
    Preparing For Tomorrow podcast

    Diane Stoddart, Certified Long Term Care Consultant, will show you how to protect your family and loved ones from the financial, physical and emotional burdens and consequences when long term care is needed. In each episode, Diane will help you to navigate through long term care concepts, terms and options and to discuss what strategies are available that can best protect both your family and your nest egg. We will invite guests to sit with us and share ideas regarding various parts of our lives as they relate to long term care planning.
    enDiane Stoddart161 Episodes

    Episodes (161)

    The LTC plan everyone needs - with or without insurance

    The LTC plan everyone needs - with or without insurance
    Long term care planning is about more than the insurance or funding for care.  This week, Diane shares important questions we and our families need to be asking today. Regardless of where you will live, who do you want helping you?  Do they know this?  Are they able to do what you need? What do you want to have happen when extended care is needed?  Where do you want to live?  It's much easier to have these discussions today, while you're not in the middle of a crisis. Have the conversations now so your family and loved ones will have a blueprint of what you have and what you want.  They'll then be able to make better decisions for you and with you regarding your care. Funding your plan is still very important, so schedule time with me to research ways to do so at   Much of the information I'm sharing is from LTC Planning Guides designed to help create these family conversations.  I'll gladly send you a guide when you email me a request at

    Rate increases are the elephant in the room

    Rate increases are the elephant in the room
    This week, Mark asked if he can expect his traditional LTC premium to double every 12 years. Many older traditional LTC policies were priced inaccurately and are now receiving increases to match today's expected risk.  Listen and learn what has changed since these policies were offered.  Learn how the regulators and the insurers are working to keep rates more stable. Learn what you can do to secure a plan that is guaranteed to never have a rate increase as long as you live. Learn why it's wiser to start planning at younger ages, even in our 30s. When you're ready to start working on your plan to protect your family, savings, and choices, schedule a phone or zoom meeting with me to discuss what options are available for you. I work in all 50 states.

    Baseball and Long Term Care - What league are you in?

    Baseball and Long Term Care - What league are you in?
    It's February and spring training season in Florida.  Listen to Diane compare different types of planning strategies to the A, AA, AAA minor leagues and to Major league Baseball. Different levels of plans can be designed to meet each family's unique needs and budget. Just like in baseball, we need to Prepare today to be ready for a strong season, carry the playoffs and make it to the World Series of long term care. I can't say that needing extended care is like winning the World Series.  I can say that when we plan early, and do the work it takes to Prepare for Tomorrow, our whole family will be celebrating with us rather than frantically seeking answers with 2 outs and 2 strikes in the bottom of the 9th inning. Enjoy this baseball season, and schedule time with me to Prepare for your Tomorrow today! https://calendly.com/diane-p4t/60min

    What happens at claim time?

    What happens at claim time?
    I have four clients opening LTC claims this week.  Three are for memory care, and one is for hospice care for teminal cancer.   All are women in their early 70s.  I wish no one ever needed to use the LTC plans we've developed, but I am so glad that I have answers and can assist when their family memebers ask for help and guidance.  All of these women were in great health when they bought their plans, most over 10 years ago and one in 2020. One claim was declined, and I'll share why in this episode.  I brought in Amada Senior Care to help get thr decline overturned.  Amada is a home care agency, and they are very detail oriented when helping people with claims, even if the claim is for care communities away from home. If you need help with LTC claim, reach out the them at If you need home care services, Amada's caregivers are top notch!!! When you're ready to design your LTC plan, schedule with me at and we'll get to work to protect you, your family, your savings, and your choices when care is needed.

    Peace - Love - Joy - Hope

    Peace - Love - Joy - Hope
    Peace - Love - Joy- Hope These are things we want for our kids and those whom we love most. Love is having a plan, when life doesn't go as planned, to not disrupt our family more than necessary.  We need to plan for our future so we don't steal our kid's futures from them. Almost everyone who asks me about LTC planning does so as an act of love for their family. We don't want to burden our kids. We don't want to hurt or bankrupt our spouse. We want to live at home near our loved ones when long term care is needed. We don't want to force our kids into impossible decisions. Let's work together to show your family how much you care by showing them our futures are protected so their's will be, too. Schedule with me to build your LTC plan today

    Case Study - If she had an cash indemnity plan, it would be so much easier

    Case Study - If she had an cash indemnity plan, it would be so much easier
    Most of us want to stay home when long term care services are needed.  Often, we can if we have a strong family support system. Sometimes, it's safer to move to assisted living for more hands-on assistance. Pathfinders Downsizing Solutions can help you resize your living arrangements when you move into a smaller space.   Reimbursement LTC plans can't pay for a home care person to stay with us in a facility setting because the care licenses are different for each type of care. Cash indemnity plans pay cash, and you decide how and where you want to spend it.  You can pay for your friend or home cre worker to sit with you at your assisted living home. Listen to how Margie's care needs could have been better met had she owned a cash idemnity plan. Schedule with me to begin designing your plan to protect your family, assets and choices when you need help living and getting through each day

    Which words help and which damage our ability to plan for or receive LTC benefits?

    Which words help and which damage our ability to plan for or receive LTC benefits?
    This episode is all about words. Words that your doctors enter into you medical charts... Words that you use when attempting to open a long term care claim... Words your doctors use on your LTC Plan of Care when opening LTC caims... Words you share with your doctor that get added to your medical records... We need to be aware of how helpful or how damaging words can be in each of these situations. Most important is that the AMA has approved a simple blood test to diagnose Alzheimer's with 97% accuracy.  These words in your medical charts will eliminate almost evey kind of LTC plan offered. If you're considering owning LTC insurance, you need to get it in place before doing any genetic testing that could prevent you from owning this valuable protection, especially if you have that Alzheimer's gene. Let's design your LTC plan and put it into effect so you won't need to wonder how words can effect your future.

    What are our parents thinking? And why?

    What are our parents thinking?  And why?
    I've heard so many stories from adult children who have parents that own LTC insurance and don't want to use it.  Why? Our aging parents refuse to admit they need help getting through each day.  Why? We're going to tackle these questions and more this week. I'm sure you have either experienced some of these situations, or you know someone who has. This week, we're going to teach you how to coach your parents so that they learn to want the help they've already paid for.  We're also going to share how to get the claim opened and working to help your parents - and to give you some well-deserved rest. Letr me help you plan for your futuer needs as well. Schedule here -

    What is Underwriting? What is reverse underwriting?

    What is Underwriting?  What is reverse underwriting?
    A woman whom  I've been encouraging to purchase LTC insurance over the last 2 years contacted me this week.  She shared that she had a TIA (Transient Ischemic Attack) in December and wondered if that disqualifies her from buying a plan. This happens far too often.  People explore LTC plannng options and then decide they want to wait to buy a plan for whatever reason they tell themselves is justifiable. Then a health concern shows up and limits options severely. This week, I'm sharing what different types of plan structures use to decide if we are an insurable risk.   If you're considering ways to protect your family, savings and choices later life when you need help living, the time is now to put a plan in place.  We need to move when we are the youngest and healthiest we will ever be. We don't know what tomorrow will bring. Don't make your family suffer because you don't believe you'll ever need help living through each day.  Schedule with me to begin designing what could be the most important protection strategy for your family.

    Welcome to Preparing For Tomorrow 2024!

    Welcome to Preparing For Tomorrow 2024!
    Welcome 2024!  The LTC industry is getting more exciting every day (for me anyway).  In this episode I'll share some changes that have occurred in 2023 and also what we can expect in 2024 and beyond. We are heading in a positive direction... More people are aware of ther need to plan More employers are implementing worksite LTC plans along with more family caregiver support for employees More plannng products are becoming available for both individual and worksite LTC solutions Cost for plans are starting to decrease...a little bit. The time is now to design your plan to protect your family, assets and choices.  Schedule an introductory meeting with me to learn more

    Can I stop/pause benefits after I start using my LTC insurance?

    Can I stop/pause benefits after I start using my LTC insurance?
    Emily in MIchigan has a cash indemnity LTC plan.  She asked, "Do they just keep paying until the benefits are all used or can she stop the payments mid-stream if care is no longer needed?"  Indemnity plans simply pay the maximum benefit each month without any need for invoices to be submitted, so how will they know to stop paying?  Diane shares some key differences in how both reimbursement and indemnity  LTC plans work.  Let's talk and find out which may work best to protect your family, assets and choices.   You can schedule time to design your plan to protect your family at   I'm glad to help!

    Will you review my LTC policy and tell me if it's right for my needs?

    Will you review my LTC policy and tell me if it's right for my needs?
    Nick asks if Diane will review his current LTC plan and help him to understand how it works and if it will do what he thinks it will do.   Unfortunately, we find many people in this situation.  They bought a plan several years ago and never again saw the agent who sold it.  Too many agents don't think beyond the sale, while the clients really need their help many years, or even decades later. Too many plans are built to cover today's needs, without considering that costs of care will increase tremendously as our population ages and needs help living.  We need to know that home cre 30 years ago cost about $10/day , and today it's about $30/hour and more in some areas of the country. Why would we not consider inflation? If you would like a policy review, we are available to help you understand your plan and determine if it is appropriate for what you believe your extended care needs may be - where you will live, the costs of care there, and the people you want caring for you are all part of your plan. Reach out and ask us for guidance.  We're here to help Schedule with me at

    LTC Awareness Month - Physical - I'm tired, and I have to stop!

    LTC Awareness Month - Physical - I'm tired, and I have to stop!
    Some of the information for this week's episode is from Check out the "For the Public" tab.   Then schedule some time with me to stop the cycle of family burnout at   This week's caregiver stress is physical.  This stress is often the result of neglecting the other stressors we discussed this month - time, financial, emotional and social. Caregivers too often feel obligated to prioritize the needs of their parent or loved one who needs help.  Then they provide for their own family and career and put themselves last.  There is not enough of anything to provide for themselves at the end of the day.  Family caregivers get overwhelmed and become unable to be their best for everyone who needs them - especially themselves.   We need to acknowledge that we may live a long life.  When we do, we get old.  And when we get old, we often need help living.  When we have a plan for this, we are showing our family, as we always have, how much we love them.  We're giving them permission to continue living their own lives and planning for their own retirement years.  We're showing them that we have the help we need to get through each day.

    LTC Awareness Month - Caregiver strain - SOCIAL

    LTC Awareness Month - Caregiver strain - SOCIAL
    It's still LTC Awareness Month, and we're still focused on help for the family caregiver.  It's very easy for caregivers to fall into the trap of social isolation and lonliness.  The focus is always on the needs of the care recipient, and the caregiver may feel guilty for wanting things or activities for themselves.  LTC insurance is all about helping the caregiver help us better and longer, without wearing out.   Socialization is a basic human need.  We weren't created to be isolated and alone, and we shouldn't set our kids up to feel isolated and alone.  When we own LTC insurance, we own a bucket of money that brings in people to help our kids help us.   It's much easier to look at a $10,000 monthly home care bill if an insurance plan is paying it, or even some of it.  It's all about where you sign the check.  Would you rather have you and/or your kids sign the front of the check to pay for care, or sign the back? What happens when the bank accounts are depleted?  Our already worn out kids will then be faced with a Medicaid nursing home to continue providing for us, liley not anywhere we would want to live. The NY Times is in the middle of sharing caregiver stories this month.  Too many adult children have been forced to disrupt their own lives for a parent.  And we will do that because we love them.  Read this article and then contact me to stop the cycle of impoverishness we are creating by doing nothing.

    LTC Awareness Month- Caregiver Strain- Emotional

    LTC Awareness Month- Caregiver Strain- Emotional
    Caregivers get stressed out for many reasons and in many ways.  Some of my information this week is from personal experience caring for my grandma, and also from stories my clients have shared with me over the years.  Most comes from the Family Caregiver Alliance, who provides Caregiver Connections as well as resources to help family caregivers find answers to questions they don't even know to ask.   Far too many people become caregivers, whether gradually or suddenly, not because they asked but because someone has to do it when there is no plan for care of a loved one. Listen and learn some common emotional stresses that most caregivers endure, and sometimes for many years. When we have a plan, we can lessen these stresses on those we love most.  We can set things up so that we can help our family help us better and longer, without getting worn out. If you are a family caregiver, look for support at the Family Caregiver Alliance. When you are ready to design a plan to prevent overburdening your family, ask me for help and guidance.  There are many ways to design and fund a plan, and I work in all 50 states.  Find me at Schedule a phone or zoom meeting with me at

    LTC Awareness Month - Caregiver strain - MONEY

    LTC Awareness Month - Caregiver strain - MONEY
    Long term care is for the care recipient, but it's really about the caregiver, and far too many caregivers are spending their own income and retirement assets to provide for a parent, or an older family member or friend, because the care recipient ran out of money.  You promised to never put them in a nursing home, and you are now sacrificing your own futures in your attempt to keep that promise. Family caregivers are spending, on average, 26% of income to provide this care.  That's a BIG chunk of the budget! As we start to take time off from work to help, not only is our income reduced, but our future income from social security and retirement plans is also diminished.  If we're not careful, we will end up in the same financial position when we reach our parents' ages.  And our kids will be going through these same problems.  We need to stop the cycle and design a plan today to provide for our needs, and for our family's protection and childrens' futures tomorrow. If our parents knew what we spend to provide for their last chapters, they would be devastated, so we don't tell them.  We just keep paying whatever it costs for them and tell them not to worry.   We need to stop and consider that many of our parents chose the default LTC plan, which is spend all your own money until it's gone and then rely on the state Medicaid system.  Maybe they didn't do this on purpose, but they did it.   No one wants to be a ward of the state, so we all need to take the time we need to prepare for our own tomorrows and that of future generations and stop this cycle of government dependence.   Schedule time with me to Prepare for Tomorrow at   Ask me a question at

    LTC Awareness Month - Caregiver strain- TIME

    LTC Awareness Month - Caregiver strain- TIME
    LTC planning has little to do with the person needing care.  It's really about protecting those we love most from the physical, emotional and financial consequences they'll face when a parent or loved one needs help to get through each day. This month, we'll focus on five stressors a family caregiver WILL face to some degree.  The level of that strain depends on if there is a plan in place to manage and afford the care and responsibilities that come with caregiving. This week, we talk about time.  69% of family/friend caregivers report having to rearrange their schedules to provide needed care.  75% of that 69% are women, who sacrifice our families and our futures to provide for a parent. There are more than 50 million family caregivers helping a loved one today, and most of them need help! TCare is a national company that offers a Complete Way to Help Caregivers.  Check out their resources at Episodes this month are very short and straight to the point. When there is a plan in place, there is less stress on the entire family.  Let me help you design your plan. Let's design your LTC plan today. Schedule with me at

    If I move to another state or country, will I need to buy a new plan?

    If I move to another state or country, will I need to buy a new plan?
    Carmen asked if her LTC insurance plan that she bought in South Carolina can be accessed if she moves to another state or country.  It can, but when you are in the planning stages, we need to consider how state Partnership protection differs in different states as well as the cost of the type of care you would like in the state or country where you will reside during retirement.  FYI, the Partnership protected amounts today are still $2000 for the spouse needing care, and in 2023, the community spouse can keep $148,620 in assets.  With Medicaid, income will also be counted and may be required to be used to pay for care before Medicaid starts paying. It's alos important to consider who will be helping you, and which insurance companies offer more flexible coverage options.  shows both today's costs and expected future costs of care in many cities across the U.S.  After viewing this, schedule a meeting with me to help you leverage your risk and pretect your family financially, physically and emotionally at

    Is there a time limit for me to use my LTC benefits?

    Is there a time limit for me to use my LTC benefits?
    Sherry in Texas asked if there is a time limit to use the benefits once her LTC policy is activated.  That depends on how much insurance you own and how it is designed.  You can use the Genworth Cost of Care website to help determine how much insurance will work best to both compliment and protect your retirement savings.  You can find the chart at Schedule a meeting with me to design YOUR LTC plan at   LTC insurance is like a coupon to reduce your out of pocket expenses for LTC needs.  The insurance pays first and then you'll use your income to pay the balance.   You and your family control how long the benefits will last based on your needs.  Contact us to design a plan that meets your specific needs.