
    QSO Today Podcast - Interviews with the leaders in amateur radio

    QSO Today is a weekly conversation, or QSO, between amateur radio operators about ham radio. Eric Guth, 4Z1UG, hosts a new guest every week to talk about their ham radio journey, their specialized expertise in ham radio, and how amateur radio has impacted their personal and professional lives. QSO Today is targeted at anyone interested in amateur radio who wants to learn more about this fascinating hobby.
    enEric Guth494 Episodes

    Episodes (494)

    Episode 492 Linas Balsys LY2H

    Episode 492 Linas Balsys LY2H

    Linus Balsys, LY2H, dives into the fascinating realm of field operations in his native Lithuania, QRP techniques, Morse code, digital modes, and much more. Linus talks about his  exploration of the great outdoors with park activations, hillfort castles, chases awards, and delves into satellite communications. From his Renault Trafic campervan equipped with cutting-edge ham radio gear like the Icom IC-705 and the QRP-Labs QMX.  Linus showcases the innovation and affordability of modern equipment. In addition, Linus shares how ham radio skills have practical applications in daily life, from repairing electronics to enhancing relationships. Hear about his efforts to rejuvenate the ham community in Lithuania, attracting young enthusiasts through contests, digital operations, and educational classes. Linus also highlights the dual thrill of ham radio: the leap in technology with Software Defined Radios (SDRs) and the invaluable role of amateur radio in emergency communications, echoing its historical significance. Tune in for a journey through the intriguing and impactful world of ham radio with Linus Balsys, L2YH. in this QSO Today.

    Episode 491 Paul Barnes W4YRL

    Episode 491 Paul Barnes W4YRL

    Paul Barnes, W4YRL, now a ham for over 65 years, enjoys FT8, CW, and getting on the air with modest wire antennas.  Paul has traveled to over 50 countries and enjoyed operating from abroad. He credits the hobby for a happy career in electronics focused on simulators for space, military, and nuclear power plants, and for the life long friends that he has made along the way. W4YRL is my QSO Today.

    Episode 490 HRWB Podcast 201 with Eric Guth 4Z1UG

    Episode 490 HRWB Podcast 201 with Eric Guth 4Z1UG

    Eric Guth, 4Z1UG, was a guest at the celebration of the 200th Ham Radio Workbench Podcast.  Eric  joined George, KJ6VU, Vince, VE6LK, and Mark, N6MTS in a special episode of their podcast that became HRWB episode 201.  This recording of that HRWB episode is added to the QSO Today "official record" for posterity.  

    Episode 489 John Rusciano NG0Z

    Episode 489 John Rusciano NG0Z

    John Rusciano, NG0Z, knew that eventually living in an HOA would meet he and his family’s needs, even if it meant not having a ham radio station and outside antennas. The state of the art and ubiquitous Internet connectivity made it possible for John to build his ultimate remotely controlled amateur radio station at his vacation home, away from the city's electronic noise and the restrictions of HOA.  NG0Z allows me to interrogate him about all of the aspects of building his remote station in this QSO Today.

    Episode 488 Charles Powell NK8O

    Episode 488 Charles Powell NK8O

    Charles Powell, NK8O, would argue that an early interest in radio and communications aided him in making a transition from professional French Horn player to pediatric doctor rather than suffer the mid-life crisis.  Charles likes just about everything that ham radio offers including POTA, CW, kit building, old rigs, and operating his own DXpeditions from exotic locations around the world.  NK8O and I discuss these topics and more in this QSO Today.

    Episode 487 Jonathan Taylor K1RFD

    Episode 487 Jonathan Taylor K1RFD

    Jonathan Taylor, K1RFD, has reached his 50th year has a ham radio operator, is the creator of Echolink, one of the first amateur radio Voice over Internet Service linking amateur radio stations, the receiver of technical innovation awards, and author of "VoIP: Internet Linking for Radio Amateurs", now in its second edition.  K1RFD checks all of the ham radio boxes for operating, homebrewing, software development, radio restoration, and is my QSO Today.

    Episode 486 Lanny Aldrich K1LEC

    Episode 486 Lanny Aldrich K1LEC

    Lanny Aldrich, K1LEC, began his professional career as a third generation commercial dairy farmer in Vermont.  Amateur radio was his hobby that he pursued at a steady pace to pursue DX, build operating skills, and contribute to the hobby by just being involved.  Just his advice on antennas is a prize from our conversation.  K1LEC is my QSO Today

    Episode 485 Martin Buehring KB4MG

    Episode 485 Martin Buehring KB4MG

    Martin, Marty, Buehring, KB4MG, discovered amateur radio in private high school growing up in Chicago, Illinois, and went on for a career in electronics engineering following the development of semiconductors from basic transistors to Large Scale Integrates circuits and ASICS.  Marty believes that ham radio clubs are key to ham radio success.  KB4MG is my QSO Today.

    Episode 484 Richard Gutknecht NZ2I

    Episode 484 Richard Gutknecht NZ2I

    Richard Gutknecht NZ2I, is a second generation amateur radio operator, catching the bug at an early age and getting the Novice license at age 15. Answering his country’s call to duty, Rick joined the Air Force and became an active ham while stationed in Germany.  Now retired, Rick enjoys getting on the air, volunteering for his amateur radio club, and now producing and co-hosting a podcast on current events and American history.  NZ2I is my QSO Today.

    Episode 483 William Thomas WT0DX

    Episode 483 William Thomas WT0DX

    William Thomas, WT0DX, was inspired by an early interest in electronics, amateur radio, building Heathkits, to spend a career as an engineer and inventor, with over 150 patents, in the electronics and  ultimately the cable television industry where he was given the Cable TV Pioneer award by the National Cable Television Association.  Bill is the co-inventor of the Interactive Program Guide still found on most cable television systems.  Now retired, WT0DX, spends his time giving back to amateur radio through mentoring, contributing, and testing, and he is my QSO Today. 


    Episode 482 Ram Muthukrishnan VU2JXN

    Episode 482 Ram Muthukrishnan VU2JXN

    Ram Muthukrishnan, VU2JXN, while growing up in India, had a difficult time finding any information about amateur radio in the libraries and magazines.  It was not until Ram attended university that he met licensed amateur radio operators and could pursue the hobby.  CW is Ram’s favorite operating mode, especially after attending CW Academy.  He modified his SSB only BitX transceiver to operate CW and to use it for CW practice. As a software engineer by trade, Ram has a keen interest in software defined radio, SDR, homebrewing radios, and CW.  VU2JXN is my QSO Today.

    Episode 481 Mark Wohlschlegal WC3W

    Episode 481 Mark Wohlschlegal WC3W

    Mark Wohlschlegal, WC3W, knew at age 12 that amateur radio would set the course of his life pursuing  engineering degrees leading to a career in big system and equipment sales and marketing.  An additional love of flying, boating, and motorcycle touring kept Mark and his family active outside of work.  Now retired, WC3W operates a remote HF station, in Florida,  with a partner and describes it all in this QSO today.

    Episode 480 Caryn Eve Murray KD2GUT

    Episode 480 Caryn Eve Murray KD2GUT

    Caryn Eve Murray, KD2GUT, while inspired at a young age to ham radio, it wasn’t until after a successful career as a professional writer and journalist that she re-discovered amateur radio in 2014.  Her ham radio history was pretty thoroughly covered in a recent Ham Radio Workbench podcast a few weeks ago.  Our conversation explored her professional history leading to her reporting for Ham Radio Newsline and her love for CW.  KD2GUT is my QSO Today.

    Episode 479 Ante Laurijssen VA2BBW

    Episode 479 Ante Laurijssen VA2BBW

    Ante Laurijssen, VA2BBW, enjoys the simple amateur radio art of chasing DX and making contacts on CW, and  operating QRP, from Gatineau, in Southwest Quebec, Canada . When operating POTA, Ante taught himself to send CW with his left while recording his log with his right hand.  VA2BBW is the Radio Amateurs of Canada Awards Manager, enjoys giving back to the hobby, and is my QSO Today.

    Episode 478 Don Westacott VE6HQ

    Episode 478 Don Westacott VE6HQ

    Don Westacott VE6HQ, believes that his early foundation in amateur radio contributed to his professional success through the multiple disciplines and out of the box thinking that is amateur radio.  After a successful career and an expert in subsurface measurements and remote sensing for the petroleum  industry, Don now likes to work 20 meters and refine his test equipment bench using the latest low cost solutions like the NanoVNA.  VE6HQ is my QSO Today.

    Episode 477 Steve Stroh N8GNJ

    Episode 477 Steve Stroh N8GNJ

    Steve Stroh, N8GNJ, has always enjoyed the confluence of computers, data communications, and amateur radio from the earliest days of AX.25 packet radio to the current AREDN and SDR (software defined radio).  Steve uses his Zero Retries newsletter on Substack, to communicate the amazing amateur radio technology developments in data communications that does not get covered in the standard amateur radio  journals.  N8GNJ shares his experience and interesting stories in this QSO Today.


    Episode 476 David Okrent W7DAO

    Episode 476 David Okrent W7DAO

    David Okrent W7DAO, like many hams grew up with shortwave radio, electronic kits, and a radio interest that led to a professional career related to our hobby. David focuses the use of these skills and expertise on emergency rescue and treatment as a military medical corpsman, as an EMT, and providing volunteer support to the  Red Cross.  Contribution and giving back to his community drives W7DAO, who is my QSO Today.

    Episode 475 Kay Savetz K6KJN

    Episode 475 Kay Savetz K6KJN

    Kay Savetz, K6KJN, followed his father, Steve, into amateur radio when he entered college and Journalism school at the beginning of the Atari computer age.  Tech journalism is Kay’s profession leading him to be the technical historian specializing in amateur radio and communications at the Internet Archive. We deep dive into Kay’s interest in amateur radio, technology and communications history, and the Atari 8 bit computers in this QSO Today.

    Episode 474 Alan Higbie K0AV

    Episode 474 Alan Higbie K0AV

    Alan Higbie, K0AV, is a ham over sixty years, with an interest in CW, contesting, working DX, and working 2BSIQ mode.  Alan has developed special expertise in finding RF noise sources around his QTH using a portable SDR receiver, and as a trial lawyer, he has had the opportunity to live in unusual places that lead to unusual ham radio operating events.  K0AV is my QSO Today.

    Episode 473 Joshua Wander 4X4BB

    Episode 473 Joshua Wander 4X4BB

    Joshua Wander, 4X4BB, began in amateur radio as a “prepper” where radio is one of the elements of being prepared for disaster, natural or otherwise.  Origionally, Josh was from Pennsylvania, where he grew up, but immigrated to Israel with his family 10 years ago when I first met him.  Josh is many things including journalist on many war fronts, volunteer rescuer of refugees from the Ukraine into Israel, and most recently one of the ZAKA team members who is recovering, identifying, and preparing the recently slaughtered Jews by Hamas from October 7th.  I was able to catch up with Josh after his shift ended today.  4X4BB is my QSO Today.