
    Pollen: For Creative Entrepreneurs with Diana Davis

    Pollen is a podcast for Creative Entrepreneurs - just like you! I’m Diana, a multi-passionate creative business coach and the founder of Diana Davis Creative. On this show, we’re serving you a little woo with a healthy dose of strategy to support you on your entrepreneurial journey. After running a six-figure photography business and experiencing major burn-out, I decided to ditch the hustle and do things my way. This show is the place to turn to for all of the best tips for running your successful creative business. My guests and I share the real, nitty-gritty stories of creative entrepreneurship and our unique paths to success. If you’re ready to land your dream clients, make money running a business that lights you up, and live a life that you love, you’re in the right place. Tune in every week for new episodes and get ready for the inspiration and motivation you’ve been looking for.
    en-usDiana Davis59 Episodes

    Episodes (59)

    S2 E18 Tapping into Your Feminine Energy to Create a Holistic, Soul-led Life and Business with Megan Hatfield 👩🌙💅

    S2 E18 Tapping into Your Feminine Energy to Create a Holistic, Soul-led Life and Business with Megan Hatfield 👩🌙💅

    If you want a well-rounded and fully fulfilled life and business, learning to harmonize your masculine and feminine is an important piece. But how do you lean into your feminine energy in business and what does that look like? In this episode with Megan Hatfield, you're getting the answers to those questions and more. Megan is a master of creating a beautifully balanced life led by the feminine, and she's sharing not only what that looks like and her journey to get here, but also how to balance it with the masculine, why you need both for success, and some tactical tips for how to overcome the feeling of being caged by your business, and lean more into what your soul is calling you into.


    Check out the show notes for this episode: dianadaviscreative.com/post/s2-e18-megan-hatfield


    Connect with Megan on Instagram @MeganClaireHatfield


    More Ways to Plug In:

    • Connect and collaborate with like-minded entrepreneurs who get your creative path in the Recess for Creatives community.
    • Achieve the life, career, and clients you’ve always wanted (and fully deserve!). Doors are open for Camp Clarity!


    Connect with Diana:


    Enjoyed this episode?

    Pollen is a podcast for Creative Entrepreneurs—just like you! If you enjoyed this episode of Pollen Podcast, subscribe and help us spread the word by sharing it! Your dream life is there for you to take — and you can help others find lives they can love too.

    • Leave a review and share it! If you enjoyed tuning in to this podcast, we'd appreciate it if you wrote us a review. You can also share it to help other creative entrepreneurs and freelancers.
    • Have any questions or want to leave a suggestion? Come say hi on the 'gram, @dianadaviscreative! You can also subscribe to my newsletter for travel updates, learn about special projects, and get tips and tricks for the creative entrepreneur life!


    Thanks for listening! Stay tuned to my website for more episode updates and other exciting programs and resources!

    S2 E17 How Recess Came to Be and Advice for Building Your Own Community 🤸‍♀️🪀🤝

    S2 E17 How Recess Came to Be and Advice for Building Your Own Community 🤸‍♀️🪀🤝

    The Recess community is finally open to the world! This wasn't an idea that was quickly launched though - there's a process to creating a space that actually makes a difference for the people that are a part of it. For this episode, you'll get a little peek behind the curtain of how the Recess community came to exist and what the process looked like to create it.

    You'll also hear some questions that you should ask yourself when you start to build a community (or launch anything for that matter) and some tips to help you create a community that your people actually need and are excited to be a part of.


    Check out the show notes for this episode: dianadaviscreative.com/post/s2-e17


    More Ways to Plug In:

    • Connect and collaborate with like-minded entrepreneurs who get your creative path in the Recess for Creatives community.
    • Achieve the life, career, and clients you’ve always wanted (and fully deserve!). Doors are open for Camp Clarity!


    Connect with Diana:


    Enjoyed this episode?

    Pollen is a podcast for Creative Entrepreneurs—just like you! If you enjoyed this episode of Pollen Podcast, subscribe and help us spread the word by sharing it! Your dream life is there for you to take — and you can help others find lives they can love too.

    • Leave a review and share it! If you enjoyed tuning in to this podcast, we'd appreciate it if you wrote us a review. You can also share it to help other creative entrepreneurs and freelancers.
    • Have any questions or want to leave a suggestion? Come say hi on the 'gram, @dianadaviscreative! You can also subscribe to my newsletter for travel updates, learn about special projects, and get tips and tricks for the creative entrepreneur life!


    Thanks for listening! Stay tuned to my website for more episode updates and other exciting programs and resources!

    S2 E16 Challenging Your Beliefs about Money and Success with Townsend Wardlaw 💵💰🌅

    S2 E16 Challenging Your Beliefs about Money and Success with Townsend Wardlaw 💵💰🌅

    What does success look like for you? What if you found out that most people that achieve the success they want and have all the money they need aren't actually fulfilled? This is the mindset challenge that Townsend is encouraging you to think about. Society tells us that we have to chase more money and that if we have money, we'll be safe, secure, and happy, but in this episode, we're challenging this narrative. Townsend shares some of the processes and mindset shifts that he takes his clients through, how his beliefs surrounding money were created, and why the concept of money and success are not tied to happiness and fulfillment.


    Check out the show notes for this episode: dianadaviscreative.com/post/s2-e16-townsend-wardlaw


    Connect with Townsend on Instagram @CoachofBeing


    More Ways to Plug In:

    • Step into a space where you can thrive and transform your life when you join us at the Ecuador Retreat!
    • Achieve the life, career, and clients you’ve always wanted (and fully deserve!). Doors are open for Camp Clarity!
    • Find your community with us when you join the waitlist for the DDC Community!


    Connect with Diana:


    Enjoyed this episode?

    Pollen is a podcast for Creative Entrepreneurs—just like you! If you enjoyed this episode of Pollen Podcast, subscribe and help us spread the word by sharing it! Your dream life is there for you to take — and you can help others find lives they can love too.

    • Leave a review and share it! If you enjoyed tuning in to this podcast, we'd appreciate it if you wrote us a review. You can also share it to help other creative entrepreneurs and freelancers.
    • Have any questions or want to leave a suggestion? Come say hi on the 'gram, @dianadaviscreative! You can also subscribe to my newsletter for travel updates, learn about special projects, and get tips and tricks for the creative entrepreneur life!


    Thanks for listening! Stay tuned to my website for more episode updates and other exciting programs and resources!

    S2 E15 The Power of Travel & a Special Invitation Collab with Caitie Corradino ✈️🏜⛰

    S2 E15 The Power of Travel & a Special Invitation Collab with Caitie Corradino ✈️🏜⛰

    This is a special episode (and a first) on the podcast because it's a collaboration episode with my friend, dietician, and fellow retreat host Caitie Corradino. We came together for an episode to discuss the power of travel and retreats and how these have influenced both of our lives. Plus we're offering a special invitation to attend my retreat in Ecuador AND Caitie's retreat in Scotland in a fun package deal, so if you're ready to travel and invest in yourself, this one's for you!

    Check out the show notes for this episode: dianadaviscreative.com/post/s2-e15-collab-caitie-corradino


    Connect with Caitie on Instagram @Caitie.c.rd


    More Ways to Plug In:

    • Step into a space where you can thrive and transform your life when you join us at the Ecuador Retreat!
    • Achieve the life, career, and clients you’ve always wanted (and fully deserve!). Join Camp Clarity!
    • Grab one of the 2 available spots in the mastermind course, Ascend to help expand you and grow your business.
    • Find your community with us when you join the waitlist for the DDC Community!


    Connect with Diana:


    Enjoyed this episode?

    Pollen is a podcast for Creative Entrepreneurs—just like you! If you enjoyed this episode of Pollen Podcast, subscribe and help us spread the word by sharing it! Your dream life is there for you to take — and you can help others find lives they can love too.

    • Leave a review and share it! If you enjoyed tuning in to this podcast, we'd appreciate it if you wrote us a review. You can also share it to help other creative entrepreneurs and freelancers.
    • Have any questions or want to leave a suggestion? Come say hi on the 'gram, @dianadaviscreative! You can also subscribe to my newsletter for travel updates, learn about special projects, and get tips and tricks for the creative entrepreneur life!


    Thanks for listening! Stay tuned to my website for more episode updates and other exciting programs and resources!

    S2 E14 Living the Digital Nomad Dream with Dulce Toscano ✨🎒🏄‍♀️

    S2 E14 Living the Digital Nomad Dream with Dulce Toscano ✨🎒🏄‍♀️

    We talk about digital nomad life a lot on this podcast, but today you're getting a new perspective on traveling the world full-time from Latina, CEO, social media strategist, and world traveler Dulce Toscano. Dulce grew up a hard worker in an immigrant family, was the first in her family to go to college, conquered the corporate world, started a successful business, and then followed her intuition and set out on her world tour. A few years of traveling and many business pivots later, she's running a successful business that gives her the freedom to live life on her own terms while experiencing so many cultures around the world and has no intention of stopping any time soon. In this episode, you'll get to hear her incredible story, her advice for following your own dreams and intuition, and some of her favorite experiences as a digital nomad.

    Check out the show notes for this episode: dianadaviscreative.com/post/s2-e14-dulce-toscano


    Connect with Dulce on Instagram @Dulce.Toscano


    More Ways to Plug In:

    • Step into a space where you can thrive and transform your life when you join us at the Ecuador Retreat!
    • Achieve the life, career, and clients you’ve always wanted (and fully deserve!). Join Camp Clarity!
    • Grab one of the 2 available spots in the mastermind course, Ascend to help expand you and grow your business.
    • Find your community with us when you join the waitlist for the DDC Community!


    Connect with Diana:


    Enjoyed this episode?

    Pollen is a podcast for Creative Entrepreneurs—just like you! If you enjoyed this episode of Pollen Podcast, subscribe and help us spread the word by sharing it! Your dream life is there for you to take — and you can help others find lives they can love too.

    • Leave a review and share it! If you enjoyed tuning in to this podcast, we'd appreciate it if you wrote us a review. You can also share it to help other creative entrepreneurs and freelancers.
    • Have any questions or want to leave a suggestion? Come say hi on the 'gram, @dianadaviscreative! You can also subscribe to my newsletter for travel updates, learn about special projects, and get tips and tricks for the creative entrepreneur life!


    Thanks for listening! Stay tuned to my website for more episode updates and other exciting programs and resources!

    S2 E13 Revitalize Your Energy Around Getting More Clients 🌟👩‍💻💡

    S2 E13 Revitalize Your Energy Around Getting More Clients 🌟👩‍💻💡

    The podcast is back after a little hiatus and it feels so good! Let's talk about clients and when we feel like they're just not out there. We've all had moments of feeling like we're speaking to the void, no one wants to pay us, and we should just give up, but we're going to talk through that in this episode. You'll get both mindset shifts and some tactical strategies for expanding your view on working with clients, renewing your energy around putting yourself out there, and a new perspective on your business. Plus get a long overdue life and business update from Diana!

    Check out the show notes for this episode: dianadaviscreative.com/post/s2-e13


    More Ways to Plug In:

    • Step into a space where you can thrive and transform your life when you join us at the Ecuador Retreat!
    • Achieve the life, career, and clients you’ve always wanted (and fully deserve!). Join Camp Clarity!
    • Grab one of the 2 available spots in the mastermind course, Ascend to help expand you and grow your business.
    • Find your community with us when you join the waitlist for the DDC Community!


    Connect with Diana:


    Enjoyed this episode?

    Pollen is a podcast for Creative Entrepreneurs—just like you! If you enjoyed this episode of Pollen Podcast, subscribe and help us spread the word by sharing it! Your dream life is there for you to take — and you can help others find lives they can love too.

    • Leave a review and share it! If you enjoyed tuning in to this podcast, we'd appreciate it if you wrote us a review. You can also share it to help other creative entrepreneurs and freelancers.
    • Have any questions or want to leave a suggestion? Come say hi on the 'gram, @dianadaviscreative! You can also subscribe to my newsletter for travel updates, learn about special projects, and get tips and tricks for the creative entrepreneur life!


    Thanks for listening! Stay tuned to my website for more episode updates and other exciting programs and resources!

    S2 E12 Intuition: How to Hear it, Feel it, and Trust it with Caitie Corradino 🦋🔮✨

    S2 E12 Intuition: How to Hear it, Feel it, and Trust it with Caitie Corradino 🦋🔮✨

    Hey Pollen! How often do you listen to your intuition? Do you tend to ignore that feeling deep in your belly or do you boldly live according to it? 

    I'm so excited to share this episode with Caitie Corradino where we dive into how intuition can bust right through your fears. Intuition can sometimes sound a bit out there — woowoo, even — and people tend to misrepresent it as only gut instinct. Before you dismiss intuition, think about what's stopping you from tuning into it and following it in the first place. 

    Chances are, your intuition is trying to lead you to make changes and take risks. I know, it sounds terrifying — I've been there too. It's much easier to "be rational" and do things that seem like they make sense. But that just puts you right back on the hamster wheel. For anyone feeling the struggle, press play and find out what intuition really is and how you can follow it to make decisions!







    S2 E11 Life and Love Update from the Road ❤️ 🚗

    S2 E11 Life and Love Update from the Road ❤️ 🚗

    Hey Pollen! It’s been a while but I’m back with a new solo episode that dives into the themes of life and love. A lot has been happening lately and I’m excited to share my journey with you.

    What’s next for me? That’s a question I’ve been asking myself a lot lately. Moving forward can be difficult, but when we take one step at a time, we eventually figure out what’s in store for us.

    I know firsthand that the journey isn’t always smooth and easy. But we can keep moving forward and embracing the future that’s coming our way. Join me in this solo episode as we chat about trusting yourself and being in the present. We also dive into how communication is the key to romance and relationships. For anyone out there feeling lost about what to do next, this episode can help you figure things out!







    S2 E10 Millionaire Mother: Empowering Women and Mothers To Lead Successful Businesses with Cait Scudder 👑 👩‍👧‍👦

    S2 E10 Millionaire Mother: Empowering Women and Mothers To Lead Successful Businesses with Cait Scudder 👑 👩‍👧‍👦

    Hey Pollen! I’m back with a new episode with a special guest, Cait Scudder. She’s a 7 Figure CEO, Business Mentor for Mom Entrepreneurs and my former coach! We’re coming to you today with an interesting conversation about the wonders of motherhood and business.

    We know that mothers are amazing, strong, and capable people. But did you know that motherhood and business can go hand in hand? Mothers get to be millionaires too.

    There are lessons in being a mother that you’ll find can make your business better and more true to yourself. Listen to Cait's story of how she is pivoting her business with the help of her experiences as a mother. Whether you're a mom as well or a creative entrepreneur who wants to bring your business to life, tune in to this episode!












    S2 E9 Top 5 Things to Do When Starting a Business 💼 📝

    S2 E9 Top 5 Things to Do When Starting a Business 💼 📝

    Hey Pollen! I'm back with another solo episode where I break down the top 5 five things to do when you're starting your business or pivoting into a new direction.

    We're only real people here: building a business isn't an easy task, and neither is pivoting your business. But here's the flip side: it might not be easy, but it's definitely simple. 

    So don't let the road ahead stop you before you even begin. Here are 5 simple things you can do to make it as a creative entrepreneur! These are things I wished I'd known when I first started and things I found along the way that brought me where I am today. So tune in to this episode to learn real lessons from my real life experiences.










    S2 E8 What Creative Entrepreneurs Need to Know About Building a Brand with Giulia Previati 👩‍💻 🎨

    S2 E8 What Creative Entrepreneurs Need to Know About Building a Brand with Giulia Previati 👩‍💻 🎨

    Hey Pollen! Joining us for today’s episode is creative brand expert, Giulia Previati! This conversation will surely help you grow as a creative entrepreneur!

    Branding is all the ways your business presents itself to the world. It's how you tell your story, connect with your audience, and stand out from the competition. As a creative entrepreneur, it's vital to build a brand that is aligned with you and your creativity.

    You'll find that building your brand is more than just picking colors. It's about your brand feeling, strategy, visual identity, and more. It's about honing in on your message and delivering a promise to your audience. Don't know where to start? Tune in to this episode to learn more about what branding is for a creative entrepreneur like you!








    S2 E7 Being a Student of Life with Larry Davis (My Dad!) 📝 🌱

    S2 E7 Being a Student of Life with Larry Davis (My Dad!) 📝 🌱

    Hey Pollen! I’m back with another exciting episode and this time, we’re joined by a very special guest — Larry Davis, my dad! This episode on art and trusting your path is such a treat.

    We dive into my Dad’s journey as a cowboy, father, and entrepreneur. He shares so much wisdom on learning from your mistakes and trusting your unique process. There are so many words of wisdom here to help inspire you to keep going and to remember the power of your art. 

    We chat a lot about how to get your art out into the world. The episode is perfect for all of you creative entrepreneurs who are looking to build a life and business doing what you love. Tune into this episode to hear from the man who inspired me!







    S2 E6 Mindset Shifts and Simple Strategy to Build Your Business Your Way with Ben Easter ✨ ✅

    S2 E6 Mindset Shifts and Simple Strategy to Build Your Business Your Way with Ben Easter ✨ ✅

    Hey Pollen! I'm back with another exciting episode and this time, we get to talk to Ben Easter! This expert episode on mindset and growing your business is stacked full of powerful takeaways that you can apply to your business today. 

    Ben’s story is a true testament to building a life and business that makes YOU happy and dropping the “shoulds” of society. 

    We discuss so many mindset shifts, strategies and ways to streamline everything in your business on this episode. You will leave this one with some actionable steps to take if you feel like things aren’t quite moving for your business right now. Get ready to dive in! 







    S2 E5 Affiliate Marketing and Referrals: How to Use Them in Your Creative Business 🗣️ 💰

    S2 E5 Affiliate Marketing and Referrals: How to Use Them in Your Creative Business 🗣️ 💰

    Hi Pollen! I'm coming at you today with a solo episode on a topic we probably haven't thought about in years — if at all… What would our world be like without Instagram?


    There are so many ways to grow your business and make a mark in the creative market outside of Instagram. Things like affiliate marketing, referral programs, collectives and so much more, 


    As creative entrepreneurs, Instagram — and social media in general — is ingrained into what we do, right? But some of us don’t feel super aligned with it or are ready for something different. And that's alright! There are lots of ways to market ourselves. All we have to do is get creative.


    So in this episode, we'll delve into the other tools we can use to burst into our preferred markets and build our empires. Social media is a tool, but it's not the only tool in our box!

    The 90-minute Biz Clarity Sessions are back again to meet you where you’re at! Apply now to secure one of the 10 spots in my 90-minute strategy sessions to get you on your way, ready to go to the next thing. Apply here!







    S2 E4 People Pleasing in Business and in Your Relationships with Dating Coach Clara Artschwager 🤝 🩷

    S2 E4 People Pleasing in Business and in Your Relationships with Dating Coach Clara Artschwager 🤝 🩷

    Hey Pollen! I’m back with another exciting episode and this time, we’re joined by Clara Artschwager! This expert episode on people-pleasing and finding the right match for you will no doubt be a juicy treat for you.

    So many of us are used to bending over backward to cater to the needs of others. Sometimes, it’s the only way we know how to survive and keep a calm environment. Other times, we want to make other people comfortable so we can be comfortable. This people-pleasing tendency often shows up in both our businesses and relationships.

    Once we realize we’re engaging in people-pleasing behaviors, we have to accept the struggle, be patient with ourselves and grant ourselves grace. Only then can we work towards trusting the universe and finding what (or who) works best for us. Tune in to this episode to discover how you can take that first step!

    The 90-minute Biz Clarity Sessions are back again to meet you where you’re at! Apply now to secure one of the 10 spots in my 90-minute strategy sessions to get you on your way, ready to go to the next thing. Apply here!








    S2 E3 How Did We Market Our Businesses Before the Internet? 🛜 📈

    S2 E3 How Did We Market Our Businesses Before the Internet? 🛜 📈

    Social media can be draining. I get it. Most successful business owners and coaches will talk about the power of social media — me included! It’s a very helpful tool to reach your people. But if it’s becoming toxic and you find yourself scrolling endlessly, it may be time to cut back. Or time to remember why you’re using social media in the first place!


    And if you need some space from social media but are worried about your business, you may be focusing too much on one solution… Just think about all the other ways you can get creative with socials and marketing! So join me in this episode and let me help you find inspiration to stand out and get creative in how you market your business online. 


    My 90-day group course Camp Clarity is back and bigger than ever! Apply now to learn how to land dream clients, harness the power of social media, and make the money you deserve! 








    S2 E2 Expanding Beyond Instagram to Build Your Business with Jamie Ratermann 🤳🏼💡

    S2 E2 Expanding Beyond Instagram to Build Your Business with Jamie Ratermann 🤳🏼💡

    Hey Pollen! I’m back with a new podcast episode and this time we’re joined by one of my best friends in the world, Jamie Ratermann! You’re in for a treat with this expert episode on social media marketing and touching base with your audience.

    Here’s the thing about social media — almost everyone uses it. I scroll every day; you scroll every day. Your target audience likely scrolls through their socials daily, too. But what platforms should you focus on to really build your business? How do you stand out on social media so that you make a real impact on your audience? 

    It’s really all about using the right social media platforms, the right approach for each platform, and being consistent. And most importantly, meeting yourself where you’re at. What matters is you take that first small step and grow. Tune in to the episode to gain some insights on the shifting social media landscape and whether or not Instagram is still important for growing your business. 

    My 90-day group course Camp Clarity is back and bigger than ever! Apply now to learn how to land dream clients, harness the power of social media, and make the money you deserve! 






    S2 E1 Recap of Year One as a Nomad 🚙 ✈️

    S2 E1 Recap of Year One as a Nomad 🚙 ✈️

    Hey Pollen! I know it's been a while since the last episode — six months and a bit more! But I'm back for a brand new season. I've been living as a nomad for a YEAR now, and I'm excited to share what that journey’s been like with you.

    I'll say it straight. Living as a nomad hasn't been easy, but it's 100% been worth it. Every day has been a new experience, new challenge, new love, and new thing to feel. Living your dream life is worth the effort and it’s fully available to you. 

    It's not all hot air and empty inspirational quotes. It can happen, and if I've lived it, you can too. In this episode, I talk about the ins and outs of living alone, meeting new people, and reframing my life to be one that I can truly love. Tune in and find inspiration to push for your dreams.

    To kick off the new season of the Pollen Podcast, Diana's 90-day group course Camp Clarity is back and bigger than ever. Apply now to learn how to land dream clients, harness the power of social media, and make the money you deserve. 






    E40 How Human Design Can Help You Live Your Most Dreamy Life with Amelia Lehmann 🧬💫

    E40 How Human Design Can Help You Live Your Most Dreamy Life with Amelia Lehmann 🧬💫

    Are you ready to revolutionize the way you view your creative work? If you haven’t already, now is the perfect time to unlock your unique energetic blueprint and uncover how to use energetics to live life your way.


    In today’s episode, Diana sits down with human design expert Amelia Lehmann to discuss how energetic alignment can bring you purpose, motivation, and ease in your business and life. Amelia shares her journey on how embracing her human design type helped her build (and sell) a successful product-based business and how it eventually led her to become an empowering, energetic mentor.


    Listen to this episode to learn more about your human design and how it can help you live your most aligned, bad-ass life.





    Dream clients…check.✅ A steady stream of income…check.✅ Now it’s time to elevate your business from “doing well” to “I can’t believe this is my life.”

    Join ASCEND, a four-month, immersive experience mastermind with 1:1 support for elevated entrepreneurs who are ready to scale their next mountain. You’ll grow alongside a curated community of people like you to share in your successes, generate ideas together, and propel your business to new heights. Check it out.

    🔥This episode will help you:


    1. Understand the beauty and purpose behind the five energy types and what each type needs to thrive.
    2. Break down societal conditioning barriers (the “shoulds and woulds”) to step into your aligned, energetic ease and fulfillment.
    3. Feel inspired on your entrepreneurial journey, knowing that there isn’t one right way to do things, and we all have a unique blueprint that works best for us. 



    🎧Episode Highlights


    [4:48] Welcome Amelia!

    • She grew up in Australia but has lived in Banff, Canada for the last fifteen years.
    • Amelia is a reiki practitioner, human design expert, and energetic alignment mentor.
    • Everything Amelia does is based around energetics. 
    • She uses different modalities to lead and guide women to cultivate energetic alignment.


    [7:44] What Is Human Design?

    • Human design is the science of the aura. It is learning about your personal energetic body.
    • It’s an amalgamation of a few things: new-age astrology, the Kabbalah Tree of Life, The I Ching, Vedic philosophy, and the chakra system.
    • It is your soul’s energetic blueprint on how to live your perfect life.
    • It indicates that your soul knows the path, and human design teaches you how to use your body’s consciousness as a decision-making tool to teach you where to go in life and how to make decisions.

    [11:32] Amelia’s Journey From Sparkly Farm Kid to Bad-Ass Entrepreneur

    • Amelia grew up on a farm in Australia, where she lived freely. As a little girl with bright blonde hair and rainbow boots, she was full of life.
    • She was super busy as a kid (and still is).
    • Her mother taught her to do the things that made her happy. She would say, “march to the beat of your own drum.”
    • After graduating highschool, Amelia took off to travel around the world.
    • Amelia’s mother was unconventionala world traveler and did the hippie trail from London to Singapore in the 70s. 
    • Aussies in general are known for traveling and being all over the world!
    • Amelia decided she never wanted to go back to school because she had a terrible experience. Instead, she decided to do her own thing.
    • After working in the service industry and traveling, she found herself in Banff, working at the beautiful Fairmont Banff Springs Hotel.

    [18:34] The Start of Matcha Nude

    • Amelia had to give up coffee due to adrenal fatigue and started drinking matcha. 
    • Then COVID hit, and she decided to use the downtime from her work to build a matcha company.
    • She wasn’t allowed to be at work due to COVID so she went all in on her new company.
    • Amelia invested a lot before she started making money, but luckily one of her sisters backed her because she believed in her.
    • Along the way, Amelia learned more about human design and used it as a tool in her business. 
    • As she studied, she worked to remove the societal conditioning so she could really learn to listen to herself again.

    [23:40] “I was just like, Okay, well, this is what we're doing. Like I trust myself, I trust that I am very capable. I'm also very hireable and I am great at sales and talking to people. Like if this doesn't work, somehow, I can fall back on all of my other skills. Right? Like, worst case scenario. I'm back where I started.”

    [24:20] The Switch From Matcha Nude to Human Design

    • Amelia’s business was going well. She was selling powdered matcha online and baked goods, face masks, and other matcha products in person.
    • Every part of her body was lit up by it, and she threw herself into her work.
    • The more she learned about human design, the more she saw how it changed her life.
    • She knew she wanted to create an impact for women and had always been into energy healing (her mom took her to acupuncturists and energy healers from a young age). 
    • She completed her human design and reiki practitioner certifications and started speaking at retreats and practicing at friends' houses.
    • Logically, she knew she should continue with her matcha business because it was making money. But if human design taught her anything it was that as a manifesting generator, if she wasn’t going to show up from a place of full force, it was going to stop working anyway. 

    [27:48] Selling Matcha Nude and Building Healing by Designs

    • Amelia told a few people she knew that she was thinking of selling. One of whom was a micro-influencer for her already and she said she wanted to buy it.
    • The process was really powerful. Amelia started and grew this company and made it successful. Selling it was bad-ass.
    • Afterward, Amelia kept working as a server while she built her new business in energetics, which worked really well for Amelia as a manifesting generator!
    • She knew that building a business takes time, and there’s no shame in working another job for financial stability or just because you enjoy it (like she does serving).

    [38:30] “My desire to do everything is not the same as my capacity to do everything.”

    [40:56] The 5 Design Types

    • Three of the five design types are energy types, and the other two are non-energy types.
    • Energy types are here to contribute to the communal pot of energy for the world. They are the builders and creators.
    • The non-energy types are leaders and guides. 
    • Manifestors have a very fiery energy that comes in really hard and fast and stays for a while until it goes away, followed by periods of rest. They are the fire-starters. They have a big aura and are energetic leaders.
    • Generators are here to lift up the rest of the world. The lie they have been told is that to do that, they have to do things for other people – when actually, they naturally lift up the world by doing things for themselves.
    • Projectors are here to lead and guide. Their outward energy is less. They are here for their leadership and their wisdom. They have a penetrating aura. They see deeply into people and systems. They are here to take what’s been created and make it better.
    • Manifesting generators typically try to hustle to get where they want to go. But really, the best way for them to reach their goals is to love what they’re doing. They are meant to have so much fun and enjoy life.
    • Reflectors are also here for their wisdom, but they are super rare! They only make up about 1% of the population. They are here to go to places that make them feel good, as they are very susceptible to their environment.

    [47:37] “There's no such thing as compatible and incompatible. It's more just the more we know about each other, the more space we can hold for each other, the more we can support each other.”

    [49:17] ⚡Rapid Fire Questions With Amelia 

    • Amelia is a Virgo sun, Aquarius moon, and Leo rising.
    • She has an entrepreneurial crush on Robin Savage, and Jacqueline Shore from @ thisisfemme_
    • Creativity, to Amelia, means self-expression in whatever way or however many forms you choose. 
    • She is currently listening to Jack and Rob's podcast, and Morning Microdose
    • Her current reads are Brene Brown’s The Gifts of Imperfection and Glennon Doyle’s Untamed.


    About Amelia


    Amelia has been a receiver of energy work for most of her life. This built the path for her to move into energy healing work herself. She is now a Reiki practitioner, Human Design & Energetic Alignment coach and advocate for women creating the lives of their dreams.


    Amelia leads women with clarity, kindness, compassion and a little tough love (occasionally).


    She is here to expand you into the best version of yourself, to create big impact and to move you with the energy of the universe. If you desire to be Fully Expressed, then this is the place to be.


    Amelia lives in the Canadian Rockies where she spends a lot of her time out in the wild, adventuring, dancing, drinking matcha and eating ramen.


    Connect with Amelia: Facebook - Healing By Designs | LinkedIn | Instagram - @healingbydesigns | Website | Email – healingbydesigns@gmail.com


    And check out some of Amelia’s current offers: 


    💗Enjoyed This Podcast on How to Understand Human Design for Personal Fulfillment?

    Understanding your human design type and unique energetic blueprint can radically change how you show up in your business and life. We hope this episode has brought you closer to living your perfect, dreamy life of energetic alignment.

    Pollen is a podcast for Creative Entrepreneurs — just like you! If you enjoyed this episode of Pollen Podcast, subscribe and help us spread the word by sharing it!

    Leave a review and share it! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐If you enjoyed tuning in to this podcast, we'd appreciate it if you wrote us a review. You can also share it to help other creative entrepreneurs.

    Have any questions or want to leave a suggestion? Come say hi on the 'gram @dianadaviscreative! You can also subscribe to my newsletter for travel updates, learn about special projects, and get tips and tricks for the creative entrepreneur life!

    Connect with me on Linkedin: Diana Davis Creative.

    Thanks for listening! Stay tuned to my website for more episode updates and other exciting programs and resources.

    E39 5 Fulfilling Ways to Work With Diana in 2023 and Take Your Business to the Next Level 🙌🚀

    E39 5 Fulfilling Ways to Work With Diana in 2023 and Take Your Business to the Next Level 🙌🚀

    Ready to kick 2022 to the curb and sprint into the New Year? Not so fast, or you’ll miss out on everything you accomplished in 2022. Relax into a comfy chair and pull out your phone’s camera roll. You might be surprised at how far you’ve come since last January.


    In this mini-episode, Diana takes a moment to thank the Pollen community and reminds you to slow down and reflect. After fully absorbing and appreciating the past, ask yourself… How do I want my business to look and feel this year? Diana has a few ideas on how to help you get there. Whether you’re just starting in Camp Clarity, building on an already established foundation in ASCEND, taking a whirlwind trip to Greece (yes, please!), or sitting down for one-on-one coaching, there’s an opportunity waiting for you.





    Dream clients…check.✅ A steady stream of income…check.✅ Now it’s time to elevate your business from “doing well” to “I can’t believe this is my life.”

    Join ASCEND, a four-month, immersive experience mastermind with 1:1 support for elevated entrepreneurs who are ready to scale their next mountain. You’ll grow alongside a curated community of people like you to share in your successes, generate ideas together, and propel your business to new heights. Check it out.

    🔥This episode will help you:

    1. Slow down, pause, and reflect on how far you’ve come since last year. (You’ve probably done so much more than you realize!)
    2. Fuel your passion and guide you on what options are available for you to work with Diana and kick ass in 2023. 
    3. Feel connected to a community of like-minded entrepreneurs so you can sustain and grow your business.



    • Achieve the life, career, and clients you’ve always wanted (and fully deserve!). Join the waitlist for Camp Clarity!
    • Want your creative business to go even further? Sign up for ASCEND, a four-month immersive mastermind experience for elevated entrepreneurs who are ready to scale their next mountain. Join the waitlist here. ⛰️
    • Want to have one-on-one coaching support from Diana? Check out the brand new Voxer Coaching Container.
    • Attract your dream clients with my free masterclass!
    • Access other courses from the Diana Davis Creative
    • Connect with me: Website | LinkedIn | Instagram

    🎧Episode Highlights


    [02:48] Plug Into the Pollen Podcast for Free Coaching Inspo

    • There are always free ways to help grow and evolve your biz.
    • Listen to Pollen for free business coaching and inspiration as you navigate entrepreneurship.
    • Come say hi and connect with Diana on Instagram (and follow along on her nomadic journey).
    • The community around the podcast and Diana Davis Creative is such a supportive and warm collective. It’s a great way to find like-minded creatives.
    • Join the upcoming free circle offerings. Show up, meet amazing people, and network.
    • Networking is essential to successful entrepreneurship (and the community is badass).
    • Stay tuned for more info on when the circle offerings will be available. 


    [03:57] Thriving and Ready to Elevate? Join Ascend


    • The ASCEND Mastermind is for you if you’re a creative entrepreneur who has your foundations laid and are making income and getting clients. You know what you're about and you're ready for more…you're ready to expand, go deeper, + go higher!
    • ASCEND is a four-month container with a cohort meeting for two hours a week every week on Zoom. It’s all about potent masterminding and coaching within a very intimate group.
    • There are only eight people per cohort to ensure that every single person gets to workshop every call. 
    • You get access to Diana and the group through a Slack channel in between calls. Collective support is there to help you get feedback, bounce ideas, and share wins. 
    • You also get to attend Camp Clarity and explore a variety of topics such as human design, astrology, mindset, social media, taxes, lawyers, contracts, etc. 
    • ASCEND helps you propel forward from wherever you are in your journey to ensure you get the most out of the program. After all, your biz is as unique as you are!
    • We start in the next few days! This is your last chance to jump in.
    • Apply online or send Diana a DM.

    [06:26] Travel to Greece With an Epic Community!

    • Join the community from May 4th - 9th for a trip to Greece. There are only a few spots left!
    • There will be daily business coaching, a cooking class, wine tasting, water activities, and hiking.
    • Check out the Pollen retreat episodes to get a feel for what they are all about.
    • You’re sure to make a new best friend and gain powerful insights for your biz. 


    [07:13] Get Intimate Support: Coaching With Diana

    • If you’re looking for very high-level one-on-one support, coaching might be for you. 
    • Oftentimes clients looking for one-on-one coaching end up joining Camp Clarity or ASCEND because the community provides a fantastic networking opportunity.
    • If you’re still interested in one-on-one coaching, apply HERE or DM Diana.
    • Diana promises not to put you into coaching if you’re not a good fit. Talk it out and discover what program will best suit your needs.


    [08:20] 2022 Reflections

    • If you’ve made it to the end of the year and think you didn’t do as much as you intended, take a look back through your photos/memories from early last year as a reminder.
    • You might be surprised how far you’ve come and how much has actually happened.
    • A year ago Diana was engaged and traveling to New York to look at engagement rings. She was saving to buy a house, planning to launch the podcast and retreats, and working to create an incredible community.
    • In 2022, she went through a breakup and plugged back in her power to follow her intuition and take flight on her worldwide nomadic adventure.




    “You know, we get to the end of the year sometimes and we think we haven't done anything. But then we reflect backI actually recommend going through your camera roll and just looking at where you were in January, February, March all the way to now of 2022realizing how fucking far you've come and how much has happened.”

    💗Enjoyed This Podcast on How You Can Work Diana and Grow Your Biz in 2023?

    Pat yourself on the back because you’ve probably accomplished way more in 2022 than you realized! Now you can look ahead to the future with optimism. What’s next? Where will you go from here? Join the community and get the support you need to propel forward with passion and purpose. 

    Pollen is a podcast for Creative Entrepreneurs — just like you! If you enjoyed this episode of Pollen Podcast, subscribe and help us spread the word by sharing it!

    Leave a review and share it! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐If you enjoyed tuning in to this podcast, we'd appreciate it if you wrote us a review. You can also share it to help other creative entrepreneurs.

    Have any questions or want to leave a suggestion? Come say hi on the 'gram @dianadaviscreative! You can also subscribe to my newsletter for travel updates, learn about special projects, and get tips and tricks for the creative entrepreneur life!

    Connect with me on Linkedin: Diana Davis Creative.

    Thanks for listening! Stay tuned to my website for more episode updates and other exciting programs and resources.