work.  Beauty and symmetry.  The mercilessness of evolution, but also the exactness of its outcome.  What works evolves and improves, endlessly- what does not, becomes extinct.  The beautiful ultimately eclipses the ugly, and inefficient.  This is Nature at work!

    And Nature is part of God.  There has never been a culture, much less a civilization, that has not recognized the overarching importance of religion.  Primitive tribes and cultures have debased, horrible ‘religions’ of pain and sacrifice, this is true.  The Aztecs of South America spring to mind: they thought the pain of children and their tears, coupled with the tearing of the hearts out of the living breasts of their enemies, was the desire of their gods.  They took the debased ideas of their twisted civilization to be the will of God and Nature, when it was really the expression of their own awful desires- they had divorced themselves from Nature and God, and descended into savagery.  They had forgotten the true ideals of Nature itself, and attempted to replace it with their own ideas of efficiency, and what they thought ‘really mattered in life’.  

    To them, it was all about control- Controlling Nature, by influencing the gods. (By sacrifice)!

    To them, religion had devolved into what it has become for modern atheists- a type of State control, in modern times it would be seen as a form of Marxism.  Top down, authoritarian control.  Efficient and modern, to each as he needs, and from each as to his abilities.  

    Which actually means: to those in charge, everything, and to everyone else, whatever they choose to dole out.  Those who produce deserve: nothing extra.

    The bottom line here is that Nature is beauty incarnate.  It is our evolutionary birthright- anything that seeks to take it away from us is pure evil.  

    As is religion.  It is an innate part of our being!  It is embodied by Nature itself, which has formed our evolution.  We are Nature, and Nature is us, and leads us to our religion, which is part of our very selves.  We

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