
    Philosophy, Science & Religion

    This is a new podcast brought to you by the same cohosts who previously produced the Free Will, Science and Religion podcast. The idea was to focus on other topics of Philosophy, Science, and Religion. The goal is to make a better world by focusing on different facts and beliefs which affect how we live our lives every day.
    en-usChandler Klebs27 Episodes

    Episodes (27)

    Philosophy, Science & Religion 26. Religion, Culture & Veganism

    Philosophy, Science & Religion 26. Religion, Culture & Veganism

    This audio was extracted from a Google Hangout recorded on January 5 2018. See the original here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qBuOgBozxE4 Chandler and Poffo had an extremely intense google hangout where they discussed the frustrating defenses people have for continuing to kill and hurt animals u....

    This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Columbia Peaks, Item Tile, Metadata, Ogg Vorbis, PNG, Spectrogram, VBR MP3

    Philosophy, Science & Religion 25. What Can We Know & Anti-Natalism Continued

    Philosophy, Science & Religion 25. What Can We Know & Anti-Natalism Continued

    Chandler Klebs, Daniel Decastro, Quayd,wsd, and Juris started a podcast originally that was to be called "Is Agnosticism A Reasonable Position for Life, Universe, and Everything". However, later Poffo Ortiz joined us who had been waiting for a long time to talk to Daniel himself after hearing Daniel....

    This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Columbia Peaks, Item Tile, Metadata, Ogg Vorbis, PNG, VBR MP3

    Philosophy, Science & Religion 24. To Be or Not to Be

    Philosophy, Science & Religion 24. To Be or Not to Be

    Chandler Klebs and Poffo Ortiz set up a hangout to explore whether or not life is really worth living. Can any amount of pleasure be worth the pain that comes with existence? Can humans evolve to a point where their existence reduces the suffering in the rest of the animal kingdom instead of adding ....

    This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Columbia Peaks, Item Tile, Metadata, Ogg Vorbis, PNG, VBR MP3

    Philosophy, Science & Religion 23. Anti-Natalism Debate

    Philosophy, Science & Religion 23. Anti-Natalism Debate

    Chandler Klebs and Trick Slattery are joined by first time guest Daniel Decastro who wanted to debate the topic of Anti-Natalism. Daniel gives his reasons why he doesn't find certain anti-natalist arguments very convincing....

    This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Columbia Peaks, Item Tile, Metadata, Ogg Vorbis, PNG, VBR MP3

    Philosophy, Science & Religion 22. Imminent Major Advances in Technology

    Philosophy, Science & Religion 22. Imminent Major Advances in Technology

    Following the last podcast, George presents various new things in technology that could potentially change the way humans live and maybe reduce suffering to the other animals..

    This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Columbia Peaks, Item Tile, Metadata, Ogg Vorbis, PNG, VBR MP3

    Philosophy, Science & Religion 21. Happiness and Activism

    Philosophy, Science & Religion 21. Happiness and Activism

    Chandler Klebs, George Ortega, Mitch J, Jamie Soden, and wsdtime talk about how people can keep from losing their happiness instead of getting depressed or angry at the suffering in the world which their activism is trying to stop..

    This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Columbia Peaks, Item Tile, Metadata, Ogg Vorbis, PNG, VBR MP3

    Philosophy, Science & Religion 20. Vegan Pantheist Hangout 6-28-2017

    Philosophy, Science & Religion 20. Vegan Pantheist Hangout 6-28-2017

    Originally this audio was from a google hangout intended to be a debate between Poffo and Peter about veganism. However since Peter was a no show, Chandler Klebs, Poffo Ortiz, and Nicole Scott had a nice talk about veganism and pantheism....

    This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Columbia Peaks, Item Tile, Metadata, Ogg Vorbis, PNG, VBR MP3

    Philosophy, Science & Religion 19. Avoiding Burnout as a Vegan Activist

    Philosophy, Science & Religion 19. Avoiding Burnout as a Vegan Activist

    Chandler Klebs, Poffo Ortiz, and George Ortega talk about how vegan activists can maintain their happiness and sanity even while being aware of the horrors that are happening every day. Chandler has very little hope for humanity but also knows that getting depressed does not help anyone else..

    This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Columbia Peaks, Item Tile, Metadata, Ogg Vorbis, PNG, VBR MP3

    Philosophy, Science & Religion 18. Strange & Amazing Things

    Philosophy, Science & Religion 18. Strange & Amazing Things

    Chandler Klebs, George Ortega, Trick Slattery, and wsdtime talked about so many different strange and amazing things including aliens, quantum entanglement, artificial intelligence, and cryogenics..

    This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Columbia Peaks, Item Tile, Metadata, Ogg Vorbis, PNG, VBR MP3

    Philosophy, Science & Religion 17. How to Change the World & Vegan vs. Carnist Debate

    Philosophy, Science & Religion 17. How to Change the World & Vegan vs. Carnist Debate

    Chandler Klebs, Poffo Ortiz, Peter Moriarty, George Ortega, and wsdtime were discussing where they agree and disagree on the ways they want to see the world change and which methods are effective at changing the philosophy of people to overcome false believes and harmful habits....

    This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Columbia Peaks, Item Tile, Metadata, Ogg Vorbis, PNG, VBR MP3

    Philosophy, Science & Religion 16. Activism, Veganism, and Pantheism

    Philosophy, Science & Religion 16. Activism, Veganism, and Pantheism

    This PSR episode is the audio from one of the Vegan Pantheist hangouts that Chandler sometimes does on weekends with vegan activists who usually are some type of pantheist as well. Chandler Klebs and Poffo Ortiz to talk about vegan activism and communicating effectively....

    This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Columbia Peaks, Item Tile, Metadata, Ogg Vorbis, PNG, VBR MP3

    Philosophy, Science & Religion 15. Carnist Psychology, Animal Suffering, Morality, and In Vitro Meat

    Philosophy, Science & Religion 15. Carnist Psychology, Animal Suffering, Morality, and In Vitro Meat

    Chandler Klebs, George Ortega, Trick Slattery, wsd, and Juris did an episode talking about many different things. Chandler started out by talking about the way people are conditioned to see certain animals as pets but other animals as food....

    This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Columbia Peaks, Item Tile, Metadata, Ogg Vorbis, PNG, VBR MP3

    Philosophy, Science & Religion 14. The Placebo Effect

    Philosophy, Science & Religion 14. The Placebo Effect

    Chandler Klebs, George Ortega, and Nick Vale discuss the phenomenon known as The Placebo Effect where the beliefs of someone can actually effect them in the same way as if they were taking a drug even if the pill is fake....

    This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Columbia Peaks, Item Tile, Metadata, Ogg Vorbis, PNG, VBR MP3

    Philosophy, Science & Religion 13. Free Will, Ethics, Morality, Veganism, Pantheism & the Nature of the Universe

    Philosophy, Science & Religion 13. Free Will, Ethics, Morality, Veganism, Pantheism & the Nature of the Universe

    Chandler Klebs, Poffo Ortiz, and Guyus Seralius talk about the illusion of free will, veganism, and a whole lot of pantheism and details about the universe. This was a good fit for the PSR podcast because so many different topics are covered..

    This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Columbia Peaks, Item Tile, Metadata, Ogg Vorbis, PNG, VBR MP3

    Philosophy, Science & Religion 12. Who gets to define the attributes of God? Part 3

    Philosophy, Science & Religion 12. Who gets to define the attributes of God? Part 3

    George Ortega, Trick Slattery, Chandler Klebs, and Poffo Ortiz try to pick up where their conversation ended the previous Sunday. This time the focus seemed to be on discussing how evolution works and the different kinds of intelligence and intent that seems embedded in nature..

    This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Columbia Peaks, Item Tile, Metadata, Ogg Vorbis, PNG, VBR MP3

    Philosophy, Science & Religion 11. A Critique of Biopantheism

    Philosophy, Science & Religion 11. A Critique of Biopantheism

    Chandler Klebs and Poffo Ortiz talk about whether or not Biopantheism is practical or useful. Chandler thinks people can become happier and more ethical through a variety of means without calling themselves a pantheist or biopantheist....

    This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Columbia Peaks, Item Tile, Metadata, Ogg Vorbis, PNG, VBR MP3

    Philosophy, Science & Religion 10. Who gets to define the attributes of God? Part 2

    Philosophy, Science & Religion 10. Who gets to define the attributes of God? Part 2

    Chandler Klebs and Poffo Ortiz set up a special episode to respond to the topic introduced in the previous episode of Philosophy, Science & Religion. They had a lot to say about the polytheistic, monotheistic, and pantheistic concepts of God and what relevance these have in relation to human society....

    This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Columbia Peaks, Item Tile, Metadata, Ogg Vorbis, PNG, VBR MP3

    Philosophy, Science & Religion 9. Who gets to define the attributes of God? Part 1

    Philosophy, Science & Religion 9. Who gets to define the attributes of God? Part 1

    George Ortega, Trick Slattery, Chandler Klebs, and Poffo Ortiz discuss what criteria go into defining what a monotheistic concept of God is. They have various opinions on what the definitions are and who sets the attributes of God....

    This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Columbia Peaks, Item Tile, Metadata, Ogg Vorbis, PNG, VBR MP3

    Philosophy, Science & Religion 8. Unifying on Common Ground

    Philosophy, Science & Religion 8. Unifying on Common Ground

    Chandler Klebs, Poffo Ortiz, George Ortega, Trick Slattery, and Juris talk about the various things they propose which can make a better world and attempt to see what basic motivations are behind them all....

    This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Columbia Peaks, Item Tile, Metadata, Ogg Vorbis, PNG, VBR MP3