
    Partner Up! with Amy Carroll

    Up-level your communication to get more of what you want, more easily with less difficulty using a no-nonsense, user friendly approach. Partner Up! with Amy Carroll promises playful, engaging and inspiring exchanges with guests and your participation. I share my knowledge and experience (successes and failures), to increase internal awareness and external skills for improved self-management in high pressure, interpersonal exchanges. The goal is to repair relationships, neutralize conflict and better handle it when it occurs. My focus is on body language, voice, words and mindset to support communication. Exposing my vulnerabilities, I share real life stories and challenges to encourage bravery, confidence and inspire action. You will be curious, intrigued and entertained, gaining insights and readily applicable techniques, tips and tricks. “Make your partner look good!” is my life philosophy. I believe this can make us happier, kinder and sexier human beings!
    en-usVoiceAmerica84 Episodes

    Episodes (84)

    Accept, Adapt, Accelerate! The secrets to being a successful pers

    Accept, Adapt, Accelerate! The secrets to being a successful pers
    During this show Karen Mangia shares her wonderful mindset for being successful, along with how to deal with our inner critics by staying in our power of curiosity, creativity and choice to move forward. She tells us how we're on 'the climb of our lives' and expresses the importance of stopping, to enjoy and appreciate the ride! Karen reconfirms the importance of resting and taking time out, and grants us permission to do so. She also reminds us of how important our values are and how getting back to our values can realign us and protect us from burnout! Do not miss this episode and finish 2022 on a high!

    Crushing the cutthroat work culture!

    Crushing the cutthroat work culture!
    A lifelong learner, Yogesh has several degrees and uses his knowledge to help leaders and their teams in tech companies, increase the effectiveness and well-being of their workforce. After his personal health suffered due to stresses of work, he is on a mission to alter the cutthroat work culture, which he has observed is affecting the health of employees. His book 'Digital Belonging' is aimed at leaders who genuinely care about other people and want to build high-performing teams/organizations. His dream is that everyone in the world feels valued in their jobs! Listen in if you'd like to hear more...

    When the Body say No; The Cost of Hidden Stress by Gabor Maté.

    When the Body say No; The Cost of Hidden Stress by Gabor Maté.
    In this episode 'll be discussing a book I recently re-read... When the body says no; The Cost of Hidden Stress by Gabor Maté. This book grabbed my attention because of the extraordinary link I found between the body of work I use in my coaching and training (the PPP model developed by my sister,) and 3 types of individuals Gabor Maté describes in his research. He makes a correlation between people's personalities and behaviours, and how they're related to specific illness types. Those 3 categories correspond very closely to the 3 archetypes of Predator, Prey, Partner. Gabor says: Boundary issues are at the heart of disease. Listen in to find out how your stress levels could be playing a part in your health!

    Calling all leaders: The importance of psychological safety!

    Calling all leaders: The importance of psychological safety!
    Speaking up and expressing concerns/ideas/mistakes in a work environment can be daunting. Our fear of being judged or not looking good in front of peers keeps many of us from speaking up! Stephan Wiedner examines why and gives leaders the tools and tips for harnessing psychological safety. This in turn provides teams with the courage to say what they need to say and the confidence to know that they'll be heard. Priceless for high performing teams!

    The quest to get 1 million female founders funded!

    The quest to get 1 million female founders funded!
    Being a female founder/entrepreneur and getting funded is still a challenge, unbelievably even in 2022! After discovering the shocking difference between how many male entrepreneurs get funded compared to their female counterparts in 2012, and the unfair differences that are exponentially growing still since, Anne Ravanona is on a mission; to get 1 million women funded! Listen to her personal story on becoming an entrepreneur, and how she is building an empire for women across the globe. Anne explains how she 'spotlights' women entrepreneurs with her Global Invest Her directory, giving a voice and exposure to women who have the courage to become founders in this male-driven world! To feature on Anne's Global Invest Her, all-female business directory, use this link: InvestHer Directory - Female Founder Application Form (typeform.com) Check out her Podcast here: https://www.investherpodcast.com/ Website: https://www.investherpodcast.com/ Personal website: https://www.anneravanona.com/

    The plight of the 'fishes!'

    The plight of the 'fishes!'
    When Antoinette Vermilye set about her life's quest, she thought she would be informing human beings everywhere about the plight of the 'fishes.' This quickly transformed into a battle against plastic and the drastic effects over-fishing is having on our seas and oceans, and how it is seeping into our food and thus, our bodies! Listen in to this eye-opening interview where Antoinette offers solutions to the devastating situation we are faced with today, starting 4 do-able actions. She also informs us of the radical measures her and her husband have been taking to make governments worldwide listen to the extremity of the ocean dramas! Backed with scientific evidence, Antoinette delivers her message in simple, yet shocking terms.

    The New World Revolution : who's right, who's wrong, who cares!

    The New World Revolution : who's right, who's wrong, who cares!
    Terry Real has just released his 7th book! US: Getting Past You and Me to Build a More Loving Relationship and in this episode you will discover what has inspired him! Enlightened self-interest and making peace with others are at the heart of his quest. He firmly believes that humans are like pack animals and that we NEED the company of other humans for a healthy balanced existence. Terry explains the 'wise adult' vs his 'adapted child' theory and how we MUST quiet the inner child when we are faced with conflict and relationship issues. He mentions how we should protect and take care of our 'biospheres', empower the other and use 'soft power' to cherish those close to us, while remaining assertive. This is what he refers to as The New World Revolution. A soldier of love, Terry Real offers real solutions for improved and respectful relationships on all levels. A real gem of a show!

    Putting the 'human' back in HR!

    Putting the 'human' back in HR!
    Cody means 'helper' in Irish which is seemingly a sign. At 55 Karen Cody bravely created her own leadership and talent development business. Not having female role models at the start of her career and having poorly navigated her need for support and emotions early on in her career catalysed Karen to advocate for women today. Karen holds conferences specifically for women and encourages positive internal self-talk to build their confidence. She is putting the 'human' back in HR! Her mission is now to provide the tools for women to ask for promotions, apply for new jobs, stop apologising for things they are not responsible for...and DARE to speak up in a male-driven business world. This is an inspiring interview not to be missed!

    The gifts of being a neuro-diverse leader!

    The gifts of being a neuro-diverse leader!
    Fadwa Gmiden generously shares her impressive story and quest. As a woman in STEM, she brings us insights and explains the challenges and positive points of being a leader with ADHD. Her own personal story has inspired her to pave the way for other neuro-diverse individuals in the work place. She says Fundamentally I am a software engineer with a convergent thinker spirit. You too will be absorbed by Fadwa's journey, her work ethic and accomplishments at such a young age!

    Leading Business Transformations

    Leading Business Transformations
    Reshma Ramachandran is an innovative leader with 20 years’ experience working in multi-cultural teams worldwide. In this discussion, Reshma explains how and why we should 'future proof' our businesses and why leaders need to adopt sustainable practices to connect with their talent. She tells us that by unleashing the human magic, we can tap into our highest potential and invent the unknown!

    The Invisible skill that will make your life easier!

    The Invisible skill that will make your life easier!
    Do you sometimes struggle with being taken seriously? Do people dismiss you, or worse yet mistreat you? Would you like to discover a speech technique that will help you to instantly project gravitas and confidence which sends the message I know what I'm doing and you're in good hands with me. ? If so, be sure to listen in on my conversation with executive coach, Pat Kirkland.

    'Pracademic' Approach to Applied Positive Psychology Using Improv

    'Pracademic' Approach to Applied Positive Psychology Using Improv
    When it comes to managing adversity, do you know how to suffer well? How adaptable to change are you? Social scientists tell us society will see more change in the next ten years than we have in the last one hundred!! Think about that. What skills do we need to prepare for this fact? If you want to know more, tune in to my discussion with Nancy Watt, a brilliant pracademic who uses her vast knowledge and applied improv to help people be more vulnerable and more empowered to “Yes, and” their lives!

    Marketing needs an upgrade: from hype to humane!

    Marketing needs an upgrade: from hype to humane!
    Want to know how to be even better aligned with your customers? Referred to as the female Seth Godin, Sarah Santacroce started her business after realising how marketing could be generating anxiety and shame for consumers. In this show Sarah shares her 7 P's mandala for marketing humanely, the importance and beauty of belonging, and how human stories and experience matter in marketing. Sarah believes conscious consumers are more sophisticated than many marketers may think and we need to avoid treating humans as 'leads'. Join us if you're ready to up level your marketing mojo!

    Encore: Upgrade your executive presence for greater authenticity

    Encore: Upgrade your executive presence for greater authenticity
    Do you sometimes wonder what the secret ingredients are to project executive presence? Do you want to know how to shape and influence the outcome of a conversation? If so, tune in to hear Achim talk about the craft and energy of executive presence, emerging global standards in communication and how to adapt your communication to show up with greater vulnerability and transcend culture.

    Encore: Inspirational leadership for global contribution

    Encore: Inspirational leadership for global contribution
    Join me in this interview with Kristin Engvig, founder of the global WIN Conference, a multidimensional experience which inspires women worldwide to become agents of possibility. We’ll discuss what compelled Kristin to pioneer the global WIN Conference and dive into leadership qualities needed to create a world where business flourishes and societies thrive.

    Radical inclusion,meaningful networking,self-coaching,integrity

    Radical inclusion,meaningful networking,self-coaching,integrity
    Interested in meaningful networking? Know how to create radical inclusion online and in your business? Want to find out what self-coaching is and how you can use it to reduce stress and face challenges? If so, tune in for my talk with Denise Nickerson, author, TEDx speaker, coach, Co-Founder of Salt Consulting & Communications, and community leader.

    Having healthy boundaries makes you brave and generous - Part 2!

    Having healthy boundaries makes you brave and generous - Part 2!
    Do you know what your boundaries are? Would you like to know HOW to set boundaries? This is the Part 2 of our discussion focussed on the life-changing book Boundary Boss by Terri Cole. There is so much juicy info to share, we had to come back for a 2nd show! As Terri teaches, our personal boundaries are directly impacted by our childhood experiences. We choose how people can treat us in our personal lives and professional lives. In this episode, Talitha Vee and I share several useful steps and processes for you to apply immediately, that way you can step into your power, create healthy boundaries and live a life full of joy and satisfaction! Become your own Boundary Boss!

    Improv for Transformation!

    Improv for Transformation!
    Do you want to bring more spontaneity, synchronicity and possibility into your life? If so, tune in to my discussion with the delightful Jeanne Lambin. We'll talk about her multiple projects that nurture the human imagination through time and space. You'll even discover how to create your very own FUMES (future memories)!!

    Encore: Dismantling toxic work cultures

    Encore: Dismantling toxic work cultures
    Have you ever wondered why simply receiving empathy from another (without even solving the problem) can relieve stress and shift your mood? My guest, Rajkumari Neogy is an epigenetic coach and executive consultant, focusing on the intersection of neurobiology, culture and empathy in today’s business world. In this episode, Rajkumari helps us to understand the impact on transgenerational trauma and why a sense of belonging is critical to feeling happy and being productive. Rajkumari also offers us straight forward practices for dismantling toxic work cultures!