
    Polycarp's Paradigm

    Uniquely contributing to the conversation on faith and spirituality from the perspective of the Early Church Fathers and a modern-day Catholic convert from Evangelical roots. Support the work here: https://www.patreon.com/polycarpsparadigm
    enEric Robinson200 Episodes

    Episodes (200)

    Poly 180 – Authentic Liturgical Renewal (w/ Adam Bartlett) (PolyPat 62)

    Poly 180 – Authentic Liturgical Renewal (w/ Adam Bartlett) (PolyPat 62)

    Currently, there is a movement going on in the Catholic Church regarding authentic renewal of the liturgy. Adam Bartlett, founder of Source & Summit, shares with Eric and Pat his personal journey with the liturgy and explains what this authentic liturgical renewal looks like, the role of music in the liturgy, and why it is essential for the new evangelization.

    The liturgy is the source and summit of the Christian life. In the liturgy we get to participate in the heavenly liturgy, give perfect worship to God through the prayer and action of Jesus Christ, and even receive his Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity. God transforms us further and further into the likeness of Christ in the liturgy.


    Poly 179 – Worshipping Mary or Venerating God? (PolyPat 61)

    Poly 179 – Worshipping Mary or Venerating God? (PolyPat 61)

    Protestants sometimes accuse Catholics of worshipping Mary, but perhaps the problem is that there is a misunderstanding of what true worship really is. Worship involves sacrifice, the sacrifice of Christ on the Cross made present to us in the Eucharist. So, perhaps the problem is not that Catholics worship Mary, because they don't, but that Protestants do not worship God is the fullest sense of that word since they lack the sacrifice of the Mass. 

    Poly 177 – John 14 (PolyPat 60)

    Poly 177 – John 14 (PolyPat 60)

    In John 14 we hear Jesus say, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no one comes to the Father, but by me." What does this mean? Is Jesus being exclusive? Jesus then promises the gift of the Holy Spirit while commanding us to love as he loves. The Holy Trinity will come and make a home in our hearts.

    Poly 174 – Essays: Unity of Faith, Philosophy, & Science (PolyPat 58)

    Poly 174 – Essays: Unity of Faith, Philosophy, & Science (PolyPat 58)

    There are no contradictions between faith, philosophy, and science. A false dichotomy, a false war between faith and reason, has been raging through the modern era. Yet, the classical thinkers never saw this dichotomy since God is the source of all truth. There is a beautiful unity between theology, philosophy, and natural science. 

    Check out Eric's new book: "Essays in the Deep: Faith & Reason, Meaning & Morality, Protestantism & Catholic Thought"

    Poly 172 – Essays in the Deep: Faith & Reason, Meaning & Morality, Protestantism & Catholic Thought

    Poly 172 – Essays in the Deep: Faith & Reason, Meaning & Morality, Protestantism & Catholic Thought

    My new book is now available on Amazon! It is called "Essays in the Deep: Faith & Reason, Meaning & Morality, Protestantism & Catholic Thought." Lots of fun topics worth exploring!



    Poly 171 – John 12 (PolyPat 56)

    Poly 171 – John 12 (PolyPat 56)

    Judas condemns Mary for anointing the feet of Jesus with expensive ointment. Jesus rebukes Judas and sets the tone for his upcoming death and Resurrection. Jesus says that all men will be drawn to him when he is lifted high on the cross and tells us we must follow him to the cross.

    Poly 169 – John 11 (PolyPat 55)

    Poly 169 – John 11 (PolyPat 55)

    John 11 displays the dramatic truth that Jesus is the Resurrection and the Life. God's Divine Providence is mysterious in that sometimes things seem rough in the short-term, but in the long-term everything redounds to the glory of God and the good of man. In the meantime, Jesus weeps with us, suffers with us, and does not abandon us.

    Poly 166 – Mercy & Justice

    Poly 166 – Mercy & Justice

    God is merciful and just. How do these seemingly contradictory attributes of God work together? In this episode I explore the connection between God's mercy and justice and try to show how they are both rooted in God's love. 

    Poly 164 – Novena & Chaplet to Divine Mercy

    Poly 164 – Novena & Chaplet to Divine Mercy

    Jesus gave the chaplet (prayer method) of Divine Mercy to St. Faustina in the 1930's and told her to spread this devotion to the ends of the earth. Jesus promised special graces to those who would pray the chaplet as a novena (9-day prayer) from Good Friday to Divine Mercy Sunday (Sunday after Easter Sunday). In this episode I will teach you about this novena and chaplet and pray the chaplet with you.