
    Perspectives on Ocean Science (Video)

    Learn about ocean science from leading researchers at Scripps Institution of Oceanography. This series is taped at the Birch Aquarium at Scripps and has been in production since 2001 with new episodes added monthly.
    en-us37 Episodes

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    Episodes (37)

    Understanding the Red Tide Phenomenon

    Understanding the Red Tide Phenomenon
    Join Professor Drew Lucas from Scripps Institution of Oceanography as he delves into the intriguing phenomenon of red tides. In this enlightening talk, you'll discover the behaviors of Lingulodinium polyedra, the primary organism behind these glowing marine events. Professor Lucas's groundbreaking research, featuring tools like an underwater microscope and a wave-powered profiling device, sheds light on the 2020 red tide's secrets. Gain insights into the complex swimming patterns of phytoplankton, their nutrient uptake strategies, and the resulting effects on marine ecosystems. This program offers an in-depth look at marine ecology and underscores the vital role of technological innovation in oceanographic research. Series: "Jeffrey B. Graham Perspectives on Ocean Science Lecture Series" [Science] [Show ID: 39251]

    Developing Technology to Stay Ahead of Natural Disasters

    Developing Technology to Stay Ahead of Natural Disasters
    Increasingly destructive wildfires are one of the most consequential impacts of our changing climate, often precipitating a cascade of related disasters including landslides, debris flows, dangerous air pollution and degradation of water quality in our rivers, streams and reservoirs. Join geophysiscist Dr. Neal Driscoll as he describes how ALERTCalifornia is working to use camera systems, artificial intelligence and a variety of sophisticated remote sensing techniques to prepare, respond and recover from the ravages of wildfire on the environment. Series: "Jeffrey B. Graham Perspectives on Ocean Science Lecture Series" [Science] [Show ID: 39250]

    From Pollution to Protection: Safeguarding Our Water Health

    From Pollution to Protection: Safeguarding Our Water Health
    Water on Earth sustains and connects us, but human activities can increase levels of harmful microorganisms and pollutants in our water systems that have the potential to make us sick or threaten our food supply. Join microbial ecologist Dr. Sarah Allard as she presents emerging research from Scripps Oceanography that sheds light on how natural microbial systems respond to these harmful contaminants in systems as diverse as freshwater river ecosystems and marine invertebrate digestive tract microbiomes. Series: "Jeffrey B. Graham Perspectives on Ocean Science Lecture Series" [Science] [Show ID: 39249]

    Navigating the Climate Crisis: Meeting the Challenges Ahead

    Navigating the Climate Crisis: Meeting the Challenges Ahead
    The confluence of the accelerating climate crisis, more frequent and severe disasters, widespread systemic injustice and oppression, and any number of additional coinciding crises paint a dark picture of our future. Climate professionals often feel inadequately trained to facilitate, navigate and lead communities through the transformative changes we all face. This program will offer directions on how these essential workers — and all of us — can grow the necessary skills and capacities to face and navigate our future. It is those very skills that may yet make us homo sapiens sapiens — “wise humans.” Series: "Jeffrey B. Graham Perspectives on Ocean Science Lecture Series" [Science] [Show ID: 38692]

    Climate Economics and Communication: Naming and Valuing What Matters

    Climate Economics and Communication: Naming and Valuing What Matters
    As humans, we benefit immensely from the ecosystems around us — including the ocean — in obvious and not-so-obvious ways. As climate change continues to affect these ecosystems, we must ask ourselves — what can we gain by safeguarding them? Join Bernie Bastien and Raiza Pilatowsky in an interactive talk that explores the need to recognize what we value about nature in order to find new and inspiring ways to protect our planet, and ensure a sustainable future for generations to come. Series: "Jeffrey B. Graham Perspectives on Ocean Science Lecture Series" [Science] [Show ID: 38691]

    SOARS: An Insider’s Look at Scripps Ocean Atmosphere Research Simulator

    SOARS: An Insider’s Look at Scripps Ocean Atmosphere Research Simulator
    Scripps Ocean Atmosphere Research Simulator (SOARS) is a unique installation that's changing the way oceanographers study and understand processes that occur at the boundary between the ocean and the atmosphere. Join oceanographer Dale Stokes for an insider’s look at this one-of-a-kind ocean research laboratory. Learn how SOARS allows scientists to simulate varying ocean environments by controlling winds, waves and more! Series: "Jeffrey B. Graham Perspectives on Ocean Science Lecture Series" [Science] [Show ID: 38690]

    Dust and the Salton Sea - Urban Design for the Climate Crisis

    Dust and the Salton Sea - Urban Design for the Climate Crisis
    Just a hundred miles to the east of San Diego, one of the largest inland lakes in the West is drying up as a result combined human activity and climate change. The exposed lake bed is rapidly turning into a source of dust, worsening the frequent dust storms that impact the people who live in the surrounding areas. Learn about the intersection of architecture and science in this stark but magnificent landscape in a conversation with Climate Scientist Amato Evan and Architect Gillian Shaffer Lutsko. Discover how collaborations with local activists, policy groups, scientists and indigenous communities inspired an architectural project that envisions how we can unite conversations around redevelopment, the climate crisis, public health and community-led design. Series: "Jeffrey B. Graham Perspectives on Ocean Science Lecture Series" [Public Affairs] [Science] [Show ID: 38689]

    Big Data: The Path Toward Wildfire Resilience

    Big Data: The Path Toward Wildfire Resilience
    Increasingly frequent and intense wildfires in California and the western US are impacting communities across the state. Even areas not prone to fires suffer from degraded air and water quality – direct consequences of these extreme events. ALERTCalifornia combines a state-wide fire camera network with state-of-the-art sensor technology to support data-driven decision making before, during, and after wildfires. Join Dr. Neal Driscoll as he describes the scientific and technological expertise at UCSD that is being brought to bear on making California more resilient to climate change.  Series: "Jeffrey B. Graham Perspectives on Ocean Science Lecture Series" [Science] [Show ID: 38459]

    Coral Reefs and the Power of Adaptation to Climate Change

    Coral Reefs and the Power of Adaptation to Climate Change
    Scripps Institution of Oceanography marine biologist Stuart Sandin illuminates his work leading the 100 Island Challenge, a project that uses high tech ecological surveys to capture snapshots of coral reef ecosystems found in the tropical waters of the Pacific, Caribbean, and Indian oceans. His team uses large-area imaging and 3-D visualizations to make unprecedented detailed observations of how coral reefs are faring. While some reefs are struggling, others have been able to adapt in response to changing climate and other human impacts. By combining ocean observation with modern techniques like genetic sequencing and data analysis, Stuart and his team aim to elucidate which corals are surviving and how. By decoding nature’s incredible capacity for adaptation, these scientists are paving the way for using this new knowledge to aid coral reef recovery.   Series: "Jeffrey B. Graham Perspectives on Ocean Science Lecture Series" [Science] [Show ID: 38458]

    Local Communities Plan for Climate Resilience

    Local Communities Plan for Climate Resilience
    Coastal regions are susceptible to a host of threats to the natural environment and our quality of life as a result of climate change. Our beaches and coastal bluffs are being eroded by ocean storms and sea level rise, ongoing drought leaves us vulnerable to wildfires and habitat and wildlife loss, and our dependence on water from distant sources puts us at risk for severe water restrictions. Although climate adaptation and resilience planning already are underway in many communities, the threats associated with climate change make it increasingly important to design these efforts in ways that bring scientists, planners, practitioners, and community representatives together in planning processes. An expert panel is presenting how a cross-jurisdictional, interdisciplinary, collaborative approach leads to science-based and cost-effective strategies for building resilience in the face of climate change. Series: "Jeffrey B. Graham Perspectives on Ocean Science Lecture Series" [Public Affairs] [Science] [Show ID: 38381]

    The Journey of the Little Blue Penguins

    The Journey of the Little Blue Penguins
    Join Birch Aquarium’s Senior Director of Animal Care, Science and Conservation, Jenn Moffatt, for a first-hand account of how their new exhibit went from concept to reality. Get an inside look at the Little Blues’ journey, from the arrival of the birds from Australia, to a time lapse record of the construction of the penguin habitat over the last 9 months. Learn how the Birch husbandry team cares for these charismatic birds, Scripps researchers study penguins and how we’re working to establish a successful breeding colony to responsibly support and sustain Little Blue Penguin populations within the accredited zoos and aquariums community. Series: "Jeffrey B. Graham Perspectives on Ocean Science Lecture Series" [Science] [Show ID: 37916]

    Sea Urchins and Sea Slugs

    Sea Urchins and Sea Slugs
    Amazing new technologies in developmental biology and genetics research are allowing scientists to begin to answer long standing questions such as – how does a single fertilized egg cell transform into a complex animal? Why does the embryo of a marine organism like a sea slug develop differently from that of a sea urchin? Join Scripps Developmental Biologist Deirdre Lyons as she describes how she and her colleagues are pushing the limits of our knowledge to understand these intriguing questions and the long history and diversity of life on our planet. Series: "Jeffrey B. Graham Perspectives on Ocean Science Lecture Series" [Science] [Show ID: 37915]

    The Mysterious Pacific Footballfish

    The Mysterious Pacific Footballfish
    The Pacific footballfish is a large but rarely encountered deep-sea anglerfish known from only 31 specimens recovered worldwide. Strangely, over the course of last year (2021), three footballfish were found washed up on beaches in San Diego and Orange Counties. Scripps scientists aren't quite sure why these rare creatures are suddenly showing up on our beaches, but were lucky enough to collect, preserve and archive one of these unusual animals in Scripps world class oceanographic collections. This specimen, a true oddity, is now on display for a very limited time at Birch Aquarium. To see the footballfish and learn more about it, join us and Scripps Collections Manager, Ben Frable, for a deep dive into the fascinating story of this mysterious fish, where and how it lives, the biology of anglerfishes, and how Scripps scientists are preserving this animal for future research. Series: "Jeffrey B. Graham Perspectives on Ocean Science Lecture Series" [Science] [Show ID: 37914]

    Research for Resilience on a Changing Planet - The California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations

    Research for Resilience on a Changing Planet - The California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations
    The ocean provides a bounty of essential life-supporting services. Yet, a changing climate and increasing human uses are altering marine ecosystems and their ability to continue to provide this wealth of essential services. Off the coast of California, we are lucky to have one of the worlds longest-running marine observation programs, the California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations (CalCOFI), which has continuously and comprehensively sampled the marine environment off the California coast since 1949 to monitor the indicators and impacts of El Nino and climate change and to support effective marine management. Join marine ecologist and California Sea Grant extension specialist Erin Satterthwaite as she tells the story of CalCOFI through a series of case studies documenting how CalCOFI has been used to understand and address human and natural impacts on marine life along the California coast. Series: "Jeffrey B. Graham Perspectives on Ocean Science Lecture Series" [Science] [Show ID: 37033]

    Research for Resilience on a Changing Planet - Southern California Coastal Ocean Observing System

    Research for Resilience on a Changing Planet - Southern California Coastal Ocean Observing System
    The Southern California Coastal Ocean Observing System (SCCOOS) – part of the national U.S. Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS) – works to collect, integrate and deliver coastal and ocean observations in order to improve safety, enhance the economy, and protect the environment. SCCOOS serves a diverse stakeholder community of managers and planners, operational decision-makers, scientists, and the general public. Join SCCOOS Executive Director Clarissa Anderson as she describes how SCCOOS technology and observational programs provide information critical to decision-making related to climate change, coastal hazards, marine ecosystems, fisheries, water quality, and marine operations. Series: "Jeffrey B. Graham Perspectives on Ocean Science Lecture Series" [Science] [Show ID: 37032]

    Research for Resilience on a Changing Planet - Drought in the West: Research and Scientific Tools for Coping with Climate Change

    Research for Resilience on a Changing Planet - Drought in the West: Research and Scientific Tools for Coping with Climate Change
    Climate scientist Julie Kalansky discusses how drought in California and Nevada is a common occurrence, with the attendant water restrictions and threat of severe wildfires bringing the reality of climate change into sharp focus. Future climate projections for the region suggest a trend toward more extremes, including more severe and prolonged drought as well as exceptionally wet years. Learn about the science of drought and how the Scripps-based California Nevada Climate Applications (CNAP) program works to provide drought tracking and early warning in support of drought preparedness and resilience in the face of a changing climate. Series: "Jeffrey B. Graham Perspectives on Ocean Science Lecture Series" [Science] [Show ID: 37031]

    Fire Extreme Rainfall and Debris Flows: Cascading Disasters in a Changing Climate - Impacts of Climate Change in California and The West

    Fire Extreme Rainfall and Debris Flows: Cascading Disasters in a Changing Climate - Impacts of Climate Change in California and The West
    As the climate warms across the globe, California is faced with adapting to a range of climate-related challenges - from drought to increased wildfire activity, to more extreme rain events. Many of these climate change phenomena work in concert to trigger catastrophic events such as post-wildfire debris flows like the one that devastated Montecito, California in January 2018. Join Scripps meteorologist Nina Oakley to learn how research is helping us understand, anticipate, and prepare for these cascading disasters in our new climate reality. Series: "Jeffrey B. Graham Perspectives on Ocean Science Lecture Series" [Science] [Show ID: 36729]

    Getting Warmer? Ocean Temperatures off the California Coast - Impacts of Climate Change in California and The West

    Getting Warmer? Ocean Temperatures off the California Coast - Impacts of Climate Change in California and The West
    Local fishermen, surfers, and beachgoers know that ocean temperatures off California's coast vary, often expectedly, but sometimes unexpectedly. Join Scripps oceanographer Katherine Zaba to learn how scientists deploy innovative ocean technology to monitor and understand ocean warming phenomena, like marine heatwaves and El Niño events, that affect California's coastline.  Series: "Jeffrey B. Graham Perspectives on Ocean Science Lecture Series" [Science] [Show ID: 36728]

    The Art and Science of Atmospheric Rivers and the Changing Hydroclimate of the West - Impacts of Climate Change in California and The West

    The Art and Science of Atmospheric Rivers and the Changing Hydroclimate of the West - Impacts of Climate Change in California and The West
    California's precipitation regime is the most volatile in the country. These large natural swings between drought and extremely rainy years make water resource management in California notoriously difficult. Global climate change is expected to exacerbate the volatility by decreasing the frequency of regional precipitation while increasing its intensity. Join meteorologist Alexander Gershunov to learn about the mechanisms behind these projected changes, their anticipated impacts on California, as well as how art can help convey the science.  Series: "Jeffrey B. Graham Perspectives on Ocean Science Lecture Series" [Science] [Show ID: 36727]

    Biological Impacts of Oxygen Loss in the Ocean: The Blinding Truth

    Biological Impacts of Oxygen Loss in the Ocean: The Blinding Truth
    Join Scripps postdoctoral scholar Lillian McCormick for an in depth look at how and why oxygen is changing in the ocean and how her research is providing insight into the impacts of low oxygen on vision in marine invertebrates. Learn about her new research results, her plans for future investigations and what we can do about oxygen decline in the ocean. Series: "Jeffrey B. Graham Perspectives on Ocean Science Lecture Series" [Science] [Show ID: 36570]