

    Peripheries is created for you, by Rachel Dolezal. This podcast focuses on the stories of individuals all over the world who have reached out to Rachel for support and encouragement in the past 7 years - people living on the peripheries of society who don't fit into a scripted box & feel Rachel would understand their pain, since she has experienced so much public shaming and rejection herself. Some of these stories are about being born between cultural categories, while others share an experience of finding a home in a group other than the person's birth category. All of these stories are human beings who want to be loved and supported, who want to experience equal opportunity and social equity. This podcast affirms the common ground we share as human beings, deserving of compassion & empathy. The content seeks to build bridges of understanding with those in the mainstream who easily fit into cultural categories, while bringing hope and a sense of community to those who are living somewhere in-between boxes of race, culture, religion, or national origin. Many of the contributors ask Rachel, "Am I alone?" or "Is it even worth living?" due to the rejection and isolation they experience by not fitting neatly into a singular box. The names and personal identifying information have been altered to protect the anonymity of those who have trusted Rachel with their life experiences in confidence. Until the world becomes a little kinder and more fully inclusive, many stories will remain nameless, and others will be unspoken and unheard. Let's build a welcoming space that is truly inclusive of all people. Your support of this podcast can maximize the impact of this vision through listening, sharing, reposting, and contributing at the tiered membership levels for patrons. Your participation signals to others that bullying, hate, shaming, and mockery of others are not welcome and that empathy is a value we should nurture in society at large. Let's grow & evolve on this journey together!
    enNkechi Diallo26 Episodes

    Episodes (26)

    Rachel Dolezal Reads the Prologue to her Book

    Rachel Dolezal Reads the Prologue to her Book

    Listen to Rachel read the Prologue to her book, "In Full Color: Finding My Place in a Black & White World." Whether you were one of the first people to read her memoir when it was published in 2017, or if you still haven't started, hearing the author read their own writing sometimes adds new meaning to the text. This is a 9 minute listen. To purchase an autographed copy for yourself or to give as a gift, visit: RachelDolezal.com 

    Season 2: Episode 8: The ABC's of Race & Culture

    Season 2: Episode 8: The ABC's of Race & Culture

    We can all benefit from a tune-up of our vocabulary. In this era of cancel culture, some people are scared to attempt a conversation about topics related to identity, race or culture - for fear of saying the wrong thing. You might already know that saying "colored people" is offensive, but did you know that the term "cakewalk" also has roots in oppression? Rachel shares brief definitions & context for about 50 terms from A to C that intersect with the content on this podcast. You can access the recommended Reading List and behind-the-scenes content on this podcast's Patreon page. Go to www.peripheriespodcast.com for more info.

    Season 2: Episode 7: Dr. Ronnie Gladden

    Season 2: Episode 7: Dr. Ronnie Gladden

    In this episode of Peripheries, Rachel Dolezal and Ronnie Gladden have an open dialogue about their identity as individuals & how they navigate a world where they are coded and deciphered in binary terms. Does the outer have to match the inner reality, or can we nurture dualities of self somewhere between the mind, body and heart? What role does our appearance play in how others behave toward us, and how do we show up as our full selves in spaces that are organized on an either-or premise? Should we eliminate or expand the number of options for identity on forms? To follow Dr. Ronnie's work, go to: ronniegladden.com or whitegirlwithin.com 

    Season 2: Episode 6: Robin Abrams-Tolden

    Season 2: Episode 6: Robin Abrams-Tolden

    Listen to Robin's story about finding love, purpose, and belonging from childhood through retirement. Her journey will inspire you to be true to yourself, even if it means living on the Periphery of social circles. From Chicago to Mississippi & Arizona, Robin has impacted generations of children through her inclusive teaching methods. Growing up as the darkest of her siblings, she shares how complexion affected social responses to her mother, siblings, and herself, and how these experiences gave her a broader understanding of cultural acceptance and community.

    Season 2: Episode 5: Fe Bencosme

    Season 2: Episode 5: Fe Bencosme

    In this episode, I discuss the construct of race with author and educator, Fe Bencosme. Fe spent her childhood in the US Virgin Islands and the Dominican Republic before moving to New York, the Middle East, and eventually Houston, TX. She has traveled to many countries, across six continents, and has an important perspective on the topics of race, culture, and shared humanity. We examine how dissent on the topic of race and identity is not allowed in academia and explore ideas for greater inclusivity and critical thought in education. Read Fe's book, "You Are Not Your Race: Embracing Our Shared Humanity in a Chaotic Age," for more about her journey.

    Season 2: Episode 4: Dr. Clyde N.S. Ramalaine

    Season 2: Episode 4: Dr. Clyde N.S. Ramalaine

    In this episode of Peripheries, I sit down with Dr. Clyde Ramalaine to explore the fundamental human right of self-definition and examine the similarities and differences between the construct of race & acts of racism in South Africa and the United States. Dr. Ramalaine shares his journey, from being a Freedom Fighter as a teenager - on the run in fear of his life from the apartheid operatives - to a Bishop and most recently an author, political advisor, and doctoral graduate whose thesis focuses on race, identity, and the politics of power. Although this is the podcast's longest episode to-date, you'll find yourself riveted by Clyde's story and inspired to become a fellow "prisoner of hope."

    Season 2: Episode 3: Shannon Ayers

    Season 2: Episode 3: Shannon Ayers

    In this episode, I sit down with Shannon Ayers to discuss her life experiences and the perspective she has on race, culture, family, and breaking free from society's constraints. Mrs. Ayers has a varied career and interesting personal life, with unique experiences in politics and motherhood, from New Orleans to DC, and Japan to Iceland. Her book, "Tunnel Vision: The State of Our Union" is available on Amazon, and you can connect with Shannon at: starmgmtconsulting.com hello-beautiful.org Email: smc@starmgmtconsulting.com 

    Season 2: Episode 1: Joey Hollimon

    Season 2: Episode 1: Joey Hollimon

    Welcome to Season 2 of Peripheries! This second season of the Peripheries podcast features conversations between Rachel and guests who are closely related to the topics we explore - peripheral identities, cultural belonging, navigating a racialized world, shifting oppressive paradigms, cultivating compassion, widening the scope of inclusion, and deconstructing the race worldview. This first episode shares the story of our very own Peripheries audio engineer, Joey Hollimon. Listen in as we also explore the topics of stereotypes in sports, growing up with the biracial label in America, and making decisions about career, friends, and hairstyles amid the social landmines that the race worldview creates for those who fall in-between groups. 

    Episode 15

    Episode 15

    This final episode for Peripheries Season 1 shares 5 letters from around the world and wraps up the content for this first podcast season. The Peripheries Reading List is also reviewed with some commentary, and listeners hear the exciting content that's coming up for Peripheries: Season 2 - launching next week! Get ready to hear new voices & fresh conversations hosted by Rachel Dolezal.

    Episode 14

    Episode 14

    In this episode, I share my own DNA test results and discuss what meaning these test results may have for myself and others in terms of shaping racial identity. We also explore 5 action steps for ways we can effect change in the world, how we can deconstruct the race worldview and challenge institutionalized racism. 

    Episode 13

    Episode 13

    In this episode, we hear from a woman in Israel who discusses finding belonging in a Black international community. As part of the discussion around self-defined racial identity, we explore the Jim Crow originated One Drop Rule that still operates in America to define "blackness," and why one man believes he is black under this rule due to a blood transfusion from a Black woman. By exploring how individuals define personal identities and looking closely at the social construction of racial groups, we can take a more critical look at race and how deconstructing the race worldview can help fix the problem of racism and prejudice. Agree or disagree? Join the conversation on Patreon!

    Episode 12

    Episode 12

    In this episode of Peripheries, we explore metaphysical perspectives about race & identity, then consider two contradictory Supreme Court rulings on what constitutes "whiteness." As we continue to learn how racial boundaries are defined by those in positions of power, it becomes clear that no solid foundation or clear definition for separate human races. So, if race is a myth, then how is anyone's self-defined identity wrong?

    Peripheries: Episode 11

    Peripheries: Episode 11

    In this episode of Peripheries, I share three letters from people around the world with their thoughts on race & identity and then give an academic overview of the three ways race & ethnicity are defined (mythical, biological, administrative). The input from the letters on how people want to see race contrast with the ways in which race has been defined and continues to be redefined in society, begging the question: Why are we so invested in redefining race in our modern era rather than letting go of this myth?

    Peripheries: Episode 10

    Peripheries: Episode 10

    In this episode, I share a letter from a woman in the UK. This letter brings up pain around the race issue and the question of whether it is possible to transition from Black to white. I discuss cases of physical transition, racial reconstruction surgeries, and melanin reversal, as well as identity and personal evolution that doesn't require physical transitioning. We are all on a path of personal discovery and expressing our truest and best selves. Let's allow the same for others, whatever that might look like. At the end of the day, biological "race" is a myth, so however someone visualizes "racially" is not right or wrong, just a personal choice - and there is empowerment in choice. 

    Peripheries: Episode 9

    Peripheries: Episode 9

    In this episode, I share two letters - one from Thailand and one from the U.S. These messages bring up the topic of biological family versus chosen family, and how the academic community can better cultivate a nuanced, thoughtful, and fair dialogue about race, culture, and identity. I also mention a new book, "White Girl Within," by Dr. Ronnie Gladden, and how Ronnie's story encourages us to expand our concept of acceptance and inclusion. 

    Peripheries: Episode 7

    Peripheries: Episode 7

    In this episode, I share a letter from Poland that brings up the realities of racism and diversity while delineating the distinction between biological differences, cultural differences, and the race worldview. By continuing to listen to episodes of Peripheries, you will build an increased vocabulary to draw from when talking about race, culture & ethnicity with your friends, family & coworkers.