
    Project Me Podcast

    In each short episode of the Project Me Podcast, Kelly Pietrangeli shares the unfolding story of her journey into personal growth. With the benefit of hindsight, she's able to discover the hidden gifts contained in life's challenges. Often funny, always inspirational, it's an entertaining and uplifting look at the different modalities she's fallen into, the life-changing books she's read, and the parts of her 'Project Me' never before shared publicly. Start with the short pilot episode 0 and listen in chronological order. Unless you like to watch your favourite Netflix series in random sequence... Each episode ends with a turnaround. An opportunity to breathe and reflect on your own life path. All early episodes come with free PDF's of journal prompts in the show notes for deeper reflections. You are capable of AMAZING things when you step out of auto-pilot, break free from self-limiting beliefs, and re-write your stories from a place of empowerment. This podcast will show you what's possible when you open your mind, open your heart - and stay curious. We all need some space in our lives for the magical and unknown. IG: @kellyprojectme FB: Project Me - Kelly P www.myprojectme.com
    enKelly Pietrangeli65 Episodes

    Episodes (65)

    #64 Your Soul's Plan - Part One

    #64 Your Soul's Plan - Part One

    When Kelly learned her Soul Plan, previously locked doors suddenly opened up for her. Rather than always second guessing herself, playing small, and resisting opportunities that felt out of her comfort zone, she got into full alignment with her soul’s plan.

    In part one, Kelly shares how the ‘breadcrumb trail of life” led her to discover her Soul Plan and then to become a qualified Soul Plan Practitioner.

    She now loves helping others to unlock their soul gifts too. 

    You can book in for a 1:1 Soul Plan session with Kelly at www.kellypietrangeli.com


    In part two, she’ll share how your Soul Plan chart is created using only the letters of your birth name and how to deeply understand and live in alignment with your soul’s greatest purpose. 

    The two books Kelly mentions: Your Soul’s Plan by Robert Schwartz and Soul Plan by Blue Marsden. 

    You can email Kelly hello@myprojectme.com

    Or leave a message on Instagram @kellyprojectme





    Get onto Kelly's newsletter list for invites to online group gatherings and soul-ful love notes.


    Thank you for listening, subscribing / following and sharing the Project Me Podcast!

    #63 A Call to Step Up

    #63 A Call to Step Up

    This is an important call to Step Up. 

    Listen to Kelly's story of why she's been called to record this episode NOW.  

    Where are you still playing it safe? Staying in your zone of comfort?

    What gift and  insights are inside of you, waiting to fully express themselves?

    How can you step more fully into your talents and what you came here to do and be in this lifetime?

    You can email Kelly to share how you will take a leap and STEP UP in this leap year. hello@myprojectme.com

    Or leave a message on Instagram @kellyprojectme





    Get onto Kelly's newsletter list for invites to online group gatherings and soul-ful love notes.


    Thank you for listening, subscribing and sharing the Project Me Podcast!


    #62 Dancing With Fear

    #62 Dancing With Fear

    This is an episode about fear. 

    An exploration of fear and a pep talk - because fear grips all of us from time to time and it’s good to develop a relationship with fear. 

    Fear isn’t something we just overcome in our lifetime and never have to deal with again. 

    We may overcome a specific fear - but then another will rise to the surface. 

    So let’s look at how to dance with fear so it becomes our partner rather than our enemy. 

    Mentioned in this episode:

    My story of starting my business and doing Marie Forleo’s online B-School

    The Questions by Byron Katie https://thework.com/instruction-the-work-byron-katie/

    EFT Tapping Brad Yates episode 18 of this podcast https://www.kellypietrangeli.com/podcast

    Follow on Instagram @kellyprojectme





    Get onto Kelly's newsletter list for links, resources, updates and soul-ful love notes


    Thank you for listening, subscribing and sharing the Project Me Podcast!

    #61 The Peruvian Adventure - Part 1

    #61 The Peruvian Adventure - Part 1

    Kelly shares a brand new story that’s unfolding right now. If you crave an adventure, or feel held back by responsibilities or needing to ask permission for the things you long to do, listen to this one.  Maybe the apparent obstacles are only in your mind.

    Pay attention to the signs and synchronicities along your breadcrumb trail, always leading you in the right direction. 


    For Ibiza retreats, Soul Plan Sessions, personal growth programmes and more, visit


    Follow on Instagram @kellyprojectme





    Get onto Kelly's newsletter list for special offers, updates and soul-ful love notes


    Thank you for listening, subscribing and sharing the Project Me Podcast!

    #60 Protecting Your Energy From Other People

    #60 Protecting Your Energy From Other People

    It’s all too easy to become a sponge, soaking up energies that do not belong to us. 

    Listen to this episode to squeeze out the excess - and feel light again.

    Thank you for sharing this episode with a friend or on social media!

    Kelly is running her most popular online programme The High Vibe Journey starting January 8th, 2024. Start the new year in a higher frequency! 


    Find lovely, soul enhancing offerings at https://www.kellypietrangeli.com

    Join the list to recieve Kelly's Soul-full love notes and receive special offers reserved for her Sweet Subscibers. 

    Follow on Instagram 




    Subscribe to the Project Me Podcast on Apple, Spotify and all listening apps. 

    #59: Good Luck, Bad Luck - Who Knows?

    #59: Good Luck, Bad Luck - Who Knows?

    Kelly talks about acceptance and not fighting against reality when things appear to not go our way. She shares what’s happening now in her son’s life and his run of “bad luck".

    She also speaks of her deepening meditation practice after meeting Burgs in a teepee in Ibiza.

    This episode ends with an opportunity to reflect on how her story relates to your own life. Have you experienced “good luck”, “bad luck”? Is it all a matter of perspective? Does "luck" even exist? 

    Links mentioned in this episode:

    Burgs and the Art of Meditation https://theartofmeditation.org/

    Burgs track on Spotify https://open.spotify.com/track/57e4mioarsx7aUSvAbgKY0?si=2504203766e2457e

    Visit Kelly’s new website, explore the soulful offerings and join the mailing list https://www.kellypietrangeli.com/

    Thanks for your subscribes, reviews and shares!

    #58 The Ripple Effect

    #58 The Ripple Effect

    Kelly invites you to consider the ripple effect your thoughts, words, actions and energy have on the world around you.

    She also encourages you to enter her prize draw to celebrate the launch of her brand new website. 

    You could be one of 6 winners:
    A place in her High Vibe Journey or HIGHER! Programme

    An Intuitive Tarot Session

    A Soul Plan Reading

    Join the new newsletter list at www.kellypietrangeli.com 


    Mentioned in the podcast

    www.myprojectme.com for the free Project Me Life Wheel® tool

    The Burgs track on Spotify (wrong title given, it’s actually Mt. Wolf!) 

    #57: You're Not Too Old & It's Not Too Late

    #57: You're Not Too Old & It's Not Too Late

    Kelly shares the incredible synchronities that unfolded on her birthday in Ibiza, from tarot cards to a magical cacaco ceremony.  Reflecting on 57 years of life, it was exactly 10 years ago that she launched myprojectme.com into the world - and now a whole new soulful website is arriving at kellypietrangeli.com 

    If you’ve ever felt that you might be too old to reinvent yourself or to follow your passions and dreams, listen to this episode for a delicious dose of inspiration.

    Be sure to subscribe to Kelly’s newsletter list to be in for her prize draw to win a Soul Plan Session, Intuitive Tarot Session, or a place in the High Vibe Journey programme.




    Email: hello@myprojectme.com




    #56: My Brain and Heart Divorced

    #56: My Brain and Heart Divorced

    Recorded during a summer heatwave in Madrid, this is a super short episode to share a funny, uplifting poem. May it inspire us all to breathe into this present moment.

    Poem by John Roedel

    Resource mentioned in the intro: Make Your Business Dreams Come True With Marie Forleo’s B-School


    Join the Project Me newsletter list for exciting updates at www.myprojectme.com

    Email: hello@myprojectme.com



    #55 Morning Segment Intending Practice Inspired by Abraham Hicks

    #55 Morning Segment Intending Practice Inspired by Abraham Hicks

    Kelly shares what happened when she fell out of her morning ‘beditation’ practice and invites you to reflect on how you begin each day. Do you allow yourself time to go inwards before engaging with the outside world? Or do you jump straight into the news, emails, social media or DOING mode?

    You can find Kelly’s Morning Segment Intending Meditation with Positive Affirmations on the free Insight Timer meditation app. (Inspired by the book, Ask and It Is Given by Esther / Abraham Hicks.)


    Join the Project Me newsletter list for more updates at www.myprojectme.com

    Email: hello@myprojectme.com




    #54 Say a Little Prayer

    #54 Say a Little Prayer

    Kelly shares the story of what happened within an hour of praying for something, even though 'prayer' is not normally a concept she connects to. Is prayer the same thing as ‘Asking the Universe’? Is it better to not pray FOR someone? Listen in as Kelly explores the subject of prayer. 

    Join the Project Me newsletter list for more updates at www.myprojectme.com

    Email: hello@myprojectme.com




    #53: 25 Reasons Why I’ve Been Happily Married for 25 Years

    #53: 25 Reasons Why I’ve Been Happily Married for 25 Years

    On the day of her 25th wedding anniversary, Kelly pauses to reflect on her marriage. From learning to let go of her ego, to understanding energy and soul connections, she realises that they were both guided to be in the same place at the same time in order to meet each other and that their challenges are also gifts. 

    Join the Project Me newsletter list for updates and to recieve this Project Me Life Wheel® tool:  www.myprojectme.com

    Email: hello@myprojectme.com



    #52 The Soul Connection Ibiza Retreat

    #52 The Soul Connection Ibiza Retreat

    Kelly shares insights from her latest larger group retreat in Ibiza.

    What lessons did the horses share? What happened in the cave? Can your spirit animal really be an ant? Why did that hawk show up again?! 

    The High Vibe Journey returns May 8th! Get the full details here.

    Join the Project Me newsletter list for more updates at www.myprojectme.com

    Email: hello@myprojectme.com



    #51 My Healy Journey

    #51 My Healy Journey

    Kelly shares her brief, two-week journey with Healy, a personal wearable microcurrent medical device used to balance the body's energetic field and activate its self-healing capacity.

    As always this episode ends with a turnaround.

    How much do you trust your own intuition to tell you what’s going on in your body? 

    Do you give yourself the space to really listen and tune in?

    What might happen if you allowed yourself some dedicated time every morning to set your heartfelt intentions for the day ahead? What if you wrote them down and visualised them?

    What if you could measure your own energetic vibrational frequency by simply noticing how you feel throughout the day? 

    What if you have self-healing abilities? What if we all do? 


    The High Vibe Journey returns May 8th! Get the full details here.




    #50 How to Keep a Dream Journal and Receive Messages from Your Dreams

    #50 How to Keep a Dream Journal and Receive Messages from Your Dreams

    Kelly shares her method for remembering her dreams and interpreting the messages they contain. 

    Book mentioned in this episode: Dream Therapy by Dr. Clare Johnson

    The High Vibe Journey returns May 8th! Get the full details here




    #49 GUSS: God, Universe, Source, Spirit

    #49 GUSS:  God, Universe, Source, Spirit

    God, Universe, Source, Spirit (GUSS). Kelly shares a profound dream she experienced this week which led her to reach out to her old high school and university friend Amy. Together they explore their resistances to using the word ‘God’ - and their commitment to remaining open minded and open hearted on their spiritual growth journey. 

    What about you? Do you feel a connection to a higher source? Do you have a clear name for it - or do you also wrangle with what to call it?

    Get onto Kelly's Interested List for the High Vibe Journey /Soul Explorers by emailing: hello@myprojectme.com



    Join the Project Me newsletter list for more updates at www.myprojectme.com

    #48 Money Is Energy

    #48 Money Is Energy

    Money is an energetic exchange and in this episode, Kelly shares how to raise your vibrational frequency to attract more financial abundance into your life. She also reveals an experiment she’s doing this year in her business on a ‘Pay What Feels Light & Right’ basis, as well as a breakdown of her own investments in her personal, professional and spiritual life. 


    Also mentioned in the podcast:

    Marie Forleo’s online B-School for starting or growing your business.


    Kelly’s High Vibe Journey https://myprojectme.com/high-vibe-journey/

    Liz Hancock EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) for money mindset. https://theeftcoach.com/

    Donna Roggio,  empowering women to take charge of their lives, finances, and goals. https://www.donnaroggio.com/

    Insight Timer Meditation app

    The Magic by Rhonda Byrne

    It’s Not Your Money by Tosha Silver

    Project Me for Busy Mothers by Kelly Pietrangeli

    Dakota Earthcloud Walker mentorship 


    ABOUT THE HOST: Kelly Pietrangeli is the creator of www.myprojectme.com and author of Project Me: A Practical Guide to Finding a Happier Balance. Kelly is here to wake women up out of auto-pilot and into higher levels of conscious living. 

    Get the free Project Me Life Wheel® to help build a firm foundation in your outer world, so you are ready to go deeper into your inner world. 

    Come on the High Vibe Journey!




    email: hello@myprojectme.com

    Subscribe to this podcast so you don't miss an episode. Thanks for your wonderful reviews and shares. 



    #47 Why I'm Saying Goodbye to Woo-Woo

    #47 Why I'm Saying Goodbye to Woo-Woo

    For many years Kelly used the expression “woo woo” to describe  all things mystical and mysterious, spiritual and soulful. Here she shares how and why it served her for many years, and why she is now letting it go.

    The world is ready for us to normalise what was previously considered “woo woo”

    She also talks about scepticism vs. discernment and the importance of refining your own intuitive ‘knowing’. 


    Books mentioned in this episode:

    An End to Upsidedown Thinking by Mark Gober

    Why Woo Woo Works by Dr David R Hamilton


    Join the Project Me newsletter list for updates on workshops, retreats, programmes and Soul Plan sessions: www.myprojectme.com (New branding coming soon!)

    Get onto Kelly's Interested List for the High Vibe Journey / Soul Explorers by emailing: hello@myprojectme.com





    #46: A New Direction for Project Me / WE

    #46: A New Direction for Project Me / WE

    Have you ever outgrown something in your life, but you just keep ‘wearing it’ because you’re too afraid to throw it away? Kelly finally reveals her exciting (and nerve-wracking) plans for pivoting Project Me into a new direction in ‘23. 

    As always, this episode ends with a turn-around. An opportunity to reflect on how Kelly’s story relates to your own life - with encouragement and guidance to feel the fear, and do it anyway.

    Join Kelly's newsletter list at www.myprojectme.com 

    Become a member of Kelly’s Project WE community here. https://myprojectme.com/projectwe/

    Join the interested list for the High Vibe Journey / Soul Explorers by emailing Kelly hello@myprojectme.com  



    Get the Project Me book http://mybook.to/projectme


    #45 The Secret

    #45 The Secret

    Back in the mid 2000’s, whilst parenting two noisy young boys, Kelly had a very difficult neighbour who couldn't stand kids.  In this short story, she shares how a book - The Secret by Rhonda Byrne, had quite an unexpected affect on the situation. 

    This episode ends with an opportunity for you to think about a person who’s been unkind to you. We can never really know what’s going on in anyone else’s head and heart.

    ABOUT THE HOST: Kelly Pietrangeli is the creator of www.myprojectme.com and author of Project Me: A Practical Guide to Finding a Happier Balance. For 10 years she's been helping women to wake up out of auto-pilot living to become the conscious co-creators of their lives.

    Get the free Project Me Life Wheel® to help build a firm foundation in your outer world, so you are ready to go deeper into your inner world. 

    Come on the High Vibe Journey!




    email: hello@myprojectme.com

    Subscribe to this podcast so you don't miss an episode. Thanks for your wonderful reviews and shares!