
    Pass the Relish

    Evan, Zack, and Mando on politics, movies, tv, and anything else that should be making life good. Mando is a sociology professor at UC Berkeley. Evan is a MFA screenwriting student at UCLA. Zack lives in Los Angeles and doesn't take himself too seriously. Facebook: www.facebook.com/PasstheRelish/info Tumblr: passtherelish.tumblr.com/ Twitter: @RelishBlog Evan Ranting: @positronprime Mando on the NBA: @IrredeemablyNBA
    en-us41 Episodes

    Episodes (41)

    Ep 44: Destiny, Buying PS4s, and Short Ass Cornerbacks!

    Ep 44: Destiny, Buying PS4s, and Short Ass Cornerbacks!
    The latest game sweeping nerd nation... DESTINY. Why PS4s are selling like hotcakes. The latest 49er and Raiders losses, Kaepernick, and trying to figure out why wide receivers are so much damn taller than cornerbacks! Any theories of your own? Facebook: www.facebook.com/PasstheRelish/ Tumblr: passtherelish.tumblr.com/ Twitter: @RelishBlog Evan: @positronprime Mando: @IrredeemablyNBA
    Pass the Relish
    en-usSeptember 18, 2014

    Ep 43: Hollywood's Shitty Summer Movie Season

    Ep 43: Hollywood's Shitty Summer Movie Season
    Folks! On this week's episode the Pass the Relish crew dishes on a very disappointing summer hollywood movie season. Targeting women as a demographic "group", X-Men, Guardians of the Galaxy, Expendables 3, Maleficent, Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, and why small-scale action films work better than large-scale ones. What worked, what didn't, and trying to explain why. Also, we lament over why people talking about celebrity deaths so damn much -- Robin Williams, Joan Rivers, Lauren Bacall etc... Facebook: www.facebook.com/PasstheRelish/ Tumblr: passtherelish.tumblr.com/ Twitter: @RelishBlog Evan Ranting: @positronprime Mando on the NBA: @IrredeemablyNBA

    Ep. 42. Contracts and Team Building: the NBA and NFL Offeseasons

    Ep. 42. Contracts and Team Building: the NBA and NFL Offeseasons
    Folks! When do GM's deserve credit for team building? This week we get into Lebron James, Kevin Love, and the Cleveland Cavaliers. Also, take a look at the Los Angeles Lakers' and Chicago Bulls' rosters. At the 28 min mark we delve into Colin Kaepernick's contract and how the San Francisco 49ers are shaping up. Facebook: www.facebook.com/PasstheRelish/info Tumblr: passtherelish.tumblr.com/ Twitter: @RelishBlog Evan Ranting: @positronprime Mando on the NBA: @IrredeemablyNBA
    Pass the Relish
    en-usAugust 28, 2014

    Ep. 41: What is Useful Policy? The California Drought and the Quagmire in Iraq

    Ep. 41: What is Useful Policy? The California Drought and the Quagmire in Iraq
    Folks! In this week's episode Mando and Evan are back to ponder the question of why governments do what they do. Is there a role for technocrats and thinking through public problems? We get into the devastating California drought and the escalating ISIS situation in Iraq. Let us know what you guys think - Do you know of any examples of policy-makers thinking through problems? Follow us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/PasstheRelish Tumblr: http://passtherelish.tumblr.com/ 
 Twitter: @relishblog Mando’s twitter: @irredeemablynba 
Evan’s twitter: @evanistics
    Pass the Relish
    en-usAugust 14, 2014

    Ep 40: NBA Finals Preview and Discriminatory Subprime Mortgage Lending

    Ep 40: NBA Finals Preview and Discriminatory Subprime Mortgage Lending
    Folks! Ep. 40 of the PTR podcast! Previewing the NBA finals and recent litigation around discriminatory subprime mortgage lending. Evan and Mando assess the Miami Heat and San Antonio Spurs' chances. Who is going to win the front court match ups? What are we most excited about seeing in this rematch? We also spend a good chunk of time parcelling out if aggregate data on discrimination qualifies in court and who is actually culpable in large organizations. Till next week folks! -- PTR Follow us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/PasstheRelish Tumblr: http://passtherelish.tumblr.com/ 
 Twitter: @relishblog Mando’s twitter: @irredeemablynba 
Evan’s twitter: @evanistics

    Ep 39: Pass the Relish's Survivor Finale and Season Recap

    Ep 39: Pass the Relish's Survivor Finale and Season Recap
    Folks! It's that time a year again. A great finale for a great season. Evan and Mando catch up on this season of CBS's Survivor, discuss each player's game and how they changed our thinking about Survivor, and, of course, life in general! ALL HAIL SURVIVOR. Till next week! -- PTR Follow us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/PasstheRelish Tumblr: http://passtherelish.tumblr.com/ 
 Twitter: @relishblog Mando’s twitter: @irredeemablynba 
Evan’s twitter: @evanistics

    Ep 38 Looking for Empathy in all the Wrong Places: Donald Sterling, the Tea Party, and the Minutemen

    Ep 38 Looking for Empathy in all the Wrong Places: Donald Sterling, the Tea Party, and the Minutemen
    Folks! On this week’s episode of the Pass the Relish podcast, Evan and Mando discuss the public indictment of Donald Sterling. We also get into some recent sociology of “conservatives”, including the Tea Party and Minutemen (those guys who patrolled the border with Mexico). Here is the book mentioned in the podcast: http://www.amazon.com/Waiting-Jos%C3%A9-Minutemens-Pursuit-America/dp/0691152152 And the Atlantic Article about ex-soldiers: http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2013/10/a-soldier-criticizes-his-army-comrades-tea-party-ideology/280788 Till Next week folks! Follow us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/PasstheRelish Tumblr: http://passtherelish.tumblr.com/ 
 Twitter: @relishblog Mando’s twitter: @irredeemablynba 
Evan’s twitter: @evanistics

    Ep 37: Hollywood in a Post-Snowden Era? Why is Game of Thrones Great? Survivor!

    Ep 37: Hollywood in a Post-Snowden Era? Why is Game of Thrones Great? Survivor!
    What’s up folks? This is episode 37 of the Pass the Relish podcast. On this week’s episode Evan and Mando catch up after watching Captain America: the Winter Soldier and wonder if Hollywood is drinking the Ed Snowden Kool-aid, Evan gets caught up on Game of Thrones and is here to tell us why it's so good, and, of course, PTR favorite… SURVIVOR. 1 min: Captain America, the NSA, and is Hollywood in some kind of Post-Ed Snowden Era? Meh, Probably not. 21 min: What makes Game of Thrones special? Trope busting of course! 33 min: Survivor, Survivor, SURVIVOR! Absolutely spoilers for all Captain America, GOT, and Survivor. Follow us on Facebook:www.facebook.com/PasstheRelish Tumblr: http://passtherelish.tumblr.com/ and Twitter! @relishblog Mando’s twitter: @irredeemablynba Evan’s twitter: @evanistics

    Ep36: Bad NBA Offenses and Politics in Captain America?

    Ep36: Bad NBA Offenses and Politics in Captain America?
    Folks! On this week's episode of Pass the Relish, Mando is joined by special guest Brian Sargent to talk and get exasperated about the Pacers, Rockets, Clippers, Bulls, and Warriors. Despite some of their good numbers, these teams could be running even better plays. Also, JOAKIM NOAH! At the 55 min mark, Evan joins Mando and gets hyped for Captain America: The Winter Soldier, which, oddly enough, is getting rave reviews. Till Next week folks! PTR Follow us on Facebook:www.facebook.com/PasstheRelish Tumblr: http://passtherelish.tumblr.com/ and Twitter! @relishblog Mando’s twitter: @irredeemablynba Evan’s twitter: @evanistics

    Ep 35: The Americans, Game of Thrones, and Letting Race/Gender Tropes on TV Slide

    Ep 35: The Americans, Game of Thrones, and Letting Race/Gender Tropes on TV Slide
    What's good folks? On this week's episode Mando and Evan ask what makes TV shows great? We get into FX's The Americans, Game of Thrones, Orange is the New Black, The Wire and a few others. No spoilers as far as we can tell. They also talk about when race and gender tropes on TV become so annoying it ruins otherwise amazing shows. Of course, we finish with 10 minutes of Survivor talk. #allhailsurvivor! 'Till next week! PTR Crew

    Ep 34: CBS's Survivor, Steve Nash, and the False Hope of Aspiring Atheletes

    Ep 34: CBS's Survivor, Steve Nash, and the False Hope of Aspiring Atheletes
    PTR episode 34 Folks! On this week's episode, Evan and Mando catch up on the latest Survivor episode, getting into J'Tia's hilarious incompetence and our annual Fantasy Survivor Bet. We also delve into the recent Steve Nash documentary and his very personal revelations about trying to stick in the NBA. Finally, Mando recounts a recent visit to a very depressing NBA D-League game - you could smell the desperation in the air! Survivor: 2:24 min mark. Steve Nash and the False Hope of Athletes: 20:45 min mark. Follow us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/PasstheRelish Tumblr: http://passtherelish.tumblr.com/ and Twitter! @relishblog Mando's twitter: @irredeemablynba Evan's twitter: @evanistics

    Ep 33: Fruitvale's Oscar Snub, Venezuela, and CBS’s Survivor!

    Ep 33: Fruitvale's Oscar Snub, Venezuela, and CBS’s Survivor!
    Fruitvale Station's snub at the Oscars, Ambivalence on Venezuela, and CBS's Survivor is BACK! What’s up folks! This week Evan and Mando get into the long delayed discussion of Fruitvale Station (the movie) and Michael B Jordan’s performance in it. We also dish on recent events in Venezuela and our ambivalence about it. Finally, at the 34:15 min mark, we get into the first two episodes of CBS’s Survivor! We get into our yearlong Survivor Fantasy league, J’Tia’s competence, LJ’s roids, our belief in Brice coming back, and more! — PTR

    Ep. 31: Pass the Relish gives the Walking Dead One Last Chance

    Ep. 31: Pass the Relish gives the Walking Dead One Last Chance
    Folks! In this episode the Pass the Relish podcast gives the Walking Dead TV show one last chance. We've been watching for awhile now and its time to pass judgment. Relatedly, Evan and Mando discuss the anatomy of good tv. Also, we spend 7 minutes at the end discussing some new Colin Kaepernick since last weeks NFL episode. OK see you next week folks! -- PTR

    Ep. 30: The Super Bowl, Russ Wilson vs. Kaepernick, and the Richard Sherman Debate

    Ep. 30: The Super Bowl, Russ Wilson vs. Kaepernick, and the Richard Sherman Debate
    Folks! PTR is back! Sorry for the long delay. But this time around we are back on the horse -- we promise. Next week we will get into some Walking Dead. But in this episode Evan and Mando get into all things NFL: What did we see in that Super Bowl? Is Kaepernick somehow flawed? And playing devils advocate in the Richard Sherman debate! PTR LIVES! -- Mando

    Episode 27: Evan's Trip to Japan, Jason Collins, and NBA Playoffs!

    Episode 27: Evan's Trip to Japan, Jason Collins, and NBA Playoffs!
    What's up everybody? This is episode 27 of the Pass the Relish podcast! In this episode Zack, Mando, and Evan discuss • Evan's trip to Japan and visiting atrocity memorials... • Does Jason Collins represent a sea-change in the gay rights issue? Also, what this has to do with climate change! WOW • Finally, we get some quick thoughts in on the NBA playoffs. Tune in next week and we will have a full Survivor season finale and some round 1 wrap up! -- PTR