
    Queen Of Transparency Podcast

    Do you ever just feel like you’re alone in your thoughts, feelings, opinions and experiences? Wish that you had your own personal BFF to get to know, talk to, laugh with, relate to, get advice from even while on the go? Well EyeAmQuai (no typo) so look no further. From life, entertainment, relationships, work, friendships, parenthood, celeb news, current events and so much more, we’ll connect weekly to get into it ALL! The good, bad, ugly, and indifferent. Real, raw, open & honest vibes guaranteed! If “open book” and “no filter” had a baby, it would be me. LOL. EyeAmQuai….Queen of Transparency.
    en18 Episodes

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    Episodes (18)

    Let's Talk about STRESS, Baby!

    Let's Talk about STRESS, Baby!

    Quai is back and in full effect too! Brand new season. Brand new episode. Same transparency. All from your favorite podcaster. 

    In this episode, Quai explains the cause of her hiatus, something we all can relate to: STRESS. Is it just us, or has life been LIFE'ING?! 

    Quai details stress in general and how it can affect you physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and also affect your interpersonal relationships.

    Life is always going to have its ups and downs, high and low points, but strength and perseverance, though mandatory, can be very overwhelming. We can find ourselves pouring and pouring until we are empty, with nothing and no one to fill us. We can wind up losing ourselves, forgetting our purpose and sadly, only existing rather than living.

    It's time to do and be for ourselves all that we do and are for others, if not more. This is about more than self-care; it's about self-awareness, accountability, intention, consistency, and prioritization.

    Listen to this episode, finish Quai's sentences, holler, yell, cry, relate and "yassss girl" while listening on your phone, iPad, tablet, laptop, in your car, wherever.

    Your best friend in your head is back, y'all.

    Drink Yo' Water & Mind Yo' Business!

    Drink Yo' Water & Mind Yo' Business!

    Your online BFF is back and per usual, giving you insight withthe intent of dropping gems. We all know that the title of this episode is the basis for some really great hashtags, but what about if you actually drink your water and mind your business? So often, we find ourselves critiquing, comparing, and becoming borderline obsessed with the looks, lifestyles, finances, etc. of others that we wind up devaluing and even forgetting about US. Remember that saying about watering your own grass isntead of worrying why others' grass is greener? Baby... that hella green grass could be fake as hell. LOL. In all seriousness, once you begin to make yourself the focal point and relaize that yesterday's you should be your only competition, you will experience so much more peace and clarity. It may involve a little bit of isolation, some healthy selfishness, and small sacrifieces, but the ends will justify the means. Know that you're the prize, the power, and the pressure, Boo. The G.O.A.T, is YOU!

    Soft Girl Era

    Soft Girl Era

    Being in your "Soft Girl Era" seems to be all the rave right now. Quai doesn't see it as a trend, though, but rather a new and refreshing way of thinking, feeling, and operating as a grown ass woman. In this episode, she discusses the general perception of what it means to be a "soft girl" and suggests that every female journey towards and through this era is different, therefore, it cannot be generalized or concretely defined. Quai discusses how past experiences and traumas can push us into our "hard girl" eras and how we should grow to the point where we free ourselves of that almost stifling desire to restrict ourselves but mask it as protection. Grab some water, a cup of tea, a glass of wine, or even a bottle of jack and kick it with your girl. Absolutely LOVED this topic!

    QOTP True Crime Segment: Makeva Jenkins

    QOTP True Crime Segment: Makeva Jenkins

    As you all know, Quai is a HUGE fan of all things true crime. She's always watching shows like Dateline, First 48, 20/20, etc. criminal Justice should have probably been what she majored in, school-wise. With her natural "detective's mind," it was a no brainer to include her obsession into a segment for the podcast.

    This episode tells the tragic story of Makeva Jenkins. Makeva was a beautiful, talented, motivating inspiring, mother, sister, daughter wife and mother who lost her life suddenly and senselessly. The case initially throws investigators for a loop but...as always, what's done int he dark comes to light and BOYYYY the way that truth unraveled!

    Listen to this episode and stay tuned every other Saturday for a new QOTP True Crime Segment episode. 

    With this segment, Quai's hope is to shed light on stories that were both big and small media-wise, support the families of those affected by these heinous crimes, and overall help people to be more aware so that they nor their loved ones have to experience such tragedies. Because sometimes a monster is right under your nose the entire time. 

    Life After Divorce- Mourning & Moving On

    Life After Divorce- Mourning & Moving On

    Your girl is back and giving you what you asked for-her experience with life after divorce. Everything from the process in and of itself, how to handle coparenting, and even...dating. It is very easy to liken divorce to death. Mourning, grief, and loss are involved with both. It can break you but it can also help to rebuild you, if you let it. While it may not be possible to get OVER the situation, there is always potential to get THROUGH it. When your back is against the wall and things seem as though they're irreparable and you're just ready to give up and break and stay down after you've fallen or been kicked down, that is actually the time you should allow your strength to really show TF off. Quai  has been through it and back and she's a testament to the fact that yes, sh*t happens inevitably but oftentimes the only way out is the way through. So if you've been there, thinking about going there, etc., listen and take in all you can from this episode. Hopefully it resonates with you in a way that brings clarity and hope.

    *Remember, Quai is only sharing HER experience and there is never any intent to defame, bash, or negatively affect anyone.*

    It's 2023! New Year....BETTER ME

    It's 2023! New Year....BETTER ME

    Quai is BACK and the transparency has not faltered. It's 2023 (We made it!) and life continues to be life-ing. Everyone makes New Year's resolutions, but Quai is simply focused on her focus and genuine intentions, and commitments. .Whether it be with her career, health, aspirations, motherhood, friendships, family bonds, or her romantic relationships, consistency and accountability is key. She's ditching the typical New year's cliches and just taking each day one at a time and making sure she's present and taking the time to smell the flowers while she still can. So kick back and catch up with your girl while she embarks on her journey of "New Year, Better Me."

    Q&A With Quai

    Q&A With Quai

    Quai's back with her newest Q&A episode. You guys ask and she answers...even when it gets a little weird. Kick back and relax and take in a few laughs along with a few insightful moments while our girl connects with you guys and answers the things YOU wanna hear!

    **Remember: All questions and even episode topic suggestions can be sent via email (contacteyeamquai@gmail.com), Instagram DM (@EyeAmQuai and/or @QueenOfTransparencyPodcast), Twitter (@EyeAmQuai) and Facebook (@Eye.Am.Quai3)

    You Like To Have Your Cake & Eat It Too?

    You Like To Have Your Cake & Eat It Too?

    Quai is coming at y'all with another episode based on another emailed request (keep 'em coming!) Side chicks, side dudes, side pieces...these are still a thing?! What happened to "I'd rather leave than to cheat?" You'd think in today's day and age with so much openness and everything so "out there," cheating wouldn't be as common but... maybe it is. Quai gives her insight on her cheating experience (insert gasp here), her unknow stint as a side piece, why fidelity is super important to her along with loyalty and honesty, and a few other topics may relate to and find interesting. You don't wanna miss this one!



    In this episode, an email request and a synonymously unexpected Facebook post has Quai discussing if it's possible to be married or even simply in a relationship and be... or feel as though you're single. So many people look at things literally- including Quai (she takes things almost TOO literal LOL) but this topic in her opinion should be viewed on more of an emotional level. It IS very possible to be in a relationship with someone but feel alone, disconnected or otherwise "single." How do you remedy that? Communication? Actions? A combination of both? Welp...as with most things, your girl Quai has been there done that, and got the t-shirt. She discusses how she's been in relationships and felt like she was all by herself emotionally, how it affected those relationships, and how those past experiences affect her present relationship as well as her relationship with her children. Kick back, pour a glass of wine (or 2 LOL) and relate and hang out with Quai as she dishes out her thoughts. (She has a bit of an asthma attack towards the end but NO WORRIES- she's fine!)

    What Happened to You Doesn't Define You

    What Happened to You Doesn't Define You

    The episode that brought Quai the most anxiety and apprehension is finally here. While none of the episodes are ever scripted, this episode is the truest thus far to that point. Quai details her past experiences with childhood sexual abuse and how it went from tormenting and breaking her to strengthening and building her.  The recollection of events still brings her to tears at times, but they're no longer tears of pain. The tears that fall now are all of the tears that the little girl inside of her never got to fully shed. Topics such as these are shied away from taboo, even...but they shouldn't be. It's a topic that is more common than it is uncommon, sadly. The pain doesn't have to persist, though. The pain can turn into power...into purpose.  You just have to not lose faith or sight of YOU. The only way out...is the way through.

    Whether the Booty is Built, Bought or What You're Born With... LOVE IT!

    Whether the Booty is Built, Bought or What You're Born With... LOVE IT!

    In this episode, Quai discusses all things BAWDY...as in "image." "BODY IMAGE." Every decade/era had its own version/example of the "perfect body." There was waif, Playboy, Barbie, Maxim, King Magazine, and now the BBL's have taken OVA! Quai dishes on the current trend including her own BBL consultation experience. No matter what physical look you choose for yourself, your health should be the main priority so this episode most definitely gets into that. Kick your shoes off and- yes, dammit, eat whatever snacks you want, and ki-ki with your girl!

    Quai Is Back & the World is Literally Going Crazy

    Quai Is Back & the World is Literally Going Crazy

    After completing her move from New Jersey to Delaware and getting settled, Quai is back! In this impromptu episode she is giving us updates about her move and how she and the kids are adjusting. She also speaks on the importance of not stretching yourself too thin and that even when others may see us as superhuman, we really are simply humans and need to be realistic about how far we extend ourselves. In the midst of Quai settling in, the world was still turning...spiraling. So many deaths, particularly due to gun violence, have occurred, and these senseless acts have many, including Quai, heartbroken, sickened, and wondering how we can help and truly be the change we wish to see in the world. Catch up with your girl, your "pocket BFF" and chit & chat and get back into it! She missed y'all!

    Q&A With Quai

    Q&A With Quai

    On this episode Quai compiled some questions that were submitted to her through IG DMs, emails, and anonymous Tellonym inquiries and what can we say? It was a BLAT! The questions were the perfect mix of deep, funny, and a hint of WTF. LOL Just press play and listen to Quai give her honest opinions and insights as always and hopefully you'll find yourself getting to know her a bit more. Before you know it, she'll be your "pocket BFF" that you listen to everywhere? Did she happen to answer any of your questions??? Keep them coming because she will DEFINITELY be doing more of these in future episodes!

    RelationsSH!T or RelationSHIP??

    RelationsSH!T or RelationSHIP??

    Quai discusses relationships and deciphering between sh!tty relationships versus healthy ones. She also toys with the idea of sh!tty relationships possibly being necessary in order for us to recognize and flourish within positive ones. Quai also stresses the importance of your relationship with yourself being primary and that a romantic relationship isn't always for everyone. It's ok to be single, it's ok to not have children, and vice versa. As long as you are all around healthy and stress free and moving forward in a manner that is anything but toxic then DO YOU BOO! Enjoy hearing Quai detail the best and worst she's experienced and how she feels they help shape and mold her present perception of what it truly means to be a companion in every sense of the word.

    Dear Mamas...(Mother's Day Episode)

    Dear Mamas...(Mother's Day Episode)

    In this episode, ahead of Mother's Day, Quai discusses the importance of mothers and how we should acknowledge and show gratitude to our mothers every day. She discusses her 3 children & gives some highlights and lessons learned during her own 15-year motherhood journey. Quai also reflects on her moms and how influential they are and have been in her life. She touches on maturity, reflection, forgiveness, understanding and forward movement; healing past maternal hurts in order to appropriately and effectively move forward as she raises her own children. Sometimes it takes us becoming mothers for us to better understand, respect and appreciate our own. Whether you're a mother or not, HONOR and CHERISH yours. Tupac said it best: "There's no way I can pay you back, but the plan is to show you that I understand...you are appreciated.


    Honesty: It Starts WITH & WITHIN You

    Honesty: It Starts WITH & WITHIN You

    On this episode, Quai discusses honesty. Sometimes people will uphold their honesty and integrity with others but fail to do so with themselves. Why do we deflect and sometimes short-change ourselves? Why can't we be what we are to others, to ourselves first and foremost? Even the most selfless person has the right to be selfish when it pertains to heir physical, mental, and emotional well-being. It is impossible to continuously be a beacon and to pour into others when/if you won't start that same practice with...and within...yourself. Quai gives examples of lies she has told herself, in addition to a lie during a relationship that ruined a decades-long bond she once shared with someone. Ultimately our reflection is our biggest teacher and our strongest foundation. "Self-starting" should always be paramount. Start-With-(Your)Self.

    Premiere Episode! Losing and Finding Yourself and Trusting the Process in Between

    Premiere Episode! Losing and Finding Yourself and Trusting the Process in Between

    In the premiere episode, Quai gives an official detailed introduction to herself and the background/intent/foundation of the Queen of Transparency Podcast. She then segues into the primary topic of losing and finding yourself and trusting the process in between. Quai open discusses some lows she encountered specifically in relationships that rocked her to her core and how she ultimately made it through- understanding that it's ok and almost inevitable to fall but it is NOT ok to to just lay there when you do. GET UP. TAKE ACCOUNTABILITY. PUSH FORWARD. BE YOUR BIGGEST CHEERLEADER...no matter what.

    *This episode ( any every episode) is dedicated to the memory of Quai's beloved cousin Takia Y. Berry. #ForeverFlaca *


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