
    Practice GOOD

    This is a podcast for all those passionate about changing the world.  At Practice GOOD you will find inspiring stories, empowering conversations and challenging responses that will equip you to not only give GOOD to the world but to live GOOD within yourself. 

    Host, Shiloh Karshima is the Executive Director of The Leader Team, a Nigerian social enterprise with the mission to build communities by empowering leader and creating jobs.  Shiloh a social entrepreneur, organizational development & DEI trainer, and former pastor brings her 15+ year of leadership and social innovation experience to equip your journey towards social good.

    As an authentic and empathetic friend, Shiloh understands the challenges that come with being a Change Maker and is committed to equipping listeners with the resources they need to create positive change in the world without sacrificing their own well-being. Whether you're a nonprofit leader or an executive of a for profit that desires to improve your corporate social responsibility or organizational culture, Practice GOOD is the place for you.

    Visit www.practicegoodwithshiloh.com to discover Shiloh’s favorite Change Maker Resources. For consulting services, head over to www.karshimaconsulting

    Join Shiloh on the Practice GOOD journey towards social impact and soul care!

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    Episodes (55)

    Nonprofit Fundraising 101 with Darian Rodriguez Heyman

    Nonprofit Fundraising 101 with Darian Rodriguez Heyman

    Have you had an idea to start a nonprofit but haven't started yet?

    Has your good idea launched into a 501c3 and now you are struggling to figure out where to find funding?

    Are you a nonprofit Executive Director wanting to push your mission to the next level?

    This episode is for you! 

    Get valuable wisdom on raising funds for your GOOD WORK!  Take the stress off and enjoy the process with these helpful tips! 

    Darian Rodriguez Heyman is the best selling author of Nonprofit Management 101 and Nonprofit Fundraising 101.  He is also the Founder, CEO, and Social Impact Consultant, Philanthropic Advisor, & Keynote Speaker at Helping People Help.

    FREE invite to Nonprofit Bootcamp in San Francisco, October 10, 2023

    Nonprofit Management 101

    Nonprofit Fundraising 101

    Helping People Help

    Darian Rodriguez Heyman LinkedIn

    How One Man Made a Life Altering Decision to Give Back

    How One Man Made a Life Altering Decision to Give Back

    Ian Westmoreland joins us all the way from Australia for an incredible conversation on a life altering moment in his journey and what he chose to do about it.  

    If you have wondered "Is this all there is in life?" or "What is the meaning of life?" Ian has a similar story and when he was faced with that question, he made a powerful choice, left his lucrative IT career and began using his life full-time to make a difference in the world!  

    Ian is now the Founder of the not-for-profits Mentoring Men & Kintsugi Heroes.  Join us as we dig into his life changing moment and what exactly his organizations do for the community.

    Driving Single Parents with Cindy Witteman

    Driving Single Parents with Cindy Witteman

    Today we have the pleasure of learning from Founder & CEO of Driving Single Parents a nonprofit based out of San Antonio, Texas.  

    Cindy shares her personal story of being a single parents and struggling to find transportation and other support for her family.  Years later, she gives back by starting a  501c3 to give cars away at no cost to single parents.  Cindy's story will inspire you along with her wisdom in leadership!  

    Suicide, Prevention & Healing with Taylor Fisher from United2Prevent

    Suicide, Prevention & Healing with Taylor Fisher from United2Prevent

    This week we have the honor and privilege of hearing first hand, Taylor Fisher's story about losing a loved one to suicide when she was only 23 years old.  Taylor, now the Marking and Communications Director at United2Prevent, a nonprofit with a mission to prevent suicide, has given her life to raising awareness and bringing support around the topic of suicide.  

    Taylor takes a moment to tell us her heart wrenching story of loss.  She shares how she has moved forward from that traumatic day and how she has found healing in the midst PTSD.  

    Join us as we get to hear a raw and authentic story of how suicide has effected one woman's journey and how she hopes to make a difference for others moving forward. 


    (The Bright Continent Book Review Pt. 2 will pick back up next week.)

    The Bright Continent by Dayo Olopade: A Book Response, Pt. 1

    The Bright Continent by Dayo Olopade: A Book Response, Pt. 1

    Episode 13 of season 3 is a response to the book The Bright Continent: Breaking Rules & Making Change in Modern Africa by Dayo Olopade.  In part one we dig into some key concepts in the first four chapter of the book and I give my thoughts and experiences on those topics. 

    Dayo does a beautiful job on highlighting many of the things that get overlooked with it comes to international aid in sub-Saharan Africa.  She shares her experience and research traveling and doing journalism throughout several African countries.  

    Part 1 of this book response opens the discussion on the mapping of Africa, colonialism, fat and lean countries, yahoo boys, and informal economies and fail formal institutions. I add in some of own experiences and stories working and living in eight African countries, some shared and some differing with the author. 

    If you love Africa and are interested in the vast array development work being done in sub-Saharan Africa you won't want to miss this social impact series!  

    Mindset & Boundaries in Life & Social Impact with Jessy Correa

    Mindset & Boundaries in Life & Social Impact with Jessy Correa

    This week I had the incredible pleasure of speaking with one of my good friends, Jessy Correa.  She is a nonprofit program manager in Orlando, Florida supporting families with access to community resources.  

    She is incredible, not only because of the work she does but because of the insurmountable odds she has overcome.  She is a single mom of six kids, a survivor of abuse and one of the most gifted human's in MINDSET.  

    Yes!  That is right, mindset.  Jessy has this powerful ability to use her mindset as a tool to set her day into action, create healthy boundaries with those she serves in the community and keep an outlook on life that gets her up with hope and joy! 

    Need a bit of a pick-me-up?  Visit with us, as Jessy brightens your day and reminds you that there is always something amazing to create in our lives!

    10 Tips for Grant Writing

    10 Tips for Grant Writing

    Are you struggling to figure out how to fill out a grant application?  Here are 10 tips for everyday people who want to land that big grant award! 

    Whether you are a grant writer or a person who needs to fund their vision for change this episode will give you some practical pointers that will help you get that grant you have been eyeing for months!  

    Check it out! 

    Married & Leading Together with Ayasha & Chris Giarratana

    Married & Leading Together with Ayasha & Chris Giarratana

    Chris and Ayasha Giarratana from Strategy Beam, a company designed to help business leaders alleviate their marketing stress.  They are joining us to talk about the ups, downs and crazy nuances of leading a company or organization with your spouse. 

    We delve into the differences in gender, race, and more! We talk about setting up healthy boundaries, date nights, and sharing a mission. Join us as we dig into the details of partnership, love, strengths and weaknesses, and communication! 

    Whether you own a business, work with your spouse or are simply in a relationship this episode is filled with practical insights on doing life, love and work with your favorite person!  

    Creating Innovative Solutions in Zimbabwe with Thembi Bheka

    Creating Innovative Solutions in Zimbabwe with Thembi Bheka

    Thembi Bheka, Founder Digital Marketing on Demand, a company that trains and employs unemployed women in Zimbabwe to become virtual assistants for companies internationally, joins us to talk about innovation, solutions to the cycle of poverty and business!  You won't want to miss this. 


    Coordinating Efforts to Address Homelessness with Anna Ashie

    Coordinating Efforts to Address Homelessness with Anna Ashie

    Today we have Anna Ashie, the Housing Operations Manager for the Homeless Services Network of Central Florida, joining us today.  

    We have an incredible conversation about the details of persons being precariously housed: what contributes to the problem, what could be potential solutions and more!  

    Jump in to discover exactly what we can do to partner with these powerful efforts that change lives! 

    Anxiety, Parenting & Bringing Them Closer with Connie Jakab

    Anxiety, Parenting & Bringing Them Closer with Connie Jakab

    Want to make the world a better place but come home to children experiencing anxiety or depression?  

    Not sure what to do?  Feeling overwhelmed with the weight of creating a better world and also figuring out how to support your own children in their own mental health journey? 

    Right now anxiety and depression are on the rise in America, and it is starting earlier and earlier than we ever understood before.  

    Join us as we welcome mental health advocate, community organizer, public school assembly speaker, and train-the-trainer coach, Connie Jakab as she tells us her story through parenting, anxiety and depression, and what she is now doing to make an practical impact in her community!  She also shares some self-care tricks she practices for her own wellbeing!  You won't want to miss this. 

    Industry Disruptors, Social Impact & Indian Heritage with Rooshy Roy

    Industry Disruptors, Social Impact & Indian Heritage with Rooshy Roy

    Today we get the honor of speaking with Rooshy Roy, the CEO and co-Founder of Aavrani a skincare brand celebrating Indian heritage, culture, and ingredients.  Choosing to us for-profit business as an avenue to disrupt an entire industry and create social impact is one of our favourite conversations!  Join us, as we learn more about Aavrani's journey from idea to the cover of Vogue India!  

    Leadership & Quiet Quitting

    Leadership & Quiet Quitting

    Is quiet quitting happening with mission-driven organizations?  YES!  What is it?  Is it the same thing as employee disengagement?  What do we do when we see it happening?  And, how do we prevent it in the future?  Join us on Practice GOOD podcast as we dive deep into this concept of quiet quitting and its relation to social impact organizations.  Let's be take social impact inward.  It is no longer good enough to just have a compelling mission and vision of social impact.  Employees want to see that impact lived internally in the organizational culture.  So let's talk about it! 

    Faith, Justice and Homelessness with Chinese-Canadian Social Worker, Lorraine Lam

    Faith, Justice and Homelessness with Chinese-Canadian Social Worker, Lorraine Lam

    Are you passionate about your faith and justice?  Join us for a conversation on the intersection of faith and justice in our every day lives.  

    Lorraine Lam, social worker in Toronto, Canada, specialising in working with the precariously housed joins us for a dive into this much needed conversation.  

    Lorraine is a Chinese-settler Canadian community worker, a musician, a writer, a speaker, a community cultivator, an advocacy organizer, but mostly she's a social worker, a consultant, and a bridge builder. I love following along on her journey of social justice, poverty, and homelessness. She works a lot with deescalation and crisis intervention, as well as faith in action, and we get the privilege of having her with us today.

    How to Change the World without Losing Your Mind with Alex Counts, Founder of The Grameen Foundation

    How to Change the World without Losing Your Mind with Alex Counts, Founder of The Grameen Foundation

    In a season where you are exhausted, burnt out, or just can't seem to find the joy in life anymore?  

    Is your social impact journey causing you to feel drained?

    Only having leftovers for yourself, family and friends? 

    Today we are joined by Alex Counts, Co-Founder of The Grameen Foundation, an organization created to raise funds for the Grameen Bank, an institution founded by Muhammad Yunus, Nobel Peace Prize winner for the social innovation of Microfinance.  

    Alex shares with us his years of wisdom from leading in the nonprofit, social impact space, while learning exactly what he needed to do to keep his mind, body and spirit healthy and able to serve in the long run.  

    Join us as Alex shares How to Change the World without Losing Your Mind!  You won't want to miss his incredible story and inspiring wisdom!

    Career Coaching for Social Impact Leaders with Lorrenza VanDiver

    Career Coaching for Social Impact Leaders with Lorrenza VanDiver

    So you have been listening to this podcast for a while now but you are not yet working in social impact?  Maybe you are aspiring to start your own thing or maybe you are hoping to join a nonprofit that fits your values and passion!  

    Today, the CEO of Audacious Resumes, Lorrenza VanDiver joins us to talk about the nitty gritty details of resumes, cover letters, networking and interviewing for social impact leaders.  

    Join us as we explore exactly what we all need to know to join or shift careers into a mission-driven organization!  This is your personal social impact career coach!  

    Overcoming Failure & Rejection - An Immigrant Story

    Overcoming Failure & Rejection - An Immigrant Story

    Alina Timofeeva was born and raised in Russia by her uneducated grandmother living in poverty in the most mafia area of Russia.  Her grandmother's greatest aspiration for her was to become a housewife.  But Alina had another dreams.  Dreams that were so persistent she refused to give in to 497 rejection letters. 

    Join us as we get an inside view of a Russian woman's immigration story to the UK, how she became an Associate Partner by age of 30 in a male dominated technology industry, her perspective on failure, how she gives back to those who come after her, her perspective on the current conflict between Russia and Ukraine and her thoughts on how we can make a difference for those effected. 

    Love what you hear?  Check out her TEDx talk called Fail But Never Give Up.  

    Public Health, a Cough and AI with Dr. Peter Small

    Public Health, a Cough and AI with Dr. Peter Small

    Dr. Peter Small was one of the founding leaders at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and is currently serving as the Chief Medical Officer at Hyfe, a company creating public health innovation through AI.  Join us as we discover how AI for humans can save lives, eradicate disease, and stop the next pandemic.  Dr. Peter Small shares not only about this compelling social innovation but also about his personal journey towards tracking trends of something so elusive as a cough.  Join us for a very interesting discussion that will feed your hunger for creating social GOOD.  

    Haiti, Social Entrepreneurship and International Adoption

    Haiti, Social Entrepreneurship and International Adoption

    When you have a burden for a specific cause, what do you do?  How do you partner with people in a way that supports their skills, strengths and dignity?  So often it is easy to have good intentions but begin doing things that are unsustainable and feed in "The Savior Syndrome".  Eva McDorman had a passion for the Haitian people and began to ask herself the hard questions.  Join us as you hear her incredible journey of creating a business start-up (Impact Gifts) that highlights the strengths of the Haitian people while also going through some difficult lessons of international adoption.