

    Transmissions and Archival Clips of a Cosmic Anthropologist. Exploring and documenting the nature of living in the science-fictional condition of the early twenty-first century. Examining topics like: hyperreality and metafictionality. Diving deep into the science of annd issues surrounding DeExtinction & ReWilding. Broadcasting live to the centre of the Galaxy, simulcast on Cosmic TV. "The universe is not only stranger than we imagine, it is stranger than we can imagine." - J. B. S. Haldane Tune in and get strange. Part of Dark Extropian Musings - https://www.patreon.com/m1k3y
    enm1k3y12 Episodes

    Episodes (12)

    Transmission #9 of the Cosmic Anthropology Broadcast System

    Transmission #9 of the Cosmic Anthropology Broadcast System
    From The Hexayurt To Ethereum And BEYOND With Vinay Gupta A solid hour talking with Vinay Gupta [https://twitter.com/leashless] about his work on the infrastructure and thinking to avoid mass deaths from the ongoing effects of climate chaos. Links: * Infrastructure for Anarchists [http://vinay.howtolivewiki.com/blog/global/infrastructure_for_anarchists_1155-1155] * Mother of Hydrogen [http://files.howtolivewiki.com/MOTHER_OF_HYDROGEN_NOVEL/] * Hexayurt [http://hexayurt.com/] * Ethereum [https://www.ethereum.org/] * Bitnation [https://bitnation.co/] * Lester Brown - Plan B [http://www.earth-policy.org/index.php?/books/pb] Samples from Run the Jewels - Angel Duster [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oNh2ndOeVFU] See also: * Nightmares of the Future: Escape from the Prison Planet [http://dailygrail.com/Essays/2016/6/Nightmares-the-Future-Escape-the-Prison-Planet] * The Dark Enlightenment [http://www.thedarkenlightenment.com/the-dark-enlightenment-by-nick-land/] * Geeks for Monarchy: The Rise of the Neoreactionaries [https://techcrunch.com/2013/11/22/geeks-for-monarchy/]

    Transmission #8 of the Cosmic Anthropology Broadcast System

    Transmission #8 of the Cosmic Anthropology Broadcast System
    in a record breaking 2hr 30min chat for this podcast, we go deep into all things ufological with my fellow DailyGrail writer, @red_pill_junkie. Getting in-depth into topics like the X-Files and The Invisibles. Why Yoda is a Gnostic Teacher and the Cat Bus from My Neighbour Totoro might just be a coded UFO. Ancient Astronauts in film is covered, and we not only talk about Jacques Vallee's work, but we finish with RPJ talking about meeting him recently at a conference. It's good stuff, and you don't have to be into UFOs at all to enjoy... Find @red_pill_junkie on Twitter [https://twitter.com/red_pill_junkie] and writing at Daily Grail [http://dailygrail.com] Works mentioned: * Knowing * Dark Skies * Close Encounters of the Third Kind * Gremlins * ET the Extraterrestrial * Taken * Communion * The X-Files * Captain America: The Winter Soldier * My Neighbour Totoro * Man of Steel * Chronicle * The Matrix * The Invisibles * Mirage Men * Indiana Jones & The Crystal Skull * 2001: A Space Odyssey * Star Trek: The Motion Picture * The Operative * The Sixth Day * Fire in the Sky Further details: * the Friendship Island story [http://mysteriousuniverse.org/2012/08/friendship-in-strange-places-a-mysterious-chilean-ufo-story/] * CHUPAS [http://www.ufocasebook.com/2008b/chupaflyingmenace.html] Samples from Jon William's soundtrack for Close Encounters of the Third Kind

    Transmission #7 of the Cosmic Anthropology Broadcast System

    Transmission #7 of the Cosmic Anthropology Broadcast System
    Interview with Gordon White of RuneSoup fame [http://runesoup.com] about his book Star.Ships [http://scarletimprint.com/books/star-ships/] Previous appearance: * Breaking down the Breakaway Civilisation [https://soundcloud.com/pir8m1k3y/tranmission-5-of-the-cosmic-anthropology-broadcast-system] Works mentioned: * The Origins of the World's Mythologies by E.J. Michael Witzel [http://www.amazon.com/Origins-Worlds-Mythologies-Michael-Witzel/dp/0199812853] * Eden in the East: The Drowned Continent of Southeast Asia Paperback by Stephen Oppenheimer [http://www.amazon.com/Eden-East-Drowned-Continent-Southeast/dp/0753806797/] * The Time Falling Bodies Take to Light: Mythology, Sexuality and the Origins of Culture by William Irwin Thompson [http://www.amazon.com/Time-Falling-Bodies-Take-Light/dp/0312160623/] Jacques Vallee short list: * The Invisible College: What a Group of Scientists Has Discovered about UFO Influence on the Human Race [http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1938398270/] * UFOs: The Psychic Solution * Passport to Magonia: On UFOs, Folklore, and Parallel Worlds [http://www.amazon.com/Passport-Magonia-Folklore-Parallel-Worlds/dp/0809237962] * Messengers of Deception: UFO Contacts and Cults [http://www.amazon.com/Messengers-Deception-UFO-Contacts-Cults/dp/097572004X/] Films: * Cloud Atlas TV Shows: * Issac Asimov's Probe [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Probe_%281988_TV_series%29] Musical Sample via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j924qaMb0d8

    Transmission #6 of the Cosmic Anthropology Broadcast System

    Transmission #6 of the Cosmic Anthropology Broadcast System
    Keep Earth Weird, a chat with Quinn Norton [http://quinnnorton.com/] Talking about the unfolding slow apocalypse (aka the early Jackpot Years (aka Welcome to the Churn)), and why - no matter how bad things get here on Earth - it's much easier to terraform our home planet than settle on Mars or Venus. Also the pros of slow travel and technomadism, and the cons of cupcakes. Works mentioned: * Robert Jackal's Moral Mazes [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moral_Mazes] * William Gibson's The Peripheral Further reading: * Shutdown of thermohaline circulation [Shutdown of thermohaline circulation WIKI] Would you like to know more? * Solar Punk, an introduction [http://www.abc.net.au/environment/articles/2014/11/10/4122309.htm] Samples: * REM - It's the End of the World As We Know It [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z0GFRcFm-aY]

    Transmission #5 of the Cosmic Anthropology Broadcast System

    Transmission #5 of the Cosmic Anthropology Broadcast System
    Breaking Down the Breakaway Civilisation with Gordon from RuneSoup. My series at the Daily Grail: Nightmares of the Future: THE PLUTOCRATIC EXIT STRATEGY: * Part 1 [http://dailygrail.com/Essays/2015/9/Nightmares-the-Future-THE-PLUTOCRATIC-EXIT-STRATEGY-PART-1] * Part 2 [dailygrail.com/Essays/2015/10/Nightmares-the-Future-THE-PLUTOCRATIC-EXIT-STRATEGY-PART-2] Key featured works: * Jurassic World * Tomorrowland * Star Trek: DS9 GUEST LINKS * Archonology series [http://runesoup.com/category/archonology/] * Jurassic World review [http://runesoup.com/2015/10/worlds-jurassic-and-without-sin/] * There is Something to All of This [http://runesoup.com/2015/09/there-is-something-to-all-of-this/] MENTIONED LINKS: * John Brandenberg on THC - "Nuclear Destruction, Ancient Civilizations, & Other Mars Mysteries" [http://thehighersidechats.com/john-brandenburg-mars-interview/] * Joseph P Farrell on The Byte Show [www.thebyteshow.com/josephpfarrell.html] * Reagan and Secret Space fleet [http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/exopolitica/exopolitics_reagan05.htm] SAMPLES FROM: Tomorrowland, Kingsman: The Secret Service, Network

    Transmission #4 of the Cosmic Anthropology Broadcast System

    Transmission #4 of the Cosmic Anthropology Broadcast System
    Team Machine Chat Prologue: SHOW NOTES RELATED EPISODES: * Transmission #1 of the Cosmic Anthropology Broadcast System – the Neanderthal Pride ep [https://soundcloud.com/pir8m1k3y/the-neaderthal-pride-ep] Mad Max trilogy posts: * Mad Max: Fury Road and the pre Jackpot Years [http://dailygrail.com/Essays/2014/12/Mad-Max-Fury-Road-and-the-pre-Jackpot-Years] * Mad Max : Fury Road - Review [dailygrail.com/TV-and-Movies/2015/5/Review-Mad-Max-Fury-Road] * MAD MAX GROUND ZERO [http://roadsandkingdoms.com/2015/mad-max-ground-zero/] * Fortitude Review [dailygrail.com/TV-and-Movies/2015/4/Nightmares-the-Future-The-Climatological-Horror-Life-Fortitude] * Dark Extropian Musings [https://www.patreon.com/m1k3y] WORKS MENTIONED: * 12 Monkeys (tv show) * Mad Max – Fury Road * The Walking Dead (s5) * Apex & Nexus by Ramez Naam * The Invaders by Pat Shipman * In The Dust of This Planet by Eugene Thacker * POWERS (tv show) * Agents of SHIELD * SHIELD (comic) NEWS LINKS: * Study links ancient Indian visitors to Australia’s first dingoes [https://theconversation.com/study-links-ancient-indian-visitors-to-australias-first-dingoes-11593] * Humans came 'close to extinction' [http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/166869.stm] * Notes on Super Predators: The Wolf Family – from domestic dog to dingo to african wild dog, and their varying role in trophic cascade [https://deextinctionclub.wordpress.com/2015/05/22/notes-on-super-predators-the-wolf-family-from-domestic-dog-to-dingo-to-african-wild-dog-and-their-varying-role-in-trophic-cascade/] * House Republicans just passed a bill forbidding scientists from advising the EPA on their own research [http://www.salon.com/2014/11/19/house_republicans_just_passed_a_bill_forbidding_scientists_from_advising_the_epa_on_their_own_research/] * Climate change a UN-led ruse, says Tony Abbott's business adviser Maurice Newman [http://www.smh.com.au/federal-politics/political-news/climate-change-a-unled-ruse-says-tony-abbotts-business-adviser-maurice-newman-20150508-ggwuzt.html] BONUS NEWS LINKS: * Archaeological findings in Indus Valley could rewrite Indian identity [http://www.thenational.ae/world/south-asia/archaeological-findings-in-indus-valley-could-rewrite-indian-identity] FULL PODCASTS THAT WERE SAMPLED FROM: * Could extinct species be brought back to life? Podcast [http://www.theguardian.com/science/audio/2015/may/22/cloning-conservation] * The Great 'Beyond': Contemplating Life, Sex And Elevators In Space [http://www.npr.org/2015/05/11/405503895/the-great-beyond-contemplating-life-sex-and-elevators-in-space] BRIDGING MUSIC SAMPLED FROM: * TV On The Radio - No Future Shock [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DFs9TZPKObU]

    Transmission #3 of the Cosmic Anthropology Broadcast System

    Transmission #3 of the Cosmic Anthropology Broadcast System
    A Chat With Ian 'Cat' Vincent [http://catvincent.com | http://twitter.com/catvincent] on all things Hyperreal. Cat is a regular columnist at Spiral Nature [http://spiralnature.com/] (a series called ‘The Hype’ [http://www.spiralnature.com/category/phil/hype]) a contributing editor to The Daily Grail [http://dailygrail.com], and has been published in three volumes of their Fortean journal Darklore [http://darklore.dailygrail.com/]. Cat has also been published three times in the Fortean Times, including one feature article. MORE INFO AT [http://www.catvincent.com/?page_id=677] Things discussed include - the nature of hyperreal religions, Cat's work on Killing Slenderman, the Jedi Religion, Babylon 5 and making Grinder Super Gods. Work of Cat's discussed/referenced includes: * Science Fiction’s Gifts to Paganism [http://www.catvincent.com/?p=1258] * Cthulhu, Fiction and Real Magic [http://www.catvincent.com/?p=1243] * Killing Slenderman [http://www.dailygrail.com/Guest-Articles/2012/10/Killing-Slenderman] The definitive Hyperreal post is by Adam Possamai: Jediism, Matrixism and “Hyper-Real” Spiritualities [http://www.theofantastique.com/2007/10/31/adam-possamai-jediism-matrixism-and-hyper-real-spiritualities/] Music sampled from m² (squaremeter) "The cry of Morgoth" [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bMTTP4LFEPk]

    Transmission #2 of the Cosmic Anthropology Broadcast System

    Transmission #2 of the Cosmic Anthropology Broadcast System
    Roll Your Own Culture, a chat with Gordon White of runesoup.com "A free wheeling chat with Gordon White of Runesoup.com on building your own reality map. Drawing upon chaos magic, gnosticism, and the strength of fictional works. Looking at topics such as the billionaire world view, the Secret Space Program, Nazi Science and the Nazi International. Contrasting the Western world view and cosmology with the Eastern, especially China & India. And using network theory to talk about the construction of Nomadic Taste Tribes." Key Runesoup posts: the Archonology series http://runesoup.com/category/archonology/ & Adolescence's End [http://runesoup.com/2014/08/adolescences-end/] “Someone stole your future. Don't you ever wonder who?” - Warren Ellis [http://warren-ellis.livejournal.com/92053.html] Works Mentioned: * Planetary * Influx * Doktor Sleepless * The Legend of Korra * Captain America: The Winter Soldier * X Files * The Invisibles Further Reading: * Rewilding Witchcraft [http://scarletimprint.com/2014/06/rewilding-witchcraft/] * Taste Tribes by Joshua Ellis [http://www.mindjack.com/feature/tastetribes.html] * Nick Redfern, Final Events [http://www.amazon.com/EVENTS-Secret-Government-Demonic-Afterlife/dp/1933665483] * Timothy Leary – Start your own religion [https://archive.org/details/startyourownreli00learrich] Also: My blogpost “A New Life Awaits in the Chinese Sea Colonies” [http://blog.m1k3y.com/?p=44362] Here's to all the Nomadic Taste Tribes and Lifeboat Survivors, moving further up the beach. Ello! [ello.co] See also: Gordon's podcast Find The Others http://runesoup.com/category/find-the-others/ Music & Samples: * X-Files Theme Piano/Strings Version - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KraD-DnbSsU * Living Colour – Pride [Time's Up] , Cult of Personality [Vivid] * Leverage S05E15, The Long Goodbye

    Transmission #1 of the Cosmic Anthropology Broadcast System

    Transmission #1 of the Cosmic Anthropology Broadcast System
    The Neanderthal Pride ep WORKS MENTIONED * X-Men: First Class, X-Men 2 * Crux by Ramez Naam [sequel to Nexus] [[http://rameznaam.com/crux/]] * newuniversal [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newuniversal] * Brookings Report [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brookings_Report] * The Tomorrow People [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Tomorrow_People_(U.S._TV_series)] * American Horror Story: Coven [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_horror_story_coven] LINKS * http://mobile.nytimes.com/2014/08/17/magazine/should-you-fear-the-pizzly-bear.html [HYBRIDIZATION] * http://www.livescience.com/46636-how-tibetans-survive-high-altitude.html [DENISOVAN DNA] * http://www.nature.com/news/neanderthals-bone-technique-redrafts-prehistory-1.15739 * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neanderthal_genome_project * http://io9.com/google-wants-to-create-a-map-of-the-perfectly-healthy-h-1610873338 * Interview with George Church: Can Neanderthals Be Brought Back from the Dead? - [http://www.spiegel.de/international/zeitgeist/george-church-explains-how-dna-will-be-construction-material-of-the-future-a-877634.html] GUEST DETAILS: Adam Flynn is a media theorist and researcher-at-large. He lives in San Francisco, tweets as @threadbare, and can usually be found mining the intersections of the antiquarian and futuristic.  GUEST LINKS: * 23AndMe [https://www.23andme.com/] * most ancient flute reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Divje_Babe_Flute Did Neanderthals Think Like Us? (pdf) [http://www.bris.ac.uk/archanth/staff/zilhao/scientificamericanjune2010.pdf] * Dr. John M Berardi and Dr. John K Williams "Built Like a Neanderthal" [http://www.t-nation.com/free_online_article/sports_body_training_performance_science/built_like_a_neanderthal_1] * Colin Tudge "Neanderthals as Gods" [http://www.colintudge.com/articles/article11.php] Elizabeth Kolbert "Sleeping with the Enemy" [http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2011/08/15/sleeping-with-the-enemy] Featuring music from Neanderthal Bone Flute Music [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHy9FOblt7Y]: "Playing the Neanderthal flute of Divje babe, is authored by Sašo Niskač, music is performed by Ljuben Dimkaroski, scientific adviser is Dr. Ivan Turk, archaeologist."

    Transmission INFINITY of the Cosmic Anthropology Broadcast System

    Transmission INFINITY of the Cosmic Anthropology Broadcast System
    The nature of time explored in fiction, science and mysticism. the continual construction of the past, present and future and life in the eternal now. Soundtrack from the dawn of civilisation. Commentary by an ambassador from the canine species. Designed for humans by humans. Featuring special guest star @wolven. Perpetrator of Magical-/Occult-Techno-Futurism Find him online: @wolven [https://twitter.com/Wolven], reviews and interviews on Need Coffee [http://www.needcoffee.com/author/wolven/], and more work here (http://www.patreon.com/Wolven) The words and wisdom of: * Grant Morrison [WIKI http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grant_Morrison] - DisInfo Speech [http://dedroidify.blogspot.com.au/2013/09/grant-morrisons-must-see-complete.html] * Terence McKenna [WIKI http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terence_McKenna] Extra Reading: Many World Theory [WIKI http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Many-worlds_interpretation] M Brane Theory [WIKI http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M-theory] Roko's Basilisk [SALON http://www.slate.com/articles/technology/bitwise/2014/07/roko_s_basilisk_the_most_terrifying_thought_experiment_of_all_time.html] Neuroscience article - The man who saw time stand still [BBC http://www.bbc.com/future/story/20140624-the-man-who-saw-time-freeze] A Multiverse TV Guide to Fiction Suits [tumblr http://m1k3y.tumblr.com/post/79815725029/multiverse-tv-presents-a-short-guide-to-fiction-suits] A Short Tour of the End of the World [GRINDING http://grinding.be/2014/08/02/a-brief-tour-of-the-end-of-the-world/] r00t - posthuman acolyte / analog interface [tumblr http://m1k3y.tumblr.com/post/80832758533/analog-interface-set-spoilers-synopsis-deep] Fictional Works mentioned: * TV: Person of Interest, Continuum, True Detective, Fringe, Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles, Agents of Shield, 4400, DaVinci's Demons * Film: Terminator franchise, Safety Not Guranteed * Comics: Pax Romana, SHIELD, Planetary, The Invisibles, newuniversal Intro Music: * http://www.openculture.com/2014/07/the-oldest-song-in-the-world.html

    Transmission #0.5 of the Cosmic Anthropology Broadcast System

    Transmission #0.5 of the Cosmic Anthropology Broadcast System
    hyper real, meta fictional, future present life Show notes: * http://m1k3y.tumblr.com/tagged/multiverse%20tv * http://www.antipope.org/charlie/blog-static/2007/05/shaping_the_future.html * http://qz.com/229852/googles-street-view-cameras-are-touring-museums-and-taking-weird-selfies-by-accident/ * http://www.google.com/killer-robots.txt * http://time.com/66536/terasem-trascendence-religion-technology/ Intro music from: http://www.radiosky.com/rjcentral.html

    Transmission #0 of the Cosmic Anthropology Broadcast System

    Transmission #0 of the Cosmic Anthropology Broadcast System
    LINKS: * http://www.newscientist.com/article/mg22229753.300-crystal-cocoons-kept-bacteria-safe-in-space.html * http://blogs.scientificamerican.com/guest-blog/2013/01/09/the-origins-of-directed-panspermia/ * http://www.amazon.com/Echopraxia-Peter-Watts/dp/076532802X EXTRA READING: * http://runesoup.com/2012/02/you-are-made-of-books-the-whisky-rant-part-5/ ERRATA: * of course Francis Crick was tripping on LSD when he discovered DNA.