
    Purity for Life

    This is the weekly purity podcast from Pure Life Ministries. Our show will take you where real life meets real Christianity as we tackle the tough issues for those struggling with sexual sin. Thanks for listening!
    enPure Life Ministries263 Episodes

    Episodes (263)

    #572 - When God is Your Only Hope | Hope for Hurting Wives

    #572 - When God is Your Only Hope | Hope for Hurting Wives

    For over 35 years, we have been ministering to hurting wives. And the essence of our message is that when everything is crumbling all around us, and when everything feels hopeless, Jesus is solid, trustworthy and the source of real hope. This is the second episode in our new series, Hope for Hurting Wives. Thanks for listening!


    Resources we mentioned:

    #571 - What Devastated Wives Need Most | Hope for Hurting Wives

    #571 - What Devastated Wives Need Most | Hope for Hurting Wives

    When a wife finds out that her husband has been unfaithful, her world is shattered by gut-wrenching pain, tormenting fears and haunting questions. But there is HOPE. In our latest series, Kathy Gallagher uses personal testimony and decades of counseling experience to show the hurting wife how to find the God of hope in the midst of the pain. 


    Resources we mentioned:

    #570 - Saved Through Real Repentance | Ryan's Story of Hope

    #570 - Saved Through Real Repentance | Ryan's Story of Hope

    Ryan's childhood home was full of arguing, tension and chaos. In order to escape from his painful reality, he turned to porn, drugs and alcohol. But he found out soon enough that these only made him far more miserable. Then, something terrifying happened to him at a party one night, and that was it. He was determined to get real help.


    Resources we mentioned:

    #569 - Seek Fulfillment in God, Not Things | Key Lessons on the Road to Freedom

    #569 - Seek Fulfillment in God, Not Things | Key Lessons on the Road to Freedom

    Human beings have a deep need for fulfillment. It's how God made us. But things go horribly wrong when we seek satisfaction in earthly things. We end up becoming dependent on, maybe even addicted to, things that cannot satisfy us. But if we will seek our fulfillment in God Himself, we'll find that He can do what nothing else can. That’s why seeking fulfillment in God is one of the key lessons on the road to freedom.

    #565 - Overcome Offenses With Forgiveness | Key Lessons on the Road to Freedom

    #565 - Overcome Offenses With Forgiveness | Key Lessons on the Road to Freedom

    Have you ever had to navigate at high speeds around an object that is lying in the middle of a busy highway? Relationship issues are a bit like that. You've got to learn how to navigate safely around them, otherwise you're going to experience some real damage to your heart and life. In today's episode, we'll talk about why cultivating a spirit of forgiveness is an absolutely critical part of staying on the road to freedom.

    #564 - Called out of Terrible Darkness | Brian’s Story of Hope

    #564 - Called out of Terrible Darkness | Brian’s Story of Hope

    When Brian was growing up, he wholeheartedly pursued sex, drugs, a musical career, and whatever else he thought would bring him fulfillment. But then, God began to draw Brian—through a drumming gig at a church, through a girlfriend who was fed up with his porn addiction, and then through his time in the Residential Program at Pure Life Ministries. Little bit by little bit, God was calling Brian to become a dedicated follower of Jesus.

    #563 - What are Common Myths About Sexual Addiction? | Ask the Counselor

    #563 - What are Common Myths About Sexual Addiction? | Ask the Counselor

    When professing Christians get sick of being addicted, they often turn to the internet, self-help gurus or psychology to find out where their real problem is. Unfortunately, a lot of what they'll find from these sources is nothing more than myth. In today's show, we'll look at some really common myths that many Christians believe about sexual addiction.

    #416 (REPLAY) - Reflections on the Lowly Jesus (Part 1)

    #416 (REPLAY) - Reflections on the Lowly Jesus (Part 1)

    It takes quite an effort to fix our eyes on Jesus in this crazy world, and it is no different at Christmastime. In fact, the holidays often only amplify the pain and sorrow many people feel in their everyday lives. But we want to help you allow Jesus to take center stage during this holiday season. No matter what's going on in your life, please take some time to stop everything and focus on the greatest gift ever given.

    #562 - Are You a Slave to Your Lusts? | Ask the Counselor

    #562 - Are You a Slave to Your Lusts? | Ask the Counselor

    "I’m struggling.” This is probably the most common way Christian men describe their continual attempts to break free from sexual sin. But for many, it would be much more accurate if they said, "I'm a slave to lust.” In today’s episode, we'll get to the heart of addiction and we'll talk about the first step men must take if they want real freedom.

    #560 - Keep Your Eyes on God’s Goal | Key Lessons on the Road to Freedom

    #560 - Keep Your Eyes on God’s Goal | Key Lessons on the Road to Freedom

    Sometimes the goal we set for ourselves does not fully match God's goal for us. Here's a surprising example of this: when we make freedom from sexual sin our highest goal. In today’s show, we’ll talk about why God's goal for our lives is much deeper and more wonderful than that, and why pursuing His goal for our lives is a “Key Lesson on the Road to Freedom.”


    Resources we mentioned:

    #559 - Mercy Destroys the Spirit of Lust | Key Lessons on the Road to Freedom

    #559 - Mercy Destroys the Spirit of Lust | Key Lessons on the Road to Freedom

    Real freedom isn't just about protecting our hearts from a lustful spirit, it's about yielding to a completely different kind of spirit—a loving, giving, spirit of mercy. In today’s show, we’ll talk about why learning to get in the flow of God’s mercy is absolutely critical for going all the way into a life of victory, and we’ll also give you some practical things that will help you foster that spirit of mercy.


    Resources we mentioned:

    #558 - Rescued, Redeemed, Restored (Part 2) | Greg And Paloma’s Story Of Hope

    #558 - Rescued, Redeemed, Restored (Part 2) | Greg And Paloma’s Story Of Hope

    Part 2: As Greg drove on to the Pure Life Ministries' Residential campus, he experienced a hope that he hadn't felt in a very long time. And hope was exactly what he and Paloma needed, because sin and selfishness had ravaged their marriage. Over the next 9 months, he and Paloma would experience a transformation in their lives and in their marriage that can only be described as a miracle of God. 



    #557 - Rescued, Redeemed, Restored (Part 1) | Greg And Paloma’s Story Of Hope

    #557 - Rescued, Redeemed, Restored (Part 1) | Greg And Paloma’s Story Of Hope

    Part 1: In 2020, life had never been worse for Greg and Paloma. Greg had been addicted to porn for over two decades and had lost all hope of being free. One day, he decided to give himself over to his fantasies and pay for sex. When Greg’s sin came to light, Paloma was absolutely crushed. Their marriage…was over. At least, that’s what they both thought. 

    #556 - Why You Should Read ”Evidence Not Seen”

    #556 - Why You Should Read ”Evidence Not Seen”

    Darlene Deibler went to Indonesia to preach the gospel to cannibalistic tribes. But when war broke out, she found herself plunged into the horrors of a WWII prisoner-of-war camp. And yet, Darlene would spend the rest of her life telling about a God whose comfort outshined her sufferings, whose presence was more precious than her losses, and whose loving provision was as faithful as the morning sun.

    Resources we mentioned: