
    Proles of the Round Table

    A podcast that focuses on history from a communist perspective in a round-table discussion.
    enProles of the Round Table52 Episodes

    Episodes (52)

    Ep 35: Indie Music in the Modern Age

    Ep 35: Indie Music in the Modern Age

    In this deviation from our normal formula, we sat down with the lead singer/songwriter for Craig's Brother to have a brief, informal conversation about their past, present, future, as well as ideas about what happened and what indie music looks like now in the U.S.

    If you haven't already, go to www.prolespod.com or you can help the show improve over at www.patreon.com/prolespod and in return can get access to our spicy discord, exclusive episodes, guest appearances, etc.! All kinds of great stuff.

    Please subscribe on your favorite podcast apps and rate or review to help extend our reach. Like and rate our facebook page at facebook.com/prolespod and follow us on Twitter @prolespod.

    If you have any questions or comments, DM us on either of those platforms or email us at prolespod@gmail.com All episodes prior to episode 4 can be found on YouTube, so go check that out as well!

    Intro music: 

    "Proles Pod Theme" by Ransom Notes

    Outro music:

    "Follow Your Heart" by Craig's Brother

    Ep 34: Eugenics and Reproductive Rights (Or Lack Thereof)

    Ep 34: Eugenics and Reproductive Rights (Or Lack Thereof)

    In this one, we sat down with Pres to discuss the long and depressing history of Reproductive Rights, Patriarchy, Eugenics and how they all tie together. SPOILER ALERT: deathtoamerica

    CORRECTION: The Proles were lied to; Dep (Depo Prevera) is an injection that is re-administered every three months, whereas the arm implant referred to in the episode is Nexplanon (formerly Implanon) which lasts three years. IUDs can last three to ten years depending on the type.

    @marxymarx2 to contact Pres.

    If you haven't already, go to www.prolespod.com or you can help the show improve over at www.patreon.com/prolespod and in return can get access to our spicy discord, exclusive episodes, guest appearances, etc.! All kinds of great stuff.

    Please subscribe on your favorite podcast apps and rate or review to help extend our reach. Like and rate our facebook page at facebook.com/prolespod and follow us on Twitter @prolespod.

    If you have any questions or comments, DM us on either of those platforms or email us at prolespod@gmail.com All episodes prior to episode 4 can be found on YouTube, so go check that out as well!

    Suggested Reading:

     Stamped From the Beginning: The Definitive History of Racist Ideas in America, Ibram X. Kendi
    The Counter-Revolution of 1776, Gerald Horne
    When The Welfare People Come: Race and Class in the US Child Protection Service, Don Lash
    Killing the Black Body: Race, Reproduction, and the Meaning of Liberty, Dorothy Roberts
    Medical Apartheid: The Dark History of Medical Experimentation on Black Americans from Colonial Times to the Present, Harriet Washington  
    Body and Soul: The Black Panther Party and the Fight Against Medical Discrimination, Alondra Nelson  
    The Social Transformation of American Medicine:  The Rise of a Sovereign Profession and the Making of a Vast Industry, Paul Starr (More liberal standard academic text)
    Labor's Love Lost: The Rise and Fall of the Working-Class Family in America, Andrew Cherlin (more liberal  standard academic text)   
    The Zero Trimester: Pre-Pregnancy Care and the Politics of Reproductive Risk, Miranda Waggoner  
    Women, Race, and Class, Angela Davis    
    On how men's reproductive health is under represented: sci-hub.tw/10.1177/1557988314556670  On China's One Child Policy (Warning! This paper is super orientalist/racist and very liberal--read at your own peril. Only snippets of what comes out of this paper are actually interesting and what Pres used in the episode): sci-hub.tw/10.2307/3115224  
    On Puerto Rico's sterilization program: sci-hub.tw/10.1177/0094582X7700400405  
    Sterilization as part of plea deal for man: https://insider.foxnews.com/2014/06/24/va-man-required-get-vasectomy-part-plea-deal 

    Intro music: 

    "Proles Pod Theme" by Ransom Notes

    Outro music:

    "A Single Spark" by Xiangyu (you can order the album here)

    Episode 33: Argentina Part 1: Colonialism Takes Hold

    Episode 33: Argentina Part 1: Colonialism Takes Hold

    In this one we sat down with Joel from Anti-Imperialist Parentiposting to discuss the colonial period of Argentinian history, how freedom of slaved was raffled off by the British government, the codification of racism, and how the indigenous groups were targeted and assimilated. 

    If you haven't already, go to www.prolespod.com or you can help the show improve over at www.patreon.com/prolespod and in return can get access to our spicy discord, exclusive episodes, guest appearances, etc.! All kinds of great stuff.

    Please subscribe on your favorite podcast apps and rate or review to help extend our reach. Like and rate our facebook page at facebook.com/prolespod and follow us on Twitter @prolespod.

    If you have any questions or comments, DM us on either of those platforms or email us at prolespod@gmail.com All episodes prior to episode 4 can be found on YouTube, so go check that out as well!

    Suggested Reading:


    Intro music: 

    "Proles Pod Theme" by Ransom Notes

    Outro music:

    Silvio Rodriguez "El Necio"

    Episode 32: Soviet Spies

    Episode 32: Soviet Spies

    In this one, the Proles talk about 5 of the most interesting communist spies and the lies, philandering, and political maneuvers that shaped the 20th century!

    If you haven't already, go to www.prolespod.com or you can help the show improve over at www.patreon.com/prolespod and in return can get access to our spicy discord, exclusive episodes, guest appearances, etc.! All kinds of great stuff.

    Please subscribe on your favorite podcast apps and rate or review to help extend our reach. Like and rate our facebook page at facebook.com/prolespod and follow us on Twitter @prolespod.

    If you have any questions or comments, DM us on either of those platforms or email us at prolespod@gmail.com All episodes prior to episode 4 can be found on YouTube, so go check that out as well!

    Suggested Reading:

    "My Cambridge Friends" by Yuri Modin

    "My Silent War" by Kim Philby

    "True Believer" by Kati Marton

    "Operation Splinter Factor" by Stewart Steven

    "An Impeccable Spy: Richard Sorge, Stalin's Master Agent" by Owen Matthews

    "The Man With Three Faces: The True Story of a Master Spy" by Hans-Otto Meissner

    Anna Filoneno-Kamayeva Wiki (portugese)


    "Ningen Zoruge" by Ishii Hanako

    Intro music: 

    "Proles Pod Theme" by Ransom Notes

    Outro music:

    "Secret Agent Man" by Johnny Rivers

    SPECIAL RELEASE The Tolerant Left Ep 1: Burn Your Ballots

    SPECIAL RELEASE The Tolerant Left Ep 1: Burn Your Ballots
    The Proles introduce the debut episode of The Tolerant Left, an ML podcast that tackles controversial topics in *discourse*.
    In their first episode, Talia and Jess talk about electoral politics, why it's never going to give us the change we need, and what to do instead. 
    You can follow them on Anchor and Spotify, with all the others to come shortly!

    SPECIAL RELEASE Proles of the Minyan Ep 1: Symbolism Under Zionist Hegemony: DC Dyke March, the Magen David, & Hamsa Flag

    SPECIAL RELEASE Proles of the Minyan Ep 1: Symbolism Under Zionist Hegemony: DC Dyke March, the Magen David, & Hamsa Flag

    In the debut episode of Proles of the Minyan, The Proles declare their support for DC Dyke March’s banning of the Israeli pride flag, present a historical analysis of Jewish symbolism, argue for an abandonment of the Magen David, and advance other symbols, like the Hamsa, that can serve to build Jewish solidarity with Palestinians for our collective liberation.

    Follow them on http://anchor.fm/proles-of-the-minyan twitter @prolesminyan, email prolesminyan@gmail.com.

    Suggested Reading:

    The Encyclopedia Judaica, edited by Cecil Roth
    The Encyclopedia of Jewish Symbols, by Ellen Frankel & Betsy Platkin Teutsch

    Intro Music by Eli Bertram


    Outro Music: “Nitsokhn Lid (Victory Song)” by Yiddish Glory

    Episode 31: Stalin Was a Mensch - A Look at the "Antisemitism" of the USSR

    Episode 31: Stalin Was a Mensch - A Look at the "Antisemitism" of the USSR

    In this special and spicy episode, we sat with Talia to discuss antisemitism in the USSR, especially Stalin-era. What of the doctor's plot? Or the night of the murdered poets? Tr*stky?

    If you haven't already, go to www.prolespod.com or you can help the show improve over at www.patreon.com/prolespod and in return can get access to our spicy discord, exclusive episodes, guest appearances, etc.! All kinds of great stuff.

    Please subscribe on your favorite podcast apps and rate or review to help extend our reach. Like and rate our facebook page at facebook.com/prolespod and follow us on Twitter @prolespod.

    If you have any questions or comments, DM us on either of those platforms or email us at prolespod@gmail.com All episodes prior to episode 4 can be found on YouTube, so go check that out as well!

    Suggested Reading:

    Almazoṿ, S. Ten years of Biro-Bidjan, 1928-1938. New York: ICOR. 1938.

    American Icor Commission for the Study of Biro-Bidjan and Its Colonization. Report. New York: Icor. 1929.

    Aptheker, Herbert. The fraud of "Soviet anti-semitism". Sydney: Current Book Distributors. 1963.

    Brossat, Alain, Sylvia Klingberg, and David Fernbach. Revolutionary Yiddishland: a history of Jewish radicalism. 2017.

    Davies, Dave. “Anti-Semitism and the Soviet Anti-Zionist Campaign.” Australian Left Review no. 76 (1981): 24-30.

    Furr, Grover. Blood lies: the evidence that every accusation against Joseph Stalin and the Soviet Union in Timothy Snyder's Bloodlands is false. New York: Red Star Publishers. 2014.

    Furr, Grover. Khrushchev Lied: The Evidence That Every "revelation" of Stalin’s (and Beria’s) "crimes" in Nikita Khrushchev’s Infamous "Secret Speech" to the 20th Party Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union on February 25, 1956, Is Provably False. Kettering, OH: Erythros Press and Media, 2014.

    Hoffman, Matthew, and Henry Felix Srebrnik. A vanished ideology: essays on the Jewish communist movement in the English-speaking world in the twentieth century. 2016.

    Kochan, Lionel. The Jews in Soviet Russia since 1917. 2nd ed. London: Oxford University Press, 1972.

    Losurdo, Domenico, and Luciano Canfora. Stalin: storia e critica di una leggenda nera. Roma: Carocci. 2015.

    Mandel, William M. Soviet but Not Russian: The "other" Peoples of the Soviet Union. Edmonton: University of Alberta Press, 1985.

    Martens, Ludo, and John Plaice. Another view of Stalin. 1st ed. Raleigh, NC: Proles Press. 2018.

    Miller, Moses. Soviet "Anti-semitism": the big lie. New York: Jewish Life. 1950.

    Novik, Paul. Jews in the Soviet Union impressions of a two months' visit to the USSR, November-December, 1964. New York: Morning Freiheit. 1965.

    O'Connor, Tom. The truth about anti-semitism in the Soviet Union: exposing the fraud perpetrated on the American people. New York: American Committee of Jewish Writers, Artists & Scientists. 1949.

    Pinkus, Benjamin. The Jews of the Soviet Union: The History of a National Minority. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989.

    Rabinovich, Solomon. Jews in USSR. Moscow: Novosti Press Agency, 1967.

    Szymanski, Albert. Human Rights in the Soviet Union:. London: Zed, 1984.
    Tartakower, Arieh. "The Jewish Problem in the Soviet Union." Jewish Social Studies 33, no. 4 (1971): 285-306. http://www.jstor.org.ezproxy.slpl.org/stable/4466668.

    Intro music: 

    "Proles Pod Theme" by Ransom Notes

    Outro music:

    "Oy, Ir Narishe Tsionistn" (Oh You Foolish Little Zionists) - a Yiddish anti-Zionist song

    Episode 30: The History of Art, part 1

    Episode 30: The History of Art, part 1

    In this long, information-packed episode, Ethan and our guest Mitch Malloy of Wild Blue Studiosgo through most of the history of art from millions of years ago back before Homo sapiens was a thing up into the very early 20th century. We very briefly cover the Soviet Union and the birth of socialist realism as well as talk about the CIA spreading certain art forms! 

    The document with the images and artwork referenced is on the episode page on prolespod.com/episodes.

    Also the audio is slightly garbled at a few points in the first several minutes, but it gets better! Sorry about that.

    There will be a second episode dedicated to twentieth century art movements, so wait up for that!

    If you haven't already, go to www.prolespod.com or you can help the show improve over at www.patreon.com/prolespod and in return can get access to our spicy discord, exclusive episodes, guest appearances, etc.! All kinds of great stuff.

    Please subscribe on your favorite podcast apps and rate or review to help extend our reach. Like and rate our facebook page at facebook.com/prolespod and follow us on Twitter @prolespod.

    If you have any questions or comments, DM us on either of those platforms or email us at prolespod@gmail.com All episodes prior to episode 4 can be found on YouTube, so go check that out as well!

    Suggested reading / sources used:

    Ways of Seeing, John Berger
    The Work of Art In the Age of Mechanical Reproduction, Walter Benjamin
    Marxism and Art, ed. Maynard Solomon
    Prehistoric Cave Paintings, Max Raphael
    The Social History of Art, Arnold Hauser
    A History of Theatre in Africa, ed. Martin Banham
    The Necessity of Art, Ernst Fischer
    Art as a Cultural System, Clifford Geertz
    The Soviet Theater, Laurence Senelick
    ReNew Marxist Art History, ed. Barnaby Haran, Warren Carter, Frederic Schwartz
    Society of the Spectacle, Guy Debord
    Karl Marx and Frederick Engels on Literature and Art, ed. Stefan Morawski
    A Smuggling Operation: John Berger's Theory of Art, Robert Minto
    "The Quickest History of 20th Century Art in Russia"
    "The Art of Russia" 

     Outro music: "Rings", Aesop Rock 

    Episode 29: Live From ProlesCon 2019

    Episode 29: Live From ProlesCon 2019

    In this episode, we recorded a live episode at ProlesCon 2019 in Englewood, Colorado with Breht from RevLeftRadio and a bunch of wonderful comrades who hung out with us all weekend. We discussed left media in general, took a handful of audience questions, and then wrapped it up with a "We Could Do a Whole Episode On That" about the true story of "The Hunt for Red October."

    Please subscribe on your favorite podcast app. All episodes and a bunch of resources are available on prolespod.com.

     Suggested Resources:

    Heartbeat of Struggle: The Revolutionary Life of Yuri Kochiyama, Diane Carol Fujino


    Intro music:

    Proles intro by Ransom Notes 


    Outro music:

    Full Proles intro by Ransom Notes 

    SPECIAL RELEASE Episode 28: Grover Furr

    SPECIAL RELEASE Episode 28: Grover Furr

    In this episode, we sat down with the man, the myth, the legend: Grover Furr himself. We chatted about his newest book, Stalin: Waiting for...the Truth, which is a clap-back at Stephen Kotkin's dishonest biography "Stalin: Waiting for Hitler". We also talked about Anti-communism in general, as well as the importance of Stalin's legacy and why he isn't, as many people accuse him of, a "Stalin apologist." It's spicy as hell, so buckle up.


    If you haven't already, go to www.prolespod.com or you can help the show improve over at www.patreon.com/prolespod and in return can get access to our spicy discord, exclusive episodes, guest appearances, etc.! All kinds of great stuff.

    Please subscribe on your favorite podcast apps and rate or review to help extend our reach. Like and rate our facebook page at facebook.com/prolespod and follow us on Twitter @prolespod.

    If you have any questions or comments, DM us on either of those platforms or email us at prolespod@gmail.com All episodes prior to episode 4 can be found on YouTube, so go check that out as well!


    Direct Source Documents/Topics discussed in the show:

    Frinovsky's Statement

    Budyonny's Letter to Voroshilov concerning the military conspiracy

    Transcript of the Tukhachevsky Trial in Russian

    Suggested Reading:

    Which you can get from Red Star PublishersErythos Press,  or Amazon

    Stalin: Waiting for...the Truth by Grover Furr

    The Moscow Trials as Evidence by Grover Furr

    Trotsky's Collaboration with Germany and Japan by Grover Furr

    The Fraud of the Dewey Commission by Grover Furr

    The Mystery of the Katyn Massacre by Grover Furr


    Intro music: 

    "Proles Pod Theme" by Ransom Notes

    Outro music:

    "Soviet National Anthem" by the Red Army Choir

    Episode 27: Read a F*cking Book, Liberal w/ Deathnography

    Episode 27: Read a F*cking Book, Liberal w/ Deathnography

    In this episode, we sat down with Henry from Deathnography to discuss social media, leftbook, and...a bunch of random topics because we couldn't stay on task.


    If you haven't already, go to www.prolespod.com or you can help the show improve over at www.patreon.com/prolespod and in return can get access to our spicy discord, exclusive episodes, guest appearances, etc.! All kinds of great stuff.

    Please subscribe on your favorite podcast apps and rate or review to help extend our reach. Like and rate our facebook page at facebook.com/prolespod and follow us on Twitter @prolespod.

    If you have any questions or comments, DM us on either of those platforms or email us at prolespod@gmail.com All episodes prior to episode 4 can be found on YouTube, so go check that out as well!


    Intro music: 

    "Proles Pod Theme" by Ransom Notes

    Outro music:

    "GoGoGo" by Deathnography

    Episode 26: Xiangyu in the DPRK

    Episode 26: Xiangyu in the DPRK

    We sat down with rapper and activist, Xiangyu after his second trip to the DPRK to talk about his experiences there, as well as a handful of other interesting topics. 


    f you haven't already, go to www.prolespod.com or you can help the show improve over at www.patreon.com/prolespod and in return can get access to our spicy discord, exclusive episodes, guest appearances, etc.! All kinds of great stuff.

    Please subscribe on your favorite podcast apps and rate or review to help extend our reach. Like and rate our facebook page at facebook.com/prolespod and follow us on Twitter @prolespod.

    If you have any questions or comments, DM us on either of those platforms or email us at prolespod@gmail.com All episodes prior to episode 4 can be found on YouTube, so go check that out as well!


    Intro music: 

    "Proles Pod Theme" by Ransom Notes

    Outro music:

    炮打司令部 (完整專輯) by Xiangyu

    Episode 25: Bolívarian Revolutions

    Episode 25: Bolívarian Revolutions

    We sit down with Ethan (but not our Ethan) and Taylor (our Taylor) to talk about Simón Bolívar,  Hugo Chávez, Nicolás Maduro, the coup attempts, the gains of the revolutions, and the US fuckery in Venezuela.

    If you haven't already, go to www.prolespod.com or you can help the show improve over at www.patreon.com/prolespod and in return can get access to our spicy discord, exclusive episodes, guest appearances, etc.! All kinds of great stuff.

    Please subscribe on your favorite podcast apps and rate or review to help extend our reach. Like and rate our facebook page at facebook.com/prolespod and follow us on Twitter @prolespod.

    If you have any questions or comments, DM us on either of those platforms or email us at prolespod@gmail.com All episodes prior to episode 4 can be found on YouTube, so go check that out as well!

    Suggested reading:
    Hugo Chávez  and the Bolívarian Revolution, Richard Gott
    We Created Chávez: A People's History of the Bolívarian Revolution, George Cicariello-Maher

    Suggested viewing:
    The Revolution Will Not Be Televised, Kim Bartley & Donnacha Ó Briain

    Intro music: 

    "Proles Pod Theme" by Ransom Notes

    Outro music:
    "Uh Ah,  Chávez  No Se Va", Madera

    Episode 24: Guatemala and the Silent Holocaust

    Episode 24: Guatemala and the Silent Holocaust

    In this one we sit down with Phil after a trip to Guatemala where he reconnected with his family, revolutionary past, and their incredible story, one as old as time, of the US propping up fascists and killing communists.

    If you haven't already, go to www.prolespod.com or you can help the show improve over at www.patreon.com/prolespod and in return can get access to our spicy discord, exclusive episodes, guest appearances, etc.! All kinds of great stuff.

    Please subscribe on your favorite podcast apps and rate or review to help extend our reach. Like and rate our facebook page at facebook.com/prolespod and follow us on Twitter @prolespod.

    If you have any questions or comments, DM us on either of those platforms or email us at prolespod@gmail.com All episodes prior to episode 4 can be found on YouTube, so go check that out as well!

    Suggested Reading:

    "Shattered Hope: The Guatemalan Revolution" by Piero Gleijeses

    "Bitter Fruit" by Stephen Schlesinger

    "Killing Hope" by William Blum

    Intro music: 

    "Proles Pod Theme" by Ransom Notes

    Outro music:

    "Poesia Venenonsa" by Rebeca Lane

    Episode 23: Western Media is a F***

    Episode 23: Western Media is a F***

    In this one we sit down with China Daily reporter, Ian Goodrum, and talk about how western media has portrayed China through its history, and communist countries broadly, as well as a bunch of great anecdotes, and discussions about how we might interpret media. And of course a brief history of The Peoples' Liquor.

    If you haven't already, go to www.prolespod.com or you can help the show improve over at www.patreon.com/prolespod and in return can get access to our spicy discord, exclusive episodes, guest appearances, etc.! All kinds of great stuff.

    Please subscribe on your favorite podcast apps and rate or review to help extend our reach. Like and rate our facebook page at facebook.com/prolespod and follow us on Twitter @prolespod.

    If you have any questions or comments, DM us on either of those platforms or email us at prolespod@gmail.com All episodes prior to episode 4 can be found on YouTube, so go check that out as well!

    Suggested Reading:

    Anti-poverty Drive

    Red Star Over China by Edgar Snow

    How to Visit a Socialist Country

    China in the Modern Day

    And of course, China Daily

    Intro music: 

    "Proles Pod Theme" by Ransom Notes

    Outro music:

    "Soviet Official" by Apathy and OC (edited for content)

    Episode 22: Indigeneity

    Episode 22: Indigeneity

    (*Disclaimer: One of our microphones cut out about 1/3 of the way through recording, and so we were forced to cut most of the banter after that point. We apologize, but are grateful that Andrea had a ton of incredibly interesting information to tell, and so we feel the content didn't suffer)

    The Proles sit down with Andrea (@andrea_lakota on Twitter) to discuss how Indigenous folks, decolonization, and a lot of misunderstood terms intersect. It is chocked full of amazing knowledge. 

    If you haven't already, go to www.prolespod.com or you can help the show improve over at www.patreon.com/prolespod and in return can get sweet pins, access to our spicy discord, exclusive episodes, guest appearances, etc.! All kinds of great stuff.

    Please subscribe on your favorite podcast apps and rate or review to help extend our reach. Like and rate our facebook page at facebook.com/prolespod and follow us on Twitter @prolespod.

    If you have any questions or comments, DM us on either of those platforms or email us at prolespod@gmail.com All episodes prior to episode 4 can be found on YouTube, so go check that out as well!

    Suggested Reading:

     The Transit of Empire by Jodi Byrd

    The ABC's of Decolonization: www.onkwehonwerising.wordpress.com

    Outro music:

    "Mushuk" by Los Nin

    Episode 21: The Rise of, Life In, and Fall of the German Democratic Republic

    Episode 21: The Rise of, Life In, and Fall of the German Democratic Republic

    We talk about the splitting up of Germany after World War 2, the creation of both the German Democratic Republic and the Federal Republic of Germany, discuss what rights GDR citizens had, how many damn Nazis were in the West after the war, and what happened in 1989.

    If you haven't already, go to www.prolespod.com or you can help the show improve over at www.patreon.com/prolespod and in return can get sweet pins, access to our spicy discord, exclusive episodes, guest appearances, etc.! All kinds of great stuff.

    Please subscribe on your favorite podcast apps and rate or review to help extend our reach. Like and rate our facebook page at facebook.com/prolespod and follow us on Twitter @prolespod.

    If you have any questions or comments, DM us on either of those platforms or email us at prolespod@gmail.com All episodes prior to episode 4 can be found on YouTube, so go check that out as well!

    Suggested Reading:

    Stasi State or Socialist Paradise?: The German Democratic Republic and What Came of It, Bruni de la Motte & John Green
    The Triumph of Evil: The Reality of the USA's Cold War Victory, Austin Murphy
    From My Life, Erich Honecker
    Behind the Scenes in Two Worlds, Elaine & Harry Mensh

    Outro music: "Es Bleibt Die Sonne," Gerd Michaelis-Chor

    Episode 20: Paul Robeson

    Episode 20: Paul Robeson

    We go through the life of actor, singer, civil rights activist, and communist Paul Robeson and talk about how he laid the groundwork for the civil rights movement in the US, how the capitalist powers tried to destroy him, and why it's important for us to remember him.

    Update: we did more research and found the colleges that wouldn't play Rutgers b/c Robeson was on the football team! William & Mary, Georgia Tech, and Washington & Lee

    If you haven't already, go to www.prolespod.com or you can help the show improve over at www.patreon.com/prolespod and in return can get sweet pins, access to our spicy discord, exclusive episodes, guest appearances, etc.! All kinds of great stuff.

    Please subscribe on your favorite podcast apps and rate or review to help extend our reach. Like and rate our facebook page at facebook.com/prolespod and follow us on Twitter @prolespod.

    If you have any questions or comments, DM us on either of those platforms or email us at prolespod@gmail.com All episodes prior to episode 4 can be found on YouTube, so go check that out as well!

    Suggested Listening:

    "Joe Hill"
    "Anthem of the Soviet Union"
    "Shlof, Mein Kind"
    "The Volga Boatmen"
    "Go Down Moses" 

    Suggested Reading:

    Paul Robeson, Martin Bruml Duberman,
    Paul Robeson: The Artist as Revolutionary, Gerald Horne
    Paul Robeson: A Watched Man, Jordan Goodman
    Paul Robeson's Testimony before HUAC, 1956 

    Outro music:

    "Old Man River" - Paul Robeson

    Live Anniversary Episode

    Live Anniversary Episode

    It's been a whole freaking year since we first recorded and posted our animated first episode on the German Revolution! We are amazed and humbled by all that has happened since then, and in celebration we took live calls for two hours to meet and chat with some fantastic people and answer a few questions. Join us as we let our hair down, drink too much, and talk to ya'll.

     If you haven't already, go to www.prolespod.com or you can help the show improve over at www.patreon.com/prolespod and in return can get sweet pins, access to our spicy discord, exclusive episodes, pick your own, guest appearances! All kinds of great stuff.

    Please subscribe on your favorite podcast apps and rate or review to help extend our reach. Like and rate our facebook page at facebook.com/prolespod  and follow us on Twitter @prolespod.

    If you have any questions or comments, DM us on either of those platforms or email us at prolespod@gmail.com All episodes prior to episode 4 can be found on YouTube, so go check that out as well!


     Outro Music: "Dr Wily's Castle Theme" by Takashi Tateishi

    Episode 19: China In The Era of Xi

    Episode 19: China In The Era of Xi

    In yet another spicy episode that is sure to anger some folks, we talk with Ty (@spirit_of_17 on twitter), who got back not too long ago from a year living in China, and wanted to give us his take on what he experienced and saw, and what we think of where China is in the era of Xi.


    If you haven't already, go to www.prolespod.com or you can help the show improve over at www.patreon.com/prolespod and in return can get sweet pins, access to our spicy discord, exclusive episodes, pick your own, guest appearances! All kinds of great stuff.

    Please subscribe on your favorite podcast apps and rate or review to help extend our reach. Like and rate our facebook page at facebook.com/prolespod  and follow us on Twitter @prolespod.

    If you have any questions or comments, DM us on either of those platforms or email us at prolespod@gmail.com All episodes prior to episode 4 can be found on YouTube, so go check that out as well!

     Suggested Reading:

    Guide on general anti communist myths here.

    Reading guide on China specifically here.



     Outro Music: Xiangyu "Rumors and Slanders" Translated video can be found here.