
    Postcall Podcast

    We know clinicians are tired. They spend hours and hours each week entering data into EHRs, checking protocol, and hopefully, treating patients. This is about an hour every week where they can come to talk about the things they love, the things that burn them out, and the reason they got into this in the first place. The next time you're post-call, or even if you just feel like it, spend it with us. The information in this podcast is provided for informational and educational purposes only.
    enMDedge62 Episodes

    Episodes (62)

    Dr. Red Hoffman, Neil deGrasse Tyson's tweet, and Postcall pillars

    Dr. Red Hoffman, Neil deGrasse Tyson's tweet, and Postcall pillars

    Red Hoffman, MD, ND, talks palliative care, her touching essay in JAMA, and how she climbed the hill to med school.

    Dr. Hoffman is an acute care surgeon and co-director of surgical clerkship at the University of North Carolina at Asheville. 

    Time Stamps:

    • Quiz (2:10)
    • Neil deGrasse Tyson tweet (6:35)
    • Dr. Hoffman intro (11:45)
    • Postcall recap and pillars (13:00)
    • Interview with Red Hoffman, MD, ND (21:15)

    Relevant links:

    Mara Antonoff, MD; PCPs unwilling to accept patients on opioids

    Mara Antonoff, MD; PCPs unwilling to accept patients on opioids

    Mara Antonoff, MD, of the MD Anderson Cancer Center, joins Nick to talk about female physicians being referred to by their first names. Nick and Emi Okamoto, MD, discuss a study that shows 40% of PCPs do not accept into their practice new patients who are using opioids.  

    Time Stamps:

    1. Quiz (01:09)
    2. Acupuncture for chronic stable angina? (06:26)
    3. 40% of PCPs would not accept patients prescribed opioids (10:01)
    4. Introducing Mara Antonoff, MD (13:18)
    5. Interview with Dr. Antonoff (18:00)

    Relevant links:

    You can contact the show at podcasts@mdedge.com. You can find Nick Andrews on Twitter @tribnic and you can find MDedge on Twitter @MDedgeTweets.


    Mark Shapiro, MD, of the podcast Explore the Space

    Mark Shapiro, MD, of the podcast Explore the Space

    The interview is with the host of the podcast Explore the Space, we find out where in the world Emi Okamoto, MD, is off to, and how purpose in life appears to be impacting mortality. 

    Time Stamps:

    • Congrats on getting married (00:22)
    • Quiz (02:01)
    • Emi's announcement (05:30)
    • Association Between Life Purpose and Mortality Among US Adults Older than 50 Years (11:24)
    • Introducing Mark Shapiro, MD (12:52)
    • Interview: (16:37)

    Links and References:

    You can contact the show by emailing podcasts@mdedge.com or you can follow us on Twitter @MDedgeTweets.

    Shanny Tosounian, DO; putting off having a child during training

    Shanny Tosounian, DO; putting off having a child during training

    Shannon Tosounian, DO, aka @Shanny_DO is an internal med and GI fellow. She also blogs and coordinates an Instagram account with more than 50,000 followers. 

    Postcall hosts Nick and Emi Okamoto, MD, pick Dr. Tosounian's brain about being an "influencer," blogging, and how to manage time. 



    For more MDedge Podcasts, go to mdedge.com/podcasts

    You can contact the show by emailing us at podcasts@mdedge.com or by interacting with us on Twitter @mdedgetweets. 




    Dating advice for docs; Drug price tool, medical puns; boundaries with Pooja Lakshmin, MD

    Dating advice for docs; Drug price tool, medical puns; boundaries with Pooja Lakshmin, MD

    Ep 37:

    Time Stamps:

    • Quiz (00:59)
    • Tech tool for drug prices (04:35)
    • Dating Advice for Doctors (08:05)
    • Meet Pooja Lakshmin, MD (10:04)
    • Dr. Shadowgazer medical puns (10:55)
    • Interview with Dr. Lakshmin (12:11)



    For more MDedge podcasts, go to mdedge.com/podcasts

    Email the show: podcasts@mdedge.com

    Pride Month continues; Stonewall 50; Jack Drescher, MD

    Pride Month continues; Stonewall 50; Jack Drescher, MD

    Episode 36: Independence Day Special

    Nick Andrews and Emi Okamoto, MD, continue Pride Month into the first week of July, discussing the NYPD's "long overdue" apology to the LGBT community and to those involved in the infamous Stonewall riots in New York City.

    Jack Drescher, MD, authored an article on the 50th anniversary of the riots and the overdue apology for Psychology Today. This week's Postcall Podcast is a reprise of Dr. Drescher's appearance in episode 35 of the Psychcast discussing conversion therapy. Dr. Drescher is the author of "Psychoanalytic Therapy & The Gay Man".

    Postcall Podcast will return with a new episode and new interview on 07/12/19. 

    A sexist study? Hahnemann to close, credit card hacks, and Kaz Nelson, MD

    A sexist study? Hahnemann to close, credit card hacks, and Kaz Nelson, MD

    This week’s interview is with Kaz Nelson, MD, a psychiatrist and podcast host. Also, Nick and Emi Okamoto, MD, chat about a recent, controversial study in the American Journal of Emergency Medicine, the looming closure of a major hospital, and credit card hacks. 

    Dr. Okamoto is an internal medicine clinician in Philadelphia and a guest writer on The Curbsiders podcast.


    Nick Andrews on Twitter at @Tribnic

    Time Stamps:

    • Weekly quiz (1:20)
    • Advice for your first/new job (06:18)
    • Credit card hacks (08:41)
    • AJEM controversial study (12:41) 
    • Hahnemann Hospital to close (17:38)
    • Interview with Kaz Nelson, MD (22:00)

    Relevant links:

    Quiz articles:

    1. World Trade Center responders' cancer
    2. Cannabis use among pregnant women 2002-2017
    3. Surprise out-of-network medical bills
    4. Teen/YA suicide rate
    5. Aplisol shortage

    Other links:


    Kaz Nelson, MD, associate professor and vice chair of education in the department of psychiatry at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. 

    Dr. Nelson hosts The Mind Deconstructed, a podcast that aims to "dispel myths, address listener questions, talk directly about serious topics (such as suicide), and inform the public about what they need to know to maintain mental health and a life worth living." 

    You can find the official website by clicking here.

    You can find Dr. Nelson on Twitter @KazJNelson


    For more MDedge Podcasts, go to mdedge.com/podcasts

    Email the show: podcasts@mdedge.com


    Opioids: Talking about talking about them; Amy Fiedler, MD

    Opioids: Talking about talking about them; Amy Fiedler, MD

    This week:

    • Emi Okamoto, MD, takes the quiz
    • Nick opens up about being overprescribed opioids back in high school
    • Interview with Amy Fiedler, MD, about back-and-forth editorials in academia and what the point of "Beyond #ILookLikeASurgeon" looks like. 

    Time Stamps:

    • Weekly Quiz: 01:44
    • Nick Opens up about Opioids: 07:38
    • Interview Intro: 15:49
    • Interview: 19:10


    Relevant references:


    Burnout, Danielle Ofri, MD op-ed, and 5 things to think about with Ed DelSole, MD

    Burnout, Danielle Ofri, MD op-ed, and 5 things to think about with Ed DelSole, MD

    Show Notes:

    The first ever Postcall Lounge with Emi Okamoto, MD, and Ed DelSole, MD. 

    You can contact the show at podcasts@mdedge.com and you can find Nick on Twitter at @tribnic.

    Dr. DelSole is an orthopedic spine surgeon with the Rothman Institute in Philadelphia, PA soon to be in practice in Scranton, PA. He and Dr. Okamota know one another from their med school days.

    Topics this week include an op-ed by Danielle Ofri, MD, published in the New York Times in early June 2019 which addressed how business exploits healthcare workers, especially doctors and nurses. Emi also opens up about how she and her colleagues address burnout in her workplace, Dr. DelSole gives five tips that have helped him stay optimistic throughout med school, training and into his career. 

    Time Stamps:

    • Dr. Ofri op-ed - 05:05
    • Dr. DelSole's op-ed on the biggest problem in medicine - 09:01
    • Burnout in Emi's clinic - 12:55
    • How internal medicine residents spend their days - 13:58
    • "You have more power than you think" - 16:53
    • 5 things that keep Dr. DelSole optimistic - 20:49
      • Book recommendations about the life of doctors and surgeons - 25:40 

    Outline and Links:

    Medical meeting tips and SoMeDocs with Dana Corriel, MD

    Medical meeting tips and SoMeDocs with Dana Corriel, MD

    This week in Postcall, does Emi Okamoto, MD, finally get a 100% on the weekly quiz? Plus, advice for attending your first medical meeting, or improving your experience at meetings, and Dana Corriel, MD, talks about SoMeDocs and the good and bad of Twitter. 

    Time Stamps:

    • Weekly Quiz (1:27)
    • Missions good/bad (08:57)
    • Medical meetings: advice and ideas (15:30)
    • Interview Intro: (22:50)
    • Interview with Dr. Corriel (25:50)

    MDedge Fast Facts Friday story links:

    1. Violent storms impact on mental health
    2. Tick-borne disease has become a national issue
    3. Gender equality, sexual harassment in healthcare
    4. Statement on warning for women of childbearing age about possible safety risks of dietary supplements containing vinpocetine
    5. House Committee Votes To Continue Ban On Genetically Modified Babies


     Advice for attending and presenting at medical meetings:

    Interview with Dana Corriel, MD. 

    Dr. Corriel is the founder of SoMeDocs and a part-time internist in the NYC area. She is also a blogger, mother, wife, and iPhone Photography specialist. 

    You can check out her blog here.

    You can learn more about SoMeDocs here

    SoMeDocs on Twitter: @SoMeDocs

    Dr. Corriel on Twitter: @DrCorriel 


    Schedule problems: helping your family, friends to get it, Ilana Yurkiewicz, MD

    Schedule problems: helping your family, friends to get it, Ilana Yurkiewicz, MD

    Nick and Emi Okamoto, MD, take the weekly quiz, Dr. Emi gives advice for talking to your friends and family about your crazy schedule, and can you tell if it's advice for residents or advice for newlyweds?


    Time stamps:

    • MDedge Quiz (02:09)
    • Advice Game: Newlyweds or Residents? (06:45)
    • This week in MedTwitter (09:46)
      • How to participate in holidays when you're working/can't make it (10:58)
      • "I feel, I think, I want," educating your family (11:55)
    • Health equity (13:33)
    • Interview Intro (15:27)
    • Interview with Ilana Yurkiewicz, MD. 18:15)
      • Meet Dr. Yurkiewicz: family, hobbies, etc. (31:06)
      • What Dr. Yurkiewicz reads, Ted Cheng - Story of Your Life, Arrival (33:35)
      • Best advice for residency/internship: (36:53)
      • Worst advice for residency/internship (39:28)
      • Dr. Yurkiewicz on the future of Hem/Onc.
    • Credits (46:16)
    • Blood & Cancer Clinical Correlation (47:07)


    Show Notes:

    MDedge Weekly quiz source articles:

    1. The Effects persist for children who witnessed 9/11
    2. Study Finds CBD effective in treating heroin addiction
    3. Thousands of cancer diagnoses tied to a poor diet, study finds
    4. A cadet died in a tragedy. Now is parents can use his sperm to create his child, a judge rules
    5. FDA clears first diagnostic tests for extragenital testing for chlamydia and gonorrhea


    You can take this or more MDedge Quizzes by clicking this link.


    Tweet of the week: "The most frustrating thing about being a nurse (or in the medical field period) is the complete lack of understanding or empathy for our schedules by some." -- Ari BSN, RN @ArianaMasGrande


    Dr. Okamoto's strategy is "I think, I feel, I want" 

    More on this strategy here.


    Health Equity

    Emi's passion for healthcare for all humans. Read more about health equity here.


    Interview Intro:

    This week's guest is Ilana Yurkiewicz, MD, a hem/onc fellow at Stanford. She writes the Hard Qeustions Columng for MDedge Hematology/Oncology and writes/records/produces the Clinical Correlation segment of Blood & Cancer, the official podcast of MDedge Hematology/Oncology.


    Dr. Yurkiewicz's 's articles:

    Doctor will you please lie to me?

    Should doctors disclose primary results?


    A complete list of Dr. Yurkiewicz's column, Hard Questions is available here, and you can check out Blood & Cancer here.


    Links from the interview:

    Advice for interns/residents, and "Better Words for Better Deaths"

    Advice for interns/residents, and "Better Words for Better Deaths"

    Emi takes the MDedge weekly quiz, she gives some advice for all the new interns out there, Nick suggests movies that could help interns and residents identify with the struggle, and Nick and Emi discuss the commentary "Better Words for Better Deaths" by this week's guest, Anna DeForest, MD.

    Show Outline:

    1. MDedge Quiz
    2. Emi answers questions from the #SoMeDocs Twitter chat.
    3. Nick's intern survival movie list:
      1. Miracle
      2. Whiplash
      3. Somm
    4. Nick and Emi discuss "Better Words for Better Deaths"


    Interview with Anna DeForest, MD about her work in the New England Journal of Medicine.

    1. Reasons to Live (Short stories by Amy Hempel).
    2. Terror Management Theory


    You can contact the show by emailing us at podcasts@mdedge.com and you can interact with Nick on Twitter @tribnic.

    Introducing our new co-host, Emi Okamoto, MD

    Introducing our new co-host, Emi Okamoto, MD

    Welcome the new cohost of the MDedge Postcall Podcast, Emi Okamoto, MD. 

    In this episode, Dr. Okamoto and Nick take the MDedge Weekly Quiz, dive into the 2019 annual meeting of the American Academy of Neurology, and get to know Dr. Okamoto, or Emi, as she prefers. 

    Emi talks about what she does to unwind after a long day, what advice she'd give trainees as a new attending, and more. 

    You can email Emi and Nick at podcasts@mdedge.com, and you can follow Nick on Twitter at @Tribnic

    Time Stamps:

    • MDedge Weekly Quiz (02:00)
    • Cool Stuff: American Academy of Neurology (5:50)
    • Interview with Emi Okamoto, MD (12:50)

    Links from the show:


    Improving physician practices: Doron Schneider

    Improving physician practices: Doron Schneider

    Doron Schneider, MD, joins Nick from the 2019 annual internal medicine meeting of the American College of Physicians to talk about a precourse he led on improving practice efficiency. 

    Dr. Schneider is with Abbington Hospital which is now a part of the Jefferson Health Family of Thomas Jefferson University and the Sidney Kimmel Medical College. 

    He told Nick about what bringing in a coach can do for your practice, and who it's important to collaborate. 

    Remember, you can contact the show with feedback, questions, ideas, and shoutouts for your friends, family or colleagues by emailing us at podcasts@mddge.com

    You can follow Nick on Twitter @tribnic, if you tweet at him with #PostcallPodcast, you may have your thoughts read on a future episode.


    Beating Burnout Together: From IM2019

    Beating Burnout Together: From IM2019

    Eileen Barrett, MD, wants to help doctors beat burnout.

    After her pre-course at Internal Medicine 2019, the annual meeting of the American College of Physicians, in Philadelphia, Dr. Barrett spoke with Postcall host Nick Andrews about the real problem of physician burnout and how it exacerbates other underlying issues. She uses a famous quote from Anna Karenina to illustrate the issue as she sees it (07:02).

    She also tells an anecdote about how a passing comment in her hospital turned into a new protocol for administering vaccines. She discusses how this simple interaction increased her gratitude for her non-physician colleagues and exemplifies how clinicians, administrators, and non-clinical professionals can come together to improve outcomes, "help the bottom line," and solve a logistical issue (11:45).

    Contact us:




    This week in MDedge:

    Psychcast Ep 57: Physician Burnout
    Blood & Cancer Ep 14: CAR T-Cell Therapy
    Dermatology Weekly Ep 08: Are parabens safe?

    ICYMI: Samuel Shem: The House of God

    ICYMI: Samuel Shem: The House of God

    Doctor Stephen Bergman now goes by Samuel Shem and lives outside Boston, but in the 1970s, he published arguably one of the most impactful books on medicine in recent memory -- the cult classic, the House of God Newsweek named the House of God the second best satirical piece of fiction of all time behind Don Quixote. In this conversation, Shem tells me about his motivation for the House of God and reveals that there will be a sequel in 2019 on the current state of medicine.