
    ProdPod, a Productivity Podcast

    The Podcast of Personal Productivity Lessons in Two Minutes or Less
    enRay Sidney-Smith118 Episodes

    Episodes (118)

    ProdPod: Episode 118 — Pondering Minimalism vis-à-vis Personal Productivity

    ProdPod: Episode 118 — Pondering Minimalism vis-à-vis Personal Productivity

    How does minimalism affect your personal productivity? And, is there such a thing as a minimalist approach to productivity? I believe ardently that our physical and digital worlds are a manifestation of our mental-emotional world, so I sought out some answers about these thorny questions. After about 30 hours of research and uncounted hours of pondering, here are my thoughts on these two questions. Read more.

    ProdPod: Episode 116 — Resilience and Productivity

    ProdPod: Episode 116 — Resilience and Productivity

    A few episodes ago I covered several challenges that people face in their productive lives, including overcoming overwhelm, distractions, indecision, procrastination, and burnout. And, in this episode, I am detailing an important emotional skill that one hears in many contexts but is one consistent source of productive strength for those willing to build it: resilience.


    Quick announcement: I have launched my new podcast, ProductivityCast, the weekly show about all things personal productivity. It’s a longer podcast show format. If you have productivity questions, please head over to the podcast website and ask it; maybe we’ll answer your question on the show! Check it out in your favorite podcast directory, or by visiting productivitycast.net. Thanks for listening, and I hope you enjoy it!

    ProdPod: Episode 114 -- Thinking INSIDE the Box! (Part 1)

    ProdPod: Episode 114 -- Thinking INSIDE the Box! (Part 1)

    So often I hear the cliché that you need to be an “out of the box” thinker. Creativity and problem-solving (which I feel frequently are synonymous in many circumstances) are, after all, great tools in any productive person’s toolbelt. But, is thinking outside the box really possible? (Hint: no.) And, if not, how can we effectively use thinking inside the box?

    ProdPod: Episode 113 -- Limiting Resources for Greater Productivity

    ProdPod: Episode 113 -- Limiting Resources for Greater Productivity

    Intuitively, we know that focus is a fundamental of greater productivity. Broadly and less instinctively, focus manifests heightened productivity by training and straining any resource, including but not limited to attention, time, money, and other resources. In Episode 98, I spoke about using time-based challenges for sprinting toward such productivity. Now, I’d like to discuss some ideas about limiting one resource--the stuff we own--as a means to greater productivity.

    ProdPod: Episode 105 -- The Power of Daily Routines: Morning, Midday and Evening Productivity Routines

    ProdPod: Episode 105 -- The Power of Daily Routines: Morning, Midday and Evening Productivity Routines

    For years I’ve spoken about the power of habits, and tangentially, I’ve spoken about many routines that I have--from meditation (Episode 32), to my Day Reset strategy (Episode 69), and more. I use a variety of routines to minimize distractions and maximize my productivity. None more than any others, I have three routines I use every day: my morning, midday, and evening productivity routines. Learn more.

    ProdPod: Episode 102 -- Managing Up for a More Productive Organizational Culture, Part 1

    ProdPod: Episode 102 -- Managing Up for a More Productive Organizational Culture, Part 1

    I’ve read extensively and have been honing my management skills over the past two decades, and something I’ve found to be universal is this: unless you’re at the top of the organizational chart, everyone must manage up in order to be most productive. Here’s what I mean by everyone manages up.

    ProdPod: Episode 101 -- Software Review: Mind42 - Free Web-Based Mind Map Productivity Software

    ProdPod: Episode 101 -- Software Review: Mind42 - Free Web-Based Mind Map Productivity Software

    In the last episode, I spoke about using mind maps as a productivity tool. And, one of my favorite mind mapping tools is the free, Web-based software, Mind42. (Note: it is free and ad-supported.) Mind42 is a comprehensive mind mapping tool that allows you to create as many private and public mind maps as you’d like. Read on.

    ProdPod: Episode 100 -- Mapping Your Productivity Using Mind Maps

    ProdPod: Episode 100 -- Mapping Your Productivity Using Mind Maps

    Mind maps are a method of capturing thoughts and ideas, dating back as early as the 3rd century BCE in Ancient Rome. The mind map is simply a diagram where you have a single, central thought in the center with branches off it in a freeform fashion. You can draw thoughts, use different colors, use symbols, and more, to be as creative with your mind map. This creates a highly visual and flexible tool for productivity. Read more.

    ProdPod: Episode 99 -- Be the Superhero of Your Own Life

    ProdPod: Episode 99 -- Be the Superhero of Your Own Life

    In comics, television, film, and now Netflix, there are superheroes who come to save the day when villains attack or bad circumstances befall the vulnerable, the voiceless, and the innocent. Superheroes give us hope, and they empower us with moral fortitude to do the right thing even when the going gets tough. Over the years, I have noticed a trend among some highly productive people that has me understanding a bit more about why they get things done, even in the face of great adversity. And, it all has to do with a bit of surreality and a smidgen of gamification (even if they can’t explain it in such terms). Basically, these highly productive people, when they need to, become the superheroes of their own lives. Here’s how you can too. Read on.