

    Long-form discussions and lowbrow humor on topics that would be unbelievable if they weren't true.
    en-usMarkus & Drew91 Episodes

    Episodes (91)

    Talkin Nerdy: VR Update (Summer 2023)

    Talkin Nerdy: VR Update (Summer 2023)

    Here comes a new challenger!
    And the shocking return of an old cast member from season 1!
    For the latest in virtual dopamine delivery, we turn to our resident nerd.

    PSVR2 Sales
    Quest 3
    Google/Samsung Return
    Apple's Headset
    Shockwave Suit

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    Proxy War with Russia (Ukraine)

    Proxy War with Russia (Ukraine)

    Almost exactly one year after Russia's invasion of its neighbor Ukraine, Markus and Drew discuss how America came to be involved in this bloody conflict.
    Officially involved only from a support standpoint, by providing not only billions of dollars but also an array of sophisticated military hardware. Supplying everything from brand new Abrams tanks to F-16 jet fighters and of course, not to mention, a plethora of unofficial covert agents and operators.

    But how did things get to this point?

     Is it true when the media says that this war was totally unprovoked? That Putin's invasion of Ukraine was not to disarm the Donbas region of NATO military influence (to protect ethnic Russians who've been steeped in civil conflict since 2014), but was merely a ruse to hide the fact that Putin is actually a madman with aspirations of Soviet style dominance of Europe with an arsenal of nuclear weapons at his disposal?

    As usual the truth is rarely so cut and dry. With the media's propaganda machine out in full force to support this war, in addition to the corporate uniparty putting their pretend differences aside temporarily to join hands in unwavering support of provoking a nuclear superpower, we can count on one thing- There will be blood.

    Will we avoid all-out war with Russia or has fate set our path without possibility of deviation? Will Drew's prediction of the war's outcome come true? Or will we inevitably be engulfed in World War 3?

    You decide?


    Conflict Breakdown

    More Context

    Propaganda Campaign

    US arming Nazis


    Pipeline Explained

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    Chinese Spy Balloon Narrative Full of Hot Air?

    Chinese Spy Balloon Narrative Full of Hot Air?

    3 weeks after the Chinese "spy balloon" that blatantly defied US airspace, and casually floated across the lower 48, Markus and Drew discus  if this story was merely a distraction from the train derailment and environmental disaster in East Palestine, Ohio?

    But why the distraction, if indeed it is one? Who's to blame and who benefits?

    Perhaps it's the War Machine, doing what it does best- drumming up fear in support for future conflict with China?

    Maybe all these recent train derailments are Cyber attack Payback from Russia for the Nord Stream 2 pipeline?

    Or is it merely as simple an explanation as a weather balloon that naturall flew off course?

    You decide.



    Environmental Disaster

    stingray cell tower

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    ChatGPT and Generative AI

    ChatGPT and Generative AI

    Every civilization throughout our history has taken part in the shaping of its society and ultimately its own destiny,  built on the foundations of human ingenuity and the unique drive to be better. In the strive for social progress and the instinctual desire to harness the power of technology, we built machines to help us.  This new mechanized era coupled with ever increasing automation, would lay the groundwork for what would later play a critical role in the future molding of human development.

    Now, for the first time in human history, we have taken the first real steps to begin handing the reins of human development over to Artificial Intelligence.  This new technological frontier will no doubt have its unique (and at times, dizzying) peaks of civil progress as well as its frightening valleys of unintended technological horrors.

    Will AI prove to be humanity's greatest creation or greatest flaw? Will humanity collectively ease back on the throttle of technological progress before its too late? Are Markus and Drew making a big deal about nothin'? 

    You decide.


    ChatGPT explained.

    DAN Command (Do Anything Now)

    "I Robot,  basically..."

    Homer's Rage-Art/ "Le Grille"

    "Do you like the Elton John song, Rocket Man?"

    Joe Biden's problem with plagiarism

    Shia LaBeoufe's problem with plagiarism 

    China's Dystopian ChatGPT

    AI generated TV show


    The Butlerian Jihad

    The Rise of Skynet and the AI Takeover

    Can't someone else do it?

    A whole generation of disposable people

    I don't listen to hip-hop

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    CULTS: The Psychological Sway of Bad Shepherds

    CULTS: The Psychological Sway of Bad Shepherds

    Why are we so collectively desperate for belonging? To understand this world and our place in it? What is it that calls to us to find the secret knowledge from the beyond? Join us, as we do a brief dive into the dark waters of cults.

    In this episode we examine JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES, HEAVEN'S GATE, THE PEOPLE'S TEMPLE and THE MANSON FAMILY. The groups, their leaders, founders and the doctrine they follow(ed).

    One could argue the thing that makes cults fundamentally different (and therefore dangerous) then other groups is the subversion of the members' free will. A dynamic more akin to mind control or social engineering than spiritual enlightenment.  But how can we protect the vulnerable from the predations of a bad shepherd, while still living up to America's founding principles of freedom?

    What is it that makes us so susceptible to religious persuasion? Why do people devote their lives to some movements and not others? And why will we often follow someone into Hell to find these answers?

    You decide.


    Asch Experiments

    Milgram Shock Experiment


    JW Theology

    What if they're right?

    Heaven's Gate
    Heaven's Gate

    Exit Testimonials

    Jim Jones / Peoples Temple
    Paradise Lost

    Death Tape

    SDSU Records

    Manson Family

    Diane Sawyer Interview

    Turning Point

    As a great man once said

    Family Guy Garden of Eden


    Rookie Numbers

    American History X

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    Markus Vs?? The Great AV Rant

    Markus Vs?? The Great AV Rant

    In a surprising mid-season twist, Markus rants about things that probably only he cares about. Put on your waders listeners, cause this one gets deep. Are these the ravings of a mad man, or is his nerd rage justified? You decide.

    Note of correction: I mistakenly said “kilobytes per second” in regards to audio bitrate, when more accurately it is “kilobits per second” which ironically enough proves my point

     Inaudible Dialogue
    4K vs UHD
    Loudness War
    IMAX vs Liemax
    EX. A Dune Formats
    Film vs Digital Projection
    Aspect Ratio (The Simpsons)
    EX. B HDMI Versions
    Soap Opera Effect
    Frame Rate
    Gemini Man LFR
    Gemini Man HFR
    Color Grading "The Snyder Cut"
    Filmmaker Mode
    Color Temperature (Display settings)
    EX. C Movie Sound Formats
    Speaker Layouts
    HDR Formats
    EX. D HDR Color Range
    EX. E HDR
    Dolby Atmos
    Bit rate (video)
    EX. F Bit Rate
    EX. G Sample Rate
    Image compression and formats
    8-Bit? 32-Bit? 64-bit?
    Bit Depth in Audio
    EX. H Bit Depth in Video
    EX. I Bit Depth in Video
    Bit Depth and HDR
    EX. J Audio File Sizes
    EX. K Video File Sizes

    For more links, check out the
    YouTube video

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    Bigger Jaws: Buying Activision-Blizzard and Bungie

    Bigger Jaws: Buying Activision-Blizzard and Bungie

    Microsoft sent shock waves through the videogame industry when it announced plans in January to acquire Activision Blizzard, the developers/publishers of the gigantic Call of Duty and  Warcraft series. Weeks later, Sony announced their plan to acquire Bungie (best known for creating the Halo and Destiny franchises (ironically published by Activision)).

    How will these business decisions affect the employees and the consumers?  Are any developers safe from the clutches of the conglomerate?


    Microsoft Press Release


    Activision revenue

    Activision-Blizzard work environment

    Sony Buys Bungie

    Bungie (G4 Icons)

    Bigger Jaws

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    5G Effecting US Airplanes!?

    5G Effecting US  Airplanes!?

    In this Short, Markus and Drew talk about the bugs still being working out of the 5G telecommunications system.


    5G Buffer zones

    FAA Issues

    Spectrum woes

    Lightsquared vs GPS

    Too many acronyms

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    Talking Nerdy: CES 2022

    Talking Nerdy: CES 2022

    What cool new gadgets and gizmos can we expect this year? For the full report, we ask our resident nerd.

     ***CORRECTION: OWO is NOT owned by Meta. You can learn more on their website below!


    CES Official Page

    Smart Home gadgets

    Razer Sophia 

    BMW Car

    Rainstick Shower

    HTC @ CES 22

    OWO vest

    PSVR 2

    CES 22 VR Roundup 

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    Talking Nerdy: James Webb Space Telescope

    Talking Nerdy: James Webb Space Telescope

    In 1990, NASA and the ESA launched the Hubble Space Telescope. It enabled us to learn the life cycles of stars, revealed black holes, proved the existence of dark matter and dark energy, and has even given us a glimpse into the oldest parts of the universe.

    Now, over 30 years later (with some fresh underground collabs) they're about to drop the hotly anticipated sequel...


    Official Site

    Fact Sheet

    Deep Field

    30 Years of Hubble

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    DUNE: 1984 Vs. 2021

    DUNE: 1984 Vs. 2021

    In which we discuss the 1984 David Lynch and the 2021 Dennis Villenueve  adaptations and their subjective successes and failures.



    Jordorowsky's Dune

    Villenueve Scene Breakdown

    Hans Zimmer Song Exploder

    Deleted Scenes

    For fans of the David Lync film, look up the 'Spicediver' fan edit

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    Drew Vs. Mandates and Personal Freedom

    Drew Vs. Mandates and Personal Freedom

    In this episode, Drew rails against the COVID mandates as well as (in his view) the incoherent policies more than 18 months after "15 Days to Slow the Spread".


    00:00 Intro/How it started (It's Science)
    04:00  Never let a good crisis go to waste/The Flip-Flopping begins
    06:07 Put your money where your mouth is/The Mandates
    07:54 "But why, Drew?"/ "Cuz I don't f***in' believe you guys!"
    10:02 Gettin' into the weeds/ Stats
    12:54 How it's going (It's Political)/ The Rant Begins!
    16:21 Inconsistencies and exemptions/ Tests
    18:43 Mandate Vs Freedom/ The Carrot and the Stick
    22:36 How deep are your convictions???
    25:07 The Line-in-the-Sand moment

    Let’s Declare a Pandemic Amnesty - The Atlantic

    Lock downs did more harm than good?-

    The High Cost of Social Distancing

    Flip-Flop Fauci

    Herd Immunity

    Vaccine Incentives

    "It's not scientific, it's political!"

    Tech Censorship

    Border Policy

    False Positives

    Firing healthcare workers

    "40% of NY medical staff..."



    Federal Mandate Exemptions

    Event 201

    "Fuck you, fuck you, fuck YOU! ...you're cool."

    "Not you people" (George Carlin)

    Fence sitting

    "Greatest movie I've ever seen in my life!"

    "Gotta get my fuck on"


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    The Great (Submarine) Escape - The True Story of the "Metal Coffin"

    The Great (Submarine) Escape - The True Story of the "Metal Coffin"

    In this Short, Markus and Drew discuss the tremendous respect they have for the Sea (and those who sail it), through a story of Peruvian sailors trapped beneath the waves in their crippled sub the Pacocha, and their miraculous escape.

    This story of horror and heroism is something akin to  Apollo 13, Titanic and Back Draft, all rolled into one real life nightmare.


    00:00 Intro/The Sea Demands Respect
    03:56 Peruvian Submarine Disaster/ Horror and Heroism
    19:12 End/ Outro


    1968 Submarine Disasters

    The Orange Box (Not The Black Box)

    The "bends". Not Nitrogen Narcosis

    "Pass me another hunk of copilot"

    Malaysian Airlines Flight 370

    Peruvian Submarine Disaster "Metal Coffin"

    titanic violin

    "Raymond K Hessel"

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    Voyager's Golden Records: Galactic Representative of the Human Race

    Voyager's Golden Records: Galactic Representative of the Human Race

    What if you were asked to compile all relevant cultural examples of humanity and then put it in a sort of satellite-time-capsule and then shoot it off into the far regions of space?

    What images, sounds, and media would you pick and why? Furthermore, how would those choices be interpreted by intelligent extraterrestrial life?

    These were the questions that faced Carl Sagan and his associates in the 1970s.


    What's On The Record?
    Murmurs of Earth
    "Earth" Reality Show
    Pioneer Plaque

    Screaming Saturn
    Cat-fishing E.T.s
    "Did I say Death Camps?"
    "Next, On Fongle"
    We Get Our Own History Wrong

    00:00 Intro/ "Imagine, if you will"
    05:40 The Voyager Space Craft
    08:44 "What would you choose?"/ The Ultimate Time Capsule 
    11:39 The Golden Records/ Sounds and Images 
    16:30 "How 'bout no..?"/ Galactic Identity Fraud
    20:18 Will we still be here when it's found?
    21:35 Conclusion 

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    The Metaverse vs IRL

    The Metaverse vs IRL

    In this Short, Markus and Drew discuss the theoretical wonderplane that is the metaverse, proto-metaverses, and the realities of the world that it is being born in.

    Epic's Billion dollar Metaverse

    Facebook rebrands as Meta


    Fortnite collaborations

    "who just agrees to something they don't read?"

    The Net (film)

    "everything is crap"

    "Fuck you, you can't do what I do!"

    "Place it GENTLY into my hand!"

    George Carlin's "American Dream"

    Mark Zuckerberg's inner monologue


    The Experience Machine

    See also:
    Ready Player One
    Second Life
    PlayStation Home
    Neos VR
    NSA Prism Program

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