
    Pay It Forward Today

    In this Taglish podcast, Life and Finance Coaches Neri Sotero and Jendee De Guzman share their life lessons to pay it forward today. For show notes, please visit their FB page: Pay It Forward Today.
    en-phNeri Sotero & Jendee De Guzman22 Episodes

    Episodes (22)

    S4EP2 THE POWER OF GRATITUDE (A Life by Design Series)

    S4EP2 THE POWER OF GRATITUDE (A Life by Design Series)

    In this episode Coach Jendee shares how she was able to get through tough times by the power of gratitude and how gratitude can be magic into your life. Whether you are experiencing pain or grief, gratitude will always change the course of your jorney to be a brand new person. 

    For collaborations: email: payitforwardtodayph@gmail.com

    fb page: www.facebook.com/Payitforwardtodayph

    join our community: https://bit.ly/PIFTfbgroup

    To get in touch with Coach Jendee: bit.ly/coachjendeedeguzman

    S4EP1: LIFE BY DESIGN - Use Your GIFT to go back to your CORE

    S4EP1: LIFE BY DESIGN - Use Your GIFT to go back to your CORE

    What will you do if your motivation is gone?
    What will you do if the people you are working hard for is gone?
    What if the company you love, does not love you back anymore?

    How will you use your G.I.F.T. to go back to core?


    Join Coach Jendee as she discusses Episode 1 of a five-part episode of Season 4 of Pay It Forward Today!

    For collaborations:
    email: payitforwardtodayph@gmail.com
    fb page: www.facebook.com/Payitforwardtodayph

    To get in touch with Coach Jendee: bit.ly/coachjendeedeguzman

    D.E.S.I.R.E to Level Up

    D.E.S.I.R.E to Level Up

    In this episode Coach Jendee discusses reasons for you to upgrade or level up in life. Enjoy and learn from this episode with the top 6 steps (D.E.S.I.R.E) Coach Jendee will share. *** Be the change you want to see in the world. Be a brand new you.

    For collaborations, inquiries and coaching sessions, email payitforwardtodayph@gmail.com 

    Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/Payitforwardtodayph

    Join our Facebook group for updates and topic discussions http://bit.ly/piftgroup

    Pay It Forward Today
    en-phJuly 27, 2022

    Power Quotes to Create Your New Normal

    Power Quotes to Create Your New Normal

    Join Coach Jendee and Coach Neri as they reflect on 5 powerful quotes and their favorite life verses to guide us in creating a better version of our New Normal. 




    Be the change you want to see in the world. Be a brand new you.


    For collaborations, inquiries and coaching sessions, 

    email payitforwardtodayph@gmail.com 


    Join our Facebook group for updates and topic discussions


    Pay It Forward Today
    en-phNovember 20, 2020

    How to be Happy during Unhappy Times

    How to be Happy during Unhappy Times

    Join Coach Jendee and Coach Neri in this full-packed episode on finding happiness despite unhappy challenges in life.

    *Note: Anxiety and depression are discussed. If you are not yet emotionally ready to hear such things, listening to this episode is discouraged.*

    Episode highlights:

    ✅ Finding purpose in brokenness 

    ✅ Strength in vulnerability 

    ✅ Getting the right support group 

    ✅ Mind-body connection 

    ✅ Meditation exercises

    Be the change you want to see in the world. Be a brand new you.

    For collaborations, inquiries and coaching sessions, email payitforwardtodayph@gmail.com 

    How Much is in Your Psychological Wallet?

    How Much is in Your Psychological Wallet?

    In this requested episode, join Coach Jendee and Coach Neri as they discuss the concept of the Psychological Wallet and…

    ✅ How it can help you towards better money habits

    ✅ How money is 80% behavioral and 20% technical

    ✅ How it affects our expenses, savings and investments

    ✅ How to increase and stretch our psychological wallet

    ✅ How it affects the people around us 🤗


    Follow us on Facebook: fb.com/payitforwardtodayph

    For collaborations, inquiries and coaching sessions, email payit4rwardtoday@gmail.com

    Work from Home: Stressed or Blessed

    Work from Home: Stressed or Blessed

    Join Coach Neri and Coach Jendee as they continue to discuss the #NewNormal, particularly our current Work From Home setup.

    Topics included are:

    ✔️Ways to switch our emotional state

    ✔️Lessening Zoom (virtual) fatigue

    ✔️Using triggers to break the work psyche

    ✔️Managing work stress at home

    ✔️Self-awareness for better mental health


    Follow us on Facebook: fb.com/payitforwardtodayph

    Adapt to the New Normal

    Adapt to the New Normal

    “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent. It is the one that is most adaptable to change.” - Charles Darwin

    Join Coach Jendee and Coach Neri as they discuss the New Normal we’re facing and how we can adapt by...

    • Setting rituals and boundaries 
    • Preparing our finances during crisis
    • Being relevant today as an employee or a business person
    • Managing anxiety to move forward

    We have now partnered with Guerrilla Podcast Syndicate - Philippines as well so you can listen to us along with other independent Filipino podcasters. 

    Pay It Forward Today
    en-phJune 11, 2020

    HEAAL: Help Everyone Accept & Appreciate Life

    HEAAL: Help Everyone Accept & Appreciate Life

    How do we cope with such uncertain times?

    Join Coach Neri and Coach Jendee as they discuss...
    🌟 How to manage fears and mental health during this quarantine period
    🌟 Anti-fragility to make us stronger through adversity
    🌟 The healing effect of meditation and how we are all interconnected

    Be the change you want to see in the world. Be a brand new you.

    Intro music by www.tristanlohengrin.com 

    Work-Life Balance or Not

    Work-Life Balance or Not

    Is work-life balance achievable?

    Join Coach Neri and Coach Jendee as they discuss...
    🌟 How they balanced work-life as employees then as freelancers
    🌟 Managing priorities and traffic 😅
    🌟 Unwinding and how they de-stress when needed
    🌟 Tips on finding balance and lessening toxic situations

    Cultivate the Right Mindset

    Cultivate the Right Mindset

    In this requested episode, Coach Jendee and Coach Neri discuss the following topics:
    🌟 Challenging negative mindsets
    🌟 Exploring growth, possibility and minimalist mindsets
    🌟 Daily habits and breathing exercises to help you clarify your mindset

    📎 Read more on show notes, links, quotes:

    Pay It Forward Today
    en-phOctober 27, 2019

    Transitioning from Employment to Freelancing

    Transitioning from Employment to Freelancing

    In this episode, we have invited Ms. Rachel Jaro, co-founder and CTO of Goally, to discuss how she transitioned from being a web developer to a full-pledged startup owner.

    Background on Rachel
    ✅ Builder and leader of digital companies for 8 years
    ✅ Freelancer and speaker in PHP User Group Philippines at age 21
    ✅ Drupal developer community builder at age 23
    ✅ International speaker at age 25 in Drupal conferences in Chicago and San Diego
    ✅ Featured in Entrepreneur magazine (2012), Central Luzon TV (2016) and CNN Philippines (2019)

    Meanwhile, Coach Jendee and Coach Neri also tell their stories of transitioning as corporate employees to self-employed financial advisors / agency managers.

    Topics covered:
    🌟 Why they decided to leave the corporate world and go into freelancing
    🌟 What they did to pursue full-time freelancing
    🌟 Advantages and disadvantages of being a freelancer (regrets, if any 🙂)
    🌟 Tips to those who want to try freelancing for the first time


    4:05 How Rachel entered the freelancing world

    10:09 Rachel’s training in the Startup Accelerator Program by Kickstart Ventures

    16:59 Why Rachel declined US citizenship to start her own business

    20:13 How Rachel “prepared” to transition from employment to full-time freelancing

    23:53 Why Jendee resigned from corporate a month after joining the life insurance industry

    28:51 How Neri transitioned from corporate to agency manager within 1 year

    39:27 Any regrets? Will you change anything you did?

    44:16 Are you happy with your decision? What are the pros and cons of your current status? Tips to those who are thinking about jumping into freelancing

    Detailed show notes and marks: bit.ly/PIFT5Notes

    Music: tristanlohengrin.com

    Investment Basics for Beginners

    Investment Basics for Beginners

    In this episode, Coach Neri and Coach Jendee answer a common question they receive: How do I start investing?

    Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it; he who doesn't, pays it. - Albert Einstein


    04:36 How they started their first investment when they were in their early 20s.

    16:08 How they started investing in the stock market

    20:39 What is a stock market?

    23:07 Mutual funds vs VUL

    24:31 Mutual funds vs stocks

    26:42 UITF (Unit Investment Trust Fund)

    27:46 Investment categories

    30:27 Bonds vs stocks

    32:59 Knowing your risk profile

    34:29 Analogy on bonds vs stocks

    37:05 Rental properties / real estate reminders

    40:42 Reminders before you invest

    42:25 Warning on too good to be true “investments”

    43:01 Rule of 72 or When will your money double?

    44:06 Investment vs Business

    47:06 Emergency funds

    50:13 Money and values

    Follow us on FB: @payitforwardtodayph

    Music by Tristan Lohengrin (www.tristanlohengrin.com)

    Facing Your Fears

    Facing Your Fears

    Topics covered:

    ✅ Using your greatest fear to your advantage

    ✅ 4 Quotes to guide you on facing fears

    ✅ Not fearing fear

    ✅ A coaching exercise to face your own fears

    In this episode, Coach Neri faces her fear on putting herself out there alone in the podcast recording because Coach Jendee was not available. An apt on-the-spot challenge of facing one’s fears. 😀

    Music by Tristan Lohengrin (www.tristanlohengrin.com) 

    Follow us at FB: @payitforwardtodayph