
    People First - All Else Follows

    You are in business. You are good at what you do. You feel safe, but keep wondering how long you have before what you do is automated, outsourced, off-shored, replaced or just made obsolete. It will happen. Nothing stands still. So neither should you. I worked in Silicon Valley for over 30 years. You succeed in that environment by continual transformation. Join the conversations to cut through the noise and understand how real people at work and play balance priorities every day to make a living and provide the best life possible for themselves and those around them all there while with an eye on the future. This podcast was launched in 2020. It was really catching on - and then .. well you know how life changes on a dime? Mine did. But we are back - a different URL, a revised cover and a real world example of 'continual transformation. Maybe I'll do an episode about it one day. The image featured on the cover art is by Alina Grubnyak on Unsplash here: https://unsplash.com/@alinnnaaaa
    enJohn Philpin35 Episodes

    Episodes (35)

    054 | Real People Do Real Things, So What You Here For?

    054 | Real People Do Real Things, So What You Here For?

    It's longer than I would like - but as you'll see - it could be a lot longer.

    I am joined this week by a long time associate and business colleague, Mark Roman, who is not just an absolute mine of information, he is here to share it with you.

    Mark is not just a Fortune 50 Executive, having founded several companies in his career, he is also a best selling author, with a second book on the way which we talk about on the show.

    We talk about

    • A new book he is writing, where he is collating and curating interviews with 400 experts from across the globe on raising money and funding your business.
    • Health care and the business of health.
    • Childhood, love, caring and about what it means to be rich (though not in the way you might be thinking.)
    • How ‘Business moves at the speed of trust’ - but also that ‘Business is Personal’.

    And that was just the start - because at the end of the show, you discover that it is not the end of the show at all. We move on - but you’ll have to wait for that until the next episode!

    Quote of the day:

    "People matter in business and personal relationships, people get work done, not machines, not 'bots', 'software agents' or 'AI algorithms'. These are all just tools. People get the business done."

    Find Mark on LinkedIN at:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/markroman

    051 | Passion, Purpose And On A Sea I Met Destiny

    051 | Passion, Purpose And On A Sea I Met Destiny

    The episode was recorded shortly after Episode 49 with LaTonya Peoples

    During our conversation, Stuart referenced Chadwick Boseman's Howard University 2018 Commencement Speech - well worth a watch.

    We also drill into what People First is ... an ongoing conversation - and Stuart highlights an earlier podcast where what I said - resonated with him at least ...

    This is the podcast that Stuart referenced where he felt that I had articulated what People First means ... spin through to 'minute 6' and on to hear the part Stuart was highlighting ... 

    050 | Such A Curiosity - Here It Comes To Set Us Free

    050 | Such A Curiosity - Here It Comes To Set Us Free

    Greg covers off the 4Cs of humanity; Consciousness, Curiosity, Creativity and Collaboration and helps us understand what we each need to do to maintain our humanity and not be subsumed in the race to automate.

    More About Greg

    To find out more about Greg’s latest work, you can check out his website here, where you will find Greg’s latest blog posts or follow him on LinkedIn and Twitter

    If you’d like to purchase The Human Edge it's available in hard copy and Kindle editions via most online book stores - including Amazon

    More About People First

    If you are interested in being a guest on People First, we do have a process and are taking bookings into 2021, but we still want to hear from you.

    If you would like to receive the weekly newsletter, come on over.

    People First is many things and in the process of developing a range of new services that we think you will find very useful. If you want to be kept up to speed with what we are doing - lets us know.

    049 | Call It Serendipity

    049 | Call It Serendipity

    LaTonya Peoples is her name - and you are already acquainted with her - because she is the brains behind the music and the 'musical punctuation' you hear on every show.

    Musician, Musical Therapist and IT consultant, LaTonya 'talks to the universe', followed and follows her dreams, in fact, she routinely practices many People First disciplines which is just one reason why I was absolutely delighted to catch up with her from her studio in Atlanta.

    We touch on 

    • Pay, Purpose, Passion and Play
    • Following Your Dreams
    • Travels Without Charlie
    • Serendipity
    • Talking to the Universe

    ... we get into it all. The show is a little longer than my promised target, but trust me, the time will just rush by as you settle into my conversation with LaTonya Peoples.

    Links To LaTonya Peoples

    Website : https://latonyapeoples.com

    Listen On Soundcloud

    Listen On Spotify

    Listen On Apple

    and don’t forget 

    Music Supervisor DOT Com

    ... where it all started!

    048 | Define Decision

    048 | Define Decision

    ‘The Voice of God’ … opens the episode which is another conversation with Stuart Robbins where we discussed direct, delegated and consensus decision making. We should have taken our own advice since we ended up with more questions than decisions.

    For example, John asks whether he really is trying to "unlock the potential of humanity" - a phrase that popped up in another conversation that we will have to save until another time.

    We ask 'What Is A Movement?' and with that answered we then ask is People First a movement?

    John said yes. Emphatically yes.

    Read The Newsletter

    Join The Facebook Community ... that spawned this conversation.

    047 | Put Yourself In The Place Of The Man At The Forge

    047 | Put Yourself In The Place Of The Man At The Forge

    Jacob and I have known each other for a few years, first meeting in the earliest days of the forming of Merchant23. Jacob keeps growing the business but is now taking the lessons from Merchant23 developing them and turning them into new businesses.

    About Jacob

    If you are a business and struggling with how to engage with people in your customer base - it might well be that Jacob is your solution.

    Empathy, connecting with humanity, feeling the energy, putting yourself into the shoes of your customer - these are phrases Jacob uses in his natural conversation. These aren’t glib buzz words - this is who Jacob is … and with him, his customers are in turn taken on their journeys to better engage with their customers.

    Get in touch with Jacob at Traffic Labs and Merchant23

    Small Print:

    John works with Jacob at Merchant23 as a board adviser.

    As always - the People First Newsletter can be found here.


    046 | Two People Talking Inside Your Brain

    046 | Two People Talking Inside Your Brain

    Part two of my conversation with long-time friend and colleague Stuart Robbins.

    The conversation fell into two parts - this is part two.

    Part One Is Here.

    As always - don’t forget to subscribe to the weekly People First Newsletter.

    And this week - a link with a difference ...

    Stuart's book 'The System Is The Mirror' can be found and ordered right here.

    045 | We're Seein' Mirror To Mirror

    045 | We're Seein' Mirror To Mirror

    I called long-time friend and colleague Stuart Robbins to let him know that we would be doing an occasional podcast together. We ended up talking - as you do when you call. I recorded it - and spent some time slicing out some nuggets of gold to give you an idea of what's in store for you when we do future calls.

    The nuggets fall into two parts - this is part one.

    As always - don’t forget to subscribe to the weekly People First Newsletter.

    And this week - a link with a difference ...

    Stuart's book 'The System Is The Mirror' can be found and ordered right here.

    044 | To Hear Your Wonderous Stories

    044 | To Hear Your Wonderous Stories

    There is no point in talking about People First and its principles in the abstract without bringing the lessons down to earth. In this episode, John gives you 4 stories from - and about - 4 different people in the 'Travels Without Charley' series. 

    The stories are real, the people are real, the experiences are real - and they all come together in this short episode that concludes with some thoughts about opportunities. (To protect the innocent - all names and locations are changed to maintain the anonymity of the people telling their stories.)

    Don't forget to sign up for the weekly newsletter from People First - delivered directly to your inbox.

    043 | Tryin' To Help The People

    043 | Tryin' To Help The People

    The People First Framework - With The 8 Pillars

    The Weekly Newsletter

    For each pillar, John shares a truth ... asking questions that society seems to have accepted - if not actually adopted. But why.

    Why has Identity been conflated to ID - which is really just the 'proof part' of who we are - whilst completely ignoring 'Entity' - which is actually who.we.are.

    062 | I'm Hoping That Experience Could Get You To Change

    062 | I'm Hoping That Experience Could Get You To Change

    Maybe Listen To Part One First ...

    Part two of a great conversation with an erstwhile colleague and long time friend Daniel Szuc who has been working on a very ‘People Firsty’ initiative called Make Meaningful Work.

    Daniel On LinkedIN : https://www.linkedin.com/in/daniel-szuc-227b/

    Find make Meaningful Work’s website

    Watch out for part two of our conversation.


    061 | Sending Listeners To Hong Kong With My Rap

    061 | Sending Listeners To Hong Kong With My Rap

    I am in the process of moving my podcast to Philpin.com  and sadly the Substack software only seems interested in moving a few episodes to here. So I am experimenting in unpublising and republishing to force the rest into the feed. If this works, I will move the rest. Let's see. Many thanks for your patience.

    This episode was originally published on January 21st, 2020. 


    Great conversation with an erstwhile colleague and long time friend Daniel Szuc who has been working on a very 'People Firsty' initiative called Make Meaningful Work.

    Daniel On LinkedIN : https://www.linkedin.com/in/daniel-szuc-227b/

    Find make Meaningful Work's website

    The conversation was one of great quality - you can tell, because I stopped watching the clock and so we ran over. The benefit to you? Two for the price of one. 

    Watch out for part two of our conversation.
