
    Pause, Breathe and Create

    Pause, Breathe and Create is about creating a positive perspective to help you experience the inner peace, joy, love and happiness you deserve. Let go of your busy to-do list and practice new ways to pause, reflect, and develop habits to live life with unlimited inspiration! We will explore how using all your senses, words and images can become an oasis of calm. Pause in dLight with discovery and curiosity so you can play, be thankful, and wonder-filled in awe with what our world has to offer.
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    Episodes (269)

    Sunflower Lessons to Release, Grow, and Bloom

    Sunflower Lessons to Release, Grow, and Bloom
    “If I were a flower… I would be a sunflower. To always follow the sun, turn my back to darkness, stand proud, tall and straight even with my head full of seeds.” – Pam Stewart As we step forward onto our paths of adventure, you can use the sunflower as a big bright inspiring model for life to grow and bloom. The sunflower is resilient and represents joyfulness as it encourages us to lead our own way. When life seems difficult, be sure to stay focused on positive things you are facing and share your spirit as a warm heart with hope. As with the sunflower, be inspired to keep your face turned towards the sun as it will uplift your moods. In designing your choice of demeanor, be inspired by the brightness of the yellow petals of the sunflower. As with the sunflower, stand tall, show all the world your unique special confident self, your love of the light as you embrace the energy, happiness in sharing all the spirit seeds of thought, vibes and abundance good things bring. Join us.

    Push the Action Button

    Push the Action Button
    Act as if what you intend to manifest in life is already a reality. Eliminate thoughts of conditions, limitations, or the possibility of it not manifesting. If left undisturbed in your mind and in the mind of intention simultaneously, it will germinate in the physical world. Wayne Dyer Is there a gap between where you find yourself now and where you really want to be? A lot of us think the gap is there because we are lacking the knowledge of HOW to build the bridge to get where we want to go. Typically we go looking for new knowledge to fill in the HOW and we get excited with the information we are learning. It is possible to fall into the gap and get lost rather than actually completing the bridge we started building. The time spent in the learning mode can be a waste of time if you do not deliberately apply your additional knowledge. Having good intentions are great but moving forward with the new information requires practicing deliberate Action with your new skills. .

    Savor Every Moment

    Savor Every Moment
    Completely engage with each moment with all of your senses. ~ d Lee Are you present when you take each moment and all of the tasks you are trying to do within the space and time you have set aside? When you use your eyes to read, do you notice what you are reading and how it feels inside as you see images or read the stories you are focusing on. Do you hear the birds chirping in the morning or the smell and gurgle of the coffee brewing? Do you feel the smoothness of paper or desk as you access your computer screen with your mouse? Do you taste the lingering coffee in your mouth after your first sip in the morning as you are waking up? Can you remember all of these moments at the end of the day? Savoring the moments as a savoring experience allows you to remember them. We recall a lot of negative experiences because they make an impression. Join us as we explore increasing our vitality when we consciously pay attention to the uplifting energy moments we mindfully savor and remember.

    Practicing Presence Tuning Your Inner Vibrations

    Practicing Presence Tuning Your Inner Vibrations
    Everything around us and within us vibrates - we are all connected and yet we can feel disconnected when we are not present. When you hear an uplifting pattern of music, do you find yourself resonating with it – maybe getting goose bumps, tapping along to the beat or finding yourself humming to the musical flow? Just like an instrument, we can get out of tune within ourselves and get disconnected from our creativity and joy. When our mind, body, heart and soul are all aligned and vibrating in harmony, we can create beautiful songs. Join us as we explore the mindful tools we need in order to tune our inner being to act consciously thus creating more happiness, energy and grace.

    Practice One Breath In... One Breath Out

    Practice One Breath In... One Breath Out
    “Freedom is not given to us by anyone; we have to cultivate it ourselves. It is a daily practice… No one can prevent you from being aware of each step you take or each breath in and breath out.” Thich Nhat Hanh Harmony and balance are combined in nature and the energy flows to make the Universe go ‘round. There are unchanging principles that keep things in constant motion. It starts with the Law of Oneness where everything is connected, there is one energy flow, one mind and one breath. After a few breaths, we tend to get lost in continuous plans, streaming thoughts and fantasies. We need to train our mind to come back to the breath and begin again. With this repeated process and as our mindfulness becomes steady, we can experience internal peace and calm. As this builds on the inside, it will become a mirror for our external energy system. As we come back to the one breath in and one breath out, we experience mindful discernment and can say “No thank you, I will let that one go.”

    Just Being

    Just Being
    It sounds very simple when we make a comment or suggestion to Just Be. In reality, to do so is a complex request for ourselves or others. When we choose to become more present and not on autopilot, we start on our life adventure and journey expanding ourselves beyond where we currently are. We usually start from a point of observing we are not where we think we should be given all of our life's mental gymnastics and beliefs we think we could be, should be or definitions of who we think we are. We are made up of all the stories we tell ourselves until we reach a point where we want to make a change. We realize we are no longer happy with what we are, who we are and what we are doing with our lives. We realize we are part of everything and yet we are nothing. When we make a request of ourselves saying ;'I can, we allow ourselves to explore all of the possibilities of truly being. This brief phrase removes the limiting boundaries that we likely have been experiencing most of our lives. Now we are a conscious creator stepping into the flow to be, to grow with intention and inspiration to just be.

    Practicing Presence with Intentional Abundance

    Practicing Presence with Intentional Abundance
    Abundance is not something we acquire. It is something we tune into ~ Wayne Dyer When you go for a physical walk in Nature are you 100% present with the experience that is abundantly shared with all of your senses? Do you make a mental note of the high valued immediate benefits experienced with your inner being - mind, body and spirit? Do you continue to feel this and enjoy that deep joyful feeling after the experience? When you think of having a large quantity of something that is plentiful - how do you relate to it? The words abundance and prosperity have two separate meanings. The word abundance is on the inside and is a feeling such as love, calm, joy, gratitude. What you feel is abundant is likely different to someone else. Prosperity is on the outside and is tangible as material wealth. Join us as we explore these two powerful words with infinity of limitless possibilities, differences of their unique mindsets and how to openly receive the benefits of both.

    A Sense of Presence with Intentional Abundance & Prosperity

    A Sense of Presence with Intentional Abundance & Prosperity
    Abundance is not something we acquire. It is something we tune into ~ Wayne Dyer When you go for a physical walk in Nature are you 100% present with the experience that is abundantly shared with all of your senses? Do you make a mental note of the high valued immediate benefits experienced with your inner being - mind, body and spirit? Do you continue to feel this and enjoy that deep joyful feeling after the experience? When you think of having a large quantity of something that is plentiful - how do you relate to it? The words abundance and prosperity have two separate meanings. The word abundance is on the inside and is a feeling such as love, calm, joy, gratitude. What you feel is abundant is likely different to someone else. Prosperity is on the outside and is tangible as material wealth. Join us as we explore these two powerful words with infinity of limitless possibilities, differences of their unique mindsets and how to openly receive the benefits of both.

    Plant Your Thought Garden with Intention and Joy Filled Presence

    Plant Your Thought Garden with Intention and Joy Filled Presence
    “Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant.” - Robert Louis Stevenson How is your thought garden growing? As you move through each of your daily moments, you are planting thought seeds in your garden. Once they are planted, they grow into your reality whether they are beautiful blooming flora or tangled thorny vines. It might seem that each of your daily moment thought seeds are a small thing but, in reality they are sprouting all around you. They gather together with other thought seeds already existing in your garden and determine your actions, your habits and your character. On its own, your thought garden does not distinguish between positive or negative action seeds and requires that we become careful caretakers of the thought seeds we plant. Take time as needed to keep in touch with what you are accepting into your garden. Make a conscious choice to refuse to accept anything that does not fit your intentions. Join us.

    Be Present and in Gratitude with Endings and Beginnings

    Be Present and in Gratitude with Endings and Beginnings
    T.S. Eliot said “For last year's words belong to last year's language. And next year's words await another voice…” When you come to the end of something, do you take time to acknowledge where you have just come from and where you are currently at? When a chapter comes to an end, what matters is leaving the past where it belongs and letting it go Take a deep breath and release. Endings are valuable. At the end of a year, it is one of the best times to pause in gratitude, gather thoughts together and reflect. Then without much ado, pay attention as you turn the page of the calendar to a new beginning and step boldly forward. Fully embrace with strength, conviction and mindful presence the new opportunities to build, grow and fully experience each new moment. You are the architect of how you design and express your voice for implementing the actions needed for building your new beginnings. Join us as we discover the true benefits of being fully present with endings and beginnings.

    Take a Deep Breath, Pause, Say Ahhhhh, Be Here Now

    Take a Deep Breath, Pause, Say Ahhhhh, Be Here Now
    Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going. Jim Ryun As a human being, we all have the ability to be mindfully present, be actively aware of what we are doing and be aware of where we are in each of our available 1,440 daily moments. There is a choice to make within each of these precious moments. Are you mindfully present? Do you choose to pause, take a deep breath and say ahhhhh? Or do you constantly jump at the sound of your phone calling you to react to the various demanding sounds it makes? Like anything you teach yourself, the more that you practice being mindfully present the more that it is readily available to you along with your other senses. It might feel like you are venturing into new territory. But, as you choose to pay attention and explore how you feel at the beginning and end of each day, you will likely look forward to this new way of being.

    Pause, Breathe and Look Deep Into Your Reflecting Pool

    Pause, Breathe and Look Deep Into Your Reflecting Pool
    Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain… Vivian Greene Many great locations around the world have physical reflecting pools included within their environments. They come in many shapes and sizes. Their ultimate importance is to provide a space to embrace quiet contemplation that is separate but open to reflect and interact with the world around them. Do you find yourself being the chaotic disturbance that challenges any possibility of quiet contemplation either within yourself or from your outside influences? To be effective, your pool must be as still as possible. You can create your own reflecting pool so you can be practicing presence and fully embracing the benefits as often as you desire. Ideally, your pool should be reflecting what you want to look at and in a space that is not crowded. Join us as we explore the basic concepts and how to design your own useful reflecting pool.

    Be the Sparkle in Your Life - Create Joy and Harmony

    Be the Sparkle in Your Life - Create Joy and Harmony
    Seize each moment as an unique valuable opportunity to make choices using your passion and emotions to find more time to sparkle in your daily life. d Lee Do you feel yourself looking for the elusive sparkling time genie to gift you three wishes to have more time? How do you know when you have received your wishes? Do you focus on the illusion of finding time to balance all the various aspects of your busy life? Unfortunately it is difficult to actually achieve a true state of balance. Instead of hoping for balance, you can create harmony with a vision of who you are and what kind of life you want using just three words = BE HERE NOW. You can reinvent yourself as needed when you approach Time as a valuable commodity. Pay attention, be creative as you are focusing on the things you need to accomplish and letting go things you do not need to do. When you are doing things you love to do, you are energized and Time flows smoothly. Join us as we explore ways to create harmony in life.

    Resilience - Focused Attention On Your Sense of Being

    Resilience - Focused Attention On Your Sense of Being
    Embrace resilience as you mindfully move along with the moments of your day. It will positively affect your daily outside experience in a consistent way. ~ dLee Do you take time each morning to envision your plans for your journey experience for that day? You can create your experience with an attitude of it being a recipe made up of your choice of ingredients. What experiences do you want by the end of the day as you reflect on your pathway? All of the basic ingredients for resilience are available to you and the outcome is the result of how you mix them and apply them to yourself. You can start this process right now and adjust it as needed depending on how it affects your overall intentions and sense of being. When you embrace your personal effort from a positive confidence, you can start out with a balanced expectation that you will be able to handle daily stresses that consistently show up unexpectedly. Join us as we experience the mindset of embracing resilience each day.

    Where Are We Growing?

    Where Are We Growing?
    T.S. Eliot said “For last year's words belong to last year's language. And next year's words await another voice…” When you come to the end of something, do you take time to acknowledge where you have just come from and where you are currently at in discovering yourself? When a chapter comes to an end, what matters is leaving the past where it belongs and letting it go. Endings are valuable. At the end of a year, it is one of the best times to pause in gratitude, gather thoughts together and reflect. Then without much ado, pay attention as you step forward. Fully embrace with strength, conviction and mindful presence the new opportunities to build, grow and fully experience each new moment. You are the architect of how you design and express your voice for implementing the actions needed for building your new beginnings. Join us as we discover the true benefits of being fully present with endings and beginnings.

    Nature's Abundant Art - Gifts from Nature's Heart

    Nature's Abundant Art - Gifts from Nature's Heart
    Nature is man's teacher. She unfolds her treasures to his search, unseals his eye, illumes his mind, and purifies his heart; an influence breathes from all the sights and sounds of her existence. Alfred Billings Street Traditional educational studies have us learning 'about' nature as if it is an object separate from us. With the Law of Oneness in mind, the variety of species making up the whole of nature are all connected and all have unique intrinsic value. Humans are just one of these species and we do not need to go far, Principles of Art including balance, emphasis, movement, rhythm, variety abound naturally. Elements of Art including shapes, value, space, color, patterns and textures are readily available all around us. Our human challenge is to practice deep observation, deep inspiration and deep experience in with all of our senses. Join us as we rediscover learning with profound feelings of reverence and with enthusiasm the designs and systems existing in Nature.

    Take a Moment - Have a Spoon Full of Secret Sauce

    Take a Moment - Have a Spoon Full of Secret Sauce
    “Dance. Smile. Giggle. Marvel. TRUST. HOPE. LOVE. WISH. BELIEVE. Most of all, enjoy every moment of the journey, and appreciate where you are at this moment instead of always focusing on how far you have to go.” ~ Mandy Hale Do you keep asking yourself the same question, “Am I there yet?”. If you are constantly checking your progress, is it a potential reality or is it an illusion? Being in gratitude for where you are in the moment is the key to fresh results. Gratitude might seem an overly obvious, simple and elusive element - until you decode it as the secret sauce that provides a connection between what you want and having it. Giving thanks for where you are now acknowledges you are a creator and empowers you to create further. In this episode of Mighty Gems, learn how to expand your presence and experience new outcomes through gratitude.

    Bring Your Hope Along With You - Joy will Follow!

    Bring Your Hope Along With You - Joy will Follow!
    I don't think of all the misery, but of all the beauty that remains. ~ Anne Frank Have you experienced feelings of losing hope in your ability to make needed changes within yourself or your life situation? Making choices for change can feel difficult and impossible. There are ways to find hope as you become more present with your choices and actions. You will become more sensitive to the ups and downs as you are focused on the possibilities of building positive results of practicing presence. Whether you think you can, or you think you can't -- you're right. ~ Henry Ford Join us as we discuss ways to take a step by step approach finding hope and joy abundantly already available. You can start from wherever you are and choose to do something you know you can do. As you actively take this step, you can begin building hope within yourself. When you have clarity in seeing your choices moving forward with positive results, you will be able to take steps to carry out your plan.

    Tap... Tap... Tap... Switch on the Joy!

    Tap... Tap... Tap...  Switch on the Joy!
    “Joy is the holy fire that keeps our purpose warm and our intelligence aglow.” —Helen Keller Does feeling joy and being happy feel like a luxury? Joy and happiness come in many different forms. It can be as simple as arranging a colorful bouquet of flowers in your environment that you can be around for a good part of the day. When you flip the switch in your streaming thoughts to the positive channel, put a smile on your face. It will help lift your spirits and will affect everyone else around you. Your happiness is achieved in the now moments and you do not need to wait for a future date. Take a look around you and immerse yourself in nature in any season, take a deep breath, appreciate the good things that you notice and jot them down somewhere for reference in your daily journal to recall the story of what your experience was today. Join us as we explore the differences between joy and happiness and really how accessible they are to us as we are present in our daily moments.

    Activating Mindful Presence with an Attitude of Gratitude

    Activating Mindful Presence with an Attitude of Gratitude
    “I can’t change the destination of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.” ~Jimmy Dean Our personal design assignment for ourselves is to have focused targets and goals, a strategic process and a way to get where we want to go in our lives. Although we are all connected, with similar energy systems and structures, our personal design assignment is individually Connecting Our Divine Essences. Mindful components include being present with all of our senses, having perseverance, awareness, non-judgment, and an attitude of gratitude. There are a variety of tools to learn about, apply to our daily living process and see if they work for our individual situation. Traditional tools have many different labels. Mindful meditation is one of these tools. In practice, it can feel hard to do when you are first putting together your personal design. .Join us as we explore how to put a design together that is portable, time sensitive and can be felt immediately.