
    Psych Up Live

    Psych Up Live turns up your psychological perspective on life issues. With a wide variety of guests, Host Suzanne Phillips passes forward the latest in books, findings, and information relevant to your life and the world you live in. She explores topics as varied as family relationships, binge eating and violence on campus. In a conversational style, Suzanne and her guests translate the latest in psychology to exemplify ways of coping with child rearing, divorce, medical diagnosis, campus violence and social anxiety. She engages her guests with questions, often voicing her own thoughts or sharing related stories. What is particularly exciting about Psych Up Live is the opportunity for you to call in with your own stories, questions and opinions. Psych Up Live captures your attention as it considers life issues that will intrigue and inform you each Thursday at 11 AM Pacific Time, 2PM Eastern Time on the VoiceAmerica Variety Channel.
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    Episodes (438)

    Encore Make Effective Feedback Your Superpower: Strategies

    Encore Make Effective Feedback Your Superpower: Strategies
    In this episode, Dr. Therese Huston draws upon her new book, Let’s Talk: Make Effective Feedback Your Superpower, and her experience speaking to academic audiences and businesses like Microsoft and Amazon to teach us how to give feedback, even negative feedback, in a way that turns it into a productive conversation. She considers why 80% of managers feel they are saying the right things; but less than 20% of employees feel appreciated. She asks why men are evaluated on work skills while women are often judged on their personality. Dr. Huston identifies and exemplifies the three types of feedback as Appreciation, Coaching and Evaluation and asks us to discern what an employee wants and needs. She discusses how and why to use praise and urges us to side with the employee rather than the problem. She reminds us that if people feel threatened their brains go into lockdown. Inherent in her message of what makes feedback powerful is the principle -“ Listen as if your job depends on it.”

    Encore: Understanding Bullying & Recognizing Pathways to Prevention

    Encore: Understanding Bullying & Recognizing Pathways to Prevention
    In this show we take a close look at the meaning, causes, prevalence and prevention of Bullying. The reality of bullying spans nations and we are joined in this show by Dr. Tracy Vaillancourt, A Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in School- Based Mental Health and Violence Prevention at the University of Ottawa. Dr. Vaillancourt has researched and written on the causes and prevention of Bullying and will be discussing the social and psychological dynamics that foster bullying, the gender differences in bullying behavior, the explicit and implicit powers of the bully and the likely targets. We will be asking Dr. Vaillancourt what can be done about school bullying. Is it really possible to change the social climate of a school? What makes a program successful for the early grades? Is it too late to intervene with High School Students? What about Cyberbullying which expands the bully’s reach beyond the school and leaves the victim feeling there is no safe place? Who are the Bystanders? Who are the Upstanders? What are the keys to Bully Prevention. Listen in.

    Understanding and Responding to Ambiguous Loss

    Understanding and Responding to Ambiguous Loss
    In this episode, Dr. Pauline Boss, esteemed scientist practitioner who coined the term 'Ambiguous Loss,' discusses the meaning of Ambiguous Loss and how it differs from other losses. Drawing upon powerful examples, Dr. Boss discusses physical ambiguous loss and psychological ambiguous loss due to dementia from disease, brain injury etc. She clarifies that Ambiguous Loss is not a result of pathology, but rather the ambiguity of the circumstances of loss. Using examples like the families of 9-11 she describes the understandable impact on a family when a parent is gone but loss cannot be substantiated. With the aim of building resilience rather than pathologizing, Dr. Boss discusses the Psychological Family, the Family Narrative and the ability to engage Dialectical Thinking - 'my husband is both absent and present in our hearts and minds.' Dr. Boss references Victor Frankel’s Importance Of Finding Meaning, Adjusting Mastery Up Or Down and discovering 'New Hope' by risking change.

    Encore How Can I Stop Nail Biting, Hair Pulling, Skin Picking? Answers

    Encore How Can I Stop Nail Biting, Hair Pulling, Skin Picking? Answers
    In this show, Stacy Nakell, author of the new and important book, Treatment for Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviors: An Integrative Psychodynamic Approach, provides answers with compassion, theoretical understanding and clinical examples from 20 years of professional experience. Stacy considers the who, what and why of the people who suffer with these behaviors and what happens when they receive help. Using pseudonyms with the permission of former patients, Stacy Nakell draws upon real stories of those who have worked with her to address Body Focused Repetitive Behaviors. She discusses how working together, she and her patients trace the life events and steps that led to the start of their Body Focused Repetitive Behaviors, the struggle to understand the use of this behavior, the development of new regulation skills and the success of slowly giving up what was once as soothing as it was painful. Stacy speaks from a place of personal experience, use of a powerful methodology and an investment in patients that has truly helped them. This show will be informative to those suffering, the professionals who care for them and the families who love them.

    Encore The Power of AWE – Minutes Can Reduce Stress

    Encore The Power of AWE – Minutes Can Reduce Stress
    At a time when people across the globe are facing stress from illness, violence, burnout, war, political contention, climate changes and more, psychotherapist Jake Eagle LPC, and physician, Michal Amster MD bring us their book, The Power of Awe and a remarkable fifteen second three-step process that maximizes changes in mind and body that improve health and wellness. You may have felt awe staring up at a star-filled night, visiting the Grand Canyon or holding a newborn. You will learn how to capitalize on everyday events that stir awe when combined with a simple breathing technique. Listen in as you hear Jake Eagle share his journey with Michael Amster, their unexpected findings supported by research at UC Berkley, and the step-by-step method to stress reduction you can use.

    Encore The Better Man: Keys to Consent and Satisfying Sexual Relating

    Encore The Better Man: Keys to Consent and Satisfying Sexual Relating
    In a post #MeToo era, many men want to take a step away from toxic masculinity, which perpetuates domination and aggression and consciously and unconsciously pressures men to behave in a certain way. A central theme of moving away from Toxic Masculinity is Sexual Consent- whether at a fraternity party or on the fifth date. The question of consent is one of concern for many men because they are uncertain about how to ask for it. They fear doing something wrong or wonder if it means giving up on impromptu much less gratifying sexual connection. This show provides the answers. In it, Dr. Eric FitzMedrud draws upon his new and important book, The Better Man: A Guide to Stronger Relationships and Hotter Sex to address the issues around sexual connection without drawing upon toxic masculinity. Eric’s goal is to help men navigate sexual relationships with respect by giving them the skills to be better lovers, partners and humans. Everyone who wants a relationship with mutually satisfying sexual connection will benefit from his expertise. Listen In.

    Build Your Resilience – Master Life's Challenges

    Build Your Resilience – Master Life's Challenges
    There is clear evidence that life can be challenging and at times quite traumatic. Many have faced the horror of war, school shootings, pandemics, a life-threatening diagnosis, racism, hate crimes or the sudden death of loved one. In this show, Dr. Jonathan DePierro, will invite us to recognize that it is not what happens to us; but how we respond to what happens - that matters. Dr Depierro is one of the authors with the late Dr. Steven Southwick and Dr Dennis Charney of the third addition of Resilience: The Science of Mastering Life’s Greatest Challenges. Drawing upon examples, Dr. Depierro will operationalize and exemplify the power of Optimism, Social Support, Strategies for Facing Fears, Cognitive and Emotional Flexibility and more. Don’t miss this opportunity to add to your resilience.

    Encore School Shooters: Warning Signs That Can Save Lives

    Encore School Shooters: Warning Signs That Can Save Lives
    Since the Columbine massacre, there have been a total of 368 school shootings. Since January,2023 there have already been 30 school shootings that caused deaths and injuries. This show addresses the helplessness, fear, grief and rage so many feel. In this show, Dr. Peter Langman, nationally and internationally renowned expert on School Shootings draws upon his years of experience and publications to discuss his latest book, Warning Signa: Identifying School Shooters Before They Strike. What he invites us to understand is that if students, administrators, teachers, parents and the general public know more about school shooters and the warning signs, they may actually save lives. To this end, Dr. Langman offers us an informed look at school shooters. He corrects and clarifies stereotypes, the gender, the way that guns are acquired, targets, and how shooters plan their attack. Discussing the pathology of school shooters he divides them into three categories and dispels the myths of being bullied or watching too many video games as lethal causes. Importantly he focuses on how a school community can read warning signs through “ leakage” and “attack-related behaviors.” He stresses the importance of taking any threat seriously, the value of anonymous phone report lines and the presence a School Threat Assessment Team. You will be as frightened as you will be informed, and encouraged to recognize that if you see something – say something. Don’t miss this opportunity to hear Dr. Peter Langman.

    Encore Street Smart Safety for Women: What Women Need to Know

    Encore Street Smart Safety for Women: What Women Need to Know
    Violence against women is a global health issue. The threats women face today are unapparelled and more dangerous than ever before. When you add the toxic cocktail of technology and social media the danger increases. In this show, former Deputy Sheriff, Joy Farrow and Tech Engineer and trauma survivor Laura Frombach will discuss how women can avoid being victims of violence on many levels. They will discuss and exemplify how women can develop “A Safety Intuition for Defensive Living”, become “ Persuasion Proof,” “ Take a safe walk or a run,” Be aware of “Online Dating – Red Flags,” Travel “Solo and Safe,” handle “The SOS Situation,” and more. What you hear may increase your anxiety but it will empower you in many ways. Women and everyone who loves them should hear this show.

    Encore: Confronting Ageism: Discrimination Based on Age

    Encore: Confronting Ageism:  Discrimination Based on Age
    Have you ever been dismissed because you were considered too young, or ignored because you were deemed too old? If so, you have experienced Ageism, stereotyping and discrimination based on age. In this show, author activist, Ashton Applewhite will raise our consciousness about age discrimination with research, humor and personal references. Drawing upon her acclaimed book, This Chair Rocks: A Manifesto Against Ageism, her powerful discussion and examples will make it clear “that chronological age is an increasingly unreliable benchmark of pretty much anything about a person.” You will wonder how you missed the degree of age bias we tolerate and the myths about age we perpetuate in our culture. You will recognize that demeaning stereotypes about age threaten the best of us at any age. Don't miss this!

    Encore: Could Grandpa Be Depressed? Recognizing Depression in Later Life

    Encore: Could Grandpa Be Depressed? Recognizing Depression in Later Life
    In this episode Dr. Deborah Serani, psychologist and author discusses the reality of depression as a mood disorder in later life. Drawing upon her new and comprehensive book “ Depression in Later Life: An Essential Guide,” she underscores that depression is too often overlooked by those suffering, their families and even at times by their physicians. In the back and forth with host Suzanne Phillips, Dr. Serani provides crucial information and illuminating examples that will be as valuable for health-care professionals as for seniors who don’t understand why they are suffering. She will answer questions like: What Is Geriatric Depression? Isn’t Depression a normal part of aging? Why is it so often missed or dismissed? What are the steps for proper assessment? What are the treatment options? Are depressed seniors a suicide risk? Adding to this, Dr. Serani considers the power of “conscious aging” as an asset to physical and emotional well-being. This is an important show for all.

    Encore The Power of AWE – Minutes Can Reduce Stress

    Encore The Power of AWE – Minutes Can Reduce Stress
    At a time when people across the globe are facing stress from illness, violence, burnout, war, political contention, climate changes and more, psychotherapist Jake Eagle LPC, and physician, Michal Amster MD bring us their book, The Power of Awe and a remarkable fifteen second three-step process that maximizes changes in mind and body that improve health and wellness. You may have felt awe staring up at a star-filled night, visiting the Grand Canyon or holding a newborn. You will learn how to capitalize on everyday events that stir awe when combined with a simple breathing technique. Listen in as you hear Jake Eagle share his journey with Michael Amster, their unexpected findings supported by research at UC Berkley, and the step-by-step method to stress reduction you can use.

    Encore The Heart of the Fight: The Basis of Great Relationships

    Encore The Heart of the Fight: The Basis of Great Relationships
    In this show relationship experts Dr. Judith Wright and Dr. Bob Wright discuss their interesting book, The Heart of the Fight: A Couple’s Guide to 15 Common Fights, What They Really Mean & How They Can Bring You Closer. Dispelling many of the common myths of what you need to make a relationship work, these experts suggest that conflict is a couple’s secret weapon for coming closer but you need to know how to fight and what to fight for. In a fascinating way they discuss the Art of the Argument: Six Skills for Battling to Bliss and the Fifteen Fights That Make or Break Your Relationship. From a closer look at fights like The Blame Game to You’re Just Like Your Mother/Father, you will rethink the how and why of fighting in relationships. Ultimately this is a show that will expand the potential of your relationship. Don’t miss it.

    Single at Heart: The Power and Joy of Single Life

    Single at Heart: The Power and Joy of Single Life
    Whether you are loving your single life or can’t imagine choosing to live alone, you need to hear this powerful and revealing podcast. In it, Dr. Bella DePaulo, America’s foremost thinker and writer on “the single experience,” shares the experience of single people around the world who have chosen and embrace their single lives. Drawing upon social science studies of thousands of people and the responses of people who have written to her, she delineates the experiences, lifestyle and choices of those who identify as “ Single at Heart.” Dr. Bella DePaulo speaks to the stereotype that assumes that being single is not by choice but by default or defeat. She considers solitude, friendships, having kids, Intimacy and more from the perspective of those Single at Heart, those considering living as a single and those allies and friends who support them. This is a show that dares to ask people to consider how they want to live their best selves – Don’t Miss it.

    Encore Protecting Yourself from Emotional Predators

    Encore Protecting Yourself from Emotional Predators
    Few of us have been spared relationships with emotional predators – The neighbor who wanted to share everything only to spread rumors; the boss who praised your work, asked for late hours and then promoted someone else; the fiancé who had a lover at college; the coach you trusted who made inappropriate advances. In this show, psychotherapist, mediator, custody evaluator and retired attorney, Steven Wolhandler, JD,MA,LPC draws upon his years of dealing with emotional predators and protecting their victims to pass on to us important insights and strategies. Referencing his book, Protecting Yourself from Emotional Predators: Neutralize the Users, Abusers and Manipulators Hidden Among Us, he defines the qualities and behaviors of the Emotional Predator and offers 5 important and effective steps for protecting ourselves. His discussion is as valuable a guide to knowing and empowering ourselves as it is to disempowering predators.

    Encore A Surprising New Look at the Benefits of Forgetting

    Encore A Surprising New Look at the Benefits of Forgetting
    In this episode Dr. Scott Small, esteemed neurologist and neuroscientist known for his work in Alzheimer’s disease, discusses his important new book, Forgetting: The Benefits of Not Remembering. In a culture inundated with information and worried about aging and forgetting, this is an extraordinary contribution. In a conversational style, Dr. Small offers the neuroscience of forgetting in a way that is as informative as it is startling. Drawing upon fascinating examples and personal history, he illuminates the reasons that we need “to forget” in order to think flexibly, prioritize, make decisions, be creative, address traumatic memories and remember what is needed. Toward this end he will consider: Why don’t I want a photographic memory? What part of the brain turns up or turns down memory and forgetting? What is the role of sleep in forgetting? What role does forgetting play in addressing trauma and PTSD? What is the difference between cognitive aging and Alzheimer’s disease? Listen in to an extraordinary guest.

    Encore Untangling, Understanding and Improving In-Law Relationships

    Encore  Untangling, Understanding and Improving In-Law Relationships
    Whether you are newly married, a middle aged couple, the identified In-Laws or the bewildered Out-Laws of an expanded family, you need to hear this show. In it, psychologist and author Dr. Geoffrey Greif draws upon his new and acclaimed book written with Dr. Michael Woolley, “ In-law Relationships: Mothers, Daughters, Fathers, and Sons.” Dr. Greif shares research using interviews and surveys with a total of 1,500 people to illuminate why some in-laws connect and others clash and even crash. He considers the impact of interfaith, interracial, gay and lesbian couples on in-law relationships. He examines the validity of the negative cultural stereotype of mothers-in-law and reports what mothers-in-law and daughters-in-law say. He considers what happens that is different in the relationships between male in-laws and overall offers important strategies for improving any in-law relationship.

    Encore Understanding the Gender Creative Child: What Parents and Professionals Need to Know

    Encore Understanding the Gender Creative Child: What Parents and Professionals Need to Know
    In this show, Dr. Diane Ehrensaft, expert in gender research and clinical work, offers parents and professionals an insider understanding of Gender Expansive Children -The little boy who insists he is a girl, the teen who identifies as non-binary – both male and female. Dr. Ehrensaft, the author of The Gender Creative Child and Gender Born, Gender Made, clarifies the difference between gender and assigned sex at birth and explains how threads of nature, nurture and culture weave for each of us a Gender Web. Using examples, she describes a Gender Affirmative Model in which she maintains that children will reveal their authentic gender self- if we listen to what they are telling us in their behavior and words. She discusses that it is often not the gender confusion as much as the gender rejection that leaves children unsupported, unhappy and less confident.

    Traumatic Loss - Moving Forward But Not Moving On From Love

    Traumatic Loss - Moving Forward But Not Moving On From Love
    In her new and important book “ Never Say Never- Never Say Always,” Susan Warner invites us to take the journey no one wants to take, but too many have faced. Susan takes us from a family love story to the devastating losses of a son and a spouse within 6 months. She puts words to the insider story of traumatic loss in a way that will touches anyone who has suffered loss. As you will hear in daily details, relationships with family and friends, tears in a closet, emptiness in a house, the difficulty of eating alone, the enduring presence of her son and spouse and the question of ever loving again– she lets us in. Susan shares a journey to acceptance, pushing on and not being defined by societal norms. It is a journey of self-discovery, self-actualization and ultimately working to live her best life. This is a show about loss, possibility and love.

    Street Smart Safety for Women: What Women Need to Know

    Street Smart Safety for Women: What Women Need to Know
    Violence against women is a global health issue. The threats women face today are unapparelled and more dangerous than ever before. When you add the toxic cocktail of technology and social media the danger increases. In this show, former Deputy Sheriff, Joy Farrow and Tech Engineer and trauma survivor Laura Frombach will discuss how women can avoid being victims of violence on many levels. They will discuss and exemplify how women can develop “A Safety Intuition for Defensive Living”, become “ Persuasion Proof,” “ Take a safe walk or a run,” Be aware of “Online Dating – Red Flags,” Travel “Solo and Safe,” handle “The SOS Situation,” and more. What you hear may increase your anxiety but it will empower you in many ways. Women and everyone who loves them should hear this show.