
    Podcast and Business

    Podcast and Business, hosted and produced by Juan Carlos Giraldo, is a bilingual podcast about management, ESG, sustainability, business, corporate, and entrepreneurship. We interview and learn from entrepreneurs and professionals worldwide from Boston, United States.
    enJuan Carlos Giraldo325 Episodes

    Episodes (325)

    Ep. 320 Life Cycle Assessment: Un Método Esencial En Las Empresas

    Ep. 320 Life Cycle Assessment: Un Método Esencial En Las Empresas
    Un pilar fundamental que puede ayudar a las empresas a tomar decisiones más informadas y diseñar estrategias adecuadas para avanzar en su camino a la sostenibilidad es el Life Cycle Assessment o LCA. El LCA nos va a ayudar a identificar el impacto ambiental en todo el proceso de vida de un producto. En este episodio me acompaña desde Londres, el Reino Unido, Adrian Garyacochea, un analista que conoce muy bien el Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) con el cual conversamos acerca del concepto, beneficios, retos y etapas y mas acerca del LCA. Contacta con Adrian Garaycochea su perfil de LinkedIn  https://www.linkedin.com/in/adrian-garaycochea-3530b1117/

    Ep. 319 ESG, Risks and the Path to Responsible Mining

    Ep. 319 ESG, Risks and the Path to Responsible Mining
    The energy transition faces many challenges, and mining companies play an essential role in this energy transition with the need for critical minerals. Mining companies have an excellent opportunity to contribute to the energy transition by providing many raw materials. Implementing best practices in ESG (environmental, social, and governance) is crucial in this essential industry. The goal of having responsible mining also represents risks and challenges, but, at the same time, many opportunities today and in the years to come. To discuss these topics, my guest in this episode is Melissa Barbanell. Melissa Barbanell, is the Director of International Engagement US for the World Resources Institute, has over 20 years of experience in environmental policy, government affairs, climate advocacy, and responsible mining.

    Ep. 318 Sustainability and Consumers: Does Our Sustainable Behavior Change According to Our Pocketbook?

    Ep. 318 Sustainability and Consumers: Does Our Sustainable Behavior Change According to Our Pocketbook?
    I read an interesting article published by Deloitte titled "Economic Uncertainty Puts Pressure on Sustainable Behavior Change." Discussing this article with some of my colleagues would be a great opportunity. In this episode, my guests are from Denmark. Josephine Piplits is the founder and CEO of TripDoodler. Tripodoodler is a company with one purpose: to make it easier for travelers to make more sustainable choices through sustainability information for their travel choices. My other guest is Douglas Marett, director of GH Sustainability. GH Sustainability provides companies worldwide with innovative results in sustainable solutions, climate change, energy, and the environment. As a co-host, I have Giorgos Papagianakis from Athens, Greece. Giorgos is an assistant professor in the Department of Economics at the University of Peloponnese in Greece. He is interested in Corporate Sustainability and Innovation and studies why and how organizations incorporate socio-environmental perspectives into their decisions and strategies. For this episode, we will analyze parts of the Deloitte article and provide our perspective on consumer behavior and interest, as well as how the economic aspect could be a factor in changing behavior toward the consumption of sustainable products. As a previous note, this episode's participants, including myself, have no business relationship with Deloitte, and our opinions are based on our analysis of the article. Visit:

    Ep. 317 What You Need to Know About ESG Ratings and Their Impact on Business

    Ep. 317 What You Need to Know About ESG Ratings and Their Impact on Business
    ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) is a very broad field of expertise with many challenges ranging from diversity, investments, and the impact on the environment that any organization has, and even many of these companies are redesigning their business models to adjust themselves to these challenges. However, one of the pillars of ESG is the ratings. In this episode, my guest is Florian Berg. Florian Berg is a research scientist at the MIT Sloan School of Management; his research interests cover sustainable investing with a focus on ESG ratings, the disagreement between different rating agencies, and how it affects investors, firms, and academic research.  What is the definition of ESG rating, and why are they important for organizations?  How can we identify if a company has good performance in ESG ratings? What would be a good ESG rating? Is rating ESG rating agencies the solution for this task? What industries have more challenges measuring ESG ratings?

    Ep. 316 Sustainable Finance and Positive Impact: Investing in Companies that do Good for the World

    Ep. 316 Sustainable Finance and Positive Impact: Investing in Companies that do Good for the World
    Nowadays, sustainable finance is growing every day. How important is it to invest in companies that positively impact the world? In this episode, I talk with Bertrand Gacon, the founder and CEO of Impaakt a company based on Geneva, Switzerland. Impaakt is a collaborative platform relying on collective intelligence to produce research and assessments of companies' social and environmental impact. Its mission is to bring impact analysis to the heart of all investment decisions so that capital can be directed to businesses with the best possible impact on the planet and society.

    Ep. 315 Sostenibilidad en los hospitales : Una experiencia personal

    Ep. 315 Sostenibilidad en los hospitales : Una experiencia personal
    Los hospitales tienen un gran reto en temas relacionados a la sostenibilidad ambiental que puede proporcionar ahorros financieros a corto y largo plazo, mejorar la atención al paciente y aumentar la participación de la fuerza laboral. En general, reducir el consumo de energía y sustituir los materiales más perjudiciales para el medio ambiente permitirá, con el tiempo, ahorrar dinero a los hospitales. En este episodio comparto una experiencia personal relacionada a la sostenibilidad y las métricas ESG en el Massachusetts General Hospital Esto es un punto de vista personal como paciente y no tengo ninguna relación comercial con el MGH-Massachusetts General Hospital. Si gustas aprender más acerca de las actividades de sostenibilidad de este hospital te comparto el enlace :

    Ep. 314 Behind the Seams: What's Happening in the Factories in Sri Lanka that Produce Patagonia?

    Ep. 314 Behind the Seams: What's Happening in the Factories in Sri Lanka that Produce Patagonia?
    Yara van Heugten is a Dutch investigative journalist. She Investigates the truth behind the green promises of large companies: from the financial sector to the clothing industry. She is the author of an interesting article, "Sustainable clothing brand Patagonia manufactures in the same factories as fast-fashion; textile workers are being exploited," published in Follow the Money. In this episode, we talk about her interesting article, what challenges and stories she found, and also what response she received from Patagonia. Read her full article in Follow the Money.

    Ep. 313 Innovación en el sector público: En la búsqueda de procesos innovadores sostenibles

    Ep. 313 Innovación en el sector público: En la búsqueda de procesos innovadores sostenibles
    En mi opinion uno de los sectores que mas potencial tiene en temas de innovación y que esta sea sostenible es el sector publico. Pero a su vez presenta muchos retos para desarrollarla y sobre todo implementar para que las sociedades se beneficien de esta. En este episodio me acompaña desde Londres el profesional Uruguayo, Federico Vaz .  Federico enfoca su investigación Mi investigación y trabajo exploran la introducción del diseño en el desarrollo de políticas y servicios públicos innovadores y centrados en las personas para sociedades más equitativas. Federico Vaz, trabaja directamente con el  es un grupo de politólogos que se centran en la innovación en la participación ciudadana y la capacidad de respuesta del gobierno.

    Ep. 312 El manejo de el agua debe de ser una prioridad en los negocios

    Ep. 312 El manejo de el agua debe de ser una prioridad en los negocios
    En esta oportunidad me gustaría compartir mi punto de vista acerca del más importante capital natural: el agua y por que el agua es critica, sobre todo en el manejo empresarial.  Todos los años Barron’s presenta su reporte o articulo titulado En este destacan una lista de empresas que están haciendo correctamente su trabajo en temas de sostenibilidad. El acceso a el agua, o la falta de acceso a al misma y el impacto que esto puede tener en los negocios es bastante significativo, y muchas empresas están comenzando a ver y sentir esta problemática.

    Ep. 311 ESG: Opportunities and Challenges for the Board of Directors

    Ep. 311 ESG: Opportunities and Challenges for the Board of Directors
    A report from New York University analyzed the credentials of 1188 Fortune 100 board directors and found that 29% of directors had relevant ESG credentials in 2018. Has this changed in the post-pandemic era? In this episode, I talk with Helle Bank Jorgensen, author of Stewards of the Future: A Guide for Competent Boards.  We discuss challenges and opportunities for the board of directors because climate- and ESG- are in high demand by investors and other stakeholders. She is also the founder of the Competent Boards original and premier creator of online environment, social, governance (ESG), and Climate education programs for board directors and executives.

    Ep. 310 The Crucial Role of History in Deeply Responsible Business

    Ep. 310 The Crucial Role of History in Deeply Responsible Business
    The value of history is a longstanding topic of conversation around the world. And it is even more so when the history is related to businesses and leaders. How many leaders and thinkers influenced business today? How important is history in business? In this episode, I have as a guest Geoffrey Jones, professor of business history at Harvard Business School, we discuss his new book "Deeply Responsible Business: A Global History of Value-Driven Leaders." We highlighted some of the characters mentioned in his book and how they had a vision with purpose and social responsibility. This conversation took place at Harvard Business School here in Boston.

    Ep. 309 El rol de las empresas en la Biodiversidad

    Ep. 309 El rol de las empresas en la Biodiversidad
    La biodiversidad es esencial para la salud y la resiliencia de la naturaleza, así como para el bienestar y la prosperidad de la humanidad además brinda valiosos servicios ecosistémicos, como son la producción de alimentos, la regulación del agua, la estabilización del clima, la polinización y también la recreación; que tienen un valor de más de $ 150 mil millones de dólares anuales. Sin embargo, la biodiversidad está gravemente amenazada por las actividades humanas, como el sobre uso de los suelos y el mar, la sobre-explotación de los recursos naturales, el cambio climático, la contaminación y las especies invasoras. Estas situaciones causadas por los seres humanos están provocando una pérdida de biodiversidad muy muy rápida y sin precedentes, lo que a su vez reduce la funcionalidad y la productividad de los ecosistemas. La disminución de los servicios que los ecosistemas nos brindan le cuesta a la economía mundial más de 5 mil millones de dólares al año. Es por esto que las empresas tienen un papel fundamental que desempeñar para abordar la crisis de la biodiversidad, ya que estas dependen de la naturaleza - del capital natural - y está presente en toda la cadena de valor.
    Podcast and Business
    enMay 22, 2023

    Ep. 308 Navigating Through Some ESG Challenges: Materiality, Biodiversity and Communication

    Ep. 308 Navigating Through Some ESG Challenges: Materiality, Biodiversity and Communication
    Todd Cort is a Senior Lecturer in Sustainability at Yale School of Management. He is also the co-faculty director of the Yale Center for Business and the Environment. I visited Yale School of Management to talk with Todd Cort about some ESG (environmental, social, and governance) challenges like Materiality, Biodiversity, and Communication. Some of the points we addressed in the conversation were: What kind of challenges and opportunities are currently facing these metrics  How can materiality assessment help organizations in their ESG/Sustainability strategies What commitments to protect biodiversity and nature should organizations opt for? How should organizations communicate their ESG and Sustainability strategies effectively? Role of the Consumers in Sustainability

    Ep. 307 Comentarios acerca del libro Stewards of the Future: A Guide for Competent Boards

    Ep. 307 Comentarios acerca del libro Stewards of the Future: A Guide for Competent Boards
    Nuevamente con un nuevo episodio para opinar acerca de un interesante libro. Hoy estaré comentando acerca del libro Stewards of the Future: A Guide for Competent Boards". "Los administradores del futuro: una guía para las juntas/directorios competentes", libro escrito por Helle Bank Jorgensen quien es la fundadora de Competent Boards, una institución educativa que ofrece programas online acerca ESG/sostenibilidad.  Helle Bank Jorgensen, es una profesional experta en tema de sustainable business por mas de 30 años, su libro aborda la premisa que el cambio climático y las métricas ESG - Environmental, Social and Governance se han convertido en un enorme reto para los directorios en estos momentos. Nota: No me une ninguna relación comercial con la autora y no recibo ninguna compensación por los comentarios en este episodio.

    Ep. 306 Philip Morris International’s Ambitions on Biodiversity and Water

    Ep. 306 Philip Morris International’s Ambitions on Biodiversity and Water
    Jennifer Motles is the Chief Sustainability Officer at Philip Morris International; she is based in Switzerland. In this episode, I spoke with Jennifer about an exciting report on ESG metrics, materiality, ambitions, and impact-focused on nature capital such as Biodiversity and Water entitled: Towards A Net Positive Impact On Nature PMI’s Ambition On Biodiversity And Water. These sustainable strategies at Philip Morris are set to guide the long-term work on biodiversity protection and water stewardship.     .

    Ep. 305 Exploring the Dark Side of Business, Profit and History (in Nazi Germany)

    Ep. 305 Exploring the Dark Side of Business, Profit and History (in Nazi Germany)
    How often do we think about the history of a product, brand, or business? In this important episode, I had the honor of speaking with author and journalist David De Jong about his book “Nazi Billionaires: The Dark History of Germany’s Wealthiest Dynasties.” We discussed the past, present, and future of the dark side of business, profit, and history. This topic shines an important light on the contemporary issues of CSR and ESG. The book is available in English, German, Hebrew, Spanish, and Portuguese, among other languages. Visit https://daviddejong.net For related reading: Allianz Statement “Allianz in the Nazi-era” https://www.allianz.com/en/about-us/who-we-are/history/allianz-in-the-nazi-era.html How Long Does It Take to Forgive a Company? Via Barron's

    Ep. 304 Opiniones acerca del libro NetPositive: Cómo las empresas valientes prosperan dando más de lo que reciben

    Ep. 304 Opiniones acerca del libro NetPositive: Cómo las empresas valientes prosperan dando más de lo que reciben
    En esta oportunidad comparto mis opiniones acerca del libro “NetPositive: How courageous Companies Thrive by Giving Moren Than They Take” “Cómo las empresas valientes prosperan dando más de lo que reciben”. Los autores de este libro son Paul Polman ex CEO de Unilever y Andrew Winston, uno de los más reconocidos lideres en sustainable business. El concepto Net Positive define a un negocio que mejora el bienestar de todas las personas a las que impacta y en todas las escalas: cada producto, cada operación, cada región, país, y para cada parte interesada, incluidos empleados, proveedores, comunidades, clientes e incluso las generaciones futuras y obviamente, el planeta mismo. Pensar en una visión a largo plazo y continuar enfocado y trabajando de cerca con las comunidades son unos de los puntos planteados en este buen libro. Disclaimer: No tengo ninguna relación comercial, profesional, ni amical con los autores de este libro. No recibo ningún tipo de compensación, ni sponsor por producir este episodio. Para más información acerca de este libro visita: Visita:

    Ep. 303 Analizando el libro Reimagining Capitalism In A World On Fire

    Ep. 303 Analizando el libro Reimagining Capitalism In A World On Fire
    Decidí comenzar una serie de episodios acerca de libros, artículos, reportes y casos de estudio ligados a ESG y Sostentabilidad. Para este episodio voy a comenzar analizando del libro  Reimagining Capitalism In A World of Fire escrito por la Profesora Rebecca Henderson. es profesora en Harvard Business School, además es advisor de algunas empresas lideres en el mundo. Fue nombrada como Director del Año en el ano 2019 por Financial Times. Hay puntos interesantes que me gustaría destacar de manera concisa. Todo lo mencionado en este review es basado en mi interpretación del libro. Un disclosure, no tengo ninguna relación comercial, ni amical con la autora de este libro, este episodio tiene como propósito educar y compartir mis opiniones personales. Para más información acerca de este libro visita : Visita

    Ep. 302 Organizational Stigma : Boys Will Be Boys

    Ep. 302 Organizational Stigma : Boys Will Be Boys
    Today we have as a guest. Giorgos Papagiannakis is an Assistant Professor in the In this episode, we discuss with our guest a topic related to greenwashing, brands, organizations, employees, psychology, and sociology aspects, and it is about organizational stigma; also, we highlighted some parts of a paper he published last year entitled "Organizational Stigma As A Moral Insurance." Some of the questions answered for our guest: Definition of organizational stigma? What are the most popular stigmatized industries and why? How can stigma lead to positive outcomes in organizations? Contact Giorgos Papagiannakis at the following link: Juan Carlos Giraldo

    Ep. 301 Energy: Lessons From Past Crises

    Ep. 301 Energy: Lessons From Past Crises
    is a Research Associate at headquarters – she is part of the Energy and Industry Transitions team, Division of Global Agendas, Climate, and Systems. Jindan conducts interdisciplinary research on the transition to a fossil-free transport sector, fossil-free steel, and off-grid energy and water solutions. In this episode, she shared what we can learn from past energy crises, the importance of policies, the role of politicians, clean energy transitions and how critical is the green stimulus, based on an article she recent published entitled: