
    Permaweb Pioneers

    Introducing the permanent web - a new frontier made possible by the Arweave protocol and the permaweb that lives on top of it. We speak with amazing founders, developers, artists and more that are creating on top of the permaweb. Join us in exploring the profound implications of this permanent internet and the grand opportunities it presents.
    en@onlyarweave59 Episodes

    Episodes (59)

    Customizable data streams and more with Jakub and Marcin of Redstone Finance

    Customizable data streams and more with Jakub and Marcin of Redstone Finance

    Redstone provides customizable DeFi data streams delivered quickly, reliably and cost-efficiently, all stored on Arweave. Jakub, founder of Redstone shares his prior blockchain experience as an auditor and what ultimately led him to the Arweave ecosystem and the Permaweb. We hear from Marin, Head of Growth at Redstone, and learn about his transition from web2 to web3 and his interest in seeing this technology deliver good to the world. 

    From data regarding physical crops to decentralized exchange data, Redstone is building an important bridge to provide reliable data streams stored on Arweave. Of course, it doesn't stop there, their developer tooling and optimizations for their Smartweave SDK demonstrate impressive skills in recognizing opportunities to deliver better building experiences on the Permaweb.

    Visit: redstone.finance

    Be sure and follow @onlyarweave on Twitter to stay in the loop on all things Arweave and Permaweb related. 

    Growing the attention economy with Al Morris, founder of Koii

    Growing the attention economy with Al Morris, founder of Koii

    "What were trying to do is complement that [proof of humanity] with proof of contribution. The way you prove your contribution to the collective knowledge commons is by getting attention from other people who have a higher reputation."

    Koii is building out what they see as core infrastructure for the future of the attention economy. Al Morris, founder of Koii, shares his background exploring robotics and blockchain before finding Arweave and recognizing its massive potential. This interest has ultimately led to the building of several components of what Al and team call, "the web 3.0 attention economy".  A primary thesis for this vision is that creators deserve more equitable opportunities for the attention they generate. Current web2 companies exploit these creators for their own revenue and benefit, part of Koii's message is to do the opposite - enable creators to earn directly from the attention they create and generate from their work. 

    Visit: koii.network and koi.rocks

    Be sure and follow @onlyarweave on Twitter to stay in the loop on all things Arweave and Permaweb related. 

    Panel: Intro to Redstone.Finance, plus photography NFTs on Immutable Image

    Panel: Intro to Redstone.Finance, plus photography NFTs on Immutable Image

    In this episode we feature to primary topics directly with the founders themselves; DeFi data on Arweave, and photography NFTs. 

    Jakub, the founder of Redstone.finance walks us through the data dashboards from both a philosophical vantage point and real-world use case implementation. We also hear from Marcin, their Head of Growth, about their path forward in DeFi and beyond. Their mission is massive, coupling data streams of crops and cryptos in a holistic approach to enable unprecedented access to DeFi data streams. 

    We learn about the growing world of Arweave-stored photography NFTs via the ImmutableImage founders, Bjorn and Jeff. Utilizing Metaplex, they are providing high quality and curated photo collections for purchase via Solana, with all metadata stored on Arweave. They discuss their plans for the future, including expanding the number of photographers on the platform and broadening their collector base by offering accessible pricing and more. 

    Check out Redstone.finance and ImmutableImage.com

    Be sure and follow @onlyarweave to stay in the loop!

    Decentralized communication with Brennan Lamey, founder of Kwil

    Decentralized communication with Brennan Lamey, founder of Kwil

    "We wanted to make sure that we're building an actually decentralized social and not just a social media that uses cryptocurrency... Being totally decentralized is our guiding mantra." 

    Decentralized communication platforms are nascent and becoming increasingly important in the fabric of our civilization. Explore this topic with Brennan Lamey, Founder of Kwil. Their team is focused on starting fully decentralized instead of a progressive decentralization model present in several communication platforms in the space. 

    KwilDB is the latest tool the team is building out, a general purpose decentralized relatable database that can be used for anything being built on the Permaweb. The implications of this are potentially massive, enabling other founders and developers to ramp up their development speed and efficiency while building on Arweave. 

    There are a number of layers that we walkthrough; including nodes, gateways and user interfaces on Kwil. 

    Visit: kwil.com

    Be sure and follow @onlyarweave on Twitter to stay in the loop on all things Arweave and Permaweb related. 

    Panel: Building on Polygon and Arweave with the founders of NiftyPixels

    Panel: Building on Polygon and Arweave with the founders of NiftyPixels

    This conversation is both technical and design-oriented as we navigate what it's like to build with Polygon + Arweave, and delve into the design ethos of NiftyPixels. Matt, aka "pencilflip", shares his technical learnings building on Arweave and creating an NFT marketplace. Kat, aka "Katherine" shares a bit about her design philosophy and approach to creating a pleasing aesthetic, while also being super functional and easy to use. 

    This duo has gone on to create amazing NFT-oriented platforms, including their most recent projects: mycoverse.xyz, and Solana-based formfunction.xyz. They continue to build on Arweave as their storage layer for all NFTs :).

    Be sure and follow @onlyarweave to stay in the loop!

    Decentralized unlockables with Chris Seline, Founder of Darkblock

    Decentralized unlockables with Chris Seline, Founder of Darkblock

    Dive deep into the world of NFT "unlockables" with Chris Seline, Founder of Darkblock.io. From pay-per-view, to thumbnails and hi-res formats, we discuss the current state and the possibilities going forward with this technology built on Arweave. 

    Chris shares about his vast experience as a technology founder in the search engine space, branding and the importance of getting a great message out, and the (what seems to be) inevitable market for unlockable content for all types of media and assets stored on the Permaweb. 

    Be sure have check out Darkblock.io and follow @darkblockio on Twitter. 

    And of course, follow @onlyarweave for all things Arweave :)

    Panel: Arweave News, OLTA.art, and EthSign

    Panel: Arweave News, OLTA.art, and EthSign

    In this Permaweb Panel hosted live on @onlyarweave’s twitter account, we take a deep dive with the founders of OLTA.art and their emphasis on developers as artists. We also connect with Jack Xu of EthSign.xyz and their Ethereum-based document signing platform and more. 

    Some topics covered: 
    Arweave News -> 100 million transactions on Bundlr.Network (!) 
    Launch of the Solana-based music NFT platform Releap.io 
    The impetus for starting OLTA.art and the background of founders Terence Reilly and George Baldwin
    Ethsign with Jack Xu and the importance of Arweave contract signing and more.

    Be sure and follow @onlyarweave to stay in the loop!

    Decentralized dead man's switch with Zach Hamilton, builder at Sarcophagus

    Decentralized dead man's switch with Zach Hamilton, builder at Sarcophagus

    The confluence of blockchain, Eteherum, and Arweave make the inner-workings of Sarcophagus possible. Learn about the fundamentals as builder Zach Hamilton walks us through how it all works and shares what is yet to come for this utility of data access and beyond. Sarcophagus is designed to be used for will and trusts, password recovery, credential pass down, and so much more.

    It's an in-depth conversation that not only explores the intersection of valuable technologies that have enabled Sarcophagus, we also speak about some areas of improvement and a path forwards for Sarcophagus v.2 that is already in the works. 

    Visit: sarcophagus.io
    Be sure to follow on Twitter @sarcophagusio

    And of course, follow @onlyarweave for all things Arweave :)

    Panel: The pathway forward in 2022 for the Arweave ecosystem

    Panel: The pathway forward in 2022 for the Arweave ecosystem

    In this Permaweb Panel hosted live on @onlyarweave’s twitter account, we discuss what’s in store for Arweave in 2022 and what we’d like to see going forward. Hear from the founders of Kwil, Spheron, Sarcophagus, the bundlr.network, and KYVE). It’s an informative discussion and a great way to start 2022!

    Some topics covered: 
    Decentralized UI's and more with Spheron. 
    The importance of free speech and DAO tooling with Quil. 
    Generational data integrity and more with Sarcophagus. 
    Living in a cross-chain world with KYVE.

    We also hear from Rob of 4SV.io, who is an investor in the ecosystem :).

    Be sure and follow @onlyarweave to stay in the loop!

    Bundling transactions with Josh Benaron, Founder of Bundlr.Network

    Bundling transactions with Josh Benaron, Founder of Bundlr.Network

    The Bundlr Network was born less than 6 months ago, led by Josh Benaron and Sam Williams. Today 60-95% of all Arweave’s TX pass through the Bundlr Network. When asked, “why Arweave?” Josh explained, “Arweave is the only solution out there for truly decentralized permanent storage…the more time I time I spend with Arweave, the more I appreciate the elegance of its design.” Well stated.

    In this discussion, we dive deep into the story of the Bundlr, the challenges, and the massive opportunity unfolding before our eyes for the Arweave ecosystem at large. It's a big one, enjoy!

    Visit: bundlr.network
    Be sure to follow Josh and the Bundlr on Twitter @BundlrNetwork

    And of course, follow @onlyarweave for all things Arweave :)

    Panel: Arweave News, Verto's design approach, and Dropverse

    Panel: Arweave News, Verto's design approach, and Dropverse

    A panel featuring Tate Berebaum, Founder of Verto, along with Victor (design at Verto). We are also joined by the founder of Dropverse, a proximity-based NFT drop platform being built on Arweave. We learn more about liquidity mining on Uniswap V3, EIP-4444, Bundlr growth, and dive deep into the design philosophy at Verto and their transition to a SmartWeave-based infrastructure for trading PSTs and more. 

    "[Verto is] focused on building out user experiences and interfaces which enable people to tokenize ANY piece of data, and make it fungible or non-fungible."

    Co-hosts include Xylophone of Arweave.news, and of course @onlyarweave.

    Verifiable data streams with KYVE Co-founder John Letey

    Verifiable data streams with KYVE Co-founder John Letey

    "We are doing to data what the blockchain did to finance" - KYVE

    The amount of data being produced by all of the chains in a multi-chain world is sky-rocketing. It is also of practical (and philosophical) importance to store this data in a permanent and economical way on the Permaweb.

    In this discussion with John Letey, co-founder of KYVE, we explore how KYVE enables data providers to seamlessly store data and reliably verify their data streams. We learn about the process of becoming a validator in the network (in testnet at the time of recording), how uploading occurs, and insight into the speed at which chains can integrate into the KYVE protocol. This is an inspiring conversation with an individual who cares about data integrity and building quality technology.

    Visit: kyve.network

    Be sure and follow @onlyarweave on Twitter to stay in the loop on all things Arweave and Permaweb related. 

    Panel: Hear from the Founder of Arweave, Sam Williams and more

    Panel: Hear from the Founder of Arweave, Sam Williams and more

    A great panel discussion with Sam Williams, the Founder of Arweave. We learn more about the recent hard fork, details about mining upgrades, Shepherd content filtering, and the potential and progress being made for social networks being built on Arweave. It was a pleasure to have Sam join us in this panel - his enthusiasm and dedication to the protocol is inspiring. 

    "If you want to say something in public, Arweave is the most powerful and effective way of doing that because it does not just perpetuate your information across space, + replicate it across the world, it also replicates it across time, which is the most powerful way to speak."

    Co-hosts include Xylophone of Arweave.news, Rob of 4sv.io, and of course @onlyarweave.

    Decentralized email with MyMail Protocol founder, DMac

    Decentralized email with MyMail Protocol founder, DMac

    "What if email was something you bought from a protocol which had no interest in your personal information?"

    MyMail founder, DMac, shares his inspiration in building decentralized email and how he sees this as an important step in data sovereignty and digital ownership. His journey led him to Arweave, where he realized there was a solution to the problem of centralized email services.

    The conversation goes deep into both the technical and philosophical interests of this amazing individual and founder in the Arweave ecosystem. You can hear it in his voice - DMac cares about data and the future he's creating for his children and for humanity at large. Enjoy.

    Follow MyMail: @mymailprotocol

    Stay in the know about all things Arweave: @onlyarweave

    Panel: Indexing Arweave, Atomic NFTs, Metaplex, and massive growth!

    Panel: Indexing Arweave, Atomic NFTs, Metaplex, and massive growth!

    There's a lot happening in the Arweave ecosystem, and in this Permaweb Panel Co-hosts @onlyarweave, Rob of 4SV.io, Xylophone of Arweave.news discuss massive updates: The Graph indexing of Arweave, Atomic NFTs via KOII and Verto, Metaplex Candy Machine exponential usage increase, and so much more. 

    The Arweave ecosystem itself is increasing becoming more decentralized with external services being connected, more nodes coming online, and there's a huge increase of integrations. From the latest announcement from The Graph indexing Arweave, to Redstone Finance opening up a decentralized network of node operators, the theme of increased decentralization and composability is coming to life in a big way.

    There's also big uptick in the amount of NFTs being stored on Arweave. The Metaplex Candy Machine was one of the first adopters of the Bundlr and the NFT platform and utilization of the network has grown well over 30x in just the last month or so. Learn more about this in this episode.

    In addition to the above, we talk about how the Atomic Arweave Standard is developing into a vital component of any NFT -  "the media is stored on Arweave. The contract is stored on Arweave, they're inseparable. They're completely permanent. Essentially, they're treated like any other profit sharing token on Verto". The impact of this requires a lot of exploratory thought, which is why we're so glad you are a part of this community as we grow and develop together. 

    Thanks so much for learning about the Permaweb, and be in touch anytime @onlyarweave

    The power of decentralized video with Sam Sends of Glass.xyz

    The power of decentralized video with Sam Sends of Glass.xyz

    "So many of us are interacting with these videos on glass - it's the human touchpoint. We are touching glass to have these human exchanges - this emotional, rich, video experience."  

    Video has become the most important and popular medium for communication in the modern world: its content is rich and stimulating of all the senses; it is the easiest to digest; and half of the internet's bandwidth is used for the viewing of video.

    This discussion with Sam Sends of GLASS, who is building a decentralized video platform, explores: how integral video has become to communication in the modern world; why a decentralized video platform is important; and why Arweave's technology aligned with GLASS's permanent data storage vision. 

    Visit: glass.xyz

    Be sure and follow @onlyarweave on Twitter to stay in the loop on all things Arweave and Permaweb related. 

    Panel: Bringing web2 experiences to the Permaweb

    Panel: Bringing web2 experiences to the Permaweb

    One of the greatest challenges the permaweb faces is how to make it more welcoming and accessible to Web 2.0 users. In this episode Hlöðver Sigurðsson, Tate Berenbaum, Arweave.news, Rob of 4sv.io, Josh of the Bundlr, and others discuss with Arweave how Web2.0 experiences can be brought to Web3.0 and the Permaweb in a way that can onboard as many people as possible.

    This discussion includes some detail on how notable projects are building on Arweave to make their projects more accessible to everyone and why they chose Arweave to do so.

    In particular, there's discussion about the Bundlr and the massive opportunities it presents - "This will bring Arweave to the Web 2.0 world - and will bring it to major adoption - because users will be able to use Arweave without really noticing they are using Arweave which is the point of technology - to abstract away from complexities".

    Enabling the "Social Vault Protocol" with Richard Caetano of Akord

    Enabling the "Social Vault Protocol" with Richard Caetano of Akord

    Akord's social vaults ensure digital valuables and messages for generations to come with end-to-end encryption and permanent storage on Arweave. After building out their own crypto ledger, the Akord team found Arweave and it changed the game by providing all of the components necessary to create a digital time capsule and social vault on the Permaweb.

    The notion of a "social vault" is inspiring and utilitarian. This vault contains images, documents, and you-name-its in an encrypted, decentralized, and permanent storage interface for generations to come. No need for continuous subscription fees, you pay once and store forever. Visit Akord.com to sign up and join their Discord to learn more. 

    Also, be sure and follow @onlyarweave on Twitter to stay in the loop on all things Arweave and Permaweb related.