
    Path of the Jedi: Star Wars meets Personal Development

    Path of the Jedi is what happens when Star Wars meets Personal Development. Join us every Wednesday as we dive into themes, lessons, and insights from the Star Wars universe that will help you navigate the complexities of life here on our planet. Gaining a deeper understanding of yourself and how you relate to the world around you is after all the essence of being on the Path of the Jedi.
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    Episodes (76)

    We Have to do Better By Omega

    We Have to do Better By Omega

    The children ARE our future.  And if nothing else, Omega should be a reminder that we can and should always do better.

    The uncertainty and instability (and sheer danger) of the Bad Batch’s circumstances and lifestyle are starting to take their toll on Omega’s well being.

    The volatility of their lives will most certainly imprint in her unconscious mind as patterns that will play out in her adult life… if the clones aren’t more mindful of their influence on her.

    This is the importance of the work we do in personal development.  Each of the clones have their own set of baggage.  Those patterns come out and express themselves especially admit the most volatile situations they face.

    And through all of it, Omega in internalizing everything she is going through AND everything she is observing of them.

    This is how it works here too.

    Children will internalize everything they experience as well as even the littlest nuance in adults’ behavior.  Sometimes we cannot control the external circumstances but we can certainly work to control our behaviors.

    I know, it’s not easy and it’s not that km asking for perfect.  But as long as we adults are willing to put in the work, we can help the children grow into adults with less baggage than us.

    That’s why I continue to do what I do☺️
    Learn more about Worldwide Orphans at their website and socials:


    Ruins of War - The Bad Batch S2E2

    Ruins of War - The Bad Batch S2E2

    In this episode we discuss Season 2 Episode 2 of the Bad Batch - Ruins of War. 

    We find Omega really having taken to heart that she is the cause of why the crew is in the situation they’re in.  As a result, she takes it upon herself, at great risk, to acquire enough loot to change their situation.

    Themes we talk about in this week’s episode:

    - Be careful what you say especially around children.  We all could stand to be more mindful with the words we put out into the world.  What more around impressionable children who are developing their outlook of life and the world.

    - Letting go of attachments to attainment, whether material or achievements or outcomes.  Omega needed to learn to stop chasing an ideal thinking that ideal is what’s going to bring happiness.  Rather, happiness can be found in appreciating the here and now. 

    That’s what I’m really learning to do. 

    As I go through what has proven to be a major transition in my life, the challenges and uncertainties abound.  And so the the natural reaction is to keep my eye on the prize and chase the dream. 

    But then what?  What happens when that dream is attained? 

    Setting goals and having dreams is certainly important but we cannot lose touch of what we have right now in this moment.  Because really the moment is all there is. 


    Omega Takes an Unscheduled Study Break

    Omega Takes an Unscheduled Study Break

    Thanks for being patient with me.  I know this episode is coming super late but I promise it has some very practical and important advice on TAKING A BREAK. 

    In a fast paced world, we can lose ourselves in getting ahead, working and grinding, heck even in just keeping up. 

    That’s why it’s always important to pause and referrer yourself, on the micro scale and on the macro scale.

    During your day’s work, take a short break every hour to do some deep breathing, stretches, rehydrate.  On the longer time frame like after competing a big project or hitting a midterm target, make sure to not just go straight into the next thing without pausing to enjoy what you’d just accomplished. 


    Palpatine is a Master Manipulator, But Maybe Not How You Think

    Palpatine is a Master Manipulator, But Maybe Not How You Think

    Among Palpatine’s many talents, manipulation is unequivocally his greatest power.

    He manipulated his way to becoming the politically powerful beings in the Galaxy.  He was so successful at this in fact that even after his defeat, groups of people still continued his work.

    Why?  What made him so adept at manipulation?

    Because he knew how to take advantage of one of the strongest and most basic needs people have: the need for CERTAINTY

    Palpatine not only planted the idea that there was massive uncertainty in the galaxy but also created actual uncertainty in the form of the war.

    When faced with high levels of uncertainty, people more susceptible to manipulation because of the desire to bring more stability back to their lives.

    The thing is, finding external certainty isn’t actually possible because it doesn’t exist.  If there’s one thing we know, it’s that the world is ever changing.  Sometimes that change is slight and imperceptible.  Sometimes it’s drastic as we all experienced during the global pandemic.  Whatever its form, change constant nonetheless.

    That’s why you’ll never find certainty from external sources… no matter what anyone promises you.

    We have to continually work to develop internal certainty to make sure would-be manipulators and sham-artists don’t get one over on us.  The pattern has repeated itself time and again 8’ Star Wars and in real life throughout human history (even very recent world events)

    That’s why this will always be an impotent conversation.
    This week’s shout out goes to Jessica Zweig and the Simply Be Podcast. Check out the show at the link below
    Happening February 27th - March 1st at 11am eastern each day via Zoom

    You can register at this link:

    In this masterclass you’re going to get everything I’ve learned in the past 12 months studying content creation and what it means to be an influencer.

    I’m going to bust through all the misconceptions surrounding content creation and influencers so that we can then re:DEFINE things I terms that could, if you choose, absolutely transform your life.

    The era of the Influencer is here. 


    We All Need To Be More Like Finn

    We All Need To Be More Like Finn

    There is a reason they Finn is one of the most beloved characters from the Star Wars Sequel Trilogy.  And for good reason.  His innocence and naïveté on full display as he tried to navigate a life outside the First order, immediately endeared him to audience worldwide.

    In this episode we discuss Finn’s compassion and selflessness as being his main driving qualities.  On the surface, Finn may have seemed to primarily concerned with self-preservation.  But when we take a closer look, it is his compassion and empathy that pushes him to leave the Order.

    Those qualities further influence all his decisions throughout the entire trilogy even if it meant certain death.

    For these reason and these qualities, Finn is a character and an example that we should all strive to.
    Happening February 27th - March 1st at 11am eastern each day via Zoom
    You can register at this link:

    In this masterclass you’re going to get everything I’ve learned in the past 12 months studying content creation and what it means to be an influencer.

    I’m going to bust through all the misconceptions surrounding content creation and influencers so that we can then re:DEFINE things I terms that could, if you choose, absolutely transform your life.

    The era of the Influencer is here.


    There’s a Little Bit of Kino Loy in All of Us

    There’s a Little Bit of Kino Loy in All of Us

    Kino Loy is most definitely a major stand out character for me from the show Andor.  With such little screen time, Kino left an indelible mark on audiences across the board. 

    For me, it’s Kino’s character arc that really hits home.  In his example, there is no better illustration of the most basic human instinct to resist change.  In his character arc, we see exactly the process that all of us experience (in varying degrees) when change and uncertainty is thrust upon us. 

    This week’s shout out goes to fellow Star Wars podcasters out of the city of Brotherly Love! Ben and Jan the hosts of the Star Bros Podcast.  Check out their show at the link below:



    REVISITED: Your Focus Determines Your Reality

    REVISITED: Your Focus Determines Your Reality

    Had to do it.  I mean, they do say repetition is the mother of… something or other🤷🏽‍♂️😆

    Anywho, having a reminder that we actually have more control over our experience of life, especially at a time like now when we typically might be facing challenges staying on track with our new years goals. 

    Raising your awareness and being mindful of what you’re focusing on will allow you to practice being more intentional with that focus. 

    When you can control your thoughts and focus, you are controlling your experience of life. 

    That is Jedi Mastery


    1st Episode of the Year! - Allow Me to Reintroduce Myself☺️

    1st Episode of the Year! - Allow Me to Reintroduce Myself☺️

    I wanted to take this first episode of the new year and reintroduce myself to you my faithful listeners. 

    I’ve often been asked how I “got into” personal development and why I’m so drawn to exploring all the facets of human psychology and behavior, capability and capacity, and all the wondrous mysteries ti explore and discover about how the universe and life work. 


    The Brilliance that is B2-EMO

    The Brilliance that is B2-EMO

    It’s our 60th episode and we’re closing out the year with a very reflective episode about an amazing little droid called B2-EMO

    Andor was an incredible show to experience, and eleven though we’ve wrapped our episode by episode exploration of it, I feel there’s still so much we could discuss. 

    So that’s what I’m doing in todays show.

    We discuss what B2 symbolizes in the larger context of the Andor narrative and how actually profound a figure he is. 

    Life, kindness, and the eventuality of loss. We dive into this and more in this week’s Path of the Jedi

    Looking for Support During the Holidays? Check out these free resources:

    Holiday blues? Here are support hotlines & resources


    Andor Ep 11 - Daughter of Ferrix

    Andor Ep 11 - Daughter of Ferrix

    All right! Things are revving up in this second to last episode of Andor titled Daughter of Ferrix. 

    Such a great episode where everything is really coming to a head and all our characters are converging at one singular point. 

    In this episode we talk about how beliefs aren’t static and can in fact be changed if they no longer serve us. 


    Andor Ep 10 - No Way Out

    Andor Ep 10 - No Way Out

    In Andor Ep 10: No Way Out, it’s all about prisons.  Prisons of circumstance. Prisons of our own creation. 

    This is what our characters in this episode face.  All are caught in very difficult situations that leave them with few if any options. 

    In this week’s Path of the Jedi, we discuss the many kinds of prisons the characters in Andor face and how it can parallel life here on earth.

    Check out this podcast when you get a chance:
    Learn all about the amazing WWO organization (or Worldwide Orohans) and tell them Ronnie Cruz sent ya☺️
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    Andor Ep 9 - Nobody’s Listening!

    Andor Ep 9 - Nobody’s Listening!

    Think of a time when you felt not listened to.  How did it make you feel? 

    It’s probably not dissimilar to Cassian’s experience the past few episodes.  We really get a sense of his growing frustration resulting largely from not being listened to. 

    Taking more time to mindfully listen to one another can, I believe, solve many of the world’s ills. 

    Listen to this episode and hear how


    Andor Ep 7 - Announcement

    Andor Ep 7 - Announcement

    That’s the the only word I can think of to describe my experience watching this episode of Andor — not at the episode itself but at all the situations the characters are going through.  

    Behind these frustrating circumstances is a simple yet powerful lesson that can make a huge shift in our daily experiences. 

    Listen and find out what that lesson is


    JA: The Information Ecosystem - How It Effects EVERYTHING in You Life

    JA: The Information Ecosystem - How It Effects EVERYTHING in You Life

    Here’s the very first episode of JEDI ACADEMY!!! — a new segment here on Path of the Jedi that’s focused more heavily on self development.

    In this inaugural episode of Jedi Academy, learn about the Information Ecosystem and its importance and potential impact on the results you’re creating in your life. 

    Want to be more intentional with the outcomes you have in life?  This episode of Jedi Academy will tell you exactly how. 


    Andor Ep 6 - the Eye

    Andor Ep 6 - the Eye

    I’ve seen the light.

    Or at least A light.  This show Andor has definitely turned on some new lightbulbs for me making it one of the most fun pieces of Star Wars to analyze yet. 

    In this week’s episode, I share with you one of the latest lightbulbs that’s turned on for me.  My perspective on Star Wars and on fiction in general has expanded as a result of examining and discussing Andor. 

    And let me tell you, Ep 6 THE EYE was a doozy. 

    Give a listen and see what you think

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    Got to http://pathofthejedi.com/resources and click on TRANSFORM


    Andor Ep 3 - Reckoning

    Andor Ep 3 - Reckoning

    Reckoning indeed.  So much meaning in this title in the context of all that happens in the episode.

    In todays show, we discuss that very reckoning and how your actions can come back to haunt you.  There are so many examples in this episode of Andor of this happen that we would be fools not to heed the lesson.

    Learn how to launch your own podcast in 4 simple steps!  Listen to Path of the Network Marketer episodes 38 - 41 wherever podcasts are available

    And when you’re ready to launch your show, make sure you use the best hosting platform out there: BUZZSPROUT!!!
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