
    Practical Growth: A Self-Recovery Podcast

    Viral writer, TikTok Coach, and Master Practitioner NLP takes you on a journey into the heart of self-recovery and healing. In this must-listen podcast, you'll learn how to uncover your patterns and overcome childhood trauma and toxic families. Expect real talk, hard truths, practical guidance, and relatable guests. 

    en-usE.B. Johnson81 Episodes

    Episodes (81)

    The How and Why of Attachment: Love, Loss, and Our Insecurities in Relationships

    The How and Why of Attachment: Love, Loss, and Our Insecurities in Relationships

    In this heart-to-heart episode of the #PracticalGrowthPodcast, we unwrap the invisible blueprints that lay the foundation for our relationships – yes, we're talking about attachment styles. 🧩

    "Are you seeking closeness or space in relationships?" 🤔 We all dance to a unique rhythm in our partnerships, often choreographed by our attachment styles. Whether you're the secure-confident type, the freedom-loving avoidant, or the warm and sometimes anxious sort, recognizing how these styles play out can be a game-changer for your connections. 💞

    This episode is your map to understanding:

    • "What's my attachment style – and what does it say about me?"
    • The tapestry of attachment styles – why knowing yours could be the Rosetta Stone of relationship dynamics.
    • How to steer the ship of your relationships knowing the tides of attachment styles.

    Join us as we explore the alchemy of attachment and transform relational lead into gold. Knowledge is power, and self-awareness? That’s your superpower. 🦸‍♂️✨

    Don't forget, the conversation doesn't end here! Join me and fellow growth enthusiasts on social media using #PracticalGrowthPodcast. Got that hunger for deeper change? Apply to work 1:1 with me (TheRealEBJohnson.com). And remember, for the daily dose of growth and wisdom, make sure you're following me on TikTok, Medium, Instagram, and Youtube.

    Keep those heads up, eyes on the stars, and hearts open to change. Until next time, grow on! 🚀💚

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    Unlock the Power of Core Beliefs to Transform Your Life

    Unlock the Power of Core Beliefs to Transform Your Life

    Your life is a reflection of your beliefs, woven deeply into the fabric of your daily existence. But what if we told you that a shift in these silent narratives could unlock a transformation like no other? This week, we aren't just scratching the surface; we're diving deep. 🤿

    "To change your life, you have to change your behaviors. And to change those, you start with your beliefs." Have you felt stuck in a loop, witnessing the same outcomes, no matter how much effort you put in? It's time to pause and introspect: Could your beliefs be the director of this play?

    Without new scripts, the actors of our lives can’t play out new scenes. We'll explore the powerful connection between what you believe and the reality you experience. More importantly, we'll discuss strategies to unearth and shift those belief systems that no longer serve you. 🌱

    Do you carry beliefs that might be expired tickets to a show long over? It's time to exchange them for a pass to your own growth and transformation. Get ready to engage in an honest conversation with yourself, challenge the echoes of past narratives, and learn to script new ones that resonate with the life you aspire to live.

    No guests, no distractions — just you, me, and a heart-to-heart about how foundational beliefs shape your world. And remember, self-exploration isn't about uncovering flaws. It's about meeting yourself at the crossroads of past experiences and future possibilities. 🚀

    Tune in and take the first step toward not just changing, but truly elevating the quality of your life. Because when your beliefs shift, so does your reality.

    Listen now, and reshape the contours of your life's story. 🎧✨

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    Rewriting Success for the Neurodivergent Mind with Melanie Branch

    Rewriting Success for the Neurodivergent Mind with Melanie Branch

    When life handed Melanie Branch lemons, she didn't just make lemonade—she built an empire.

    Join me on Practical Growth, where Melanie, a business mindset coach and the co-founder of Neuro Spicy Academy, shares her riveting transformation. From the dark trenches of a negative mindset to the empowering light of energy healing and coaching, her journey is a testament to the profound impact of reprogramming our internal narratives.

    Together, we dissect the critical role of mindset in achieving happiness, and how Melanie's approach is carving a unique path to success for those whose brains are wired a bit differently.

    In a world that sometimes seems designed for the neurotypical, those of us with neurodivergent brains are crafting our own maps to productivity and self-advocacy.

    This episode offers a beacon of hope for entrepreneurs who think differently, discussing the evolution of flexible systems tailored to our fluctuating capabilities. We celebrate the magic in mundane tasks, explore the impact of generational trauma on our behaviors, and advocate for relationships that empower, rather than drain.

    Melanie helps me envision a future society that values authenticity in all its forms—a society where spontaneous connections enrich our lives and where being neurodivergent is not just accepted but celebrated.

    Join us for an empowering exploration into the hearts and minds of those who are reshaping the definition of success.

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    How Neurodivergent Survivors Can Empower Themselves with Informed Self-Care

    How Neurodivergent Survivors Can Empower Themselves with Informed Self-Care

    Are you neurodivergent and looking for peace after a lifetime of trauma? Struggling to feel comfortable in your own body? Fed up with feeling constantly anxious and burnt out wherever you go?

    In this episode, we'll uncover why you're stuck in this never-ending burnout cycle. The neurodivergent nervous system is wired differently from neurotypical people, and that has a huge impact on the healing process.

    To find healing, you need to create safe environments and improve the connection in your nervous system. But how can you do that? Don't worry, I'll explain it all in this episode of the Practical Growth Podcast.

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    The Best Ways To Navigate Life's Uncertainties With Confidence

    The Best Ways To Navigate Life's Uncertainties With Confidence

    Welcome back to the Practical Growth podcast! 🌟 Join me for a feel-good episode where I will be spilling the secrets of tackling life's uncertainties like a champ. Life's full of surprises, and guess what? You've got the power to turn those curveballs into your greatest victories.

    I'm sharing the lowdown on building a rock-solid foundation for embracing change and rocking a growth mindset. Get ready for the usual practical tips and mindfulness magic that'll have you navigating life's rollercoaster with true resilience.

    And because we're all about those success vibes, we've got inspiring stories of everyday heroes who turned uncertainty into stepping stones to their dreams. It's time to transform uncertainty from a challenge into an adventure and discover just how awesome and resilient you truly are.

    So, grab your favorite snack, hit play, and let's kick uncertainty to the curb with a boost of confidence and a sprinkle of positivity! 🚀✨

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    The Ultimate Guide to the Dark Art of Machiavellianism

    The Ultimate Guide to the Dark Art of Machiavellianism

    Have you ever encountered someone who seemed to always be more concerned with their own interests than anyone else's? Perhaps they were willing to use deceit, manipulation, or even cruelty to get what they wanted...

    If so, you may have encountered a Machiavellian personality.

     Machiavellianism refers to a personality trait characterized by a tendency to prioritize one's own goals and desires over the wellbeing of others, and to be willing to use any means necessary to achieve those goals. It's a common trait in narcissistic people and psychopaths.

    By understanding the traits associated with this personality type, we can better recognize the behavior and motivations of those around us. With that knowledge in hand we can protect ourselves, our futures, and our families.

    In this episode I'll be breaking down what Machiavellianism looks like and how it manifests in family and relationships. 

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    Crushing Overthinking: Practical Steps to Put Your Mind at Ease

    Crushing Overthinking: Practical Steps to Put Your Mind at Ease

    Do you find yourself trapped in the cycle of overthinking, plagued by self-doubt? It's a common struggle, but there's a way out.

    Join me in this episode as I delve deep into the roots of overthinking and self-doubt. Discover the underlying factors that drive these habits, and gain insights into regaining control over your decision-making.

    In this engaging conversation, I'll give you a practical framework designed to help you break free from the chains of overthinking and self-doubt. It's time to reclaim the happiness you truly deserve.

    Tune in now to take the first step toward a more confident and empowered you.

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    Dealing With Compassion Fatigue When the World Is at War

    Dealing With Compassion Fatigue When the World Is at War

    In the last week, we have all watched as horrific events have continued to unravel around the globe. It's a lot to take in and process.

    There's been a huge debate around these events. Compassion fatigue is real. Do we look away from the horrific events that are happening, to save ourselves? Or do we keep our eyes on the pain occurring in the Middle East and beyond? 

    The answer, just like the problem, isn't a simple one. 

    No. None of us can afford to look away. Yes. We can burn our compassion out. What is the solution? Finding the balance so you can remain an engaged member of society, who cares for their own needs. 

    In this episode, I'll help you understand your compassion fatigue and what you can do to rest and recharge - while remaining engaged in reality. Listen in now for the relief you've been looking for.  

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    This Is How Rumination Disrupts Your Emotional Healing Journey

    This Is How Rumination Disrupts Your Emotional Healing Journey

    Have you gotten yourself stuck in the trigger trap? Do you keep running through the same painful memories over and over again?

    This is a pretty common mistake that most survivors make at some point. Trying to uncover what went wrong in the past, they can get caught up in anxious and negative thought loops. These loops cause rumination, which is an emotionally painful experience. 

    Getting lost in rumination will make you more anxious, hopeless, and lost in the journey. For you to stay on track, you have to remember to find the joy in healing and learn how to put the painful memories on the shelf where they belong. 

    In this episode, I'll teach you how to do both as we bust the trigger trap and get you out of the miserable rumination cycles that are dragging you down. 

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    Your Emotional Bandwidth Is Low: Here's How to Boost It

    Your Emotional Bandwidth Is Low: Here's How to Boost It

    Feel like you don't have enough "juice" to get through the day? Do you feel like you can't concentrate on the people and things that matter? Are you foggy or exhausted all the time?

    These could be the signs of a low emotional bandwidth. What's that? It's a concept that describes the amount of emotional energy you have to deal with the people and experiences in your life. If your "bandwidth" is low, you have a harder time regulating your emotions and responding to the pressures in your life.

    To get back to a place of calm, ease, and courage, you must get your emotional bandwidth back online. How do you do that?

    In this episode, I'm going to break down the techniques that I teach my clients to regulate their emotions and recover from periods of emotional burnout. If you've been feeling like you don't have the strength for the emotional labor in your life, this is the episode you don't want to skip. 

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    Want to Stop Gaslighting Yourself? Use This Top Technique.

    Want to Stop Gaslighting Yourself? Use This Top Technique.

    Do you have a bad habit of gaslighting yourself? Do you tell yourself your trauma wasn't so bad? Or that maybe you had a hand to play in it?

    Survivors do a better job of gaslighting themselves than their abusers do. It's one of the reasons it's so hard to accept what happened and heal. Instead of staring their trauma in the face, survivors get trapped in a cycle of downplaying and dismissing it.

    In this episode, I'm going to give you my top technique for beating this toxic gaslighting cycle. Stop blaming yourself, stop pretending it didn't happen, and most importantly get yourself out of the Pain Olympics and stop comparing your suffering to others.

    By the end of this episode, you're going to learn how I, and others like me, have exited the gaslighting cycle and embraced a reality we can heal within. 

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    Ruby Franke: The Narcissistic Mother Exposed

    Ruby Franke: The Narcissistic Mother Exposed

    Last week, the world was horrified when the news about Ruby Franke broke. The popular Youtube "momfluencer" had done the unthinkable...

    In this week's episode, we're going to get into this unfolding horror. Who is Ruby Franke? What did the popular 8 Passengers mom do? What are we going to see out of her trial moving forward?  

    There's no doubt we're seeing a narcissistic mother face her fears on an international stage. That will have big consequences for children and mothers across the globe. 

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    Your Nervous System Doesn't Care If They're a Narcissist

    Your Nervous System Doesn't Care If They're a Narcissist

    Are you still trying to figure out why your parent hurt you? Feel a deep need to identify the causes behind that last abusive relationship?

    Here's the deal: your nervous system doesn't care why any of it happened. It doesn't care if that person who hurt you was a narcissist. It doesn't care if they have BPD or autism. All it knows is that it was traumatized. All your body knows is that it's in pain and it doesn't want to be in pain anymore. 

    Too many survivors get caught in the trap of trying to pathologize their trauma. Many think that if they get the right "label" on someone (or something) it will magically explain away the hurt. 

    But it doesn't...and it can't. 

    In this episode, we'll discuss getting out of the pathology trap and getting focused on what really matters. Improving our own lives and psychological well-being. 

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    How Does Childhood Trauma Prevent Us From Leading Abundant Lives?

    How Does Childhood Trauma Prevent Us From Leading Abundant Lives?

    Feel like you're drowning in debt? Do you think you'll never be able to live a comfortable, abundant life?

    That's what I thought too after decades of narcissistic abuse and a history of childhood trauma. As it turns out, that history of family dysfunction had turned into an obstacle that was blocking my own ability to create a financially and emotionally abundant life. 

    In this episode, I'll detail the ins and outs of childhood trauma and how it shapes our relationship to financial abundance (and self). Listeners will want to take notes because I'm going to break down how to get out of the abundance slump and defeat those patterns of childhood scarcity thinking once and for all. 

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    The Holy Gaslighter: Were You a Victim of Religious Abuse?

    The Holy Gaslighter: Were You a Victim of Religious Abuse?

    What does it look like when a child is spiritually victimized by their parent?

    I've been pretty quiet about my story and my experiences with spiritual abuse...until now. In this episode, I'm going to break down my relationship with spiritual abuse and explain how narcissistic parents use this weapon against their children. 

    This is a must-listen-to for anyone who has been gaslit or manipulated by a spiritually toxic (or narcissistic person). Learn to spot the signs and recover yourself from the pain, devastation, and confusion of spiritual abuse. 

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    The Truth About Your Manifestations (And How to Make Them Happen)

    The Truth About Your Manifestations (And How to Make Them Happen)

    Have you been putting in the work of making major manifestations happen? You've probably done the journaling, you've done the meditation, and changed your energy...but nothing is happening. Why? Why aren't you getting what you want?

    In this episode, I'm going to reveal the truth about manifestations. Specifically, I'm going to show you why your manifestations aren't working and how you can turn that around.

    Let's face it, you're not getting the truth from your gurus.

    You're not getting it from your bestie or your therapist.

    This is the episode that's going to change it all for you. Ready to make more money? Find a better relationship?  Buy your first home or just find some peace? Get ready to fast-track your manifestations after you hear my 4-step process to making *real* magic happen across your life. Listen now! 

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    Your Spiritual Beliefs Aren't a Substitute for Mental Healthcare

    Your Spiritual Beliefs Aren't a Substitute for Mental Healthcare

    Spiritual practices are all the rage right now, but some of them aren't leading people into the light. They're banishing people into the darkness of mental illness...

    We've all seen the videos. People are in full-on spiritual psychosis, starting cults and forming extreme communities all over the world and the web. What is happening? Why are so many people turning away from reality to their detriment?

    Some of it comes back to spiritual bypassing

    It's easier to look to the sky than it is to go to a doctor, take medicine, or confront the trauma that damaged you. That requires looking inside and being accountable for the mess you find. A lot of people would rather dissociate through spiritual practices. 

    Now is the time to skip this path and embrace a healthier one - mental and emotional healing. It's a rocky path, but a worthy one, and one we can only take hold of when we have a well-rounded toolbox of skills and coping mechanisms to support us. 

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    Narcissist Rising: What's Behind This Terrifying New TikTok Trend?

    Narcissist Rising: What's Behind This Terrifying New TikTok Trend?

    There is a terrifying new trend taking root in vulnerable spaces on TikTok. Have you fallen prey to it?

    Today, I'm breaking down a scary new trend overtaking the #NarcTok communities on TikTok. Over and over again we see it happen. People with Narcissistic Personality Disorder gaining massive platforms of avid (mostly female) followers that they exploit for views, validation, and money.  

    What is behind this worrying trend? Is there anything we can do to stop it? I'm going to explain this and a lot more in this new episode of the Practical Growth Podcast. 

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    Build Better Friendships in Adulthood with These 6 Rules

    Build Better Friendships in Adulthood with These 6 Rules

    Do you feel lonely? Do you feel like you don't have any friends? Or that you don't know how to make friends anymore? If so, you're not alone.

    Making friendships in adulthood is one of the hardest things you can do. It's like starting over in a relationship. You have to put yourself out there and meet new people all over again. 

    But what really makes a friendship? What helps us escape the rejection loop and get into better social circles?

    In this episode, I'm going to help you tackle this question and so much more. Together, we're going to uncover what it takes to make new friends in adulthood and keep them no matter what age you are or what life phase you're going through. 

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    Time to Face the Music: The Genetic and Historic Context of Trauma

    Time to Face the Music: The Genetic and Historic Context of Trauma

    We are living in a new age. Now, more than ever people know more about their mental and emotional health. We're becoming an informed public, but we're not quite taking that knowledge far enough...

    As we become more informed on the realities (and long-term effects) of trauma, we have to face a lot of hard truths. Specifically, our trauma has deep links to our genes and history as human beings. 

    If the human brain hasn't changed in 10,000 years, it means our physiological reactions to trauma are also little changed. Acknowledging this takes us on a supercharged journey into the heart of truth and a future of mental and emotional freedom. 

    Ready to see the past for what it is? Ready to use your trauma-informed knowledge to change the future? Join me as we uncover the truth in this episode. 

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